Re: Predictable network interface numbering

2011-02-04 Thread Gregory Edigarov
On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 09:00:10 -0500
Jean H. Theoret wrote:

 This one's got me stumped for a few days now...
 How is it possible to control the network interface numbering
 assignment order?
 Here's my specific case: the box has 2 on-board Ethernet interfaces
 and a 3rd one on a PCI-Express card. They come up as:
re0: PCI-Express card
re1: on-board interface #1
re2: on-board interface #2
 A recent event had disabled the PCI card, and the remaining network
 interfaces ended up being reassigned (upon the next reboot, of
 course) as:
re0: on-board interface #1
re1: on-board interface #2
 Could this have been prevented by forcing network interface assignment
 to on-board interface _first_, then the PCI card? Or is there a way to
 bind network interface assignment to the adapter's MAC address as
 numbering hint?

I think you should be fine using the tricks like bringing the real
interface to vether(4), or even doing trunk(4) with only one running
interface. YMMV, though. 

With best regards,
Gregory Edigarov

Ultimi articoli di COSTUME E SOCIETA'

2011-02-04 Thread NanniMagazine

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[IMAGE] Natura terapeutica: in Umbria nascono i parchi 'curativi'

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[IMAGE] Divorzi conflittuali: il massacro psicologico dei figli contesi

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Ils prennent l'habitude de ne pas payer

2011-02-04 Thread Marie Call
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La journie de formation au recouvrement par tiliphone, c'est :

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compliter ses connaissances par une mithodologie de relances.

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Le formateur : Madeleine GORRIAS 

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Re: Predictable network interface numbering

2011-02-04 Thread frantisek holop
hmm, on Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 01:28:31PM +1100, Rod Whitworth said that
 So it's easy to remember 0 is for 0utside, 1 is for 1nside and 2 is for

that is really nice actually.  now i appreciate the blanket numbering more.

has a room temperature iq.

make keep state (no-sync) the default?

2011-02-04 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks,

from a previous thread on this list I learned that
keep state (no-sync) should be added to all rules
concerning either a local service or local client
running on the gateway itself.

Esp. when you do nat this becomes pretty error-prone.
Its easy to forget.

AFAICS something like

match out from self to any keep state (no-sync)
match out on $ext_if inet nat-to ($ext_if:0)

is not allowed (keep state is great, but only for pass
rules). Is there some other way to avoid a lot of
keep state (no-sync) statements?

Any helpful comment would be highly appreciated.



Re: antispoof quick for self

2011-02-04 Thread Stuart Henderson
** moving from misc@ to tech@, reply-to is set to tech@ **

Harald Dunkel wrote:
 If I add antispoof quick for self to my pf.conf to enable
 antispoofing on all interfaces, then I get these additional

 block drop in quick on ! self inet from __automatic_3df3184e_0 to any
 block drop in quick on ! self inet6 from ::1 to any
 block drop in quick inet6 from ::1 to any
 block drop in quick on lo0 inet6 from fe80::1 to any
 block drop in quick on em0 inet6 from fe80::260:e0ff:fe4b:d2ec to any
 block drop in quick on em1 inet6 from fe80::260:e0ff:fe4b:d2ed to any
 block drop in quick on em5 inet6 from fe80::260:e0ff:fe4b:d2f1 to any
 block drop in quick on em6 inet6 from fe80::260:e0ff:fe4b:d2f2 to any
 block drop in quick on carp0 inet6 from fe80::200:5eff:fe00:10a to any
 block drop in quick on carp1 inet6 from fe80::200:5eff:fe00:107 to any
 block drop in quick on carp5 inet6 from fe80::200:5eff:fe00:111 to any
 block drop in quick inet from __automatic_3df3184e_1 to any

 The automatic tables contain the local networks and the local
 IP addresses, including carp interfaces.

 I am not sure about the on ! self. Ain't this a contradiction
 in terms?

 Sorry for asking, but self is just very briefly described on
 pf.conf(5). Any helpful comment would be highly appreciated.

Using self to represent all addresses on the system is only
valid in a context where an IP address would be used (refer to
the BNF at the bottom of pf.conf(5) which is probably the best
guide to the file format; self is used in hosts and tableaddr).

The antispoof keyword accepts the name of an interface or an
interface group, so in this case it is being interpreted as
an interface group. However (unless you have created it)
there is no actual group named self.

And actually, even if a group of that name exists, antispoof doesn't
behave correctly unless the group only contains a single interface.
I think it would have to expand groups at config-load time to the set
of interfaces in that group e.g. treat 'antispoof for somegroup' as
if you wrote 'antispoof for em0', 'antispoof for em1', etc. for each
member of the group.

As a discussion point this diff (not intended to commit as-is)
prevents groups/self from being used in antispoof, but it's a bit
unpleasant for anyone who uses antispoof for egress with a single
interface in the egress group, which is treated sanely without this

Index: parse.y
RCS file: /cvs/src/sbin/pfctl/parse.y,v
retrieving revision 1.597
diff -u -p -r1.597 parse.y
--- parse.y 31 Dec 2010 12:15:31 -  1.597
+++ parse.y 4 Feb 2011 11:59:09 -
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ antispoof : ANTISPOOF logquick antispoof
h-addr.iflags = PFI_AFLAG_NETWORK;
} else {
h = ifa_lookup(j-ifname,
hh = NULL;
@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ antispoof : ANTISPOOF logquick antispoof
if (hh != NULL)
h = hh;
-   h = ifa_lookup(i-ifname, 0);
+   h = ifa_lookup(i-ifname, 0, 0);
if (h != NULL)
expand_rule(r, 0, NULL, NULL,
Index: pfctl_parser.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sbin/pfctl/pfctl_parser.c,v
retrieving revision 1.273
diff -u -p -r1.273 pfctl_parser.c
--- pfctl_parser.c  23 Jan 2011 11:19:55 -  1.273
+++ pfctl_parser.c  4 Feb 2011 11:59:09 -
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ ifa_grouplookup(const char *ifa_name, in
for (ifg = ifgr.ifgr_groups; ifg  len = sizeof(struct ifg_req);
ifg++) {
len -= sizeof(struct ifg_req);
-   if ((n = ifa_lookup(ifg-ifgrq_member, flags)) == NULL)
+   if ((n = ifa_lookup(ifg-ifgrq_member, flags, 1)) == NULL)
if (h == NULL)
h = n;
@@ -1334,16 +1334,16 @@ ifa_grouplookup(const char *ifa_name, in
 struct node_host *
-ifa_lookup(const char *ifa_name, int flags)
+ifa_lookup(const char *ifa_name, int flags, int allow_group)
struct node_host*p = NULL, *h = NULL, *n = NULL;
int  got4 = 0, got6 = 0;
const char   *last_if = NULL;
-   if ((h = ifa_grouplookup(ifa_name, flags)) != NULL)
+   if (allow_group  (h = ifa_grouplookup(ifa_name, flags)) != 

Re: Predictable disk device numbering

2011-02-04 Thread Christopher Zimmermann

I have a similar problem since I an using softraid to encrypt /var and
/home. The softraid device is usually on sd0. But when I have an usb
mass storage device plugged in during boot up it gets assigned to sd0
and softraid gets sd1. Still, my fstab tries to mount from /dev/sd0X.
This can be annoying.
Is there no way to reserve sd0 or tell bioctl to use a higher number for
the softraid sdX? With vnd(3) this is not so much of a problem, because
vnd(3) devices won't conflict with unpredictable things like usb-sticks,
which share the sd(4) namespace.


Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Pete Vickers
On 3. feb. 2011, at 17.37, Bret S. Lambert wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 07:31:01AM -0800, Johan Beisser wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2011, at 5:17, Martin SchrC6der wrote:
 2011/2/3 Bret Lambert
 Counting my toaster?
 Your toaster has an IP?
 Yours doesn't?
 He's got IPv6! His *cockroaches' toasters* have IPs!

He don't appear to 'have' IPv6...


Audio-Video-Iluminacion para tus Eventos

2011-02-04 Thread Fernando Fernandez
Tienes un evento?
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BeatBox te ofrece audio, video e iluminacisn para tus eventos
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Fernando Fernandez

Re: Predictable disk device numbering

2011-02-04 Thread Matthias Guedemann
On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:32:15 +0100, Christopher Zimmermann 
 I have a similar problem since I an using softraid to encrypt /var and
 /home. The softraid device is usually on sd0. But when I have an usb
 mass storage device plugged in during boot up it gets assigned to sd0
 and softraid gets sd1. Still, my fstab tries to mount from /dev/sd0X.
 This can be annoying.

it is, but an easy way to avoid this is to use the UID to mount. If your
sd0X has no UID, simply open it with disklabel and save without other
changes - this generates one. You can then change /dev/sd0X to UID.X in
your fstab.


Re: Predictable disk device numbering

2011-02-04 Thread Nick Holland

On 02/04/2011 08:32 AM, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:


I have a similar problem since I an using softraid to encrypt /var and
/home. The softraid device is usually on sd0. But when I have an usb
mass storage device plugged in during boot up it gets assigned to sd0
and softraid gets sd1. Still, my fstab tries to mount from /dev/sd0X.
This can be annoying.
Is there no way to reserve sd0 or tell bioctl to use a higher number for
the softraid sdX? With vnd(3) this is not so much of a problem, because
vnd(3) devices won't conflict with unpredictable things like usb-sticks,
which share the sd(4) namespace.


man diskmap
man mount  (search for UID)


Re: Predictable disk device numbering

2011-02-04 Thread Christopher Zimmermann
On 02/04/11 15:10, Matthias Guedemann wrote:
 On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:32:15 +0100, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
 I have a similar problem since I an using softraid to encrypt /var and
 /home. The softraid device is usually on sd0. But when I have an usb
 mass storage device plugged in during boot up it gets assigned to sd0
 and softraid gets sd1. Still, my fstab tries to mount from /dev/sd0X.
 This can be annoying.
 it is, but an easy way to avoid this is to use the UID to mount. If your
 sd0X has no UID, simply open it with disklabel and save without other
 changes - this generates one. You can then change /dev/sd0X to UID.X in
 your fstab.

Thanks! Just what I needed :)

Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Martin Schröder
2011/2/4 Pete Vickers
 He don't appear to 'have' IPv6...

DTAG will offer v6 to all it's customers later this year.
It's only the largest telco in Germany. :-)


Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Joakim Aronius
* Ted Unangst ( wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Martin Schrvder wrote:
  2011/2/2 Henning Brauer
  who sez that your made up isp has to hand out network-wide unique IPs
  to his customers?
  AFAIK Comcast already has 2^24 customers.
 And they seem to be doing just fine.  What's the problem again?

..dont want to fuel a flame war here but i heard stuff like ATT is using 40 
instances of 10/8 indicates that big operators needs to bend themselves 
backwards to get their stuff together. 

And T-Mobile US is about to launch an IPv6 only + NAT64 mobile service, will be 
interesting to see how that plays out..


Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Bret Lambert
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Martin Schrvder wrote:
 2011/2/4 Pete Vickers
 He don't appear to 'have' IPv6...

 DTAG will offer v6 to all it's customers later this year.
 It's only the largest telco in Germany. :-)

The US has been offering freedom to the world for a while now.
It's only the largest republic in the world :-)

Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Martin Schröder
2011/2/4 Bret Lambert
 The US has been offering freedom to the world for a while now.
 It's only the largest republic in the world :-)

No, that's India (people). Or Russia (size).


Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Daniel Gracia

El 04/02/2011 16:15, Martin Schrvder escribis:

2011/2/4 Bret

The US has been offering freedom to the world for a while now.
It's only the largest republic in the world :-)

No, that's India (people). Or Russia (size).


Still US (money). Take your pick.

Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Martin Schröder
2011/2/4 Joakim Aronius
 ..dont want to fuel a flame war here but i heard stuff like ATT is using 40 
 instances of 10/8 indicates that big operators needs to bend themselves 
 backwards to get their stuff together.

Carrier grade NAT is less bullshit than ipv6. :-)

Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Joakim Aronius
* Joakim Aronius ( wrote:
 ..dont want to fuel a flame war here but i heard stuff like ATT is using 40 
 instances of 10/8 indicates that big operators needs to bend themselves 
 backwards to get their stuff together. 

Need to correct myself there, should be Verizon Wireless, not ATT.


Re: make keep state (no-sync) the default?

2011-02-04 Thread Henning Brauer
* Harald Dunkel [2011-02-04 14:31]:
 Is there some other way to avoid a lot of keep state (no-sync)

is there some other way to make people READ the fucking mnapages we
put so much effort in?

Henning Brauer,,
BS Web Services,
Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting

Re: make keep state (no-sync) the default?

2011-02-04 Thread Daniel Gracia

El 04/02/2011 18:56, Henning Brauer escribis:

* Harald  [2011-02-04 14:31]:

Is there some other way to avoid a lot of keep state (no-sync)

is there some other way to make people READ the fucking mnapages we
put so much effort in?

You're talking nonsense; of course no!

PD: Some of us don't forget that udp mode, non-forking, non-blocking 
mods for tcpbench... I must stop slacking! xDDD

Re: nat static-port option

2011-02-04 Thread Joakim Aronius
* Martin Schrvder ( wrote:
 Carrier grade NAT is less bullshit than ipv6. :-)

Arbor networks just released their new 'Worldwide Infrastructure Report' which
was interesting. In particular the rising threat of DDOS and the use of
statefull network gear in mobile networks, such as DPI and NAT...

The complexities of IPv6, as eloquently expressed by Henning, will surely
result in some interesting security issues..

Now I think we shall let this thread come to rest as this is a bit out of
topic. (and before someone refrains to name calling, I was almost called 'IPv6
fanboy' at one point).

Have a nice weekend :)

IPv6 router with static addresses assignment not works

2011-02-04 Thread Evgeniy Sudyr
Hi all:

I have problem with my ipv6 router (two NICs) running on 4.8. I have
external IP address /64 and routed by ISP /48 network through that IP.
I want to use static addressing in my internal network, so I've choose
one /64 subnet in my /48 network and assigned xx::1 to my internal
router and assigned xx::2 IP and xx::1 to client host in my internal

1) I'm able to ping client host from router and vice versa.
2) Firewall permitting icmp6 and not blocks packets (I'm logging
blocked packets and checked with tcpdump on pflog0).
3) I'm able to reach external IPv6 hosts from router and I'm able to
ping router from remote ipv6 hosts. problem is that
4) I can't reach external hosts from my client host xx::2 (or any
other IP).  I don't see requests on router's internal interface, but
see it with tcpdump on client host.
5) When I'm trying to ping client host from external host I see on
client host that packets reach client host and sends response but that
responses not reach xx::1. Ipv6 forwarding is enabled 100%.

Does anybody have clue why it not works?

Magic happens when I'm starting rtadvd re0 -c /etc/rtadvd.conf (where
I have same network specified) - then it works :).

My NIC is re0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 D-Link DGE-528T rev 0x10:
RTL8169/8110SB (0x1000), apic 2 int 20 (irq 12), address
rgephy0 at re0 phy 7: RTL8169S/8110S PHY, rev. 3

# sysctl -a | grep inet6

# uname -a
OpenBSD gateway 4.8 GENERIC.MP#335 amd64

With regards,
Eugene Sudyr

Re: make keep state (no-sync) the default?

2011-02-04 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 18:56:28 +0100
Henning Brauer wrote:

 is there some other way to make people READ the fucking mnapages we
 put so much effort in?

laser etcher + contact lens and super glue

Re: make keep state (no-sync) the default?

2011-02-04 Thread Kurt Mosiejczuk

Kevin Chadwick wrote:

On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 18:56:28 +0100
Henning Brauer wrote:

is there some other way to make people READ the fucking mnapages we
put so much effort in?

laser etcher + contact lens and super glue

I'm positive that that still won't work for some folks.


Re: make keep state (no-sync) the default?

2011-02-04 Thread Kurt Mosiejczuk

Henning Brauer wrote:

* Harald Dunkel [2011-02-04 14:31]:

Is there some other way to avoid a lot of keep state (no-sync)

is there some other way to make people READ the fucking mnapages we
put so much effort in?

If you figure that out, I think you'll be a very rich man.


By default, should `lynx your external IP` work?

2011-02-04 Thread Ezequiel Garzón
Hello! By chance I tried this from my fresh OpenBSD VPS, which I
assume has had a default installation. Basically by chance (it didn't
make much sense) I tried lynx external IP *from my VPS*, and it
didn't work, even though it did work from my desktop PC:

Looking up external IP first
Looking up external IP
Making HTTP connection to external IP
Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.

lynx: Can't access startfile http://external IP/

But there's more. A similar situation happens with ping (which, again,
works when called from another computer):

PING external IP (external IP): 56 data bytes
--- external IP ping statistics ---
219 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

Is this normal behavior by default? I know both things work from other
OSes, so I'm wondering if this has something to do with OpenBSD's
added security measures.

Thank you in advance for your help.



Re: By default, should `lynx your external IP` work?

2011-02-04 Thread Benny Lofgren
On 2011-02-04 21.12, Ezequiel Garzsn wrote:
 Hello! By chance I tried this from my fresh OpenBSD VPS, which I
 assume has had a default installation. Basically by chance (it didn't
 make much sense) I tried lynx external IP *from my VPS*, and it
 didn't work, even though it did work from my desktop PC:
 Looking up external IP first
 Looking up external IP
 Making HTTP connection to external IP
 Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
 lynx: Can't access startfile http://external IP/
 But there's more. A similar situation happens with ping (which, again,
 works when called from another computer):
 PING external IP (external IP): 56 data bytes
 --- external IP ping statistics ---
 219 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
 Is this normal behavior by default? I know both things work from other
 OSes, so I'm wondering if this has something to do with OpenBSD's
 added security measures.

No, this is not normal behaviour. Your VPS provider have some explaining
to do.

(And by the way, making things not work is hardly ever an added
security measure - it's just a plain inconvenience. And inconvenienced
people tend to be more prone to do something stupid while trying to work
around their inconvenience than people whos stuff just work as expected...)


-- / work:   +46 8 551 124 80  / Words must
Benny Lvfgren/  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90 /   be weighed,
/   fax:+46 8 551 124 89/not counted.
   /email:  benny -at-

dell latitude d430 + port replicator -- is okay?

2011-02-04 Thread Sviatoslav Chagaev

I want to buy a DELL Latitude D430 + a port replicator (for the DVI and
LPT ports).

Does this laptop work okay with OBSD?

How about the port replicator? Does it need any kind of support from
the OS (e.g. drivers) or is it just an electromechanical contraption?


Re: dell latitude d430 + port replicator -- is okay?

2011-02-04 Thread Ron McDowell

Sviatoslav Chagaev wrote:


I want to buy a DELL Latitude D430 + a port replicator (for the DVI and
LPT ports).

Does this laptop work okay with OBSD?

How about the port replicator? Does it need any kind of support from
the OS (e.g. drivers) or is it just an electromechanical contraption?


I have loaded 4.6 or .7 on a D430 and don't remember any problems. 
Printer and serial worked, as did the optical drive I installed from.  
Ethernet and wifi worked on mine but wifi might depend on what adapter 
is in it.  I never tried X or the DVI plug but X on other BSDs and UXes 
has worked fine in the past.

Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX

Re: dell latitude d430 + port replicator -- is okay?

2011-02-04 Thread Martin Schröder
2011/2/5 Sviatoslav Chagaev
 How about the port replicator? Does it need any kind of support from
 the OS (e.g. drivers) or is it just an electromechanical contraption?

If you mean a PR01X: The latter. It just works.


Re: IPv6 router with static addresses assignment not works

2011-02-04 Thread Evgeniy Sudyr

I set default gateway and it's present in routes list :). I've sorted
out and solved problem!!!

Unfortunatelly all of my office clients are Windows OSes which are too
USER FRIENDLY and it added Site-local route automatically :)

I was wondered to see this:

C:\Users\Evgeniy.Sudyrnetsh int ipv6 show route

Publish  Type  Met  PrefixIdx  Gateway/Interface Name
---    ---    ---  
No   Manual256  ::/0   11  fe80::218:e7ff:fefc:4a20
No   Manual256::/0   11

 Where 2aaa::::1b:1::1 is statically set IPv6 default
gateway and fe80::218:e7ff:fefc:4a20 as automatically assigned IP
address with the same metric (I've used defaults and don't played with
it before).

With tcpdump I figured that it uses fe80::218:e7ff:fefc:4a20 as
default gateway all the time.

Obviously solution was to change metric value to something lower which
will be used instead fe80 router which is local address :).

To change route metric just simply use netsh or GUI :)

netsh int ipv6 set route ::/0 11 2aaa::::1b:1::1 0 100 no

Hope this will be useful for somebody else.

OpenBSD rocks!

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Joakim Aronius wrote:
 * Evgeniy Sudyr ( wrote:
 Magic happens when I'm starting rtadvd re0 -c /etc/rtadvd.conf (where
 I have same network specified) - then it works :).

 Hi there Evgeniy,

 Problem is that when you statically configure the IP parameters you do not 
 set the default gateway so the client does not know where to send packets 
 outside the v6 LAN.

 In my machines I have a line like this in my hostname.if
 !/sbin/route add -inet6 default 2001:db8:cc17:5::1

 ..but now when I have a look it seems like since 4.8 it is supported to ad a 
 default gateway address to /etc/mygate in the same way as for IPv4. So if you 
 only have a default GW thats what you should do.


With regards,
Eugene Sudyr

Re: By default, should `lynx your external IP` work?

2011-02-04 Thread Ezequiel Garzón
Thank you, Benny. I thought so, but wasn't sure.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:35 PM, Benny Lofgren wrote:
 On 2011-02-04 21.12, Ezequiel Garzsn wrote:
 Hello! By chance I tried this from my fresh OpenBSD VPS, which I
 assume has had a default installation. Basically by chance (it didn't
 make much sense) I tried lynx external IP *from my VPS*, and it
 didn't work, even though it did work from my desktop PC:
 Looking up external IP first
 Looking up external IP
 Making HTTP connection to external IP
 Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
 lynx: Can't access startfile http://external IP/
 But there's more. A similar situation happens with ping (which, again,
 works when called from another computer):
 PING external IP (external IP): 56 data bytes
 --- external IP ping statistics ---
 219 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
 Is this normal behavior by default? I know both things work from other
 OSes, so I'm wondering if this has something to do with OpenBSD's
 added security measures.

 No, this is not normal behaviour. Your VPS provider have some explaining
 to do.

 (And by the way, making things not work is hardly ever an added
 security measure - it's just a plain inconvenience. And inconvenienced
 people tend to be more prone to do something stupid while trying to work
 around their inconvenience than people whos stuff just work as expected...)


 -- / work:   +46 8 551 124 80  / Words must
 Benny Lvfgren/  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90 /   be weighed,
/   fax:+46 8 551 124 89/not counted.
   /email:  benny -at-

Re: Relayd -- FQDN length limit?

2011-02-04 Thread Ted Unangst
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Andrew Klettke
 If we define a relay with a hostname that is longer than 32 characters, we
 get the following:
 Feb  1 22:14:00 fw02 relayd[22062]: fatal: relay_init: failed to create SSL
 context: No buffer space available

That error may be misleading.  I can't find any references to ENOBUFS
in relayd or openssl, and I don't think openssl uses errno much
anyway.  I think you should turn on debugging, it will provide better

Newsletter Suzuki | Poupar está na moda

2011-02-04 Thread Suzuki
 Siga as tendjncias actuais com o Suzuki Alto.
  Suzuki - Way of Life! Siga as tendjncias actuais com o Suzuki
Alto.  Siga as tendjncias
actuais com o Suzuki Alto.
  Siga as tendjncias actuais com o Suzuki Alto. Siga as
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 Siga as tendjncias actuais com o Suzuki Alto. Siga as tendjncias
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  Siga as tendjncias actuais com o Suzuki Alto.

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Re: dell latitude d430 + port replicator -- is okay?

2011-02-04 Thread Marco Peereboom
if i recall it correctly that is a fine machine.  make sure you dont get
an nvidia one though (not sure they made them but got to avoid them)

On Sat, Feb 05, 2011 at 01:16:04AM +0200, Sviatoslav Chagaev wrote:
 I want to buy a DELL Latitude D430 + a port replicator (for the DVI and
 LPT ports).
 Does this laptop work okay with OBSD?
 How about the port replicator? Does it need any kind of support from
 the OS (e.g. drivers) or is it just an electromechanical contraption?