Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-20 Thread Martin Altmann

maybe the gang can ask here, for the actual legislation in place and its
very wording,
to end the speculations?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von MikeG
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Juli 2012 17:59
An: JoshuaTreeMuseum
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link
- good info

Hi Gang,

Some thoughts from the peanut gallery :

UNESCO does not apply to meteorites.

The British mandate/order in regards to Indian meteorites is over 120 years
old and India is not longer a territory of the British crown.

The late great O. Richard Norton was not a legal expert.

Laws (and more importantly, their enforcement) vary from nation to nation,
and from state to state within those nations.

Without input from a legal expert fluent in international law, we are
engaging in speculation and conjecture for the purpose of ethical posturing
and mud-slinging.

When one has a question about a law in a given state or nation, a good place
to start inquiring is with a resident of that nation or state.

Are there any members of this List or the IMCA who are residents of India?
If so, let us ask them what the laws are and go from there.

Are copies of the relevant laws or regulations available online?  If so, can
someone provide a link to these online resources?

Meteorites involve a lot of grey areas - legally and ethically.  Solid
authoritative information on these laws is sorely lacking.

Example - most of the Canyon Diablo specimens for sale are illegal.
We know this because the laws here in the USA are easily found online, in
local libraries, or by asking a local resident or official.  The entire CD
strewnfield is on private property or state of Arizona land that is leased
to private owners.  The owners or caretakers of these properties have made
it known that prospecting for CD meteorites is an exercise in trespassing
and theft.  This is easily established.  If people on this List want to
start pointing fingers and making allegations, please start in an area where
the laws (and their interpretation and enforcement) can be clearly
referenced in an objective manner.

Canadian and Australian laws in regards to meteorites are clearly known.
There is no debate there.  Ask a Canadian or Australian citizen.  On the
issue of Indian, Argentine, Algerian, or Omani meteorites, let us follow the
same example - ask a citizen of the nation in question and go from there.

The IMCA (or anyone else) cannot determine if a given meteorite specimen is
legal, unless the history of that specific specimen is documented and the
laws pertaining to that specimen are clearly known.
 An electron microprobe cannot determine *when* a meteorite was recovered.
Was a Canyon Diablo meteorite recovered before it was illegal to do so?  Who
knows?  This is a textbook definition of a grey area, and many other
meteorites from other nations fall into the same category - Campo del Cielo,
NWA 869, and a host of others.  Until such a time when the date of recovery
(and circumstances) can be objectively determined, we can only rely on the
word and reputation of the seller or owner.

What we are seeing in this public "debate" on legality is a lot of
speculation and posturing, without any substance or authoritative knowledge.
This mud-slinging contest is not doing the meteorite community any good - it
makes us all look like a bunch of petty blowhards.

One last comment - meteorites are a product of the cosmos.  They have
existed for billions of years before man crawled out of the primordial ooze
and they will exist for billions of years after we people turn to dust.  We
are their temporary caretakers for an eye-blink of the galactic time scale.
It is the height of arrogance for any man or nation to think they have
exclusive legal rights over a product of the cosmos.  What is a law?  It was
once legal in the USA to own another human being as a slave.  Just because
it was legal does not mean it was right.  Laws can be wrong.  Human beings
can be wrong.  As a collector or dealer of meteorites, the best thing one
can do is to follow one's conscience.  When holding a meteorite in hand, ask
yourself - is science being harmed by this action?  If not, then enjoy that

Best regards,



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Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-20 Thread MikeG
Hi Gang,

Some thoughts from the peanut gallery :

UNESCO does not apply to meteorites.

The British mandate/order in regards to Indian meteorites is over 120
years old and India is not longer a territory of the British crown.

The late great O. Richard Norton was not a legal expert.

Laws (and more importantly, their enforcement) vary from nation to
nation, and from state to state within those nations.

Without input from a legal expert fluent in international law, we are
engaging in speculation and conjecture for the purpose of ethical
posturing and mud-slinging.

When one has a question about a law in a given state or nation, a good
place to start inquiring is with a resident of that nation or state.

Are there any members of this List or the IMCA who are residents of
India?  If so, let us ask them what the laws are and go from there.

Are copies of the relevant laws or regulations available online?  If
so, can someone provide a link to these online resources?

Meteorites involve a lot of grey areas - legally and ethically.  Solid
authoritative information on these laws is sorely lacking.

Example - most of the Canyon Diablo specimens for sale are illegal.
We know this because the laws here in the USA are easily found online,
in local libraries, or by asking a local resident or official.  The
entire CD strewnfield is on private property or state of Arizona land
that is leased to private owners.  The owners or caretakers of these
properties have made it known that prospecting for CD meteorites is an
exercise in trespassing and theft.  This is easily established.  If
people on this List want to start pointing fingers and making
allegations, please start in an area where the laws (and their
interpretation and enforcement) can be clearly referenced in an
objective manner.

Canadian and Australian laws in regards to meteorites are clearly
known.  There is no debate there.  Ask a Canadian or Australian
citizen.  On the issue of Indian, Argentine, Algerian, or Omani
meteorites, let us follow the same example - ask a citizen of the
nation in question and go from there.

The IMCA (or anyone else) cannot determine if a given meteorite
specimen is legal, unless the history of that specific specimen is
documented and the laws pertaining to that specimen are clearly known.
 An electron microprobe cannot determine *when* a meteorite was
recovered.  Was a Canyon Diablo meteorite recovered before it was
illegal to do so?  Who knows?  This is a textbook definition of a grey
area, and many other meteorites from other nations fall into the same
category - Campo del Cielo, NWA 869, and a host of others.  Until such
a time when the date of recovery (and circumstances) can be
objectively determined, we can only rely on the word and reputation of
the seller or owner.

What we are seeing in this public "debate" on legality is a lot of
speculation and posturing, without any substance or authoritative
knowledge.  This mud-slinging contest is not doing the meteorite
community any good - it makes us all look like a bunch of petty

One last comment - meteorites are a product of the cosmos.  They have
existed for billions of years before man crawled out of the primordial
ooze and they will exist for billions of years after we people turn to
dust.  We are their temporary caretakers for an eye-blink of the
galactic time scale.  It is the height of arrogance for any man or
nation to think they have exclusive legal rights over a product of the
cosmos.  What is a law?  It was once legal in the USA to own another
human being as a slave.  Just because it was legal does not mean it
was right.  Laws can be wrong.  Human beings can be wrong.  As a
collector or dealer of meteorites, the best thing one can do is to
follow one's conscience.  When holding a meteorite in hand, ask
yourself - is science being harmed by this action?  If not, then enjoy
that meteorite.

Best regards,



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[meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-20 Thread JoshuaTreeMuseum
According to O. Richard Norton, and the Meteoritical Society, all meteorites 
found in India are the property of the Geological Survey of India. In his 
Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites, Norton also states Gibeon meteorites 
are illegal to export from Namibia.

They are referring to:

The Resolution of the Government of India, Revenue & Agriculture Department, 
No. 45G-22-13, dated 1885 April 28, at Simla, provides that "all falls of 
aerolites together with the papers relating to them should in the first 
instance be forwarded to the Government Geological Museum of Calcutta." By 
circular letters (No. 14870-14883-119 dated 1914 December 19, and No. M-1184 
dated 1925 June 9) to all local governments the national government has 
required compliance with the resolution. The Museum is under the control of 
the Director of the Geological Survey of India. No compensation is paid to 
finders, and the possession of a new find is usually taken by a 
representative of the Geological Survey of India, or the local police.

Phil Whitmer
Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum


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Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread Greg Catterton

Jason, I was "going after" the IMCA while I was still a 
member and was running for a spot on the board two elections ago. This 
is all in the archives unless the purged it to cover up the activities 
they are doing.  They still wont account for where all the money they 
get in member dues has went, why the non profit status was revoked in 
2008, who Daniel K. Cathcart is (the one time owner) Anyone know him? 
Who the current owner is (Adam Hupe?) how and why he came to own it... 

As a member of the IMCA, I lost a lot of faith in the group for the lack 
of answers to questions many had. Not just me. I was just the most 
outspoken about it. I even went to say that if I was not elected, I 
would be kicked out of the group within months for what I was pressing 
them to answer and the fact they would not. I and MANY other members asked for 
budget info for years. They would NOT release it.

They wont say who and how many members are free (Bribed?) to be members... They 
are silent just like on this. 

Legal status of meteorites and import export goees to the heart of the IMCA 
code of ethics yet they do nothing about it to help the community.

This is not me being mad about not being a member or even your stupid 
blacklist site you have. Its about honesty of the group who is supposed 
to (or should be) the go to for real meteorite info and authenticity.
The IMCA is useless unless you want the logo to sell meteorites under some 
false and half hearted rules and ethics. When Mike Blood offered to buy 
the entire board Robert rules, they said no! Why? That is a great 
resource they choose not to accept his kind offer. 

Please dont get me wrong, there are some great people in the IMCA and even the 
board has a few good ones, but not many who are in actual control. Its a 
marketing gimmick. Thats it. The IMCA could be great, but they are not 
currently effective in pretty much anything.

The official reason I am not a member is because I tried to export a 
buzzard coulee prior to me getting the permit. (which I did get) and the reason 
I wanted it was to have a very fresh sample to provide to a 
friend for study and thin sectioning... I did not want to wait several 
months for it and who knows what contamination to occur... NO OTHER 
REASON. I have the emails from the IMCA board showing this and will 
provide them to ANYONE who wants to see. Anyone who says different, 
please speak up now.

I could go on, but I will wait to see if anything I said here is 
addressed... likely will be silent as usual and try to sweep these 
things under the rug. So again, please IMCA board, owner, president, 
vice president? Any want to answer the questions above?

Greg Catterton
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

From: jason utas 
To: Meteorite-list  
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - 
good info

Hello All,

Greg Catterton said:

> How can you say that after your first two comments? Anne Black has repeatedly 
> stated Sulagiri and meteorites from India are
> ILLEGAL, same as Berduc and others.

It seems that Anne's word alone is not sufficient to create new laws
in India.  She quoted the 1865 reference to me, and it does not seem
to exist.  Berduc, on the other hand, does appear to be illegally
exported based on what I've heard about Argentina's laws, but I
haven't looked into that and feel unqualified to comment.

> ITS NOT ABOUT ME. Its not about you... its about the export laws that in your 
> first comment above, CLEARLY shows that its not
> acceptable to the local law/governing bodies.

At the time, India was the property of the crown, and Britain has
never had any export laws pertaining to British meteorites.  Thus,
your interpretation of the circulars/letters as some form of a
prohibitive export law makes no sense whatsoever.

It would be like the US restricting the export of meteorites from
Puerto Rico while ignoring/allowing exports from the mainland.  Again,
it simply does not make sense.

You have no evidence to suggest that the export of meteorites from
India is illegal, yet you continue to insist upon that notion.  This
really does seem to be about YOU versus the IMCA.  And ME.  Lol.


On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Greg Catterton
> Jason said:
>  "As best I can tell, the existing arrangement is a domestic protocol
> for local officials to follow if they obtain a meteorite.  However,
> recent meteorite falls in India have been commandeered by the
> government by local officials (and, it seems, GSI employees) with
> those officials threatening imprisonment if locals sell their finds.
> I wasn't able to find any legal justification for this, but heard
> similar stories surroun

Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread jason utas
Hello All,

Greg Catterton said:

> How can you say that after your first two comments? Anne Black has repeatedly 
> stated Sulagiri and meteorites from India are
> ILLEGAL, same as Berduc and others.

It seems that Anne's word alone is not sufficient to create new laws
in India.  She quoted the 1865 reference to me, and it does not seem
to exist.  Berduc, on the other hand, does appear to be illegally
exported based on what I've heard about Argentina's laws, but I
haven't looked into that and feel unqualified to comment.

> ITS NOT ABOUT ME. Its not about you... its about the export laws that in your 
> first comment above, CLEARLY shows that its not
> acceptable to the local law/governing bodies.

At the time, India was the property of the crown, and Britain has
never had any export laws pertaining to British meteorites.  Thus,
your interpretation of the circulars/letters as some form of a
prohibitive export law makes no sense whatsoever.

It would be like the US restricting the export of meteorites from
Puerto Rico while ignoring/allowing exports from the mainland.  Again,
it simply does not make sense.

You have no evidence to suggest that the export of meteorites from
India is illegal, yet you continue to insist upon that notion.  This
really does seem to be about YOU versus the IMCA.  And ME.  Lol.


On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Greg Catterton
> Jason said:
>  "As best I can tell, the existing arrangement is a domestic protocol
> for local officials to follow if they obtain a meteorite.  However,
> recent meteorite falls in India have been commandeered by the
> government by local officials (and, it seems, GSI employees) with
> those officials threatening imprisonment if locals sell their finds.
> I wasn't able to find any legal justification for this, but heard
> similar stories surrounding both Katol and Sulagiri."
> Then said:
> "As one can see above, "I am directed to request that all Indian
> Meteorites may, in future, be transmitted to the Trustees of the
> Indian Museum in preference to sending them direct to England." "
> Followed by HIS OPINION
> "It would seem that the above letter directly refers to the exportation
> of meteorites from India as legal, or at least as legal as it might be
> to export a meteorite from England (legal), since the law (if it can
> be called that) was a British mandate."
> How can you say that after your first two comments? Anne Black has repeatedly 
> stated Sulagiri and meteorites from India are ILLEGAL, same as Berduc and 
> others.
> Dont side step this and confuse the followers with your opinions Jason... 
> Thats almost as silly as trying to redirect this subject to me. ITS NOT ABOUT 
> ME. Its not about you... its about the export laws that in your first comment 
> above, CLEARLY shows that its not acceptable to the local law/governing 
> bodies.
> Your second comment goes on to say that they are to be sent to England. NOT 
> to be sent out of the country to the USA (YOU) or anyone else.
> The meteorites are illegal. Anne knows this, so does the IMCA board. They are 
> just looking the other way when one of the "clique" does it.
> I would have liked the IMCA board to weigh in on this since it does go 
> directly against the code of ethics, but as usual, they will likely remain 
> silent rather then take action against over half the dealers who are members 
> who are breaking the code of ethics. They board should not speak out against 
> the "black market meteorites" when they allow members to conduct activities 
> of the very nature they stand against.
> If I wanted, I could send the person who wrote the story the 7 IMCA members 
> info who are selling illegal meteorites (such as berduc and others mentioned 
> recently) with screen captures and everything from the websites they have it 
> listed on... wonder how that would look to the readers who see the replies 
> from Anne and other IMCA members - even though they already know of the 
> activity! Shame on the IMCA for being so shameful in regards to the equal 
> enforcement of its own rules.
> Jason has his blacklist, but as with the IMCA, he picks and chooses who to 
> include. Farmer is not on there, Ward is not, Haag is not. Mike Miller is not 
> (convicted in GA) and so are many others who have been arrested in 
> conjunction with meteorite hunting or sales/export... If your going to toss 
> dirt, make sure you spread it around where it belongs Jason dont just pick 
> and choose.
> Greg Catterton
> On Ebay:
> On Facebook:
> -

Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread Greg Catterton
Jason said:

 "As best I can tell, the existing arrangement is a domestic protocol
for local officials to follow if they obtain a meteorite.  However,
recent meteorite falls in India have been commandeered by the
government by local officials (and, it seems, GSI employees) with
those officials threatening imprisonment if locals sell their finds.
I wasn't able to find any legal justification for this, but heard
similar stories surrounding both Katol and Sulagiri."

Then said:
"As one can see above, "I am directed to request that all Indian
Meteorites may, in future, be transmitted to the Trustees of the
Indian Museum in preference to sending them direct to England." "

Followed by HIS OPINION
"It would seem that the above letter directly refers to the exportation
of meteorites from India as legal, or at least as legal as it might be
to export a meteorite from England (legal), since the law (if it can
be called that) was a British mandate." 

How can you say that after your first two comments? Anne Black has repeatedly 
stated Sulagiri and meteorites from India are ILLEGAL, same as Berduc and 
Dont side step this and confuse the followers with your opinions Jason... Thats 
almost as silly as trying to redirect this subject to me. ITS NOT ABOUT ME. Its 
not about you... its about the export laws that in your first comment above, 
CLEARLY shows that its not acceptable to the local law/governing bodies. 

Your second comment goes on to say that they are to be sent to England. NOT to 
be sent out of the country to the USA (YOU) or anyone else. 
The meteorites are illegal. Anne knows this, so does the IMCA board. They are 
just looking the other way when one of the "clique" does it.

I would have liked the IMCA board to weigh in on this since it does go directly 
against the code of ethics, but as usual, they will likely remain silent rather 
then take action against over half the dealers who are members who are breaking 
the code of ethics. They board should not speak out against the "black market 
meteorites" when they allow members to conduct activities of the very nature 
they stand against. 

If I wanted, I could send the person who wrote the story the 7 IMCA members 
info who are selling illegal meteorites (such as berduc and others mentioned 
recently) with screen captures and everything from the websites they have it 
listed on... wonder how that would look to the readers who see the replies from 
Anne and other IMCA members - even though they already know of the activity! 
Shame on the IMCA for being so shameful in regards to the equal enforcement of 
its own rules. 
Jason has his blacklist, but as with the IMCA, he picks and chooses who to 
include. Farmer is not on there, Ward is not, Haag is not. Mike Miller is not 
(convicted in GA) and so are many others who have been arrested in conjunction 
with meteorite hunting or sales/export... If your going to toss dirt, make sure 
you spread it around where it belongs Jason dont just pick and choose. 

Greg Catterton
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

- Original Message -
From: jason utas 
To: Meteorite-list 
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - 
good info

Hello Martin, All,
I spent some time looking into the issue as well, after last week's...debacle.

I was unable to find a record of any actual laws pertaining to the
subject, but did find the article that Greg posted and put some
additional work into the matter.

As best I can tell, the existing arrangement is a domestic protocol
for local officials to follow if they obtain a meteorite.  However,
recent meteorite falls in India have been commandeered by the
government by local officials (and, it seems, GSI employees) with
those officials threatening imprisonment if locals sell their finds.
I wasn't able to find any legal justification for this, but heard
similar stories surrounding both Katol and Sulagiri.

The circulars/letters in question appear to have come from the ruling
British Government as instructions for India's Government.

As one can see above, "I am directe

Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread jason utas
Hello Martin, All,
I spent some time looking into the issue as well, after last week's...debacle.

I was unable to find a record of any actual laws pertaining to the
subject, but did find the article that Greg posted and put some
additional work into the matter.

As best I can tell, the existing arrangement is a domestic protocol
for local officials to follow if they obtain a meteorite.  However,
recent meteorite falls in India have been commandeered by the
government by local officials (and, it seems, GSI employees) with
those officials threatening imprisonment if locals sell their finds.
I wasn't able to find any legal justification for this, but heard
similar stories surrounding both Katol and Sulagiri.

The circulars/letters in question appear to have come from the ruling
British Government as instructions for India's Government.

As one can see above, "I am directed to request that all Indian
Meteorites may, in future, be transmitted to the Trustees of the
Indian Museum in preference to sending them direct to England."

It would seem that the above letter directly refers to the exportation
of meteorites from India as legal, or at least as legal as it might be
to export a meteorite from England (legal), since the law (if it can
be called that) was a British mandate.

The only person who offered any information along with their claim --
that the export of Indian meteorites was prohibited -- suggested that
the law had been in place "since 1885."

I, too, was not able to find any such record.  I was also unable to
obtain a copy of Circular No. 13--975, dated 28th of April, 1863.  I
would like to see a copy of it if anyone can find it.

Until then, and barring additional evidence, I would appreciate an
apology from Greg Catterton.


On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Martin Altmann
> Hi,
> I always think, that debates about laws are vain, as long as one has not the 
> very wordings of the law at hand.
> I don't have the Indian law at hand, neither I found anyone, who could show 
> it to me,
> even those, who echo the date from the paper "1885" seem not to have it.
> I by my own found only the same words here:
> Circular No.22-1777, dated 10th of July, 1869, by T.H.Thornton, Secretary to 
> Government Punjab,
> in continuation of circular No.13-975,  dated 28th of April 1863,
> wich is, full quote of the text:
> “directing, that all Indian Meteorites shall be in future transmitted to the 
> Trustees of the Indian Museum.”
> I have no idea, whether that had a status of a law or whether it was only a 
> service regulations to the administrative officers.
> Both, that one and the quote by Schmitt say nothing about ownership, export, 
> compensations ect.
> Then -
> India became independent in 1947 and in 1950 a republic.
> I'm not sure, whether the old laws from the British dominion are still in 
> place.
> If they are btw. what does that mean for meteorites from Pakistan?
> Furthermore:
> Hey reported in 1967 to the UNESCO Working Group on Meteorites,
> that meteorites in India would be treated as "bona vacantia" as given in 
> article 296 of the Indian constitution.
> Find the article here:
> It says that those ownerless objects found on the territory of India, of that 
> kind, which before would be accrued to the King, will be property of the 
> state or federal state.
> Well, I'm not sure, who is meant be the "King" from former time.
> Was it the English King George, Emperor of India?
> And if so, was then British Law in place in the colony?
> Because if so, then like still today in U.K. (compare the hilarious debate in 
> the House of Lords about the "meteorite bill"),
> finds of gold and silver belong to the crown,
> all other you can keep.
> Questions and questions...
> Answer can give only the law, which is in place today.
> But nobody ever saw it :-(
> Martin
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012 19:55
> An: 

Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread Martin Altmann

I always think, that debates about laws are vain, as long as one has not the 
very wordings of the law at hand.
I don't have the Indian law at hand, neither I found anyone, who could show it 
to me,
even those, who echo the date from the paper "1885" seem not to have it.

I by my own found only the same words here:
Circular No.22-1777, dated 10th of July, 1869, by T.H.Thornton, Secretary to 
Government Punjab,
in continuation of circular No.13-975,  dated 28th of April 1863,
wich is, full quote of the text:
“directing, that all Indian Meteorites shall be in future transmitted to the 
Trustees of the Indian Museum.”

I have no idea, whether that had a status of a law or whether it was only a 
service regulations to the administrative officers.

Both, that one and the quote by Schmitt say nothing about ownership, export, 
compensations ect.

Then -
India became independent in 1947 and in 1950 a republic.

I'm not sure, whether the old laws from the British dominion are still in place.

If they are btw. what does that mean for meteorites from Pakistan?


Hey reported in 1967 to the UNESCO Working Group on Meteorites,
that meteorites in India would be treated as "bona vacantia" as given in 
article 296 of the Indian constitution.

Find the article here:

It says that those ownerless objects found on the territory of India, of that 
kind, which before would be accrued to the King, will be property of the state 
or federal state.

Well, I'm not sure, who is meant be the "King" from former time.
Was it the English King George, Emperor of India?
And if so, was then British Law in place in the colony?
Because if so, then like still today in U.K. (compare the hilarious debate in 
the House of Lords about the "meteorite bill"),
finds of gold and silver belong to the crown,
all other you can keep.

Questions and questions...

Answer can give only the law, which is in place today.

But nobody ever saw it :-(

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012 19:55
An: Martin Altmann
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - 
good info

Welcome back to posting. You have been missed. 
You said;
"The information on India doubtful"
This law  is spelled out very specifically and includes the words aerolites. 
How much more specific could you ask? . .
In what way do you doubt it? 
As it stands right now. Anybody with India's meteorites in their collection has 
a tainted collection. 
If this info is incorrect there are hundreds of people that would like this 
Please provide proof that this law is doubtful. Site references or something.


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Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread Martin Altmann
UNESCO-1970 is not a law, but it is a convention to harmonize national laws
of the signing states.

Meteorites can be protected only by national laws.
(Like e.g Namibia, Canada, Australia, South-Africa did).

That is given in the convention's text.

Schmitt's information on Argentina is outdated.

The information on New Zealand is wrong.

The information on India doubtful.

Also Switzerland has a different procedure.

(And also from hearsay - under certain circumstances it seems possible for a
finder to keep his Danekrae).

that paper is not a reliable source.



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Re: [meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread Adam Hupe
I would call this bad info!

This old paper has come up several times and is garbage as far as I am 
concerned.  The late Richard Norton was alarmed about how the UNESCO (laws?) 
were being twisted to include meteorites and rallied against it as soon as this 
infamous paper was published.  As far as I know, the word "meteorite" is not 
mentioned in the original UNESCO works.  I think self-appointed experts 
modified it after the fact without the advice of lawmakers.  The only way I 
view a meteorite could be called cultural property is if it was either 
worshiped or converted to an artifact over 100 years ago.   Meteorites that 
have had no interaction with human beings until they are found should be 
treated the same as rocks.

If one of the purposes of UNESCO is to protect meteorites, then they should 
have been specifically mentioned in the documents.

This being said, some countries specifically mention meteorites being off 
limits but then again, you have to be careful since the laws can and do vary 
for each province or state in foreign countries.  Perhaps an unbiased 
international attorney or panel should investigate the laws since they affect 
all of us.  Until then, use your best judgment. 

Best Regards,


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[meteorite-list] International Laws related to meteorites link - good info

2012-07-19 Thread Greg Catterton
Here is a link to some really good info concerning international laws related 
to meteorites and exportation of them.
It specifically makes note of meteorites from India also.

Greg Catterton
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

- Original Message -
From: Richard Montgomery 
To: bill kies 
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Katol India meteorite - Forbidden Fruit

Time for me to excuse myself from any further comments on this thread, the 
neophyte that I am, with this last one on this topic:  when I mentioned I 
echoed Mike's comments, I see it all from afar as a non-IMCA member, and have 
held onto my perspective that the meteorite world is as pristine as the falls 
and finds we enjoy.   Sad to see the drama.

-Richard Montgomery

- Original Message - From: "bill kies" 
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 9:07 PM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Katol India meteorite - Forbidden Fruit

Sorry Richard but this an endemic issue that will always be viewed with a 
turned head. What bothers me the most is the fact that it get's ignored in 
relation to who is involved. I don't really care who sells an illegal rock 
unless it's an imca member who is sworn to the uphold the truth.. like anyone 
really cares about the imca. The perpetrator rolls the dice. I do get disgusted 
when the people who preach about it all backslide into their own bs. Many have 
preached and done the contrary. Check the archives.

I can accept opportunists and leaches as long as they're up front about it, as 
long as they don't get in my way

> From:
> To:;
> Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 20:32:35 -0700
> CC:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Katol India meteorite - Forbidden Fruit
> A follow-up to clarify...I echo MF's perspective.
> -RM
> - Original Message - From: "Michael Farmer" 
> To: "Greg Catterton" 
> Cc: "jason utas" ; "Meteorite-list"
> Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 3:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Katol India meteorite - Forbidden Fruit
> > Perhaps the job of the IMCA is not to police the world's laws, but to
> > ensure authenticity, which is what it was set up to do.
> >
> >
> > Michael Farmer
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
> >
> > On Jul 14, 2012, at 3:46 PM, Greg Catterton
> >  wrote:
> >
> >> 1. You know more then well I was told it was Mifflin. I FULLY REFUNDED
> >> EVERYONE. Case closed. YOU can "shove off" I had several still not >> 
> >> return
> >> material to me even though they were refunded..., including Mike
> >> Cottingham, and John Helm.
> >>
> >> 2. I spent several thousand of my money to try to open the museum. It
> >> failed. What can I say? I tried... Again, you can "shove off"
> >> 3. I have returned EVERYTHING donated minus one person who I have >> talked
> >> to about it. YOU did nothing yet run your mouth... again, "shove off...
> >>
> >> EXPORTED MATERIAL AND KNOW AS MUCH!!! I didnt know about the mifflin, >> 
> >> you
> >> know the laws about this, and choose to ignore it!
> >>
> >> your comments are pathetic. YOU are breaking international laws, and >> are
> >> an IMCA member to boot... Where is the IMCA right now when you are
> >> selling ILLEGALLY EXPORTED METEORITES? What are they going to do with >> 
> >> you
> >> breaking numerous IMCA rules? ANYONE from the IMCA care to comment or
> >> will they remain quite as that usually do when one of the good ol boys
> >> break the rules?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Greg Catterton
> >>
> >> On Ebay:
> >> On Facebook:
> >>
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: jason utas 
> >> To: Meteorite-list 
> >> Cc:
> >> Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 6:34 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Katol India meteorite - Forbidden Fruit
> >>
> >> Hello Greg,
> >> The gall you must have to pass on thousands of dollars of fake
> >> material, take donations for a good cause, flake on the cause (but
> >> keep many of the donations) and then rag on me for selling *accurately
> >> described material*...just shove off. You've done more harm to this
> >> community on your own than most others have been able to manage in the
> >> past fifteen years.
> >> Jason
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.
> >>
> >> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 9:23 AM,
> >>  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Its Commonly known meteorites from India are illegal without export
> >>> permits, but yet Suligiri and now Katol is offered by many IMCA >>>