[Marxism] Personal narrative of police terror in Chicago. NYT exposes NYPD rioting upon New Yorkers. Trump policy: much more police violence.

2020-07-19 Thread Don Armitage via Marxism
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[Marxism] Glenn Greenwald was cancelled from the Harper's Letter warning about "cancel culture" / Boing Boing

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Trump Leans Into False Virus Claims in Combative Fox News Interview

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 19, 2020
Trump Leans Into False Virus Claims in Combative Fox News Interview
By Katie Rogers

WASHINGTON — An agitated President Trump offered a string of combative 
and often dubious assertions in an interview aired Sunday, defending his 
handling of the coronavirus with misleading evidence, attacking his own 
health experts, disputing polls showing him trailing in his re-election 
race and defending people who display the Confederate flag as victims of 
“cancel culture.”

The president’s remarks, delivered in an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” 
amounted to a contentious potpourri more commonly found on his Twitter 
feed and at his political rallies.

The difference this time was a vigorous attempt by the host, Chris 
Wallace, to fact-check him, leading to several clashes between the two 
on matters ranging from the coronavirus response to whether Mr. Trump 
would accept the results of the election should he lose.

The Coronavirus

The president made a litany of false claims about his administration’s 
handling of the virus, despite evidence that key officials and public 
health experts advising the president made crucial missteps and played 
down the spread of the disease this spring. In the interview, Mr. Trump 
falsely claimed that the United States had “one of the lowest mortality 
rates in the world” from the virus.

“That’s not true, sir,” Mr. Wallace said.

“Do you have the numbers, please?” Mr. Trump said. “Because I heard we 
had the best mortality rate.”

The United States has the eighth-worst fatality rate among reported 
coronavirus cases in the world, and the death rate per 100,000 people — 
42.83 — ranks it third-worst, according to data on the countries most 
affected by the coronavirus compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Mr. 
Trump said that by increasing testing, his administration was “creating 
trouble for the fake news to come along and say, ‘Oh, we have more cases.’”

Mr. Trump falsely claimed that the coronavirus case rate in other 
countries was lower than in the United States because those nations did 
not engage in testing. When Mr. Wallace pointed out a low case rate 
across the European Union, the president suggested it was possible that 
those countries “don’t test.” And when Mr. Wallace pointed out that the 
death rate in the United States was rising, Mr. Trump replied by blaming 

“Excuse me, it’s all too much, it shouldn’t be one case,” Mr. Trump 
said. “It came from China. They should’ve never let it escape. They 
should’ve never let it out. But it is what it is. Take a look at Europe, 
take a look at the numbers in Europe. And by the way, they’re having cases.”

Mr. Trump called Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious 
disease expert, an “alarmist” who provided faulty information in the 
early days of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I don’t know that he’s a leaker,” Mr. Trump said during the interview. 
“He’s a little bit of an alarmist. That’s OK. A little bit of an alarmist.”

Mr. Trump said that Dr. Fauci had been against his decision to close the 
borders to travelers from China in January. That is misleading: While 
Dr. Fauci initially opposed the idea on the grounds that a ban would 
prevent medical professionals from traveling to hard-hit areas, he 
supported the decision by the time it was made.

Mr. Trump also said Dr. Fauci had been against Americans wearing masks. 
Dr. Fauci has said he does not regret urging Americans not to wear masks 
in the early days of the pandemic, citing a severe shortage of 
protective gear for medical professionals at the time.

Mr. Trump said he doubted whether Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the director 
of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was correct in 
predicting that the pandemic would be worse this fall. “I don’t know,” 
Mr. Trump said. “And I don’t think he knows.”

He said public health experts and the World Health Organization “got a 
lot wrong” early on, including a theory that the virus would abate as 
the weather warmed — one that Mr. Trump himself had promoted repeatedly. 
Then the president reiterated his earlier claim, unsupported by science, 
that the virus would suddenly cease one day. “It’s going to disappear, 
and I’ll be right,” Mr. Trump said. “Because I’ve been right probably 
more than anybody else.”

The Election

Mr. Trump insulted Fox News pollsters as “among the worst” when 
presented with data that showed him trailing former Vice President 
Joseph R. Biden Jr., the presumptive Democratic nominee, claiming that 
he had seen polls that showed him winning.

“I understand you still have more than 100 days to this election, but at 
this point y

[Marxism] Japan Cuts 2020 | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Like other film festivals I’ve reviewed since the pandemic began, this 
year’s Japan Cuts (https://japancuts.japansociety.org/) is virtual. 
While nothing will ever match the experience of see a film on the big 
screen among other film buffs, the show must go on as they say in a 
Busby Berkeley film—can’t remember which one. At $99 for the entire 
festival or $7 per film, it is certainly worth it. In the past, when I 
have covered a NY film festival, I always regretted that many of my 
out-of-town readers will never be able to take part. Fortunately, for 
them and for the filmmakers who put so much time, money and energy 
making leading-edge cinema, virtuality has its benefits. Time 
constraints did not allow me to cover more than four films but based on 
what I have seen, this festival is a must for film buffs. Japanese films 
have been a mainstay of serious cinema for the past seventy years and it 
is still going strong.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2020/07/19/japan-cuts-2020/

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]: Bekken on Keith, 'When It Was Grand: The Radical Republican History of the Civil War'

2020-07-19 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
> Date: July 19, 2020 at 7:13:50 AM EDT
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Cc: H-Net Staff 
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]:  Bekken on Keith, 'When It Was Grand: 
> The Radical Republican History of the Civil War'
> Reply-To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> LeeAnna Keith.  When It Was Grand: The Radical Republican History of 
> the Civil War.  New York  Hill and Wang, 2019.  352 pp.  $30.00 
> (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8090-8031-1.
> Reviewed by Jon Bekken (Albright College)
> Published on H-Socialisms (July, 2020)
> Commissioned by Gary Roth
> When Republicans Were Radicals
> _When It Was Grand: The Radical Republican History of the Civil War_ 
> focuses on the emergence of the Republican Party from the 1850s 
> through the brief triumph of Reconstruction, with particular emphasis 
> on its Radical faction and their determination to bring an end to 
> slavery. The Radicals, LeeAnna Keith contends, dominated the 
> Republican Party in its early years, transforming the American polity 
> in the process: "The Radicals were culture warriors, committed to a 
> nearly mystical vision of representative government based on free 
> labor. Prizing equal opportunity and expansion, they championed 
> government spending for education and transportation 
> infrastructure These Republicans appealed to populism without 
> demonizing capital" (p. 4). This is a stirring narrative, with much 
> emphasis on armed conflict and political intrigue. But some of the 
> broader facets of this radicalism are eclipsed by the focus on what 
> was indisputably the major issue of the day. Keith notes the 
> important role of women's suffrage advocates in the movement and the 
> insistence of many (by no means all) Radicals on full racial 
> equality, not simply an end to the institution of slavery. But while 
> slavery was certainly the central issue, the struggle for its 
> abolition was part of a larger social ferment that saw the formation 
> of utopian colonies, the emergence of unions, and movements for 
> religious and social reform. Indeed, as it was moving from the Whigs 
> to the Republicans, the _New York Tribune_ published a series of 
> articles praising Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's mutualism and gave Karl 
> Marx a regular column that ran for a decade. 
> The political system was already in crisis when debates over the 
> expansion of slavery forced the long-suppressed issue to the fore. 
> Keith suggest that Stephen Douglas was (inadvertently) "the founding 
> father of the Republican Party" through his 1854 Kansas-Nebraska 
> bill, which overturned the Missouri Compromise in an effort to 
> appease increasingly aggressive southern slaveholders (p. 10). But 
> the two-party system was already in tatters. Never a stable political 
> formation, the Whigs had been united primarily by their opposition to 
> Andrew Jackson and their commitment to building infrastructure to 
> promote commerce and industry. Democrats and Whigs shared a common 
> commitment to preserving the status quo on slavery, if only because 
> the South's electoral strength made it difficult to win national 
> elections without carrying at least some southern states. But the 
> status quo was not sustainable. Southern politicians saw westward 
> expansion as an existential threat to their political dominance and 
> so demanded the extension of slavery to the new 
> territories--something that was both economically untenable and an 
> intolerable affront to the growing numbers appalled by slavery. 
> Ultimately, this dispute shattered both parties. Western Democrats 
> like John Wentworth originally condemned abolitionists as fanatics, 
> but could tolerate neither the expansion of slavery nor their party's 
> increasingly implacable opposition to internal improvements. 
> (Wentworth correctly saw Chicago's future as inextricably bound up 
> with the development of canals and railroads.) In 1848 he opposed the 
> new Free Soil Party on the grounds that it threatened to deliver 
> Illinois's electoral votes to the Whigs he still despised (noting in 
> his _Chicago Democrat_ that Whig presidential nominee Zachary Taylor 
> was a slave owner). Free Soilers, Know-Nothings, Anti-Nebraska 
> Democrats (such as Wentworth), and the remnants of the Whigs 
> ultimately coalesced under the Republican Party banner, united by 
> little else but their opposition to slavery's expansion. 
> Keith discusses the coalescing of these forces and the early bat

[Marxism] Mike Phillips: What's Left of the Nicaraguan Revolution.

2020-07-19 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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"What remains of the Nicaraguan Revolution is greatly imperilled – by 
imperialism, but also by what’s left of its former leadership.  Some on the 
left understand this. Noam Chomsky has called for early elections. Pablo 
Iglesias of Podemos in Spain, and former Uruguayan President José Mujica have 
also been sharply critical of Ortega. None of these individuals seek to promote 
US government interests. Rather, they understand that defending the gains of 
the Nicaraguan Revolution requires the orderly exit of the corrupt dynasty that 
has betrayed it. Others on the left also need to find their voice and separate 
the great achievements of the Sandinista Revolution from the regime in charge 

Mike Phillips: What's Left of the Nicaraguan Revolution.


Andrew Coates
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Doug Greene and Harrison Fluss on Spinoza�s Radical Enlightenment

2020-07-19 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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The Radical Enlightenment starts with Baruch Spinoza’s materialist philosophy. 
There is a direct line from Spinoza to Marx and Engels via the French 

Why Spinoza?

Why does Jonathan Israel — and for that matter, many Marxists — consider 
Spinoza so central a philosopher? Why did the precursors of Marx, such as 
Feuerbach, call Spinoza, “the Moses of the modern free-thinkers and 
materialists,” and why did Heine even compare Spinoza to Christ?1 What accounts 
for all this celebration? It is that Spinoza’s philosophy represents the 
sharpest break with ancient and medieval worldviews, inaugurating a new 
beginning. Unlike the rationalism of René Descartes or Gottfried Leibniz, 
Spinoza’s was monistic; it rejected Descartes’s incomplete break with the 
Catholic Church, as well as Leibniz’s attempt to cloak theism in reason. The 
British empiricists, such as John Locke, likewise cut deals between knowledge 
and traditional faith. All these figures made concessions to God and throne. 
This was a shamefaced Enlightenment, ashamed of its own power of reason. Out of 
these early modern intellectuals, it was Spinoza who most clearly rejected all 
supernatural admixtures with reason. It is with him that philosophical 
modernity truly begins.

(More at)

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

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Trump Exiles Clinton, Bush Portraits at White House
2 GOP Senators Honor the Wrong Black Congressman
Olympics Figure Skater Dies at 20 in Moscow

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[Marxism] Unnatural Disasters | Ann Neumann

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Ending the poaching of chimpanzees, elephants, and other wild animals is 
a cause that the West can rally around, but it’s the symptom of a much 
larger problem: capitalist globalization has led international 
corporations to extract labor, hardwood, fish, and other resources from 
countries that are too weak or corrupt—due to legacies of colonial 
exploitation—to care for their own people. Last year, two American 
companies, Roseburg Forest Products and Evergreen Hardwoods, were 
charged with harvesting protected wood from West Africa. But such 
charges are infrequent, their penalties no real deterrent.


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[Marxism] The little-known role Sweden played in the colonial slave trade - The Local

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Black people — many of them immigrants — make up less than 2 percent of Maine’s population but almost a quarter of its coronavirus cases

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Washington Post, JULY 18, 2020
‘I’m scared’
Black people — many of them immigrants — make up less than 2 percent of 
Maine’s population but almost a quarter of its coronavirus cases
Maine does not collect data for immigrants, following federal 
guidelines, but officials said contact tracing showed that many of those 
affected are immigrants or their children. The population of Lewiston, 
shown here, includes refugees.

By Maria Sacchetti

WESTBROOK, Maine — Workers at a red-brick factory called American Roots 
had to decide amid a pandemic whether to come back to work. Instead of 
the usual sweatshirts and knit caps, they would churn out masks to 
protect front-line workers from the novel coronavirus. Or they could 
take the safer route: Stay home and collect unemployment.

Almost all were immigrants from Africa or the Middle East, and workers 
said none of them flinched when they gathered on the factory floor that 
morning in March. Everyone voted to keep stitching.

“I’m not scared,” said Maria Lutina, 42, an asylum seeker from Angola 
and the factory’s head stitcher who helped design the masks. “Americans, 
they need it.”

Immigrants and refugees help power Maine, America’s oldest and whitest 
state, by picking blueberries, packing meat and tending to the elderly 
far from the fancy resorts on Vacationland’s rocky coast. But in a state 
that has one of the lowest rates of coronavirus infections, a pattern 
has emerged: Black Mainers — many of them immigrants — have been 
infected at disproportionate rates, accounting for approximately 23 
percent of the cases in a state where they are less than 2 percent of 
the population. American Roots has not been spared; state officials 
announced Thursday that 11 employees have tested positive for the virus.

Two of the state’s 115 coronavirus deaths have been among black Mainers, 
who health officials said tend to be younger and less likely to exhibit 
symptoms of the virus’s disease, covid-19. But advocates for immigrants 
say many have been ill, and a state lawmaker warned that black residents 
in Maine and nationwide are facing the “twin pandemics” of systemic 
racism that hinders access to health care, and a virus that has 
disproportionately infected people of color.

The most recent state data show that at least 836 of more than 3,600 
Mainers who have had the coronavirus are black. Maine does not collect 
data for immigrants, following federal guidelines, but officials said 
contact tracing showed that many of those affected are immigrants or 
their children. Latinos account for a smaller number of cases, about 145 

Leaders of immigrant organizations said Maine initially was slow to 
offer testing, provide bilingual contact tracers and directly invest in 
immigrant organizations that know the communities best. Much of the 
initial funding went to mostly white-led organizations that subcontract 
with immigrant groups.

State officials say they are scrambling to address the racial disparity 
by expanding testing and health care, and finding ways to provide direct 
aid to immigrant groups to prevent the virus’s spread. Officials are 
also hiring more bilingual staff members and have translated coronavirus 
information into at least 11 other languages.

“We know we’ve had long-standing racial disparities in our health-care 
system, and we know that racism is a problem in Maine, as it is 
elsewhere,” said Jeanne Lambrew, the state’s Health and Human Services 
commissioner. “So we are trying to obviously act with urgency because we 
are trying to prevent what we’re seeing from getting worse.”

Nationwide, the vast majority of black people are native-born U.S. 
citizens, according to the Census Bureau, but in more than a dozen 
states including New York, Massachusetts, the Dakotas and Minnesota, 
large shares of the black population are immigrants. They face racial 
discrimination and language or cultural barriers that can impede efforts 
to stop the coronavirus’s spread, such as public briefings about the 
pandemic that are only in English.

Almost half the black people in Maine are immigrants, the highest share 
in the nation. Most are from African nations including Somalia and the 
Democratic Republic of Congo.

[Maine’s Vacationland hot spots are ghost towns as tourism struggles 
amid coronavirus]

Although the spread of the coronavirus among black residents has slowed 
in recent weeks, advocates for immigrants warn that conditions in Maine 
are ripe for a spike in infections if officials do not reach immigrants 

Ines Mugisha, a 34-year-old immigrant from Burundi, said her husband, a 
home health-care aide

[Marxism] Capital Wars | Michael Roberts Blog

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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We’ve had the argument that the major global issue of the 21st century 
is the growing trade and technology war between the US and China.  In 
their book, Trade Wars are Class Wars, Klein and Pettis reckon that the 
trade imbalances are cause by inequality and income and consumption in 
the two powers: China has ‘excess savings’ and the US has ‘excess 
consumption’.  I have argued that this argument is false in previous posts.


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[Marxism] Beyond Work? The Shortcomings of Post-Work Politics - COSMONAUT

2020-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Mikael Lyngaas argues that post-work theorists ranging from Bob Black to 
Srnicek and Williams are utopian socialism for the current era.


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Re: [Marxism] Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Where Is the Outrage Over Anti-Semitism in Sports and Hollywood?

2020-07-19 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Anyone else notice that KAJ seems to have an awfully narrow idea of what
"Anti-Semitism in Hollywood" looks like? Almost like he is only looking for
anti-Semitism among those who fit a very particular description. Perhaps he
was trained in identifying anti-Semitism by the NYPD chiefs behind
Stop-and-Frisk. Even the white Jew he goes after is under attack for
reblogging Farrakhan.

Let's be serious, we are undergoing one of most massive Black-led
rebellions against racism and capitalism in decades and they are recycling
the same manipulative nonsense that they have used since they torched SNCC
and the BPP fifty years ago. They can't come out and accuse Blacks of being
"anti-white" and so-forth because it will strengthen white nationalism and
thereby exacerbate racial tensions in the U.S. So instead they are digging
through (mostly has-been) Black celebrities' statements looking for empty
rhetoric so they can portray Black people as enemies of other minority
groups with the (very obvious) dog whistle that the primary concern is
offense toward those who have been assimilated into whiteness. The
witch-hunt for anti-Semitism is post-CRM white supremacy.

KAJ's comments that they are wrong-headed because Black people and Jews
have both suffered discrimination is pretty tonedeaf. Every single one of
these comments that are prompting scrutiny, no matter how crude or
conspiratorial they are, are a form of *punching up*. None of the comments
by Nick Cannon, Ice Cube, etc. are about suggesting that Jews need to be
put in their place, that they should be terrorized with lynchings to
prevent them from organizing for better jobs, etc. None of them are about
using racial terror to discipline others. So the comparison is, frankly,
offensive. The motivation behind these comments is pretty obvious; like
other crude explanations of racial capitalism, they are attempts to explain
the enormous success and cultural influence of Jews, including in
Hollywood, that Blacks continue to lack outside of a small coterie of
wealthy elites.

I also want to note something that I find particularly demeaning about the
attacks on Chelsea Handler. Handler, who is both white and Jewish, posted a
video of Farrakhan on Phil Donahue's talk show (where he interviewed
various fringe figures in the 1980s and 1990s), and it prompted likes from
other prominent white women, including Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Garner,
Jennifer Aniston, and Michelle Pfieffer. That is, all of these very
prominent, and very white, and in some cases very Jewish, women expressed
their sympathy and support for Farrakhan's comments.

And anyone who has actually seen the video (which is here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMpICsEa3l0) knows exactly why. No matter
what blame Farrakhan deserves for derailing the Black resistance, causing
Malcolm X's death, being unhinged, etc., anyone who watches his interview
with Donahue will see that Farrakhan and his supporters were saying things
in 1985 that were impermissible in American society until 2014, especially
when he begins arguing with the audience:

KAJ and others are shaming white women when they actually listen rather
than when they defend Joe Biden (that is, when they are doing what is right
instead of what is white).

Amith R. Gupta

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 3:04 AM Alan Ginsberg via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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