Re: [mezzanine-users] Re: Unable to deploy Mezzanine on Digital ocean.

2018-05-27 Thread Data Intelligence
root user for 
> the deployment process. A non-root user will be created for you if you 
> follow the deployment tutorial. In fact you only need to SSH into your 
> Droplet once to change the root password. You don't need to install system 
> nor Python dependencies.
> - Create a new git repository in your development machine and commit all 
> relevant files to it. In change the deployment method to 
> git.
> - Install Fabric 1 with: pip install -U "fabric<2" (quotes are important 
> when specifying versions to pip)
> - Assuming you installed Mezzanine from pip, you may not have the latest 
> version of the fabfile on your system. Go to 
> and replace your local fabfile with that.
> - Follow the Deployment tutorial (Case 1). 
> If you encounter any other issues, I'd be happy to help troubleshoot 
> further. Please include your Mezzanine, Django, Fabric, and Python 
> versions, as well as full tracebacks of the errors you're seeing, and the 
> details of your droplet.
> Finally, I would like to remind you Mezzanine is built and maintained by a 
> community of volunteers. If the software is making you upset and you come 
> here looking for help, the least you can do is assume the volunteers who 
> wrote Mezzanine and who are going to help you out have good intentions. We 
> are not wasting your time, we are not responsible for the changes in the 
> tools we depend on (like Fabric), we have zero obligation to help you 
> develop and deploy a website (yet, we will gladly do it as we've done many 
> times in the past for others). If you've found a bug in the code or an 
> error in the docs, report it without parading how broken or outdated things 
> are. Thanks! :)
> On 2018-05-27 9:10 AM, Data Intelligence wrote:
> Hey Eduardo,
> I am aware your comment was years ago, but I suggest editing it because 
> the instructions given on the mezzanine site DO NOT work, so I suggest 
> either updating them or taking them off all together as to keep others from 
> wasting time.
> What I mean by DO NOT WORK is this:
> 1- Mezzanine is not compatible with python 3
> 2- The dependencies it supposedly automatically installs ARE NOT 
> compatible with each other meaning:
> 3- Fabric that is installed is not compatible with the that is 
> generated.
> 4- When you get done with all that and the days it takes to figure that 
> out and you get to run
> 5- NOT SO FAB ALL you end up with:
> 6- "[localhost] local: rsync  --exclude "*.pyc" --exclude "*.pyo" 
> --exclude "*.db" --exclude ".DS_Store" --exclude ".coverage" --exclude 
> "" --exclude "/static" --exclude "/.git" --exclude "/.hg" 
> -pthrvz  --rsh='ssh  -p 22  ' C:\Users\~\blog_iq\ 
> The source and destination cannot both be remote.
> rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1292) 
> [Receiver=3.1.2]
> 7- So after weeks of trying I no longer have the patience for outdated 
> instructions- SO please either update your instructions or ADD a note at 
> the beginning listing the exact version of the dependencies and even better 
> yet the PYTHON VERSION to begin with. 
> Don't you agree???
> On Monday, March 28, 2016 at 1:54:48 PM UTC-7, Eduardo Rivas wrote: 
>> Thanks Adam. I see you went with Digital Ocean's tutorials. Did you try 
>> the one in Mezzanine's docs? It should work with a completely blank 
>> Ubuntu VPS. 
>> The fabfile should handle not only installing the Mezzanine project, but 
>> all system-level dependencies. The Postgres DB, gunicorn, ngnix, 
>> memcache, and all other pieces should have been installed automatically. 
>> Let me know your thoughts on that. 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Mezzanine Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to .
> For more options, visit

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Re: [mezzanine-users] Re: Unable to deploy Mezzanine on Digital ocean.

2018-05-27 Thread Data Intelligence
Hey Eduardo,
I am aware your comment was years ago, but I suggest editing it because the 
instructions given on the mezzanine site DO NOT work, so I suggest either 
updating them or taking them off all together as to keep others from 
wasting time.
What I mean by DO NOT WORK is this:
1- Mezzanine is not compatible with python 3
2- The dependencies it supposedly automatically installs ARE NOT compatible 
with each other meaning:
3- Fabric that is installed is not compatible with the that is 
4- When you get done with all that and the days it takes to figure that out 
and you get to run
5- NOT SO FAB ALL you end up with:
6- "[localhost] local: rsync  --exclude "*.pyc" --exclude "*.pyo" --exclude 
"*.db" --exclude ".DS_Store" --exclude ".coverage" --exclude 
"" --exclude "/static" --exclude "/.git" --exclude "/.hg" 
-pthrvz  --rsh='ssh  -p 22  ' C:\Users\~\blog_iq\
The source and destination cannot both be remote.
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1292) [Receiver=3.1.2]

7- So after weeks of trying I no longer have the patience for outdated 
instructions- SO please either update your instructions or ADD a note at 
the beginning listing the exact version of the dependencies and even better 
yet the PYTHON VERSION to begin with. 

Don't you agree???

On Monday, March 28, 2016 at 1:54:48 PM UTC-7, Eduardo Rivas wrote:
> Thanks Adam. I see you went with Digital Ocean's tutorials. Did you try 
> the one in Mezzanine's docs? It should work with a completely blank 
> Ubuntu VPS. 
> The fabfile should handle not only installing the Mezzanine project, but 
> all system-level dependencies. The Postgres DB, gunicorn, ngnix, 
> memcache, and all other pieces should have been installed automatically. 
> Let me know your thoughts on that. 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Mezzanine Users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
For more options, visit

[mezzanine-users] rsync error: The source and destination cannot both be remote

2018-05-26 Thread Data Intelligence
As I'm trying to deploy my site it's been a struggle to say the least 
considering the fact that
1- pip installing mezzanine will automatically install a 2+ fabric which is 
not compatible with the it generates
2- had to go back, destroy my droplet
3- install python 2.7
4- I MADE sure to install Fabric==1.12.1
5- that got me past the earlier problems and now I'm dealing with another 
issue and I'm not sure if it is related to using Fabric 1.12.1 or something 
6- running fab all seems to install my virtualenvs and some other files and 
then it gets to this point and I get the same error over and over.

[] out: New python executable in 
[] out: Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
[]] out:
[]] rsync_project: rsync  --exclude "*.pyc" --exclude "*.pyo" 
--exclude "*.db" --exclude ".DS_Store" --exclude ".coverage" --exclude 
"" --exclude "/static" --exclude "/.git" --exclude "/.hg" 
-pthrvz  --rsh='ssh  -p 22
' C:\Users\~\Root\2blog\blog_iq\

[localhost] local: rsync  --exclude "*.pyc" --exclude "*.pyo" --exclude 
"*.db" --exclude ".DS_Store" --exclude ".coverage" --exclude 
"" --exclude "/static" --exclude "/.git" --exclude "/.hg" 
-pthrvz  --rsh='ssh  -p 22
 ' C:\Users\~\Root\2blog\blog_iq\

The source and destination cannot both be remote.
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1292) [Receiver=3.1.2]

Fatal error: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing 
'rsync  --exclude "*.pyc" --exclude "*.pyo" --exclude "*.db" --exclude 
".DS_Store" --exclude ".coverage" --exclude "" --exclude 
"/static" --exclude "/.git" --exclude "/.hg" -pthrvz  --rsh='ssh  -p 22
 ' C:\Users\~\Root\2blog\blog_iq\

Disconnecting from done.

It seems to be a common issue as I've searched all day but yet to find a 
Any suggestions would help, in the meantime I'm going to try to ditch rsync 
and use git and see if I have any hair left after the day.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [mezzanine-users] Deploying to new DigitalOcean Droplet

2018-05-26 Thread Data Intelligence
I restarted everything from scratch meaning:
1- I'm on local windows machine
2- Installed python 2.7  installed Fabric1.12.1 as you all suggested.
3- Got to the fab secure
4- it went on for a few seconds and came back with:  

[root@...] out: Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu10) ...
[root@] out:

 [1;34m$  [0m [1;33madduser --gecos ''  [0m [1;31m -> [0m

[root@] out: adduser: Only one or two names allowed.
[root@..] out:

Fatal error: run() received nonzero return code 1 while executing!

Requested: adduser --gecos ''
Executed: /bin/bash -l -c "adduser --gecos '' "

Disconnecting from root@xx... done.
Before the error above it asked me for the root password!? which I 

then I ran: fab all and asked me for my desktop login password over and 
over and over again and couldn't get past it.

I checked on the remote server and all it did was create a directory with 
my project name and nothing else.

Any ideas ? Is it supposed to ask for my root user and not the user I 
created when I setup my server? 

On Friday, May 25, 2018 at 7:49:15 PM UTC-7, Data Intelligence wrote:
> Carlos, I haven't installed anything on the remote server except the basic 
> pip.. and the other dependencies stated on Mezzanine site once again:
> "
> Users on Debian or Ubuntu will require some system packages to support the 
> imaging library:
> $ apt-get install libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev
> $ apt-get build-dep python-imaging"
> and per instructions fabric is supposed to install whatever fabric is in my 
> requirements.txt file IF I can get past my issues stated earlier.
> On Friday, May 25, 2018 at 7:15:36 PM UTC-7, sacrac wrote:
>> install fabrinc in your local and server same version!!
>> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 7:45 PM, Ken Bolton <> wrote:
>>> Install Fabric version 1, not 2.
>>> On Fri, May 25, 2018, 21:19 Data Intelligence <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've spent two days trying to get past this issue of deployment.
>>>> I'm following the tutorial which is straight forward on the site but 
>>>> can't get past fabric
>>>> Here is the content of my requirements.txt:
>>>> asn1crypto==0.24.0
>>>> bcrypt==3.1.4
>>>> beautifulsoup4==4.6.0
>>>> bleach==2.1.3
>>>> certifi==2018.4.16
>>>> cffi==1.11.5
>>>> chardet==3.0.4
>>>> cryptography==2.2.2
>>>> Django==1.10.8
>>>> django-contrib-comments==1.8.0
>>>> fabric==2.0.1
>>>> filebrowser-safe==0.4.7
>>>> future==0.16.0
>>>> grappelli-safe==0.4.7
>>>> html5lib==1.0.1
>>>> idna==2.6
>>>> invoke==1.0.0
>>>> Mezzanine==4.2.3
>>>> oauthlib==2.0.7
>>>> paramiko==2.4.1
>>>> Pillow==5.1.0
>>>> pyasn1==0.4.2
>>>> pycparser==2.18
>>>> PyNaCl==1.2.1
>>>> pytz==2018.4
>>>> requests==2.18.4
>>>> requests-oauthlib==0.8.0
>>>> six==1.11.0
>>>> South==1.0.2
>>>> tzlocal==1.5.1
>>>> urllib3==1.22
>>>> webencodings==0.5.1
>>>> I am aware that I have to install other dependencies for Ubuntu which I 
>>>> already did but I can't get out of my own desktop yet:
>>>> 1- I have a new droplet on DO
>>>> 2- Created new user 
>>>> 3- Edited my
>>>> 4- Uncommented all the relevant lines in
>>>> 5- From my command prompt, inside venv ran fab secure
>>>> Error 1: No module named fabric.api
>>>> Spent few hours researching to find out it has been replaced with 
>>>> "from fabric import Connection" 
>>>> 6- run fab secure again and now I get
>>>> Error: No module named fabric.context_managers...
>>>> so I commented that line and sure enough new error for the next line 
>>>> and on and on so now my is not so fabulous after all and looks 
>>>> like this, well just the beginning of it anyways because if I can't get 
>>>> past the first few lines I have no use nor the time of doing this for 2 
>>>> more days:
>>>> from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
>>>> from future.builtins import open

Re: [mezzanine-users] Deploying to new DigitalOcean Droplet

2018-05-25 Thread Data Intelligence
Carlos, I haven't installed anything on the remote server except the basic 
pip.. and the other dependencies stated on Mezzanine site once again:


Users on Debian or Ubuntu will require some system packages to support the 
imaging library:

$ apt-get install libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev
$ apt-get build-dep python-imaging"

and per instructions fabric is supposed to install whatever fabric is in my 
requirements.txt file IF I can get past my issues stated earlier.

On Friday, May 25, 2018 at 7:15:36 PM UTC-7, sacrac wrote:
> install fabrinc in your local and server same version!!
> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 7:45 PM, Ken Bolton < 
> > wrote:
>> Install Fabric version 1, not 2.
>> On Fri, May 25, 2018, 21:19 Data Intelligence < 
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've spent two days trying to get past this issue of deployment.
>>> I'm following the tutorial which is straight forward on the site but 
>>> can't get past fabric
>>> Here is the content of my requirements.txt:
>>> asn1crypto==0.24.0
>>> bcrypt==3.1.4
>>> beautifulsoup4==4.6.0
>>> bleach==2.1.3
>>> certifi==2018.4.16
>>> cffi==1.11.5
>>> chardet==3.0.4
>>> cryptography==2.2.2
>>> Django==1.10.8
>>> django-contrib-comments==1.8.0
>>> fabric==2.0.1
>>> filebrowser-safe==0.4.7
>>> future==0.16.0
>>> grappelli-safe==0.4.7
>>> html5lib==1.0.1
>>> idna==2.6
>>> invoke==1.0.0
>>> Mezzanine==4.2.3
>>> oauthlib==2.0.7
>>> paramiko==2.4.1
>>> Pillow==5.1.0
>>> pyasn1==0.4.2
>>> pycparser==2.18
>>> PyNaCl==1.2.1
>>> pytz==2018.4
>>> requests==2.18.4
>>> requests-oauthlib==0.8.0
>>> six==1.11.0
>>> South==1.0.2
>>> tzlocal==1.5.1
>>> urllib3==1.22
>>> webencodings==0.5.1
>>> I am aware that I have to install other dependencies for Ubuntu which I 
>>> already did but I can't get out of my own desktop yet:
>>> 1- I have a new droplet on DO
>>> 2- Created new user 
>>> 3- Edited my
>>> 4- Uncommented all the relevant lines in
>>> 5- From my command prompt, inside venv ran fab secure
>>> Error 1: No module named fabric.api
>>> Spent few hours researching to find out it has been replaced with 
>>> "from fabric import Connection" 
>>> 6- run fab secure again and now I get
>>> Error: No module named fabric.context_managers...
>>> so I commented that line and sure enough new error for the next line and 
>>> on and on so now my is not so fabulous after all and looks like 
>>> this, well just the beginning of it anyways because if I can't get past the 
>>> first few lines I have no use nor the time of doing this for 2 more days:
>>> from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
>>> from future.builtins import open
>>> import os
>>> import re
>>> import sys
>>> from contextlib import contextmanager
>>> from functools import wraps
>>> from getpass import getpass, getuser
>>> from glob import glob
>>> from importlib import import_module
>>> from posixpath import join
>>> from mezzanine.utils.conf import real_project_name
>>> from fabric import Connection
>>> # from fabric.api import abort, env, cd, prefix, sudo as _sudo, run as 
>>> _run, \
>>> # hide, task, local
>>> # from fabric.context_managers import settings as fab_settings
>>> # from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
>>> # from fabric.contrib.files import exists, upload_template
>>> # from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
>>> # from fabric.colors import yellow, green, blue, red
>>> # from fabric.decorators import hosts
>>> # Config setup #
>>> if not hasattr(env, "proj_app"):
>>> env.proj_app = real_project_name("blog_iq")
>>> conf = {}
>>> if sys.argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1] in ("fab", ""):
>>> # Ensure we import settings from the current dir
>>> try:
>>> conf = import_module("%s.settings" % env.proj_app).FABRIC
>>> try:
>>> conf["HOSTS"][0]

Re: [mezzanine-users] Deploying to new DigitalOcean Droplet

2018-05-25 Thread Data Intelligence
Even though the instruction on Mezzanine site explicitly state:
"The easiest method is to install directly from pypi using pip 
<> by running the command below, which will 
also install the required dependencies mentioned above:
pip install mezzanine"

which I did and it automatically installed fabric 2

I thought of that and uninstalled fabric and tried to pip install fabric==1 
and sadly got this error:

Collecting fabric==1
  Using cached
Complete output from command python egg_info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "C:\~\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-gsu3w7_s\fabric\", 
line 7, in 
from fabric.version import get_version
line 95
raise TypeError, '"%s" is not a valid form specifier.' % form
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in 

On Friday, May 25, 2018 at 6:45:25 PM UTC-7, Kenneth Bolton wrote:
> Install Fabric version 1, not 2.
> On Fri, May 25, 2018, 21:19 Data Intelligence < 
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've spent two days trying to get past this issue of deployment.
>> I'm following the tutorial which is straight forward on the site but 
>> can't get past fabric
>> Here is the content of my requirements.txt:
>> asn1crypto==0.24.0
>> bcrypt==3.1.4
>> beautifulsoup4==4.6.0
>> bleach==2.1.3
>> certifi==2018.4.16
>> cffi==1.11.5
>> chardet==3.0.4
>> cryptography==2.2.2
>> Django==1.10.8
>> django-contrib-comments==1.8.0
>> fabric==2.0.1
>> filebrowser-safe==0.4.7
>> future==0.16.0
>> grappelli-safe==0.4.7
>> html5lib==1.0.1
>> idna==2.6
>> invoke==1.0.0
>> Mezzanine==4.2.3
>> oauthlib==2.0.7
>> paramiko==2.4.1
>> Pillow==5.1.0
>> pyasn1==0.4.2
>> pycparser==2.18
>> PyNaCl==1.2.1
>> pytz==2018.4
>> requests==2.18.4
>> requests-oauthlib==0.8.0
>> six==1.11.0
>> South==1.0.2
>> tzlocal==1.5.1
>> urllib3==1.22
>> webencodings==0.5.1
>> I am aware that I have to install other dependencies for Ubuntu which I 
>> already did but I can't get out of my own desktop yet:
>> 1- I have a new droplet on DO
>> 2- Created new user 
>> 3- Edited my
>> 4- Uncommented all the relevant lines in
>> 5- From my command prompt, inside venv ran fab secure
>> Error 1: No module named fabric.api
>> Spent few hours researching to find out it has been replaced with 
>> "from fabric import Connection" 
>> 6- run fab secure again and now I get
>> Error: No module named fabric.context_managers...
>> so I commented that line and sure enough new error for the next line and 
>> on and on so now my is not so fabulous after all and looks like 
>> this, well just the beginning of it anyways because if I can't get past the 
>> first few lines I have no use nor the time of doing this for 2 more days:
>> from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
>> from future.builtins import open
>> import os
>> import re
>> import sys
>> from contextlib import contextmanager
>> from functools import wraps
>> from getpass import getpass, getuser
>> from glob import glob
>> from importlib import import_module
>> from posixpath import join
>> from mezzanine.utils.conf import real_project_name
>> from fabric import Connection
>> # from fabric.api import abort, env, cd, prefix, sudo as _sudo, run as 
>> _run, \
>> # hide, task, local
>> # from fabric.context_managers import settings as fab_settings
>> # from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
>> # from fabric.contrib.files import exists, upload_template
>> # from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
>> # from fabric.colors import yellow, green, blue, red
>> # from fabric.decorators import hosts
>> # Config setup #
>> if not hasattr(env, "proj_app"):
>> env.proj_app = real_project_name("blog_iq")
>> conf = {}
>> if sys.argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1] in ("fab", 

[mezzanine-users] Deploying to new DigitalOcean Droplet

2018-05-25 Thread Data Intelligence
I've spent two days trying to get past this issue of deployment.

I'm following the tutorial which is straight forward on the site but can't 
get past fabric

Here is the content of my requirements.txt:

I am aware that I have to install other dependencies for Ubuntu which I 
already did but I can't get out of my own desktop yet:

1- I have a new droplet on DO
2- Created new user 
3- Edited my
4- Uncommented all the relevant lines in
5- From my command prompt, inside venv ran fab secure

Error 1: No module named fabric.api
Spent few hours researching to find out it has been replaced with 
"from fabric import Connection" 

6- run fab secure again and now I get
Error: No module named fabric.context_managers...
so I commented that line and sure enough new error for the next line and on 
and on so now my is not so fabulous after all and looks like 
this, well just the beginning of it anyways because if I can't get past the 
first few lines I have no use nor the time of doing this for 2 more days:

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from future.builtins import open

import os
import re
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
from getpass import getpass, getuser
from glob import glob
from importlib import import_module
from posixpath import join

from mezzanine.utils.conf import real_project_name
from fabric import Connection
# from fabric.api import abort, env, cd, prefix, sudo as _sudo, run as 
_run, \
# hide, task, local
# from fabric.context_managers import settings as fab_settings
# from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
# from fabric.contrib.files import exists, upload_template
# from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
# from fabric.colors import yellow, green, blue, red
# from fabric.decorators import hosts

# Config setup #

if not hasattr(env, "proj_app"):
env.proj_app = real_project_name("blog_iq")

conf = {}
if sys.argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1] in ("fab", ""):
# Ensure we import settings from the current dir
conf = import_module("%s.settings" % env.proj_app).FABRIC
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise ImportError
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
print("Aborting, no hosts defined.")

env.db_pass = conf.get("DB_PASS", None)
env.admin_pass = conf.get("ADMIN_PASS", None)
env.user = conf.get("SSH_USER", getuser())
env.password = conf.get("SSH_PASS", None)
env.key_filename = conf.get("SSH_KEY_PATH", None)
env.hosts = conf.get("HOSTS", [""])

env.proj_name = conf.get("PROJECT_NAME", env.proj_app)
env.venv_home = conf.get("VIRTUALENV_HOME", "/home/%s/.virtualenvs" % 
env.venv_path = join(env.venv_home, env.proj_name)
env.proj_path = "/home/%s/mezzanine/%s" % (env.user, env.proj_name)
env.manage = "%s/bin/python %s/" % (env.venv_path, env.proj_path) = conf.get("DOMAINS", [conf.get("LIVE_HOSTNAME", env.hosts[0])])
env.domains_nginx = " ".join(
env.domains_regex = "|".join(
env.domains_python = ", ".join(["'%s'" % s for s in])
env.ssl_disabled = "#" if len( > 1 else ""
env.vcs_tools = ["git", "hg"]
env.deploy_tool = conf.get("DEPLOY_TOOL", "rsync")
env.reqs_path = conf.get("REQUIREMENTS_PATH", None)
env.locale = conf.get("LOCALE", "en_US.UTF-8")
env.num_workers = conf.get("NUM_WORKERS",
   "multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1")

env.secret_key = conf.get("SECRET_KEY", "")
env.nevercache_key = conf.get("NEVERCACHE_KEY", "")

if not env.secret_key:
print("Aborting, no SECRET_KEY setting defined.")

# Remote git repos need to be "bare" and reside separated from the project
if env.deploy_tool == "git":
env.repo_path = "/home/%s/git/%s.git" % (env.user, env.proj_name)
env.repo_path = env.proj_path


Well now you can imagine what the next error is going to be, RIGHT!
NAMEERROR: name 'env' is NOT DEFINED  well of course is not defined, so can 
someone tell me why is this file created to begin with if I just installed 
2.0.1 and the file created is OUTDATED already??

DO I punt and move on with my life or have a beer or both?

If anyone can help it would be appreciated, maybe I'll send you the beer.


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