[MCN-L] Posts

2020-11-21 Thread Paul Henningsson, musedia


Am receiving many posts from the list at the moment, containing the line:

"Message was discarded by filter 
'\Newsletters\as17_NEWSLETTERS\updates\Normal' on line 45"

Probably something that the list admin is aware of, dropping a line 
just in case!

Have a good weekend,

best wishes
Paul H

box 3222
se-400 10 gothenburg

tel . +46 735-52 23 36
e-post . <mailto:p...@musedia.net>p...@musedia.net
skype . musedia



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[MCN-L] Magnetic Headphone Connectors?

2017-09-07 Thread musedia


Has anyone had any experience with magnetic headphone jack connectors 
in museum settings?
Or better still, do you know if there are any brands available on the 
market? (One product being "Mack", though not sure if it's available:


Am working on a project at a small gallery, where staff want to hand 
out headphones to visitors, rather than have headphones hanging 
inside the exhibition.
We're thinking a magnetic connector could simplify connecting the 
headphones at each audio point, or maybe this actually increases the 
wear on cables etc?

Any pointers welcome!

Best wishes,
Paul Henningsson


box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail . i...@musedia.net
skype . musedia


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[MCN-L] Automatic screen capture on Android

2016-08-16 Thread musedia


Has anybody used or know of an app for Android phones, which automatically
captures screenshots at custom intervals and then e-mails away each pic?

Would like to log mobile phone test users, in a field situation..
(the area has mobile/Internet coverage).

Many thanks in advance,

paul henningsson

box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail . i...@musedia.net
skype . musedia


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Re: [MCN-L] AudioGuides

2015-10-19 Thread musedia

Hello Emil,

Very interesting question. I'm interested to hear
about how you arrived at those numbers? What method did you use?

The figures sound a bit low, from a European point of view. There are many
audioguide services available at heritage sites as well as outdoors. And
not all museums inform about audioguide services through their 
websites, unfortunately..

Am also wondering what level of expectancy you were measuring against?
The concept of audioguides is based on selecting points of interest 
to visitors,
to offer highlights of an exhibition or to offer specific themes as 
part of the interpretation.
Very few museums, I would have thought, aspire to put the *total* 
content of objects in an
exhibition into a handheld electronic guide!  (Although in the past, 
audioguides have been described as
"audio labels"!) That is not to say that in some cases, services 
could be improved, regarding the

amount of languages available, accessibilty content etc.

Some of the best productions out there are based on what questions 
the target visitor
groups are asking about the subject/theme/objects in the exhibition, 
as well as observing visitor

flows through an exhibition or site and so on.

Good luck with your research!

Best wishes,
Paul Henningsson

box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail . i...@musedia.net
skype . musedia


At 12:19 2015-10-18, you wrote:

Dear MCNers,

In a last few weeks, I am researching audioguides market, in EU and US. I
found out, less than 10% of the museums ( especially
medium-small ) introduces audioguides service, and even there, it covers
5%-10% of the exhibits. Same situation with a coverage of available

I am wondering, what are the *real reasons* for such a low penetration. Any
opinion will be highly appreciated.


CTGuide Org.

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Re: [MCN-L] hit me with your tech-related acronyms!

2015-02-11 Thread musedia


Perhaps you could include: UXP  ("User Experience" and/or "User 
Experience Platform") ...and bouncing off that: VXP ("Visitor Experience")

Please also see:
"Digital Curator Survival Guide: A Glossary of Tech Terms Museums Should Know"

Best wishes,
Paul Henningsson


box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail . <mailto:p...@musedia.net>p...@musedia.net
skype . musedia


At 20:59 2015-02-10, you wrote:

Hi, all...

I'm trying to compile a list of tech-related acronyms that might be
important for museum staff to know and understand -- or at the very least,
recognize.  Right now, I'm just gathering EVERYthing I can think of -- file
extensions (PDF, JPG), emerging technologies (BLE, NFC), web-related (HTML,


- Are there any that you think are particularly relevant/important?

- What terms do you frequently toss around during museum tech meetings?

- Are there any that are often misunderstood/misinterpreted?

I'd be happy to share my "final" list when I've got it ready...




Head of Knowledge Management

The Morton Arboretum  |  4100 Illinois Route 53  |  Lisle, Illinois 60532
T  *630-725-2136* |*cdoughe...@mortonarb.org *
|  mortonarb.org

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2013-08-10 Thread musedia


Received the invitation below from a colleague, perhaps it could be of 
interest to the list?

Please send any questions about the conference to the programme committee,
contact details are below.

All the best,
Paul Henningsson

box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail . <mailto:paul at musedia.net>paul at musedia.net
skype . musedia




December 1-3, 2013

Stockholm, Sweden


NODEM Network of Design and Digital Heritage / Interactive Institute 
Swedish ICT

Swedish Exhibition Agency

Stockholm City Museum


The aim of the conference is to bring together museum and heritage 
professionals (galleries, archives, libraries and museums), innovation 
experts (universities, research and technology transfer centres, start-ups) 
and creative industries to enable discussion on the potential of 
collaboration and innovation. The overarching goal of NODEM 2013 ? Beyond 
Control is to highlight and investigate a variety of challenges that 
museums and other culture-historical institutions are facing in an 
increasingly digital, and media saturated, landscape.


We would like to invite museum professionals, researchers in digital media, 
interactions design as well as museum studies and communication studies, 
designers, developers and producers from the field of experience technology 
or anyone else who has an interest in the field. All submissions will 
undergo a review process.


Special session #1 Curatorial Challenges

Special session #2 Participatory Learning in Museums

Special session #3 Experience Design inside/outside Museums


The Mobile Museum ? apps, guides and location-based museum content

Social media for creative expression, communication and content

Future technologies for archiving, preservation and visualization

Collaboration, partnership and participation in museum innovation

Designing exhibitions and novel interfaces

Evaluation of digital media in museums and heritage sites

Intangible/tangible heritage and new technologies

Virtual museums


All presenters are invited to contribute to the post-conference 
publication. In addition, the papers and presentations will be published on 
the NODEM website. For an example of how presentations will be archived, 
please see the NODEM 2012 archive.



NODEM invites contributions in three categories:

1) Research papers (20 minutes for oral presentation + 10 minutes for 

2) Shorter project presentations (10 minutes for oral presentation + 10 
minutes for discussion).

3) Proposals for posters in the exhibition space require submission of an 
abstract, which will be reviewed by the committee.


Deadline for all submissions: August 15, 2013

Authors notification: September 15, 2013

For more information about the conference and submitting your proposal, 
please visit our website:



The exhibition space Interactive Salon will be arranged at the Stockholm 
City Museum. This year?s edition focuses on: New conception of museums as 
public spaces and communication modes and interfaces. The Interactive Salon 
showcases the latest, cutting-edge products, exhibitions and services for 
museums, galleries and heritage sites. Open throughout the duration of the 


NODEM would like to invite designers, curators and exhibitors to showcase 
the latest, cutting-edge products and services for museums, galleries and 
heritage sites. The exhibition space is free of charge. Participation in 
the exhibition will only be charged with the conference fee.


NODEM is delighted to announce that the conference participants are invited 
by the City of Stockholm to a reception at the City Hall. After the 
reception there will be a guided tour of the City Hall, known for being the 
venue of the Nobel Prize banquet.

Traditional Swedish Christmas dinner ?Julbord? at the Medieval Museum.


NODEM 2013 Coordinators:

<mailto:nodem at nodem.org>nodem at nodem.org

Halina Gottlieb

Founding Director of NODEM / Interactive Institute Swedish ICT

in collaboration with:

Staffan Forssell, Director General / Swedish Exhibition Agency

& Hans ?jmyr, Manager of Department of Exhibition / Stockholm City Museum

You w

[MCN-L] Evaluation

2012-06-07 Thread musedia


Many interesting observations here, typically pointing towards the "lip 
service" problem of evaluation: "There, we've evaluated it..now, let's file 
it away under 'F' as in 'Forgetting'..."

True, some summative reports are simpy one-offs, and rarely cause any 
raised eyebrows.

There's always room for improvement. I wonder if the group will also look 
at how evaluation loops are working, as summative evaluation (even 
"remedial evaluation") should be seen as  part of an evaluation cycle.

In my experience, usually, institutions who use evaluation actively 
(through in-house teams/external consultants or through combinations) are 
ones which practice the full cycle of audience research, i.e. 
baseline-front end-formative-summative and back.
But there are also different aspects to evaluate, not all of them covering 
evaluation of learning.

I also hope this evaluation-of-evaluations project will be promoted to the 
museum evaluation/audience research community, internationally, as it 
covers a very wide field (wherever interpretation activities are present).
In my mind, there's no simple answer to this one...there's no shortcut to 
good evaluation!

Best wishes,
Paul Henningsson

digital interpretation and evaluation

box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail. <mailto:paul at musedia.net>paul at musedia.net


At 08:09 2012-06-07 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi everyone - I thought I'd bring over this interesting post from the MCG
>Sheila Carey (Chair, Metrics & Evaluation SIG)
>Analyste des publics et des programmes | Audience and Program Analyst
>R??seau canadien d'information sur le patrimoine (RCIP) | The Canadian
>Heritage Information Network (CHIN)
>Minist??re du Patrimoine canadien | Department of Canadian Heritage
>Gatineau, Canada K1A 0M5
>sheila.carey at pch.gc.ca
>T??l??phone | Telephone 819-934-5017
>T??l??copieur | Facsimile 819-994-9555
>T??l??imprimeur (sans frais) 1-888-997-3123 | Teletypewriter (toll-free)
>Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada
>Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2012 12:51:14 +0100
>Subject: 'Why evaluation doesn't measure up'
>There's an interesting post called 'Why evaluation doesn't measure up'
>on the Museums Association site
>or http://bit.ly/L9FlQz where they say:
>"No one seems to have done the sums, but UK museums probably spend
>millions on evaluation each year. Given that, it???s disappointing how
>little impact evaluation appears to have, even within the institution
>that commissioned it."
>"Summative evaluations are expected to achieve the impossible: to help
>museums learn from failure, while proving the project met all its
>objectives. Is it time to rethink how the sector approaches
>I'm curious to know what others think.  Are they right?  Or are they
>missing something?
>Cheers, Mia
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>To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu
>To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:
>The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Launching Safari in kiosk mode on Windows XP

2012-04-04 Thread musedia

Hello Jason,

Am not sure how you have designed your presentation, but
perhaps you could try to create a starting page in HTML which then (after 
loading) automatically launches the page containing your content page in 
full screen mode, via javascript. (The "launch page" would have to be set 
as starting page in Safari's preferences.)
There are several scripts like this online, in web forums etc, it should 
work OK with Safari as well.

Hope this helps,
good luck!

Best wishes,
Paul Henningsson

digital media interpretation & evaluation

box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail. <mailto:paul at musedia.net>paul at musedia.net


At 11:47 2012-04-03 -0500, you wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="=_NextPart_000_011B_01CD118F.7AD18780"
>Content-Language: en-us
>Hello all,
>We have had a small interactive exhibit developed for us basically using a
>lot of linked web pages.  We have determined that this interactive looks
>best and is most functional when viewed in Safari.  Unfortunately, we can't
>seem to figure out how to make Safari for Windows launch in full screen or
>kiosk mode.  We have it set launch Safari on startup, but it does not
>remember it was in full screen when it closed last. This interactive will be
>in an environment where it will not be possible for someone to go and push
>the full screen button every morning.
>Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
>Jason Bondy
>Exhibit AV/IT Systems
>Oklahoma History Center
>800 Nazih Zuhdi Dr.
>Oklahoma City, OK  73105
>405-522-0783 - Office
>405-522-5402 - Fax
>  <http://www.okhistory.org/> http://www.okhistory.org
>Follow us on Twitter!   <http://twitter.com/okhistory>
>You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
>Network (http://www.mcn.edu)
>To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu
>To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:
>The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Using iPads as stationary display

2011-07-21 Thread musedia

Hello David & list,

Yes, this is an interesting alley to walk down, the compact sized 
touchscreen could mean interesting applications in exhibtion settings.

The City Library of Gothenburg has used them in their exhibition space, I 
wrote a piece about it with pics, please see link below. They made their 
own wooden casing which looked quite neat. But of course have visitors who 
fiddle around with the controls, tampering with it, as the staff were not 
able (yet) to lock the device to only run Safari (their gallery has Wifi).


I would also be interested to hear other examples of using mounted iPads in 
for interpretive contents and visitor services.

Best wishes,
Paul Henningsson

box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail. <mailto:paul at musedia.net>paul at musedia.net


At 15:19 2011-07-21 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all - In the last few months there have been posts to this list 
>concerned the use of iPads in museums, but mostly in the context of 
>visitor being able to use one made available by the museums in galleries 
>or learning lounges, and presumably able to walk around with them. We are 
>considering using iPads as touch screen exhibits, mounted on a stands and 
>using local files (galleries are not wifi enabled).
>Peel Heritage Complex staff would like to know if other museums have done 
>anything similar. From previous posts to this list I am aware of some of 
>the issues surrounding public use of iPads such as limiting icons, making 
>Settings inaccessible and locking it down. At this stage we would like to 
>know how well using iPads as touchscreen displays works, if there are any 
>pitfalls (not necessarily of a technical nature) and if anyone has 
>produced a best practices document for using iPads or similar devices in 
>exhibition galleries, rather than the specific software that will be needed.
>Thanks in advance,
>David Farrell, Collections Registrar
>Peel Heritage Complex
>9 Wellington Street East
>Brampton, ON   L6W 1Y1
>905-791-4055 x3628
>david.farrell@ peelregion.ca
>Peel Heritage Complex is Expanding
>Re-opening Spring 2012.
>  Follow the Complex on Facebook

[MCN-L] Budgets for ICT

2010-12-07 Thread musedia
Hello all,

Am at the moment lecturing at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden,
and got a question from a group of students about how much of museums
operational budgets go into digital technologies (hardwares) - is
there a typical rate in museums today?

I had only my own limited experiences to draw from, but it was an
interesting question. Of course it depends on the type of institution,
but has anyone seen any breakdowns of this, or any "hard facts" about
how investments in ICT has affected museum budgeting of late? Perhaps
compared to, say, 10-20 years ago?

Articles or pointers very much appreciated,

best wishes from snowy Sweden,
Paul Henningsson

box 12139
se-402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-post . paul at musedia.net


[MCN-L] Headphone alternatives

2009-03-31 Thread musedia

The police museum in Stockholm, Sweden, has neat single earpieces (mono)
on a chord, at their oral history exhibits. Sleek, robust (rubber,
metal) and easy to clean. See attached pic.

Best wishes,
Paul Henningsson


box 12139
402 42 gothenburg

tel . +46 (0)735-52 23 36
e-mail . info at musedia.net

2009/3/31, Proctor, Nancy :
> Beyond most museums' budgets, but these directional speakers are pretty
> cool:
> http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/woody_norris_invents_amazing_things.html
> Think Kate Bush, Experiment IV
> On 3/31/09 4:00 PM, "mcn-l-request at mcn.edu"  
> wrote:
>> Send mcn-l mailing list submissions to
>> mcn-l at mcn.edu
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> http://toronto.mediatrope.com/mailman/listinfo/mcn-l
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> mcn-l-request at mcn.edu
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> mcn-l-owner at mcn.edu
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of mcn-l digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>1. If not a big set of headphones than what? A little help
>>   please (Holly Witchey)
>>2. Re: If not a big set of headphones than what? A little
>>   helpplease (Jay Hoffman)
>>3. Re: If not a big set of headphones than what? A little help
>>   please (Christina DePaolo)
>>4. Re: If not a big set of headphones than what? A little
>>   helpplease (Johnson, Peter)
>>5. Re: If not a big set of headphones than what? A little help
>>   please (Bruce Wyman)
>>6. Re: If not a big set of headphones than what? A little help
>>   please (Bruce Wyman)
>>7. IP SIG, et al.:  AU Panel: 'Scholarly Communication in the
>>   Digital Age' (Amalyah Keshet  [akeshet at imj.org.il])
>>8. Early booking discount finishes today for ISKO UK Conference,
>>   London, 22-23 June 2009 (Leonard Will)
>>9. Re: If not a big set of headphones than what? A little help
>>   please (Leonard Steinbach)
>>   10. Re: If not a big set of headphones than what? A little help
>>   please (doug melven)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:22:21 -0400
>> From: Holly Witchey 
>> Subject: [MCN-L] If not a big set of headphones than what? A little
>> help please
>> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv 
>> Cc: Tom Hood 
>> Message-ID:
>> <5CF048364B79B24694B5430B00F92C1C01F4CA655D at MAIL02.clevelandart.org>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> Dear List-Servers:
>> Our head of exhibitions would like to install a few (3 count 'em)
>> listening
>> stations in a special exhibition this summer.  Our head of design doesn't
>> like
>> the look of big old headphones hanging from the wall--and our customers
>> often
>> suffer from a fear of germs associated with equiment to be used by many.
>> Anyone got any cunning ideas as a delivery mechanism that will satisfy the
>> needs of both parties.  Did I mention there's a recession and we aren't
>> looking to mortgage the farm for this one?
>> Holly M. Witchey, Ph.D.
>> Director of New Media Initiatives
>> The Cleveland Museum of Art
>> 11150 East Blvd.
>> Cleveland, Ohio 44106
>> Telephone: 216-707-2653
>> Email: hwitchey at clevelandart.org
>> --
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:53:24 -0400
>> From: "Jay Hoffman" 
>> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] If not a big set of headphones than what? A
>> little helpplease
>> To: "Museum Computer Network Listserv" 
>> Cc: Tom Hood 
>> Message-ID:
>> <81314D11B3449840906FA6E34A6D08C8C6BAC6 at gsml.gallerysystems.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>> Holly/Tom - How would this work?: provide the 2 standard headphone jacks
>> (IPod and Mobile Phone, 3.5mm and 2.5mm) at each station and let people
>> use their own headphones. For those who don't have their own, let them
>> purchase the cheap airline type in the museum shop.
>> Jay