[Marxism] Reputation restored | Gordon Parsons | The Morning Star

2020-06-10 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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There was a previous biography of Swingler.

It was in this book that the author quoted Swingler on Virginia Woolf.
Randall Swingler writing in Our Time, February, 1941 noting the suicide of 
Virginia Woolf, had this to say, "Virginia Woolf, the outstanding prose writer 
of the English Twilight of individual subconsciousness, has accepted the 
judgement of history and taken the logical step.”

ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Minneapolis city council votes to disband police. Will they?

2020-06-10 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Couldn't agree more with Mark --- us "oldsters" have seen big increases in
militancy and real victories (the Indochinese victories probably the most
dramatic and important --- no matter what happened post liberation) --- and
an outrageously successful establishment/right-wing/fascist {?]
counter-revolution.I would surmise that aside from those still able to
provide legal and/or medical assistance, the best we can do is offer (with
more humility than many of us are capable of [irony intended]) some
historical perspectives ---

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Re: [Marxism] Minneapolis city council votes to disband police. Will they?

2020-06-10 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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To further call attention to what I wrote here on Monday, I read that 
the IDF is training many American police and sheriffs departments. 

The IDF, whose training is designed and mandated by the Israeli 
government and who are trained specifically to immobilize, and destroy 
Palestinians and Arabs generally. If you were a Palestinian personally 
who had suffered and who had seen your neighbors and family members 
killed, maimed and houses destroyed at the hands of the IDF, would you 
be so naive as to call for reform?

John Reimann wrote
Here's an article of mine on the vote of the Minneapolis City Council to 
disband the police: 

First of all, the move to defund or abolish the police department eludes 
and obscures the real problem: as John says, the class relations are 
going to remain the same.

And to add to what John notes here, the police have greatly increased in 
numbers from my childhood in the late twenties, when there was one cop 
in my neighborhood, walking a beat, and acquainted with and generally 
friendly received by most. That changed quickly as the Depression 
deepened, and with the coming of the patrol car and night sticks 
replaced by lethal weapons. And the police have been given increased 
latitude by the power-wielders over the years because the system has 
insurmountable problems in maintaining social control.

Just like the army, police are recruited from the working class or the 
otherwise 'expendables,' who are faced with poverty and have no other 
jobs available, and who are young, often rural and usually unaware of 
the workings of the world. Just like the army, in which I spent three 
miserable years, the police are taught to hate, then they're taught to 
kill those they've been taught to hate, and just like the army, then 
they're assured, as was Frank Sheeran in The Irishman, that the army 
looks the other way, in fact expects you to do exactly what you did, and 
you're home free, with a lifetime of PTSD. This in a system of rigid 
discipline, where the only answer is yes SIR, and where you're also 
taught that you're there to protect your buddies in a crowd control 
situation, whatever the effect on anyone else. So almost anything goes, 
and you know you have department and powerful police union backup. Above 
all, your mandate is to protect property, which absolutely doesn't mean 
house and property in a ghetto neighborhood, You're there to instill 
fear in an uncontrollable social situation. So who's going to call the 
out-of-control cops to 'protect and serve,' when they are most likely 
going to make things worse, if they show up at all?

The only possible benefit of this reshuffle that I see is to mollify the 
liberal elements in the middle class, and the less checked-out among the 
afflicted, and to force the police union to back off and make a few 
compromises. But how long does that last? And to what end? How long, for 
instance, have liberal and neighborhood groups tried to implement 
community control, with no success and no change?

Property, wealth and its unequal distribution, is the basic problem, 
obviously, as John notes. It's endemic and unavoidable in this system, 
where the poor exist in good part as a reserve army of labor, and as the 
inevitable result of any system of devil take the hindmost. And that's 
where the discussion should be going and where the pressure should be 
applied. Anything less is dragging out the problem, really just hiding 
problem and solution and making it worse. The impulsion toward 
increasing militarization of the police, as the jobs disappear, worker 
organizing becomes ever more difficult, and inequality escalates, is not 
going to go away under the system of capitalist exploitation and 

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[Marxism] Libya: Is Russia-Turkey conflict heightening over oil-rich Sirte? (Juan Cole)

2020-06-10 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Not content with invading and occupying parts of Syria and Iraq, Erdogan is 
intervening in the Libyan civil war.
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[Marxism] Reputation restored | Gordon Parsons | The Morning Star

2020-06-10 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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“Gordon Parsons welcomes a long overdue biography of Randall Swingler, a 
leading literary figure of the left in the inter-war years.” 

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Re: [Marxism] The Protests Are a Preview of Our Turbulent Future,B

2020-06-10 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Maybe the article indicates that there are nervous conservativs but I think
a lot of the substance of the article is full of shit  (IMHO!)
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[Marxism] AFL-CIO statement on Floyd & a resolution for rank and file activists

2020-06-10 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Not only is the AFL-CIO statement on the George Floyd murder too little too
late; it defends the presence of the police "union" in the AFL-CIO. As we
explain in this article, by picturing the cops as workers in uniform, this
presence endangers the collective bargaining power of all public sector
workers. Here is a model resolution that rank and file members can
introduce in their locals calling for the expulsion of the police "union"
from the AFL-CIO.


John Reimann
*“Science and socialism go hand-in-hand.” *Felicity Dowling
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[Marxism] The True Story of the Texas Rangers

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, June 10, 2020
The True Story of the Texas Rangers
By Douglas Brinkley

The Bold and Brutal History of the Texas Rangers
By Doug J. Swanson
Illustrated. 480 pp. Viking. $28.

Larry McMurtry’s epic “Lonesome Dove,” about a great cattle drive from 
Texas to Montana in the 1870s, deservedly won the Pulitzer Prize for 
fiction in 1986. The novel’s protagonists were Woodrow Call and Augustus 
McCrae, former Texas Rangers who embodied the mythic cowboy traits of 
being loyal and fierce fighters. Occasionally McMurtry presented Call 
and McCrae as having bouts of laziness and unethical behavior, but for 
the most part, by humanizing them, he rebranded the fabled Rangers as 
courageous frontiersmen for the ages.

You won’t find such admirable Rangers in Doug J. Swanson’s smashup of 
Texas’ law enforcement legends. In “Cult of Glory,” Swanson, a former 
Dallas Morning News reporter, now a journalism professor at the 
University of Pittsburgh, scorches the reputations of such legendary 
Rangers as Ben McCulloch and William “Bigfoot” Wallace for massacring 
Native Americans and Mexicans willy-nilly. Debunking Rangers lore as 
sold in movies, television shows, museum exhibitions and novels is the 
crux of Swanson’s revisionist mission.

Though well-written, “Cult of Glory” isn’t a book for the fainthearted. 
Swanson, a prodigious researcher, recounts how in their nearly 200-year 
“attention-grubbing” history Rangers burned peasant villages, 
slaughtered innocents, busted unions and committed war crimes. They were 
as feared on the United States-Mexico border as the Ku Klux Klan was in 
the Deep South. “They hunted runaway slaves for bounty,” he writes. 
“They violated international laws with impunity. They sometimes moved 
through Texas towns like a rampaging gang of thugs.”

In 1823 the Rangers were created by Stephen Austin, the “father” of 
Anglo Texas. Settlers had moved into East Texas and improvised their own 
rules with scant regard for Native American inhabitants. The Rangers’ 
job was to patrol settlements and eradicate the nuisance of Cherokee, 
Tawakoni, Tonkawas and Caddos, whose land they were appropriating. “It 
soon became an article of faith among many newly arrived Texians, as 
they called themselves, that all Indians were thieves,” Swanson writes. 
“Mere suspicioned intent could be punishable by death.”


Continue reading the main story

Swanson portrays the 19th-century Rangers as a paramilitary squad, 
proudly waving the banner of white supremacy. Nevertheless, he also 
dutifully recounts the bravery of the scouts John “Coffee” Hays and Sam 
Walker during the Mexican-American War in protecting American supply 
trains from attacks by Mexican guerrillas. When Walker joined the 
Rangers in the 1840s, he brought with him a practical revolver, designed 
by Samuel Colt, which became a battlefield game changer. Even if Rangers 
were outnumbered by Comanche or Mexican forces, they won bloody 
skirmishes courtesy of their repeating pistols.

Ranger atrocities against women and children during the Mexican-American 
War are horribly abundant in “Cult of Glory,” though the United States 
Army soldiers stationed in Texas at the time were repulsed by such 
gleeful bloodlust. “About all of the Texans,” Second Lt. Ulysses S. 
Grant wrote his fiancée, “seem to think it perfectly right to impose 
upon the people of a conquered city to any extent, and even to murder 
them where the act can be covered by the dark.” Likewise, Maj. Gen. 
Zachary Taylor complained about psychotic Rangers who committed an 
“atrocious massacre.”

When the Civil War erupted in 1861, the Rangers sided with the 
Confederates. John “Rip” Ford, a seasoned Ranger fighter, boasted 
throughout Texas that slavery was ordained by the Lord Almighty. The 
Rangers’ horrific treatment of African-Americans after the war equaled 
that in Mississippi and Georgia. Between 1865 and 1930 there were 450 
lynchings in Texas, mostly of blacks, which the Rangers ignored. “White 
citizens in many cases treated them as public entertainment — 
spontaneous and gruesome versions of the county fair,” Swanson writes. 
“Vendors circulated through the mobs with refreshments. Photographs of 
corpses hanging from nooses were sold, and mailed, as picture postcards.”

In graphic detail Swanson recounts the 1893 murder of the 
African-American Henry Smith, of Paris, Texas. Charged with murdering a 
girl, Smith was seized from jail and tossed into the public square. 
Thousands of spectators cheered as the father and brother of the victim 
tortured Smith with red-hot irons. “They started with his feet, worked 

[Marxism] The Communist Party’s liberal turn | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In 1993, I bought a copy of “New Studies in the Politics and Culture of 
U.S. Communism”, a Monthly Review collection co-edited by Michael Brown, 
Randy Martin, Frank Rosengarten and George Snedeker—four New York area 
professors on the left. I just bought a used copy for $4.94 on Amazon 
and thoroughly recommend to anybody interested in CP history. For my 
money, it is the very best overview of a party that once dominated the 
left. The articles originated in a conference organized by the Research 
Group on Socialism and Democracy that was held at the CUNY Graduate 
Center to mark the seventieth anniversary of the CPUSA.

All of the contributors were part of the “revisionist” current that 
sought a fresh approach to the party that broke with the old-school, 
social-democratic, and Cold War tendencies of people like Theodore 
Draper. Among the editors, Michael Brown was a CPer but the kind that 
might have left with the Committees of Correspondence. That was the 
impression I gathered from Frank Rosengarten, who I knew from the SWP. 
Frank had left the party at this point and was putting all his efforts 
into launching the journal Socialism and Democracy. Frank died from 
cancer in 2014. Randy Martin, who died much too young from brain cancer 
a year later, was never in a party as far as I know. He was best 
described as a major Cuban solidarity activist. Finally, George Snedeker 
is still alive and is a Marxmail subscriber who solicits contributions 
to Socialism and Democracy from time to time.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2020/06/10/the-communist-partys-liberal-turn/

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[Marxism] The Protests Are a Preview of Our Turbulent Future,B

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Nervous conservatives.


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[Marxism] The economy: we are still in big trouble | Martin Hart-Landsberg | Reports from the Economic Front via MR Online

2020-06-10 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Police Attacks Fueled by Violent Ideology of Grievance | Ryan Devereaux | The Intercept

2020-06-10 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Gannett reporter covering Floyd protests detained in Delaware | TheHill

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] 'Riots', 'mobs', 'chaos': the establishment always frames change as dangerous | Keisha N Blain and Tom Zoellner | The Guardian

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 6/10/20 9:43 AM, Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism wrote:


This article is behind the curve. Looting and arson came to an end over 
a week ago. People voted with their feet for mass actions and even 
reined in black bloc types. Trump et al might refer to protesters as 
thugs and rioters now but 99 percent of the people out on the street now 
are highly disciplined.

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[Marxism] Degrowth and the emerging mosaic of alternatives | openDemocracy

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] 'Riots', 'mobs', 'chaos': the establishment always frames change as dangerous | Keisha N Blain and Tom Zoellner | The Guardian

2020-06-10 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] In New York, Protesters’ Pride Beats Police Brutality | by Molly Crabapple | The New York Review of Books

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Last week, in New York’s financial district, a black youth stood at the 
base of a statue of George Washington, a plantation owner who wore as 
dentures teeth taken from those he had enslaved, and told thousands of 
young people that they were the embodiment of God. Some fifteen minutes 
later, they spilled through the winding streets of Lower Manhattan, and 
chanted, in unison, “NYPD, suck my dick.”


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[Marxism] A Different Civil War in the Southwest - Los Angeles Review of Books

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Nelson’s book is also a timely reminder that the Civil War in the 
Southwest was not just an interesting tidbit in the history of the 
American West — it was part and parcel of the Confederate objective of 
creating an “empire of slavery” that expanded to the West. Though the 
Confederate presence in Arizona was short-lived, it cast a long shadow. 
In the early 1960s, the United Daughters of the Confederacy paid for a 
“Memorial to Arizona Confederate Troops” placed on the grounds of the 
Arizona State Capitol. Today, the monument stands alongside monuments to 
Arizona’s heroes including the Navajo Codetalkers and the Granite 
Mountain Hotshots. It is past time to move this monument to a museum — 
as Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs asked this week. As Nelson 
shows, the Confederates came to Arizona to expand slavery. Nelson has 
preserved the history of that conflict so that future generations can 
understand the complexities of that conflict — but there is no 
historical need for a monument whose purpose was to cast glory on the 
Confederate legacy.


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[Marxism] How foxes are domesticating themselves | Salon.com

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] A hard to swallow solidarity: Ukrainian far right, liberals, and the US police riots | Lefteast

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The ongoing US riots against police violence have triggered solidarity 
gestures worldwide: besides organising their own protests against racist 
violence, activists in many cities reacted by creating thematic 
graffitis. In the early hours of June 4th, Ukrainian capital got one, as 
well: the painting, which was posted on the social media accounts of 
people from the milieu of the neo-Nazi Azov movement and the Dynamo 
football hooligans, features a poorly drawn person in the KKK hood 
performing the Nazi salute. He is standing next to the phrase “Can 
repeat” (sic) and a hashtag, #whitelivesmatter.


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[Marxism] Save the Insects, Save the Farmers, Save Ourselves: New Global Report Calls for End of Industrial Agriculture | Common Dreams News

2020-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Modern Monetary Theory

2020-06-10 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Here is another article written by an advocate of Modern Monetary Theory.
Those advocates seem to be saying that this is a panacea - simply keep
printing up and spending money because debt doesn't matter. Debt might not
matter, but money supply does. As the author writes, "If any government
tries to spend too much into an economy that’s already running at full
speed, inflation will accelerate. So there are limits. However, the limits
are not in our government’s ability to spend money or to sustain large
deficits. What M.M.T. does is distinguish the real limits from wrongheaded,
self-imposed constraints."

Yes, just the tiny little detail of inflation. Maybe my age is showing, but
I remember the good old days of the late 1970s, when unemployment and
inflation were both high. Inflation was in double digits and rising. It was
called "stagflation". So, it doesn't even require low unemployment to send
the economy into an inflationary spiral. And in fact, we have already seen
rampant inflation in recent years - in both the stock market and in real
estate values. These are the two arenas in which the more wealthy invest
their dollars. The lower 2/3, struggling to get by, haven't seen much
inflation in what they purchase, because they don't purchase much.

Even there, though, inflation has been a lot more than what they admit. One
of the things they did was, starting in 1980, change the way inflation was
calculated. If we used that previous method, we'd be seeing inflation of
about about 7% right now. See:

John Reimann
*“Science and socialism go hand-in-hand.” *Felicity Dowling
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