[MCN-L] Follow up to Honeysett Director, IT Session

2007-11-08 Thread Tim Gaddie
Thanks for starting this, Chris! 
I have 2 things to contribute (you all decide if this can be truly considered 
a contribution).
My disclaimer is that I'm not an information/IT professional. I'm an educator. 
And the education supervisor for my institution on track for museum 
administration. But I'm a wanna-be geek and strong proponent for how powerful 
technology can be for education (and other areas in a museum). Also, I've only 
been in the museum field for a few years now. In that time and from various 
conferences, etc, I've heard a lot of the same complaints expressed today from 
the other museum staff positions.
First point, which some folks touched on, but to reiterate... systems people 
(which many of you are) should be able to relate to this. If there is a 
problem, one avenue for troubleshooting is looking for the common denominator. 
If you tend to have a problem with (many) others, and they tend to just have a 
problem with you, the common denominator is YOU. So consider that the problem 
is not THEM; the problem is YOU. What are you doing that is causing a problem 
for others?
Another possibility is that you and others have a problem with your 
administration. So the common denominator is the administration; they are the 
problem. In your assessment, can you influence that problem to solve it? If 
not, then LEAVE. As was pointed out today, technology isn't going anywhere 
(humans have been depending on it for thousands of years now). Those who don't 
adopt functional, reliable technology won't be around for long (relatively). 
While natural selection is taking its course, go work for someone else. (I do 
realize it's never so simple to just leave your job, but if you're not even 
considering it, you're also playing your part in natural selection.)
Second point is relative to the whole generational argument... let's just wait 
for the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers to die off, and then 
everyone will embrace the technology. And then we'll never have 
misunderstandings between the information professionals and administration 
I don't know my history well enough to say for sure, but after some reflection 
to this, my gut-cognitive reaction is hogwash!
Are you telling me that there are not folks of older generations who grew up 
with whatever technology that they took for granted but their older generations 
found incomprehensible; and who do not today comprehend the possibilities for 
new technology?
When I started as a freshman in college, my father thought it ridiculous that I 
should have my own land line phone in my dorm room. When he went to school, he 
had a pay phone on his floor and that worked fine for him. I have never spent 
any more time talking on the phone than I have to, but it seemed ludicrous to 
not have a telephone in my own room (never mind the answering machine I later 
secretly purchased second-hand). Today, I'm already internally conflicted over 
what I'll do when my now 4 year old asks me for a cell phone when he's 6. On 
the surface, I find the request ridiculous. But then I remember my request for 
a phone in my own dorm room...
So what I'm wondering... is it not the case that new technology is always 
emerging? And while the name of the technology is always changing, the basic 
concept remains the same. Tech proponents will have to work to convince those 
who are technologically conservative (i.e. the majority of the populace) that 
the technology is worth adopting.
So you can wait for the Great Generation and the Baby Boomers to die out to 
implement today's technology (which will be outdated by that point), but then 
you're going to have to convince the Gen X'ers and Millenials to implement what 
is new at the time they are the administrators.
I'd advocate instead that we do what many folks suggested today--we get better 
at communicating the value of technology to decision makers (just like we 
communicate the value of education, collections, conservation, etc.).
Thanks again to Nik and the panelists for a great session,
Tim Gaddie
Programs Manager

From: mcn-l-boun...@mcn.edu on behalf of Chris Alexander
Sent: Wed 11/7/2007 7:33 PM
To: mcn-l at mcn.edu
Subject: [MCN-L] Follow up to Honeysett Director, IT Session


As a first time attendee of the MCN Conference, I have to say that I was very 
fascinated by the conversation going on about the relationship between IT 
Professionals and their Directors.  I am fortunate because a little over a year 
ago the director of the San Jose Museum of Art made a decision to embrace 
technology and created the position which I currently fill. 

Piggybacking of some of the discussion about communication, I wanted to offer a 
little info about a situation that arose recently.  Around the one year 
anniversary of my position I was approached by our Marketing Director who 
mentioned to me that I need to be a little more

[MCN-L] Follow up to Honeysett Director, IT Session

2007-11-07 Thread Chris Alexander


As a first time attendee of the MCN Conference, I have to say that I was very 
fascinated by the conversation going on about the relationship between IT 
Professionals and their Directors.  I am fortunate because a little over a year 
ago the director of the San Jose Museum of Art made a decision to embrace 
technology and created the position which I currently fill.  

Piggybacking of some of the discussion about communication, I wanted to offer a 
little info about a situation that arose recently.  Around the one year 
anniversary of my position I was approached by our Marketing Director who 
mentioned to me that I need to be a little more outspoken about what it is that 
I do at the Museum.  This really caught me off guard.  I felt that with every 
opportunity that presented itself I tried to speak about technology and what it 
was that I was doing.  I went through a lot of denial about this, but finally 
came to the conclusion that I would draft an email that would recap the 
previous year's accomplishments; this email would then be sent to certain staff 
members who I felt were stakeholders.  The email took me two days to write and 
ended up being a four page memo.  In it, I tried to put it in layman's terms 
what was accomplished; this many people downloaded our podcast, this many 
people watched our YouTube Videos, this many people listened to our cell phone 
tours, I went to these conferences, we are mentioned on this blog, etc., etc.  
I also included links, which most people are pretty comfortable with clicking 
on.  Basically, I became a self promoter.  Not something that I expected to 
have to do, but embraced after I reflected on all the accomplishments.

The email, with attached memo, was very well received and became Jerry 
McGuireish from people saying, Have you read the memo? or Hey, I enjoyed 
the memo!  Didn't realize you did all that stuff!  It was even printed out and 
distributed by the Director of the Museum to all the Board Members at one of 
their meetings. It was also forwarded to our Development staff for use in 
grants and corporate funding initiatives.  And, it also acts as a personal 
record that can be referred to on numerous occasions when shameless self 
promotion opportunities arise.

I realize that I might be in a unique situation, but I encourage some of you to 
take up the reins of self promotion.  It might help to clear the air about any 
staff questions and might give you a better picture of where you stand in your 

Thanks for a great session Nik!  I was the last one who received one of the 
books you were handing out at the end!

Best regards,

Chris Alexander
Manager of Interactive Technology
San Jose Museum of Art