[Marxism] Totalitarism/Rape/World War II

2009-08-06 Thread lara crete

And the list wonders why there aren't more women participating in
these discussions. ML

Thanks for invitation. I doubt that an Iraqi/Afghani/ Palestinian   
woman at the present time, who has lost every men out her family and  
just buried her children, would  participate in the discussion between  
academically acclaimed  me, analyzing with all the coolness  of the  
bookish knowledge the end of her life.
To get some feelings about who raped whom I may recommend the Soviet  
movie ( early 70-ties), based on the  Yury Nagibin's  novel The  
Women's Realm. ( Title preserved)  
Action takes a place in the  
godforsaken Siberian village, where there are no more men left alive  
but still too many and too small children, who cry for food. ( What is  
also not there). At the end of their struggle for survival one of 16   
got the luck : her husband is wounded but alive and coming home. At  
the certain day all of them are gathering  on the shabby train station  
to meet the man.  Tied to the stretcher a man is brought from the  
train and women meet a human alive but without legs and arms. His  
eyes, observing the reaction, is the last  moment, interrupted by the  
hysterical cry of his wife.
I noticed that long time members of this list like movies. There was  
even the attempt to remember some Soviet films.(Cranes Are Flying ,  
how about this one?). Now, please, continue  quite exciting  topics  
like   who won the World War II?  Or -who raped whom and how many  
were raped by the Reds and by the Nazi. And, please, the moderator of  
the list is right: do not insult each other.

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarism/Rape/World War II

2009-08-06 Thread Dogan Gocmen
Lara, thank you very much for this. I have not seen them yet, but will do

Here is a short article by me, describing how October Revolution and Soviet
Union played an emancipatory role in national liberation movements before
and after the WWII. It is in German:

*Die Oktoberrevolution hat für die Befreiung der unterdrückten Völker eine
welthistorische Bedeutung. Die bürgerlichen Ideologen mögen heute die große
sozialistische Oktoberrevolution als einen Akt der „Verrückten“ behandeln
und die Führer dieser größten Anstrengung in der Geschichte der Menschheit
mit Hitler vergleichen. Sie mögen „Schwarzbücher“ über das „Verbrechen“
dieser Revolution, die „wahrhaftig das bedeutendste Datum der gesamten
Menschheitsgeschichte ist“ (Palmiro Togliatti), schreiben. Die Europäische
Linke (EL) mag in ihrem „Manifest“ in den revolutionären Versuchen des 20.
Jahrhunderts trotz der „großen Errungenschaften“ nur noch „große Niederlagen
und Tragödien“ erblicken, um sich dann sofort von dieser revolutionären
Tradition abzusetzen. Doch die unterdrückten Völker und die Verelendeten
dieser Erde empfingen aus der sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution einen Impuls
für die endliche und die lang ersehnte Befreiung vom Kolonialismus und der
imperialistischen Unterdrückung. Auf dieses revolutionäre Erbe darf auch
heute - eben gerade auch aus Sicht der unterdrückten Völker - nicht
verzichtet werden.*
Read more at: https://www.secarts.org/journal/index.php?show=articleid=535.
There are several web sites which published it.

It basically describes what I said above by comparing Frantz Fanon's and
Nazım Hikmet's intellectual development and by this it compares Algerien and
Turkish national liberation movements and more generally describes the break
down of classical colonialism as a result of October Revolution and the
defeat of fascism by Soviet Union. I think to understand and explan what is
happening in national liberation movements it is absolutely necessary to
understand the historical emancipatory role of Soviet Union.


Dogan Göcmen
Author of The Adam Smith Problem:
Reconciling Human Nature and Society in
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations, I. B. Tauris,
LondonNew York 2007

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarism/Rape?World War II Re: Dogan Gocmen

2009-08-06 Thread Dogan Gocmen
2009/8/6 lara crete laracr...@verizon.net

 Dear friend ,I have noticed and am listening to your voice in this
 list for quite a long time. Always a pleasure to hear it through this
 honorable and mostly  harmonious  choir. Thank you for  your last post
 on violence. As to the movie I described as The Women's Realm , I do
 not know whether it is equipped  with English subtitles and do not
 know, if  it is, what  how the title in the translation is locked
 like. Let me express the Cyrillic letter with the Latin: Babye
 Zarstvo ( Baba is the peasant's Russian word for a woman;Zarstvo
 - the Kingdom of the Tzar).  Also, I knew Nazim Hikmet personally: he
 was a happy man after he emigrated to the Soviet Union. ( To add to
 the discussion of Stalinism/Trozkism/ KGBism)
 With your help now will research Frantz Fanon's : to my shame have
 never read anything by him.
 Would like to ask you some questions about Montequien, to discuss
 with you his suggestion to control the potential power to violence
 in humans.  But this is far beyond this list. Again, thank tou!

Lara, it is a great honour to me  talk to somebody who knew Nazım Hikmet
We should exchange private emails on this. I am interested in any detail
your would like to provide.
After 13 years of imprisonment Nazım was released and the regime was planing
to murder him by
taking him to military service as they knew he was very sick and his heart
would soon or later give
up in Turkish army. His escape to Soviet Union saved him from this envisaged
torture and murder.
It is a bit different with Frantz Fanon. Like Nazım, he was very sick. He
rejected to go to USA for medical treatment because
of racist regime there. In many ways he was critical of Soviet Union but
accepted to go and get medical
treatment there. I do not know for how long he went there, I think for one
year or so, but I know he was cured
from his cancer at least for a while. We can exchange ideas on any subject
at any time. I thank you very much for your warm words.

Dogan Göcmen
Author of The Adam Smith Problem:
Reconciling Human Nature and Society in
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations, I. B. Tauris,
LondonNew York 2007

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