Re: [Marxism] Iran and anti-imperialism

2010-06-19 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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And as a matter of fact ANSWER actually had solidarity protests *for
the *Islamic
Republic and MRZine continually publishes propaganda from that regime.  Bad
left politics gets a little worse than abstentionism.

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 6:14 PM, S. Artesian sartes...@earthlink.netwrote:

 abstentionism, which pretends to take no sides, is
 actually taking a side, the side of the Iranian government, the side of the
 status quo, the side of the anti-socialists who are against the fundamental
 needs of socialism for freedom of speech, assembly, association.

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Re: [Marxism] The FBI knocked on my door

2010-06-12 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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I don't see how that's possible since it's not his video, worked
perfectly fine on my end.

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Bill O'Connor wrote:

 Another private one, Louis.

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Re: [Marxism] IDF faked photos

2010-06-05 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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The photographic evidence is of course absurd, but they aren't fake
(though I chose to run with the story on The Activist).  You can tell
by the dates on the image tags that the cameras just weren't
configured with the correct time and date settings.  The activists
aren't denying that there weren't small knives, night vision, etc. on
the boat.

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] New Labour

2010-05-10 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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I'd like to hear Brad's (and I guess, Milliband and Panitch's) version
of reality...  despite New Labour's best efforts Labour remains a
party of the working class and not a social liberal party like the
Democratic Party in the US.  The core voting base of the party remains
the urban working class (and their activists are rooted in the working
class).  The same for their finances: though after 1997 they had the
financial backing of some segments of capital-- particularly finance
capital--- Labour is still dependent on trade unions to stay afloat.
The bourgeois workers party is riddled with contradictions and I
suppose its easier to just dismiss all of them with sweeping
statements and proclamations of revolutionary purity: all parties
that seek to manage the capitalist state are parties of capital.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:29 PM, brad wrote:

 Richard wrote:
in the *last analysis* the relationship
 between the Labour Party constitutes an organic connection between party
 and class.  That this is subject to secular deterioration and may
 finally result in a complete severance doesn't alter the fact that in
 the present Labour is a party /of /the working class, based /in/ the
 working class.
 I thought this sort of fantasy was displaced long ago by Milliband and 

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Re: [Marxism] Lenin's Tomb on the British vote

2010-05-10 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Well, here is the question that divides a lot of the British far-left:
how do you united the Left?  Do you focus on building social
movements from below and expect a new formation to come out that that
new terrain over time (or for activists to flood to one of the
existing organizations) or is the task at the moment the a new, united
organization of revolutionary socialists and politically advanced
workers as a prerequisite to meaningful political action (preventing
the futile duplication of efforts and the alphabet soup of sects on
the radical left)?  From the standpoint of an activist in the States,
I'd say that this question is pretty damn relevant for us as well.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Gary MacLennan wrote:

 What will be most likely to increase our chances of victory? I don't live in
 the UK so what I say here is more than somewhat gratuitous.  But for a start
 I would try once more to unite the Left, and I say that with a good deal of
 knowledge of what that Herculean task would entail.  But if we could only
 find a way to rediscover the success of the 1930s Popular Front without the
 Stalinism, we might be in with a very real chance.

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Re: [Marxism] Lenin's Tomb on the British vote

2010-05-09 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do
not make it under self-selected circumstances accepting the organic
links that the Labour Party has to the British working class and the fact
that they are the lesser evil for British workers is empirical fact.

On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 3:38 PM, S. Artesian wrote:

 Geez, that's disappointing.  When push comes to shove, it appears comrade
 Seymour can do no better than run back into Labor's arms.

 I wish I could say unbelievable,  but it's all too believable.

 Exactly how does even a mercilessly critical support of a Lib-Lab coalition
 differ from a popular front?

 Guess what, only in that it would be less left-wing; less popular, and more
  of a front.

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Re: [Marxism] My pick for best movie of 2010 and I have not even seen it!

2010-05-06 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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And so the timeless battle between the ironic and the literal mind rages

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:10 PM, wrote:

  Why read something or see something
 before  you comment on it?

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Re: [Marxism] On the British election - anything?

2010-04-20 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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They are encouraging votes, along with the rest of the British left, for
Labour candidates running on a no cuts, withdrawal platform.  Other Labour
candidates are getting challenged by TUSC / Respect... the point is to break
people from Labourism, if not completely from Labour in the short-term.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Dan Russell proletarian...@gmail.comwrote:

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 Vote Labour? What about TSUC/Respect?
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Re: [Marxism] Christopher Hitchens -- An 'Expert' on George Orwell

2010-04-18 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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  I remember asking a teacher whether Old Major was Lenin or Marx in
the 8th grade in a not-that-extraordinary public school. Her reply was
that he was a amagalmation of the two. I love how Hitchens thinks he's
breaking some sort of new ground here

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 18, 2010, at 8:37 AM, Jeffrey Thomas Piercy

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 Funny, I always thought that everyone agreed that Old Major
 both Marx and Lenin. Isn't that what you guys assumed?

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[Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-15 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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still-in-formation thoughts on the Tea Party Movement and fascism.

(I wrote this in the presence of one of my friends who does some work with
ANSWER here in DC, so feel free to ignore that one observation)

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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My real bone of contention with the SWP isn't the substance of its politics,
but rather how they pursue those politics Engaging in valuable work from
below in social movements and in united fronts, but never really broaching
idea of the unity of Marxists, as Marxists, in a Marxist party that would
allow for permanent factions and freedom of discussion and debate and form
the social base for a rejuvenated left.  I remember during my first week of
my first semester at college when I went to an anti-war rally and
was bombarded with Socialist Workers, Revolution! newspapers, even a
Workers' Vanguard or two, the PSL's paper, etc and I had no idea what to
make of all these left-sects even though I knew my politics were vaguely
socialist and I was familiar with the figure of Leon Trotsky (background I
doubt most people have).  What I see (from afar mind you) are a bunch of
groups duplicating each others efforts, a bunch of competiting sects and no
viable revolutionary left.  Why couldn't SPEW, the SPW and the smaller
groupings like the CPGB and Permanent Revolution be in the same party?
 Given freedom of discussion, I have no doubt that a principled line will
win out.  I guess this is the definition of a liquidationist stance, but is
the alternative for groups like the SPW just hovering around the 5, 6
thousand mark until objective conditions allow for an explosion in their

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Richard Seymour wrote:

 Well, Kevin Murphy is a scholar who has worked hard to arrive at his
 understanding of Stalinism, not least with his /Revolution and
 Counterrevolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory/.  I don't
 think him at all batty, regardless of how uncivil he might have been to
 you in the past.

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew

2010-04-12 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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If by the purity of our ideals you mean socialism and if by our actual
impotence you mean the lack of socialism in the world, then yes, it's a
problem we're all well aware of.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Vladimiro Giacche' md1...@mclink.itwrote:

 I'm afraid it's hard to find any socialist society in the world on this
 In the past, in the present as well as in the future.
 Sometimes I'm inclined to think that the purity of our ideals is a proxy of
 our actual impotence...

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Not your most original contribution, but it fits quite well with their hide
behind front groups and con the working class towards socialism down the
road with transitional demands approach to politics.

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

  From Rees's How to start a new left wing group: the rules:

 Avoid the words socialist, communist, Marxist, workers and Party when
 coining your group's name. It is the 21st century.


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[Marxism] my review of Robert Fitch's Solidarity for Sale

2010-04-09 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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*ONE HAS TO ADMIRE THEIR PERSISTENCE.* *Labor Notes, *the flagship journal
of the domestic labor Left, professes itself to be “the voice of union
activists who want to put the movement back into the labor
stylistically about as riveting as the phonebook, for more than three
difficult decades *Labor Notes* has critically observed and recorded
organized labor’s endemic corruption, democratic shortcomings, and gross
ineptitude in organizing workers in the private sector, where today only 7.2
percent of Americans are unionized. In a typically journalistic manner, most
of these problems are blamed on the perfidy of individuals: union staffers
and leaders insufficiently committed to class solidarity and grassroots
participation. Similarly, the striking decline in union strength is
attributed to deindustrialization and the hypermobility of global capital in
the neoliberal age. What is needed, according to this standard *Labor
Notes* narrative,
is new currents within the labor movement to bring to power more dynamic
actors capable of meeting the challenges of the new century. In his new
book *Solidarity for
labor activist Robert Fitch begs to

“Corruption,” Fitch argues, “flows from the retarded development of American
unions, which still haven’t broken out of nineteenth-century models of labor
organization” (ix). Modern labor’s rot began at its genesis, Fitch claims.
It derives from the exclusionary craft unionism initiated by the American
Federation of Labor (AFL). A century ago unskilled workers, minorities, and
women were willfully neglected, while mainstream unions opposed even the
most rudimentary social democratic legislation to benefit the wider working
class. The famous AFL president Samuel Gompers even opposed eight-hour
workday legislation on ideological grounds, differentiating the AFL from
European unions that he saw as “espousing an effeminate social welfare
philosophy as well as a primitive egalitarianism” (40). The AFL was
concerned with wages. The mixture of this self-interested “business
unionism” and the conditions in certain sectors of the economy like the
textile industry, where craft unions predominated and employers were
numerically small enough to be cajoled, facilitated the rise of job-control
unionism. This rendered workers subservient to union officials doling out
jobs, which in turn reinforced an insular culture of loyalty predicated upon
fear rather than solidarity. Though defended by many progressives, Fitch
sees this uniquely American development as noxious, making domestic unions
highly susceptible to penetration by organized crime.

Stretches of Fitch’s account read like a crime-noir novel. Questioning the
founding narrative of big labor, a tale that conveniently begins with the
struggle for the eight-hour day and ends with the New Deal, Fitch airs dirty
laundry with the cheek of a muckraking journalist. While such tales of the
corruption and mob-dealings of figures like Sam Parks, Cornelius “Con”
, Jimmy Hoffa, and Ron
Carey are
not entirely ignored by other members of the labor left, they are typically
consigned to the realm of anecdotal gossip. In Fitch’s narrative, these are
not just the failings of unsavory individuals, but of structurally
compromised institutions.


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Re: [Marxism] interview with ISO member in haiti

2010-03-30 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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And in their view the Cuban system is a bastardization of the word
socialism and though it deserves defense from US imperialism, like any
other, it isn't a worker's state.  The ISO's stance against what
they perceive as state capitalism is them telling the truth about Cuba
from their perspective.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Eli Stephens elishasteph...@hotmail.comwrote:

 In short, telling the truth about Cuba is defending Cuba and the Cuban
 revolution and the Cuban people from imperialism.

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Re: [Marxism] A Fake Fight Over Fake Health Care Reform

2010-03-29 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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A young British socialist's take on this very question: .
 There is one problematic part towards the end, but it's an interesting

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

The inability of the ruling class in the USA to act on its *long
 term* interests is interesting. Clearly, the damage to the
 environment threatens the ability of the capitalist system to
 reproduce itself but nothing seems to get done to fix the

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Re: [Marxism] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Social democrats simply can't operate like they were able to during the
'golden age' of capitalism... even if they *wanted to*, even if *forced* by
a militant mass movement.  Objective conditions have drastically changed
since the early 70s.

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Dan wrote:

Social Democrats NEVER make good on their electoral promises unless they
 are prompted to do so FROM BELLOW.

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Re: [Marxism] How US far left went off rails on health care

2010-03-27 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Some thoughts on a way out of the current impasse (got reprinted by a few
liberal pubs like Commondreams :

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[Marxism] on the French Regional Elections

2010-03-17 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Re: [Marxism] Has Hezbollah shifted left?

2010-03-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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From* Mehdi Kia, cut and paste excuse the formatting:*

There is no doubt that on the international scene Hezbollah has allied
itself with progressive forces (as has the Iranian regime). But to call it
anti-imperialist is to misunderstand what social forces can be truly
anti-imperialist. It is undoubtedly true that Hezbollah provides social
services and security for the Shia poor. But then so do the drug gangs
running the flavelas of Brazil, to name but one.

What I think is missing in this, and many articles relating to the Shia
Islamist movement, is the central role expediency plays in Shia ideology.
This is critical for a minority religion trying to survive in the midst of
Sunni dominance over the centuries. Khomeini crystallised it in his addition
to the constitution of the Islamic Republic when he introduced the concept
of *velayate motlaqeh faqih*, which proclaimed that the supreme leader can
do anything, and bring in any laws, to strengthen “the Islamic government” -
even including the suspension of the fundamentals of religion, such as the
daily prayer, fasting, etc.

In other words what you say and who you ally with should only have one
long-term aim - to consolidate the rule of Islam. It is in this light that
we have to accept Khomeini’s pronouncement in Paris that in the
post-revolutionary regime communists would be free to organise and that the
choice of female attire would be entirely voluntary - only to retract the
latter within three months and the former once the Tudeh had served their
purpose in 1983. This is how we should view Hezbollah leader Hassan
Nasrallah’s ‘progressive’ pronouncements.

At its base, the Hezbollah is a top-down, totalitarian movement that splits
the working class of Lebanon along Shia, Sunni and Christian (not to speak
of male-female) lines. Such an organisation is not in any sense
anti-imperialist. Indeed in the long run it will help imperialist domination
on the region - as the Islamic regime has done.

This should not stop us supporting its legitimate opposition to Israeli rule
in the region. But let us spread no illusions over its true historic role -
which is to slow down progress, not aid it.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

In his last will and testament in 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini
 included a scathing attack on communism: Islam differs sharply
 from communism. Whereas we respect private property, communism
 advocates the sharing of all things -- including wives and
 homosexuals. [19] In Tehran, communists and other political
 dissidents are summarily executed, and outed homosexuals publicly
 hanged. In Beirut, they walk freely and Hezbollah does not hunt
 them down.  Will Hezbollah ever criticize or break with the
 Islamic Republic and its founder?


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Re: [Marxism] Perry Anderson idiocy on China

2010-03-06 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Yes, it's the piece in question.  Anderson's being described with Gramsci's
couplet (well not Gramsci's, but since everyone seems to think
he originated it)

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Einde O'Callaghan eind...@freenet.dewrote:

 Ehhhm - in case you didn't notice the piece posted by Louis is actually
 by the very same Gilbert Achcar.

 Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Perry Anderson idiocy on China

2010-03-05 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Is it? Anderson's perspective may have seemed out of place, even
pessimistic, on the heels of Seattle, but I'll still defend Renewals and
would argue that it has been largely vindiciated.  Quoting Elliott's
excellent Ends in Sight:

A more balanced rejoinder to ‘Renewals’ came from
the French Trotskyist Gilbert Achcar. He took issue
with the ‘crude economic determinism’ on display in
the passage from ‘Renewals’ quoted above, arguing
that Anderson’s historical sense deserted him when,
in an aberrant wagering on the worse, he looked to
‘a slump of inter-war proportions’ to redound to the
benefi t of the left. On the other hand, Achcar noticed
something of a paradox missed by many others: ‘In
reality, Perry Anderson’s editorial expresses profound
pessimism while simultaneously and unmistakably
marking a new radicalization: the editor of NLR
displays a particularly combative mood.’ This
qualifi ed, without altogether cancelling, what was
deemed to be Anderson’s ‘historical pessimism’ – the
stance of someone ‘who has more and more become
a practitioner of the “pessimism of the intellect”
championed by Gramsci’.

Champion of Gramsci though he undoubtedly is,
Anderson would nevertheless dissent here, declining
to subscribe to the Sardinian’s voluntaristic couplet:
‘pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will’. As
we have seen, the posture he commends is one of
‘uncompromising realism’, repudiating the option of
pessimism or optimism, whether of the intellect or
the will, as fallacious.
The analytical duty to be
discharged, closer in temper to Spinoza’s non ridere, non
lugere neque detestari, sed intelligere (not to ridicule,
not to lament or execrate, but to understand) than
to Gramsci’s ‘pessimism of the intellect’, is accurate
refl ection of the state of the world. But that need not
preclude resistance to it.

Two key questions, then: did ‘Renewals’ broadly
refl ect the trends of contemporary political history
at the time it was written? And has the reaction of
‘resignation’ – even with the qualifi cation: ‘for the
foreseeable future’ – precluded resistance to them?
Given the Deutscherite cast of Anderson’s Marxism
over more than four decades, it would have been surprising
to fi nd him enjoining anything other than ‘a lucid
registration of historical defeat’ as the sole plausible
starting point for what was left of the traditional left
in 2000.

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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 Bhaskar Sunkara wrote:

  I'm actually just re-reading Considerations on Western Marxism now. I
  think Perry's piece was engaging, but that line did catch me by
  surprise (lower case c too)... did he give up on Marxist histography
  sometime after 1980? Because Arguments Within English Marxism,
  Considerations and his extended essay on Gramsci from the 1970s are
  masterpieces. Of his recent stuff I don't know, but I think his
  Renewals essay from 2000 and his critical coverage of The Age of
  Extremes have their merits.  I'm far more critical of the recent
  trajectory of Tariq Ali.

 The key to understanding Perry Anderson is his disillusionment
 with socialist revolution and a newly developed interest in
 bourgeois ideology that surfaced in a 2000 NLR article and which
 should explain his nod to the Brookings Institute guy.

 This is a good analysis:

 Issue 88 of INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM JOURNAL Published Autumn 2000

 The 'historical pessimism' of Perry Anderson

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Re: [Marxism] Perry Anderson idiocy on China

2010-03-05 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Instrumentalists?  Engels?

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 8:58 PM, brad bauerly wrote:

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 ML wrote-
 The problem is that Marxists see the State as a mechanism for one class
 to dominate the society.
 Which Marxists do this?
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[Marxism] Unconventional Wisdom: An Interview With Doug Henwood

2010-02-21 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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There's high levels of narcissism and voyeurism involved with Facebook, but
as far as activism goes it's an invaluable tool for bringing out college
students to protests and events on campus. Bombard 150 people with an event
invitation, get 40 RSVPs and expect a 20 or show to actually show-up.  It's
not a bad complement to actual flyering.  As far as The Activist.  You
should fan us.  700 people or so have done it already and it would be nice
to get a 1000. It's not bad to show support for an anti-capitalist youth
blog connected to a growing student organization, despite any political
disagreements, right?  Facebook fan pages are decent forums for readership
interaction and advertising.

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[Marxism] Weekly Worker 804 (11/02/2010) now available at

2010-02-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Weekly Worker 804 - Thursday February 11 2010

The latest edition of the Weekly Worker is now available online at

In this week's issue:

Tusc poses the necessity of a Marxist party, not a Labour Party mark
two, writes Peter Manson

Moron Chomsky; Bonobo ideas; Befuddled; Marxist fact; Neo-Stalinism;
Everything; Disservice; Disrepute; Direct justice; Anti-Semitic?; End
detention; Policy demands;

This is the Draft programme of the CPGB as agreed by the Provisional
Central Committee. It will be put before a special conference of CPGB
members before the end of 2010. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms
are welcome
1. Our epoch
2. Capitalism in Britain
3. Immediate demands
4. Character of the revolution
5. Transition to communism
6. The Communist Party

These are the Draft rules of the CPGB as agreed by the Provisional
Central Committee

International Marxist Tendency has suffered a damaging split. Not a
new phenomenon, notes James Turley

The resignation of Oskar Lafontaine is a serious blow to the German
left party. Tina Becker reports

The Reesites no longer peddle the line that Iran is a democratic
country. But despite Lindsey German’s resignation from the SWP, their
support for the ‘green movement’, including the butcher Moussavi,
shows that the comrades still have not learned what principled
international solidarity is, says Tina Becker

The disgraceful role of Campaign Iran, outlined by Tina Becker

The comfort and self-respect of the incurably ill and the dying must
be ensured, writes Eddie Ford

Laurie McCauley reports on last Saturday’s surprisingly positive
conference of leftwing student activists

Tony Greenstein gives his view of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign
annual conference

For recallable MPs on a worker’s wage, writes Jim Moody

Robbie Rix asks for some financial support

A PDF version of the paper can be downloaded at

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[Marxism] Immanuel Kant: An Erotic Life

2010-02-10 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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I'll admit there's nothing really new here if you read the *Irish
Times*piece, but there is an explanation of why BHL is my favorite
which I'm convinced the world has been pining for.

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Re: [Marxism] A hiccup from the Cruise Missile left

2009-11-26 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Can someone explain to me when these left-neoliberals became the Left?

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] Come back Karl

2009-11-24 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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The system collapsed, because of Western bankers and economically it
couldn't have continued for much longer.  Thatcher and Bush both were wary
of any revolutionary ruptures in Eastern Europe and the course of events
didn't suit their model of how the collapse of Stalinism should have
continued.  The system was plagued by its contradictions and collapsed, but
that *doesn't* mean it wasn't a historic defeat for the Left.
 Destalinization didn't occur, but an authoritarian, neoliberal capitalism
took root.  I don't see how the spread of capitalist global hegemony can't
been seen as a defeat for the anticapitalist Left.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Dogan Gocmen dgn.g...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Well, this was not my claim. I said that the defeat of first socialist
 attempts was also the defeat of the left in general.
 This includes all sections or fractions of the left. However, leftists
 attacking SU they did not cause the defeat but they
  contributed to that direction.

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Re: [Marxism] Long Live the 5th International!

2009-11-23 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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The words that constantly come out of Chavez's mouth are reflective of a
hollow anti-imperialism and the fact that he and Morales are running
left-nationalist popular fronts.  I doubt a union of South American Soviets
were about to pop up before Chavez and co. came around so I'm not
attacking him or the PSUV, but I don't think anyone seriously thinks a new
international can be built around the Bolivarian Revolution and the
theoretical ruminations of Castro.  This time around it's just a farce.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:07 AM, Shane Hopkinson

 I'm not overly concerned about Chavez' view of any other person - we need
 to be concerned about what he's doing for the working people of Venezuela
 and what (if anything) we can learn from it - not defending everything that
 comes out his mouth.

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Re: [Marxism] Long Live the 5th International!

2009-11-22 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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I never knew of his correspondence and support for Carlos The Jackal, who
has turned towards Jihadism while in prison and considers Osama Bin-Ladin an
anti-imperialist revolutionary.

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Re: [Marxism] Zizek in the Socialist Review (SWP-UK)

2009-11-20 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Fight Club (another masterpiece of the Hollywood left).  Really... Fight
Club a masterpiece?  The left?  I think Richard Seymour was right when he
described it and American Beauty as pop-Heideggerian.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Maxwell Clark wrote:

 An encouraging development. Is Zizek becoming a partisan activist?
 Let's hope so, utopians that we all are. --St. Max

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Re: [Marxism] Zizek on the Berlin Wall

2009-11-10 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Zizek is entertaining and defends in his own way the idea of revolution and
the continued existence of History in a way that makes him attractive.  His
politics are muddled, but when he's in town I go to listen to him speak for
the anecdotes-- if not all the ideas.  I think upper-middle class grad
students are the cornerstones of his fanbase.  Even though what attracted to
me was the fact that he was willing to defend 1789 and 1917 in a way that
wasn't in vogue in the mainstream--- his analysis of the French Revolution
and his adoration of Saint-Just, the ranting about the imposition of the
Idea by the violence and will of a minority and his gross
misrepresentations of Lenin (Louis wrote a good article on this) is a bit
revolting.  Closer to Bruno Bauer than Karl Marx.  This article however was
quite tolerable.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Ernest Leif wrote:
  I'm never sure what all fuss about Zizek is. He seems to me like the
  Hipster's Marxist, and a thoroughly obtuse one at that. Maybe someone on
  this list can explain the fascination with his ideas.

 Jeez, I have the same question.

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Re: [Marxism] Gore Vidal in the Atlantic

2009-10-31 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
I think I posted this a while back.  It shows what a vile, revolting prick
he's become (?) in his old age.

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 11:13 AM, David Thorstad wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] review of two exhibits on John Brown

2009-10-29 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
The reviewer is quoting text from the Richmond exhibit.  It's not explicitly
clear that his is endorsing those views, just showing the contrast between
how the two exhibits dealt with Brown.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Andrew Pollack acpolla...@gmail.comwrote:
 The review itself is reactionary -- lumping Brown in with the Oklahoma
 City bombers! -- but the article has some good links to exhibit

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Re: [Marxism] John Molyneux on party democracy

2009-10-27 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Louis, I haven't read your article so I'm not sure if you mentioned the
context that Molyneux's article is being written in.  Molyneux is a strong
voice in the SWP attacking the (in my opinion, wrongheaded) no-platform
policy BNP policy.  The few months before the SWP conference (now) are
apparently the only times when members can form factions.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 In the latest issue of International Socialism, a quarterly put
 out by the British SWP, John Molyneux has an 8600 word article “On
 Party Democracy”  that raises some interesting questions but fails
 to get to the heart of the real problem in self-declared Leninist
  vanguards like the SWP.

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Re: [Marxism] self determination for oppressors

2009-10-18 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
I would be wary of such a solution though Louis.  France in 1940 is a good
example of how fast a terribly oppressive people can transformed into an
oppressed group in a flash.  Demographically it's also a different game than
in Algeria and South Africa and I think it does matter--- in terms of how
hard it will be to eradicate Zionism as opposed to those other apartheid
states-- that Israel was created on the basis of “exclusion colonization”,
relying mostly on Jewish labor, as opposed to regular “exploitation

One state-solution theorists admit that their triumph would lead to a mass
exodus of a large percentage of the current population of Israel.  This has
serious economic, as well as moral implications. I'm tempted to agree, but I
see it as sort of a cop out.  On paper it's obviously the ideal solution
Zionism was a historical crime littered with an inherent racist ethos.  But
is there any doubt that this solution cannot be solved without the worldwide
return of emancipatory politics as opposed to the current paradigm?

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Marv Gandall wrote:
  It's not possible to conceive of a socialist revolution in
  which would not involve the participation of the Jewish masses, and if
  were to come to pass, the question of a Jewish state, especially in
  of what it has come to represent, would be moot. It's very unlikely that
  Hebrew-speaking revolutionaries, having shed their blood with
  Arabic-speaking Palestinians against the Zionists and the Zionist idea,
  would be asking, if anything, for more than the new state's support for
  preservation of their language and culture.

 But the conflict is not about language and culture. It is about power,
 land, wealth, etc.

 And, furthermore, what is so amazing about the Zionist project is its
 inability to think outside the box. South Africa abandoned apartheid but
 did nothing to attack the power, land, and wealth of the white minority.
 A more clever Zionist leadership would abandon the racial basis of the
 state and put the ineffable Abbas in charge of the government. Nothing
 would change, however.

 But since the presence of religious zealots in the veins of Israeli
 society prevents this, the inevitable outcome will be like Algeria no
 matter how long it takes. The demographics favor this.

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Re: [Marxism] Shlomo Sand reinvents the Jewish people

2009-10-17 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
The project to found Israel as a settler state was and still is “a crime”,
said comrade Conrad. But that crime has resulted in the coming into being of
an Israeli Jewish, or Hebrew, nation and a working class solution must
recognise this reality. While comrade Conrad could envisage the necessity of
expelling recent Israeli settlers from the West Bank as part of an agreed
democratic settlement, it was out of the question to talk about uprooting
the Israeli Jewish people as a whole. The Israeli Jewish nation, like any
other, has the right to self-determination, so long as it is not exercised
at the expense of the oppression of other peoples.

The founding of the state of Israel resulted not only in the creation of an
Israeli nation, but a Palestinian nation too. So now there are two mutually
hostile nations contesting the same territory. Of course, if the two nations
were prepared to join together in a democratic, secular state, that would be
an excellent thing, but such a merger could only be achieved on a voluntary
basis and the overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews reject it out of hand.
What is more, the Israeli state is “armed to the teeth and allied to the
US”, the most powerful imperialist country on earth. So how would it be
possible to attain a single state in current circumstances?

Comrade Conrad concluded by saying that we need to approach the whole
question from a different angle - taking the perspective of the Arab
revolution as our starting point. The working class “must win leadership of
the Arab nation” to achieve a democratic solution for the entire Middle
East. A voluntary merger of the Arab peoples under working class hegemony,
having defeated Zionism, would certainly grant the Israeli Jewish nation the
right to self-determination, including the right to form their own state.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Andrew Pollack acpolla...@gmail.comwrote:

 And the notion that Palestinians SHOULDN'T return
 and that the current colonizers won't accept being a minority, flies
 in the face of a variety of historical examples, from Algeria to South
 Africa and so on. The main lesson of those examples being, of course,
 that the majority will find a way by whatever means it can to assert
 its rights.
 Andy Pollack

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Re: [Marxism] Statement against Government of India ’s planned military offensive in adivasi-popula ted regions

2009-10-13 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
At the end of the day, Louis, Americans feeling the pain at the pump don't
complain much about cable news cliches.

Not to get emotionally charged or anything.

Pull back the curtain.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Bhaskar Sunkara wrote:
  At the end of the day


 It is bad enough that every single talking head on cable news shows uses
 this phrase (or throwing somebody under the bus) without us using it.

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Re: [Marxism] Anti-Roma racism fuels growth of neofascist party in Hungary

2009-10-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Far too often is it forgotten that more than a quarter million Roma died out
of a population of 1 million during the Holocaust.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 7:36 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:,0,1698369.story

 In Hungary, far right is making gains
 The radically nationalist Jobbik party won 15% of the vote in elections
 for EU delegates. The popularity of party leader Gabor Vona, who has
 started a militia, hinges on hostility toward Gypsies.

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[Marxism] Weekly Worker 788 (08/10/2009)

2009-10-08 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Weekly Worker 788 - Thursday October 8 2009

The latest edition of the Weekly Worker is now available on the CPGB
website at

In this week's issue:

An overwhelming vote for action is expected. Jim Moody gives the background

Military angle; Bottom up; Class act; Smash ’em; Sex and power; Rix
fix; Disaster

Ireland’s vote highlights the need for a clear, positive working class
agenda, writes Anne Mc Shane

James Turley argues that the bourgeoisie is incapable of uniting
Europe on any secure basis

The Tory conference gave us a flavour of what a Cameron government
will bring, writes Eddie Ford

Dave Vincent thinks Serwotka’s campaign is utterly economistic

Paul Cockshott critiques Mike Macnair’s Revolutionary strategy and
argues for a rethink on the question of a democratic republic

Jim Creegan reviews Michael Moore’s (director) Capitalism: a love
story 2009 (no UK release date yet)

Dave Lynch expects full ‘vote Labour’ mode

Robbie Rix wants to see some plastic

A PDF version of the paper can be downloaded at

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Re: [Marxism] John Holloway speaking in London this month.

2009-10-04 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
I freed janitor's closet in the hallway outside my dormroom as an autonomous
space.  I also broke dress code at work **twice** last week.  Consider the
dictatorship of capital over comrades.

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[Marxism] [The Activist] N.W.A.’s Se cond Album, Track Two

2009-10-03 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara

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Re: [Marxism] VIDEO: G20 protester snatched by men in military fatiques

2009-09-25 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
I call bullshit, but I reserve the right to be wrong.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Pat Costello wrote:

 like something out of a Matt Damon movie. they throw him in an unmarked car
 and roar off.

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[Marxism] Weekly Worker 786 – Thursday Septemb er 24 2009

2009-09-24 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
*Weekly Worker 786 – Thursday September 24 2009*

The latest edition of the Weekly Worker is now available on the CPGB
website at

In this week’s issue:

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group looks at the transition
from ape to human and quantity into quality, plus the importance of
language, counter-dominance and sex in the human story.

Disappointing; Draconian; Age of consent; Youth U-turn; Written out;
What tactic?; Doomed

If the City Council gets away with impoverishing this group of
workers, it will be encouraged to take the hatchet to others, writes
Jim Moody

James Turley calls for a powerful workers’ movement needs to offer a
real political lead in challenging the power of the capitalists

Peter Manson spoke to Labour left MP John McDonnell about next week’s
Labour Party conference, the general election and beyond

Use the referendum as a platform to call for working class unity in
Europe, demands Anne Mc Shane

Workers in Iran need our support and solidarity

Calls for state, local government, and BBC censorship and bans will
inevitably backfire against the workers’ movement, argues Ben Lewis

Imperialism - with the US being the absolute hegemon - threatens to
annihilate civilisation, writes Eddie Ford

Robbie Rix asks for support for a space where leftwingers can have their say

A PDF version of the paper can be downloaded at

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[Marxism] A few anecdotes about class society

2009-09-23 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
There is this ridiculous car alarm keeping me up, so I figured I would spend
the last 30 minutes showing some of my friends and the other assorted 60-70
people a day that read my blog that class society does exist.  I think only
like 2-3 leftists read my blog, so this is my audience.  I'm not sure how
much the already conscious would get from this, but as always I welcome
informed comments criticisms.

This may be my last post for a while, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to
take a baseball bat to that car, which may or may not have serious legal

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Oskar Lafontaine: ‘We want to govern’ The results for the German left party
Die Linke in the August 30 regional elections are impressive, particularly
the 21.3% achieved in the federal state of Saarland. But is this the
beginning of the end for the “party of opposition”? Tina Becker takes a
closer look

Germany’s so-called ‘super Sunday’ on August 30 was not so super for
everybody. The big parties were big losers. Because the parliamentary
elections for the national *Bundestag* are less than a month away (September
27), the elections results in three of the 16 German federal states
(Thuringia, Saxony and Saarland) have been interpreted as a ‘dry run’.

The conservative Christian Democratic Union of chancellor Angela Merkel did
worse than predicted - which means the bad results for the Social Democrats
(SPD) did not stand out quite as much as expected. The fact that the SPD
share of the vote in the east German federal state of Thuringia, for
example, increased from a measly 9.8% to a scarcely less measly 10.4% is
hardly worth celebrating - especially as the lowest ever turnout means that,
in reality, the number of voters remained roughly the same. The only ones
for whom Sunday really was ‘super’ are the smaller parties. The Greens, the
Liberal Democrats (FDP) and Die Linke increased their share of the vote
almost everywhere and are likely to play the kingmaker in the regional
government coalitions that will now be formed.

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
What about the Antikapitalistische Linke and the other opposition groups.  I
may be wrong, but I heard they form a fairly sizeable minority within the

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
There is a militant minority in Die Linke that wants to build an
oppositional movement and not be mere left-social democrats.

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Not only was the content of Richard's post dripping with sarcasm he even put
asterisks for extra emphasis.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Mark Lause wrote:

 The point is the absurdity of the notion that the German working class has
 repudiated bourgeois politics

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[Marxism] Weekly Worker 785 (17/09/09) now available at

2009-09-17 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Weekly Worker 785 - Thursday September 17 2009

The latest edition of the Weekly Worker is now available on the CPGB
website at

In this week's issue:

The Bolshevik decision to make revolution was based on four key
predictions, or ‘wagers’, says Lars T Lih: international revolution,
soviet democracy, peasant followership and progress towards socialism.

Consent confusion; No place; Prejudice; No surprise; Safety valve;
Contradiction; Hit first; Prison letter; Free Mahir; Support Sheida

Some people cannot distinguish a revolutionary alliance from class
collaboration. Peter Manson looks at the South African Communist
Party’s contradictions

Eddie Ford sees an advance in Downing Street’s belated apology

Even by the standards of ‘paedo panic’ hysteria, writes James Turley,
plans to vet 11 million adults who come into regular contact with
children are absurd

The Trade Union Congress saw a bit of prime ministerial honesty, a lot
of hot air, but nothing in the way of concrete measures to protect
workers from the effects of the ongoing economic crisis. Phil Ritchie

The Scottish National Party has called for a referendum on
independence, writes Sarah McDonald. How should the left respond?

Robbie Rix urges you to use the now-working button to show it

A PDF version of the paper is available at

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Re: [Marxism] Good books on 'transition from fordism to postfordism' debate?

2009-09-13 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
*·* *Moishe Postone, History and Helplessness: Mass Mobilization and
Contemporary Forms of
* (2006)


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 4:24 AM, Joonas Laine wrote:

 can anyone recommend good books on the debate about transition from
 fordist to postfordist capitalism that put it in some perspective (also
 globally), preferably with statistical information to make the points,
 instead of merely philosophising about changed perceptions people have
 towards their work etc..?

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Re: [Marxism] India: An Update from Lalgarh

2009-09-12 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Anyone who has been to West Bengal or anywhere in the Red Corridor would 
know that there is little support for the Maoists among the Indian 
working class.  I can't testify to the level of support that they have 
with peasants and among groups suffering from the fractious and uneven 
growth that taken place in India in the past few decades, but they 
cannot win in India.  They don't have vision that will win over or help 
Indian workers.  And Comrade Roy is right to criticize their tactics. 
There is a lot wrong with the CPI-M.  There has historically always been 
a lot wrong with the CPI-M since the 1920s when MN Roy and the talented 
core of their cadre were expelled by Stalin's Cominterm. I just wouldn't 
view these Maoists through rose-colored lenses, especially from afar.  
(I do support the CPN-M in Nepal).

Politicus E. wrote:
 Ragesh Roy wrote:

 my remark was a criticism of Maoist violence in Bengal, and their
 opportunistic alliance with Mamta Banerjee against the CPI(M).. I
 support the CPI(M).. over the last five days, about 15 people
 including CPI(M) cadre have been murdered by these petty criminals who
 dream of bringing revolution to India through cold-blooded murder..

 Comrade Roy, thank you for this clarification.

 However, if we are to engage in a debate that consists of an exchange
 sound-bite e-mails, then my response is simply to urge you to
 re-consider your support for the CPI(M).

 You must surely recognize that the Trinamool is dialectically a
 rightward negation of the politics of CPI(M), born in the womb of
 Nandigram and Singur.  Have we forgotten those massacres?  Thus, the
 CPI(M) is itself the party responsible for the emergence of Trinamool
 in the first instance.

 By the way, what you refer to as the ultra-left is in point of fact
 a heterogenous political formation, contrary to the CPI(M) line.



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Re: [Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
On my way out sorry for the brevity, but it might be simply a bot.  Send 
me an email with the IP and I'll give it a lookup for you.

Politicus E. wrote:
 Dear comrades:

 I have a question that hopefully those comrades who are more internet
 savvy than I might answer.

 I recently posted a blog entry entitled Indian's Favourite Fascist,
 Again.  That blog entry has been exceptionally popular in the sense
 that it has got almost 200 reads, by far the most I have got of any
 piece to date.

 But I noticed something peculiar about the pattern of hits.  There is
 an IP address that hits the blog exactly every 30 mins, at the top of
 each hour, and at 30 mins. past the hour.  I cannot determine the
 originating IP address, except that it is from within the U.S.
 perhaps.  I also know that this has been going on for about 24 hours.
 This strikes me as rather strange and I have no hypothesis that can
 account for my observation.

 Does something have ideas about what might be the source, and why this
 is happening?



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Re: [Marxism] marxist biographies

2009-09-10 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Isaac Deutscher, Maurice Isserman

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Cliff Conner is a Trotskyist who has specialized in writing biographies:

 1. Jean Paul Marat: Scientist and Revolutionary

 2. Colonel Despard: The Life And Times Of An Anglo-irish Rebel

 3. Arthur O'Connor: The Most Important Irish Revolutionary You May Never
 Have Heard of

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[Marxism] Lars Lih on Lenin, Kautsky, and 1914

2009-09-10 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara

also recommended is his first article from last week:

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[Marxism] Worker in a Worker's State by Miklos Haraszti

2009-09-09 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Anyone read it?  Thoughts?

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Re: [Marxism] American CP leader still solidly behind Obama

2009-09-09 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
It's not like the Democrats have benefited much from their advocacy.   
They have some convoluted theory that justifies their support for this 
President, which has included the claim that Obama is perhaps the most 
pro-labor President in U.S. history, in some manifestos that Webb has 

Jim Farmelant wrote:
 On Wed, 09 Sep 2009 20:33:41 -0400 Bill O'Connor
 Louis Proyect writes:
 I believe it was Cde. Smith who called the CPUSA the Democratic Pet
 Sematary.  Revolutionaries to there to be be buried and re-animated 
 DNC phone bankers.

 My question is what does the CPUSA get back
 in return for its solid, decades-long support for the DP?

 Jim F.

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Re: [Marxism] Marx/Hegel

2009-09-08 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Many Marxist thinkers don't deal with dialectics, namely Gramsci with his
philosophy of Praxis and Althusser's writings on contradictions in *For Marx

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Re: [Marxism] Marx/Hegel

2009-09-08 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
I don't see how I could misrepresent since I didn't read, much less 
reply to your post.
But since I befuddled you isn't /materialisme aleatoire/ a 
fundamental rejection of dialectical materialism?  Wasn't a common theme 
of Althusser's works the attempt to rid Marxism of the idealism that 
crept in from Hegelian dialectics.

Now that I read it (for the first time) I don't see what anyone could 
find objectionable.  Calm down and reply to the right person before you 
post.  I'm fairly certain that I haven't ever misrepresented you since I 
can't recall any an particular incident where I bothered to engage with 
what you thought.
Mark Lause wrote:
 No, you misrepresent what I said (again).

 The original statement was that Marx stands alone and that people
 shouldn't have to read Hegel to understand Marx.  My argument is that
 people may well get a great deal out of reading Hegel...or
 Gramsci...or Althusser.

 Your have once more befuddled me with your assertion that Marxist
 writers don't deal with the dialectical method (particularly the very
 nature of praxis...)


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Re: [Marxism] What to do?

2009-09-08 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara'_Party  
where that project was at in 2004/2005

Mark Lause wrote:
 What is the embryo of a campaign?

 Is there a Bullshit Brain Trust somewhere making up these new terms?
 Because, if there is, I think I'd like to work there.  I can come up
 with some really funny and meaningless words myself..


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Re: [Marxism] Good critique of Walter Benn Michaels's NLR article

2009-09-07 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
This is probably a very valid point.  There should no question that the
immigrant rights movements
and organizing among other marginalized groups should be a primary focus for
Marxists right now.

I despise when people dismiss the White working class as hopelessly
reactionary, but there is no doubt in
 my mind that the embryo of a mass movement would have to start in more
fertile territory.

As far as provocation goes if part of his essay challenged leftists who have
been seeing Obama, Hillary and Condi
as mostly beneficiaries of the upheavals of the New Left and the
post-political left, instead of  neoliberalism ethos.
I think this is fundamentally correct.

I was unaware of his stance on diversity in universities.  It sounds arcane
and reactionary.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Basically he is an intellectual provocateur like Stanley Fish, who
 enjoys stirring things up. I should mention that Living Marxism, the
 magazine put out by the Spiked Online people, had the *same* analysis as
 him and enjoyed the static it generated on the left. Why people should
 take characters like WBM and Frank Furedi seriously is beyond me since
 they don't take their own selves very seriously.

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Re: [Marxism] What to do? [Early morn Labor Day thoughts]

2009-09-07 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
I honestly don't think that our energies should be put toward electoral
efforts by third parties.
But there is no doubt that in the long-term a party of the working class
is an absolutely necessity.

Now I'm largely paraphrasing Larhs Lih and Mike Macnair, but such a party
would need to be both a vanguard and a mass party.
Kautsky (somewhat infamously) stated the need of the vanguard of the working
class and intellectuals to bring the good news
of socialism to workers, a mass party at the same time, because the party of
the working class should be democratic, open
and must clearly articulate its real platform (no modern Trotskyist
hide-behind-a-front-group nonsense).

The early SPD, which Lenin adapted to Russian circumstances (extreme state
repression, illegality) modeled and the Bolsheviks around,
 pioneered rallies, petitions, all things we take for granted this
adapted to the 21st century is an excellent model.
In addition to simple trade unions, workers' clubs, community organizations,
where all created on an openly working class, socialist basis.
The Black Panther Party's efforts (free breakfasts, community centers, etc)
is a more contemporary example of something similar to this.

Basically it would take a mass workers' movement, combined with the merger
of the socialist goal with a large chunk of that movement
to build a principled *party of opposition* (one that does not aspire to
ever manage the capitalist state or enter into coalition with capitalist

I don't think there is much hope in Green Party or Labor Party venture.
This isn't even to mention that due to restrictive electoral laws the 3rd
venture is nearly impossible in the United States.  For now building the
embryo of a broad Marxist organization would be a good start.

Maybe it's the naivety of youth, but I don't see why such an organization
couldn't openly run candidates in Democratic primaries on an openly
Marxist, oppositional platform for the sake of not a fantasy to transform
or push the Democrats left, but to reach out to progressive forces that
are unfortunately held up in the Democratic camp?  (Whether we like it or
not they are there.)


I'm about to start up the BBQ, and I have no time to proof read this.  (and
I haven't put my contacts in yet.)



On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Hunter Gray hunterbadb...@hunterbear.orgwrote:

 But, given the obvious dashing of hopes via the Obama administration and
 its spectacular downward spiral in conjunction with mounting crises on
 virtually every front, this general model, with a social justice
 constituency much, much broader than Labor alone, might now serve as a
 meaningful approach.  If it can develop and maintain some genuinely
 visionary radical positions and, somehow, overcome the oft lack of
 inter-union solidarity, endemic Leftist bickering, the problem of some
 liberal timidity, ego trips -- and other obstacles including co-opting
 efforts by the Democratic establishment, it just might emerge as a potent,
 highly constructive force. 'Way down the pike, who knows what could develop
 from it in a realistic third-party  sense?

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Re: [Marxism] What to do? [Early morn Labor Day thoughts]

2009-09-07 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
The same could be said of the Greens, except that primary campaign would
be irrelevant.

But what is the Democratic Party?  Certainly it's largely neoliberal,
bourgeois to
say the least-- perhaps the world's second most enthusiastic major
capitalist party.
But is there not open primaries?  Can a party without dues and with open
primaries even be called a party?

Such an electoral campaign would be important logical step at some point.
An open, democratic, Marxist organization is obviously the more important
and immediate task.

Not that creating a viable party of opposition is *likely* to work, but I
don't see
how it's *possible* through the tactics that have been dominate on the
American left.

Louis Proyect:
Anybody who runs as a Democrat is unlikely to have openly Marxist views.

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Re: [Marxism] The Boston Globe on radical films

2009-09-05 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
 1 Fist

Not a radical movie? That’s the point. When Al Pacino’s bank robber gets
the crowds on his side by shouting “Attica! Attica!’’ he’s proving both
how everything was political by the mid-1970s and how genuine radicalism
had become co-opted by radical chic. In its backhanded way, that one
scene marks the death of the ’60s.


The writer of this article might've metioned that the Attica chant actually
happened in real life during this episode.
It wasn't something invented by some dried-up psuedo radical screenwriter.

Reds is one of my favorite films.

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Re: [Marxism] U.S. Suspends $30 Million To Honduras

2009-09-04 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Actually I'm sorry I linked to yesterday's article.  Here is today's news

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Bhaskar Sunkara

 Reports right now make it seem likely that the IMF is going to withhold
 those funds in the wake of Clinton's announcement.

 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Intense Red wrote:

   And on the third hand, Democracy Now! reports this morning that the IMF
 is giving Honduras $150 million, which more than makes up for the loss of
 the $30 million from the US.

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[Marxism] nostalgia for a gentler politics

2009-08-30 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
My article contains references to hookers, an ad hominem against a Baltimore
Sun writer and various other degrees of awesomeness that made it unsuitable
for publication anywhere else.

~ Bhaskar

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Re: [Marxism] Sour -- but grounded -- thoughts on the Kennedys

2009-08-27 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
ML wrote:
That complete idiot, Chris Matthews was saying the other day that the
Kennedy brothers made the civil rights movement. Of course, lots of
these elitist pundits, idolators of officeholders, etc. think that,
but only a prize-winning first class goof to say something so
absolutely stupid and ahistorical on the air.
Yes thank you, that bothered me to NO end.  If you caught the start of
Hardball he also called
Machiavelli the greatest English writer of all time.  I kid you not.

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Re: [Marxism] to read?

2009-08-25 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Because the bourgeosie has granted the masses Google.
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Jeffrey Thomas Piercy mqd...@mqduck.netwrote:

 Ralph Johansen wrote:
  David Harvey, who conducts a most helpful 13-class video course online
  on Capital volume 1

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Re: [Marxism] Words (Cuban economy)

2009-08-22 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
When has autarkic state capitalism ever been a formula to

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 3:50 PM, wrote:

 Tom Cod wrote:

 Hey, how much heavy industry is there in Cuba.  Don't they still
 rely on their traditional natural resource: sugar?
 The answer is yes, to Cuba's detriment.
 Cuba's top exports are:
 Sugar and honey 53%
 Nickel  23%
 Fish 6.8%
 Tobacco  5.6%

 and they import oil, food, machinery, chemicals.

 Fidel once remarked that although Cuba faced
 a severe challenge with the fall of the Soviet
 bloc, at least they didn't have to buy all the
 crap Bulgarian machinery they were obligated to
 formerly. I am not sure where they buy their
 machine tools and trucks from now but these
 figures would seem to indicate the classic
 formula for third world economic
 under development.

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Re: [Marxism] Words (Cuban economy)

2009-08-22 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
If Cuba pursued an industrial development plan it would have ended up
looking more like
Albania than Japan.
Socialism in one country is impossible, I don't see anything wrong with
general economic policy.
(and actually I'm a fan of the term bureaucratic collectivist)
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 4:09 PM, nada wrote:

 Industrialization to some degree is important or you remain poor, a few
 steps away from barbarism. If you combine a socialist mode of production
 with a world wide divisions of labor, the *need* to Industrialize on
 One Island goes away. Ideally... ideally  this is what COMECON
 was supposed to represent...a non-capitalist zone of development with a
 international, yet equal division of labor. This is still a kind of
 model to follow. If something is wrong with it, do speak up.  For that
 matter, if there is a different model for socialism, that avoids the
 huge social and environmental dislocations caused by industrialization,
 please speak up on this too, please. Sterile denunciations of the
 development of the productive forces is hardly...productive, especially
 on a *Marxist* list.


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Re: [Marxism] District 9

2009-08-18 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
The Bourne Supremacy drove me insane with it, but it didn't too bother me
during District 9.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Louis Proyect wrote: wrote:
  Apparently, I saw a different District 9 than Prarie Miller and Armond
 White did!

 After seeing Simon Abrams's reference
 ( the
 faux-doc style shaky cam in this  film, I decided to pass on it.
 Furthermore, the directors responsible for foisting this horrible
 technique on the world should all be taken out and horsewhipped. It is
 the most annoying thing in movies next to product placements. It seems
 to be much more egregious in action movies but who knows.

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Re: [Marxism] District 9

2009-08-17 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
As an allegory to apartheid the film for me was a complete failure.But
compared to other mainstream films, it was a rather entertaining sci-fi

Les-- that was an unusual point to walk out on a film.  I didn't see the
overt Nazi
comparison, but even if I did I still don't quite understand why you found
that to be
especially objectionable given its context--- it was an act of violence by
the films
military-private-contractors antagonists.

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Re: [Marxism] HItchens and Robert Service on Trotsky

2009-08-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Hitchens (before he became a jackass) once wrote a marvelous article on
Trotsky.. I'll have to find the link.

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Re: [Marxism] video of open class warfare in S.Korea

2009-08-06 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
No commentary, not much sound either.  Thanks for the link.

 (I don't have any audio on the library computer I'm using, so excuse my
 ignorance as to the value of the commentary contained in the above link.)

 The very best,
 Max Clark

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Re: [Marxism] Red Army and rape

2009-08-05 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
And I suppose if hundreds of thousands of Afghan women were to be raped by
US soldiers you would mention 9/11?

German civilians who were victimized should be acknowledged as victims, that
was probably the reason why Louis posted those excerpts.

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[Marxism] After 60 yrs of Independence, untouchability alive and kicking in India

2009-08-03 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara

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Re: [Marxism] Venezuela: Class struggle heats up o ver battle for workers’ control

2009-08-01 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
While we are on the topic I would like to highly recommend this article:
It's by some anarchist comrades, but that doesn't mean their points can be
lightly dismissed (they're Venezuelan).

~ Bhaskar

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