Re: [Marxism] Me, racist scum ?

2010-09-27 Thread Dan
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Lajany wrote : 
>>"moreover, to support your case, you 
use evidence trawled from the websites run by the Cuban gusanos -- that 
is the Cuban scum who are the political and moral equivalents of puppets
supported by France in Haiti today and in the past, and against whom the 
Cubans apparently do not have any legitimate right to defend themselves. 

A political friend and ally of the peoples of the third world indeed.  The 
fact that the peoples of the third world also includes  Batistas, Duvaliers, 
Houphouet Boingys and Mobutus, would perhaps be better left unsaid."

I shouldn't really be answering Lajany Otun's post as it is clearly
malicious and defamatory, but I can't stand being lumped together with
the imperialist/post-colonialist policies of my native land.
As though I hadn't spent years trying to organize workers against the
class system in France and the naked exploitation of former French
colonies at the hands of Bouygues, Lagardère and other examples of the
"Françafrique" system.
To make me guilty, through the unfortunate circumstance of my place of
birth, of upholding Duvalier in Haiti, Mobutu in Zaire, and countless
other petty dictators, is ridiculous.
Are you seriously implying that BECAUSE I was born in France and BECAUSE
I criticize Cuba, THEREFORE I defend the policies and privileges of the
French bourgeoisie in its former colonies ?
Pure libel and stupidity.
I will not take the trouble to answer your future posts, Lajany, because
I have just said all I need to say, and frankly, clearing my name from
the nasty accusations you heap on me could be interpreted as a sign that
I harbor a guilty conscious. Fortunately, there are more interesting
avenues of discussion on this list.

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Re: [Marxism] Me, racist scum ?

2010-09-24 Thread Lajany Otum
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

You visit six times Haiti from the imperialist metropole which deposes 
Bertrand Aristide and imposes a puppet regime on the country today, 
and gave succour to the Duvaliers in the past,  and the lesson with which 
you come back to regale us is how reactionary and repressive is ... the 
neighbouring island of Cuba. And, moreover, to support your case, you 
use evidence trawled from the websites run by the Cuban gusanos -- that 
is the Cuban scum who are the political and moral equivalents of puppets
supported by France in Haiti today and in the past, and against whom the 
Cubans apparently do not have any legitimate right to defend themselves. 

A political friend and ally of the peoples of the third world indeed.  The 
fact that the peoples of the third world also includes  Batistas, Duvaliers, 
Houphouet Boingys and Mobutus, would perhaps be better left unsaid.

BTW, surely there is there some sort of medal or prize for which one can 
be nominated in recognition for having spent six years in Guyana and 
Suriname, and for having Haitian friends? 

Lajany Otum

BK writes: 

 > Me, "racist scum" ? When my wife is Indian and my two children are
> whatever they are ? Me who spent six years in Guyana and Surinam, a
> "racist scum" ? Me who helped hide African children who were meant to be
> deported by French authorities ? Me who went to Marocco to help support
> striking comrades ?
> Me who have been to Haiti 6 times, who speaks Kréol (sa ka parlé !), who
> has many Haitian friends. You dare infer that my criticism of Cuba
> entails that I am a "racist".
> Well in your world it probably does. 
> If being ANTI-CASTRO = being WHITE RACIST, then your opinion of me is
> already formed. I criticize Castro ERGO I am a disgusting Western
> Imperialist privileged racist. I will write my self-criticism and
> address it to you, and await the decision of Comrade Barrero concerning
> my future.  I suppose comrade Barrero will send me to re-education camp.
> But execution seems more appropriate.  
> Do you know this delightful Haitian proverb ? "Tout kochon ké mouri
> dimanch ?", "Every pig will have his Sunday" (Sunday being the day of
> slaying hogs in the Caribbeans, the proverb means : every arrogant and
> conceited individual will have his comeuppance")

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