Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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On 2018/11/10 16:17, Louis Proyect wrote:

There is no way for capitalism to resolve these contradictions. It 
took WWII to create a new footing for the expanded accumulation of 
capital. The underlying dynamic is toward a new world war that will 
not lead to a new long wave in a new Kondratiev wave but a global heap 
of radioactive rubble instead.

There is a tendency towards overaccumulation, as you describe, based on 
the rising organic composition of capital - and then there is 
devalorisation (including WWII's massive industrial destruction in 
Europe and Japan), which occasionally keeps the system in check by 
wiping out the least productive units. But the overall problem leaks 
into the financial sector, generating much higher ratios of debt and 
other forms of fictitious capital.

Usually there's some sort of fight-back against devalorisation, and 
sometimes, as you point out in the U.S. steel industry in the 1930s, 
that involves cross-class alliances.

But mainly the devaluation is visited upon poor and working people, 
women, the environment and other sites where resistance has not been 
well enough coordinated. (It took 3 years for Occupy to emerge from the 
global heap of real estate and student-debt rubble, for instance.)

So has anyone in our circuits been researching - and most importantly, 
organizing against - devaluation? (I'm writing about it now in the 
context of the degrowth movement's surprising lack of engagement - 
advice is welcome.)

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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Some more or less cosmic thoughts:

Mike Meeropol here responds to Louis Proyect's research essentially 
illustrating how the Dem Party honchos need not be responsive to public 
outcry, even unfavorable electoral outcomes, aside from entertaining 
measures culminating in identitarian, cosmetic or cultural change which 
might be convenient or not unduly disruptive to capital, and are not 
going to permit any reform of the party, any meaningful reform in the 
direction of public need; pointing to how they can live with defeat at 
the polls because whatever, they're doing what their keepers want them 
to do, they're just doing their job, and they'll be rewarded accordingly.

What are some of the components of this historical but nonetheless 
increasingly blatant corruption? They're certainly OK with repression, 
that's part of their shtick. They're OK with corporate welfare and 
perks, subsidy, tax reduction, amortization and depreciation allowances 
and givebacks and reciprocal heaping emoluments at taxpayer expense.

They're reaping enormous bribes in the form of campaign contributions on 
the well-worn sluice ramps of patronage, and they're profiting 
enormously whether they remain in or out of office. They have lavish 
prospects for life following long careers in protected sinecures, after 
their incumbencies functioning as richly rewarded lobbyists with a 
network and pipeline to the Congress and intimate experience, in and 
through legislative committees and staff liaison, with the vast 
government bureaucratic maize, as transnational corporate board members 
and management functionaries, as government policy wonks in well-funded 
corporate think tanks or positions in "higher education," or as members 
of commissions and administrative posts.

As Howie Klein has said, and it hardly needs saying I guess, at least 
two thirds of Democrats successful in the midterms - that's at least - 
are Blue Dog or New Dem right wing ideologues, quite content to make 
their beds in a Trump world. The fortunes of politicians rise or fall - 
patronage and government funds distribution to their districts, 
committee assignments, junkets, inside information on profitable 
investment, leadership roles, power - with how well they perform as 
functionaries, personifications of capital, in the legislative and 
administrative instruments of social control guided by the interests of 
capital expansion. So any progressive reform or change within the 
system? Fageddit.

This is not in the least reductive reasoning; it's amply verified. It's 
come as a realization all too slowly for good use in my case. It's also 
becoming more obvious that presidents or prime ministers, cabinet 
members, legislatures, judicial systems, bureaucracies, are increasingly 
ineffectual as even nominally independent bodies or personages in 
forming policy in a context of increasing disparities of wealth, power, 
concentration, centralization, and the over all need for concerted 
responsiveness to the requirement of capital profitability. Although 
powerful transnational capital has no apparent vision of how to sustain 
profitability either, that's the most vulnerable Achilles heel, but they 
certainly call the shots.

Mike here hews to what he sees as central to our longer-term interests, 
the means of opposition to the palpably plain coming crunch of 
authoritarian rule.

With both hands tied behind our backs unless resistance is global? 
Because capital certainly is global, becoming more so, increasingly free 
to slosh around everywhere mindless of larger consequences in search of 
profitable returns and competition for market share, while lowering 
costs through AI, automation, offshoring and wasteful consumption of 
dwindling planetary resources and survivable climate. Through 
restrictive labor legislation, increased repressive militarization of 
domestic and global enforcement, immigration control, etc. compelling  
global labor to work where they're cheapest and of most advantage to 
capital. While keeping the working class of the world off balance, 
disorganized, spatially separated, fractious and divided. And capital 
remaining increasingly free to manipulate, control, smash or ignore 
governments of smaller nation-states, whose sovereignty is diminishing 
exponentially in the face of control by treaty law based on assumptions 
of "comparative advantage" and capital-directed bodies of international 
finance and regulation. Or arms supply to those more compliant, exchange 
restrictions and tariffs, proxy wars or outright invasion for those who 
are not.

So simply put, and as Mike and anyone else among us realizes well, we 

Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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In the end, Mike, I don't think it's a matter of the dangers of Trump and
"Trumpism," but the effectiveness and seriousness of the Democratic Party
in opposing it.

I'm sure we're all agreed that the Democrats coauthored what we all agree
to be the curse of neo-liberalism and of plaguing the planet with more and
more intense wars.  I think we are also agree that neither earned any
praise for directly addressing the persistence of systemic racism and
sexism.  They never do without a massive and insistent pressure from the

The key question is what have the Democrats done over the last half century
to justify our seeing them as a viable vehicle for opposing Trump.

The record certainly indicates that they were utterly incapable of
thwarting the Trump ascendancy, a task rather easier than unseating an
established wrong. Indeed, they boasted that they would not hold Bush to
account for his WMD lies, something that the most minimal requirement of
their oaths of office required.  But, then again, they didn't even
investigate Reagan's criminal activities with any seriousness and they
dropped their investigation of Nixon's activities once he decided to leave

Can you provide a single case of the Democratic party nationally
accomplishing something for the laboring people of this country?  (The
nationalization of Romneycare--the implementation of Nixon's old proposal
doesn't count.)

And, if you can't do that, give me one real reason to justify any faith in
a party that has embraces and celebrates the same ideology and practice of
the Republicans--from trickle down economics to war drones--and hasn't
really even felt much of an impulse to do anything substantive for us since
the civil rights legislation of the middle 1960s . . . half century ago.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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touche, Mark (imagine the accent ague!) ---

However, the communist members of the resistance had an ally in Charles
DeGaulle --- the Democrats are awful (see my book attacking Clinton --) ---
most of us spent years yelling "Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill
today!" --- but they are not Vichy ---

WAS it a mistake to push McGovern to victory in the Democratic primaries
and then fight like hell for his election in order to end the US imperial
war in Indochina?

So lets get to the present -- A Democratic House can make sure Trump does
not privatize Medicare and/or Social Security --- [if Clinton had attempted
to do that absent the impeachment effort, we all should have opposed it
vigorously] --- and can embarass Trump's lackeys in the cabinet --- and
maybe increase consciousness --- (sorry again to resort to history -- but
it was hearings by Fulbright that helped spread the message of the anti-war

Let's focus on the main issue that divides me from Louis and Mark --- is
the threat of TRUMPISM as serious as I think it is??

IS a broad coalition that includes many Dems the way to BLUNT it (if not
stop it altogether)?


:In the end, though, Mike's presented no real evidence for this fanciful
interpretation of WWII (which really fleshed out the American empire),

MIKE:Don'[t get your point.  All I said was that Stalin accepted an
alliance of convenience with Roosevelt and Churchill --- that did not
change the fact that Roosevelt and Churchill were imperialists and
capitalists -- it just meant that Hitler was a bigger threat --- that was
not an interpretation of WW II -- it was just a statement of fact


. . Because the Democrats have changed very fundamentally . . .according to
the Democratic movers and shakers themselves.  This is oftenseen as a
superficial shift to the right, but it reflects a series of deliberate
structural changes in the character of the party to promulgate anew


BOTH POST WWII strategies were horrible -- first we had the welfare warfare
state otherwise known as "military Keynesianism" which got us Korea,
Vietnam and the Cuban Missile Crisis (Guatemala, Iran, the Bay of Pigs) ---
then beginning in 1980 we had the rise of neo-liberalism that the DEMS
surrendered to (shameless plug, that's the title of my book!) with Clinton

And Obama whether he was well-meaning or not failed miserably to confront
neo-liberalism and our imperial ambitions in the world -- I GET ALL THAT --

that's why the question boils down to how great a threat to us and the
planet is TRUMPISM?
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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Mike's position reminds me of the story I've told before--brace yourself,
you're going to hear it again--about when I asked a great uncle why he
voted Republican.  He told me about his grandfather and Abraham Lincoln and
how, in his youth, he got inspired by Teddy Roosevelt.  Well, I was just a
wee sprout at the time, but knew that Abe Lincoln was dead about ninety
years before and Teddy Roosevelt had almost forty years before.

Nowadays, every time I have a serious discussion with someone who thinks we
should vote Democratic, they tell me about FDR, a mere eighty years ago or
maybe LBJ half a century in the rear view mirror.

In the end, though, Mike's presented no real evidence for this fanciful
interpretation of WWII (which really fleshed out the American empire), much
less addressing the situation we face right now.  several generations
later. . . . Because the Democrats have changed very fundamentally . . .
according to the Democratic movers and shakers themselves.  This is often
seen as a superficial shift to the right, but it reflects a series of
deliberate structural changes in the character of the party to promulgate a
new strategy.

Mark L.

PS: As to whether that pits us against "the resistance" . . . .well, let me
take a page from Mike's approach and go back to WWII.  If a French person
grumbles about the German occupation but supported the Vichy as a "lesser
evil," would you take that as the position of "the resistance"?
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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/10/18 8:58 AM, Michael Meeropol wrote:

The leadership can be pushed BACK towards a New Deal style set of 
policies --- but just as important -- they can be dragged kicking and 
screaming into an anti-Trump coalition.

Even if Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, et al became convinced that a new 
New Deal was necessary, it is beyond the capability of American 
capitalism to produce one. In the 1930s, the bourgeoisie was heavily 
invested in manufacturing. Even if FDR was neutral between the 
ultraright, lawbreaking Little Steel bosses and the workers trying to 
build a union, both classes involved in the confrontation accepted the 
need to sustain steel, auto, etc. through a class alliance. Not long 
after the strike was broken, the steel union was recognized by the 
bosses in order to keep the steel mills going during WWII.

Despite Trump's rhetoric, there is little interest in making the USA a 
manufacturing powerhouse today. India, China and other former Third 
World nations can produce it cheaper--plus, high technology, finance, 
etc. produce bigger profits.

What is driving this? Mostly, the liberal press attributes it to 
corporate greed as if the Koch brothers need to be visited by Jacob 
Marley's ghost in order to give their benediction to a public works 
program (of course, understanding that the WPA had zero to do with 
ending the Depression.)

As Harry Shutt points out in "The Trouble with Capitalism," a 
conspicuous feature of industrialized economies from the early 1980s has 

"the tendency of established companies, in the service sector as well as 
manufacturing, to regard the application of cost-cutting new technology 
to their existing operations (without necessarily expanding capacity) as 
one of the most profitable ways reinvest their accumulating profits. 
This has effectively turned on its head one of the most sacred 
assumptions of post-war political economy, namely that increased 
investment has a positive impact on employment (a still cherished 
shibboleth of the British Labour Party and trade unions). At the same 
time the resulting process of corporate 'downsizing' reinforced a 
gathering tendency on the part of governments quietly to abandon their 
commitment to full employment as an overriding goal of public policy."

"The upshot of these tendencies has been a further increase in 
joblessness since the early 1980s, giving rise (particularly in Europe) 
to the phenomenon of 'jobless growth'. This has meant that, taking the 
1974-1994 period as a whole, there has been negligible growth in the 
numbers of employed people in the countries of the European Union at a 
time when the level of economic activity (GDP) has expanded 
significantly, albeit at a much slower rate than in the 1950s and 1960s. 
Indeed in the most extreme case, that of Spain, employment actually fell 
by over 8 per cent over the period as a whole, at a time when the 
economy virtually doubled in size."

There is no way for capitalism to resolve these contradictions. It took 
WWII to create a new footing for the expanded accumulation of capital. 
The underlying dynamic is toward a new world war that will not lead to a 
new long wave in a new Kondratiev wave but a global heap of radioactive 
rubble instead.

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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Sorry to once again restate my "the fascists are coming" wolf-cry --- but
of course I really do believe it.
The Democratic Party got a HIGHER margin over the Republicans than the
Republicans did over the DEMS in the 2010 midterms -- that is a WAVE of
voters no matter how much it was blunted by the Senate map and
gerrymandering --

The leadership can be pushed BACK towards a New Deal style set of policies
--- but just as important -- they can be dragged kicking and screaming into
an anti-Trump coalition.

There's a great line from the song "Deliver the Goods" (probably written by
Woody Guthrie) about World War II

"Now me and my boss, we never did agree
If a thing helped him, then it didn['t help me!
But when a burglar tries to bust in to your house
You stop fighting with the Landlord and throw him out!"

The Soviet Union united with the United States to fight Hitler after Pearl
Harbor --- the anti-imperialist anti-war activists were in coalition with
Democrats -- even "war criminals for peace" --- in the early 1970s as
Congress gave the coup de grace to Nixon and FOrd's hope to keep propping
up "South Vietnam" ---

I think we just guarantee our irrelevance if we keep reminding ourselves
how rotten the Dems are ...

that's not where the people of the resistance are ---

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