Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-20 Thread Mark Lause
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The presumption of innocence seems a reasonable starting point for any
accuserd person, though rape is a singular crime in terms of the ability of
the accused to hide behind that presumption when the authorities permit it.

I don't know Assange or anybody else I've only seen on TV...and I've not
been following him personally or his case all that closely.  I do know that
people don't become transformed in an instantaneous bolt from the
a Saul-like conversion to being a serial rapist.  It's not as though Assange
hasn't been under someone's microscope for some time...and a particularly
high resolution one at that..

The timing of the charges make their motivation fairly transparent.

The journalistic personalities that constitute that community in the US
are going to go after this sort of thing like red meat not particularly
because of the government's encouragement of it, but because Assange has
been doing precisely what they don't do..  Then, too, those TV personalities
who see treating women this way as a matter of entitlement would be
particularly resentful of tthe idea that a rival would do wo without going
the TV and corporate route

It all just stinks.  And that's all we actually know or can know about it at
this point...


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Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-20 Thread Intense Red
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  The timing of the charges make their motivation fairly transparent.

   Exactly. How many times do we have to see this done?

   Does the former Marine Scott Ritter really like young women with taught 
bottoms -- even if they might be under the legal age? I would guess so.

   Was Elliot Spitzer really using hookers? Yup, it seems so.

   But one would be a fool to think that Ritter's arrest right at the 
critical time before the Iraq war when he was being routinely seen on the 
mainstream corporate mass media espousing questioning or anti-invasion 
views as an unimpeachable expert was merely coincidental.

  Similarly, do we really think Spitzer's arrest at the beginning of the 
financial crisis and the fact that his record on financial issues and views 
likely would've boosted his political power also a coincidence?

   These are simply political hits; takedowns using the law to do the timely 
elimination of political opponents.

At all times throughout history, the ideology of the ruling class is the 
ruling ideology. -- Karl Marx

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Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-20 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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I agree with Johansen 1000%. Assange is a hero, likely a martyr, thanks to the 
left as well as mainstream media failure to rally, really rally, to protect 
him. Nothing probably reveals the nadir of the liberal capitalist epoch so much 
as what the presumed opponents of censorship have let happen to Assange

Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

On Nov 19, 2010, at 11:58 PM, Ralph Johansen 
 Here's a guy who has worked incessantly and against all odds to bring up 
 these materials which outdo anything anyone has done since another very 
 courageous person, Dan Ellsberg, brought us the Pentagon Papers. Assange 
 has done this at serious risk of assassination, being chased all over 
 the globe, eluding the many agents capable of doing him in, fearing for 
 his life, also risking almost certain destruction of his credibility and 
 reputation, which is now taking place in spades, while American 
 journalists largely ignore what he has done and minimize its import, 
 while like NYT's John Burns playing up the smear. 

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Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-20 Thread Mark Lause
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I don't know what power the left has to protect Assange in this country.
Where's the European movement on this?


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Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-19 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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Both of Assange's accusers allegedly have similar accounts.

They are said to report that what began as consensual sexual encounters 
became non-consensual, and therefore sexual assault (rape) when the 
condom broke (in one case) and when the Wikileaks founder stopped using 
a condom (in the other).

I don't particularly LIKE Assange. He seems like a smarmy, 
self-satisfied, quite comfortable in his privileges gavacho.

But I'd like to see a list (a very long list, I hope) of similar condom 
cases of regular non-prominent people that these same Swedish 
prosecutors have pursued in the  past few years before feeling 
comfortable crediting this accusation.

And while we're speaking of the prosecutors, in addition to the list of 
similar cases but not involving prominent people in the CIA's cross- 
hairs, I'd like to examine the prosecutor's bank accounts, retirement 
funds, etc., before saying it is Assange's private sexual conduct and 
not the wikileaks web site that he is really being prosecuted for.

And, oh yeah, I'd like to see the bank account and so on of the women. 
Sorry. But this stinks more than the 300 plus aborted fetuses they found 
in a Thai Buddhist temple this week.

I'd also need a minute-by-minute, blow by blow account of what the 
military attaches, CIA station chiefs, FBI representatives, Interpol 
agents, copyright extortionists (RIAA/MPAA) and other Yankee 
representatives have been up to in Sweden or in relation to Sweden in 
the last few months.

Barring that, I'll say that I have close to zero doubt that the charges 
against Assange could very well be true. But I have less than zero doubt 
that this is a politically motivated frame-up.

Still, I don't want to turn my back on the women. I was once in a 
situation where a woman changed her mind or got cold feet or however one 
might express it once we were in bed.

Somehow she got me to stop. I can't say that I'm proud of that night, 
but in the end, she did get me to act with minimum decency.

So I do not at all discount what the prosecution claims was the account 
of Assange's partners.

Intimacy necessarily implies making oneself vulnerable to one's partner, 
and given social, biological and physical factors, the woman who decides 
to stop despite an insistent partner is in a tremendously weaker 
position than a man who makes a similar decision would be. (Obviously, 
I'm thinking here of heterosexual relationships as they were in the last 
third or fourth of the 20th Century.)

Nor do I discount the legitimacy of a complaint that what one person 
thought would be a desirable partner suddenly became UNdesirable, for 
whatever reason, nor the legitimacy or seriousness of an accusation that 
this other partner refused to stop and forced himself on the unwilling 

I've been close enough to being that unwilling to stop partner, that 
rapist, to know that the accounts the Swedish prosecutors have put out 
are completely credible, and this type of charges is entirely legitimate.

But at least from the bare-bones sketch of the complaints one sees in 
the press, this seems to be a case of she-said, he-said that would fall 
way short of a beyond a reasonable doubt or even a preponderance of 
the evidence standard.

But if that is so --and assuming the account of the two women is 
completely truthful-- then the question arises, why are the Swedish 
prosecutors pursuing this case? It seems inherently unwinnable, if there 
is no corroborating evidence (for example, the women having been treated 
for having been assaulted within a day or two of the encounter, with 
bruises and so on) and if there were such evidence, I think we would 
have heard by now.

So, ASSUMING the charges are true, they're almost certainly unprovable 
because they lack corroboration. Now, if the Swedish prosecutors have a 
record of bringing similar charges, despite being unwinnable, I'd be 
willing to suspend disbelief and suppose that the charges against 
Assange are NOT politically motivated.

But absent that, I have to assume Swedish prosecutors, like those 
everywhere else, aren't into losing cases and therefore also not into 
presenting judicially unprovable charges, especially NOT in a case 
likely to garner public notice.

For that reason, if they nevertheless DO bring such charges, one has to 
suspect an ulterior motive having nothing to do with Assange's bedroom 

And in Assange's case, there just does happen to be such an ulterior 
motive, one so strong that Pentagon and Administration flacks regularly 
libel him as being a terrorist, or at least an accomplice, and at any 
rate a baby killer who eats them for breakfast.


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Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-19 Thread Ralph Johansen
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Joaquín Bustelo wrote

I don't particularly LIKE Assange. He seems like a smarmy, 
self-satisfied, quite comfortable in his privileges gavacho...I'll say 
that I have close to zero doubt that the charges against Assange could 
very well be true.


What arrant, thoughtless bilge.

Here's a guy who has worked incessantly and against all odds to bring up 
these materials which outdo anything anyone has done since another very 
courageous person, Dan Ellsberg, brought us the Pentagon Papers. Assange 
has done this at serious risk of assassination, being chased all over 
the globe, eluding the many agents capable of doing him in, fearing for 
his life, also risking almost certain destruction of his credibility and 
reputation, which is now taking place in spades, while American 
journalists largely ignore what he has done and minimize its import, 
while like NYT's John Burns playing up the smear. What company you keep.

Have you heard him speak as to his motivation and his mission? Did you 
listen to the London press conference in which he and Ellsberg 
participated? Where in those words do you detect smarm and privilege? 
Where in your arrogant, thoughtless ramblings is the fading presumption 
of innocence, which I would expect would be of particular concern to 
anyone participating in this list, komrade?

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Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-19 Thread Rory Dufficy
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Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Joaquín Bustelo wrote

I don't particularly LIKE Assange. He seems like a smarmy,
self-satisfied, quite comfortable in his privileges gavacho...I'll say
that I have close to zero doubt that the charges against Assange could
very well be true.


 The question is, how do you know that? Granted it's perfectly possible that
he is all the things you say he is, but unless you know him personally,
you'll notice that those traits you've ascribed to him are exactly the sorts
of traits the media ascribes to anyone who chooses to critique the United
States from a perspective outside the tightly delimited consensus that
reigns in mainstream organisations (this is the second option, of course,
and is only deployed if the first option - completely ignoring the critic -
is unavailable). So Assange refuses to answers questions about his personal
life on CNN or wherever, and this is played as another example of his smug,
self-satisfaction, rather than, say, a principled refusal to talk about
anything other than the extremely important documents he has released and
the work he obviously believes in.

As for the rapes, of course it's possible that they are true, but then
there's something like this:

 Increasingly, attention has been focused on the role of Anna Ardin, the
 more visible of the two complainants. Her apparent mix of establishment
 cred, together with her varied activist/political career radical feminist,
 Christian social democrat, ambitious political intern seems to flummox
 non-Swedish commentators, who don’t understand that that is an establishment
 career in Sweden.

 Ardin has not only worked as an intern in the Swedish foreign affairs
 department, including a tour of DC and Cuba (from which she was allegedly
 deported), but has also interned on the op-ed page of the Gothenburg
 afternoon paper GT, part of the Expressen stable, owned by the right-wing
 Bonnier family (yep, Sweden has right-wingers).

 It was to the relentlessly anti-left Expressen that the story of the
 initial charges of rape against Assange were released (a breach of Swedish
 law), in the small window of time before they were rescinded by a higher

 Were there accusations of violent rape involved in this case, I’d be a lot
 more circumspect about reporting some of this, but it seems no one is
 asserting physical coercion. So here goes: two separate sources from the
 Swedish left have told me that they regard Ardin as more than a little
 over-the-top, and subject to some compelling obsessions. Another source said
 he was pretty sure of the identity of SW, the other complainant, and that
 some people had held suspicions about her bona fides as a member of the

 So, all to be taken on advisement. But in assessing the possibility that
 more is going on than lerv gone wrong, one has to bear in mind that Sweden
 is a conflicted establishment; the Social Democrat party that has run it for
 decades has actively opposed US foreign policy in Vietnam, Chile and a
 hundred other places, and stayed out of NATO.

 But in the Cold War, Sweden ran its own substantial army, and security
 service with intensive back-channel US-Swedish co-operation and
 co-ordination. The pro-US forces within the Swedish establishment extend
 across the right (the Moderate(!) Party) and the right of the Social
 Democrats, who have far more animus to the assorted Swedish left (especially
 the libertarian-left) than to their rightward opponents.

 The involvement of Claes Borgstrom, a Social Democratic party heavy and the
 party’s current spokesperson on gender equality, is very interesting in that
 respect, not least because his sister Annette Kullenberg is a leading
 journalist (and, inevitably, novelist and TV thriller writer), who works for
 … Expressen. I’m not suggesting anything other than a suffocatingly tight
 establishment, but it’s a picture in miniature of how Sweden works.

 So deep breath … if you were to set out to destabilise a Sweden-based
 global whistleblower organisation, one easy way would be to have someone set
 off a chain of sexual chaos that gets a high-profile uber-activist and one
 who’s previously written a guide to sexual revenge spinning like a top, and
 drawing in Sweden’s expansive sex-crime and harassment laws, marshalling the
 very scenario that would make it difficult for the left to throw in
 accusations of obvious manipulation and entrapment.

 You’d then leak stories of internal dissent to a journalist with US

Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-18 Thread michael perelman
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Would it not make sense for the US to plant female volunteers?

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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Re: [Marxism] Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

2010-11-18 Thread Mark Lause
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At this point, it would be the easiest thing in the world for anyone to do
that.  It can be strung out indefinately with nobody every having to prove


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