Re: [Marxism] Debunking Makhno

2009-09-30 Thread Andrew Pollack
See also
And of course type Makhno in the Search function at for more.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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[Marxism] Polanski

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Koechlin
Here I go again, the French Council Comunist/Libertarian Marxist, with 
my very own two cents' worth of social commentary.

1) Polanski is officially a French citizen, which explains why France 
is so upset about his  arrest. 

2) Polanski is sort of caught up in the midst of a major 
France/Switzerland row at the moment. Sarkozy wants to end tax evasion 
and has demanded the Swiss government give up the names of all French 
citizens who give their money to Swiss banks. Given that, since the  
18th century, Switzerland has always attracted the money from 
'tax-weary' French citizens (about 60% of all the money held by Swiss 
banks comes from France), it is no wonder that Sarkozy's insistance on 
transpirency would cause a great uproar.

3) Polanski has a chalet in Gstaat in Switzerland, and he goes there 
every winter. He has never been arrested before by the Swiss authorities.

4) The Swiss chose to arrest him during an international Film Festival, 
instead of waiting for his annual winter retreat.

5) He had sex with a 13-year-old back in 1977 (he was then 42, he is now 
77). He consistently maintained that he was unaware of the girl's true 
age when he had sew with her. The victim, Samantha Gardner, has publicly 
forgiven him, has withdrawn all charges (in 2003) and has even expressed 
dismay at his recent arrest in Switzerland.

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski

2009-09-30 Thread Erik Toren
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Daniel Koechlin wrote:

 5) He had sex with a 13-year-old back in 1977 (he was then 42, he is now
 77). He consistently maintained that he was unaware of the girl's true
 age when he had sew with her. The victim, Samantha Gardner, has publicly
 forgiven him, has withdrawn all charges (in 2003) and has even expressed
 dismay at his recent arrest in Switzerland.

As far as the case is concerned, based on the victim's testimony to a
grand jury, she stated to Polanski in numerous occasions that she *did
not* consent to any type of sexual intercourse. Whether aware or not
of her real age, Polanski committee rape.

Erik Toren

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Re: [Marxism] crime

2009-09-30 Thread Politicus E.
This remark is a banal provocation, obviously.

By the way, is the permissible number of postings per day to Marx-mail
three?  Or is it five?


 I am not a Leninist, but I do consider myself a Marxist.

 I profoundly distrust any so-called Marxist-Leninist who starts

 Because, I know that such Marxist-Leninists are devoid of all ethical
 thinking and are merely pursuing a strategy of appealling to the 'real'
 working classe's 'basic sentiments', in order to further a proleterian

 Mao was an awful tyrant. In order to reach the top of the Chinese
 Communist Party, he , either, betrayed his friends to the Kuomintang,
 or had them confess and executed them on trumped-up charges . He had
 four wives, two of which he cynically caused to be killed in order to
 re-marry. Mao was truly a despicable example of a human being.
 Preoccupied only by himself and how he could out-wit the other members
 of the Politburo.

 Stalin was an extremely clever paranoid individual, who distrusted
 everybody (he had his life-long, trusted, family doctor executed a few
 months before his own death), and routinely signed death-warrants
 calling for the execution of tens of thousands of peasents.

 Trotsky was a blood-thirsty... ah, no, wait... I promised never again to
 criticize Trotsky and Lenin on this list. I'm sorry...

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Re: [Marxism] Universal Health Care

2009-09-30 Thread Mark Lause
Imagine if the East India Company became the pereniel dictatorship of

And, btw, that Code of Hammer Abbey.  Real cute


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[Marxism] Polanski (bis)

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Koechlin
Let's get back to basics

1) Polanski acknowledged the fact that he had sex with a minor (of 13) 
in 1977.

2) Polanski's wife was murdered by Charles Manson's gang in 1969.

3) In 1977, he voluntarily spent 48 days in a mental hospital, as 
ordered by a Californian judge, to ascertain his true mental status.

4) In 1977, he pleaded guilty to unlawful sex but declared that he 
did not know the true age of the  young girl when he had sex with her.

5) When I understood that I could not get  an impartial trial in 
California, says Polanski, I decided to move to France on  1st  
February  1978.

6) He subsequently renounced his American citizenship and adopted French 

6) In 2003, he received an oscar for his film The Pianist (a film on 
the Holocaust), but was unable to come to the US to claim it.

7) The victim, Samantha Gardner, has publicly forgiven him and has 
withdrawn all charges.

8) This caused the Californian judge, Espinoza, to amend the charges in 
the international warrant to one of misdemeanour.

9) Switzerland and France are presently engaged in a war of words over 
tax evasion. Obama seems to be taking the side of Switzerland and of 
minimising the risks posed by tax evasion. This is in line with major US 
interests who have voided last week's G20 summit in Pittburgh of any 

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[Marxism] Suicides in France Put Focus on Workplace

2009-09-30 Thread Red Arnie
NYTimes article (Wed., Sept. 30) via CNBC website:

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski

2009-09-30 Thread Ian Pace
I don't care if you call be a breast-beating liberal, though I dislike 
liberalism as much as anyone. But, more to the point:

 You know Ian, take your breast-beating liberalism somewhere else, because
 all you are doing is equivocating over the language of the law.  Did the
 court find that he had consensual intercourse?  If the justice system is
 bogus, corrupt, sentencing people to rape camp etc. then it's bogus 
 and who gives a rat's ass about what the court found?

Hence why I said through a fair trial. Proper legal process should, I would 
have thought, be something that Marxists should defend.

 [hey, by the way, Ian/Shane got any
 daughters? Ask them how they feel about poor persecuted Polanski],

That's not even worth responding to - that sort of argument has been used in 
the 'how would you feel if a black man raped your daughter', or a 'how would 
you feel if one of your family was in the WTC' context.

 If she doesn't want to proceed, that's fine.  OK, as I said I don't care.
 But stop this bullshit about defending an artist,

I certainly not defending someone on the basis of their being an artist, as 
should be clear from my earlier post.

   1) he did force a child to have sex with him
No, that is what he is *charged* with.

 2) he did plea bargain
It looks that way, but we have no way of knowing on what basis the plea 
bargaining proceeded, if that indeed was why the other charges were dropped.

 3) he did plead guilty
To sex with a minor, not to non-statutory rape.

 5) the only reason this is
 news, the only reason Woody Allen [although not you, I'm sure you're
 sincere] signed a petition is because Polanski is part of a wealthy elite

 So tell me, why should the treatment of Polanski be any different than the
 treatment of Mike Tyson?
It shouldn't. He had his defenders as well. I'll listen to any of those 
people if they are also prepared to come to the defence of a non-celebrity, 
non-artist, blue collar worker, or unemployed person, or illegal immigrant 
faced with comparable circumstances.


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[Marxism] The past and future of the [Oz] Left

2009-09-30 Thread Shane Hopkinson
This analysis by Guy Rundle from on-line paper 'Crikey' is in response to a 
recent series of articles run by the mainstream conservative print newspaper 
'The Australian' about thinkers on the Left. I thought it provided a good 


...The global Left looked at its lowest ebb in the 1990s. In fact it a globally 
unified Left had died in the 1970s, the victim of failure on every front. The 
USSR had failed to liberalise and develop after Khruschev, and was a stagnant 
and seemingly permanent monolith. By the later 70s, Mao’s cultural revolution 
had come to be seen as less a triumph of proletarian culture than a process of 
chaos and destruction. The Western experiments in counterculture had largely 
collapsed, into heroin and hippie entrepreneurship. Finally, the social 
democratic parties in the West had retreated from such plans as they had to 
extend the transformation of the market economy...

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[Marxism] culture

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Koechlin
My favorite American author is ... mmh .. let me see now ... Thoreau ? 
(Walden, but I find the first part, Economy, boring), and Steinbeck ? 
(The Grapes of Wrath, Tortilla flat and Of mice and men), the guy who 
wrote Gravity's rainbow (I'm too drunk to remember his name) and 
maybe, Philip Roth.

Contemporary French literature in on a downward trend, and, since the 
80s, is clearly surpassed by US literature. They lack adventurousness. 
New ideas come from the US.

I would like to add that American TV series (Dexter, Prison Break, 
Desperate Housewives, Lost, Weeds, Gray's Anatomy, ... ) now have a 
great influence on  the way French people see themselves. These series 
are expertly crafted so as to make the audience eager to find out what 
is going to happen in the next episode. At the same time, they 
disseminate typically US ideas and concepts, such as 
guns/revenge/family/work hard for your family/be 
tough/poker/beware of conmen/your spouse will always support 
you/check who your kids associate with/all problems can be 
overcome/be positive/... and more guns.

French kids (12-19) are so flooded with American TV series that it has 
become ingrained in their psyches. Girls talk about : the real ONE, 
love truely destined for me, that I musn't let go by, otherwise, it will 
never come again. There is this guy, that I am MEANT to meet. We will 
fall in love because it is DESTINED to happen. And boys think : I must 
be smart, I must be tough, tough as nails. I must overcome my 
adversaries, come what may. Girls want someone tough.

Already, American TV has destroyed many traditional aspects of French 
Take Halloween (in French, la toussaint). Normaly, la toussaint 
(Halloween) is a time when families buy flowers and go to the cemeteries 
and remember the deceased.
Not anymore. Now, French kids go knocking from door to door, stating un 
bonbon ou je te jette un sort (A sweat or I will curse you).

I myself am not a defender of traditional French culture. Like all 
cultures, it has its bad sides. And maybe a universal American tough 
guy culture is preferable. The problem is, it is definetely skewed 
against socialism.

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Re: [Marxism] The Victim's Words: Samantha Geimer

2009-09-30 Thread Pat Costello
I am stunned that someone on this list would defend the rape of a child (or any 
woman) simply because the rapist is an elite movie director who has suffered 
some tragic events. The victim does not get to decide that rape is something 
that we can just let slide. At no age is rape acceptable. If the victim had 
been 40 it would still be heinous. And besides, this woman came to her 
conclusion after a settlement, i.e. money. A million dollars or so could buy 
a lot of forgiveness. 


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Re: [Marxism] The Victim's Words: Samantha Geimer

2009-09-30 Thread Ian Pace
From: Pat Costello

 I am stunned that someone on this list would defend the rape of a child 
 (or any woman) simply because the rapist is an elite movie director who 
 has suffered some tragic events.

I don't know who is doing that.


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[Marxism] watching the Right

2009-09-30 Thread Gary MacLennan
I have been indulging in some watching of the right wing intelligentsia at
work. this has primarily been in the field of Indigenous-White relations in
Australia. In particular I have been tracking the work of the New Right
-Peter Sutton, Noel Pearson and Marcia Langton. The home from home for this
trio is Rupert Murdoch's flag ship The Australian, which I force myself to
read from time to time. Which is why I came to be reading the paper
yesterday. On the same page as an article by Peter Sutton, I noticed a
column by Janet Albrechsten. (Wikipedia has a good entry on her). The
headline Beware socialist snake-oil vendors- Today's purportedly new and
progressive ideas are in fact regressive and have failed us before.

Well that kick started the adrenaline!

What was interesting apart from the near mad tendency to blame the financial
crisis on governments using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to pursue well
meaning social goals that delivered disastrous consequences was her  almost
conceding the ground on moral criticisms of capitalism. She mentions in
particular here the Moore film.

I don't have time to explore this fully but what I think is at work is that
folk like Alebrechsten fear that conservatives will be split off from the
radical right by moral critiques of capitalism. Will return to this theme
when I have the time.  Back to marking!



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Re: [Marxism] Gore Vidal interview in the Times

2009-09-30 Thread Mark Lause
Actually, I think of him as a classic bourgeois radical...almost in the
Gilded Age sense of the term.

In fact, I can almost hear him sitting around a Boston tea room and
discussing Bellamy's LOOKING BACKWARD and his arguments for a smarter, more
rational world.  : - )

The wooly thinking is much a function of his long self-exile abroad than
his politics.


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Re: [Marxism] culture

2009-09-30 Thread Mark Lause
If you think American TV has destroyed French culture, imagine the impact
it's had here...

If we get one more forensic-based crime-stopper law-and-order
techie-as-cowboy-hero show, I'm going to watch nothing more than
documentaries.  Most of them are about Hitler, who was apparently a bad man
and an occultist...or bigfoot...or ghost hunting.  (I note that tonights
Ghosthunters on the SciFi channel will have Meatloaf as a guest.)

The best thing about television is that it drives people back to
reading  I hope


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Re: [Marxism] The Victim's Words: Samantha Geimer

2009-09-30 Thread Adam Richmond
I am stunned that someone on this list would defend the rape 
Have I defended a rape? 
I have given the right of the victim of the crime to speak.  You apparently 
disagree with her conclusions to have her own say in the matter for the greater 
good of the bourgeois courts. The judge proved his inability to honor the plea 
And a million dollars, or what ever she negotiated, probably helped her more 
that his jailing. The question here is who decides.  Does the court deserve a 
second chance, despite the victim's opinion.


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[Marxism] Yankees

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Koechlin
Americans like to think in terms of first causes. This is due to their 
historical grounding in the bible (the word of God).

Once they have established a principle, they like to follow it to its 
ultimate conclusion, however grotesque the results.

That's why they have guns (because of the right to bear arms), the death 
penalty (he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword) and no health 
care (a guy must work heard to earn his living, health is  not included, 
BECAUSE health is a matter of personal choice).

That's why 90% of Americans believe in God, as compared to 45% of 
European people.

The Americans are decidedly anti-dialectic.

They are rigid, uncompromising and tough.

And therefore, they LOVE the law. The constituion says this ... The 
constitution says that ... Such and such a legal thing means this ... 
Authority means this ... Civil rights means that ...

They are a nation of lawyers.

And such a mindset is so easy to manipulate. You just need Fox news and 
CNN. Just lead people from first causes to logical conclusions.

Polanski had sex with a minor thirty years ago... ERGO... He must be 
sentenced in California... ERGO... he must be extradited... ERGO...

And what about the fat cats who feed themselves while poor people starve ?
That is not news-worthy. Nobody is asking for Obama to be trialed for 
crimes against humanity.
That just doesn't fit with the American mindset.

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Re: [Marxism] Yankees

2009-09-30 Thread David Picón Álvarez
From: Daniel Koechlin
 The Americans are decidedly anti-dialectic.

And that statement isn't?

A European here, and I'm not convinced the distinction is quite as you put 
it. Though maybe a useful way to think about it is the distinction between 
procedural and distributive justice. And yet I think these analyses of 
culture tend to be a bit, if not anti-dialectic, certainly non-materialist. 
A culture is not an expression of some national absolute spirit in 
development or some such, but it must derive from material causes. Not so?


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Re: [Marxism] [Fwd: On the Kraft/Terrabusi conflict] (quickly translated)

2009-09-30 Thread Greg McDonald
Discomfort, surprise, unease, and confusion. The public call of the
United States for the national and provincial authorities to reach an
appropriate solution to the situation of the Kraft Foods Company,
with its base of north american capital, has sounded an alarm to the
government of Cristina Kirchner and has thrown a blanket of doubt onto
the future of serpentine, bilateral relations with Washington.

One day after this diplomatic call was put out by the administration
of Barack Obama, and in an atmosphere of social tension--with workers'
marches in distinct points of the country and with the conflict still
unresolved--the Pink House abruptly suspended yesterday a scheduled
meeting between the Head of the Cabinet, Anibal Fernandez, and the
North American Ambassador to Buenos Aires, Vilma Socorro Martinez.

The meeting was scheduled for 11 o'clock yesterday, according to
Fernandez' office, and had been arranged between the parties ten days
before with the objective of opening a channel for dialogue between
the embassy and one of the principal cabinet ministers. But at 9:30 it
was cancelled.

The official explanation of the Government was that the head of the
Cabinet received a call from President Kirchner, and was forced to
modify his schedule to go to the residence in Olivos. The peculiar
part of this case is that the minister shares an office with the Head
of State, and literally works side by side with the President. This
has no relation to the Kraft case, was the first statement given by
ministry spokespersons.

Meanwhile, in the north american embassy there reigned the usual
prudence with respect to diplomatic ruptures. The embassy does not
comment on the details of the ambassador's schedule or that of other
functionaries, was the concise explanation offered to LA NACION by
the north american diplomatic corps.

In the subtle language of diplomacy, this signifies that Washington
has decided to take the most deliberate measures to evaluate the
impact of the first gesture by Martinez in Argentina, that, to be
sure, had strong political transcendence.

By evening, the Pink House sought to smooth over the rupture and said
that the head of the Cabinet would communicate during the work day
with the embassy to schedule a new date for the meeting with Martinez,
which is still undefined.

Kraft Foods had reached a boiling point with the dismissal of 157
employees, which then led to more forceful measures that included the
workers' takeover of the plant in General Pacheco for more than 20
days, and their subsequent ousting with repressive force by the
police, leaving a dozen injured and 70 detained.

Faced with this scenario, the embassy expressed yesterday its concern
to the Government for the future of the company, and the day before
yesterday it made public that its intention was to protect north
american investments that has been a source of employment for 155,000
argentines. In diplomatic jargon, this represents a loud and
comprehensive signal of the White House's concern faced with eventual
outbreaks of union conflict in other businesses represented by north
american capital.

The delivery of this north american gesture was the first official
mission by Martinez in Argentina, after having arrived there less than
one month ago.

Last night, the uncertainty of future bilateral relations worked its
way to the Foreign Ministry.  The present Minister, Jorge Taiana,
expressed concern
among his colleagues for the tone of the north american complaint,
according to sources among his most intimate circle. The uneasiness is
responding, more than anything else, to the open expectations created
by the progressive profile of Ambassador Martinez, with which it was
hoped to arrive at a more empathetic understanding, in order to
overcome the ruptures which has characterized relations with the White
House since the ascension to power of Christina Kirchner.

Yesterday, the Government stated officially that it would not accept
pressure from the north american embassy to resolve the conflict of
the ex-Terrabusi, and declared that the diplomatic representation can
only establish the difficult situation which the company is going

The Minister of Labor, Carlos Tomada, explained the situation. All of
our ambassadors, when there are expressed interests of argentine
businesses, intervene only to verify the case, but not to apply
pressure or intervene directly, not like that, affirmed the

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Re: [Marxism] Yankees

2009-09-30 Thread Greg McDonald
Daniel K. wrote:

Americans like to think in terms of first causes. This is due to their
historical grounding in the bible (the word of God).

Once they have established a principle, they like to follow it to its
ultimate conclusion, however grotesque the results.

That's why they have guns (because of the right to bear arms), the death
penalty (he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword) and no health
care (a guy must work heard to earn his living, health is not included,
BECAUSE health is a matter of personal choice).

That's why 90% of Americans believe in God, as compared to 45% of
European people.

The Americans are decidedly anti-dialectic.

They are rigid, uncompromising and tough.

And therefore, they LOVE the law. The constituion says this ... The
constitution says that ... Such and such a legal thing means this ...
Authority means this ... Civil rights means that ...

They are a nation of lawyers.

And such a mindset is so easy to manipulate. You just need Fox news and
CNN. Just lead people from first causes to logical conclusions.

Polanski had sex with a minor thirty years ago... ERGO... He must be
sentenced in California... ERGO... he must be extradited... ERGO...

And what about the fat cats who feed themselves while poor people starve ?
That is not news-worthy. Nobody is asking for Obama to be trialed for
crimes against humanity.
That just doesn't fit with the American mindset.

YawnTell us something we don't know...Preacher Man. If you want to
preach to the converted, you better have something to say, otherwise
you're just filling the space with dead air.

Greg McD

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[Marxism] In Other News...

2009-09-30 Thread S. Artesian
Thanks to Greg for translating the article posted by Nestor.

There were events of importance in the world apart from the spectacle 
surrounding Polanski.

For one thing, continuing the work of his predecessor, Obama [his face 
rapidly changing to resemble that of Ronald Reagan] followed through on the 
investigation of the legal status of workers employed by the Los Angeles 
based American Apparel.  The company decided to resolve the issue by firing 
1800 workers.

Most of those fired, reported the New York Times, were women; many the sole 
support for their families.  Meet the internal maquiladora, same as the 
external maquiladora.

The owner of the company, Dov Charney was busy assuring investors that the 
firings would not impact business as production was already down due to the 
recession.  Oh, happy synchronicity-- firing the workers brings the company 
into compliance with the demands of the Dept. of Homeland Security, and.. 
right sizes the company in these difficult times.  Who says markets aren't 

Meanwhile, John T. Morton, Asst. Sec. of Homeland Security, and in charge of 
the Immigration and Customs sector [ICE] stated:

Now all manner of companies face the very real possibility that the 
government, using our basic civil power, is going to come knocking at the 

Isn't that wonderful?  Wonder how the US Chamber of Commerce feels about 
that.  Actually, I don't.  But I do wonder why ICE has such all encompassing 
power-- currently the dept. has initiated audits of the employment records 
of 645 companies-- but OSHA seems to have so little.  OK, I lied again.  I 
don't wonder, I know why.

Meanwhile... the Census Bureau reported that the TARP and stimulus programs 
are working just as intended as poverty rates rose in 31 states and DC in 
2008, with children particularly hard hit.  Poverty rates for children in 
poverty rose in 26 states and DC.

Trent Lott isn't worried, as Mississippi kept its pole position as number 
one with a bullet in the poverty derby with a rate of 21.2% of the 
population existing below the poverty line.  Way to go, Trent!  Give us a 
rebel yell!

Meanwhile, Venezuela will issue 3 billion dollars in bonds, denominated in 
US currency in an attempt to soak up some dollars in the system and close 
the gap, hopefully, between the offical rate of exchange and the real, 
street rate of exchange.  The issue is being managed by Deutsche Bank and 
Citigroup.  So nice of Hugo to throw a little business to these two 
hard-pressed financial corporations

Meanwhile, I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, or parade on anybody's 
green shoots, but the FDIC admitted its insurance fund is tapped out after 
only 95 banks have failed so far this year, and will ask for pre-payment by 
member banks of premiums due over the next 3 years.  Each  bank remitting 
the amount in full before January 1, will receive a Get Out of Jail Free 
card, endorsed by Sheila Bair and countersigned by Ben Bernacke.

In other news, none of it good for the old FDIC insurance fund, the IMF 
expects write downs of another 1.5 trillion dollars, bringing the estimated 
total to 3.4 trillion dollars.  Of that 3.4, 2.8 trillion in losses belong 
to banks.  IMF also estimates that US banks have written down 60% of its 
non-performing troubled assets, but the European Union has written off only 
40 percent.  Do the math and the estimates yield totals of  $900 billion in 
losses for US banks, and $1.9 trillion in losses for European banks.  What 
was it Brody said to Quint in Jaws?  You're gonna need a bigger boat. 
Note to Ben Bernacke-- keep those open ended credit swap lines in place for 

The IMF is way too optimistic, and way underestimating the exposure of US 
banks to bad loans; to commercial real estate; construction companies; 
private equity corporations; to commercial mortgage backed securities; to 
bad credit card debt.  Me, ever the one to look on the bright side, think 
the remaining exposure is about twice what the IMF estimates, and US banks 
are nowhere near the 60% level.  Sorry, Sheila, perhaps you should get the 
4th and 5th years prepaid while your at it.  Tell the banks to think of it 
as. as a loan?  No, they don't do much of that anymore.  As an asset? 
Nah... hey tell them to think of it as a collateralized debt obligation, 
since you could post as collateral all those assets you absorbed as part of 
the deals persuading bad banks to take over worse banks.  Then keep the 
money, and give the assets right back to the banks, so we can start all over 

Meanwhile, CIT is facing, again, bankruptcy, again.  This primary source of 
credit for small and medium and enterprises, for financing inventory and 
purchase-- for factoring,  is going down, and the third time is not the 

Not to worry, companies start reporting 3rd quarter results soon and the 
street is abuzz with talk of major companies, and major numbers of 
companies, exceeding analysts' 

[Marxism] WSJ Article on Kraft-Argentina

2009-09-30 Thread S. Artesian
Labor Crisis in Argentina Fuels Economic Worries

Kraft Workers' Case Prompts Protests, and Puts Leftist Government in a 
Dilemma as Ties to Unions Fail to Calm Demonstrations


BUENOS AIRES -- A labor battle at a Kraft Foods Inc. factory is causing 
disruption on the streets here and raising concerns about further union 
unrest at a time of economic distress.

Protesting what they call wrongful dismissals by the Northfield, Ill., food 
company, a group of Kraft workers had occupied the plant in a suburb of the 
Argentine capital for three weeks until they were forcibly removed by police 
executing a court order this past Friday.

The expulsion of the workers has sparked a series of street protests in 
recent days by the Kraft workers' union and its supporters. The protests 
have snarled the capital's traffic, in an echo of the turmoil that racked 
the city during Argentina's 2001-02 economic collapse.

The labor unrest is a big headache for leftist President Cristina Kirchner 
at a time when Argentina's unemployment and poverty are rising because of 
the global economic crisis. Official government statistics put unemployment 
at 8.8%, but private economists say it is closer to 11%. While official data 
put poverty at 13.9%, some economists say the true number easily surpasses 

Street protests by unemployed workers -- albeit much larger than the current 
demonstrations -- contributed to the downfall of several governments that 
came before Mrs. Kirchner's and that of her husband and predecessor, Néstor. 
But several years of economic growth, along with the Kirchners' political 
adeptness, allowed the government to co-opt many union leaders, as well as 
leaders of groups of unemployed workers known as piqueteros.

In the case of Kraft, the workers on the plant floor seem to have peeled 
away from their pro-government union leaders. Kraft is trapped 
involuntarily in a political conflict between the traditional union 
leadership and more radical, lower-level representatives, said Federico 
Thomsen, an economic and political analyst in Buenos Aires.

That leaves Mrs. Kirchner's leftist government in a dilemma, because she 
styles herself as a progressive and has been highly critical of the 
repressive measures against demonstrators taken by previous governments.

The government fears that if you call in the police you can end up with 
deaths on your hands, so that fear prohibits the government from acting, 
Mr. Thomsen said.

The conflict started in July, when Kraft workers sought paid leave and 
enhanced hygiene measures amid a burgeoning swine-flu epidemic, according to 
a Kraft spokesman. The spokesman says there were never any cases of the H1N1 
flu at the plant, and the company took added hygienic measures. On July 3, 
workers surrounded Kraft's administrative building and blocked 70 of its 
employees from leaving.

Kraft filed a criminal claim against the workers and eventually decided to 
fire 156 employees it says were involved in the matter. The factory has a 
total of 2,700 employees.

Union members say Kraft owed the employees severance packages, while the 
company says it was legally justified in firing them without benefits. The 
company has since offered severance packages to 70 of those workers. Workers 
occupied and almost completely shut down Kraft's factory for three weeks 
until police forced them out last week.

Argentine businesses are afraid other unions might follow the example of 
those at Kraft. We're worried about this, said Hector Mendez, head of the 
Argentine Industrial Union, a business group, in a radio interview on 
Tuesday. These radical groups aren't doing any good for anybody. People are 
extremely irritated and there's an enormous amount of tension.

The U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires said it had been in touch with the 
government on the matter, though it wasn't involved in negotiations.

In a statement, the embassy said it supports the full application of labor 
rights and protections, as well as respect for property rights. The embassy 
is pleased that the Kraft plant is now operating again.

U.S. companies employ 155,000 Argentine workers, the embassy said 

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[Marxism] Stieg Larsson remembered

2009-09-30 Thread John E. Norem

  Stieg Larsson remembered

The speech given by his partner Eva Gabrielsson to the Observatorio
contra la Violencia Domestica y de Genero


Good evening all representatives of /Observatorio contra la Violencia 
Domestica y de Genero/. Ladies and gentlemen, As you already may know, 
Stieg Larsson was not interested in public attention about himself as a 
private person. To become a media celebrity was for him unthinkable. 
Writing just for money as a mainstream journalist or commercial author 
was his very nightmare. He did not want to be visible like that. Stieg 
Larsson wanted to make people and societies visible.

When I met Stieg Larsson in 1972 he defined himself as a feminist. This 
was unusual. He saw the situation of women at an early age and never 
stopped seeing it.

Stieg Larsson's actions and his views of the world, can mainly be 
understood from a perspective of women's rights. However, his concern 
was all violence against people who are branded wrong at some wrong 
point in time. Sooner or later we might all be affected since we all 
belong to some minority.

This is barbarism with a high risk factor, since it can erode 
civilisation from within.

One example is from Autumn 2003, when Cecilia Englund worked with Stieg 
at Expo on a book entitled The Debate on Honorary Killings, where 
parallels were drawn between the almost simultaneous murders of a 
kurdish woman named Fadime Sahindal and a Swedish model named Melissa 
Nordell. Sahindal's murder was described as an honorary killing and 
something foreign to Swedish culture. Nordell's murder was - just an 
ordinary murder.

Stieg called them sisters in death, both victims of the same 
patriarchal behaviour to control through violence. To view this as a 
question of culture only opened the door towards racism or endless 
research about ethnicity. While women would continue to be battered and 
killed. The book's subtitle was consequently Feminism or Racism. This 
is what Stieg Larsson said in this anthology:

The forms of oppression differ - but not the cause of oppression. The 
forms vary dramatically between Sicilian honorary murders, burning 
widows in India or battering of girlfriends and wives on Saturdays 
nights in Sweden. The culture does not explain the underlying causes as 
to why the women of the world are being murdered, disfigured, 
circumcised, beaten and forced into different forms of ritual behaviour 
decided by men - the causes being that men in patriarchal societies 
oppress women.

This is a systematic violence against women - for this is exactly what 
it is about - and would be described as such, if violence of the same 
proportions were directed against trade unionists, jews or handicapped 
people. Feminism and anti-racism are two sides of the same coin. None of 
them must be implemented at the other's expense. Stieg Larsson wanted 
to make all these dangers visible.

The Millennium crime novel trilogy is a new way of making discrimination 
and violence against women visible. I am sorry that the illusion of 
Sweden as a just and equal society happened to be shattered in the 
process. Millennium shows that Sweden is as good - or as bad - as other 
countries and by no means perfect. This is all for the better. We need 
good maps of reality in our journey through life, and not illusions. The 
castles of our dreams can otherwize become our mental prisons.

As the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish wrote: Tell me how you lived 
your dream in some place, and I'll tell you who you are

Finally: This prize of the Observatorio is most unusual in general. It 
is also most unusual in particular. I wish to underline, that is the 
first award ever given for Stieg Larsson's question of the heart - women 
and womens' situation in our patriarchal societies. He would be honoured 
by being in the same company as the four earlier award winners.

Nothing would please him more, than knowing that this inner meaning of 
Millennium has been seen, listened to and understood, and now made 
visible once more, in yet another way - by this prize from /Observatorio 
contra la Violencia Domestica y de Genero/, today.

On behalf of my lifelong partner, lover and best friend, Stieg Larsson - 
the man who loved women - thank you very much.,news,stieg-larsson-remembered-by-eva-gabrielsson

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Michael Moore: Capitalism has proven it's failed

2009-09-30 Thread c b
On 9/29/09, wrote:
  Communists and socialist are faced with a  challenge;  If you guys are
  smart what kind of system do  you propose and how will it generally

 CB: True, but  maybe we should dispense with these names in our mass
 work, and take up  Michael Moore's terminology.


 I do not do mass media work. Michael Moore does what he does, he makes
 movies and I do not. Nor does any of my comrades. Our sphere of work is 
  a layer of the workers, who 99% are not anti-communist.
 In fact most have
 not a  clue as to what the word means.


So, this layer of workers is asking a sophisticated question, a
question about the system,  to the communists and socialists if you
guys are so smart what kind of system do you propose and how will it
operate generally operate ?, but they do not have a clue as to what
the word communist means ?   That doesn't ring true. First of all ,
you have been talking to them for a while, so they already have heard
of the term communist. Then it is certain that you have already clued
them into some of its meaning. Finally, they gotta be a bit , if not
rabidly, anti-communist because they have lived in this country for
all their lives, and they are asking you, a communist, a challenging
question, as you put it.


The literary petty bourgeois
 intellectual pretty  much fall outside of my sphere of work - by choice.

Well, preachers, lawyers, judges,  journalists, accountants,
politicians, city officials, students, professors and all sorts of
other literary petty bourgeois intellectuals don't fall outside the
sphere of work of your comrades in Detroit when they are trying
fighting for poor people's rights to water, housing . When I work with
your comrades  fighting for water as a human right for low-income
Detroiters or stopping the evictions of a bunch of people in an
apartment building in Highland Park, with me representing the tenants,
or Welfare Rights in general they deal with all kinds of literary
petty bourgeois intellectuals.  I see  Maureen and Marian working with
them all the time. They use more Michael Moore type terminology in
their mass work.

 We have some ideas about mass work and mass literature, which 99.9% does
 not include the mass media, if I understand  your use of this term.

Actually, if you look I didn't say mass _media_. I said just mass work.

The monopoly media is very corrupt on these issues. That's part of why
Moore's breakthrough in it , saying we need to replace capitalism with
democracy,  is so extraordinary


In your
  mass media work - as an individual, it is totally to your discretion how
 to  identify yourself. I am not a spokesperson for any organization, although
 I  belong to several. As a communist, I advocate economic communism and
 every  energy is geared towards winning the individual to the cause of
 communism and  rearing the next generation of communist in America.

Ok , but like the Bolivarians in Venezuela, the terminology used by
the next generation might be more like Michael Moore's

 In the moment I have always fought for the objectives of the moment under
 the banner victory to the workers in their current struggle. For instance,
 most  folks understood I was some kind of communists something in my trade
 union  work. When the issue was a strike I deal with the strike rather than
 theories  and ideology of communism. In my personal contact with individuals
 I make an  assessment of what kind of literature and propaganda is
 appropriate to the  moment.

 Actually, 99% of my work - for the past 40 years, deal with real struggles,
  with only one assignment in the mass media. What creates a communist
 ideological  polarity, as a precondition to a political polarity, is an
 organization  dedicated to that.


I didn't say mass _media_, although Michael Moore's opens up a
possibility of addressing even the mass media in terms such as
replace capitalism with democracy

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Michael Moore: Capitalism has proven it's failed

2009-09-30 Thread Waistline2
 So, this layer of workers is asking a sophisticated question,  a
question about the system, to the communists and socialists if  you
guys are so smart what kind of system do you propose and how will  it
operate generally operate ?, but they do not have a clue as to  what
the word communist means ? That doesn't ring true. First of all  ,
you have been talking to them for a while, so they already have heard
of  the term communist. 

You miss the point. The point is “what is the solution.”  I will try  and 
write clearer. Other layers of the workers ask the same question. Take  
health care. “How will universal health care be paid for.”  Another layer  of 
the workers do not care how something is paid for and simply want access to  
socially necessary means of life. 
 When I work with your comrades fighting for water as a human  right for 
Detroiters or stopping the evictions of a bunch of  people in an apartment 
building in Highland Park, with me representing the  tenants, or Welfare 
Rights in general they deal with all kinds of literary petty  bourgeois 
I speak for myself and myself only. I meet all kinds of people as a way of  
life. My “baby”  - choice of work, is literature production with others.  
Here is an example. Both of us were involved in the last city election. The  
literature I passed out for that election was non-communist, because the  
candidate I was supporting is not a communist. However, after the election 
and  during it I was involved in other activity where I could utilize a 
revolutionary  press and Marxists literature. 
 Actually, if you look I didn't say mass _media_. I said just  mass work.
The monopoly media is very corrupt on these issues. That's part of  why
Moore's breakthrough in it , saying we need to replace capitalism  with
democracy, is so extraordinary. 
Without question Moore’s movie as mass media is extraordinary. Because we  
were speaking of a movie opening nationwide I took the conversation to be 
about  mass media. I do not do work in the mass media. How one identify 
themselves and  their terminology is personal with political connotations. If 
choose to  speak in terms of other countries that is fine. All of us are not 
the same and  going to approach things different. My goal is to seek out 
those individuals  interested in revolutionary thought. When I was a young man 
the writings of  Engel’s changed my life. I have a feeling Engel’s will 
impact this generation of  young people the same way. Will be back in Detroit 
to stay in two weeks. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Michael Moore: Capitalism has proven it's failed

2009-09-30 Thread c b
On 9/30/09, wrote:
  So, this layer of workers is asking a sophisticated question,  a
 question about the system, to the communists and socialists if  you
 guys are so smart what kind of system do you propose and how will  it
 operate generally operate ?, but they do not have a clue as to  what
 the word communist means ? That doesn't ring true. First of all  ,
 you have been talking to them for a while, so they already have heard
 of  the term communist.


 You miss the point. The point is “what is the solution.”  I will try  and
 write clearer. Other layers of the workers ask the same question. Take
 health care. “How will universal health care be paid for.”  Another layer  of
 the workers do not care how something is paid for and simply want access to
 socially necessary means of life.


There is more than one point.

There are roughly two big aspects.  Is the system broken or evil in
Moore's terminology ?  They have to be convinced that that is true
before they look to the second  aspect, what is the solution.  Moore
is making a big step in massively broadcasting the claim that the
first aspect is true

  When I work with your comrades fighting for water as a human  right for
 Detroiters or stopping the evictions of a bunch of  people in an apartment
 building in Highland Park, with me representing the  tenants, or Welfare
 Rights in general they deal with all kinds of literary petty  bourgeois


 I speak for myself and myself only. I meet all kinds of people as a way of
 life. My “baby”  - choice of work, is literature production with others.
 Here is an example. Both of us were involved in the last city election. The
 literature I passed out for that election was non-communist, because the
 candidate I was supporting is not a communist. However, after the election
 and  during it I was involved in other activity where I could utilize a
 revolutionary  press and Marxists literature.

I was responding to your reference to your comrades.

  Actually, if you look I didn't say mass _media_. I said just  mass work.
 The monopoly media is very corrupt on these issues. That's part of  why
 Moore's breakthrough in it , saying we need to replace capitalism  with
 democracy, is so extraordinary. 


 Without question Moore’s movie as mass media is extraordinary. Because we
 were speaking of a movie opening nationwide I took the conversation to be
 about  mass media. I do not do work in the mass media. How one identify
 themselves and  their terminology is personal with political connotations. If 
 choose to  speak in terms of other countries that is fine. All of us are not
 the same and  going to approach things different. My goal is to seek out
 those individuals  interested in revolutionary thought. When I was a young man
 the writings of  Engel’s changed my life. I have a feeling Engel’s will
 impact this generation of  young people the same way. Will be back in Detroit
 to stay in two weeks.


I am not adverse to seeking out individuals interested in
revolutionary thought at all.  They are not large in number these
days, so there is plenty of time to do both that and reaching out to
larger numbers at the level of Moore's. I was being a bit, well,
semi-comic like Moore when I said throw over entirely to Moore-ism and
that he is our Lenin (smile)

Give me a call when you are here.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] The Waxing and Waning of Americ a’s Political Right

2009-09-30 Thread c b
The New York Times / September 29, 2009
Books of The Times
The Waxing and Waning of America’s Political Right


By Sam Tanenhaus

123 pages. Random House. $17.

One puzzling feature of American politics is that the people who call
themselves conservatives seldom want to conserve anything. The modern
conservative movement promotes radical transformation while ignoring
classical conservative ideas — for example, Edmund Burke’s respect for
established institutions and customs, for continuity with tradition
and for incremental change.

The recent history of the American right, writes Sam Tanenhaus,
involves the triumph of “movement conservatism” over the Burkean
version. In his view “the paradox of the modern Right” is that “its
drive for power has steered it onto a path that has become profoundly
and defiantly un-conservative,” and that has finally led to electoral
disaster, political irrelevance and “rigor mortis.”


“The Death of Conservatism” is a persuasive intellectual history of
the right, but it omits a lot of institutional history and ignores
money and power altogether. A fuller history would have paid attention
to Lewis F. Powell Jr.’s 1971 memorandum to the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, “Attack on the American Free Enterprise System.” Powell,
soon to be a Supreme Court justice, urged friends of capitalism to
retake command of public discourse by financing think tanks, reshaping
mass media and seeking influence in universities and the judiciary.

This did happen in the decades to follow. What had once been far-right
fantasies — abolishing welfare, privatizing Social Security,
deregulating banking, embracing preventive war — became legitimate
policy positions, emanating from institutions that cost a lot of money
to maintain: the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise
Institute, the Fox News Network, as well as numerous corporate
lobbying organizations and university professorships. Money talked.

None of this ideological infrastructure has disappeared. Whether the
Obama administration can stand up to its power remains to be seen.
Despite popular support for a robust public option in health care
coverage and even a single-payer system, the airwaves are pervaded by
the buzzwords of the market — competition, incentives, consumer
choice. Foreign policy, too, remains dominated by right-wing
assumptions. Whatever President Obama’s intentions (and it would be a
mistake to underestimate him), he will find the imperial presidency
difficult to repudiate. The bureaucratic labyrinths of the national
security state will be dismantled no more easily than the hundreds of
American military bases around the world, many of them shrouded in
secrecy. Nor will it be easy to challenge the assumptions that
underlie empire: the humanitarian dreams of interventionists in Mr.
Obama’s own party and the relentless Republican demands for toughness.
Here as elsewhere, the right wields far more power than its weak
popular support warrants. Reports of its death have been exaggerated.

Jackson Lears is editor in chief of Raritan: A Quarterly Review and
the author, most recently, of “Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of
Modern America, 1877-1920.”

Copyright 2009 The New York Times Company

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