[MBZ] idling/starting

2005-10-27 Thread wilton strickland
All 4 of my MB diesels have strtd on 1st cycle.  If not, I thot smthng


[MBZ] Weight of bio

2005-11-01 Thread wilton strickland
~ 7.6 lbs./gal.


[MBZ] oil sucker

2005-11-06 Thread wilton strickland
'Don't know how one could work better than my $2 one used with oil at
operating temp.


[MBZ] Oil sucker

2005-11-07 Thread wilton strickland
A 5/8 OD plastic tube inserted very easily and snuggly into only the larger
top inch and a half or so of dipstick tube allows entire diameter of
dipstick tube to carry oil from lowest point in pan as it was designed to
do.  My fabric-embedded, clear plastic tube does not collapse carrying hot
oil, though an earlier, cheaper one without fabric did.  You don't need to
shove the evacuation tube into the pan.


[MBZ] PPG & the star

2005-11-07 Thread wilton strickland
'Noticed coupla days ago, replacement wndshld in my 87 showroom-like 300D
has small MB star with PPG beneath it with other data on LL corner.


[MBZ] Oil sucker fiasco

2005-11-08 Thread wilton strickland
Re. oil getting into vac unit, read my instructions for making $2 sucker
thoroughly.  They are in the list archives; Aug 05; first item on subject
list - $2 oil sucker.
Discharge oil at top of receiver tnk as far as possible from vac hose inlet.
Also, see item 2 off UPGRADED unit part of instructions.


[MBZ] Oil sucker fiasco

2005-11-08 Thread wilton strickland
Re. oil getting into vac unit.  Most shop vacs produce much more suction
than needed to make oil sucker work well.  To reduce possibility of oil in
vac hose, it may help to reduce vac at oil container - opening in hose, etc.


[MBZ] OT Cartridge starters

2005-11-09 Thread wilton strickland
About 25 yrs ago, all 8 engines on B-52's were retrofitted with cartridge
starters for alert starts.  Cartridge is like a gallon paint can full of
solid rocket fuel; spins starter at ~ 45k rpm.  All 8 engines can be started
at same time in < a minute by hitting one switch; also makes lots of smoke.
Can also start one at a time, of course.  In lieu of cartridge, comp. air is
used; after one engine is running, air from it can start others.


[MBZ] OT 9 cyl diesel aircraft eng

2005-11-09 Thread wilton strickland
'Don't think the Phoenix aircraft was a 119.  'Had twin booms like 119, but
I think it was Canuk or Euro aircraft.


[MBZ] OT starter cartridges

2005-11-09 Thread wilton strickland
I'm sure - held 'em in my hand, saw them intalled many times; used them many
times.  B-52 engine starter cartriges are slightly smaller than gallon paint
can and contain very fast-burning, solid material much like solid rocket

Willton, LtCol, USAF, Ret.
5000 hrs in B-52D, E, F, G, H

[MBZ] OT cartridge starters

2005-11-09 Thread wilton strickland
Yes, from early sixties B-52's had just 2 eng with cartridge start, but in
late 70's all eng got cartridges.  Didn't mean to imply that these are same
as little ones used on recip eng, merely describing what B-52 uses now.


[MBZ] OT 9cyl diesel aircraft eng

2005-11-09 Thread wilton strickland
Phoenix a C-82.  Thnx, Walt.  Wasn't that Canuk?


[MBZ] Phoenix

2005-11-09 Thread wilton strickland
So, maybe, the Phoenix WAS a C-82/119; thought it may be a Canuk something
similar.  Thnx.


[MBZ] MB paint

2005-11-11 Thread wilton strickland
Check towerpaint.com


[MBZ] Cup holders and phones

2005-11-12 Thread wilton strickland
Color-coordinated, folding drink holders ($39.95) in my 91 350SDL break
easily wilth passengers' careless knee bumps.
'Stiil using phone installed in 91 350SDL in '91; Motorola Microtac in the
87 300D.  Both have hands free features, but we pull over/stop to use them,
or let pass. do calling.


[MBZ] Cell phones, etc.

2005-11-15 Thread wilton strickland
'Thankful that my peripheral vision encompasses much more than the
three-pointed star.


[MBZ] Oil sucker

2005-11-15 Thread wilton strickland
OK Don, thnx for re-posting my $2 oil sucker instructions.  They're also in
Aug 05 list archives.


[MBZ] wtf?

2005-11-16 Thread wilton strickland


[MBZ] How far can you drive a diesel with faiIed charging sys?

2005-11-17 Thread wilton strickland
'Til it's out of fuel.


[MBZ] How far/long CAN you drive a diesel with faiIed charging sys?

2005-11-18 Thread wilton strickland
Diesel without electronic engine controls, etc., til it's out of fuel or
some other malfunction makes it quit.  Engine/car doesn't NEED ANY
electricity to keep going - no radio, starter, wipers, lights (incl. brake
lights), etc.  Keep refueling it while running, it'll keep running til
something else makes it quit - could be several weeks and many kmi.

BTW, in Greenland in '78, my AF '77 Ford F250 Crewcab pickup (not diesel)
ran once for 2 weeks without being cut off.  Lack of electricity, though,
was not a factor.  Ambient temp. was -55F.  Vehicle was base
alternate/emergency command post.


[MBZ] way too much for this car

2005-11-22 Thread wilton strickland
$9700 for my showroom condition 87 300D in Aug 04 (82kmi).  'VERY well
pleased.  'Still showroom at 94kmi.


[MBZ] OT - duct tape

2005-11-30 Thread wilton strickland
In Dec '72, another B-52 in my formation was hit by SAM (missile) shrapnel
over Hanoi.  'Made emer landing at American Marine base in N. Thailand.
'Crew flew it couple days later to our home base in S. Thailand with little
squares of duct tape covering many small holes in its skin - another good
use for duct tape.


[MBZ] Arctic Q

2005-12-08 Thread wilton strickland
'FI were physically able, I'd be in.


[MBZ] Arctic Q

2005-12-10 Thread wilton strickland
My physical ability - 'can barely walk, 'lost most feeling below knees, 'bad
tension tremor in hands when trying to do little stuff - type, eat, write,
turn pages, turn wrenches, etc.  Now using 4-wheel push walker and 3-wheel
electric scooter; 'put 'em in the trunk when I drive.  'Can still drive very
well - even fly; hands are rock steady at rest and when on steering wheel.
People are amazed/alarmed when they see me "hobble" to the car, then get in
and drive away.  'Condition is CIDP.  Immune sys is producing antibodies
that are destroying my nervous sys.


[MBZ] Arctic Q

2005-12-12 Thread wilton strickland
Thanks, Mike and Chris.  A photo of me riding the 3-wheel elec scooter on
Arctic Ocean would be neat.  Wonder if mfgr would sponsor me.

BTW, summer of 78 in Greenland, mosquitos at times formed a grey cloud
around me.
Had to breathe slowly thru nose to avoid ingesting them with open mouth.
'Don't think I was bitten by one the entire year, though.  At 0800 each day,
I'd spray my ankles and arms lightly with OFF, then wet my palms with it and
rub them lightly on neck, ears and face.  Pyschological aspect of having so
many 'squiters close to me was worse than their bite - they just didn't bite


[MBZ] Arctic Q

2005-12-12 Thread wilton strickland
Mitch, I am considering an inverter for the car to charge the scooter.
Charger uses only abt 2 amps, though.


[MBZ] Arctic Q

2005-12-12 Thread wilton strickland
Scooter bat is 24v DC (2 12v lead/acid in series); charger input is 120v AC,
1.2 amp; output is 29.5v DC, 1.5 amp.
'Considering 300 watt inverter.


[MBZ] Arctic Q

2005-12-13 Thread wilton strickland
Re. charging 24v scooter bat.  I also considered separating the 2 12v bats
and charging them directly, but that requires disassembly of bat pack, etc.,
a tough job with my shaky hands, even tougher to do it repeatedly.  I need
to just "plug and play."

Found a device at Radio Sack that produces 27v DC from 12 v DC; need to
change output jack to fit scooter bat recept.  'Still considering this.

'Think I'd rather use the battery maker's charger thus far, though.  That
needs 120v  AC - the easiest for me to do alone.  (Electrons are electrons,
though, and bat doesn't care where it gets 'em as long as it doesn't get too
many too fast and can stop 'em after it gets enough.)

BTW, some smaller inverters do plug into lighter socket.


[MBZ] 124 rear defroster timer

2006-02-14 Thread wilton strickland
Where is the 20-minute timer for rear window defroster on my '87 300D?


[MBZ] 124 interior panels by the hatshelf

2006-02-14 Thread wilton strickland
How are the vertical panels to each side of hatshelf (between rear wndow and
rear doors) in my '87 300D secured?  How are they removed?


[MBZ] 124 rear defroster timer

2006-02-15 Thread wilton strickland
Thnx, Marshall.  Just had a thought that I may be able to use defroster
circuit to charge mobility scooter in trunk; I'm using cig lighter socket
now.  'Think I read in owner's manual coupla days ago that a timer cuts
power to defroster after 20 min.  Be it 20, 15 or whatever time, if the
timer regulates other things, too, I can't use that circuit for charger.


[MBZ] 124 rear window defroster timer

2006-02-15 Thread wilton strickland
Goal is to charge electric mobility scooter battery in trunk controlled by
defrost switch on upper, center console and un-timed.  'Thought maybe I
could remove/bypass timer.  'Haven't used defroster in yrs.  Charger
regulates charge to battery; cuts it off when bat full.  Trying to keep it
simple.  Because of hand tremor, even the simplest things have become very
hard to do, including hitting desired key on this keyboard.
BTW, charger is now in cntr console tray; plugged into cig lighter.


[MBZ] 124 rear defroster timer

2006-02-15 Thread wilton strickland
Johnny, part you may be missing is that I'm no longer physically able to do
most things that to most of us are very easy.  46 yrs ago, I could dismantle
and reassemble a jet engine.  'Til coupla yrs ago, I had never seen anything
that I thought I could not do.  If my hands didn't shake so, I'd have run
appropriate charging circuit with switch to trunk several wks ago.
'Realized coupla days ago that an appropriate circuit, with switch, that I
never use (defrost) terminates only a few inches above trunk where I need
it.  'Even considered rear vanity/dome light circuit, but 'fraid it may not
"handle" charger.


[MBZ] 124 rear defrost timer

2006-02-16 Thread wilton strickland
Johnny wrote, ".may take more effort to modify system than running new
But I didn't know that 'til Marshall 'splained the timer.


[MBZ] 124 rear defroster timer

2006-02-16 Thread wilton strickland
Meanwhile, I'll plug charger into cig lighter.


[MBZ] Green fuel pumps and nozzles

2006-02-17 Thread wilton strickland
Saw several regular gas pumps at local station coupla days ago with
promenant green markings on pumps and nozzle handles identical to the diesel
ones, 'cept words "regular" and "diesel" in small letters on the pumps.
'Pointed them out to wife; just hope she doesn't go back there.


[MBZ] Oil Questions

2006-02-26 Thread wilton strickland
Suckiing oil out of my 123's, 124 and 126 removes more than draining it.


[MBZ] R-12 Freon

2006-03-04 Thread wilton strickland
Where can I get 3 or 4 lbs. of R-12 Freon?


[MBZ] R-12 Freon

2006-03-04 Thread wilton strickland
Otherwise showroom 87 300D (124) needs Freon.  Refridg tech can't find
locally small quantity R-12 needed.  Plenty 30 lb. tnks available @ $800.
Looking for 3 or 4 lbs.  Why so much?  Hopefully, a little resrerve.
May need to go to 134A.  Any tips?


[MBZ] OT - JP-4

2006-03-04 Thread wilton strickland
'Wish I had a dollar for each lb. of JP-4 I consumed in 5K hrs. in B-52's.
Even a nickel wouldn't be bad, either.  'Never used it in car, though.
'Knew a maint. officer who did at times.


[MBZ] R-12 Freon

2006-03-08 Thread wilton strickland
'Ordered case of 12  12 oz. cans yesterday @ $250 from ATC Specialists,
30 lb tnks also avail. @ $560.
Substitute stuff avail, too.


[MBZ] R-12 Freon

2006-03-13 Thread wilton strickland
Rcvd 12  12 oz. cans R-12 Freon today.



2006-03-23 Thread wilton strickland
$58K for my 91 350 SDL.


[MBZ] Leaky 126

2006-03-23 Thread wilton strickland
The practical engineer part of me also can't understand why anyone would cut
a hole in a perfectly good steel top, then pay mucho $ for it.  I've never
opened the ridiculous "sun" roofs on my 124 and 126 - 'wish they didn't have
'em.  'Couldn't get 124 and 126 without 'em.


(P. S.  'Also can't understand why anybody would jump out of a perfectly
good airplane.)


[MBZ] Leaky 126

2006-03-24 Thread wilton strickland
I should have said, "I couldn't FIND a GOOD USED 124 or 126 without
BTW, it's OK for some of us to like 'em and others to not like 'em.  That's
why we have different names.  One is no more RIGHT than the other.


[MBZ] Leaky 126

2006-03-24 Thread wilton strickland
OK Don, I wore chute all the time in B-52; certainly never TEMPTED to jump
for the "fun" of it, but was prepared to "punch out" if necessary only.


[MBZ] 123 brake/tail light sockets

2006-03-27 Thread wilton strickland
'Got mine at salvage yard.


[MBZ] OT - BTU/gal #2

2006-03-30 Thread wilton strickland
How many BTU per gal. #2?


[MBZ] OT - BTU/gal

2006-03-31 Thread wilton strickland
'Found it; thnx.  139k


[MBZ] veggie fuel

2006-04-05 Thread wilton strickland
Soy oil is $2.88/gal at Sam's, Goldsboro, NC;  #2 is $2.56


[MBZ] veggie fuel

2006-04-05 Thread wilton strickland
If I use it, Nature will heat it sufficiently.
'Doubt if it'll be cold enough here in eastern NC to jell it til Dec or so.


[MBZ] veggie fuel

2006-04-05 Thread wilton strickland
Tom, you can bet I've been cold, but usually in Nebraska, Michigan UP or
Greenland; had frostbite in MI and Grnlnd.  When it's cold enough to jell
veggie in NC, I don't use it.


[MBZ] Damn, it's cold

2006-04-06 Thread wilton strickland
Temp for one 2 week period at Sondrestromfjord, Greenland was -55F; chill
factor = -90F.  My new USAF 78 Ford crewcab pickup ran continuously for the
2 weeks.  'Had to breathe slowly and carefully not to freeze/hurt throat and
lungs.  Yes, spit froze before hitting grnd.


[MBZ] Damn, it's cold

2006-04-06 Thread wilton strickland
Sunil, after Grnlnd, I had choice of only B-52 bases; came to Goldsboro, NC,
to fly B-52's.


[MBZ] Little heat in '91 126

2005-12-17 Thread wilton strickland
'Getting little heat inside my 91 350 SDL.   Fan runs normally.  Symptoms
found thus far with ambient temp ~45F:  At 60mph cruise, eng temp = 70C,
After stopping and accelerating briskly, temp goes to ~ 79C, then back to
70C at cruise.  After stopping and turning eng off, heater immediately blows
warm/hot air for minute or so after restarting, then back to cool.   Tstat?
Monovalve?  ACC?  Tips?  TIA

BTW, 'just reviewed recent archives.


[MBZ] Little heat in 91 126

2005-12-17 Thread wilton strickland
'My thoughts, too re. tstat and monovalve.  Eng temp way too low.  'Even
took long time getting to 70C.


[MBZ] Title screw-ups

2005-12-27 Thread wilton strickland
Reg. cards for both my diesels say, "Fuel: G"

Where anybody got the idea it is "G" I don't know - not from me.


[MBZ] Windshield can't be wiped?

2006-01-04 Thread wilton strickland
Wash it with Coca-Cola.


[MBZ] 124 leaking wndshld

2006-01-04 Thread wilton strickland
Wndshld on my otherwise showroom 87 300D has slow-drip leak at upper lft
PO had new wndshld installed abt June 04.  Tips on sealing the leak?

91 350SDL 182KMI, 87 300D 95KMI

[MBZ] Aggies

2006-01-06 Thread wilton strickland
How many Aggies does it take to eat 'possum?


[MBZ] 124 rear seat backrest

2006-01-09 Thread wilton strickland
Is the rear seat backrest in a 124 secured in the same manner as that in a
123 -- "hanging" at top and 3 screws across bottom (1 at each lower corner,
1 in middle)?

91 350SDL, 87 300D

[MBZ] Rear fogs

2006-01-10 Thread wilton strickland
Several yrs ago, I wired unused "fog" positions on my 126 and 123 to work as
TAIL lights - 'wanted to be more visible from rear ALL the time.  Got lamp
sockets from salvage yard; spliced into regular tail light circuit inside
each rear light assy.  'Haven't done the 124 yet.


[MBZ] Rear fogs

2006-01-10 Thread wilton strickland
Bill, I have no photos of my mod.  Salvaged bulb sockets just "plug" right
in to the empty holes for them.  Using splicing tabs/connectors, splice
their wires into wires to regular tail (or brake) lights as desired inside
each rear light assy..  'Very easy and simple.


[MBZ] Rear fogs

2006-01-10 Thread wilton strickland
I decided to activate my rear fog spaces as TAIL lights after approaching
several MBs from rear and barely seeing the tiny tail lights.


[MBZ] Rear fogs/third brake light

2006-01-10 Thread wilton strickland
Source for third brake light = salvage yrd.


[MBZ] 124 rear headrest

2006-01-11 Thread wilton strickland
While trying to find "easy" route for a charging cable for my electric
mobility scooter in the trunk of my 87 300D/124, I rotated one of the rear
headrests to the "up-and-in-use" position.  Both headrests have been in
stowed position in recesses in hat shelf since I got car yr and half ago.
How can I release the raised one to lay it back in the recess.


[MBZ] 124 rear speaker

2006-01-11 Thread wilton strickland
How are rear speaker grilles in 87 300D/124 secured to hat shelf?  'Want to
remove one temporarily to run charging cable to mobility scooter in trunk.
I need abt 5/8 inch hole into trunk to insert plug on end of wire, then
close the hole back around wire.  Can speaker grille be pried out (friction
fit/springs), or does it have screws, etc?  BTW, I know how to remove rear
seat and backrest -- just unable any more.


[MBZ] 124 rear headrests

2006-01-11 Thread wilton strickland
Thnx for reminder, Lee and John.  Headrest stow switch works very nicely.


[MBZ] 124 rear speaker

2006-01-12 Thread wilton strickland

Again:  How are rear speaker grilles in 87 300D/124 secured to hat shelf?
'Want to
remove one temporarily to run charging cable to mobility scooter in trunk.
need abt 5/8 inch hole into trunk to insert plug on end of wire, then
close the hole back around wire.  Can speaker grille be pried out (friction
fit/springs), or does it have screws, etc?  BTW, I know how to remove rear
seat and backrest -- just unable any more.


[MBZ] OT, Charging electric mobility scooter with diesel

2006-01-13 Thread wilton strickland
I can now recharge my electric mobility scooter in trunk of the 87 300D,
where it's stowed when not in use.  Aims 150 watt pure sine wave inverter is
plugged into cig lighter; charger supplied with scooter is plugged into 120v
AC output of inverter; 29v DC, 1.5a, goes to 24v scooter bat in trunk.
Inverter and charger are in center console tray where I can control and
monitor them.  60 cycle hum of inverter is a bit annoying thus far.


[MBZ] 124 rear spkr

2006-01-13 Thread wilton strickland
Thnx for info on rear spkr grille.  I ran scooter recharge wire into trnk
thru crnr of hat shelf nearby.  BTW, started trying to remove rear seat --
unable; very frustrating; used to do it so easily.


[MBZ] 124 rear headrest

2006-01-13 Thread wilton strickland
Mine falls back with resounding THUMP.


[MBZ] opinion on HF oil extractor

2006-01-14 Thread wilton strickland
$130.99 more than mine.


[MBZ] Ideas for 123

2006-01-16 Thread wilton strickland
More money than taste and aeronautical knowledge.


[MBZ] Ideas for 123

2006-01-16 Thread wilton strickland
I said, "More money than taste and aeronautical knowledge."
'Meant to say, "More money than taste and knowledge of aerodynamics."


[MBZ] OT - diesel-driven mobility scooter

2006-01-16 Thread wilton strickland
'Toured NC Museum of Art yesterday on my mobility scooter with batteries
charged en route in trunk of 87 300D.


[MBZ] Flt computer - E6B?

2006-01-16 Thread wilton strickland
New-fangled E6B?  Go to www.wiltonstrickland.com for photo of my E6B (behind
the book, In The BUFF) that has never needed a battery.


[MBZ] Flt computer - E6B?

2006-01-17 Thread wilton strickland
I know Walt knows about manual E6Bs.  I didn't KNOW there were ELECTRONIC
'Meant no disrespect to anyone.


[MBZ] OT - Diesel-driven mobility scooter

2006-01-18 Thread wilton strickland
'Would be neat to have "DIESEL" on back of the scooter; I may do that.
BTW, I ran ~50% soy Sep-Dec; 'saw it at Sam's yesterday @ $2.87/gal incl 2%
Diesel is now $2.51, went to $3.50 for a while.

[MBZ] CR report on bulbs

2006-01-18 Thread wilton strickland
David, where were you in the UP?   I flew B-52s at Kincheloe '71-'75; wife
attended Lake Superior State in The Soo while there.


[MBZ] Fw: OT - Genset - MD-3

2006-01-19 Thread wilton strickland

- Original Message -
From: "wilton strickland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:38 PM
Subject: OT - Genset - MD-3

> Before I was commissioned in '60, I was a maintenance crew chief on B-47s.
> I operated many MD-3s to provide power to the aircraft sitting on the
> During nearly 14 yrs flying B-52s, I also saw hundreds of MD-3s providing
> ground power to B-52s.  I'm sure they supplied ground power to many other
> types of aircraft, too.  Air Force  must have had thousands of them.
> Wilton, LtCol, USAF, Ret.

[MBZ] Fw: OT - Genset - MD-3

2006-01-19 Thread wilton strickland

- Original Message -
From: "wilton strickland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:20 AM
Subject: OT - Genset - MD-3

> MD-3's I saw in USAF were gas driven; must have been air cooled - don't
> remember ever seeing a radiator or evidefnce of a leak.  Output = 28VDC,
> 60Hz 120/240AC & 400Hz voltage I don't remember.  Units were abt 4 1/2 ft
> tall, 5 1/2 ft long, 5 ft wide.  4 wheels - 2 in back, 2 in frnt in middle
> betwn base of tongue/tow bar.  Towed to site on ramp; One could hold end
> tow bar and work elec switch on the bar to reposition the unit on ramp.
> Frnt wheels were elec driven.
> Wilton

[MBZ] Sprinter registration

2006-01-19 Thread wilton strickland
Whatever is on data plate.


[MBZ] OT - Genset - MD-3

2006-01-20 Thread wilton strickland
In '58, on flightline at Lincoln AFB, NE, a flt crew was starting engines
(gas turbine, of course) on a B-47.  The engine starters were electric.
Normally, when starter switch was engaged, the sudden call for more amperage
by the starter would cause the aux. ground power unit (MD-3, driven by
reciprocating, gasoline engine in this case) to rock a bit as it suddenly
surged and "groaned" to produce the required power.  As this crew engaged
starter for one of the engines, the MD-3 did a couple of flips/rolls.  The
jet engine had seized, causing the starter to suddenly overload the MD-3.


[MBZ] 124 ashtray & cntr console

2006-01-31 Thread wilton strickland
I wanta get inside cntr console and ashtray area of my 87 300D to run wire
for my elec. mobility scooter.  'Thought I knew how to get ashtray assembly
out, but unable to do it yesterday.  Please remind me on ashtray assy and
cntr console cover removal.  TIA


[MBZ] W's concern abt oil

2006-02-02 Thread wilton strickland
 Anybody hear W say anythng abt biodiesel to reduce dependence on oil?


[MBZ] W's concern abt oil

2006-02-02 Thread wilton strickland
'Point is we've never had and still don't have any national energy policy
but, "Use as much as we can as fast as we can."


[MBZ] OT - UK metric?

2006-02-03 Thread wilton strickland
Has UK gone metric?


[MBZ] Run without electricity

2006-04-22 Thread wilton strickland
Drove my 81 300D ~8 hrs and 450mi coupla yrs ago with dead bat and alt.
'Had to get home before dark.  It'll run 'til out of fuel or something else
makes it quit.  'Doesn't need elec.


[MBZ] Yep, the time has come.

2006-04-24 Thread wilton strickland
The time has come to return to Sam's for soy oil @ $2.88/gal.


[MBZ] 124 broken window

2006-04-26 Thread wilton strickland
Flying rock from a landscaper's grass trimmer broke rt rr window in my
showroom 87 300D today.  'Fraid guys at glass shop my not know how to r&r
inside panel without damage to panel, tabs, etc.  Any tips I may give them?
Is it more like 123 or 126?
I've done 123 and 126.  No longer able to do it myself.


[MBZ] Benifit of drivinng a diesel

2006-04-28 Thread wilton strickland
You can run it on soy oil from Sam's.


[MBZ] 124 broken window

2006-04-28 Thread wilton strickland
Relief!  Guy whose grass trimmer broke window stopped by glass shop today
and paid the bill.  I'm in hospital tomorrow; replace window Mon.


[MBZ] 124 broken window

2006-04-28 Thread wilton strickland
Got window replaced 1700 today.  I told grass trimmer guy where he could pay
the bill; he did.  His wife tried to tell 'im my comp ins. should pay it.  I
politely disagreed.


[MBZ] Benefit of drvng diesel

2006-04-29 Thread wilton strickland
Soy oil = $12.99 + 2% tx at Goldsboro, NC, Sam's.


[MBZ] 124 brokn wndo

2006-04-29 Thread wilton strickland
Politely?  Yes, politely.  I looked 'im in the eye and said, "We shouldn't
have to get my ins. involved, you know that."  He agreed.


[MBZ] Sprntrs

2006-04-29 Thread wilton strickland
'Saw 3 Sprntrs at glass shop yestrday; 1 Frtlnr, 2 Dodge, all @ ~90kmi.
10kmi ago, the Frtlnr was losing coolant somewhere - possible crack.  Dlr
wanted $8.5k to replace eng.  Owner put $4 can of Stop-leak type stuff in
it.  'Still running - no leaks.


[MBZ] 124 brkn wndo

2006-04-30 Thread wilton strickland
Harry, all BUFF's prior to H model used water injection for ~2 min on
takeoff only; increased thrust ~2.5k lb. per eng.  Turbofans on H produce up
to 17k lb  each - no water inj.
I think KC-135A's used water inj., too, but can't remember for sure.


[MBZ] crank balancer/pulleys

2006-05-01 Thread wilton strickland
Crank pulley on my 80 240D came off - messed up belts, fan, radiator, etc.


[MBZ] 80 116 odo repair

2006-05-31 Thread wilton strickland
Friend has a 116 with inop odo.  Please remind me of name/address of repair
I had 80 240D and 81 300D done yrs ago; can't find rcpt.


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