[meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on Ebay

2005-09-03 Thread M come Meteorite Meteorites


I have put a rare roman coin with meteorite
rapresented on ebay, calculate the same coin its go
sold for $328 on ebay few weeks ago.for who want
this is the auction



M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.it 
Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info
MSN Messanger: spacerocks at hotmail.com

Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on Ebay

2005-09-03 Thread Darren Garrison
On Sat, 3 Sep 2005 13:28:07 +0200 (CEST), M come Meteorite Meteorites [EMAIL 


I have put a rare roman coin with meteorite
rapresented on ebay, calculate the same coin its go
sold for $328 on ebay few weeks ago.for who want
this is the auction


Has anyone ever tried to track down what happened to some of these ancient 
temple meteorites?
Carried off by invaders?  Lost in earthquakes?  Waiting to be discovered now in 
some ancient garbage
dump?  If an archeologist had found one of them, would he have thougt it 
anything other than just a
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT: Death fears vs. probability My un-expert opinion

2005-09-03 Thread Mark Miconi

I agree with you Rob.

It is the same with the losses in Iraq. The military has accidents every 
year, even when not at war. Where are the protestors when marines die from 
hypothermia in a swamp, where are they when men die jumping from an airplane 
and crash into the desert? Why is it a needless death when they die in Iraq 
and not when it is a training exercise.

Many in America are bitching about the time it is taking to help the 
stranded. If I remember correctly they were told to EVACUATE New Orleans. It 
is not like the problem with the levees is newTHEY HAVE BEEN INADEQUETE 
FOR OVER 100 YEARS.  I do not remember seeing throngs marching in the city 
prior to the storm TRYING TO ESCAPE, yet they can sure get out in horrible 
conditions to loot, rob, rape and murder now. If 30,000 people were in the 
streets trying to evacuate I think someone might have noticed

Why is not the ever present and all knowing Michael Farmer running the damn 
show if he is so freaking smart? Farmer your mouth is always running about 
the wrong shit. If you know so damn much get your ass to the region and help 
our president do it right. Where is all your massive fortune Mike? Lets see 
a public contribution, other than your witty bullshit here on the list. How 
many families from the region are living with you? I HAVE AN OFFER ON 


I do not care what you did in the past...THIS IS HERE AND THIS IS NOW, WHAT 

I do not make enough money to save the world. My family has already donated 
$300.00, and my brother in law who is the biggest DJ in Arizona on KMLE in 
Phoenix is on the air raising money and starting a clothes drive. My sons 
class is taking contributions of school supplies for the children of the 
disaster including giving up some of there own badly needed supplies.
At my office we all paid for a week($2.00 a day) of casual dress(jeans) and 
this week we will all wear our dress clothes and send the money to the red 

YES things were done wrong, and yes they could have been done betterTHAT 

If anybody HERE thinks you can do better get your boots on the ground...if 
you can help, then do it. You know that $5.00 is not much today NOT EVEN 2 
GALLONS OF GAS, but if all of us sent $5.00 to the Red Cross it will make a 
difference, all your bitching is doing is wasting air and creating 
greenhouse gasses.

Our people...AMERICANS, need us now. Later we can get together and discuss 
what we need to do to fix what happened. Now we just need to open our homes 
our wallets and our hearts and helpwho cares who screwed this up, lets 
just fix it and hang those that be damned later.

No one on earth could have stopped this storm, no one on earth is 
responsible for the storm, everyone can have a hand in fixing it.

Alot of people here bitch that there is too much government in America, and 
then expect that same government to pick their asses up out of the thick of 
things when ultimately the responsibility for your OWN LIFE RESTS WITH YOU. 
Next election get out and vote, get involved, your government is YOU when 
you participate.

Thats my look on the issue. My challenge to everyone is to quit looking for 
the devil to hang and get your asses in gear, give money, give clothes, 
start auctions to benefit the people that need it most, offer to take in a 

To everyone that has given already...THANK YOU and find a way to give some 

Thanks for listening, and please find a way to help.

Mark M.

- Original Message - 
From: Matson, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Sterling K. Webb' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 12:21 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] OT: Death fears vs. probability

Sterling makes some excellent points about the psychological
impact of tragic deaths attributed to various flavors of
Mother Nature flexing her muscles.  When it comes to fear and
risk, humans can be very irrational.  They worry about tornadoes,
hurricanes, volcanoes, supervolcanoes, tsunamis, global warming,
airplane crashes, lightning, shark attacks and bear attacks, not
to mention whatever the latest fear of the week might be (e.g.
anthrax, dirty bombs, West Nile virus, Ebola).

The common factor in all of these fears is that the probability
of dying from any one of them is practically zero.  In fact, if
you add up all the probabilities of dying from each of these, the
chances are still next to zero.  But this is what people worry
about because it's reported each and every day on their TV sets.
They think nothing of getting in their cars each day and driving
to and from work (perhaps smoking a cigarette or wolfing down a
supersize meal from their favorite 

Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Death fears vs. probability My un-expert opinion

2005-09-03 Thread MexicoDoug
Rob and Sterling discussed:
When 2000 people die from a  hurricane-caused flood, that's news.
But 42,000+ people dying in  automobile accidents ANNUALLY in
the U.S. alone?  No one  cares.  

No one cares?  If a drunk driver was the cause they will find out  quickly 
that someone cares.  And there is reason for that:

I totally  disagree with this spin from my most respected friends regarding 
these good  points.  If you live in a hurricane prone area the USA statistics 
mean  nothing and proactivity everything(why not use 6.x billionin the world it 
is  just as meaningless), if you have filthy sanitation USA death from 
microbes'  statistics mean nothing, if you like surfboarding in shark infested 
waters  (where great waves are), they mean nothing, if you live in tornado 
etc.  statistics, and if you skydive frequently, why would USA statistics mean  

While I agree that society as a whole has a terrible grasp of  statistics, 
and they appear sometimes just branch of politics, there are two  important 
thoughts missing from these cold statistical arguments:

One is  the the fear of loss of control over one's destiny and 
self-determination.   If I accept the statical bet to drive with its risks, I 
determined my  destiny, and if I am fatigued but drive anyway, the statistics 
usless as I  find myself drifting in front of opposing trucks or off the road, 
no one  will question that it is my fault if something happens.  Statistics 
may be  interesting for the Federal Bureau of Statistics (Federal BS) in this 
case - but  luckily one has not yet become a statistic for the morbidity bean 
counters while  one is alive. 

The other related objection I have is the thought that  people are too 
ignorant to guage situations of bonafide danger when they are  knowingly in 
way.  The being hit on the head by a meteorite  arriving from space is 
basically a cold statistic on Earth, but it has new  meaning if you are an 
floating around in the space station.   Living on Miami Beach or N Orleans is 
like during hurricane Season.  Or  when I am caught in the middle of an 
electrical storm on treeless plains with an  iron in the pocket and no where to 
hide.  Maybe I should raise a lightning  rod connected to the iron in my soaked 
backpack and laugh in defiance at God's  act quoting Him USA statistics? 

When expectations are mismanaged  statistics are a very lame and misguided 
defense or consolation.  This  isn't a political comment about poor leadership 
and bureaucracy any more than  condoning the barbaric nature of some natives in 
the New Orleans area who  clearly (were driven to?) lack the spirit that 
founded America.  I hope  the current Gulf coast crisis is contained and a 
proactive attitude arises from  the fading chaos.  There is probably a handful 
people out there right  now praying with all there hearts not to become fodder 
for a statistical quotes,  thought their chances are 50/50 in their mind - and 
they may be overly  optimistic.

The expectation management and self-determination factor need  to be 
considered.  Terrorism is a perfect example.  Statistically we  can forget 
about it.  
Tell that to the Meteoritehunter dining in Nakhla  Cafe when a boom is 
suddenly heard.  Oh, only 500 people have meteorites  that have rusted.  So, if 
are a resident of the USA, don't worry about  having a meteorite rusting - it 
is statistically insignificant that it will  happen to you.  And especially 
don't worry about it if the seller gave you  the expectation that it won't 
Those are even fewer cases and  statistically not even measurable in the 
context of the USA population to 5  sigma...

Saludos, Doug
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Trade proposal

2005-09-03 Thread Lars Pedersen


As you all know ... probably :-)

I try to make a small collection.
Cash is running very low, soI thought I would make a trade proposal.

Perhaps one of you would like to trade a rather big meteorite, for a Garmin 
eTrex Legend GPS. ?

It is in very fine condition (looks like new).

I am crazy in love with but cant afford to buy.. a good size 
Sikote_Alin individual, or alternatively a rather big  unrare black 

Just laugh of me  :-), but it is a desperate [housevifes. ;-) ] 
atempt to get a meteorite again.

My deapest sympathy the all who have been affected by the horricane in the 
south of USA.

Crossing my fingers, and best to all of you
Lars Pedersen 

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] OT: Death fears vs. probability My un-expertopinion

2005-09-03 Thread Frank Prochaska
Hello List,

I absolutely agree that many statistics are misused, whether in the
context of this latest disaster or in general.  One of my favorite books
from college is a little one called How to Lie with Statistics which is in
its umpteenth printing.
For example, the national incident rate of death in sky diving
accidents is just as inapplicable to my personal risk of death skydiving as
the national incident rate of death from breast cancer, because I have no
desire whatsoever to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
However, some of the posts have in fact made perfectly legitimate
use of these statistics relative to the disaster on the Gulf Coast.  The
post listing the death rates from lightning strikes, etc., was made in
response to folks questioning why anyone would live down in that area in the
first place.  I've heard the same talk around town here where I live.  I
heard one of my friends say that she would never live down in that area
because of hurricanes, and before I could respond, another friend piped up
and stated 'yeah, we'll just sit up here and wait for the next big
earthquake.'  (I live on the Puget Sound near Seattle.)  Large hurricanes
hitting a densely populated metropolis resulting in these kinds of death
tolls are (thankfully) very rare, just as large earthquakes hitting densely
populated metropolises (sp?) with large death tolls are very rare.  If it
happened that a large earthquake had hit here last week with similar
devastation instead, folks in New Orleans would be down there now saying,
'why would anyone want to live in an area like that, I'd never live up
I live in a city of about 100,000 people, and from where I live, I
don't think I can go more than about 5 miles in any one direction without
having to go over a bridge of one sort or another.  Transportation issues
including retrofitting bridges to resist earthquake damage have been ongoing
issues for years, voters recently repealed by initiative the funding to
address some of these issue, and the state legislature finally acted
recently only to have funding put on hold again while we wait for yet
another initiative to repeal the funding go to a vote of the people again.
If (when) a very large earthquake hits this area, and the bridges collapse,
no one can get in or out, gas lines have broken and are burning, there is no
power, food and water is running out, etc., I can see the same comments
being made in other parts of the country about why didn't they pay to
retrofit the bridges and buildings just like why didn't they pay to maintain
the levees in Louisiana.  About the only difference would be the streets in
my town wouldn't be flooded and have alligators patrolling them.
The list of national statistics are relevant to this discussion
because it (I believe) points out that no matter where you live, there are
risks that can shorten your life expectancy, just as there are activities
that can shorten your life expectancy.  The impact of very large earthquakes
doesn't mean much to residents of Louisiana, any more than the impact of
large hurricanes directly affects me up here.  But to imply that any given
person would be statistically safer living here for instance as opposed to
down there because we don't have hurricanes is bogus, and those national
statistics can illustrate why it's bogus.

Frank Prochaska

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Death fears vs. probability My

Rob and Sterling discussed:
When 2000 people die from a  hurricane-caused flood, that's news.
But 42,000+ people dying in  automobile accidents ANNUALLY in
the U.S. alone?  No one  cares.  

No one cares?  If a drunk driver was the cause they will find out  quickly 
that someone cares.  And there is reason for that:

I totally  disagree with this spin from my most respected friends regarding 
these good  points.  If you live in a hurricane prone area the USA
mean  nothing and proactivity everything(why not use 6.x billionin the world
is  just as meaningless), if you have filthy sanitation USA death from 
microbes'  statistics mean nothing, if you like surfboarding in shark
waters  (where great waves are), they mean nothing, if you live in tornado
etc.  statistics, and if you skydive frequently, why would USA statistics

While I agree that society as a whole has a terrible grasp of  statistics, 
and they appear sometimes just branch of politics, there are two  important 
thoughts missing from these cold statistical arguments:

One is  the the fear of loss of control over one's destiny and 
self-determination.   If I accept the statical bet to drive with its risks,
I have 
determined my  destiny, 

Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Death fears vs. probability My un-expertopinion

2005-09-03 Thread Pete Pete

The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.
Joseph Stalin

--the sad reality of human apathy at perhaps inappropriate times.

This discussion has become quite moot.
We all feel and experience these events in our own personal way, and there 
is no right or wrong.

Chondrules are f'n cool under a microscope, eh?!


[EMAIL PROTECTED],meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Death fears vs. probability My 

Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 12:47:34 EDT

Rob and Sterling discussed:
When 2000 people die from a  hurricane-caused flood, that's news.
But 42,000+ people dying in  automobile accidents ANNUALLY in
the U.S. alone?  No one  cares.

No one cares?  If a drunk driver was the cause they will find out  quickly
that someone cares.  And there is reason for that:

I totally  disagree with this spin from my most respected friends regarding
these good  points.  If you live in a hurricane prone area the USA 
mean  nothing and proactivity everything(why not use 6.x billionin the world 

is  just as meaningless), if you have filthy sanitation USA death from
microbes'  statistics mean nothing, if you like surfboarding in shark 
waters  (where great waves are), they mean nothing, if you live in tornado 
etc.  statistics, and if you skydive frequently, why would USA statistics 


While I agree that society as a whole has a terrible grasp of  statistics,
and they appear sometimes just branch of politics, there are two  important
thoughts missing from these cold statistical arguments:

One is  the the fear of loss of control over one's destiny and
self-determination.   If I accept the statical bet to drive with its risks, 
I have
determined my  destiny, and if I am fatigued but drive anyway, the 
statistics are
usless as I  find myself drifting in front of opposing trucks or off the 
road, and

no one  will question that it is my fault if something happens.  Statistics
may be  interesting for the Federal Bureau of Statistics (Federal BS) in 
case - but  luckily one has not yet become a statistic for the morbidity 

counters while  one is alive.

The other related objection I have is the thought that  people are too
ignorant to guage situations of bonafide danger when they are  knowingly in 

way.  The being hit on the head by a meteorite  arriving from space is
basically a cold statistic on Earth, but it has new  meaning if you are an 
floating around in the space station.   Living on Miami Beach or N Orleans 

like during hurricane Season.  Or  when I am caught in the middle of an
electrical storm on treeless plains with an  iron in the pocket and no where 
hide.  Maybe I should raise a lightning  rod connected to the iron in my 

backpack and laugh in defiance at God's  act quoting Him USA statistics?

When expectations are mismanaged  statistics are a very lame and misguided
defense or consolation.  This  isn't a political comment about poor 
and bureaucracy any more than  condoning the barbaric nature of some natives 

the New Orleans area who  clearly (were driven to?) lack the spirit that
founded America.  I hope  the current Gulf coast crisis is contained and a
proactive attitude arises from  the fading chaos.  There is probably a 
handful of
people out there right  now praying with all there hearts not to become 
for a statistical quotes,  thought their chances are 50/50 in their mind - 

they may be overly  optimistic.

The expectation management and self-determination factor need  to be
considered.  Terrorism is a perfect example.  Statistically we  can forget 
about it.

Tell that to the Meteoritehunter dining in Nakhla  Cafe when a boom is
suddenly heard.  Oh, only 500 people have meteorites  that have rusted.  So, 
if you
are a resident of the USA, don't worry about  having a meteorite rusting - 

is statistically insignificant that it will  happen to you.  And especially
don't worry about it if the seller gave you  the expectation that it won't 

Those are even fewer cases and  statistically not even measurable in the
context of the USA population to 5  sigma...

Saludos, Doug

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - World Biggest Ben Guerir LL6 Slices

2005-09-03 Thread Meteoryt.net
Hello list
I have enough this political BS, becouse only effect of this, will be a bad
atmosphere on our list. Again

This topic is maybe too pathetic, but I belive its true.
Yesterday I cut my 2.7kg specimen to few incredible full slices. I love this
meteorite. For me its iron-rich brecciated eucrite :-D

But lets back to topic.

I want offer full slices of Ben Guerir LL6 amphoterite, both side polished,
100% fresh.
This specimens is big, but I offer them in reasonable price. For much more
You will find broken fragments, and here You can get ultra large slice.

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
http://www.Meteoryt.net [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.PolandMET.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com  GSM +48(607)535 195
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Charity Raffle Update + Tix Details

2005-09-03 Thread Notkin

Dear Friends and Meteorite List Members:

The 2005 Meteorite Community Hurricane Relief Fund Charity Raffle is on!

A big thank you to everyone who has already donated raffle prizes, and 
purchased tickets. We have some amazing items already, with more on the 
way. I think you will all be surprised by the quality of specimens, 
books, etc., that have been donated by a number of very generous 
members of the meteorite community.

Here is the latest:

- By kind permission of the Denver COMETS, the prize drawing for the 
Charity Raffle will be held live at the COMETS annual party at La Loma 
Restaurant, Denver, on the evening of Saturday, September 17. You do 
not need to be present to win. All winners will be notified shortly 
after the party.

- We will display at least some of the prizes during the Denver Show 
(location TBA).

- 100% of all money received from raffle ticket sales will go directly 
to the American Red Cross Hurricane Relief Fund.

- There will be multiple grand prizes awarded, with numerous additional 
prizes for the runners-up. More chances for you to win!

- I will have a preliminary list of prizes, with photos, available on 
my website later today. I will post the URL as soon as it is ready.

- Advance ticket sales must be completed by Monday, September 12, and 
payment must have been received by me, by that date (see below).

- Last minute cash-only ticket sales may be available during the Denver 
Show, but don't count on it.

- We are still accepting donations of raffle prizes.

- We need to sell a lot more tickets. Tickets are $10 each, and you can 
buy as many as you like. Here are the purchasing details:

If you have a PayPal account, just log on and send your payment to my 
account which is:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   I am happy to provide a 
receipt, for tax purposes, if requested. Even if you don't have a 
PayPal account, you can still send money to me via PayPal by using your 
credit card or bank debit card at:  http://www.paypal.com

If you are not able to use either of the options above, you may send me 
a money order or personal check (U.S. funds only please) made out to 
The American Red Cross. Please ensure that your check or money order 
arrives at my Tucson office NOT LATER THAN Monday, September 12, or you 
will not be eligible to participate. Please email me for my postal 

Thank you to everyone who is supporting this venture!


Geoff Notkin
Meteorite Charity Raffle 2005

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Katrina and shuttle ET construction

2005-09-03 Thread Darren Garrison
Don't know if, in the face of all the human tragedy, many have noticed what 
more harm might be done
to the already-going-through-it's-death-rattles shuttle program:


Updated: 3:07 p.m. ET Sept. 2, 2005
NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, where space shuttle external 
tanks are constructed,
appears to have escaped major damage from Hurricane Katrina. 

But it's not known just how many employees at the site — operated by Lockheed 
Martin Space Systems
for NASA — are missing, evacuated from the area, and are now without housing.

Lockheed Martin’s main Internet site is now reformatted and headlined with 
response information for
the firm's employees affected by Hurricane Katrina. It carries a hotline number 
that operates from 8
a.m. to 7 p.m. ET weekdays, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekends. A message posted on 
the Web site said
there were no injuries reported but the company was still confirming status 
of some employees.

The facility will re-open no earlier than Monday, September 26, the company 

The site calls out: Let us know if you’re OK … If you are a Lockheed Martin 
employee affected by
Hurricane Katrina, we’d like to know you’re OK. 

The site requests company workers to call the hotline or send an e-mail listing 
their name, business
unit, a phone number and an address where that individual can be reached. It 
also says that several
locations with Lockheed Martin employees were affected by the hurricane.

Operators at a Lockheed Martin Hurricane Katrina Employee Assistance Hotline 
are assisting in
answering employee questions, or guiding them to the appropriate resources for 

Workforce disruption
Harry Wadsworth, a Lockheed Martin spokesman for Michoud operations, said an 
emergency team at the
external tank facility has been clearing debris.

Ours is a fairly open area with buildings. There are not a lot of trees, which 
is probably good,
Wadsworth told Space.com in a phone interview. He is positioned three hours 
away from Michoud at
this time, in Lafayette, La.

Like many others that work at the Michoud facilities, Wadsworth also has no 
idea whether or not his
own home survived the horrific blow to the area created by Hurricane Katrina. 

I’m hoping that my house is dry. I would be lucky if it is, Wadsworth said. 
His wife is a nurse at
one of the local hospitals, part of an essential team that has been in the New 
Orleans area since

People are scattered all over in various cities … places where they took 
refuge from the storm with
their families, Wadsworth said.

Regarding the disruption of the workforce at the facility, Wadsworth said that 
this remains an

It will be one of the challenges … to get employees temporary housing, 
apartments, or other types
of shelter, Wadsworth added. That’s something that a lot of the companies in 
New Orleans are
looking into.

Water, power issues
The Lockheed Martin work force is between 2,000 and 2,100 employees at the NASA 
Michoud Assembly
Facility, Wadsworth said. 

Wadsworth said that it is doubtful very many people have been able to get back 
and check on their
homes, although some areas are open. For those able to return to the hard-hit 
area at this time,
there is no water availability, power or air conditioning to combat the 
98-degree outside
temperature, he said.

The 832-acre NASA Michoud Assembly Facility is located in New Orleans, 
Louisiana some 24 miles (38
kilometers) from New Orleans International Airport and 15 miles (24 kilometers) 
from the French

The Michoud facility uses a deep-water access port for the transportation of 
the large external
tanks by barge across the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida and up to Kennedy 
Space Center.

Lockheed Martin’s toll-free Hurricane Katrina Employee Assistance Hotline for 
employees is at (800)
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on Ebay

2005-09-03 Thread Martin Altmann
Yes, Darren, one stone survived.
The holy stone of the temple of Paphos on Cyprus, which is depicted on many
classical coins (Traian, Vespasian, Drusus, Caracalla and so on),
was recovered by excavations on  the temple site more than hundred years
It was kept in the cellar and the stock of the National museum in Nikosia
for an eternity,
until it was transportated to the local archeological museum in Kouklia,
where it's now exhibited.

Never a sample was taken for authentification.

The Meteoritical Society is a puddle of culturally uneducated people, as
they rather like to spend the tax payers money for having fancy meetings at
the Yacht Club in Rio instead to send a student to Cyprus to take a sample,
as they simply don't see that chance for making one of the most important
discoveries in the history of meteoritics.
If the stone will be a meteorite, it will be a sensation, proving that the
baethyls warshipped in temples of the classic period in the classical Greek,
Roman, Seleukid period, like the omphalos in Delphi, the stone in the temple
of Ephesos, the stone in the procession car of the Astarte in Sidon, the
stone in Emesa, which was transported to Rome, the stone in the temple of
Zeus Kasios in Seleucia were true meteorites.
If it will be not a meteorite, the try would will be have been well worth

But what shall we do? Each professional member of the Meteoritical Society
is better paid than me, I can't afford just to book a flight to Cyprus in
that matter. It seems to me, that all of them have no interest in the
history of meteorites at all.
It is always like this, when people are paid for their jobs wit the tax
payers' money, no matter, what they are doing, they can't be forced to do
the obvious, they don't care, it's a scandal.
Incredible, I posted this several times to the list. Come on, if I would do
my job as a meteorite seller as those employees by the state are doing, I'd
better buy a gun and a bullet for me.

Hey Mike or GregAdam, go there, take a sample, if it's authentic, keep half
of the type specimen, you could sell it at a triple price of Chassigny.
It makes me sick. If you join Met.Soc, it costy you more than 100$ per year.
A flight to Cyprus from Europe is available at 150$, two ways.

So Mrs Zipfel, Mr.Grossman, Mr.Jull, wake up, it's time!!

Angry Martin -this ignorance drives me crazy - without Buckleboo.

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on

On Sat, 3 Sep 2005 13:28:07 +0200 (CEST), M come Meteorite Meteorites


I have put a rare roman coin with meteorite
rapresented on ebay, calculate the same coin its go
sold for $328 on ebay few weeks ago.for who want
this is the auction


Has anyone ever tried to track down what happened to some of these ancient
temple meteorites?
Carried off by invaders?  Lost in earthquakes?  Waiting to be discovered now
in some ancient garbage
dump?  If an archeologist had found one of them, would he have thougt it
anything other than just a
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - World Biggest Ben Guerir LL6 Slices

2005-09-03 Thread Martin Altmann
Bravo Marcin,

that's what I call a good preparation.
But are you sick to offer it at 3$/g??? That's much to cheap!!
Take a look at the dealers' pages, where you find Benguerir in a worse
quality at 6-12$/g!
Man, that's not an NWA!!

- Original Message - 
From: Meteoryt.net [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:08 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] AD - World Biggest Ben Guerir LL6 Slices

 Hello list
 I have enough this political BS, becouse only effect of this, will be a
 atmosphere on our list. Again

 This topic is maybe too pathetic, but I belive its true.
 Yesterday I cut my 2.7kg specimen to few incredible full slices. I love
 meteorite. For me its iron-rich brecciated eucrite :-D

 But lets back to topic.

 I want offer full slices of Ben Guerir LL6 amphoterite, both side
 100% fresh.
 This specimens is big, but I offer them in reasonable price. For much more
 You will find broken fragments, and here You can get ultra large slice.

 -[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
 http://www.Meteoryt.net [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://www.PolandMET.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://www.Gao-Guenie.com  GSM +48(607)535 195
 [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on Ebay

2005-09-03 Thread Darren Garrison
On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 02:53:17 +0200, Martin Altmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, Darren, one stone survived.
The holy stone of the temple of Paphos on Cyprus, which is depicted on many
classical coins (Traian, Vespasian, Drusus, Caracalla and so on),
was recovered by excavations on  the temple site more than hundred years
It was kept in the cellar and the stock of the National museum in Nikosia
for an eternity,
until it was transportated to the local archeological museum in Kouklia,
where it's now exhibited.

Never a sample was taken for authentification.

One of the sad things about being a specialist in one feild of science means 
that you tend to not
have much knowledge of/interest in other feilds.  I often wonder how many 
meteorites paleontologists
have walked over in the desert, and how many valuable fossils meteorite hunters 
have walked over.
(Like, for example, Peter Douglas Ward's work in the Karoo desert as described 
in his recent book
Gorgon-- seems like prime meteorite country, and he and his people likely 
kicked a few meteorites
out of the way in their scouring the desert for bone).

I knew that a ancient fall in a temple in Japan was still known, but I hadn't 
ever heard that one of
the ancient Greek ones had been recovered.  (It reminds me of the book The 
First Fossil Hunters
which attempts to trace many ancient legends and worshiped objects to fossils-- 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on Ebay

2005-09-03 Thread Martin Altmann
Hi Darren,

indeed it's a shame.
Not to take a look at the stone of Paphos for a meteoricist, is like
Einstein would have stated: Gravity? I never heard of that.
Chladni, Daubree, Brezina, Cohen, Nininger, Monnig et.al. would have
travelled immediately there, if they would have known, that the stone was
The rest, I will write you offlist, for not risking my neck more than I have
already done.
Gosh, why I'm always so choleric.

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Martin Altmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on

On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 02:53:17 +0200, Martin Altmann

Yes, Darren, one stone survived.
The holy stone of the temple of Paphos on Cyprus, which is depicted on many
classical coins (Traian, Vespasian, Drusus, Caracalla and so on),
was recovered by excavations on  the temple site more than hundred years
It was kept in the cellar and the stock of the National museum in Nikosia
for an eternity,
until it was transportated to the local archeological museum in Kouklia,
where it's now exhibited.

Never a sample was taken for authentification.

One of the sad things about being a specialist in one feild of science means
that you tend to not
have much knowledge of/interest in other feilds.  I often wonder how many
meteorites paleontologists
have walked over in the desert, and how many valuable fossils meteorite
hunters have walked over.
(Like, for example, Peter Douglas Ward's work in the Karoo desert as
described in his recent book
Gorgon-- seems like prime meteorite country, and he and his people likely
kicked a few meteorites
out of the way in their scouring the desert for bone).

I knew that a ancient fall in a temple in Japan was still known, but I
hadn't ever heard that one of
the ancient Greek ones had been recovered.  (It reminds me of the book The
First Fossil Hunters
which attempts to trace many ancient legends and worshiped objects to
fossils-- see

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad: Heads-up! 47 auctions of good stuff ending soon!

2005-09-03 Thread Martin H.

Hi Folks,


Just a quick heads-up that my auctions for rare,
historic and small specimens on ebay has one of the
two endings Sunday morning or noonish, or late
afternoon or night depending where on this planet you


Here are some highlights:
Zhovtnevyi, Willamette, Temple, Shalka, Hainholz,
Tomatlan, Washougal, Chantonnay, Siena, Panhandle,
Orgueil, Naryilco, Fisher, Grayton, Hayes Center,
Great Bend, Goalpara, Cayon Diablo Spheroids,
Bowesmont, Arcadia, Bogou, Abee, Juvinas, Waltman,
Lemmon, Haraiya, Eagle Station, Kulnine, Sardis,
Pesyanoe, Queen’s Mercy, Millen, Wilder, Mt.
Tazerzait, Shergotty, Limerick, Kivesvaara, Leoville,
Mt. Dyrring, Lushton, Nakhla, Yatoor, Tromoya,
Daniel’s Kuil


Here are the Books in the auctions:
American Museum Natural History 1936 Meteorite
Stones From The Stars
Man and Meteorites


Thanks for considering my meteorites.



Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: OT: Death fears vs. probability My un-expert opinion

2005-09-03 Thread Sterling K. Webb
Hi, Mark,

You said, It is not like the problem with
It's probably because I live in a Mississippi
River town (much further up than New Orleans),
where we were flooded to over ten feet deep in
our downtown, without water or electrical power
for three weeks in the flood of '93, that I
take a certain natural interest in levees, floods,
high water and blues songs about'em.
The 19th century levees in New Orleans, built
after the 1832 flood, were adequate for almost a
century, until the 1927 flood. The levee system was
completely redone after the great flood of 1927,
by people who knew you had to build and plan for
the future, a trait we have lost today.
These levees worked perfectly in the 1965
hurricane that hit New Orleans head on and that
was a worse storm than this recent one. They have
been allowed to deteriorate badly over the last
15-20 years, and what happened this week is the
reward you get for that kind of economy.
My point was that these disasters are NOT
incalculable events against which humans are helpless.
We have known how to fight these things for thousands
of years. Sophisticated flood and water management
is one of the oldest human technologies and one of
the best understood.
40% of the nation of Holland consists of land
reclaimed from the sea since the 13th century by long
effort. So, by definition 40% of Holland is below sea
level, and I hear no one proclaiming that Holland
must be abandoned due to global warming as certain
List members have said of New Orleans and the Gulf
Coast generally.
All that is needed to prevent these disasters
is to do what's needed. It's not a mystery or a
question of luck. Just spend the money; do the job.
2 or 3 billion more spent over the last decade would
have prevented this flooding and most of this
disaster in New Orleans. It would have been a
great investment, saving scores of billions and
a lot of human misery and death.
The devastation in southern Mississippi is far
worse. Much of the worse affected areas have not
yet been penetrated by anybody from the outside,
so we do not yet know how bad it is. It was not
preventable like the disaster in New Orleans.
We all feel an impulse to criticize the
failings of response, but people fail to measure
the size of the problem. A first step is to
consider that the affected area is roughly
the size of Great Britain!
Alright, Great Britain is devastated -- how
long before you get everybody evacuated and into
a shelter? What? It's the next day (or week) and
you haven't finished? Shame...
The problems of scale are often not solvable
by money nor preparedness. This doesn't mean that
everything about this response shouldn't be
scrutinized in great detail; there is a lot
to learn that will help in the future, which
contains, certainly, disasters as great or
Even a very small asteroid would be far, far
worse, so we get a slight glimpse at what the failure
to detect and determine orbits for ALL the NEA's
could cost the human race.
For now, sent money.

Sterling K. Webb
Mark Miconi wrote:

 I agree with you Rob.

 It is the same with the losses in Iraq. The military has accidents every
 year, even when not at war. Where are the protestors when marines die from
 hypothermia in a swamp, where are they when men die jumping from an airplane
 and crash into the desert? Why is it a needless death when they die in Iraq
 and not when it is a training exercise.

 Many in America are bitching about the time it is taking to help the
 stranded. If I remember correctly they were told to EVACUATE New Orleans. It
 is not like the problem with the levees is newTHEY HAVE BEEN INADEQUETE
 FOR OVER 100 YEARS.  I do not remember seeing throngs marching in the city
 prior to the storm TRYING TO ESCAPE, yet they can sure get out in horrible
 conditions to loot, rob, rape and murder now. If 30,000 people were in the
 streets trying to evacuate I think someone might have noticed

 Why is not the ever present and all knowing Michael Farmer running the damn
 show if he is so freaking smart? Farmer your mouth is always running about
 the wrong shit. If you know so damn much get your ass to the region and help
 our president do it right. Where is all your massive fortune Mike? Lets see
 a public contribution, other than your witty bullshit here on the list. How
 many families from the region are living with you? I HAVE AN OFFER ON


 I do not care what you did in the past...THIS IS HERE AND THIS IS NOW, WHAT

 I do not make enough money to save the world. My family has already donated
 $300.00, and my brother in law who is the biggest DJ in Arizona on KMLE in
 Phoenix is on the air raising money and starting a clothes drive. My sons
 class is taking 

[meteorite-list] Charity Raffle Prizes Part 1

2005-09-03 Thread Notkin

Greetings All:

Well, after a very long day's work we have the first batch of raffle 
prizes ready for your viewing pleasure.

Please note, this is only the beginning. We will be adding many more 
exciting items over the next 48 hours, including meteorite specimens 
from The Michael Farmer Collection; Nininger's Meteorites: A 
Photographic Study of Surface Features (both volumes!) donated by 
Martin Altmann; plus books, meteorites, and other goodies courtesy of 
Martin Horejsi, Anne Black, myself, and others.

As part of the raffle, an authentic, signed Harvey Award and 
certificate will be presented by Steve Arnold IMB and myself to one of 
our lucky participants at the Tucson 2006 Meteor Mayhem Party  Harvey 
Awards. Details to follow.

Here is the prize list in progress:


I have set up a direct PayPal link from that page, so it's very easy to 
buy tix. Just click on the PayPal link. You'll be taken to the purchase 
page, then key in the number of tix you'd like. You don't even have to 
have a PayPal account to buy tix.

And . . . we are still accepting donations of raffle prizes.

Thanks to everyone who has pitched in, and best wishes from Tucson,

Geoff N.
2005 Meteorite Charity Raffle

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - World Biggest Ben Guerir LL6 Slices

2005-09-03 Thread M come Meteorite Meteorites
$3/gr. its the same price I have pay my Benguerir (
Bensour ) from moroccan person...the others prices its
a few exaggeratedfor $10/gr. I buy Pultusk, I
prefear Pultusk to Benguerir


--- Martin Altmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha

 Bravo Marcin,
 that's what I call a good preparation.
 But are you sick to offer it at 3$/g??? That's much
 to cheap!!
 Take a look at the dealers' pages, where you find
 Benguerir in a worse
 quality at 6-12$/g!
 Man, that's not an NWA!!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Meteoryt.net [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:08 PM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] AD - World Biggest Ben
 Guerir LL6 Slices
  Hello list
  I have enough this political BS, becouse only
 effect of this, will be a
  atmosphere on our list. Again
  This topic is maybe too pathetic, but I belive its
  Yesterday I cut my 2.7kg specimen to few
 incredible full slices. I love
  meteorite. For me its iron-rich brecciated
 eucrite :-D
  But lets back to topic.
  I want offer full slices of Ben Guerir LL6
 amphoterite, both side
  100% fresh.
  This specimens is big, but I offer them in
 reasonable price. For much more
  You will find broken fragments, and here You can
 get ultra large slice.
  -[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
  http://www.Gao-Guenie.com  GSM +48(607)535 195
  [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society
  Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list


M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.it 
Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info
MSN Messanger: spacerocks at hotmail.com

Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB 
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