Re: [Marxism] Exploiting women for reactionary and race-baiting campaigns

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 11. Januar 2016 at 04:40, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Lüko Willms  wrote:

>> on Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 at 18:18, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

>> *> ANY man, whatever social class or ethnicity, that sexually attacks a
>> woman, > must be severely dealt with. I'm open to a long jail sentence - or
>> worse! *   like a life sentence or death for touching the buttock, for
>> example?

> reply - Are you seriously comparing rape/molestation to unwanted
> touching?

 No, but you obviously are. We are talking here about a racist campaign where 
on the basis there are arson attacks on houses where refugees from the "war on 
terror" are living or such houses which are prepared for that, and also gun 
shots on houses of refugees. This receives now a thick cover and encouragement 
from the bourgeois media and politicians which call for more restriction of 
democratic rights. Higher punishments, faster deportations, more military gear 
for the cops. 
 And you believe that faster deportation of undocumented workers in the USA is 
an act of womens liberation? 

 Rape is not of issue here, it is "only" gropings which are being used as bait 
for this racist campaign. And obviously you took the bait and are fantasising I 
don't know what the Faux News are all planting in your head. 

 But thanks for your previous message which I had replied to, you brought me on 
the right track, reminding me of the lynching of Black men in the USA.  The 
false claims of white women being raped by Black men.  And you are now 
believing such lying racist propaganda? 

>>  A repetition of that is going on in Germany, and spreading world wide.
>> And you want to side with the lynch mobs? Since that is the question!

  The question posed by the campaign launched after the New Years Eve is this: 

  Do you believe that the Ku Kux Klan is a womens liberation movement? 
  Or that Donald Trump should become POTUS in order to enhance women's rights? 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany 
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[Marxism] "Leftists" believing racist lies (was: Exploiting women for reactionary and race-baiting campaigns

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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 on Montag, 11. Januar 2016 at 03:20, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

> . But as far as what happened in Cologne, that kind of sexual violence 
> -- gang rapes by party-goers -- 


   Who implanted you with this blatant lie? 
   And why in the first place can you believe such a nonsense of the gutter 

  Anyway, you are living proof of the power of the racist campaign going on in 

  In what world are you living? In Alice's wonderland behind the mirror? 

  We are talking about New Years Eve, with thousands and tens of thousands of 
people in the streets, celebrating the new year with fireworks, drinking, 
singing and so on. 

   We are talking about a large open place which is being overseen by dozens of 
video cameras. 

  We are talking about two extremely dense throngs of people on both sides of 
the only door open to the central railway station. 

  How do you think, "gang rape" could have happened there? 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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 on Montag, 11. Januar 2016 at 00:25, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

> I am reminded of the tension around a rape more than 30 years ago in New 
> Bedford, Massachusetts.

   But please come down on the hard floor of  realitiy. 

  The racist campaign launched exploits groping. 

  The media here talked about one possible case of rape, but there are no 
proofs of that at all. That would have been visible in at least one of the 
surveillance cameras on the place. 
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Reminder

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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 on Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 at 20:11, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Comrades should not post more than 3 times a day. 

  I count 13 posts by a certain Louis Proyect on January 10, 2016. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Exploiting women for reactionary and race-baiting campaigns, or lynching Blacks for women's rights?

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 at 17:48, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

> When Trotsky spoke of the racist
> attitudes of white American workers towards Blacks including lynchings, he
> said that "we must teach the American beasts!" The same goes for attackers
> of women. I would think this to be ABC for "Marxists."

  Well said. 

  But here we are confronted with a repetion of such racist attitudes, and you 
claim that those "white American workers" acted to protect women's rights when 
they lynched a Black man for purportingly having raped a white woman? 
  That is the issue.  
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Exploiting women for reactionary and race-baiting campaigns

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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 on Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 at 15:47, Kathleen McCook via Marxism wrote:

> of course. it could not be real to most men.this has not happened to you.
> you feel better dismissing it? you do not want women in the public sphere?
> it happens. it happens in subways. it happens in concert crowds. it happens
> anywhere 

   Yes, and it needs to be addressed. 

  The real thing to do about all that groping is what a women reported in an 
interview with the n-tv TV news station, who was in that dense throng of people 
at the only door left open to get in or out of the central train station. 

  She told the TV reporter that at one moment she felt a hand touching her 
buttock, which prompted her to grab the person in front of her, whom she 
assumed to be the perpetrator, to give him a slap in the face, but before she 
could actually hit him, that man jumped back (as far as he could in that 
densely pressed throng of people) with an expression of fright in his face. 
'Encourageing women to defend themselves. To be assertive. To be proud and 
conscious of their own importance. 

   But you seem to think that the Ku Kux Klan and Donald Trump are there to 
help you. 

  And you join in this hyperventilating campaign which, besides the racist 
campaign aiming "North Africans and Arabs", actually aims at physical 
separation of men and women in public spheres -- the newly elected mayor of  
Cologne, Henriette Reker, said that women should allways keep a distance of at 
least one arm's length from men. 

  Thinking further on the line of that idiotic proposal, one does actually 
arrive at this kind of gender apartheid where women have to sit in the back of 
the bus, where there are separate areas of seats for men and women in a cinema, 
where therer are separate doors and seperate water fountains marked for "men 
only" and "women only". 

  Do you really think that this is the way you want to be going to? 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] About Amazon

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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 on Samstag, 9. Januar 2016 at 02:14, Philip Ferguson via Marxism wrote:

> Amazon - the global digital East India Company of the 21st Century?:

  as usual, P. Ferguson is adorning himself with foreign feathers. Others link 
to the actual place of the article, he simply grabs it and presents it as if it 
was his own. 

  Only a small note at the end: 
> The above is from a worker in Germany; we have taken it form the Irish 
> left-wing site, The Cedar Lounge Revolution, here. 

   "Here" is

  Ferguson is a little Amazon  exploiting other people's work. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] About Amazon, and how to fight them

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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 on Samstag, 9. Januar 2016 at 04:08, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

>  workers' struggles, especially by Amazon workers, 

  Einde O'Callahan mentioned the ongoing struggles of the Amazon workers in 
Germany, led by he trade union "Verdi". Verdi stands for "VEReinigte 
DIenstleistungsgewerkschaft", or united service union. Sometimes written as 
"Gewerkschaft Ver.di", with a dot in it. 
  Verdi wants Amazon to pay their workers at the rates of retail commerces, but 
Amazon insists that they are a logistics company, and therefore are entitled to 
pay the lower wages of that branch. 

   Verdi  conducts the struggle in a self-defeating way. They organise strikes 
in only one or at most two of the at least four Amazon distributing centers in 
Germany, and only for one or at most two days, and only demanding that Amazon 
sits down to negotiate. But Amazon is only laughing at them. Their distribution 
logistic allows them to direct delivery commands to any other warehouse, and so 
the workers there have to to the picking in the long alleys of the warehouse. 

  By continuing this ineffective way, Verdi is destroying their own 

  The only way is to organize a strike in ALL distribution centers, and keep it 
going until Amazon signs the framework contract of the Retail industry. And 
coordinating this with the unions in neighbouring countries organizing Amazon 
workers there, in order  to boycott all deliveries to Germany from those 

  Coupled with a wide public campaign for solidarity, and linking this workers 
struggle with the campaign against TTIP, the secret "Transatlantic Trade and 
Investment Partnership". 
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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[Marxism] On the racist campaign in Germany after the events in Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Here is another article on the current racist campaign in Germany with a 
lot of factual evidence.

The article is in German language:

Am 11.01.2016 um 10:27 schrieb Lüko Willms via Marxism:

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  on Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 at 15:47, Kathleen McCook via Marxism wrote:

of course. it could not be real to most men.this has not happened to you.
you feel better dismissing it? you do not want women in the public sphere?
it happens. it happens in subways. it happens in concert crowds. it happens

Yes, and it needs to be addressed.

   The real thing to do about all that groping is what a women reported in an 
interview with the n-tv TV news station, who was in that dense throng of people 
at the only door left open to get in or out of the central train station.

   She told the TV reporter that at one moment she felt a hand touching her 
buttock, which prompted her to grab the person in front of her, whom she 
assumed to be the perpetrator, to give him a slap in the face, but before she 
could actually hit him, that man jumped back (as far as he could in that 
densely pressed throng of people) with an expression of fright in his face. 
'Encourageing women to defend themselves. To be assertive. To be proud and 
conscious of their own importance.

But you seem to think that the Ku Kux Klan and Donald Trump are there to 
help you.

   And you join in this hyperventilating campaign which, besides the racist campaign 
aiming "North Africans and Arabs", actually aims at physical separation of men 
and women in public spheres -- the newly elected mayor of  Cologne, Henriette Reker, said 
that women should allways keep a distance of at least one arm's length from men.

   Thinking further on the line of that idiotic proposal, one does actually arrive at this kind of 
gender apartheid where women have to sit in the back of the bus, where there are separate areas of 
seats for men and women in a cinema, where therer are separate doors and seperate water fountains 
marked for "men only" and "women only".

   Do you really think that this is the way you want to be going to?


Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Reminder

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/11/16 3:42 AM, Lüko Willms wrote:

  I count 13 posts by a certain Louis Proyect on January 10, 2016.

Don't be a jerk. My posts were news items, etc. of the kind that I post 
routinely to keep comrades informed, especially drawing from media 
behind paywalls that I have access to.

I am anxious to keep this thread under control because a comrade who has 
been on the list for a decade has threatened to unsub. This is not quite 
a flame war over Cologne but it has degenerated. In fact I expect 
everybody to have their last say on it today because it has become 
pretty much repetitious.

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Re: [Marxism] On the racist campaign in Germany after the events in Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 11. Januar 2016 at 11:12, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

> Here is another article on the current racist campaign in Germany with a
> lot of factual evidence. 

  thank you very much for this lone voice of sobriety and sanity. 

  All other seem to be drunk of their own sex phantasies, projecting them with 
the help of the gutter press on Blacks, Arabs, and all the "unwashed masses of 
this planet".  One can get the impression that some male writers here dream of 
being part of a rape gang themselves! 

> The article is in German language: 

  Excellent article! It should be translated to English ASAP! 

  Quite revealing this video posted on Facebook showing alledgedly sexual 
assaults in Cologne on New Years Eve 2015/16, but has actually been filmed in 
2011 on the Tahrir Square in Cairo, the Egyptian capital: 

  A falsification just like the video posted by someone from the Arab Emirates 
which allegedly showed a IS convoy in Syria, guarded by US helicopters, but 
which was actually posted in 2014 by one of the armed factions fighting for 
power over Libya. 
  I also rejoiced the treatment of this right-wing fake feminist Alice 
Schwarzer, who had trumpeted in this racist horn already many months ago, 
warning of the "hordes" men coming from lower races as refugees into Germany. 

  This whole violent racist campaign going out from Cologne is very similar in 
origin and scope to the anitsemitic campaign to criminalize circumcision three 
years ago, and which resulted finally in a law which makes circumcision illegal 
and a crime in principle, but allowing exceptionally it under very special 
circumstances, just like abortion is illegal and a crime in principle, but will 
not be persecuted if the woman undergoes before this humiliating process of 
"consulting" against abortion. 

  Coming back to Alice Schwarzer, who has her business in Cologne and does live 
there, I somehow get the suspicion that this racist person is the starter of 
both campaigns. She is far enough on the rightist fringes, and is at the same 
time respectable enough to be able to do that. This is of course just a 
suspicion, and I have not the means to verify this. 
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany

I can't resist the temptation to tell about Alice Schwarzer's black moneys 
being parked on anonymous bank accounts in Switzerland, and that the amount of 
her tax debt from that hidden money was about the same order of magnitude as 
what she demanded earlier from the government to save one of her businesses in 
Cologne, a library of women issues. 
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[Marxism] Fwd: Brad Delong, the Marxists and the Long Depression | Michael Roberts Blog

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A critique of Keynesian policies.
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2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Carl Finamore.
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[Marxism] MRZine posts tweets attempting to spin Madaya mass starvation threat

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As most of you who follow this dreadful website probably know, there are 
few if any serious analyses of Syria that appear there nowadays even 
through Yoshie Furuhashi is a case-hardened supporter of Bashar 
al-Assad. Instead she much prefers to retweet from like-minded people 
who generally use tags rather than their real names, which gives the 
practice a lack of transparency that obviously goes hand in hand with 
support for a near-genocidal regime.

Today there's a retweet of one "Doloroso" who posts a picture of some 
"jihadis" carrying trays of food with the caption "Have you ever seen a 
hungry Jihadi?" Was the photo taken in Madaya? Who knows? This is not 
that far from supporters of Assad taunting Madaya residents with 
pictures of food.

As I have pointed out on many occasions, support for Assad has led to 
degradation on the left. Mostly this has led to journalistic gaffes such 
as Zizek relying on a bogus website for a New Statesman article that 
they had to surgically correct.

But how does Doloroso's tweet deepen our understanding of what is 
happening in Madaya? I am afraid that Yoshie's purpose was not to do 
anything like that. Instead it was meant to obfuscate. Sick.

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Is the next recession on its way?

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Washington Post
Is the next recession on its way?
By Robert J. Samuelson  January 10 at 8:19 PM

It’s hard not to wonder: Is the stock market telling us something? True, 
the market’s record in forecasting recessions is horrendous. Stocks 
often move according to whim or fad. But just because the market is 
wrong much of the time doesn’t mean it’s wrong all of the time. Could 
last week’s turbulent trading be one of the times it’s right? By 
Friday’s close, stocks had dropped 6 percent for the week, a paper loss 
of $1.5 trillion, says Wilshire Associates. Are we staring at the next 

The sell-off originated in China with a weaker-than-expected report on 
manufacturing activity. This triggered a sharp drop in Chinese stocks, 
which spread to the U.S. and European markets. Behind this chain 
reaction is a huge transfer of economic power from advanced economies 
(mainly North America, Europe and Japan) to “emerging-market” nations 
(Brazil, Russia, India and China — called BRIC — and similar countries, 
such as Indonesia). They now overshadow the advanced economies.

Robert J. Samuelson writes a weekly column on economics. View Archive
Consider: In the 1980s, emerging-market countries plus poor developing 
countries accounted for 36 percent of the world economy (gross domestic 
product), reports Maury Obstfeld, chief economist of the International 
Monetary Fund. Now their share is about 56 percent of global GDP. 
There’s nothing inherently wrong with this. Indeed, the faster growth of 
these economies in the past explains why their share of global GDP has 

The trouble is that their growth is slowing. Of the BRIC countries, only 
India’s rapid growth has been sustained. Brazil and Russia are in 
recession, and China’s expansion has flagged. Moreover, several large 
problems dampen future growth prospects, says economist Hung Tran of the 
Institute of International Finance, an industry group.

One is high debt levels. Many emerging-market economies escaped the 
worst of the 2008-2009 financial crisis because their banks lent heavily 
and their businesses borrowed heavily. From 2008 to mid-2015, corporate 
debt in these countries, including bonds, exploded from $8.9 trillion to 
$24.5 trillion, reports Tran. China was a big part of this. In some 
countries (Thailand, South Korea), consumer lending also surged. The 
upshot: Borrowers now need to conserve cash to service their loans.

The other problem is the legacy of the boom in commodities — oil, 
grains, metals. From 1999 to 2011, commodity price indexes rose about 80 
percent, says Tran, on the false assumption that China had an almost 
unlimited appetite for raw materials. It didn’t. The China bubble has 
popped. Price indexes have dropped from their peak by about 50 percent. 
Supply dwarfs demand; new investments have been canceled. Collapsing 
prices have devastated commodity exporters, led by oil producers. 
Commodities represent 45 percent of exports from both Brazil (iron ore, 
soybeans, sugar) and Malaysia (oil, copper). The China bubble has popped.

Here’s the picture that emerges. To offset that, China may be devaluing 
its currency — the yuan -- to improve the competitiveness of its 
exports. In advanced nations, growth seems stuck between 1 percent and 2 
percent a year. With so much weakness, the world economy is vulnerable 
to events (say, North Korea’s nuclear bomb test) that reduce confidence. 
Any ensuing declines in business or consumer spending could plunge us 
into recession. It’s also feared that China is devaluing its currency — 
the yuan, also known as the renminbi — to improve the competitiveness of 
its exports.

Maybe that’s what the stock market is saying.

There are skeptics. Economist Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics argues 
that the threats of emerging-market countries to the United States are 
exaggerated. “The underlying strength of the economy is the job market,” 
says Zandi.” We’re close to full employment. Very little of the labor 
market is connected to the rest of the world through trade.” Exports 
constitute only 13 percent of U.S. GDP; the other 87 percent reflects 
domestic demand. In December, payroll employment expanded by a strong 

Still, even Zandi worries that a significant slump in stock prices would 
demoralize wealthy and upper-middle-class investors, who are the biggest 
shoppers and owners of stock. (He reports that the richest 20 percent of 
Americans represent 51 percent of income, 58 percent of personal outlays 
and 73 percent of net worth.)

Large losses could cause a negative “wealth effect”: When people feel 
poorer, they spend less (similarly, when t

Re: [Marxism] Exploiting women for reactionary and race-baiting campaigns, or lynching Blacks for women's rights?

2016-01-11 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 3:51 AM, Lüko Willms  wrote:

> on Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 at 17:48, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:
> *> When Trotsky spoke of the racist > attitudes of white American workers
> towards Blacks including lynchings, he > said that "we must teach the
> American beasts!" The same goes for attackers > of women. I would think
> this to be ABC for "Marxists." *  Well said.
>  But here we are confronted with a repetion of such racist attitudes, and
> you claim that those "white American workers" acted to protect women's
> rights when they lynched a Black man for purportingly having raped a white
> woman?
> reply - I claim WHAT???

If you are so intellectually dishonest as to fabricate an argument and
assign it to me so that you can attack it, you are not worth engaging with.

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Re: [Marxism] Exploiting women for reactionary and race-baiting campaigns

2016-01-11 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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I cannot consider this completely dishonest person to be a "comrade" and
will not attempt anything in the way of a dialogue.

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 3:28 AM, Lüko Willms  wrote:

> And you believe that faster deportation of undocumented workers in the USA
> is an act of womens liberation?
>  The question posed by the campaign launched after the New Years Eve is
> this:
>  Do you believe that the Ku Kux Klan is a womens liberation movement?
>  Or that Donald Trump should become POTUS in order to enhance women's
> rights?
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[Marxism] Fwd: Einstein: Right and Wrong by Jeremy Bernstein | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I often think of the exchange Einstein had in 1919 when a cable came to 
him in Germany from Eddington informing him that his general theory of 
relativity and gravity had been confirmed. A student was present and she 
asked how he would have felt if it hadn’t been. He replied “Da kömmt mir 
halt der liebe Gott leid tun, die Theorie stimmt doch.” “I would have 
been sorry for the dear Lord—the theory is correct.”

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[Marxism] Fwd: Why is the South American Left in Retreat?

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The idea of using one group of employers against another might seem 
attractive. But is capitalist modernisation always something capital 
shies away from? Rafael Uzcátegui, a critic of the Bolivarian 
revolution, writes: “The hypothesis […] is that the coming to power in 
Venezuela of a populist, charismatic president, who resembled a 
caudillo, makes it possible for the country […] to adapt to changes made 
necessary by the globalised process of production” (1). His reasoning 
seems shaky since the efforts to spur on industrialists have so far 
failed. President Hugo Chávez suffered a coup orchestrated by, among 
others, Venezuela’s boss of bosses in 2002, then a lockout in 2003; 
Chávez brought 500 bosses together in 2008 to propose a national effort 
to relaunch productivity. In a speech of reconciliation, he used the 
word “alliance” more than 30 times. Five years later, little had 
changed. His successor, Nicolás Maduro, had to restart the initiative: 
“We are launching an appeal […] to build a nationalist private sector.”


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Re: [Marxism] Exploiting women for reactionary and race-baiting campaigns

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 11. Januar 2016 at 15:18, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

> I cannot consider this completely dishonest person to be a "comrade" and
> will not attempt anything in the way of a dialogue. 

  What is dishonest about quoting your own words? 

  What is dishonest about stating the fact that you made yourself the voice of 
this vicious racist campaign? 

  YOU are giving credence to all these invented "facts" about mass rape in 
Cologne on New Years Eve without the slighest evidence, and are calling in the 
mids of a violent campaign af racist slanders, increasing police violence and 
surveillance, faster deportations, arson and shotgun attacks on refugee's homes 
that those people should be severely punished disregarding "whatever social 
class or ethnicity," but clearly aiming at the victims of a racist campaign  
(on Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 at 18:18). That is the same hypocrisy as the 
German polticians, who proclaim that all people have to be treated equally, but 
call for new harsher laws against refugees and other immigrans. Like that 
Frenchman who hailed the "greatness  of the law in its magnific equianimity 
prohibits each and everybody, be it pauper or king, to sleep in the streets and 
steal bread." 

  YOU have to answer if you really think that this racist and increasingly 
violent campaign which we are talking about, if the Ku Kux Klan and Donald 
Trump or their German counterparts are actually protecting women's rights, when 
you so vehemently oppose any attack on those fascist minded people, by falsely 
claiming that the imperialist bourgeois state, the cops, the bombing of Arabian 
cities, the fascist gangs which put fire to refugee's homes are actually 
defending women's rights? 
  YOU are dishonest in the highest degree. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] On the racist campaign in Germany after the events in Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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 on Montag, 11. Januar 2016 at 13:52, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote:

>   Quite revealing this video posted on Facebook showing alledgedly
> sexual assaults in Cologne on New Years Eve 2015/16, but has
> actually been filmed in 2011 on the Tahrir Square in Cairo, the Egyptian 
> capital:
>> >  

  Apparently this is the video clearly from the Tahrir Place, posted on Youtube 
on 07.07.2013 i.e. two and a half years ago.:

[Marxism] Fwd: Cartel Land | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Although I had plans to eventually write about the 2015 documentary 
“Cartel Land”, I’ve decided to put it on the front burner now that the 
recapture of Joaquín “Chapo” Guzmán and Sean Penn’s Rolling Stone 
interview with the drug baron has become the lead story in the NY Times.

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[Marxism] Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Given the way this discussion has developed I will understand if the moderator 
simply cuts it off.

If it can continue, there may be a way we can make a fresh start.  That is to 
ask Lüko and others what they are doing on the ground to address this 
situation.  What are they saying to a broader audience in Germany? 

ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/11/16 3:47 PM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

Given the way this discussion has developed I will understand if the
moderator simply cuts it off.

If it can continue, there may be a way we can make a fresh start.
That is to ask Lüko and others what they are doing on the ground to
address this situation.  What are they saying to a broader audience
in Germany?

I would urge anybody who has anything more to say to say it now because 
the thread will come to an end tomorrow. One long-time subscriber has 
already left the list and I want to make sure there are no more casualties.

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Re: [Marxism] Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 16:09 11-01-16 -0500, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
>the thread will come to an end tomorrow. One long-time subscriber has 
>already left the list and I want to make sure there are no more casualties.

Well if you don't want any more "casualties," then as moderator you could
set a more women-friendly tone on this list by asserting that insensitivity
to violence against women is not an acceptable response to allegations by
racists. Of course I don't want or expect you to express a view that isn't
actually yours, so please speak your mind LIKE YOU DO on almost every
conceivable topic. Or do you think that conflicts are solved by prohibiting
discussion of them? I think a problem like this can best be addressed by
the list taking a clear stance against sexual violence (the least I would
expect for any left organization), and then anyone who can't handle that
can leave the list on their own. That is a much better outcome than women
leaving the list because they feel their safety isn't taken seriously on a
male-dominated list.

Also, I'm not sure in practice what ending this discussion entails. On
Sunday there were attacks against immigrants in Cologne: is that a
"different" discussion? What about the revelations of police inaction
surrounding the sexual assaults at the music festival in Stockholm? Are
these open to discussion?

And like Ken, I would like to know what Luko (or others in Germany) is
doing "on the ground." I know one thing Luko is NOT doing: supporting
Saturday's demonstrations which spoke out both against the racist reaction
and the criminal conduct on new years eve attributed to immigrants. But
maybe in the next half hour Luko can tell us about his own heroic actions
in defence of immigrants.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Cologne

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/11/16 5:45 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

Well if you don't want any more "casualties," then as moderator you could
set a more women-friendly tone on this list by asserting that insensitivity
to violence against women is not an acceptable response to allegations by

Oh, pipe down, Jeff.

Marxmail is nearly 18 years old and it would have disintegrated at least 
15 years ago if not for my hamfisted ways. I allow people to say 
whatever the fuck they want just as long as they follow my instructions 
on dropping a thread as I have just done. In the course of a heated 
debate, people will be verbally abused in one way or another--as 
sexists, racists, fascists, tools of imperialism, whatever. If I had to 
waste my time pouring over everybody's posts like a Diversity Officer at 
Swarthmore College, I would have put the kibosh on Marxmail many years ago.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Thanks for being a reader of Political Affairs » peoplesworld

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Apparently, Political Affairs stopped publishing. It was the theoretical 
journal of the CPUSA was usually more useful than the Daily Worker or 
any of their newspapers with articles by Gerald Horne and Victor Perlo 
over the years. This seems to be part of the malaise addressed by Jarvis 
Tyner in a speech I posted here a few days ago.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Thanks for being a reader of Political Affairs » peoplesworld

2016-01-11 Thread DW via Marxism
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Apparently, Political Affairs stopped publishing. It was the theoretical
journal of the CPUSA was usually more useful than the Daily Worker or any
of their newspapers with articles by Gerald Horne and Victor Perlo over the
years. This seems to be part of the malaise addressed by Jarvis Tyner in a
speech I posted here a few days ago.

It stopped publishing as an actual journal over a decade ago. what is being
suspended is it's web site. Kaput. I think this has to do with the problems
the CPUSA is experiencing with regards to what Democrat to support: Sanders
or Clinton. They are having some major dissent going on, especially within
their NY District.

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[Marxism] Father of Koch Brothers Helped Build Nazi Oil Refinery, Book Says

2016-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 11 2016
Father of Koch Brothers Helped Build Nazi Oil Refinery, Book Says

The father of the billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch helped 
construct a major oil refinery in Nazi Germany that was personally 
approved by Adolf Hitler, according to a new history of the Kochs and 
other wealthy families.

The book, “Dark Money,” by Jane Mayer, traces the rise of the modern 
conservative movement through the activism and money of a handful of 
rich donors: among them Richard Mellon Scaife, an heir to the Mellon 
banking fortune, and Harry and Lynde Bradley, brothers who became 
wealthy in part from military contracts but poured millions into 
anti-government philanthropy.

But the book is largely focused on the Koch family, stretching back to 
its involvement in the far-right John Birch Society and the political 
and business activities of the father, Fred C. Koch, who found some of 
his earliest business success overseas in the years leading up to World 
War II. One venture was a partnership with the American Nazi sympathizer 
William Rhodes Davis, who, according to Ms. Mayer, hired Mr. Koch to 
help build the third-largest oil refinery in the Third Reich, a critical 
industrial cog in Hitler’s war machine
The episode is not mentioned in an online history published by Koch 
Industries, the company that Mr. Koch later founded and passed on to his 

Ken Spain, a spokesman for Koch Industries, said company officials had 
declined to participate in Ms. Mayer’s book and had not yet read it.

“If the content of the book is reflective of Ms. Mayer’s previous 
reporting of the Koch family, Koch Industries or Charles’s and David’s 
political involvement, then we expect to have deep disagreements and 
strong objections to her interpretation of the facts and their 
sourcing,” Mr. Spain said.

Ms. Mayer, a staff writer at The New Yorker, presents the Kochs and 
other families as the hidden and self-interested hands behind the rise 
and growth of the modern conservative movement. Philanthropists and 
political donors who poured hundreds of millions of dollars into think 
tanks, political organizations and scholarships, they helped win 
acceptance for anti-government and anti-tax policies that would protect 
their businesses and personal fortunes, she writes, all under the guise 
of promoting the public interest.

The Kochs, the Scaifes, the Bradleys and the DeVos family of Michigan 
“were among a small, rarefied group of hugely wealthy, archconservative 
families that for decades poured money, often with little public 
disclosure, into influencing how the Americans thought and voted,” the 
book says.

Many of the families owned businesses that clashed with environmental or 
workplace regulators, come under federal or state investigation, or 
waged battles over their tax bills with the Internal Revenue Service, 
Ms. Mayer reports. The Kochs’ vast political network, a major force in 
Republican politics today, was “originally designed as a means of 
off-loading the costs of the Koch Industries environmental and 
regulatory fights onto others” by persuading other rich business owners 
to contribute to Koch-controlled political groups, Ms. Mayer writes, 
citing an associate of the two brothers.

Mr. Scaife, who died in 2014, donated upward of a billion dollars to 
conservative causes, according to “Dark Money,” which cites his own 
unpublished memoirs. Mr. Scaife was driven in part, Ms. Mayer writes, by 
a tax loophole that granted him his inheritance tax free through a 
trust, so long as the trust donated its net income to charity for 20 
years. “Isn’t it grand how tax law gets written?” Mr. Scaife wrote.

In Ms. Mayer’s telling, the Kochs helped bankroll — through a skein of 
nonprofit organizations with minimal public disclosure — decades of 
victories in state capitals and in Washington, often leaving no 
fingerprints. She credits groups financed by the Kochs and their allies 
with providing support for the Tea Party movement, along with the public 
relations strategies used to shrink public support for the Affordable 
Care Act and for President Obama’s proposals to mitigate climate change.

The Koch network also provided funding to fine-tune budget proposals 
from Representative Paul D. Ryan, such as cuts to Social Security, so 
they would be more palatable to voters, according to the book. The Kochs 
were so influential among conservative lawmakers, Ms. Mayer reports, 
that in 2011, Representative John A. Boehner, then the House speaker, 
visited David Koch to ask for his help in resolving a debt ceiling 

“Dark Money” also contains rev

[Marxism] Songs of protest in Aotearoa (New Zealand)

2016-01-11 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] Commodifying tertiary education

2016-01-11 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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During the postwar boom New Zealand had 'free' tertiary education.  I was
an undergraduate student a while after the boom ended, but my fees at
Canterbury University as a full-time student were $NZ40 a year (that's less
than 60 US dollars) and it was possible to earn that with just a week's pay
in the factory job I had in the holidays between school and university.

In the late 1980s, the fourth Labour government began introducing 'user
pays' as part of its right-wing economic reforms.  Student fees began to
rise massively and education has been commodified quite a bit since then -
although students today still only pay about 30% of what it costs to have
them at university.

While NZ is a specific case of the commodification of tertiary education,
the trend is global, so folks might be interested in this:

Commodifying education:

Looking at what has happened in universities, it seems to me that the
process of turning universities into technocratic institutions, which was a
feature of the 1960s, got halted by revolts by students (and, to some
extent, staff).  But the right-wing economic reforms across most of the
First World in the 1980s kick-started the process again.  This time round
it has met with much less resistance, so has continually eroded the old
bourgeois-liberal notion of a liberal university education.

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[Marxism] Audio documentary about the Spanish Civil War music

2016-01-11 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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This is a new audio documentary I made about the much-loved recordings made
by some rather famous folks in solidarity with the Second Spanish Republic.
It is 61 minutes and includes an interview with Dr. Peter Glazer, a member
of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives who has written the liner notes for
the Smithsonian reissues of these songs. His father performed on the
original recordings and he wrote his thesis on the topic.

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Bloomberg: Why Bernie Sanders Doesn't Want Your Vote

2016-01-11 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"The reason a wonky septuagenarian can even convincingly talk about revolution 
is that Sanders is so genuinely angry. Often, he doesn’t play nicely. As mayor 
of Burlington, he was once invited to speak at a United Way fundraiser. His 
speech, perhaps for the only time, lasted just a few minutes and consisted of 
telling people that the United Way shouldn’t exist—that asking for dollars from 
workers’ paychecks to do the government’s job was shameful. As mayor, he 
strong-armed a real estate group that was going to convert low-income housing 
to luxury condos by passing laws specifically to thwart their efforts. The 
righteous can be ruthless."

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