Re: [Marxism] Are riots revolutionary? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 5/31/20 10:01 AM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

May I make a comment from a distance?  If I was given a choice between the 
previous period of relative inactivity and the current upsurge of struggle, I 
would take the current upsurge, with whatever shortcomings it has.  I think 
some of the shortcomings may be inevitable until a leadership gels. And this 
leadership is struggling to emerge from the smothering influence of the 
Democratic Party.   Within the current upsurge I would support those who are 
trying to promote self-organization and a perspective of ongoing struggle.
ken h

To anybody who might have gotten the wrong impression, my post was a 
polemic against a poetry professor who argues that riots are the form of 
the coming insurrection. That's from the Verso blurb, as if Tariq Ali 
doesn't know the difference between an insurrection and a revolution.

I also included FB posts by Rick Sklader who embraced the protests, 
including the burning of Target. He warned, however, about alt-right 
penetration of the protests that led to the burning of a library and a 
black-owned barbershop.

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Re: [Marxism] Are riots revolutionary? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-05-31 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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May I make a comment from a distance?  If I was given a choice between the 
previous period of relative inactivity and the current upsurge of struggle, I 
would take the current upsurge, with whatever shortcomings it has.  I think 
some of the shortcomings may be inevitable until a leadership gels. And this 
leadership is struggling to emerge from the smothering influence of the 
Democratic Party.   Within the current upsurge I would support those who are 
trying to promote self-organization and a perspective of ongoing struggle.
ken h
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Re: [Marxism] on riots

2020-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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From Facebook:

Johan Permakult Repost- troubling if true.

//I’m not usually on FB during Shabbat but I’ve been immersed in the 
news today. This post is from a friend’s timeline. He lives in 
Minneapolis and he reposted this eye witness description from his 
neighbor of what is actually happening there.

My City is under seige. Mt neighbor Jeff Forester sums up the situtation 

So for those of you who are interested - I have no idea how national 
media is covering this - here is what is happening on the ground from my 
perspective. It is a long post.

All day yesterday people were out on the street helping businesses - 
EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS IN UPTOWN has boarded up windows and locked down 
their stores. The 3rd Precinct, which burned on down Thursday night, is 
on the east end of Lake Street. Uptown, where we live and the 5th 
Precinct police station is located, is three miles west on lake street. 
All of Lake Street was looted on Thursday night. On Friday EVERY 
BUSINESS on Lake Street and adjoining commercial districts, was boarded up.

Many spray painted murals on the plywood - let folks know they were a 
local or minority owned business. Essential businesses.

Last night was by far the worst night. Protests during the day were 
peaceful. There was an 8:00pm curfew. Everything changed when the sun 
went down. There are roving and highly organized bands of 
anti-government neo-nazi white men cruising the city, breaking off 
plywood, looting stores, and then setting them fire to the buildings.

On the Northside, which is predominately African American, the situation 
was much the same. Local civic groups were trying to protect local 
businesses and homes. there were many fires.

The violence and destruction is NOT being driven by local people. The 
cars on the streets have either removed their license plates, or have 
out of state plates.

Here is a post from a neighbor, "Everybody! We need to get our heads 
around what’s happening, Mpls and St Paul are being attacked by fascist 
“accelerationist” white crazies. Trying to divide & destroy us.

Accelerationism: the idea inspiring white supremacist killers around the 
world -Vox"

Expect these same types to infiltrate all of the legitimate protests 
happening in other cities in America. We are fighting an enemy within.

These "accelerationists" burned down the 5th Police Precinct, our post 
office, every pharmacy. The Wallgreens and CVS within a few blocks of 
our house are still burning this morning. The grocery stores were all 
hit. Every bank has been hit. Every liquor store, every gas station. 
They have guns and accelerants.

When National Guard show up, they disappear into the neighborhoods and 
have been setting fires. It is a violent game of arsonist wake-a-mole. 
There is no longer any fire fighting service available - overwhelmed. So 
neighbors are using garden hoses to put out the fires and save homes. 
Pictures neighbors are sharing - these are young white men, heavily armed.

According to authorities there are over 10,000 of these 
"accelerationists" in the city. St. Paul arrested over 50 people last 
night. ALL OF THEM were from out of state. The authorities are checking 
phones of the people they have arrested, doing contact tracing of sorts 
on these people. These people are connected to right wing militia style 
groups with a civil/race war fantasy. They are opportunistically using 
the legitimate, peaceful George Floyd protests as a cover to actualize 
their neo-nazi fever dream.

Gov. Walz just said, "If you know where these people are sleeping today, 
let us know and we will execute warrants. Allie and I were helping the 
owner of a commercial building up the street - a friend, and two of 
these guys came up to us. Wanted to know where the free food was being 
distributed. He gave them an address that was three blocks away. Had no 
idea what we were talking about - not from here.

Allie, the girls and I are fine and safe. Exhausted. Angry. We have not 
really slept in three days. Everyone in Minneapolis/St. Paul is the same.

So, what to do? Our neighborhood group is meeting at the park this 
afternoon. I think that they will organize our neighborhood watch to 
patrol, try to spot fires and get them out ASAP.

Major protests are planned for today. They want the other three police 
officers involved in George Floyd's murder arrested, they want the MN 
Attorney General, not the Hennepin County Attorney to manage the case. 
They want the MPD disbanded and reformed with many alternative public 
safety and law enforcement strategies used. But the legitimate protests 
will end at 8:00 pm.

The Gov. 

[Marxism] on riots

2020-05-31 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Lou and I had a spat about this so long ago.  I am less sympathetic now to
riots than I once was. Burning down a building is never near as radical as
occupying it.

Riots don't really challenge private property rights and it is still
private property that is at the heart of capitalism.

Having said that my sympathies, of course, are totally with the people of
the USA in their struggle now against state brutality.


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Re: [Marxism] Are riots revolutionary? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-05-30 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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My gut reaction is that if riots were revolutionary the police wouldn't put
so much energy into using agents provocateurs to start them.  They may
allow an expression of anger but only in a way that is unsustainable,
doesn't go anywhere or build anything, and which excludes most people from
participating. They (most people) instead hide in their homes in fear and
emerge to burnt neighbourhoods.

On Sun, 31 May 2020, 06:47 Louis Proyect via Marxism, <> wrote:

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> *
> About a week ago, someone posted a link to a Verso book by Joshua Clover
> titled “Riot. Strike. Riot: The New Era of Uprisings” that I took a
> quick gander at on the Verso website. It stated that “Political theorist
> Joshua Clover theorizes the riot as the form of the coming
> insurrection.” I didn’t pay that much attention to it except to note
> that insurrection is a problematic term if you are a Marxist, at least
> if it is understood as anything like October 1917. There wasn’t much
> that was insurrectionary about it or for that matter neither was there
> much rioting going on in Russia. Mostly, there were mass protests
> demanding peace, bread and land.
> full:
> _
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[Marxism] Are riots revolutionary? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-05-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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About a week ago, someone posted a link to a Verso book by Joshua Clover 
titled “Riot. Strike. Riot: The New Era of Uprisings” that I took a 
quick gander at on the Verso website. It stated that “Political theorist 
Joshua Clover theorizes the riot as the form of the coming 
insurrection.” I didn’t pay that much attention to it except to note 
that insurrection is a problematic term if you are a Marxist, at least 
if it is understood as anything like October 1917. There wasn’t much 
that was insurrectionary about it or for that matter neither was there 
much rioting going on in Russia. Mostly, there were mass protests 
demanding peace, bread and land.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Riots work: Wolf Blitzer and the Washington Post completely missed the real lesson from Baltimore -

2015-05-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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