Re: [Marxism] Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police

2010-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/12/2010 11:38 PM, Greg McDonald wrote:

 Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police

 by Naomi Wolf


I thought I asked for this thread to be dropped.

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[Marxism] Irish Left Review considers the new United Left Alliance

2010-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] NGO's a curse in Haiti

2010-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect
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In Haiti, good intentions have unexpected and unfortunate results
Some of the international community's aid efforts have caused 
problems, including an increase in housing prices, political 
turmoil and perhaps even the cholera epidemic.

By Joe Mozingo, Los Angeles Times
December 13, 2010
Reporting from Port-au-Prince, Haiti

The wood-frame Carousel grammar school survived the earthquake 
that destroyed much of this city in January. Beatrice Moise had 
taught there for five years and hoped she would continue when 
schools reopened in spring.

But in February she found out that the director had rented the 
building out to the international relief group Oxfam. Buildings in 
the upscale suburb of Petionville, where foreigners like to live 
and work, were in high demand, and Oxfam paid $10,000 a month.

The students, mostly from wealthy families, would probably have 
little problem finding other schools. Moise and the other five 
teachers, however, were out of jobs.

Now nearly a year after the disaster, Moise, 38, is working part 
time as a cashier at a grocery store, earning a quarter of what 
she made as a teacher, while the influx of foreigners with big 
budgets has nearly tripled her rent and doubled the price of food.

Still, she doesn't blame the international groups — the blans 
(whites). She's applying for a secretarial position with Oxfam, 
and her brother already works there.

I would rather lose my job than have the internationals leave, 
she said. They came here to help.

The vast foreign aid apparatus in this Caribbean nation is 
struggling to make significant progress in easing Haiti's misery 
after the earthquake that killed an estimated 230,000 people.

But the international community's good intentions have created 
some ambiguous or outright unpleasant side effects: an increase in 
housing prices that is pushing Haitian professionals out of 
apartments and offices; political turmoil in the wake of a hastily 
prepared presidential election; and quite likely the cholera 
epidemic that has killed more than 2,000 people.

And the class benefiting the most financially from the 
international presence? The tiny wealthy elite so often disdained 
by foreigners for their perceived indifference to the rest of 
their country's plight. They own the car dealerships, the high-end 
grocery stores, the car rental and telecommunications firms, the 
office buildings, the luxury hotels and restaurants — which are 
getting more business than ever while more than a million people 
remain in tent camps.

You wonder where all the money is going besides seeing all the 
blans driving new 4-by-4s, said Steeve Laguere, a 
Haitian-Canadian and longtime aid worker in Port-au-Prince who has 
worked for Catholic Relief Services and Plan International. And 
people are opening restaurants like there is no tomorrow.

The Haitian government estimates that there are more than 4,000 
foreign aid groups operating in the country of 10 million. With 
the help of the United Nations mission and the U.S. military, they 
coordinated a massive medical response after the earthquake and 
provided food, water and tents for the displaced and injured. And 
today, organizations are working to contain the cholera epidemic 
that started in October and has stricken about 100,000 people.

There are proposals to build schools, hospitals, sanitation 
systems, public housing.

But the delays, particularly in getting people out of the 
encampments and into temporary shelters, have given many poor 
Haitians the feeling that nothing has been done, that these new 
arrivals are touris — a word they have used disparagingly for the 
U.N. troops here almost since they arrived six years ago.

The cholera epidemic only strengthened the notion that foreigners 
were muddling around with big clumsy feet.

Haitians in the Artibonite Valley, where the waterborne disease 
first occurred, quickly blamed a U.N. base staffed by Nepalese 
troops near Mirebalais for dumping their waste into a tributary of 
the Artibonite River. The head of the U.N. mission denied this. 
But Haiti had not seen the disease in more than a century and the 
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention subsequently 
determined that the strain of cholera did indeed come from South Asia.

When a reporter and photographer visited the area in November, 
opinion on whether the Nepalese were at fault was sharply — almost 
violently — divided by who benefited from the U.N. presence and 
who did not.

They don't need to be here, said Isaac Irat, 33. They don't 
give us work. They don't know what they're doing. They march out 
three times a day. They're looking for women.

Others gathered to echo the 

Re: [Marxism] Note TO Moderator

2010-12-13 Thread Erik Toren
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We need this dictator!


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[Marxism] Good Wikileaks Thought-Piece (No Sex Please!)

2010-12-13 Thread Jay Moore
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Re: [Marxism] Sources, lit suggestions from comrades?

2010-12-13 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 10:24:32 -0600 Allen Ruff writes:

 An old friend and comrade, now a psychology professor, has asked me 
 some assistance. Two of her grad students have done papers that 
 use some perspectives from the left.  Below, see what my friend 
 describes; what she is looking for. Then if you have any 
 suggestions, do 
 send them my way.
 / As part of the course, students... write an in-depth 30-35 

 AND OBSTACLES. In this paper the student addresses the  2007, 
   Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) of the United Nations (UN) 
 publication of a set of guidelines for mental health and 
 within humanitarian emergency (armed conflict and/or natural 
 response settings. She does a good job addressing the World Health 
 Organization establishment of the Mental Health Gap Action Program 
 (MHGAP) to support UN member states in scaling up care for priority 
 mental health conditions, which was related to research on the 
 impact of mental health issues such as depression, substance abuse, 
 gender inequality and gender violence on development.She though 
 these proposals as it they are supported by all of the UN and WHO 
 the international development community. I am suggesting that she 
 contextualize these movements within the UN and WHO in terms of 
 countervailing forces within these agencies and between these 
 and other international organization development agencies AID and 
 International Monetary Fund. So again, any ideas on who is writing 
 analyzing this stuff internationally. She does a really good job 
 at the hegemony of 'western psychology and speaking to western 
 psychologists to recognize indigenous psychologies as equal partners 
 undertaking the work ahead. She does not though look at the role of 
 western psychology in supporting western capitalist interventions in 
 developing countries. So any ideas of resources would be 

What is meant by western psychology in this context?
Would Pavlov's physiological psychology be classified
as Western?  How about Vygotsky's  or Luria's?

Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect
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Counterpunch December 13, 2010
Bush Was Right to Go to War
Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?


Last year's recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize escalated the war 
in Afghanistan a few weeks after receiving the prize. The award 
surprised even Obama. This year the Chinese government were 
foolish to make a martyr of the president of Chinese PEN and 
neo-con Liu Xiaobo. He should never have been arrested, but the 
Norwegian politicians who comprise the committee, led by Thorbjørn 
Jagland, a former Labour prime minister, wanted to teach China a 
lesson. And so they ignored their hero's views.

Or perhaps they didn't, given that their own views are not 
dissimilar. The committee thought about giving Bush and Blair a 
joint peace prize for invading Iraq but a public outcry forced a 

For the record, Liu Xiaobo has stated publicly that in his view:

 (a) China's tragedy is that it wasn't colonised for at least 
300 years by a Western power or Japan. This would apparently have 
civilised it for ever;

 (b) The Korean and Vietnam wars fought by the US were wars 
against totalitarianism and enhanced Washington's 'moral 

 (c) Bush was right to go to war in Iraq and Senator Kerry's 
criticisms were 'slander-mongering';

 (d) Afghanistan? No surprises here: Full support for Nato's war.

He has a right to these opinions, but should they get a peace prize?

The Norwegian jurist Fredrik Heffermehl argues that the committee 
is in breach of the will and testament left behind by the inventor 
of dynamite whose bequests fund the prizes:

 'The Nobel committee has not received prize money for free 
use, but was entrusted with money to give to the pivotal element 
in creating peace, breaking the vicious circle of arms races and 
military power games. From this point of view the 2010 Nobel is 
again an illegitimate prize awarded by an illegitimate committee.'

Tariq Ali’s latest book “The Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, 
War Abroad’ is published by Verso.

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Shane Mage
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On Dec 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Vladimiro Giacche' wrote:

 I wonder why the more meritorious Mumia Abu-Jamal HASN'T received  
 the Nobel award...This also should MATTER a little bit, if we are  
 talking of a Nobel PEACE Price...
 Can you explain me this strange fact, comrade Shane?

The Nobel Committee are *bourgeois* democrats.
Mumia is a revolutionary democrat
Liu is a bourgeois democrat.
The Chinese Stalinists made him an unavoidable cause celebre.


 The Nobel was properly awarded not for Liu's own merits--I'm
 sure that Mumia Abu-Jamal is more meritorious--but because the  
 government felt, with good reason, so threatened by public demands
 for democracy (Charter '08) that they made him the most prominent
 and symbolically important political prisoner in the world.  *Not*
 awarding the Nobel to Liu would have been even more craven and
 disgraceful than was awarding it to Obama.

Shane Mage

Thunderbolt steers all things. Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 19:45:33 +0100 Vladimiro Giacche' writes:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a 
 I wonder why the more meritorious Mumia Abu-Jamal HASN'T received 
 the Nobel award, in spite of the fact that HE isn't a warmonger like 
 Liu Xiaobo. This also should MATTER a little bit, if we are talking 
 of a Nobel PEACE Price... 
 Can you explain me this strange fact, comrade Shane? 

Doesn't the question answer itself?  Consider
some of the people who have won the Prize:
Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Kissinger, Yitzhak
Rabin, and Barack Obama, war mongers all.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

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[Marxism] The other side of the student demo?

2010-12-13 Thread Mike Hogan
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*Dubstep rebellion - the British banlieue comes to Millbank*

*1930: *They marched to parliament square, got stopped, surged through
police lines and trampled onto the grass that had been so painstakingly
regrown after the eviction of the peace camp. And then they danced.

The man in charge of the sound system was from an eco-farm, he told me, and
had been trying to play politically right on reggae; however a crowd in
which the oldest person was maybe seventeen took over the crucial jack plug,
inserted it into aBlackberry, (iPhones are out for this demographic) and
pumped out the dubstep.

Young men, mainly black, grabbed each other around the head and formed a
surging dance to the digital beat lit, as the light failed, by the
distinctly analog light of a bench they had set on fire.

Any idea that you are dealing with Lacan-reading hipsters from Spitalfields
on this demo is mistaken.

While a good half of the march was undergraduates from the most militant
college occupations - UCL, SOAS, Leeds, Sussex - the really stunning
phenomenon, politically, was the presence of youth: *bainlieue*-style youth
from Croydon, Peckam, the council estates of Islington.

Read the rest at:

Those unfamiliar with Mason should take a look at his Live Working or Die
Fighting, the best account of syndicalism ever written by a mainstream BBC



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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Shane Mage
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On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Jim Farmelant wrote:

 I wonder why the more meritorious Mumia Abu-Jamal HASN'T received
 the Nobel award...
 Doesn't the question answer itself?  Consider
 some of the people who have won the Prize:
 Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Kissinger, Yitzhak
 Rabin, and Barack Obama, war mongers all.

And consider some who have: Carl von Ossietsky, Martin Luther King,  
Nelson Mandela, and Aung San Su Kyi, bourgeois democratic political  
prisoners all.

Shane Mage
Thunderbolt steers all things. Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Ralph Johansen
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Shane Mage wrote

On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Jim Farmelant wrote:
  I wonder why the more meritorious Mumia Abu-Jamal HASN'T received
  the Nobel award...
  Doesn't the question answer itself? Consider
  some of the people who have won the Prize:
  Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Kissinger, Yitzhak
  Rabin, and Barack Obama, war mongers all.

And consider some who have: Carl von Ossietsky, Martin Luther King,
Nelson Mandela, and Aung San Su Kyi, bourgeois democratic political
prisoners all.

I think that for our purposes the Nobel does not by nature of its 
commission and structure with any consistency honor those who have the 
same principles and criteria for honor that we have and we should ignore 
it or/and displace it. Period.

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* *References*:
  o *Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace
+ /From:/ Jim Farmelant

* Prev by Date: *[Marxism] The other side of the student demo?*
* Previous by thread: *Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve
  the Peace Prize?*
* Next by thread: *[Marxism] New title: VOICES OF THE WORLD by
* Index(es):
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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Vladimiro Giacché
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I am a communist.
I'm not a bourgeois democrat and I'm not a fan of war and of  british 
colonialism  (!) like the winner of the so called Nobel Peace Prize.
I would say more: THIS winner gives me further good reasons to 
denigrate this ludicrous Peace Prize and its revolting double 
standard philosophy.

 I would agree with you except...except that the Chinese regime, far
 from ignoring it, unleashed the largest-scale censorship campaign in
 recorded history against it.  So it is his jailers who have made the
 political prisoner Liu a worldwide cause celèbre. And forced even
 those democracy advocates who otherwise would gladly denigrate the
 Peace Prize to
 support its award in the present situation.

 Shane Mage
 Thunderbolt steers all things. Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Glenn Kissack
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 I would agree with you except...except that the Chinese regime, far
 from ignoring it, unleashed the largest-scale censorship campaign in
 recorded history against it.

This seems to have a lot to do with intensifying U.S.-China rivalry.  
In that context, Liu Xiaobo's support for U.S. imperialist endeavors  
has relevance.

Today's Times has a report about Japan shifting its military strategy  
for a future conflict with China:


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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread S. Artesian
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I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade, but WTF?  Who cares who wins the 
Nobel Peace or any other Prize?

Friedman won one, didn't he, in some category-- was it platform diving, or 
death squad macro-economics? I forget.

This is all about whichever darling is the darlingest of the capitalists' 
darlings at the given moment.

It's all a spectacle. It's supposed to be entertainment.

And to us, it's just one more endowment designed to keep graveyard 
capitalism from dissolving into a pool of its own rot.

What the CPC leadership is upset?  Liu Xiaobo admires British colonialism? 
Fantastic.  They deserve each other.

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Carrol Cox
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S. Artesian:
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I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade, but WTF?  Who cares who wins the 
Nobel Peace or any other Prize?

Gossip interest. This list, like the other left lists, is at least 2/3
gossip. The other third sometimes has political relevance.


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[Marxism] Oz media backs Wikileaks in letter to government

2010-12-13 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Media says government's reaction to WikiLeaks 'troubling'
December 14, 2010 - 8:22AM

Australia's main media players say the federal government's reaction to the
release of diplomatic correspondence by the WikiLeaks website is deeply

The country's *newspaper editors*,
along with television and radio directors, have written an open letter to
Prime Minister Julia Gillard in support of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian
Assange. The letter is supported by the editor-in-chief of *The Sydney
Morning Herald *and *Sun Herald*, Peter Fray, whose newspapers have reported
on the secret US embassy cables provided exclusively to Fairfax newspapers.

The volume of the leaks is unprecedented, yet the leaking and publication
of diplomatic correspondence is not new, the letter, initiated by the
Walkley Foundation, states.

We ... believe the reaction of the US and Australian governments to date
has been deeply troubling.

We will strongly resist any attempts to make the publication of these or
similar documents illegal.

The editors and directors say any attempt to shut down WikiLeaks, prosecute
those who publish official leaks, or pressure companies to cease working
with the whistle-blower website is a serious threat to democracy which
relies on a free and fearless press.

Ms Gillard has declared the actions of WikiLeaks and Mr Assange illegal.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland has said the initial leaking of
classified documents and their subsequent distribution by WikiLeaks are
likely to be illegal.

But the media's open letter notes that so far the government has been able
to point to no Australian law that has been breached.

The editors and directors state that WikiLeaks is simply doing what the
media has always done - expose official secrets that governments would
prefer to keep in the dark.

WikiLeaks, just four years old, is part of the media and deserves our

Almost 600,000 people have signed a separate online petition in support of
WikiLeaks ahead of a second appearance in court in London by Mr Assange.

The petition on campaigning website Avaaz calls on the US and other nations
to stop the crackdown on WikiLeaks and its partners immediately and to
respect the laws of freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

*AAP *

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Mark Lause
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I don't know that there's much point arguing about vocabulary, but I'm
really not sure that King belongs in that same category, given the
ambiguities in his ideas about a poor people's movement.  Had circumstances
required them to be more nailed down, it might be a different matter.

My sense is always that he fell into a broadly socialist tradition among
radical clergy going back to the social gospel of the late 19th century.


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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Shane Mage
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On Dec 13, 2010, at 9:52 PM, Joaquín Bustelo wrote:

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 On 12/13/2010 4:01 PM, Shane Mage quoted me:
 WTF does that mean? MLK bourgeois democratic?

 On 12/13/2010 4:01 PM, Shane Mage replied:

 That his political program, if realized, would have made the
 capitalist regime (much) more democratic but would neither have
 overthrown it nor made despotic inroads on capitalist private

 This is *exactly* the response I thought my comment would evoke.

 Because my position is that it is NOT about program. It is about

But the question was not about movements.  It was about individuals,  
since these awards were to individuals though all of them (plus, even  
especially, Liu Xiaobo) symbolized movements. And all those  
individuals, whatever the nature and potential of their movements  
(antifascist, civil-rights, antiapartheid, buddhist, anti-corruption)  
were and are in their self-conception bourgeois democrats.

Shane Mage
Thunderbolt steers all things. Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] So Much for Left Wing Solidarity i n South America

2010-12-13 Thread Thomas Bias
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I don't doubt what Joaquín says here, but I will say this: Lula’s support is
strictly on the basis of class. Only workers and poor people are with him.
Middle-class brasileiros are all against him, from what I have been hearing
from Brazil. They say it is because of the “corruption” of his government
and may even call Dilma a “terrorist.” That is their “good reason.” Their
“real reason” is because Lula and the PT represent the people who wash their
dishes and windows, clean their streets, and do the heavy lifting in the
growing Brazilian capitalist economy. Class distinctions are quite clear in
Brazil, and the gulf between classes is wide.

To be certain, the PT has not led the working people in revolution, and it
has made some unfortunate compromises with the IMF and World Bank, to the
detriment of the Brazilian working class. But working-class brasileiros and
brasileiras know that the PT is their party, not on the basis of Brazilian
nationalism, or Latin American nationalism, or anti-imperialism, but because
of class. This is not to make a statement about nationalism or
anti-imperialism, where, frankly, the PT could be stronger. It is to say,
and I say this in all certainty, that the bourgeois and petit-bourgeois of
Brazil feel less hostility to the U.S. and to world imperialism than they do
toward the workers and poor people of their own country. And it’s possible
(this is speculation on my part) that Brazilian workers are not inspired to
fight against the IMF, World Bank, and other agents of imperialism because
the Brazilian boss class is the enemy that they can see up close and
personal, and the United States is far away.



-Original Message-


Lula's solidarity is significant not only because he is president of one 

of the largest countries in the world but because he is almost certainly 

the head of state/government with the greatest support anywhere in the 

world, with an overwhelming 84% approval rating. And, oh yeah, lest I 

forget: he is a working class hero.



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[Marxism] Assange gains influential backers

2010-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect
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Posted at 3:23 PM ET, 12/13/2010
WikiLeaks’s Assange gains influential defenders
By Jeff Stein

The predominant consensus in official Washington that WikiLeaks founder 
Julian Assange should eventually stand trial here on espionage charges 
is not likely to change anytime soon. But three influential voices are 
now saying publicly what many others say privately: that blame should be 
focused on leakers, not Assange, who after all was merely the middleman 
for the handful of newspapers and magazines that were given first crack 
at classified military and diplomatic documents.

On Friday Jack L. Goldsmith, “widely considered one of the brightest 
stars in the conservative legal firmament” when he joined the Bush 
administration Justice Department in 2003, according to a typical 
assessment, wrote that he found himself “agreeing with those who think 
Assange is being unduly vilified.”

“I certainly do not support or like his disclosure of secrets that harm 
U.S. national security or foreign policy interests,” Goldsmith wrote on 
the Lawfare blog. “But as all the hand-wringing over the 1917 Espionage 
Act shows, it is not obvious what law he has violated. It is also 
important to remember, to paraphrase Justice Stewart in the Pentagon 
Papers, that the responsibility for these disclosures lies firmly with 
the institution empowered to keep them secret: the Executive branch.”

Goldsmith called the government “unconscionably lax in allowing Bradley 
Manning,” an Army private arrested on suspicion of giving WikiLeaks 
Afghan and Iraq war documents last summer, “to have access to all these 
secrets and to exfiltrate them so easily.”

“I do not understand why so much ire is directed at Assange and so 
little at the New York Times,” continued Goldsmith, who resigned from 
the Justice Department after only nine months on the job because he 
disagreed with its legal rationalizations for waterboarding and other 
counter-terrorism tactics.

Goldsmith's remarks came only a few days after libertarian 
standard-bearer Rep. Ron Paul virtually celebrated WikiLeaks for 
exposing America's “delusional foreign policy.”

“When presented with embarrassing disclosures about U.S. spying and 
meddling, the policy that requires so much spying and meddling is not 
questioned,” said the nominal Texas Republican, denouncing calls for 
prosecuting Assange. “Instead the media focuses on how authorities might 
prosecute the publishers of such information.”

On Monday influential Harvard political scientist Stephen M. Walt 
endorsed Goldsmith’s views, asking whether The Washington Post’s Bob 
Woodward shouldn’t be prosecuted for publishing secrets if Assange was.

I keep thinking about the Wikileaks affair,” Walt wrote for NPR’s Web 
site, “and I keep seeing the double-standards multiplying. Given how 
frequently government officials leak classified information in order to 
make themselves look good, box in their bureaucratic rivals, or tie the 
President's hands, it seems a little disingenuous of them to be so upset 
by Assange's activities.”

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Re: [Marxism] So Much for Left Wing Solidarity in South America

2010-12-13 Thread S. Artesian
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And the working people of Britain knew that the Labor Party was their party. 
They knew it stood for them and against all those public school bastards 
with the posh accents.

They knew all of that didn't they?  Until they didn't know it anymore.

And do I think Lula is the equivalent of a Wilson or a Callahan?  You bet.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Bias

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread Shane Mage
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On Dec 13, 2010, at 10:55 PM, S. Artesian wrote:

 It's a disgrace to the memory, and the legacy, of MLK to compare him  

Ah, but what would you have written about him had Mandela been  
assassinated on the morrow of his Nobel?

Shane Mage

Thunderbolt steers all things. Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Does Liu Xiaobo Really Deserve the Peace Prize?

2010-12-13 Thread S. Artesian
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I don't give a damn about his Nobel-- MLK marched with the sanitation 
workers of Memphis-- anybody who knows anything about Memphis and the legacy 
of Boss Crump knows that puts MLK on the working class side of the dividing 

Mandela went to the ruling class side of the dividing line.

Nothing says MLK was a Lenin or a Trotsky-- and I'm more than OK with that. 
But he stands miles taller than Mandela.  Nelson that is.

- Original Message - 
From: Shane Mage 

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[Marxism] Glenn Greenwald's interview with Nir Rosen on his new book Aftermath of US wars

2010-12-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States

2010-12-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

*Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States*
Jon Letman, Truthout: Imagine if you grew up being told that you had been
adopted, only to learn that you were, in fact, kidnapped. That might spur
you to start searching for the adoption papers. Now imagine that you could
find no papers and no one could produce any. That's how Dr. David Keanu Sai,
a retired Army Captain with a PhD in political science and instructor at
Kapiolani Community College in Hawaii, characterizes Hawaii's international
legal status. Since 1993, Sai has been researching the history of the
Kingdom of Hawaii and its complicated relationship to the United States.

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Re: [Marxism] Assange gains influential backers

2010-12-13 Thread Lajany Otum
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Joaquín writes:

 And the only reason why the question would even ARISE about whether 
 Assange ran afoul of Saudi Arabia's anti-liquor laws, or yanquilandia's 
 espionage laws, is that we are assiduous ass-lickers of American 
 Imperialism's butt-hole. Because nobody on this list has ever expressed 
 an opinion even suggesting (however subtly) that they gave a rat's fuck 
 about the Saudi liquor laws. But not so about American imperialism's laws.

Not quite. Few people outside Saudi Arabia have any fear of the Saudi liquor 
laws because the Saudi monarchy does not claim that the whole world lies within 
its jurisdiction and, even if it did make such an extraterritorial claim, the 
monarchy would lack the means to enforce its laws outside the  borders of Saudi 
Arabia. The US on the other hand, has enough client states that are willing  to 
lawlessly turn a blind eye to or collaborate with the increasing criminality of 
the US legal system, including its use of trumped up charges, kidnappings and 
renditions, against people around the world. 

People like Assange need to take into account the power of the US state to 
subject people outside the US to the rule of its law, and the willingness and 
ability of the US to concoct legal pretexts, as it goes along, to deal with or 
dispose of those it declares to be enemies. 

Lajany Otum


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Re: [Marxism] Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States

2010-12-13 Thread Mark Lause
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Yes, but this is pretty common knowledge, though, isn't it?


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Explanation needed

2010-12-13 Thread c b
Without places like the facility you're seeing in this article you'd

Would you like that?

CB: I wonder.Is the internet a net plus or minus for humanity ?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Europeans Accused of Paranoia

2010-12-13 Thread c b
Europeans Accused of Paranoia

Over Fears of US Economic Espionage, Documents Reveal

by Tom Burghardt

Antifascist Calling (December 07 2010)

Exploring the shadowlands of the corporate police state

Confidential State Department documents released by the whistleblowing web
site WikiLeaks {1}, revealed that a European Parliamentary vote earlier
this year that suspended participation in a US government program that
secretly monitored international bank transactions, surprised and angered
the Obama administration.

In a stunning rebuke of US policies the February 2010 memo, Chancellor
Merkel Angered by Lack of German MEP Support for TFTP, 10BERLIN180 {2}
provided new evidence that the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (also
known as Swift) is viewed skeptically by the European public and their

Distrust of the Swift program runs deep and its War on Terror pedigree
is considered little more than a pretext for American spies to carry out
economic espionage on behalf of US multinationals.

Alarmed over privacy breaches by American firms and criminal acts, such as
the illegal US transfer of prisoners on CIA black flights, aided and
abetted by European intelligence agencies, outraged public opinion forced
the hand of parliamentarians, who voted overwhelming to suspend the

German opposition to Swift was particularly damaging The New York Times
{3} reported, because the country was among a handful of allies that,
according to a 2006 cable, made up a 'coalition of the constructive'
organized to ensure that the Swift operation was not 'ruined by privacy

Launched shortly after the 9/11 provocation by the Bush administration,
the secret program handed American officials unprecedented access to
global financial information on bank transactions routed through a vast
database administered by the Swift consortium in Brussels.

Access to such unique data would be particularly valuable to US
corporations. In light of evidence published in a 2001 European Parliament
report {4} that the National Security Agency's ECHELON program was a cover
for economic espionage, such fears are not unfounded.

Since the program's disclosure in 2006 by The New York Times {5},
criticism over its operations have mounted steadily.

CIA and Treasury Department officials secretly poured over records of some
$6 trillion dollars in daily financial transactions flowing through global
banks and brokerage houses.

European Union regulators, the ACLU {6} reported, found that the mass
financial prying was not legally authorized, was conducted without proper
checks and balances, and violated several important rules established to
protect the privacy of Europeans.

Increasing the creep factor amongst EU officials, the ACLU disclosed {7}
that the ultra-spooky Booz Allen Hamilton corporation had been hired to
oversee the program by the federal government.

Concluding that the firm was not an independent check on Swift
surveillance, the civil liberties' watchdogs wrote that Booz Allen is one
of the largest US Government contractors, with hundreds of millions of
dollars in US Government contracts awarded each year. Booz Allen has a
history of working closely with US Government agencies on electronic
surveillance, including the Total Information Awareness program.

Initial misgivings amongst the public and privacy advocates have since
blossomed into outright hostility, thus setting the stage for last
summer's vote.

Cynical Maneuvers

Noting that the American-led War on Terror coalition is fraying at the
seams, US Ambassador to Berlin Philip Murphy, wrote that Merkel is
particularly irritated with German MEPs from her Christian Democratic
Union (CDU) and sister Christian Social Union (CSU) parties, most of whom
reportedly voted against the agreement despite previously indicating they
would support it.

The ambassador claimed that public German reactions to the European
Parliament's vote have come exclusively from TFTP detractors who
portrayed the veto as a sign that the European Parliament has won a
victory over an arrogant Commission/Council, as well as delivering a
rebuke to US counterterrorism policies that undervalue data privacy.

Free Democratic Party (FDP) Federal Justice Minister Sabine
Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, a member of Merkel's coalition, was derided
by Murphy as a strong proponent of data privacy rights, who had welcomed
the vote saying that the citizens of Europe have won a victory today that
strengthened not just data protection, but democracy in all of Europe.

That's certainly a diplomatic way of saying they don't trust their
American allies!

Undeterred however, Murphy recommended that the US crank up the Mighty
Wurlitzer {8} disinformation machine a decibel or two.

These events, the ambassador wrote, suggest the need to intensify our
engagement with German government interlocutors, Bundestag and European
parliamentarians, and opinion makers to demonstrate that the US has strong
data privacy 

[Marxism-Thaxis] The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Test Scorer

2010-12-13 Thread c b
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Test Scorer
Dan DiMaggio
Monthy Review
December 2010

Standardized testing has become central to education
policy in the United States. After dramatically
expanding in the wake of the No Child Left Behind Act,
testing has been further enshrined by the Obama
administration's $3.4 billion Race to the Top grants.
Given the ongoing debate over these policies, it might
be useful to hear about the experiences of a hidden
sector of the education workforce: those of us who make
our living scoring these tests. Our viewpoint is
instructive, as it reveals the many contradictions and
absurdities built into a test-scoring system run by for-
profit companies and beholden to school administrators
and government officials with a stake in producing
inflated numbers. Our experiences also provide insight
into how the testing mania is stunting the development
of millions of young minds.

I recently spent four months working for two test-
scoring companies, scoring tens of thousands of papers,
while routinely clocking up to seventy hours a week.
This was my third straight year doing this job. While
the reality of life as a test scorer has recently been
chronicled by Todd Farley in his book Making the Grades:
My Misadventures in the Standardized Testing Industry, a
scathing insider's account of his fourteen years in the
industry, I want to tell my story to affirm that
Farley's indictment is rooted in experiences common
throughout the test-scoring world.1

Wait, someone scores standardized tests? I thought
those were all done by machines. This is usually the
first response I get when I tell people I've been eking
out a living as a test-scoring temp. The companies
responsible for scoring standardized tests have not yet
figured out a way to electronically process the varied
handwriting and creative flourishes of millions of third
to twelfth graders. Nor, to my knowledge, have they
begun to outsource this work to India. Instead, every
year, the written-response portions of innumerable
standardized tests given across the country are scored
by human beings-tens of thousands of us, a veritable
army of temporary workers.

I often wonder who students (or teachers and parents,
for that matter) picture scoring their papers. When I
was a student, I envisioned my tests being graded by
qualified teachers in another part of the country, who
taught the grade level and subject corresponding to the
tests. This idea, it turns out, is as much a fantasy as
imagining all the tests are being scored by machines.

Test scoring is a huge business, dominated by a few
multinational corporations, which arrange the work in
order to extract maximum profit. I was shocked when I
found out that Pearson, the first company I worked for,
also owned the Financial Times, The Economist, Penguin
Books, and leading textbook publisher Prentice Hall. The
CEO of Pearson, Marjorie Scardino, ranked seventeenth on
the Forbes list of the one hundred most powerful women
in the world in 2007.

Test-scoring companies make their money by hiring a
temporary workforce each spring, people willing to work
for low wages (generally $11 to $13 an hour), no
benefits, and no hope of long-term employment-not
exactly the most attractive conditions for trained and
licensed educators. So all it takes to become a test
scorer is a bachelor's degree, a lack of a steady job,
and a willingness to throw independent thinking out the
window and follow the absurd and ever-changing
guidelines set by the test-scoring companies. Some of us
scorers are retired teachers, but most are former office
workers, former security guards, or former holders of
any of the diverse array of jobs previously done by the
currently unemployed. When I began working in test
scoring three years ago, my first team leader was
qualified to supervise, not because of his credentials
in the field of education, but because he had been a
low-level manager at a local Target.

In the test-scoring centers in which I have worked,
located in downtown St. Paul and a Minneapolis suburb,
the workforce has been overwhelmingly white-upwards of
90 percent. Meanwhile, in many of the school districts
for which these scores matter the most-where officials
will determine whether schools will be shut down, or
kids will be held back, or teachers fired-the vast
majority are students of color. As of 2005, 80 percent
of students in the nation's twenty largest school
districts were youth of color. The idea that these
cultural barriers do not matter, since we are supposed
to be grading all students by the same standard, seems
far-fetched, to say the least. Perhaps it would be
better to outsource the jobs to India, where the
cultural gap might, in some ways, be smaller.

Many test scorers have been doing this job for years-
sometimes a decade or more. Yet these are the ultimate
in temporary, seasonal jobs. The Human Resources people
who interview and hire you are temps, as 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Ask Charles Yu Anything About How To Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe

2010-12-13 Thread c b

Ask Charles Yu Anything About How To Live Safely In A Science
Fictional Universe

 We've been talking about Charles Yu's book How To Live Safely In A
Science Fictional Universe over at the io9 Book Club, and now Yu is
going to drop in to answer your questions. Post them in comments

Post your questions, and Yu will stop by tomorrow between 2-3 Pacific
Time to answer.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] A 75, 000-year-old human settlement may lurk beneath the Persian Gulf

2010-12-13 Thread c b
A 75,000-year-old human settlement may lurk beneath the Persian Gulf
Evidence is mounting that the first human civilization outside of
Africa probably evolved in what is now the Persian Gulf. Recent
discoveries suggest that we're about to find a fairly advanced
civilization sunk beneath the waters of the Gulf.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Новое сообщени е

2010-12-13 Thread Vovan
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Bill Meyer Gigs Dec 15-31st

2010-12-13 Thread c b

Here are some PUBLIC gigs where you can hear me play, if you are so
inclined. Would love to see you!

WED. DEC 15th - 6:30-8:30pm – Southfield Library Auditorium, 26300 Evergreen
Rd at Civic Center Drive (10 ½ Mi Rd)
BILL MEYER SOLO ( FRIENDS) – I’ll sing, play and chat about
some of my musical influences: ragtime, boogie, shuffle, stride, New
Orleans, jazz, bebop, Latin and more. The second part of the show will
feature Leonard Chapital on drums, Dave Reinstein on horns and other friends
helping me out.

THUR. Dec 16th - 8:45p-12:45am – Berts Marketplace, 2727 Russell St in the
Detroit Eastern Market.
THE SBH TRIO, with Bill Meyer on piano, Damon Warmack bass, Mike
Brown drums
Special JAZZY BLUES NIGHT with guest host NOVELLA G
$3 cover, free parking, great food!

THUR. Dec 23rd - 8:30p-12:30am – Berts Marketplace, 2727 Russell St in the
Detroit Eastern Market.
THE SBH TRIO, with Bill Meyer on piano, Ibrahim Jones bass,
David Brandon drums
$3 cover, free parking, great food!

THUR. Dec 30th - 8:30p-12:30am – Berts Marketplace, 2727 Russell St in the
Detroit Eastern Market.
THE SBH TRIO, with Bill Meyer on piano, Jim Simonson bass, David
Brandon drums
$3 cover, free parking, great food!

FRI.  Dec 31st - 9p-1am – Virgil Carr Arts League, 311 E. Grand River,
Detroit (313) 965-8430
Ozzie Rivera’s LA INSPIRACION, 12 piece Salsa Band will be
featured in an exciting
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Cuba and South Africa Upgrade Economic Links

2010-12-13 Thread c b
Cuba and South Africa Upgrade Economic Links

(Three Takes)


Raul Castro Meets South African President

By Ileana Ferrer Fonte
Prensa Latina
December 7, 2010


Cuba's President Raul Castro held official talks with
his South African peer Jacob Zuma at the Palace of the
Revolution, in which they dealt with bilateral and
international issues.

Cuba and South Africa for Better Economic Links

The visitor was awarded with the Jose Marti Order, the
highest decoration given by Cuba.

After the protocol ceremony, the two presidents
analyzed the excellent state of bilateral relations,
expressing the common purpose to continue strengthening
them, as well as discussed several international

South African Foreign and Cooperation Minister Nkoana-
Mashabane, Cuban Vice President of the Council of State
Esteban Lazo and acting Foreign Minister Marcelino
Medina also attended the meeting.

Zuma traveled to Cuba with the aim of expanding
relations with the Caribbean island, particularly on
the economic and trade fields. The two countries enjoy
very good political bonds since they established
diplomatic relations in 1994.


Zuma Closes South Africa-Cuba Forum
By Ileana Ferrer Fonte
Prensa Latina
December 7, 2010


South African President Jacob Zuma is attending on
Tuesday in this capital the final session of the
business forum between his country and Cuba, opened on
Monday with nearly one hundred businessmen from both

According to the forum's agenda, South African Ministry
of Industry and Trade Robert Davies; Business Unity
South Africa (BUSA) vice president, Mthunzi Mdwaba, and
Cuba's Chamber of Commerce President Estrella Madrigal,
among others, addressed the meeting.

Participants held extensive exchange in negotiation
rounds on agriculture, energy, mining and oil,
construction and infrastructure, medical-pharmaceutical
industry, and on information technology.

Cuban Minister for Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo
Malmierca stated the South African market is full of
potentials for the Caribbean nation, and called to
invigorate its presence, according to both countries'
interests and possibilities.

Davies highlighted the importance of strengthening the
links and takes them to an excellent level, the same
the political relations now have.

He said there are potentials to promote greater
investment of South African capital in the island, in
sectors such as energy industry, extraction of nickel
and other minerals, tourism and biotechnology.

The forum, organized by the CCC and BUSA, proved there
are real potential for cooperation in construction,
energy, mining, sugar cane industry, medicine and
pharmacy, and other sectors, are analyzed.


Cuba and South Africa for Better Economic Links

December 7, 2010,9c99d58e


More than 50 businessmen from South Africa started a
forum to strengthen the commercial and economic links
in the frame of the visit of South African President
Jacob Zuma.

The reunion is organized by the Cuban Chamber of
Commerce and the Business Unity South Africa.

Possible cooperation in construction, energy, mining,
agriculture, industry, medicine and pharmacy, among
other sectors, are analyzed.

South African Ministry of Industry and Trade, Robert
Davies, highlighted the importance of strengthening the
links and take them to an excellent level, the same the
political relations now have.

Davies said that though the exchange has grown in the
last years, it is quite below the real possibilities,
and there is a long path to go, still.

He expressed the interest of the South African
entrepreneurs to participate in the development of
tourism and other sectors like oil and renewable energy
in Cuba.

Cuban Minister for Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo
Malmierca said that for Cuba, the South African market
is full of vitality, so he called for strengthening its

He said that the Cuban government is working to
increase efficiency and promote export operations and
import replacement.

At the beginning of the forum Cuban Chamber of Commerce
president Estrella Madrigal said this is the third
occasion in the last two years in which meetings
between delegations from both countries meet each

It is our purpose that this meeting contributes to
materialize wealthy and advantageous businesses, and
the possibility to identify new changes for business,
she stated.

The initial stage of the meeting will conclude on
Tuesday, including presentations on the panorama of the
South African economy and the chances for businesses in

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[Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread c b
The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

by Dmitry Orlov

Club Orlov (November 28 2010)

...It is something of a law of history that sooner or later all empires must

CB: See _Dialectics of Nature_ by Frederick Engels.  _Everything_ has
a beginning , middle and end. Nothing lasts forever.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Workers World Party, 1970-2010

2010-12-13 Thread c b
Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Workers World Party, 1970-2010

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2010, 4:00 P.M.

5920 SECOND AVENUE, DETROIT (at Antoinette St., just north of Wayne
State University)

$10 for dinner

Call 313-680-5508 for more information

Forty years ago the Detroit branch of Workers World Party was founded.
 Come to the 40th anniversary celebration dinner.  See and hear about
the legacy of revolutionary struggle in the City of Detroit, the fight
against war and racism, community organizing, union battles and more
that Detroit Workers World has organized and contributed to and which
continues even more urgently today.  Speakers, photo boards and power
point presentation.  Bring your own memories, stories, photos and

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[Marxism-Thaxis] the Hayden letter

2010-12-13 Thread c b
the Hayden letter


So I started reading this letter which sounded pretty good and it
looked like I signed it, so I read further and discovered that it was
to as a member of a group I didn’t know I belonged to called the “Left
Establishment.” As I kept reading, it was a vile, toxic diatribe
ending with a demand that I, along with the rest of the “Left
Establishment”, endorse a demonstration this week in Washington
featuring civil disobedience at the White House fence.

To whomever sent the letter, I have to say I’m sorry that I just don’t
respond positively to nasty invitations. I hope you can understand.
Calm down and tell me who you are before the conspiracy theories

Actually, I thought the Dec. 16 action seemed somewhat justifiable in
light of current events – the WikiLeaks releases and erupting
divisions within the Democratic Party. And I love the people who plan
to get arrested. Maybe a big crowd will show up, but not because it
was a smart idea to begin with. Mid-December is not the best time to
turn out masses of people. But stuff happens, and now many people are

My personal best to those who are being arrested. They include a
former Pentagon official, former CIA agent, a former New York Times
reporter, and a mother who lost a son to war and was radicalized as a
result. The lesson for me is that people can change from hawks to
doves, from spies to whistleblowers, if organizers organize and events
reshape their perceptions. That’s the lesson of WikiLeaks, that folk
on the inside sometimes come find their situation intolerable and
break away from old thinking.

Civil disobedience is a moral expression, and can be a personal
healing. Sometimes it ignites a larger movement, or inspires other
individuals to step up. We need more of it.

But I also think we need an outside/inside strategy that shifts public
opinion more and more against the war. We need to persuade the
undecided, not simply to create images of dissent. The peace movement
will grow steadily in the months ahead, on its own, but also in its
relation to other compelling causes, among them: Wall Street
regulation, clean energy/green jobs, and the steady shift towards an
unfettered market philosophy over our lives. Civil disobedience can
light a flame, but the case for thoroughgoing radical reform must be
made on our streets, our workplaces, our religious institutions, and
yes, within the Democratic Party – whose overwhelming majority support
progressive objectives. Members of the Progressive Democrats of
America, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, are vital elements
of our movement.

I would like every person who signed this letter to read it again, and
be kind enough to retract their signatures or explain why.

This is not the time to inflict internal damage on a community which
is already weak enough. It’s important to get a grip.

The peace and justice community is a fragile form of social ecology,
with diversity being an essential quality. Everyone is entitled to a
different approach, but there also is an essential unity that can be
achieved, unless a malign force is introduced.

I have been working every day since 2002 to end these wars. I will
never stop. I supported Barack Obama for president in 2008, and am
glad I did so. At the time I also said progressives should disagree
with him on Afghanistan, NAFTA, global warming and Wall Street, and I
have pursued progressive alternatives every day. I have been so busy
on the WikiLeaks crisis since August that I just haven’t had time to
drop by the White House and pick up my marching orders.

TOM HAYDEN Director Peace and Justice Resource Center

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread Shane Mage

On Dec 13, 2010, at 2:07 PM, c b wrote:

 ...It is something of a law of history that sooner or later all  
 empires must
 CB: See _Dialectics of Nature_ by Frederick Engels.  _Everything_ has
 a beginning , middle and end.
A mobius strip has none of those aspects.
 Nothing lasts forever.
The universe lasts forever.

Shane Mage

  This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
  always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
  kindling in measures and going out in measures.

  Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread c b
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Shane Mage wrote:

 On Dec 13, 2010, at 2:07 PM, c b wrote:

 ...It is something of a law of history that sooner or later all
 empires must
 CB: See _Dialectics of Nature_ by Frederick Engels.  _Everything_ has
 a beginning , middle and end.

 A mobius strip has none of those aspects.

CB: When it's made it begins. When it exists , it's in the middle.
When it degrades, it ends.

 Nothing lasts forever.

 The universe lasts forever.

CB: We don't know that because we haven't gotten to forever yet.

The big bang theory says it hasn't always existed.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread Shane Mage

On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:07 PM, c b wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Shane Mage  

 On Dec 13, 2010, at 2:07 PM, c b wrote:

 ...It is something of a law of history that sooner or later all
 empires must
 CB: See _Dialectics of Nature_ by Frederick Engels.  _Everything_  
 a beginning , middle and end.

 A mobius strip has none of those aspects.

 CB: When it's made it begins. When it exists , it's in the middle.
 When it degrades, it ends.

Beginning and end are points.  Neither in time nor in space do they  
occupy any part of any dimension.  The middle between the two is  
also a point.  What exists materially exists in time and space.  If  
the whole of the existence of something is taken to be the middle  
then that something can *have* no middle because it itself is the  

Shane Mage

  This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
  always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
  kindling in measures and going out in measures.

  Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread c b

 Beginning and end are points.  Neither in time nor in space do they
 occupy any part of any dimension.  The middle between the two is
 also a point.  What exists materially exists in time and space.  If
 the whole of the existence of something is taken to be the middle
 then that something can *have* no middle because it itself is the

 Shane Mage


CB: But if the beginning is not geometric point, then ...

When someone is born, they are not a point.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread Shane Mage

On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:38 PM, c b wrote:

 Beginning and end are points.  Neither in time nor in space do they
 occupy any part of any dimension.  The middle between the two is
 also a point.  What exists materially exists in time and space.  If
 the whole of the existence of something is taken to be the middle
 then that something can *have* no middle because it itself is the
 CB: But if the beginning is not geometric point, then ...
then what *is* it?
 When someone is born, they are not a point.
Look at your birth certificate.
See where it says time of birth.
That number is very approximate.
Now imagine that it is accurate to an unlimited (virtually infinite)  
number of digits.
That's a point in time.
Before, you were an unborn baby.
Afterward, you were a born baby.

  Shane Mage

  This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
  always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
  kindling in measures and going out in measures.

  Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread c b
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Shane Mage wrote:

 On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:38 PM, c b wrote:

 Beginning and end are points.  Neither in time nor in space do they
 occupy any part of any dimension.  The middle between the two is
 also a point.  What exists materially exists in time and space.  If
 the whole of the existence of something is taken to be the middle
 then that something can *have* no middle because it itself is the
 CB: But if the beginning is not geometric point, then ...
 then what *is* it?

CB: A plane.


 When someone is born, they are not a point.
 Look at your birth certificate.
 See where it says time of birth.

CB: That's the time of my birth. Not what I am at birth. You are not
the same as the time that u exist.


 That number is very approximate.
 Now imagine that it is accurate to an unlimited (virtually infinite)
 number of digits.
 That's a point in time.
 Before, you were an unborn baby.
 Afterward, you were a born baby.

CB: Correct. A baby is not a geometric point. (smile). Seen any lately
? They are an infinite number of points.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Max Keiser on the Edge with Gre g Hunter–Global Financial Scandals (3 parts )

2010-12-13 Thread c b
Max Keiser on the Edge with Greg Hunter–Global Financial Scandals (3 parts)

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Articles on European Economic Crisis

2010-12-13 Thread c b
“Greece Signs its National Suicide Pact”

“Yes, Virginia. There is a Difference Between Greece and the US”
By Marshall Auerback

Greece Cannot Reduce Its Budget Deficit So Long As Its Neighbors
Pursue Mercantilist Policy

Latvia’s Third Option: Neither Devaluation nor Austerity, but Tax Restructuring
By Michael Hudson

The Coming European Debt Wars
By Michael Hudson

Hammering Ireland–Mike Whitney

How Ireland Can Strike a Blow Against the Imperial Bankers

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[Marxism-Thaxis] They Rule

2010-12-13 Thread c b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Important National Telefonic Town Hall Meeting on DREAM

2010-12-13 Thread c b
Important National Telefonic Town Hall Meeting on DREAM with
Gutierrez, Menendez, and Durbin

We know you’re working hard to get the DREAM Act passed in the Senate
this week. And we want to be sure you have everything you need.

Join us for an exclusive phone call and hear directly from lawmakers
and leaders about where the DREAM Act stands and how we’re going to
make it a reality. The call will take place tomorrow, Tuesday December
14, 2010 at 9pm Eastern Standard Time. I know this is short notice,
but with a vote in the Senate expected this week, we have to act fast.

Click to join:

Senator Menendez and Representative Luis Gutierrez will be speaking
alongside DREAMer Gaby Pacheco and others to give you the inside scoop
on what it will take to pass the DREAM Act before the end of the year.

Hope to see you there--

Ryan, Sally, Jonathan and the AIR Team

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-13 Thread Waistline2
On Dec 13, 2010, at 2:07 PM, c b wrote: 
...It is something of a law of history that sooner or later all empires  
must collapse. ^ CB: See _Dialectics of Nature_ by Frederick Engels.   
_Everything_ has a beginning , middle and end. A mobius strip has none of those 
 aspects. Nothing lasts forever. 
The universe lasts forever. 
Shane Mage 

Nothing lasts forever by definition. 
Precisely because nothing is temporal to the human senses and exists  
outside a definite point in human understanding. That is why it is called  
Nothing is a concept of the unknown. 
No one knows and can know how long the universe, as we understand it   . . 
. lasts. Maybe the universe collapses upon itself and become a new  
manifestation of something. 
One thing is certain: nothing lasts forever, however one understand  

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Test Scorer

2010-12-13 Thread CeJ
That piece doesn't even read like a good MRZINE piece, let alone the
usually ponderous, pretentious MR.
All those words and I still can't get a good idea what the guy
actually does. Standardized tests are for the most part
machine-/computer-scored. Some tests require recorded oral responses
(TOEIC, TOEFL) and many require short written responses (little
personal essays on an assigned topic--such as LSAT, GRE, TOEFL, new
additional TOEIC 'Speaking-Writing' test, etc.). The way these are
scored is three people give a holistic response to the mini-essay. If
one response is an outlier, it's thrown out and the thing is scored on
the avg. of two scores. Otherwise, three scores are averaged.

I think the guy means to say that institutional and standardized
testing is a huge money-making business, made even larger because of
the Bushturds out of Texass's drive to leave no child behind, fully
phonically aware as they go to bed hungry or lack medical care or
decent housing.

Test-scoring is but one pathetic aspect of the industry. Pearson wants
to be a big player, as do a lot of other for-profit entities moving
into education.


ELT in Japan

Japan Higher Education Outlook

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