[meteorite-list] Could this be a piece of meteorite from N.Y. State?

2003-02-04 Thread Jeff Kuyken

(Posted this last night but I don't think it got 
through. Apologies if it doubles up.)

G'day List,

I got an email from someone who found this 
specimen while prospecting in New York State. I've posted it The Meteorite 
'Space'. Any opinions?



Jeff KuykenI.M.C.A. #3085www.meteoritesaustralia.com

Re: [meteorite-list] NP Article, 06-1949 Russian Fall , Kunashak?

2003-02-04 Thread Ron Baalke
Hi Mark,

I really appreciate you finding these articles.
Keep up the good work!

Ron Baalke

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Expert opinions required on NWA 353

2003-02-04 Thread Cbrux71

Hi list,

I recently acquired a 31g piece of NWA 353, and I was thinking that this 
piece might be an impact-melt breccia similar to the L5 Rio Limay, Argentina 
on pg 98 of the The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Meteorites Fig. 5.18. I think 
my meteorite is similar because it has 2 distinct fields, in the picture, one 
with chondrules(lighter area) and the other area lacking chondritic 
texture(dark area). Any feedback, negative or positive, on my meteorite would 
be greately appreciated.

The photo is located at:



Chris Brooks

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NASA Should Lead More Focused Program to Reduce Threat from Hazardous Asteroids

2003-02-04 Thread Ron Baalke


National Optical Astronomy Observatory 


NASA Should Lead More Focused Program to Reduce Threat from Hazardous

For More Information:

Douglas Isbell
Public Information Officer
National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Phone: 520/318-8214

NASA should be assigned to lead a new research program to better determine
the population and physical diversity of near-Earth objects that may collide
with our planet, down to a size of 200 meters, according to the final report
of a workshop on the scientific requirements for the mitigation of hazardous
comets and asteroids.

The workshop's report also recommends that the U.S. Department of Defense
(DoD) work to more rapidly communicate surveillance data on natural
airbursts of smaller rocky bodies, and it concludes that governmental policy
makers must formulate a chain of responsibility to be better prepared in
the event that a threat to Earth becomes known.

As our discussions proceeded, it became clear that the prime impediment to
further advances in this field is the lack of assigned responsibility to any
national or international governmental organization, said planetary
scientist Michael Belton, organizer of the September 2002 workshop. Since
it is part of NASA's newly stated mission to `understand and protect our
home planet,' it seems obvious that this responsibility should reside in

Belton presented the findings of the workshop today in Washington, DC, to
officials at NASA, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of
Management and Budget, and the report was delivered to the U.S. Congress.

About 2,225 near-Earth objects (NEOs) have been detected, primarily by
ground-based optical searches, in the size range between 10 meters and 30
kilometers, out of a total estimated population of about one million; some
information about the physical size and composition of these NEOs is
available for only 300 objects.

The total number of objects a kilometer in diameter or larger, a size that
could cause global catastrophe upon Earth impact, is now estimated to range
between 900 and 1,230. The NASA-led Spaceguard Survey has a congressional
mandate to detect 90% of these kilometer-sized objects by 2008, and it is
making excellent progress on this goal, the report says.

However, a full survey of objects that could cause significant damage on
Earth should reach down to NEOs at least as small as 200 meters, the report
says, which should be within the capability of proposed ground-based
facilities such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the PanStarrs
telescope system. Ground-based radar systems will remain a critical
contributor to obtaining the most accurate possible data on the orbits of
many hazardous objects, the report says.

The workshop report discusses a preliminary roadmap based on five themes:
more complete and accurate surveys of the orbits of potentially hazardous
objects; improved public education about the risk; characterizing the
physical properties of a range of asteroids and comets; more extensive
laboratory research; and initial physical experiments toward a realistic
plan to intercept and divert a future incoming object.

In order to keep maximum annual expenses on the order of a typical
spacecraft mission (approximately $300 million), the report estimates that
it would take about 25 years to accomplish this roadmap.

The Final Report of the NASA Workshop on Scientific Requirements for
Mitigation of Hazardous Comets and Asteroids, held in Arlington, VA, from
September 3-6, 2002, is available on the Internet at:


The workshop was attended by 77 scientists from the United States, Europe
and Japan. It was co-sponsored by Ball Aerospace, Science Applications
International Corp., Lockheed Martin Corp., the National Optical Astronomy
Observatory and the University of Maryland.

::   ::   ::

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Slice of a CA-meteorite on auction

2003-02-04 Thread Robert Verish
(Posted this earlier, but I don't think it got
through. Apologies if it has been double-posted.) 

I've never posted an *AD* to this List before...
but this is different, it's more of an announcement 
of a meteorite find from California, so
what with CA meteorites being scarcer than
I'll make an exception, this time.

Besides, what with so many people Tucson bound 
(myself included)
I'll probably get complaints like,
Bob!  You should have told me!  I totally missed the

And I don't want to cut this stone again, 
so here it is, this one time only:  

Rosamond Dry Lake - new main-mass


The main-mass will be at Tucson this weekend.
Bob V.

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] ADD: new eucrite 4sale No Reserve !

2003-02-04 Thread Michel Franco
Dear list

I was out of cosmos for a while. I come back with some new meteorites,
already analyzed but published in some future.
Just have a look at this new Eucrite. Small weight but good material indeed.

No reserve, the market will find its price.


Good bidding !

More to come

IMCA 3869
http://caillou-noir.com (say kayunwar)

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Canadian Miner Claims Meteorite Was Stolen - And Wants It Back

2003-02-04 Thread Ron Baalke

For JPL internal use only.


It came from outer space - and he wants it back 
CBC News (Canada)
February 4, 2003

WHITEHORSE - A Yukon miner has been told to get his paperwork in order if he
wants to take the federal government to court over what he says is his missing
multi-million dollar meteorite. 

Dan Saboe claims he found an extremely rare meteorite while working his mining 
claims near Mayo, central Yukon, about 15 years ago. 

A few years later Saboe says he noticed something growing on his meteorite. He
wanted to know what it was, and sent it to experts at the Geological Survey of 

They wanted to cut pieces of the rock for testing but Saboe didn't want them to. 

Now he claims federal government scientists have removed the stuff that was 
growing on the rock and sent him a fake in its place. 

He claims the meteorite is worth more than $12 million. Documents filed with the 
court say the federal Geological Survey offered him $2,500 for it. 

Saboe has accumulated a huge pile of documents, photographs and tape-recorded 
phone calls to back up his claims. 

However, in court Tuesday Saboe was told the case is factually complex, and he 
should get legal advice to proceed properly. Saboe has no lawyer and told the 
court he misunderstood legal requirements needed to proceed with his lawsuit. 

He has until Friday to get his case together. 

The defendants in the case - people like the RCMP - say Saboe simply has no case. 
And they claim even if he did, the space rock is a dud and is essentially worthless. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Trial For Moon Rock Theft Delayed To April 1

2003-02-04 Thread Ron Baalke

This message was forwarded to me:

   The Trial for stealing NASA's Lunar and Meteorite Samples 
   has been delayed until April 1, 2003.  Today,  the Federal 
   Judge in Orlando, Florida accepted the request from the 
   lawyer for  Gordon McWhorter to delay the trial until a date 
   in the future.  The request was based upon the defendant
   not being able to receive a fair trial because of all of 
   the NASA publicity regarding the Columbia accident.  

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Silent Auction!

2003-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear List members,
The auction in Tucson is presently going on. A total of 54 meteorites many
historical pieces.  Anyone wanting to place a bid, or needs more
information on the silent auction is welcome to call Allan,Greg or Adam at
the hotel.  If you are not able to attend the Tucson show you can still
place a bid.
The silent auction will end on Saturday Feb 8,2003 @ 3:45 central time. To
obtain existing high bids and to place a bid  Please call (Allan,Greg or
Adam)at The Best Western Executive Inn, 333 West Drachman  520-791-7551
Room # 130

Best regards

Mrs. Langheinrich

mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NASA: Columbia's Trail of Debris May Have Begun In California

2003-02-04 Thread Ron Baalke


Columbia's trail of debris may have begun in California: NASA
February 4, 2003

HOUSTON, Texas - The US space shuttle Columbia may have started disintegrating in
flight earlier than previously thought, with suspected debris from the doomed 
spacecraft spotted in western US states California and Arizona, a senior
NASA official said Tuesday.

We've had reports there are pieces on the ground in California
and Arizona, Michael Kostelnik, an associate administrator of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration told reporters here.

He said team of experts had been dispatched to various sites in those
states to examine the wreckage but cautioned that it was not clear what
the material is at this point. 

The move follows media reports that a radio-astronomer from the California
Institute of Technology saw what appeared to be debris shedding from
Columbia as it streaked over the state.

The San Francisco Chronicle quoted Anthony Beasley, of Caltech's Owens
Valley Radio Observatory, as saying that the shuttle had a sparkle effect
as it flew over and that he saw a bright piece separate.

The potential discovery is seen as important for establishing a credible
timeline of the fiery disintegration last Saturday of Columbia and the deaths
of all its seven astronauts, according to space flight experts.

Such a timeline could help engineers pinpoint the problem that that has led
to a sharp rise in temperatures in the spacecraft's left wing and on the left
side of the fuselage and, ultimately, the shuttle's disintegration as it headed
for landing at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

It would be important to see the material early in the sequence, Kostelnik

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] The Wreck of the Columbia

2003-02-04 Thread Greg Redfern
Well said mark and I am very sorry for your loss. 

All the Best,
Greg Redfern
2003 NASA Solar System Ambassador
IMCA #5781

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Fox
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:38 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] The Wreck of the Columbia

February 3, 2003

Greetings Meteorite Enthusiasts!

It looks like I received a lot of responses to my last
post, which I felt I should reply to.  Please, before 
I continue, I do not wish to be the seed for any
arguments or loud discussions.  I only wish the best
for all of you, and this will be my last comment on
this present discussion.

Some of you took only one point and elongated it
quite dramatically.  It seems now, after reading
everything, that my thoughts are painted in the wrong 
colors, partly due to the previous reason, and partly
due to some poor wording on my part.

I did not definitely say or mean we should not ever
continue space travel.  I think we should concentrate
more on unmanned space probes rather than manned

It was a very sad event, indeed, that seven astronauts
met such sudden deaths, leaving behind their families
who sorely miss them.  That sole reason was behind my
original e-mail.   

In July of 1999, I too, had a tremendous loss.  My 
loving mother went to heaven. It was a totally painful
and grievous time, which even now is sad. She did die
doing what she loved doing.  She died loving all of 
us, my father, brothers and sisters, and my whole
family.  She wanted to be the best mom she could be,
and as a result, became quite clearly a model of
virtue.  The loss of the astronauts brings the sadness
up again.  

Once again, please do not let any of this start a
fight.  I do not want to be rude to anyone.  What's
more, I am sorry if I did not cover every point that
someone else has made regarding my original post.  

Long strewn fields!

Mark Fox
Newaygo, MI USA 

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] specimens in the Tucson silient auction!

2003-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear List members,
Some of you are interested in the specimens being offered in the silent
auction.  The following is a list of the items available.
Please note that the auction will end on Saturday Feb 8,2003 @ 3:45 central


1.  Allende   H103.192  (HUSS)6.9 gr.
2.  Bear Creek  0352.11  (NININGER)   4.8 gr.
3.  Beenham 414.85(NININGER) 9.95 gr.
4.  Bishopville  0.52 gr.
5.  Bledsoe H121.140 (HUSS)   3.2 gr.
6.  Box Hole  H125.37   (HUSS)5.7 gr.
7.  Clover Springs  646.102 (NININGER)0.7 gr.
8.  Cold Water 23.9  (NININGER)  3.2. gr.
9.  Cumberland Falls 0.45 gr.
10. Dar al Gani 431  1.96 gr.
11. Dar al Gani 485   2.0 gr.
12. Dhofar 125   0.57 gr.
13. Dimmitt  H9.318(HUSS)60.0 gr.
14. Ehole 1.1 gr.
15. EtterH47.173  (HUSS) 25.8 gr.
16. Fluvanna H331.15  (HUSS)  8.2 gr.
17. Forrest (b)   H434.7(HUSS)   27.5 gr.
18. Frankel CityH49.22(HUSS) 33.5 gr.
19. Carichic   H438.13  (HUSS)  11.1. gr.
20. Georgia Tektite   7.1 gr.
21. Great Bend H430.63   (HUSS)  11.2 gr.
22. Hamada Al Hamra 237   0.3 gr.
23. Happy (a)   H142.20   (HUSS) 23.1 gr.
24. Haviland H328.17   (HUSS)33.5 gr.
25. Henbury  H66.186   (HUSS)12.5 gr.
26. Huckitta   56 gr.
27. Hunter H123.70   (HUSS)   2.5 gr.
28. Ibitira   0.5 gr.
29. Juvinas  1.25 gr.
30. MacyH444.8   (HUSS)  75.3 gr.
31. Mills H120.114 (HUSS) 3.9 gr.
32. North West Africa 032   0.058 gr.
33. North West Africa 1110   0.42 gr.
34. North West Africa 1222   0.84 gr.
35. Peekskill ( Kit)
36. Oliver   H443.21 (HUSS)  58.8 gr.
37. Owasco   H441.74 (HUSS)  36.1 gr.
38. OzonaH449.7  (HUSS)  43.3 gr.
39. Ragland   7.3 gr.
40. Rifle   528.5 (NININGER)  0.7 gr.
41. Seminole  (d)H332.34 (HUSS)   5.6 gr.
42. Seagraves (b)  H328.18  (HUSS)   22.1 gr.
43. Shields   H90.81   (HUSS) 5.0 gr.
44. Suizhou  54.0 gr.
45. Ozona   1.130 gr.
46. Tierra Blanca 0.4 gr.
47. Taiban (b) H327.95 (HUSS)13.5 gr.
48. Tulia(a)   H395.27  (HUSS)   37.1 gr.
49. Julesburg  H479.92  (HUSS)   30.5 gr.
50. Wellman (c )   H39.452 (HUSS)67.1 gr.
51. Winonia   0.2 gr.
52. Zagami   0.47 gr.
53. Zag (b) 0.155 gr.
54. Vaca Muerta H300.13  (HUSS)  39.5 gr.

Please call (Allan,Greg or Adam)at The Best Western Executive Inn, 333 West
Drachman 520-791-7551 Room # 130  to place a bid.   

Best regards 

Mrs. Langheinrich 

mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Name

2003-02-04 Thread cspratt
Silly queation - but is it Bensour (1 word) or Ben Sour (2 words) for the LL6 fall?

Chris. Spratt
IMCA #9235

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Name

2003-02-04 Thread Michael Farmer
Bensour, one word. People are making it into a French word which it is not.
Mike Farmer
- Original Message -
From: cspratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Name

 Silly queation - but is it Bensour (1 word) or Ben Sour (2 words) for the
LL6 fall?

 Chris. Spratt
 IMCA #9235

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Need a Piece of Zagami

2003-02-04 Thread walter branch
Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have a nice slice of Zagami for sale?
I have a small micromount piece in my collection
but I am looking for a nicer piece for a display
I am creating for schools and the local library.
Preferably a thin piece with good
surface to weight ratio.  Thanks.


Walter Branch, Ph.D.
322 Stephenson Ave., Suite B
Savannah, GA  31405

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Name

2003-02-04 Thread MARK BOSTICK
The location is Ben Sour.we tend to call the meteorite Bensour.  The
official name will be (or has been?) voted on by the nom. commity.


- Original Message -
From: cspratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:24 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Name

 Silly queation - but is it Bensour (1 word) or Ben Sour (2 words) for the
LL6 fall?

 Chris. Spratt
 IMCA #9235

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NP Article, 03-1964 Tektites and O'Keefe

2003-02-04 Thread MARK BOSTICK
Paper: The Marion Star
City: Marion, Oh
Date: Saturday, March 28, 1964
Page: 5

Not So Silvery Moon
By Earl Ubell

 If you wander across certain fields in Southern Australia, you may stub
your toe on a clump of of the moon.  In picking up the offending stone,
you'll find it a glassy, black piece f matter that looks like a carved
botton off a woman's coat.  Scientists call such stones tektites, from the
Greek, Tektos - meaning molten, because they appear once to have been liquid
 You can find similar buttons in Martha's Vineyard, Georgia, Texas,
Africa, Czechoslovakia and throughout Southeast Asia.  There must be tons of
the stuff scattered over the earth.  Measurements of their radioactivity
reveal that those in Southeast Asia are between 600,000 and 700,000 years
 According to Dr. John A. O' Keefe - a physicists and this nation's
unofficial warden of the tektite situation - they all came from the moon;
evidence supporting this thesis piles up daily.
 Dr. O'Keefe, who works at the Goddard Space Flight Center of the
National Aeronautics Space Administration, summarized this evidence in the
Febuary issue of the Scientific American.  Simultaneously Dr. Dean R.
Chapman, of NASA's Ames Research Center, announced his successful efforts to
create artificial tektites in a high speed wind tunnel.
 Not all scientists believe that the button-shaped black rocks came from
the moon.  Some think that huge meteorites - chunks of matter from the solar
system - splashed into the earth and created the tektites.  But Dr. O'Keefe
rejects the idea.
 If the tektites did come from the moon, then Dr. O'Keefe draws several
conclusions: The moon must be a chunj that was torn loose from the earth 5
billion years ago or else it is a twin of the earth formed at about the same
time.  It cannot be a stray planetoid that was captured by the earth's
 DR. O'KEEFE'S case rest on a chain of circumstanital evidence that may
be verified when we get a piece of the moon stuff from the hand of an
astronaut returning from out natural satellite.
 First, analysus of the tektites show that the minerals came from
meteoritic materials; i.e. they came from beyound the earth.
 Second, although tektites contain radiactive elements, they do not
contain aluminum-26, which other meteorites have.  Aluminum-26 is found in
ordinary meteorites as they wander for millions of years in the solar system
and are bombarded by cosmic rays.  Tektites can only have wandered for
10,000 years or so at the most but the clues say they came directly from the
 Even so, the clues could suggest a terrestrial origin.  Here is where
Dr. Chapman and his wind tunnel come in.  Dr. Chapman put together the same
materials as is found in a tektite and exposed them to a high speed wind
tunnel with heated air.  The stream of air carved the same ridges as the
scientists find in natural tektites.  From this it was possible to determine
the speeds at whcih the tektites enter the earth's atmosphere; 4 to 7 miles
a second.  Such speeds are most likely extra-terrestrial.
 HOW DO such things arrive from the moon; how do they get those enormous
velocities?  Explanations; Meteorites smash into the moon hourly just as
they do on earth.  But the moon has no atmosphere to slow them down; they
hit with full speed - from 1 to 10 miles a second.
 When that happens, the impact is an explosion which scoops out some
moon matter and sends it flying in all directions.  Some fo this matter than
reaches even greater speeds than the impacting meteorites and at velocities
which tear it from the moon's gravitational forces.
 Caluclations by NASA scientists show that more material leaves the moon
as a result of meteor impact than arrives.  That means the moon is
 (All of this raises a side issue for future moon landing astronauts.
Impact from the meteorites must create large showers of high-speed
projectiles at great distances along the moon's surface.  This creates a
danger for our moon men something like being exposed to the hail of machine
gun bullets.)
 Dr. O'Keefe believes that when the tektites approach the earth, they go
into orbit and slowly enter the earth's atmosphere just as John Glenn's
capsule did.  The heat of re-entry creates the carved surface of the
tektites and distributes them like the wreckage of a spent rocket.
 Finally, because of the material in the tektite bears such a great
resemblance to earthy minerals - except for the meteoritic character - Dr.
O'Keefe suggests that the mon matter is like earth matter.  Well, in a few
years we'll find out for sure.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Newspaper Articles and Tucson

2003-02-04 Thread MARK BOSTICK

Ron wrote:

I really appreciate you finding these
articles. Keep up the good work!

Bernd wrote:

So do I and many other list members.
Thank you Mark - two thumbs up !!

And I am adding :-)

Thank you Ron, Bernd and other list members for your kind words.  I now have
about 500 articles archived on my computer.  Not bad for about 7-8 months of
research. Many of the later articles I also have PDF copies of so any list
member would like to see the real copy of any of later or future ones I
posted/will post, e-mail me and I will send it to you.Caution, they are
rather big at about 500kb each.

I fly to Tucson tomorrow and am looking forward to the break and events.  I
am unsure how much net time I will have the next week so please keep that in

Mark Bostick

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NASA Provides Update About Columbia Investigation

2003-02-04 Thread Ron Baalke

Glenn Mahone/Robert N. Mirelson
Headquarters, WashingtonFeb. 4, 2003
(Phone: 202/358-1600)

Eileen Hawley
Johnson Space Center
(Phone: 281/483-5111)

RELEASE: 03-051


 As NASA paused to pay tribute to Columbia's astronauts, the 
agency reported making considerable progress in recovering debris 
from the Space Shuttle and analyzing data in the search for clues to 
what caused the orbiter to breakup 16 minutes before its landing last 

President and Mrs. Bush joined NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe in 
honoring astronauts Rick Husband, William McCool, Dave Brown, 
Kalpana Chawla, Mike Anderson, Laurel Clark and Ilan Ramon in a 
ceremony at the Johnson Space Center, Houston. President Bush said 
the nation was blessed to have such men and women serving the 
space program, and although NASA is being tested at this time, 
America's space program will go on.

In an afternoon briefing, Michael Kostelnik, NASA's Associate 
Administrator for International Space Station and Space Shuttle said 
several engineering teams continue to work round-the-clock to 
reconstruct the timeline of the final minutes of Columbia's flight from 
extensive data that is being analyzed.

Kostelnik said the Columbia Accident Investigation Board, chaired by 
retired U.S. Navy Admiral Harold W. Gehman, Jr., is on scene at 
Barksdale Air Force Base, La. where the recovery of debris and human 
remains is being coordinated.

Kostelnik reported that larger and denser pieces of debris have been 
found in Louisiana, possibly including parts of Columbia's main 
engines. He said recovery teams have been dispatched to California 
and Arizona, where debris has been reported. Kostelnik indicated 
debris recovered from areas farthest to the west would be critical, 
possibly providing information about the early stages of Columbia's 

Earlier today, a Russian Progress resupply ship successfully docked to 
the International Space Station at 9:49 a.m. EST, delivering a ton of 
food, fuel and supplies to Expedition 6 Commander Ken Bowersox, 
Flight Engineer Nikolai Budarin and NASA ISS Science Officer Don 
Pettit. Progress has given the Station resident crew a solid supply of 
consumables, enough to sustain operations through at least late June, 
according to Kostelnik.

Bowersox, Budarin and Pettit opened the hatches between the ISS 
and the Progress today, and they will begin unloading its supplies on 

Asked about contingency planning for the Station for the rest of the 
year, Kostelnik said all options to sustain a human presence on board 
in the temporary absence of Shuttle flights are being explored. The 
next Shuttle flight aboard Atlantis in March was to have brought the 
Expedition 7 crew to the ISS and returned to Earth the current resident 

Two STS-107 update briefings will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5. 
They will be broadcast on NASA Television with multi-center question 
and answer capability for reporters at NASA centers. The first briefing, 
with NASA Associate Administrator for Space Flight Bill Readdy, is 
from NASA Headquarters in Washington at 11:30 a.m. EST. The 
second, with Space Shuttle Program Manager Ron Dittemore, from the 
Johnson Space Center, is at 4:30 p.m. EST.

NASA TV is on AMC-2, Transponder 9C, vertical polarization at 85 
degrees west longitude, 3880 MHz, with audio at 6.8 MHz.


Meteorite-list mailing list