[Marxism] Doug Greene to lecture on "The Life and Thought of Louis-Auguste Blanq ui", at the Marxist Education Project

2017-03-08 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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At the Marxist Education Project, The Life and Thought of Louis-Auguste Blanqui
Sat, March 11 @ 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
$6 - $15

388 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217

A talk and discussion with Doug “Enaa” Greene

In the revolutionary tradition, the name of the nineteenth-century French 
communist Louis-Auguste Blanqui (1805-1881) is remembered either with derision 
or—at best—as a noble failure. Yet during his lifetime, Blanqui was a towering 
figure of revolutionary courage and commitment as he organized nearly a 
half-dozen failed revolutionary conspiracies and spent half of his life in 
jail. His first street fight was in 1827. Blanqui inspired an uprising in 1839 
by the League of the Just, a forerunner of the Communist League of which Marx 
was a member in Paris. He was imprisoned for his role in the revolutionary wave 
of activity in 1848. During the Commune of 1871, his ability to inspire was 
felt to be so strong that Thiers would not exchange him for the captured 
archbishop of Paris. He is known well for his phrase that we have inherited as 
“No Gods, No Masters”. Blanqui’s perspective was diametrically opposed to the 
reformers and utopians who abhorred revolution. Rather, he thought earnestly 
and without illusions about what it would take to actually make a revolution. 
In a time like today, when the old formulas of following the lesser evil, 
social democracy, and other such schemes are falling short, it is worthwhile to 
take a fresh look at Blanqui.

Doug “Enaa” Greene is a Marxist writer and historian living in the greater 
Boston area. He is the author of Specters of Communism: Blanqui and Marx, 
forthcoming from Haymarket Books.


Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Fwd: HOME ⋆ Rising For Freedom

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A pro-Syrian revolution magazine from Australia.

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[Marxism] Andrew Stewart: International Working Women’s Day and the Welfare State

2017-03-08 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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My essay on the history of the welfare state and International Women's Day


Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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Re: [Marxism] petition to Noam Chomsky from Idrees Ahmad re: Rania Khalek

2017-03-08 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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Tristan has a point. EXCEPT that poor little Rania ("people are
suffeirng genocide but what about me and my rights, sob sob) Khalek is
NOT being censored, no-one is suppressing her right to speak and write
as she pleases, quite simply an organisation, Students for Justice in
Palestine (SJP) made its own decision to not give a pro-genocide
boot-licker a platform at THEIR function, just as any other
organisation can make its own sovereign decision about who they invite
to speak and who they don't. Should SJP be obliged to invite Faurisson
too if he asks? Or David Duke? Why not Assad?

Sorry, Chomsky is a hypocrite.

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 4:00 AM, Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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> *
> Considering the "Faurisson affair", Chomsky was the only name in the
> list who I thought might not be being a hypocrite.
> --
>   Tristan Sloughter
>   "I am not a crackpot" - Abe Simpson
>   t...@crashfast.com
> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: I Called Him Morgan | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening in NYC on March 24th and in Los Angeles a week later, “I Called 
Him Morgan” is the greatest film about a jazz musician I have seen. 
Although it is a documentary, it puts to shame narrative films that have 
fallen flat such as Don Cheadle’s on Miles Davis. Even if you are not a 
jazz fan, this is a compelling and informative work that might even 
motivate you to buy Lee Morgan CD’s. The film benefits from an almost 
nonstop score made up of his performances that are a reminder of how 
much of a loss his death at 33 years was. Combined with some amazing 
still photos of Lee Morgan and his contemporaries, this is a feast for 
both the ears and the eyes.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2017/03/08/i-called-him-morgan/
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[Marxism] Fwd: A comment on Robert Osborne (1932-2017), host of Turner Classic Movies - World Socialist Web Site

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Over the past 23 years, in a generally difficult cultural landscape, TCM 
has proved one of the few locales in the American media-entertainment 
universe where decisions were made largely on the basis of artistic 
merit. However and by whoever it was established, a certain integrity 
seemed to reign there. The cable channel continues to broadcast several 
hundred older films a week, most made before 1970, uncut and without 

In regard to the latter issue, Osborne told an interviewer, “It’s so 
essential to see films without commercial breaks and interruptions. If 
you see Hitchcock’s Rebecca … that whole movie is predicated on mood and 
slow suspense. You can’t break that mood for a commercial. You lose the 
rhythm and the impact of it.” Readers around the world may not find the 
thought of commercial-free film presentation so startling, but, 
unhappily, in the US, where television is largely a scaffolding for 
corporate promotion—in November 2015, nearly 20 percent of all 
programming minutes were devoted to paid advertising (the figure is 
closer to 25 percent on major networks)—it is extremely, almost 
provocatively, unusual.

Speaking of a certain integrity, Osborne publicly identified himself 
with opposition to the Hollywood purges, hosting “Survivors of the 
Blacklist: A Panel Discussion” in November 2009 in New York. Actress and 
blacklist victim Lee Grant, along with Christopher Trumbo (son of 
screenwriter Dalton Trumbo) and Joe Gilford (son of Jack Gilford) were 
among the panelists.

full: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/03/08/osbo-m08.html
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[Marxism] Stephen Zunes on the Rania Khalek controversy

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(from FB)

Regarding the Rania Khalek controversy: If you are an organization that 
speaks out against Israeli bombing of heavily-populated civilian areas, 
defends reputable human rights organizations that document such war 
crimes, and recognizes that the Palestinian resistance is made up of 
more than foreign-backed Islamist terrorists, it really hurts your 
credibility to provide a forum for those who defend Syrian bombing of 
heavily-populated civilian areas, attack reputable human rights 
organizations that document such war crimes, and insist that the Syrian 
resistance consists of only foreign-backed Islamist terrorists. The UNC 
chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine was therefore correct to 
cancel Rania Khalek’s talk. It was not a matter of “censorship” or a 
“blacklist.” While she certainly has the right to speak, no student 
group is obliged to sponsor her. It was an appropriate ethical and 
strategic decision and they should not be attacked for it.

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Re: [Marxism] petition to Noam Chomsky from Idrees Ahmad re: Rania Khalek

2017-03-08 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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Considering the "Faurisson affair", Chomsky was the only name in the
list who I thought might not be being a hypocrite.

  Tristan Sloughter
  "I am not a crackpot" - Abe Simpson
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Re: [Marxism] The Glorious English Revolution of 1688

2017-03-08 Thread Matt Kelly via Marxism
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Just as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was none of these, so the 
Glorious English Revolution wasn’t glorious, English or a revolution.

Matt K.
'In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old 
tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag 
and strikes for her freedom.' Proclamation of Independence, 1916.

'The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain 
of the living.' Karl Marx, 1852.


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[Marxism] Lynne Stewart, Lawyer Imprisoned in Terrorism Case, Dies at 77

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(A problematic obit still worth reading.)

NY Times, Mar. 8 2017
Lynne Stewart, Lawyer Imprisoned in Terrorism Case, Dies at 77

Lynne F. Stewart, a radical-leftist lawyer who gained wide notice for 
representing violent, self-described revolutionaries and who spent four 
years in prison herself, convicted of aiding terrorism, died on Tuesday 
at home in Brooklyn. She was 77.

The cause of death was complications from cancer and a series of 
strokes, said her son, Geoffrey Stewart.

Ms. Stewart, who had been treated for breast cancer before entering 
prison, was granted a “compassionate release” in January 2014 after the 
cancer had spread and was deemed terminal. Doctors at the time gave her 
18 months to live.

Ms. Stewart, a former librarian and teacher, had taken up the law in the 
cause of social justice after seeing the squalor in the area around the 
public school in Harlem where she taught. She built a reputation for 
representing the poor and the reviled, usually for modest, court-paid fees.

Believing that the American political and capitalist system needed 
“radical surgery,” as she put it, she sympathized with clients who 
sought to fight that system, even with violence, although she did not 
always endorse their tactics, she said.

One such client was Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind Egyptian cleric 
who was found guilty in 1995 of leading a plot to blow up New York City 
landmarks, including the United Nations, after some of his followers had 
driven a powerful bomb into a garage beneath the World Trade Center in 
1993, killing six people. Ms. Stewart would visit him in prison, where 
he was serving a life sentence in solitary confinement. Her death came 
less than three weeks after his: He died in prison on Feb. 18.

Ms. Stewart was convicted in 2005 of helping to smuggle messages from 
the imprisoned sheikh to his violent followers in Egypt. Her prison 
sentence, initially set at 28 months, was later increased to 10 years 
after an appeals court ordered the trial judge to consider a longer term.

The administration of President George W. Bush had brought the case as 
part of its tough approach to terrorism prosecutions after the Sept. 11, 
2001, attacks.

But Ms. Stewart and her supporters maintained that she had not committed 
any crimes and that the administration had targeted her to discourage 
lawyers from forcefully defending terrorism suspects.

After her release, she continued her public advocacy of radical-left 
causes, speaking at rallies and forums on behalf of releasing prisoners 
convicted of killing law enforcement agents or engaging in terrorism — 
“political prisoners” to their supporters — and in opposition to charter 
schools, which she saw as antidemocratic corporate ventures.

Her trial in 2005 had been a news event. Belying the image of a 
dangerous radical, Ms. Stewart, a short, round-faced woman, often 
arrived at court wearing a New York Mets cap and a floral-print 
housedress, dangling a cloth tote bag rather than the lawyer’s typical 
briefcase and inevitably drawing a clutch of news photographers.

News articles in later years often described her as grandmotherly — 
infuriating her critics, who insisted that such a description distracted 
the public from seeing the ally of terrorists they saw.

Many mainstream lawyers who believed that Ms. Stewart had acted 
criminally nonetheless argued that the charges of abetting terrorism 
were excessive. Her critics, though, including other lawyers, said the 
charges were justified, maintaining that she had crossed a professional 
line into criminal conspiracy.

During the trial, prosecutors said that on several prison visits Ms. 
Stewart — by loudly chattering and making other “covering noises” — had 
tried to conceal from guards that her translator was actually a 
go-between, updating Mr. Abdel Rahman on what his followers in Egypt 
were doing and receiving oral instructions from him to be relayed back 
to them.

Ms. Stewart testified that she had engaged in such behavior to safeguard 
her client’s right to a confidential conversation with her.

Prosecutors said further that Ms. Stewart had criminally aided the 
sheikh when she called a reporter in Cairo in 2000 to read a news 
release quoting Mr. Abdel Rahman as withdrawing his support for a 
cease-fire that his followers had been observing in Egypt. She testified 
that she had only been trying to keep him in the public eye, consistent 
with her policy of zealous representation.

In giving her a 28-month prison term, the trial judge cited Ms. 
Stewart’s long service in representing poor and unpopular defendants. 
But the

[Marxism] Fwd: Assad Power Slips in Syria as Warlords Grow More Powerful - SPIEGEL ONLINE

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On a cool morning, an elderly man is standing at his espresso machine on 
a street in eastern Aleppo. It's shortly after 8 a.m., and this part of 
the city -- destroyed in the war and reconquered by the regime in 
December -- is waking up. Green grocers arrive and set out their boxes 
of produce on the rubble piled in front of their stores. Others are 
shoveling debris from the roads.

The name of the man with the espresso machine must go unmentioned, 
otherwise he would soon be dead. A fire is burning in a metal drum next 
to his improvised coffee counter, and he is using it to periodically 
warm his hands. Several weeks ago, just after the neighborhood was 
retaken, he returned to the small workshop where he had run a motorcycle 
repair shop -- but it was already too late. He immediately saw that 
someone had shot open the lock.

Inside, he found uniformed fighters from a militia affiliated with the 
regime. They were in the process, he says, of removing a motorcycle, his 
German tools and all replacement parts from the garage. Two of the 
militia members, he says, silently threatened him with their 
Kalashnikovs, leaving him no choice but to leave as the men loaded his 
belonging into a pick-up truck.


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Re: [Marxism] US Arab Spring policy? Third party counter-revolution

2017-03-08 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism
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Chris writes, regarding the article from the excellent Eternal Spring site that 
I sent, that:

“The author of this article describes the Syrian Democratic Forces as 
"counter-revolutionary", whereas the Free Syrian Army are the "real" rebels.”

While I sent the article because I strongly agree with its overall political 
line (and always do with Eternal Spring), I disagree with the use of the term 
“counterrevolutionary” as a straight adjective for the SDF/PYD in paragraph II. 
Despite my sharp criticisms of these forces, including times when they have 
played an openly counterrevolutionary role, in the messy situation of the 
Syrian revolution I recognise they have led their own revolutionary process 
(which has both deeply positive aspects alongside some very imperfect aspects, 
like others); and while they collaborate with Assad, Russia and the US, this is 
only for pragmatic reasons as they look out for their own interests, rather 
than because they are solidly tied to the counterrevolutionary aims of these 

Chris doesn’t like the author calling the FSA “real rebels” by way of contrast. 
But the author does not say “the real revolutionaries” or some such concoction 
that sectarian leftists might use: he explains in his article that by “rebels” 
he means those who actually *rebel* - ie, against the regime in control of 
massively armed state machine in power, the bloody Assad tyranny – and so this 
excludes not only the various microscopic ex-rebel forces the US has co-opted 
to fight ISIS ONLY while quitting the fight against Assad – eg, Division 30 
(the famous 54), the ‘New Syrian Army’ (another flop in the southeast), 
Mutassem Brigade (now co-opted by Turkey) etc – but also the YPG/SDF, which as 
we know likewise does not fight the regime.

Of course, the main point of the article is to explain this US strategy, which 
he calls “Third party counterrevolution” or “regime preservation by proxy.” 
That is, rather than line up directly with the regime like the Russian 
imperialist invasion has done, US strategy does so in a more roundabout way, by 
co-opting former individual rebel fighters and prodding them to stop fighting 
the regime and instead to become a US-backed Sawhat. (Even in the case of the 
genuine FSA units that the US has given some minimal backing to over time, the 
longer term process also resulted in US pressure for them to drop the fight 
against Assad and only fight jihadists, but with mixed results: I intend to 
publish on this issue soon, but Eternal Spring doesn’t go into that here).

In this sense, we can distinguish the YPG/SDF from the tiny US proxy groups, 
because it already exists in its own right as a mass force with its own aims. 
Therefore, US support for it against ISIS cannot be called counterrevolutionary 
as such; the fact that they *only* fight ISIS and not the regime is their own 
sovereign decision for their own pragmatic reasons, however narrow, which 
happens to perfectly correspond to US objectives, unlike the ex-FSA 
micro-groups who quit their entire purpose to become US proxies. 

But what the author is trying to establish is that the reason the YPG/SDF have 
been given the most massive US support of any force in Syria, including 
systematic use of the US air force for 2.5 years, several air bases in Rojava, 
hundreds of US special forces etc, is not due to the revolutionary aspects of 
these forces, but because they stand aside from the main theatre of revolution, 
because they don’t fight Assad, because they are not rebels. However 
rev-perfect it may be inside Rojava (a disputed point in itself), as long as 
that revolution does not spread within Syria or link and become part of the 
bigger one, yes the US can well support it without it being any threat.

Chris complains that:

“He/she [it is a he – MK] does not recognise that some FSA units have been 
co-opted by Turkey and used in its counter-revolutionary military intervention 
in Syria.  Turkey, with the aid of these groups, has seized Syrian territory in 
the north of Aleppo province.”

I’m not sure whether the author “recognises” this or not, since it is not what 
the article is about, although he could well have included this, because in 
fact it does bear some similarity to the rest of the US Sawhat program, and to 
the YPG/SDF itself: the Turkish-led FSA Euphrates Shield (ES) operation also 
*only* fights ISIS and *not* the Assad regime.

However, most of the large rebel formations of the north are at least partly 
represented in Euphrates Shield, both FSA and Islamist (except Nusra/JFS of 
course); and elsewhere in Syria, these very same militia are fighting the 

[Marxism] WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Mar. 8 2017
WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents

WASHINGTON — In what appears to be the largest leak of C.I.A documents 
in history, WikiLeaks released on Tuesday thousands of pages describing 
sophisticated software tools and techniques used by the agency to break 
into smartphones, computers and even Internet-connected televisions.

The documents amount to a detailed, highly technical catalog of tools. 
They include instructions for compromising a wide range of common 
computer tools for use in spying: the online calling service Skype; 
Wi-Fi networks; documents in PDF format; and even commercial antivirus 
programs of the kind used by millions of people to protect their computers.

A program called Wrecking Crew explains how to crash a targeted 
computer, and another tells how to steal passwords using the 
autocomplete function on Internet Explorer. Other programs were called 
CrunchyLimeSkies, ElderPiggy, AngerQuake and McNugget.

The document dump was the latest coup for the antisecrecy organization 
and a serious blow to the C.I.A., which uses its hacking abilities to 
carry out espionage against foreign targets.

The initial release, which WikiLeaks said was only the first installment 
in a larger collection of secret C.I.A. material, included 7,818 web 
pages with 943 attachments, many of them partly redacted by WikiLeaks 
editors to avoid disclosing the actual code for cyberweapons. The entire 
archive of C.I.A. material consists of several hundred million lines of 
computer code, the group claimed.

In one revelation that may especially trouble the tech world if 
confirmed, WikiLeaks said that the C.I.A. and allied intelligence 
services have managed to compromise both Apple and Android smartphones, 
allowing their officers to bypass the encryption on popular services 
such as Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram. According to WikiLeaks, 
government hackers can penetrate smartphones and collect “audio and 
message traffic before encryption is applied.”

Unlike the National Security Agency documents Edward J. Snowden gave to 
journalists in 2013, they do not include examples of how the tools have 
been used against actual foreign targets. That could limit the damage of 
the leak to national security. But the breach was highly embarrassing 
for an agency that depends on secrecy.

Robert M. Chesney, a specialist in national security law at the 
University of Texas at Austin, likened the C.I.A. trove to National 
Security Agency hacking tools disclosed last year by a group calling 
itself the Shadow Brokers.

“If this is true, it says that N.S.A. isn’t the only one with an 
advanced, persistent problem with operational security for these tools,” 
Mr. Chesney said. “We’re getting bit time and again.”

There was no public confirmation of the authenticity of the documents, 
which were produced by the C.I.A.’s Center for Cyber Intelligence and 
are mostly dated from 2013 to 2016. But one government official said the 
documents were real, and a former intelligence officer said some of the 
code names for C.I.A. programs, an organization chart and the 
description of a C.I.A. hacking base appeared to be genuine.

The agency appeared to be taken by surprise by the document dump on 
Tuesday morning. A C.I.A. spokesman, Dean Boyd, said, “We do not comment 
on the authenticity or content of purported intelligence documents.”

In some regard, the C.I.A. documents confirmed and filled in the details 
on abilities that have long been suspected in technical circles.

“The people who know a lot about security and hacking assumed that the 
C.I.A. was at least investing in these capabilities, and if they 
weren’t, then somebody else was — China, Iran, Russia, as well as a lot 
of other private actors,” said Beau Woods, the deputy director of the 
Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington. He 
said the disclosures may raise concerns in the United States and abroad 
about “the trustworthiness of technology where cybersecurity can impact 
human life and public safety.”

There is no evidence that the C.I.A. hacking tools have been used 
against Americans. But Ben Wizner, the director of the American Civil 
Liberties Union’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, said the 
documents suggest that the government has deliberately allowed 
vulnerabilities in phones and other devices to persist to make spying 

“Those vulnerabilities will be exploited not just by our security 
agencies, but by hackers and governments around the world,” Mr. Wizner 
said. “Patching security holes imme

[Marxism] Fwd: Review of James Q. Whitman, "Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law"

2017-03-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Finding himself in prison following the beer-hall fiasco in Munich in 
1923, Adolf Hitler had time to put his thoughts about politics and 
destiny into order, at least as much as that was possible. The United 
States was part of his grand vision, and not as someplace to conquer.
“The racially pure and still unmixed German has risen to become master 
of the American continent,” he wrote in Mein Kampf, “and he will remain 
the master, as long as he does not fall victim to racial pollution.” He 
was encouraged on the latter score by what he had learned of American 
immigration policy. With its stated preference for Northern Europeans, 
its restrictions on those from Southern and Eastern Europe, and its 
outright exclusion of everyone else, the Immigration Act of 1924 
impressed Hitler as exemplary. It manifested, “at least in tentative 
first steps,” what he and his associates saw as “the characteristic 
völkisch conception of the state,” as defined in some detail by the Nazi 
Party Program of 1920.


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[Marxism] petition to Noam Chomsky from Idrees Ahmad re: Rania Khalek

2017-03-08 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Dear Professor Chomsky,

A petition is circulating with your signature on it. It is in support of an
east coast blogger named Rania Khalek. Khalek has previously fabricated a
non-existent UN report to allege that besieged Aleppo was suffering because
of US sanctions rather than Assad’s siege. There was no such report and The
Intercept had to issue a retraction. She was fired from Alternet for
plagiarism. She was forced to resign from the Electronic Intifada because
she went to attend a PR conference in Damascus while Aleppo was under
assault. Over a hundred Palestinian writers and activists have written an
open letter disavowing her politics. But you have joined the pro-Assad
Syria Solidarity Movement, publisher of the Iranian regime-backed
conspiracy site MintPress, and journalists from Kremlin broadcaster RT to
support this blogger. Does this reflect a change in your position on Syria?

Secondly: Do you believe people are entitled to platforms? Don't organisers
have the right to judge who is worthy?

Thirdly: what is your position on misogyny? Rania Khalek has publicly
defended a sectarian Hizbullah activist (Ali Kourani) for threatening
multiple women online (he’ll hang them “by their clits” he says). She says
he is a “good person”. Do you believe good persons threaten to hang their
female critics “by their clits”?

Lastly: You are no doubt aware that the UN has accused the Syrian regime of
the “crime of extermination”. Do you believe condemning the Syrian regime’s
crimes is a mere “political difference” as your petition suggests?
Shouldn't the lives threatened by the regime be of greater concern to you
than an Assadists right to slander them?

I look forward to your reply.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Lynne Stewart RIP.

2017-03-08 Thread Jeff via Marxism

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Dear Friends,

A few minutes ago my dear friend and comrade, Ralph Poynter, called to 
say that his lifelong companion, Lynne Stewart, passed away. She was 77, 
of Irish origin, and a born fighter who unswervingly devoted herself to 
humanity's cause.

Just a few weeks earlier Lynne pledged to meet me in NY in a couple of 
months, over dinner to be sure, when we would dance once again to 
demonstrate that her life still had some time to go...  and for joy.

A few years earlier, when prospects looked bleak to win her freedom 
based on "compassionate release" Lynne insisted that she would prevail 
and that she would celebrate with us in San Francisco to the tunes of a 
brass band. Sure enough, a brass band did appear at Lynne's welcome home 
San Francisco rally, and she and Ralph, surrounded by her loving 
friends, danced in the streets at 15th and Valencia. It was a victory 
well worth the effort, allowing Lynne a couple of more years to fight on 
against all that is evil in this barbarous capitalist world, and to 
smile at every inch we collectively gained as we fought back.

Lynne was always surrounded by family and loved ones, with children from 
her first marriage, and Ralph's too, as well kids together, and 
grandkids – all filled with admiration for Grandma Lynne – all the 
recipient of Lynne's warmth, dedication, mindfulness and love.

Lynne was fond of saying, including to the New York Times reporter who 
interviewed her at her home a few weeks before her death, that she had 
no intention of leaving this earth quietly. Quoting Dillon Thomas she 
told The Times, whose reporter, followed the next day with a 
contemptuous hate piece  recounting his corporate master's ire for 
everything wonderful in Lynne life and struggles, that she had no 
intention of "going gently into that good night."

That was Lynne's credo, her detractors notwithstanding. Always the 
poet's words in mind, Lynne insisted,

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Funds are urgently needed to cover final family expenses. Give 
generously comrades and friends. We are honoring Lynne's gift to us all 
and to all who rage against injustice everywhere.

In solidarity,  Jeff Mackler

 Lynne Stewart Organization

1070 Dean St.

 Brooklyn, NY 11216-1st floor
 (make checks payable to Lynne Stewart Org.)

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