[Matplotlib-users] Interactive selecting a quadrilateral from a axes

2012-07-11 Thread Wolfgang Draxinger

I have a plot of an image of which I'd like to interactively select a
quadrilateral. This is for a homography operation (perspective
correction). It suffices if the quadrilateral can be dragged by only
its vertices (display the vertices as rects or circled to click within).

In principle I want to implement a tool similar to the
"Perspective" tool of The GIMP in corrective mode. The whole image
processing and geometric transformation is already implemented, but now
I need a user interface. Since I'm already making heavy use of
Matplotlib I'd like to stay within this.

After the user applied the homography the next step is placing the
calibration markers, which would be basically one axvline and two
axhlines to be dragged to reference points on the previously
perspective corrected image.

How do I implement such interaction elements?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Errorbars not drawn correctly in logarithmic scales

2012-03-21 Thread Wolfgang Draxinger
On Mon, 12 Mar 2012 15:51:15 -0500
Benjamin Root  wrote:

> Ah, finally figured it out.  The issue is that your y-value for that
> error bar is 9.114, but you want to plot error bars that are
> +/-10.31.  That line gets thrown out by matplotlib because you can't
> plot at negative values for log scale.

Yes, I came to the same conclusion. I think matplotlib should print
some warning or raise some exception if confronted with data like that,
it can't handle.

> There is a trick that might
> work.  The set_yscale method has a kwarg "nonposy" which could be set
> to "clip".  You could also try setting to the "symlog" scale which
> might let you get away with a negative value.

I'll try that.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Errorbars not drawn correctly in logarithmic scales

2012-03-09 Thread Wolfgang Draxinger
On Fri, 9 Mar 2012 11:19:15 -0600
Benjamin Root  wrote:
> Can I have the data you used to produce these errorbars so I can test
> this bug?

Here's the data

#  Fluence -sigma Signal...  -sigma   area
  1127  48.32  9.114  10.31 0.1318
 1.127e+04  482.9  35.96  16.15 0.4994
 1.127e+05   4829  231.2  101.1  2.568
 1.127e+06  4.829e+04   4631   1689  12.22

And here's the ploting tool source code (also used for generating the
linked PDF).

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: filetype python

import sys, os, argparse

import math, numpy, scipy, scipy.optimize

import matplotlib, matplotlib.cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import pylab

def expmodel(p, x):
return p[0] + numpy.exp(p[1]*x)*p[2]

def experror(p, x, y):
return y - expmodel(p, x)

def linmodel(p, x):
return p[0] + p[1]*x

def linerror(p, x, y):
return y - linmodel(p, x)

if __name__ == '__main__':
optparse = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='plot raddark dat files 
with errorbars and linear or exponential model regression plots', 
optparse.add_argument('--xlabel', type=str, default='Particle Count')
optparse.add_argument('--ylabel', type=str, default='Signal')
optparse.add_argument('--title', type=str, default='')
optparse.add_argument('--outlier', '-O', action='append', type=str)
optfitgrp = optparse.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
optfitgrp.add_argument('--exp', '-e', action='store_true')
optfitgrp.add_argument('--lin', '-l', action='store_true')
optparse.add_argument('--log', action='store_true')
optparse.add_argument('files', type=str, nargs='+')

options = optparse.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

data = [ numpy.loadtxt(filename) for filename in options.files ]

if options.outlier:
outlier = [ numpy.loadtxt(filename) for filename in 
options.outlier ]

ax = pyplot.subplot(1,1,1)
if options.log:

ax.grid(True, 'both')

for f,d in zip(options.files, data):
ax.errorbar(d[..., 0], d[..., 2], d[..., 3], d[..., 1], 
fmt='o', label=f)

if options.outlier:
for f,d in zip(options.outlier, outlier):
ax.errorbar(d[..., 0], d[..., 2], d[..., 3], d[..., 1], 
fmt='+', label=f)

if options.exp or options.lin:
data_xs = numpy.concatenate( [ d[..., 0] for d in data ] )
data_ys = numpy.concatenate( [ d[..., 2] for d in data ] )
if options.outlier:
x_max = numpy.nanmax( numpy.concatenate((data_xs, 
numpy.concatenate([ o[..., 0] for o in outlier ]))) )
x_min = numpy.nanmin( numpy.concatenate((data_xs, 
numpy.concatenate([ o[..., 0] for o in outlier ]))) )
x_max = numpy.nanmax(data_xs)
x_min = numpy.nanmin(data_xs)
x_ptp = x_max - x_min
xs = numpy.arange(x_min - 0.05*x_ptp, x_max + 0.05*x_ptp, 

if options.exp:
p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(experror, 
[numpy.nanmin(data_ys), 1e-6/x_ptp, 1./numpy.ptp(data_ys)], args=(data_xs, 
ys = expmodel(p[0], xs)
if options.lin:
p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(linerror, 
[numpy.nanmin(data_ys), 1./x_ptp, 1./numpy.ptp(data_ys)], args=(data_xs, 
ys = linmodel(p[0], xs)

ax.plot(xs, ys, label="fit")

ax.legend(loc='upper left')


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Errorbars not drawn correctly in logarithmic scales

2012-03-09 Thread Wolfgang Draxinger
On Thu, 8 Mar 2012 19:47:05 -0600
Benjamin Root  wrote:

> Which version of matplotlib are you using?  Also, are you setting the
> log scale before (preferred) or after (won't work) the call to hist()?

Version is matplotlib-1.1.0, installed through standard Gentoo ebuild.
And the scale parameters are set before all the drawing calls.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Errorbars not drawn correctly in logarithmic scales

2012-03-08 Thread Wolfgang Draxinger

I've a problem with some errorbars not drawn correctly in (double)
logarithmic plots. See this PDF for an example:


The vertical errorbar for the datapoint at x=1e3 are not drawn. Similar
also happens for some horizontal errorbars. Using the very same drawing
commands, except switching to a logarithmic scaling the errorbars draw
just fine.

So what's going on there?

Wolfgang Draxinger

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] imshow of scalar 2D array using a shared color scale

2012-03-08 Thread Wolfgang Draxinger

I've got a datasets of a pixel particle detector for a number of
independent events. I'd like to show them in a row but have them all
use the same value and thus color range. What's the most straigtforward
way to do this?


Wolfgang Draxinger

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] qt config dialogue

2011-04-13 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Dear all,

Is it possible to make a qt config dialogue that works in a similar 
fashion to the backend of matplotlib when using with ipython --pylab. It 
should be able to interact with plots (pressing buttons changing stuff 
in the plot) as well as not block ipython. Is that possible. Are there 
examples to do that?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] buttons in toolbar2

2011-04-06 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Dear all,

I have had a quick look at changing the buttons in toolbar2. This seems 
to be backend dependent. It would be really nice to make it possible to 
add buttons to the toolbar and be backend agnostic. The button should 
have a picture and a hovertext associated with it. Is it very hard to 
include this in the next release of matplotlib?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [matplotlib-users] probability map

2011-02-20 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Dear all,

I have tried to make 1 sigma, 2 sigma and 3 sigma contours of my data.

To calculate the levels. I took my 2d array (lets call it data).

I sorted sortData = sort(data.flatten())[::-1]

I normalized it: normSortData = sortData / sum(sortData)

Then I did the cumulative sum: cumSum = np.cumsum(normSortData)

Then I found the id with : idx = cumSum.searchsorted(0.68 this is 1 
sigma for 2 sigma its 0.954)

Then I got my level: level = sortData[idx]

I tried this out with a 2d gaussian and that level for 1 sigma was two 
much. It worked when I gave it 2*level(1 sigma).

I don't know what's going wrong.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] rotate patch (rectangle)

2010-11-22 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf

I have tried in vain to rotate a rectangle patch. I tried to use 
AffineTransform2D.rotate_deg(20.) and apply it to the Rectangle with 
set_transform. If I add the patch it doesnt show.

What is the right course of action here.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] dropdown menu

2010-02-22 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf

Now that I have found the awesome widgets in matplotlib I want more: dropdown 
menus? will that come at some stage?

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Interactive use of matplotlib in ipython

2010-02-18 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
That is really awesome, I wrote myself a little script today using the
poly_editor, data browser and the widgets. This is really cool.

I have one problem however, with the widgets I have buttons to switch
between different data sets and like in the button demo i just update the
plotdata rather than creating a new plot object. I then try to
ax.autoscale_view, but that doesnt do anything even after a
fig.canvas.draw() update. any ideas?


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:18 AM, John Hunter  wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 7:42 AM, Wolfgang Kerzendorf
>  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to build a bit of an interactive fitter with matplotlib and
> ipython (in pylab environment). I would like to have a a function, which
> takes x and y as input, then plots these and fits a line to it (just numpy
> polyfit). if I click a point it will be removed from the fit pool and the
> line will be refitted (optionally after pressing 'f'). when I'm done I can
> press 'q' or close the window and the function will come to an end and spit
> out the fitting parameter.
> > I tried this a year or two ago and I had terrible problems with getting
> stopping the event loop and waiting for the interactive part to finish and
> then finish the function. I'm running os 10.6 and use the wx backend (or mac
> os x, if that's easier). Can you point me to an example or give me a crude
> overview of how to do that in the right way. Is that understandable?
> Take a look at
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.html
> You can use the 'i' and 'd' keys to insert and delete vertexes, can
> click and drag them to move them.
> See also the event handling tutorial at
>  http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/event_handling.html
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Interactive use of matplotlib in ipython

2010-02-17 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf

I would like to build a bit of an interactive fitter with matplotlib and 
ipython (in pylab environment). I would like to have a a function, which takes 
x and y as input, then plots these and fits a line to it (just numpy polyfit). 
if I click a point it will be removed from the fit pool and the line will be 
refitted (optionally after pressing 'f'). when I'm done I can press 'q' or 
close the window and the function will come to an end and spit out the fitting 
I tried this a year or two ago and I had terrible problems with getting 
stopping the event loop and waiting for the interactive part to finish and then 
finish the function. I'm running os 10.6 and use the wx backend (or mac os x, 
if that's easier). Can you point me to an example or give me a crude overview 
of how to do that in the right way. Is that understandable?

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] building svn on os x 10.6

2009-09-04 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf

I have found a bug that might or might not be related to my setup,  
when building matplotlib from svn:
When building I get the following error:
In file included from src/ft2font.h:13,
  from src/ft2font.cpp:1:
/usr/local/include/ft2build.h:56:38: error: freetype/config/ 
ftheader.h: No such file or directory

I can solve this problem by making a soft link from /usr/local/include/ 
freetype2/freetype to /usr/local/include/. It doesnt seem to know that  
there is a freetype2 directory and then a freetype directory.

I hope that helps

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] MacOSX backend problems with picker

2008-12-18 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
patches.pyc in draw(self, renderer)
 267 if not self.get_visible(): return
 268 #renderer.open_group('patch')
--> 269 gc = renderer.new_gc()
 271 if cbook.is_string_like(self._edgecolor) and  

backend_macosx.pyc in new_gc(self)
  67 def new_gc(self):
---> 68 self.gc.reset()
  69 return self.gc

RuntimeError: CGContextRef is NULL
I'm also using start_event_loop and stop event_loop to make the  
application blocking when starting and unblocking when finished. The  
application works its just annoying seeing this traceback everytime I  
select or deselect a point.

Another thing that sort of worked under linux was that when I clicked,  
it would change immediatley and not wait until I do a refit. Any ideas  
on what to do there?

Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Ticklabels

2008-07-21 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Dear all,

I find it incredibly hard to work with tick labels in matplotlib (on  
matplotlib 0.98 @ OS X  10.5.4) (It might well be that I haven't  
stumbled across the right solution yet and it is really easy ;-) ). I  
want to first of all change the axis so it displays the normal number  
as ticks and not 0, 1 ,2 ,3 + 6.35e5 or something. I managed that by  
reading the ticks and then converting it to strings and use the  
set_ticklabels to get that. The second thing is that I want to make  
the font smaller, e. g. to 'x-small' at the moment I am using a for  
loop to loop through all xticklabels which is allright but imho looks  
to complicated to do something as simple as that.
I also want to change the padding between the axis and the labels, but  
all my attempts at finding the set_pad method have failed because none  
of the axis objects I could think of had that method.
So here's my workaround for the first two things (each subplot is one  
small window of 6 subplots):

#preparing the subplots()

for i in range(6):

for i,line in enumerate(line_data):
 for ilabel in subplots[i].axes.get_xticklabels():

Oh and while I'm at it: Is there a function that plots a two  
dimensional array?

Thanks in advance

P.S.: I already looked through the mailing list for the padding issue  
but it only mentioned set_pad which I could not find

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] matploblib communication problem, graphics question

2008-05-25 Thread Wolfgang Lipp

thanks for your answer, i have come to understand that matplotlib is not 
dedicated to raster image manipulation. a nice person pointed out to me 
how to do that in cairo:

img = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png( 'c:/temp/tel-hotline.png' )
width = img.get_width()
height = img.get_height()
imgpat = cairo.SurfacePattern(img)
scaler = cairo.Matrix()
#1 = 100%; 2 = 50%;0.5 = 200%
#set resampling filter
canvas = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,320,240)
ctx = cairo.Context(canvas)
canvas.write_to_png( 'c:/temp/helo-modified.png' )

that's a bit of code but i'm writing a wrapper `def scale_image()` 
anyhow. the data flow seems reasonable. alas, it only works for *.png, 
no *.jpg support. still i guess i'll go with cairo as it's seemingly 
used inside firefox3 and does impressively good scaling.

cheers & ~flow

Gregor Thalhammer wrote:
> > [had to delete an endless amount of stuff not related to matplotlib]
> matplotlib is _not_ a dedicated image manipulation package, so please 
> don't blame it that you don't manage to easily use it as such one. 
> However, matplotlib indeed offers high quality image scaling abilities 
> (at the moment not for downscaling) due to the use of Agg.
> If you want a simpler solution, try this:
> import wx
> img = wx.Image('your image.jpg')
> scale = 2
> img.Rescale(img.Width * scale, img.Height * scale, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)
> img.SaveFile('your scaled image.jpg')
> Gregor

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] matploblib communication problem, graphics question

2008-05-24 Thread Wolfgang Lipp
matploblib communication problem, graphics question

i've had a hard time today to drill down on some infos
about matplotlib of http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/.
this is an sf.net-managed project, its mailing lists are
managed by  gnu mailman in a pre-1994 version.

still there is a sf.net standard forum interface, which
however denies me to post. i've set up an account on
sourceforge---not an experience i need; boarding an
intercontinental flight is swift in comparison.

but having an account on sf.net is not enough to post to
a mailing list there, so i filled out a second longish
form to subscribe to the list thru the 
mailman interface. i had to re-enter my email address.

now what is left to me is to try writing directly to
matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net and then scoop
it up on 

as it is so incredibly hard to make oneself heard on
the matplotlib list, i realized that questions from
outsiders are maybe not welcome, so i do a cross-post
to reach more audience.

i need to do some raster-image scaling and i've been
hunting hi and lo for a python library that can do that.
so far choices are (in order of perceived aptness)::

imagemagick of old,




cairo of cairographics.org.

Cairo is definitely may favorite here. i know with
certainty that cairo is good at scaling images, as
firefox3 is using it to achieve a smoothness and
readability in scaled images that rivals the quality
of safari’s.

but i have been unable to uncover any information
about raster-image scaling in cairo---can’t be, right?
an open source project that becomes part of firefox3
and i can’t find out how to use their flagship

so i went to matplotlib. i now have these methods to
open image files with matplotlib::

def get_image_jpg():
import Image
from pylab import *
import numpy
print dir( numpy )
from numpy import int8, uint8
# these lines are incredible -- just open that damn jpg. can be as 
simple as `load(route)` -- ALL the pertinent
# information well be in time derived from the route and the routed 
resource structure (the router, and the
# routee). pls someone giveme a `MATPLOBLIB.read()`, a 
`MATPLOBLIB.load()`, or a `MATPLOBLIB.get()` already.
image = Image.open( image_locator )
rgb = fromstring( image.tostring(), uint8 ).astype( float ) / 255.0
# rgb = resize( rgb,( image.size[ 1 ], image.size[ 0 ], 3 ) )
rgb = resize( rgb,( 100, 150, 3 ) )
imshow( rgb, interpolation = 'nearest' )
axis( 'off' ) # don’tdisplaytheimageaxis

def get_image_png( image_locator ):
from pylab import imread as _read_png
from pylab import imshow as _show_image
from pylab import gray
from pylab import mean
a = imread( image_locator )
#generates a RGB image, so do
aa=mean(a,2) # to get a 2-D array

quite incredible, right? it can somehow be done, but
chances are you drown in an avalanche of boiler plate.
and sorry for the shoddy code, i copied it from their

so they use pil to open an image file. pil’s image
scaling is 1994, and the package is hardly maintained
and not open. yuck. whenever you have a question
about imaging in python people say ‘pill’ like they
have swallowed one.

let’s face it, pil is a bad choice to do graphics.
here i did install pil, because matplotlib seemed to
be basically handling raster-images and image

the matplotlib people have the nerve to put a short
doc to their root namespace items, as are, `axhspan`,
`cla`, `gcf`, and such more. this interface is
hardly usable. it shouldn’t be that hard to open an
image file in an image manipulation library. nobody
wants to maintain that kind of sphpaghetti.

i haven’t been succesful so far to find out how to
scale an image in cairo or matlotlib, or an other
alternative. please don’t sugggest doing it with
pil or imagemagick, i won’t answer.

is there any coherent python imaging interest group
out there? can i do it with pyglet maybe?

cheers & ~flow

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Backend Control

2008-04-02 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf

I have some problem with the backend controls. Well to be perfectly  
honest I don't know if they are able to do what I want from them. As  
far as I understand the pylab package helps me create plots (and the  
windows from the different backends) without me having to write my  
own  wxpython, gtk, qt, . application. The matplotlib package  
provides the plot functions and also has the backend interfaces, etc.

In my opinion a "function" called with the same argument twice should  
always give the same result. That doesnt happen in matplotlib/pylab  
(probably more pylab). If I plot something with pylab.plot and then  
pylab.show the first time. The python interpreter halts and waits  
until the function show is done(me clicking quit in the window). The  
second time however it somehow calls the function show in the  
background but does not wait until the execution of show is finished.  
I don't know what has changed since the first time and if there are  
generic control features for different backends. Do I have to write my  
own wx application to get more control over the window or are there  
some features present already.

It could well be that my view of the matter is wrong and that I  
misunderstand somethings.

Please advise

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Controlling the wxpython matplotlib-frame

2008-03-26 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Hello all,
I have trouble with one of my scripts that uses matplotlib when using  
python or ipython. The first time it opens, it does not hand the  
control back o the shell and can be used to work on the matplotlib  
figure interactively (I use an event handler and picker objects to  
change my plots) so it works really well. After I close the window the  
control is given back to the shell. This is how I want it to work,  
however at the second time the matplotlib plot opens the shell does  
not stop anymore, the script continues. When I used GTKAgg on my old  
linux box I had the same issue and bound a key to  
pylab.get_current_figure_manager().destroy(), which looked like a hack  
to me but  worked. This does not work anymore with wxPython, because  
the next time I open a plot I get an exception:

PyDeadObjectError: The C++ part of the FigureFrameWxAgg object has  
been deleted, attribute access no longer allowed.

I also think destroying the figure_manager is not the right way to do  
that. Whats a goog solution for this?
Thanks in advance

P.S.: I know I posted a similar thing yesterday, but I thought  
rephrasing the question might help with finding the solution

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] ipython, pylab quitting again after first time

2008-03-25 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf

I have some trouble with ipython and matplotlib. I create a figure in  
one of my functions that I call from ipython. The first time it runs  
fine and I can use the figure interactively (selecting/ deselcting  
points and so on). The second time I run it, the code doesnt stop but  
continues without halting at the show routine.
I'm doing this on a Mac (10.5.2/ Intel). On my Linux machine I did  
pylab.get_current_figure_manager().destroy() and bound it to a key to  
prevent this. If I do this on the mac (WXAgg) The next time I want to  
plot it complains about a deleted C++ extension and doesnt plot at all.
Please help

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] OS X leopard scisoft and TkAgg backend

2008-02-21 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Dear all,
I use the scisoft package on leopard 10.5.2 (it is a package that  
creates its own python framework and delivers astronomical tools). I  
have recompiled tcl tkk 8.4 and 8.5 (which in hindsight was probably  
not a good idea). I also installed matplotlib 0.91.2. If i open  
ipython --pylab and do : plot([1,2,3]). I get the following output:

RendererAgg.__init__ width=640.0, height=480.0
RendererAgg.__init__ _RendererAgg done
RendererAgg.__init__ done
Segmentation fault

thanks in advance

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] multiple figures interactively

2007-09-26 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
This might help you it destroys the whole window:
and then you open it again with show
Lee, Young-Jin wrote:
> Hi,
> I ’m writing a python program that draws figures one by one 
> interactively with the user’s input in dos mode. Basically, I give the 
> program a decision after each figure and then it draws the next one. 
> After the first figure, it got very much slowed down for the second 
> one and crashed for the third one. I feel like it has some memory 
> issues as I keep using ‘show’ after I close each. I used ‘clf()’ 
> before I draw a new one, but it doesn’t seem to help. Any idea? Thanks.
> Young Jin
> -
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Fitting a curve

2007-08-30 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
I know this is not completely matplotlib related but perhaps you can 
help me none the less:
I want to fit a curve to a set of data. It's a very easy curve: y=ax+b.
But I want errors for a and b and not only the rms. Is that possible. 
What tasks do you recommend for doing that.
Thanks in advance

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] legend outside the plot

2007-08-27 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Is there any way to display a legend in a second window or outside the plot?
thanks in advance

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] stop GTKAgg backend

2007-08-22 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
I am sorry, here the better explanation:
I have a scirpt to reduce data. from time to time it should bring up an 
interactive matplotlib figure and then when I close the window it should 
continue.it is important for me that the script actually stops when 
opening the window.
The problem is (which I found out just now) I am running this in ipython 
and if I close the window the gtk.mainloop() stays active and doesnt let 
me continue my script. So i'm looking for a fucntion I can call to stop 
the backend thread. I know there is a thread called gtk.gdk.thread_leave 
but I need the appropriate TK object which is the window(or 
matplotlib_object or whatever) to call this function. I am happy to use 
another backend but I am fairly new to tk and gtk in python so I didnt 
see anything else.
thanks in advance
John Hunter wrote:
> On 8/22/07, Wolfgang Kerzendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is there any way I can stop the mainloop of the gtkagg backend. i know
>> there is a threads_leave thing but I neec the Tk object from matplotlib.
>> The problem is that my script doesnt continue after the window has been
>> closed
> I am not exactly sure what you are after ...  Do you need to use
> GTKAgg at all, or can you simply set your backend to TkAgg in your
> matplotlibrc and leave it at that.  If for some reason you need
> GTKAgg, and then need to switch to TkAgg, it may be possible to do
> this with the "switch_backend" function in pylab.  I have done this on
> occasion with success, but it is mostly experimental.  Perhaps if you
> explain your use case a little better we can advise more.

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] stop GTKAgg backend

2007-08-22 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
Is there any way I can stop the mainloop of the gtkagg backend. i know 
there is a threads_leave thing but I neec the Tk object from matplotlib.
The problem is that my script doesnt continue after the window has been 
thanks in advance

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] script stuck after show()

2007-08-21 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
The script I am writing gets sometimes stuck after show(). Of course 
show() halts the script but when I close the window I want it to 
continue. Is there a sure way to kill off the pylab thread and continue 
like with a key press event on ESC and then calling a stop routine of 
the thread.
Thanks in advance

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] matplotlib and interactive use

2007-08-21 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf
That server sounds like a good idea. At the moment I have a different 
If I close the window sometimes the script does not continue. Is there 
any function that I can call which closes pylab and continues with the 
Also, how can I halt the script after the first issue of show().
thanks in advance
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Did you try
>raw_input("hit enter")
> ?
> On 8/21/07, Wolfgang Kerzendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am currently writing a data reduction program. I want to use pylab in
>> a script and use interactive input of pylab. The problem is that in
>> ipython -pylab the script just keeps going without waiting for input (I
>> have just tested it by plotting something but did not do
>> cid=connect). In ipython I also have the trouble that the first time
>> I call show the shell waits until the window is closed.
>> Well to simplify my question: How do I decide if pylab just shows the
>> plot or if it waits for input in a script?
>> thanks
>> Wolfgang
>> -
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] matplotlib and interactive use

2007-08-20 Thread Wolfgang Kerzendorf

I am currently writing a data reduction program. I want to use pylab in
a script and use interactive input of pylab. The problem is that in
ipython -pylab the script just keeps going without waiting for input (I
have just tested it by plotting something but did not do
cid=connect). In ipython I also have the trouble that the first time
I call show the shell waits until the window is closed.

Well to simplify my question: How do I decide if pylab just shows the
plot or if it waits for input in a script?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] latex output problem

2006-09-18 Thread Wolfgang
Hello John,

I had also to remove the quotationmarks from the png/dvi Filename
 command = 'dvipng -bg Transparent -D %s -T tight -o %s %s'%\
   (dpi, pngfile, dvifile)

Now it works fine! Thanks for the quick reply.


John Hunter schrieb:
>>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Wolfgang> Hi all, I have absolutely no idea what the problem
> Wolfgang> is. I'm running the actual enthought python version (on
> Wolfgang> WinXP) which includes matplotlib version 0.87.3.
> Wolfgang> The conversion of the dvi file to png does not work:
> Wolfgang> dvipng -bg Transparent -D "200" -T tight -o
> Wolfgang> 
> "C:\temp\temp\.matplotlib\tex.cache\6ded4018a133b00dd5abd9e27ca15efa.png"
> Wolfgang> 
> "C:\temp\temp\.matplotlib\tex.cache\a7b7bb1f22dc4f78602fb90e430bed74.dvi"
> Wolfgang> ...  RuntimeError: dvipng was not able to process the
> Wolfgang> flowing file:
> Wolfgang> 
> C:\temp\temp\.matplotlib\tex.cache\a7b7bb1f22dc4f78602fb90e430bed74.dvi
> Wolfgang> Here is the full report generated by dvipng:
> Wolfgang> This is dvipng 1.6 Copyright 2002-2005 Jan-Ake Larsson
> Wolfgang> dvipng: Fatal error, bad -D parameter
> I don't understand why the 200 is being quoted in the -D flag, etc 
>   -D "200"
> The relavent bit of code in matplotlib.texmanager reads
> command = self.get_shell_cmd('cd "%s"' % self.texcache, 
> 'dvipng -bg Transparent -D %s -T tight -o \
> "%s" "%s" > "%s"'%(dpi, os.path.split(pngfile)[-1], 
> os.path.split(dvifile)[-1], outfile))
> WOlfgang, try  playing around with this code in
> site-packages/matplotlib/texmanager.py (in the make_png function).
> Does this help
> command = self.get_shell_cmd('cd "%s"' % self.texcache, 
> 'dvipng -bg Transparent -D %d -T tight -o \
> "%s" "%s" > "%s"'%(int(dpi), 
> os.path.split(pngfile)[-1], 
> os.path.split(dvifile)[-1], outfile))
> -
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] latex output problem

2006-09-18 Thread Wolfgang
Hi all,

I have absolutely no idea what the problem is. I'm running the actual 
enthought python version (on WinXP) which includes matplotlib version 

The conversion of the dvi file to png does not work:
dvipng -bg Transparent -D "200" -T tight -o 

RuntimeError: dvipng was not able to process the flowing file:
Here is the full report generated by dvipng:

This is dvipng 1.6 Copyright 2002-2005 Jan-Ake Larsson
dvipng: Fatal error, bad -D parameter

The path to the dvi file is correct. The strange thing is, that this 
commands works when I paste it into the windows command line!

I hope someone can help me.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] latex labels on plots

2006-06-16 Thread Wolfgang

frac works for me:

yaxislabel=r'\sffamily water content $\left( 
\frac{\textsf{kg}}{\textsf{m}^{\textsf{\small 2}}}\right) $'


And you can also set
rc('text', usetex=False)
in your file to enable or disable tex

in my case I did the following:

tex_out=True # False
if tex_out:
 xaxislabel=r'time ($\sqrt{\textsf{s}}$)'
 yaxislabel=r'\sffamily water content $\left( 
\frac{\textsf{kg}}{\textsf{m}^{\textsf{\small 2}}}\right) $'
 rc('text', usetex=True)
 xaxislabel='time (s**0.5)'
 yaxislabel='water content (kg/m2)'
 rc('text', usetex=False)

It's perhaps not the mose elegant way to do, but I'm quite new to 


John Pye schrieb:
> Hi all
> I came across this page: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/UsingTex
> which mentions using LaTeX to generate labels on plots in Matplotlib.
> What I only discovered recently is that you don't need this 'usetext=1'
> thing in order to create captions on plots that include subscripts, etc.
> According to section 2.6.4 of the user's guide, you can just surround
> your text with $...$ to have it formatted as if it were latex. This is
> especially important if you're exporting SVG graphics (eg if you want to
> add more captioning/labelling using inkscape): the 'usetex' approach
> fails in that case.
> I wonder if someone with write access to the scipy wiki could maybe
> update the above page with some comments about the 'mathtext' support in
> Matplotlib? It might also be worth noting that the mathtext
> functionality doesn't support the \frac operator.
> Cheers
> JP

Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-12 Thread Wolfgang
RendererAgg.__init__ _RendererAgg done
RendererAgg.__init__ done
findfont failed Lucida Grande
findfont found Verdana, normal, normal 500, normal, 12.0
findfont returning c:\windows\fonts\verdana.ttf
cd C:\Documents and Settings\s0167070\.matplotlib\tex.cache & dvipng -bg 
Transparent -D 80.0 -T tight -o fbf582591f6e1f6319e619b944c658dc.png 
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 283, in expose_event
 self._render_figure(self._pixmap, w, h)
line 72, in _render_figure
line 389, in draw
line 531, in draw
 for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
line 1034, in draw
line 561, in draw
line 161, in draw
 if self.label1On: self.label1.draw(renderer)
line 1167, in draw
 Text.draw(self, renderer)
line 339, in draw
 bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
line 186, in _get_layout
 w,h = renderer.get_text_width_height(
line 239, in get_text_width_height
 Z = texmanager.get_rgba(s, size, self.dpi.get(), rgb)
line 409, in get_rgba
 pngfile = self.make_png(tex, fontsize, dpi, force=False)
line 245, in make_png
     if exit_status: raise RuntimeError('dvipng was not able to \
RuntimeError: dvipng was not able to process the flowing file:
C:\Documents and 
Here is the full report generated by dvipng:

3bb1bc57100b0c65915bdda3a1f60dae.dvi: No such file or directory

This is dvipng 1.6 Copyright 2002-2005 Jan-Ake Larsson

 >Exit code: 0Time: 4.344

Darren Dale schrieb:
> I'm attaching two files. They should overwrite the existing texmanager file 
> in 
> site-packages/matplotlib and the backend_ps file in 
> site-packages/matplotlib/backends. I would appreciate it if some windows 
> users trying to get usetex working with mpl-0.87.3 would test these. I'm 
> really surprised at all this trouble, I guess I've become very far removed 
> from the windows experience. I dug a windows harddisk out of the back of my 
> closet and was able to get usetex working with a standard windows XP setup, 
> so there should be no need to change your $HOME or anything like that.
> Thanks,
> Darren
> On Monday 12 June 2006 10:34, Wolfgang wrote:
>> Hello Darren,
>> the & is also in my solution! and I always had to change "%s" to %s
>> and I also added a 'c:' before the cd because " cd c:\temp\ " is not
>> working when the command is starten from d:
>> so finally I have:
>>   c: & cd %s & latex -interaction=nonstopmode %s ...
>> But I thinks this is not enough to get dvipng working, so I've changed
>> the $HOME to a path without spaces.
>> Wolfgang
>> If you wan't I can mail you the files which I've changed.
>> Darren Dale schrieb:
>>> Part of the problem is that DOS doesnt allow the semicolon to delimit
>>> multiple commands. I made a little bit of progress by changing every 'cd
>>> "%s"; ...' to 'cd &

Re: [Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-12 Thread Wolfgang
Hello Darren,

the & is also in my solution! and I always had to change "%s" to %s
and I also added a 'c:' before the cd because " cd c:\temp\ " is not 
working when the command is starten from d:

so finally I have:
  c: & cd %s & latex -interaction=nonstopmode %s ...

But I thinks this is not enough to get dvipng working, so I've changed 
the $HOME to a path without spaces.


If you wan't I can mail you the files which I've changed.

Darren Dale schrieb:
> Part of the problem is that DOS doesnt allow the semicolon to delimit 
> multiple 
> commands. I made a little bit of progress by changing every 'cd "%s"; ...' 
> to 'cd "%s" & ...'. At that point, dvipng starts complaining about the 
> dvifile not existing. The frustrating part is that I can copy that exact 
> command into a dos prompt and dvipng processes the dvi file just fine. I'm 
> about ready to plead insanity.
> On Monday 12 June 2006 08:55, Wolfgang wrote:
>> I have Miktex running. But finally dvipng had problems with the path
>> which included spaces.
>> Wolfgang
>> Ryan Krauss schrieb:
>>> Which LaTeX distribution are you using on windows?  TexLive handles
>>> paths much more poorly than MikTeX.
>>> On 6/12/06, Wolfgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Finally I changed in matplotlib/__init__.py the evaluation of $HOME to a
>>>> path without spaces because all files are transfered to
>>>> $HOME.matplotlib/tex.cache/ instead of $TEMP
>>>> I also had to change in texmanager.py some of the "%s" to %s
>>>> I think someone with more experience in programming should check the
>>>> path handling on windows (regarding to spaces in the path)
>>>> I would also suggest that temporary files go into a path which is based
>>>> on $TMP.
>>>> Wolfgang
>>>> ___
>>>> Matplotlib-users mailing list
>>>> Matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/matplotlib-users
>> ___
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] legend.numpoints: 1 ?

2006-06-12 Thread Wolfgang

I want to display some measurement data as simple dots, and also a 
modeled curve (solid line, no symbols). When I set legend.numpoints to 
one I get one dot displayed in my legend, but no solid line any more. Is 
it somehow possible to configure the legend behavior for each line 


import matplotlib
from pylab import *

plot(t, t,label='curve')
plot(s, t, markersize=7, marker='o', 

Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-12 Thread Wolfgang
I have Miktex running. But finally dvipng had problems with the path 
which included spaces.


Ryan Krauss schrieb:
> Which LaTeX distribution are you using on windows?  TexLive handles
> paths much more poorly than MikTeX.
> On 6/12/06, Wolfgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Finally I changed in matplotlib/__init__.py the evaluation of $HOME to a
>> path without spaces because all files are transfered to
>> $HOME.matplotlib/tex.cache/ instead of $TEMP
>> I also had to change in texmanager.py some of the "%s" to %s
>> I think someone with more experience in programming should check the
>> path handling on windows (regarding to spaces in the path)
>> I would also suggest that temporary files go into a path which is based
>> on $TMP.
>> Wolfgang
>> ___
>> Matplotlib-users mailing list
>> Matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/matplotlib-users

Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-12 Thread Wolfgang
Finally I changed in matplotlib/__init__.py the evaluation of $HOME to a 
path without spaces because all files are transfered to 
$HOME.matplotlib/tex.cache/ instead of $TEMP

I also had to change in texmanager.py some of the "%s" to %s

I think someone with more experience in programming should check the 
path handling on windows (regarding to spaces in the path)

I would also suggest that temporary files go into a path which is based 
on $TMP.


Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang
Hi Darren,

I will try to change my temp path later this day. But I also think, that 
  one problem comes from the fact that I have installed Python not on my 
C: drive.


Darren Dale schrieb:
> I'm sorry Wolfgang, but I don't have access to a windows computer at home, 
> and 
> my next two weeks at work are literally booked from dawn to dusk. I don't 
> know when I'll get a chance to look into this again. Hopefully someone else 
> on the list can offer some suggestions.
> Darren
> On Sunday 11 June 2006 7:22 pm, Wolfgang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> with some manual adjustments in texmanager.py I get the first tex file
>> processed to an dvi and both files (tex + dvi) are copied into this folder:
>> C:\Documents and Settings\s0167070\.matplotlib\tex.cache
>> but now dvipng refuses to do its job:
>>  if exit_status: raise RuntimeError('dvipng was not able to \
>> RuntimeError: dvipng was not able to process the flowing file:
>> C:\Documents and
>> Settings\s0167070\.matplotlib\tex.cache\3bb1bc57100b0c65915bdda3a1f60dae.dv
>> i Here is the full report generated by dvipng:
>> Settings\s0167070\.matplotlib\tex.cache\3bb1bc57100b0c65915bdda3a1f60dae.dv
>> i": No such file or directory
>> It seems that the spaces in the temp path produce the error. Is there a
>> way to change the temp dir (beneath in system settings of XP)?
>> Thanks
>> Wolfgang
>> ___
>> Matplotlib-users mailing list
>> Matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/matplotlib-users

Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang

with some manual adjustments in texmanager.py I get the first tex file 
processed to an dvi and both files (tex + dvi) are copied into this folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\s0167070\.matplotlib\tex.cache

but now dvipng refuses to do its job:

 if exit_status: raise RuntimeError('dvipng was not able to \
RuntimeError: dvipng was not able to process the flowing file:
C:\Documents and 
Here is the full report generated by dvipng:

No such file or directory

It seems that the spaces in the temp path produce the error. Is there a 
way to change the temp dir (beneath in system settings of XP)?


Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] legend without frame?

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang
and the answer is: legend().draw_frame(0)

problem solved

Wolfgang schrieb:
> Hi,
> how can I switch off the frame of the legend?
> Thanks
> Wolfgang

Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] legend without frame?

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang

how can I switch off the frame of the legend?


Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang
.egg\matplotlib\figure.py", line 660, in savefig
 self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
.egg\matplotlib\backends\backend_tkagg.py", line 184, in print_figure
 agg.print_figure(filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation,
.egg\matplotlib\backends\backend_agg.py", line 452, in print_figure
.egg\matplotlib\backends\backend_agg.py", line 389, in draw
.egg\matplotlib\figure.py", line 531, in draw
 for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
.egg\matplotlib\axes.py", line 1034, in draw
.egg\matplotlib\axis.py", line 561, in draw
.egg\matplotlib\axis.py", line 161, in draw
 if self.label1On: self.label1.draw(renderer)
.egg\matplotlib\text.py", line 1167, in draw
 Text.draw(self, renderer)
.egg\matplotlib\text.py", line 339, in draw
 bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
.egg\matplotlib\text.py", line 186, in _get_layout
 w,h = renderer.get_text_width_height(
.egg\matplotlib\backends\backend_agg.py", line 239, in get_text_width_height
 Z = texmanager.get_rgba(s, size, self.dpi.get(), rgb)
.egg\matplotlib\texmanager.py", line 401, in get_rgba
 pngfile = self.make_png(tex, fontsize, dpi, force=False)
.egg\matplotlib\texmanager.py", line 227, in make_png
 dvifile = self.make_dvi(tex, fontsize)
.egg\matplotlib\texmanager.py", line 197, in make_dvi
 if exit_status: raise RuntimeError('LaTeX was not able to process \
RuntimeError: LaTeX was not able to process the flowing string:
Here is the full report generated by LaTeX:

The system cannot find the path specified.

Hope that someone has a clue about whats going wrong here!


Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] ANN: basemap 0.9

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang

problem is solved. It seems that the file got corrupted during the first 
download and all further tries to download it again referred to the 
cached file. The solution simply was to empty the file cache.

Sorry for causing trouble

Jeff Whitaker schrieb:
> Wolfgang wrote:
>> I tried to download basemap 0.9 from sourceforge but during unzipping I 
>> get an crc error. Can anybody else test the file from sf?
>> Thanks
>> Wolfgang
> Wolfgang:  Works fine for me - I suggest trying another SF mirror.  Do 
> you remember which one you downloaded the corrupt file from?
> -Jeff

Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] tex-text problem

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang

I'm quite new to python and matplotlib, but at least simple graphs work 
already. But now I tried to use tex for processing labels.

tex, latex, dvipng and ghostscript are in my path. A manual tex-run on 
the tex file produces a dvi file.

Any help is appreciated

PS: I'm runnin on WinXP prof

My script:
from matplotlib import rc
from matplotlib.numerix import arange, cos, pi
from pylab import figure, axes, plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, grid, 
savefig, show

rc('text', usetex=True)
ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7])
t = arange(0.0, 1.0+0.01, 0.01)
s = cos(2*2*pi*t)+2
plot(t, s)

xlabel(r'\textbf{time (s)}')
ylabel(r'\textit{voltage (mV)}',fontsize=16)
title(r"\TeX\ is Number 
$\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{-e^{i\pi}}{2^n}$!", fontsize=16, 


And here the error:
 >pythonw -u "tex.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "tex.py", line 16, in ?
line 811, in savefig
 return fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
line 660, in savefig
 self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
line 184, in print_figure
 agg.print_figure(filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation,
line 452, in print_figure
line 389, in draw
line 531, in draw
 for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
line 1034, in draw
line 561, in draw
line 161, in draw
 if self.label1On: self.label1.draw(renderer)
line 1167, in draw
 Text.draw(self, renderer)
line 339, in draw
 bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
line 186, in _get_layout
 w,h = renderer.get_text_width_height(
line 239, in get_text_width_height
 Z = texmanager.get_rgba(s, size, self.dpi.get(), rgb)
line 401, in get_rgba
 pngfile = self.make_png(tex, fontsize, dpi, force=False)
line 227, in make_png
 dvifile = self.make_dvi(tex, fontsize)
line 197, in make_dvi
 if exit_status: raise RuntimeError('LaTeX was not able to process \
RuntimeError: LaTeX was not able to process the flowing string:
Here is the full report generated by LaTeX:

The system cannot find the path specified.

But I can run the created tex-file manually:
latex -interaction=nonstopmode "3bb1bc57100b0c65915bdda3a1f60dae.tex"

This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex 
2006.6.11)  11 JUN 2006 13:52
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, 
nohyphenation, ge
rman, ngerman, french, loaded.

Re: [Matplotlib-users] ANN: basemap 0.9

2006-06-11 Thread Wolfgang
I tried to download basemap 0.9 from sourceforge but during unzipping I 
get an crc error. Can anybody else test the file from sf?


Jeff Whitaker schrieb:
> The main purpose of this release is to take advantage of the new aspect 
> ratio handling in matplotlib 0.87.3.
> Some new features have been added (new polar-centric convenience 
> projections, sinusoidal projection, ability to plot land-sea masks, 
> pcolormesh method), and numerous bugs were squashed.
> Here is the full list of changes since 0.8.2:
>* updated for new matplotlib aspect ratio handling.
>Now maps will always have the correct aspect ratio.
>* if resolution keyword is set to None when Basemap
>instance is created, no boundary data sets are needed
>(methods to draw boundaries, like drawcoastlines, will
>raise an exception).
>* update to proj4 module - renamed pyproj to avoid
>conflicts with proj4 module from CDAT.
>* createfigure method deprecated, since maps
>will now automatically have the correct aspect ratio.
>* Added new projections Xpstere, Xplaea, Xpaeqd (where X
>can be n or s).  These are special-case, polar-centric
>versions of the stereographic, lambert azimuthal equal area
>and azimuthal equidistant projections that don't require
>you specify the lat/lon values of the lower-left and upper-right
>* fixed bugs in plot, scatter and mapboundary methods for
>miller, cylindrical and mercator projections.
>* 'crude' and 'low' resolution boundary datasets now installed
>by default.  basemap_data package now only needed for to get
>'intermediate' and 'high' resolution datasets.
>* moved all packages under single lib/ directory so
>setuptools' "develop" command works properly.
>* Added sinusoidal projection.
>* bilinear interpolation routines can return masked arrays with
>values outside range of data coordinates masked.
>* New examples (warpimage.py - warping an image to
>different map projections, polarmaps.py - simplified polar
>projections, garp.py - 'World According to Garp' maps).
>* pcolormesh method added.
>* drawlsmask method added for masking oceans and/or land areas.
>5 minute land-sea mask dataset added.
> -Jeff

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