Re: ARP and libpcap

2011-04-06 Thread Jan Stary
On Apr 05 19:06:40, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
 Ok, but my app must take those packet from the net for other

Huh? tpcdump/pcap also takes those packet from the net of course.

 For this purpose I can also build my own structure to see
 arp parameter, but I'm trying to know how to use arphdr structure.

Why exactly do you need to write your own code for this,
replicating the functionality that already is in base?

 Someone has experience about it?

Yes, libpcap does it somehow. Look at its source.

What is it that yo actually want to do?

Re: new upper limit with BIGMEM

2011-04-06 Thread Daniel Gracia

Tell the Voyager 1; it's about trespassing even that limit xDDD

El 05/04/2011 23:02, James A. Peltier escribiC3:

- Original Message -
|real mem = 137428045824 (131061MB)
|avail mem = 133755703296 (127559MB)
|seems to work ok...
|  But have you hit the limit?
| The sky is the limit, but his is not a flying machine.
| Miod

Umm, we conquered the skies a while ago.  Really the solar system is the limit 

pf rule

2011-04-06 Thread Gianluca D'Auri Muscelli
Hi everyone,
I never had to deal with pf, but if possible i have a question:

on my OpenBSD now block all outcoming connection to ssh and telnet to internet

block out on re0 proto { tcp } from any to any port  { ssh telnet }

but now with this rule i can't connect with ssh to my lan ,
there is any rule for this question?

Thanks vm and sorry for my bad english!

Re: pf rule

2011-04-06 Thread Gianluca D'Auri Muscelli
i try with:

pass out on re0 from any to {, }

there is ok for you?

Il giorno 06/apr/2011, alle ore 10.19, Gianluca D'Auri Muscelli ha scritto:

 Hi everyone,
 I never had to deal with pf, but if possible i have a question:

 on my OpenBSD now block all outcoming connection to ssh and telnet to

 block out on re0 proto { tcp } from any to any port  { ssh telnet }

 but now with this rule i can't connect with ssh to my lan ,
 there is any rule for this question?

 Thanks vm and sorry for my bad english!

Invito ad evento: AFFIDABILITA' E TECNOLOGIA 2011

2011-04-06 Thread
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Re: Wildest Africa Tour

2011-04-06 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Am 04.04.2011 19:09, schrieb Stuart VanZee:

Don't be silly.  While Lions do provide excelent physical security
they don't provide any data security at all.

# sudo pkg_add -v lion

results in

Can't find lion

What am i doing wrong?

Re: Wildest Africa Tour

2011-04-06 Thread Robert
On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 11:34:23 +0200
Marcus M|lb|sch wrote:
 # sudo pkg_add -v lion

 results in

 Can't find lion

 What am i doing wrong?

They are in ports, not packages:

$ grep -R lion /usr/ports/


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2011-04-06 Thread OFERTA DE LA SEMANA
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B?CC3mo MicroKey me muestra una prueba del envC-o?

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Re: pf rule

2011-04-06 Thread Indunil Jayasooriya
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Gianluca D'Auri Muscelli
 Hi everyone,
 I never had to deal with pf, but if possible i have a question:

 on my OpenBSD now block all outcoming connection to ssh and telnet to

 block out on re0 proto { tcp } from any to any port  { ssh telnet }

do you have one interface?

re0 may be your external interface. What is your internal interface

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya

Re: Wildest Africa Tour

2011-04-06 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Am 06.04.2011 11:52, schrieb Robert:

On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 11:34:23 +0200
Marcus M|lb|  wrote:

# sudo pkg_add -v lion

results in

Can't find lion

What am i doing wrong?

They are in ports, not packages:

$ grep -R lion /usr/ports/

So, to actually increase physical security I also need a speaker 
connected to my pf-Firewall?

Okay, a really big speaker with a corresponding big amplifier will 
probably do the trick!

Re: Performance degradation after upgrade

2011-04-06 Thread Peter Hallin
On 2011-04-05 14:35, Claudio Jeker wrote:
 Can you give the following diff a spin and see if that makes the card act
 faster. This disables the ppb hotplug interrupt which is shared with the
 em2 and em3 interrupts.
 :wq Claudio

Ok, that did the trick.

I made the changes to the 4.8 source and ppb hotplug was disabled.

I then tested the dual port cards and got close to 1 Gbit/s but without
the high CPU usage (only about 30% intr).

So my question now is: Do we need the ppb hotplug? What is it good for?


Re: ARP and libpcap

2011-04-06 Thread Alessandro Baggi

Il 06/04/2011 08:25, Jan Stary ha scritto:

On Apr 05 19:06:40, Alessandro Baggi wrote:

Ok, but my app must take those packet from the net for other

Huh? tpcdump/pcap also takes those packet from the net of course.

For this purpose I can also build my own structure to see
arp parameter, but I'm trying to know how to use arphdr structure.

Why exactly do you need to write your own code for this,
replicating the functionality that already is in base?

Someone has experience about it?

Yes, libpcap does it somehow. Look at its source.

What is it that yo actually want to do?

Hi jan, i'm trying to make a program that map a specified MAC address to 
a specified IP, and then get information by getting arp packets for the 
specified nic to see if some host changes its IP. I can do this getting 
tcp/upd packets on a specified nic, and query with arp each hosts, but 
it can take more resources.

Re: Wildest Africa Tour

2011-04-06 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 16:28:31 -0700
Mehma Sarja wrote:

 On 4/5/11 9:07 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
  On 2011-04-04, Stuart  wrote:
  Don't be silly.  While Lions do provide excelent physical security
  they don't provide any data security at all.
  I love animals: I'm always talking about animals, I love 'em. But
  the thing is that, you know, whenever you see animals on the telly,
  it's always the show-off animals. Yeah? It's always the leopards
  and panthers and crocodiles. Lions milling about, going Oh, I'm
  very good, I'm on everything, and it really makes me annoyed, you
  know? Because what about the English animals, you know? The British
  mammals, yeah? Hah, what about the muskrat, or the tiny northern
  root-vole, with his little banjo and hat made of elastic bands,
  yeah? Who's representing them, eh? No-one, that's who.
 You had a good buildup and even some suspense. Oh what a letdown! What 
 British animals? You've got to be kidding. Isn't everybody over there 
 all civilized an stuff? Take your little poodle and pony show and move 
 it along down the road.

Well if you didn't get the sarcasm, then there's meant to be a big
black cat around. Otherwise you'd have to go back thousands of years to
get Lions.

Aside from wiping out the bears I don't see what civilisaton has to do
with it.

Avviso importante.

2011-04-06 Thread Cariparma Credit Agricole

Comunicazione di servizio per i clienti Cariparma Credito Agricole.
Si prega di recarsi urgentemente negli uffici della Cariparma Credito
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al proprio conto: qui

Copyright ) 2011 Cariparma Gruppo Credit Agricole

Re: ARP and libpcap

2011-04-06 Thread Robert
On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 12:30:56 +0200
Alessandro Baggi wrote:
 Hi jan, i'm trying to make a program that map a specified MAC address to 
 a specified IP, and then get information by getting arp packets for the 
 specified nic to see if some host changes its IP. I can do this getting 
 tcp/upd packets on a specified nic, and query with arp each hosts, but 
 it can take more resources.

Maybe you find something in the source of Arpwatch.


Re: ARP and libpcap

2011-04-06 Thread Jan Stary
On Apr 06 12:30:56, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
 Il 06/04/2011 08:25, Jan Stary ha scritto:
 On Apr 05 19:06:40, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
 Ok, but my app must take those packet from the net for other
 Huh? tpcdump/pcap also takes those packet from the net of course.
 For this purpose I can also build my own structure to see
 arp parameter, but I'm trying to know how to use arphdr structure.
 Why exactly do you need to write your own code for this,
 replicating the functionality that already is in base?
 Someone has experience about it?
 Yes, libpcap does it somehow. Look at its source.
 What is it that yo actually want to do?
 Hi jan, i'm trying to make a program that map a specified MAC
 address to a specified IP, and then get information by getting arp
 packets for the specified nic to see if some host changes its IP.

You should have said that in your original post.
Step by step we are getting to what you really want.
So: why do you want to know that someone's IP address has changed?

Also, there is 'arp -a' of of course.

Re: Free heroin shipping!

2011-04-06 Thread Super Biscuit
I guess this explains so many bad attitudes on here; people are having 

--- On Wed, 4/6/11, Cornell Bruce wrote:

From: Cornell Bruce
Subject: Free heroin shipping!
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 12:41 AM


1. Heroin, in liquid and crystal form.
2. Rocket fuel and Tomohawk rockets (serious enquiries only).
4. New shipment of cocaine has arrived, buy 9 grams and get 10th for free.

Everebody welcome, but not US citizens, sorry.

ATTENTION. Clearance offer. Buy 30 grams of heroin, get 5 free.

Please contact: 

PHONE 0093(0)4765481
FAX 0093(0)4485291


Re: Performance degradation after upgrade

2011-04-06 Thread Claudio Jeker
On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 01:22:41PM +0200, Peter Hallin wrote:
 On 2011-04-05 14:35, Claudio Jeker wrote:
  Can you give the following diff a spin and see if that makes the card act
  faster. This disables the ppb hotplug interrupt which is shared with the
  em2 and em3 interrupts.
  :wq Claudio
 Ok, that did the trick.
 I made the changes to the 4.8 source and ppb hotplug was disabled.
 I then tested the dual port cards and got close to 1 Gbit/s but without
 the high CPU usage (only about 30% intr).
 So my question now is: Do we need the ppb hotplug? What is it good for?
It is needed for handling hotplug events especially on the expresscard
slots on modern laptops.

Here is a better version that may get commited if it works for you.
Currently only amd64 is fixed, we're looking into i386 to do the same
dance with the interrupt return values.
So the idea is to establish the interrupt handler for the ppb as last and
jump out of interrupt processing if the handler returns 1 (HW was the
source of interrupt). So we should not end up in the slow ppb interrupt
handler unless it is actually a hotplug interrupt.
:wq Claudio

Index: arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -p -r1.28 vector.S
--- arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S   1 Apr 2011 22:51:45 -   1.28
+++ arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S   6 Apr 2011 13:18:45 -
@@ -484,7 +484,9 @@ IDTVEC(intr_##name##num)
call*IH_FUN(%rbx)   /* call it */   ;\
orq %rax,%rax   /* should it be counted? */ ;\
jz  4f  ;\
-   incqIH_COUNT(%rbx)  ;\
+   incqIH_COUNT(%rbx)  /* -1 or 1 */   ;\
+   orq %rax,%rax   ;\
+   jns 5f  ;\
 4: movqIH_NEXT(%rbx),%rbx  /* next handler in chain */ ;\
testq   %rbx,%rbx   ;\
jnz 6b  ;\
Index: dev/pci/ppb.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/ppb.c,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -p -r1.47 ppb.c
--- dev/pci/ppb.c   30 Dec 2010 00:58:22 -  1.47
+++ dev/pci/ppb.c   6 Apr 2011 12:50:33 -
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ ppbattach(struct device *parent, struct 
pci_intr_handle_t ih;
pcireg_t busdata, reg, blr;
char *name;
-   int pin;
+   int pin, has_hotplug = 0;
sc-sc_pc = pc;
sc-sc_tag = pa-pa_tag;
@@ -169,21 +169,9 @@ ppbattach(struct device *parent, struct 
/* Check for PCI Express capabilities and setup hotplug support. */
if (pci_get_capability(pc, pa-pa_tag, PCI_CAP_PCIEXPRESS,
sc-sc_cap_off, reg)  (reg  PCI_PCIE_XCAP_SI)) {
-   if (pci_intr_map(pa, ih) == 0)
-   sc-sc_intrhand = pci_intr_establish(pc, ih, IPL_TTY,
-   ppb_intr, sc, self-dv_xname);
-   if (sc-sc_intrhand) {
+   if (pci_intr_map(pa, ih) == 0) {
printf(: %s, pci_intr_string(pc, ih));
-   /* Enable hotplug interrupt. */
-   reg = pci_conf_read(pc, pa-pa_tag,
-   sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR);
-   pci_conf_write(pc, pa-pa_tag,
-   sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR, reg);
-   timeout_set(sc-sc_to, ppb_hotplug_insert_finish, sc);
+   has_hotplug = 1;
@@ -305,6 +293,22 @@ ppbattach(struct device *parent, struct 
pba.pba_intrtag = pa-pa_intrtag;
sc-sc_psc = config_found(self, pba, ppbprint);
+   if (has_hotplug) {
+   sc-sc_intrhand = pci_intr_establish(pc, ih, IPL_TTY,
+   ppb_intr, sc, self-dv_xname);
+   if (sc-sc_intrhand) {
+   /* Enable hotplug interrupt. */
+   reg = pci_conf_read(pc, pa-pa_tag,
+   sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR);
+   pci_conf_write(pc, pa-pa_tag,
+   sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR, reg);
+   timeout_set(sc-sc_to, ppb_hotplug_insert_finish, sc);
+   }
+   }

Can't get multipath working correctly

2011-04-06 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   please forgive if my question turns out to be very hazy and unclear. 
If I could myself clearer I could probably understand what happens ;)

   I have set up a pf firewall with two external NICs and CARP on that 
external IPs. (I think) I followed

   Now, for example if I sent a ping to, I see that the pf rule 
makes a

pass out on em1: *WAN_IP_1* icmp: echo request

   however, the first request sometimes goes out on em0, while the echo 
replies and all other echo requests use em1.

   Sometimes something similar happens when a connection comes in 
through an external interface: the first return packet goes out through 
the wrong interface, and is thus blocked (duh!) - though I'm pretty sure 
(and can see it through tcpdump) that I've set a pass in rule with 
reply-to *ROUTER_IP*@em1.

   Now I see that netstat -rn shows me

Destination Gateway  Flags   Refs  Use   Mtu  Prio Iface
default ROUTER_IP_0  UGSP   2   83 - 8 em0
default ROUTER_IP_1  UGSP   2   92 - 8 em1
*WAN_NET_0*/29  link#1   UC 20 - 4 em0
some other IPs in that net
*WAN_NET_1*/29  link#4   UC 30 - 4 em2
some other IPs in that net
other IPs in DMZ and lo0

   If I understand correctly, something for WAN_NET_1 is pointing 
wrong. After a reboot I have even seen once that *both* links pointed 
wrong, the *WAN_NET_0* on em0 to the *ROUTER_IP* on em1.

   Now I have three questions:

1) Is this really the error?
2) What can I do to correct it manually?
3) What mistake did I do in the first place in my hostname.em and 
hostname.carp files?


Re: Performance degradation after upgrade

2011-04-06 Thread Claudio Jeker
On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 03:55:03PM +0200, Claudio Jeker wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 01:22:41PM +0200, Peter Hallin wrote:
  On 2011-04-05 14:35, Claudio Jeker wrote:
   Can you give the following diff a spin and see if that makes the card act
   faster. This disables the ppb hotplug interrupt which is shared with the
   em2 and em3 interrupts.
   :wq Claudio
  Ok, that did the trick.
  I made the changes to the 4.8 source and ppb hotplug was disabled.
  I then tested the dual port cards and got close to 1 Gbit/s but without
  the high CPU usage (only about 30% intr).
  So my question now is: Do we need the ppb hotplug? What is it good for?
 It is needed for handling hotplug events especially on the expresscard
 slots on modern laptops.
 Here is a better version that may get commited if it works for you.
 Currently only amd64 is fixed, we're looking into i386 to do the same
 dance with the interrupt return values.
 So the idea is to establish the interrupt handler for the ppb as last and
 jump out of interrupt processing if the handler returns 1 (HW was the
 source of interrupt). So we should not end up in the slow ppb interrupt
 handler unless it is actually a hotplug interrupt.

Wait. It seems more is needed. Will come back when we have a better

 :wq Claudio
 Index: arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S
 RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S,v
 retrieving revision 1.28
 diff -u -p -r1.28 vector.S
 --- arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S 1 Apr 2011 22:51:45 -   1.28
 +++ arch/amd64/amd64/vector.S 6 Apr 2011 13:18:45 -
 @@ -484,7 +484,9 @@ IDTVEC(intr_##name##num)  
   call*IH_FUN(%rbx)   /* call it */   ;\
   orq %rax,%rax   /* should it be counted? */ ;\
   jz  4f  ;\
 - incqIH_COUNT(%rbx)  ;\
 + incqIH_COUNT(%rbx)  /* -1 or 1 */   ;\
 + orq %rax,%rax   ;\
 + jns 5f  ;\
  4:   movqIH_NEXT(%rbx),%rbx  /* next handler in chain */ ;\
   testq   %rbx,%rbx   ;\
   jnz 6b  ;\
 Index: dev/pci/ppb.c
 RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/ppb.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.47
 diff -u -p -r1.47 ppb.c
 --- dev/pci/ppb.c 30 Dec 2010 00:58:22 -  1.47
 +++ dev/pci/ppb.c 6 Apr 2011 12:50:33 -
 @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ ppbattach(struct device *parent, struct 
   pci_intr_handle_t ih;
   pcireg_t busdata, reg, blr;
   char *name;
 - int pin;
 + int pin, has_hotplug = 0;
   sc-sc_pc = pc;
   sc-sc_tag = pa-pa_tag;
 @@ -169,21 +169,9 @@ ppbattach(struct device *parent, struct 
   /* Check for PCI Express capabilities and setup hotplug support. */
   if (pci_get_capability(pc, pa-pa_tag, PCI_CAP_PCIEXPRESS,
   sc-sc_cap_off, reg)  (reg  PCI_PCIE_XCAP_SI)) {
 - if (pci_intr_map(pa, ih) == 0)
 - sc-sc_intrhand = pci_intr_establish(pc, ih, IPL_TTY,
 - ppb_intr, sc, self-dv_xname);
 - if (sc-sc_intrhand) {
 + if (pci_intr_map(pa, ih) == 0) {
   printf(: %s, pci_intr_string(pc, ih));
 - /* Enable hotplug interrupt. */
 - reg = pci_conf_read(pc, pa-pa_tag,
 - sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR);
 - pci_conf_write(pc, pa-pa_tag,
 - sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR, reg);
 - timeout_set(sc-sc_to, ppb_hotplug_insert_finish, sc);
 + has_hotplug = 1;
 @@ -305,6 +293,22 @@ ppbattach(struct device *parent, struct 
   pba.pba_intrtag = pa-pa_intrtag;
   sc-sc_psc = config_found(self, pba, ppbprint);
 + if (has_hotplug) {
 + sc-sc_intrhand = pci_intr_establish(pc, ih, IPL_TTY,
 + ppb_intr, sc, self-dv_xname);
 + if (sc-sc_intrhand) {
 + /* Enable hotplug interrupt. */
 + reg = pci_conf_read(pc, pa-pa_tag,
 + sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR);
 + pci_conf_write(pc, pa-pa_tag,
 + sc-sc_cap_off + PCI_PCIE_SLCSR, reg);
 + timeout_set(sc-sc_to, ppb_hotplug_insert_finish, sc);
 + }
 + }

:wq Claudio

Re: Performance degradation after upgrade

2011-04-06 Thread Ted Unangst
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Claudio Jeker wrote:
 Here is a better version that may get commited if it works for you.
 Currently only amd64 is fixed, we're looking into i386 to do the same
 dance with the interrupt return values.
 So the idea is to establish the interrupt handler for the ppb as last and
 jump out of interrupt processing if the handler returns 1 (HW was the
 source of interrupt). So we should not end up in the slow ppb interrupt
 handler unless it is actually a hotplug interrupt.

I think this is a very bad idea.  Not running ppb sounds like a good
idea, but jumping out is bad.  If you have two devices sharing, and
the first one is busy, the second will be starved.  Drivers don't even
return 1 accurately, wi is a good example of one that doesn't.  There
are many more.

Re: ARP and libpcap

2011-04-06 Thread Alessandro Baggi

Il 06/04/2011 15:26, Jan Stary ha scritto:

of of course
For some obscure reason :D, not really, to avoid problem as poisoning 
for insecure services.

Re: Performance degradation after upgrade

2011-04-06 Thread Peter Hallin
On 2011-04-06 16:43, Claudio Jeker wrote:
 Wait. It seems more is needed. Will come back when we have a better

Alright. Your first quick fix is good enough for us, we don't use
expresscards in our firewalls.. ;)

I actually tested it on an older 4.4 fw that has been under heavy load
despite low traffic, and it was a drastic improvement.

When you are ready with a new diff against -current, I'll be happy to
test it with our stuff.

Until then, we are satisfied with disabling ppb hotplug completely.


Re: network bandwith with em(4)

2011-04-06 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2011-02-28, Manuel Guesdon wrote:

 OK. Anyway NIC buffers restrict buffered packets number. But the problem
 remain: why a (for exemple) dual Xeon E5520@2.27GHz with Intel PRO/1000
 (82576) can't route 150kpps without Ierr :-)

So looking at this dmesg you have ppb and em sharing ints;
it wouldn't be a total surprise if the Performance degradation
after upgrade thread was relevant:

Re: Anyone using IPcomp and/or PPP-deflate?

2011-04-06 Thread Matthew Dempsky
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Matthew Dempsky wrote:
 For the time being, I'd suggest anyone concerned ensure ipcomp
 processing is disabled; i.e., make sure sysctl
 net.inet.ipcomp.enable is set to 0.  (And like I said, it's disabled
 by default.)

If there are any IPComp users out there, markus@ has just committed
the following diff to prevent IPComp-induced workq loops:

I also suggest that if you're configuring IPComp on a host with IP
forwarding enabled (on any platform, not just OpenBSD), that you
should only use IPComp in conjunction with IPsec (i.e., ESP or AH).
Otherwise there's a risk of routing loops.

Upgrade i386 to amd64

2011-04-06 Thread Steven R. Gerber
I ran the upgrade from CD.
I want to be sure that packages are OK.
Is pkg_add -u sufficient?  (It looks like nothing changed.)
Should I try pkg_add -u -D update or something else?


Re: Upgrade i386 to amd64

2011-04-06 Thread Nick Holland
On 04/06/11 18:46, Steven R. Gerber wrote:
 I ran the upgrade from CD.

from i386 to amd64?  No.  Don't do this.

Boot off the CD again, and this time pick install.
You can save your /home directory and config files.

amd64 and i386, for OpenBSD, are totally different platforms.  You can't
upgrade from one platform to another safely, you have to reinstall.

 I want to be sure that packages are OK.
 Is pkg_add -u sufficient?  (It looks like nothing changed.)
 Should I try pkg_add -u -D update or something else?

nuke from orbit, only way to be sure.

Sure, you might be able to get away with this, but one left over library
or binary will really ruin your day at some point.


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Re: svnserve and SASL

2011-04-06 Thread Maxim Nazarenko

I have nearly identical setup and my problem is the same: SASL(-13):
user not found: no
secret in database. My file locations and permissions seem to be
correct, however svnserve dtill doesn't work. What did you do to solve

Best regards,
Maxim Nazarenko

On 5 August 2010 00:38, wrote:

 just for the archives I'm answering to my own questions below:

 I found the solution to that problem via ktrace/kdump. Starting
 svnserve with ktrace revealed that the process tries to
 read: /usr/local/lib/sasl2/svn.conf
 Furthermore the .db extension is not required in this file and no
 special flags are required to create the password file.



 On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 12:45:50 +0200
 umaxx wrote:


 I'm having trouble to get svnserve + SASL to work under OpenBSD 4.7

 When I try to checkout I always get:
 svn: Authentication error from server: SASL(-13): user not found: no
 secret in database

 Here is my config:

 # cat /var/svn/myrepo/conf/svnserve.conf
 # anon-access = read
 # auth-access = write
 # password-db = passwd
 # authz-db = authz
 realm = myrepo
 use-sasl = true
 # min-encryption = 0
 # max-encryption = 256

 # cat /usr/local/lib/sasl2/subversion.conf
 pwcheck_method: auxprop
 auxprop_plugin: sasldb
 sasldb_path: /etc/svn-sasldb2

 This is how I create the user:

 # saslpasswd2 -c -f /etc/svn-sasldb2 -u myrepo username

 Some questions which might help me to debug/solve the problem:

 - can I get SASL to log somewhere on the server (I tried log_level: 7
 in subversion.conf without success already)?
 - what is the correct name for SASL app config file:
 /usr/local/lib/sasl2/svn.conf or /usr/local/lib/sasl2/subversion.conf
 or what?
 - what is the correct sasldb_path in this file: with or without .db
 extension (saslpasswd2 seems to append .db automatically)?
 - do I need to add some special flags or something to use saslpasswd2
 with DIGEST-MD5 or should I create the svn-sasldb2 in a different way?

 Any hints are welcome.

 Thanks in advance,


Re: Upgrade i386 to amd64

2011-04-06 Thread Amit Kulkarni
Is this in the FAQ? Never thought I would read such a question.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Nick Holland wrote:
 On 04/06/11 18:46, Steven R. Gerber wrote:
 I ran the upgrade from CD.

 from i386 to amd64?  No.  Don't do this.

 Boot off the CD again, and this time pick install.
 You can save your /home directory and config files.

 amd64 and i386, for OpenBSD, are totally different platforms.  You can't
 upgrade from one platform to another safely, you have to reinstall.

 I want to be sure that packages are OK.
 Is pkg_add -u sufficient?  (It looks like nothing changed.)
 Should I try pkg_add -u -D update or something else?

 nuke from orbit, only way to be sure.

 Sure, you might be able to get away with this, but one left over library
 or binary will really ruin your day at some point.


Re: Upgrade i386 to amd64

2011-04-06 Thread Steven R. Gerber
On 4/6/2011 8:57 PM, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
 Is this in the FAQ? Never thought I would read such a question.
 On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Nick Holland wrote:
 On 04/06/11 18:46, Steven R. Gerber wrote:
 I ran the upgrade from CD.

 from i386 to amd64?  No.  Don't do this.

 Boot off the CD again, and this time pick install.
 You can save your /home directory and config files.

 amd64 and i386, for OpenBSD, are totally different platforms.  You can't
 upgrade from one platform to another safely, you have to reinstall.

 I want to be sure that packages are OK.
 Is pkg_add -u sufficient?  (It looks like nothing changed.)
 Should I try pkg_add -u -D update or something else?

 nuke from orbit, only way to be sure.

 Sure, you might be able to get away with this, but one left over library
 or binary will really ruin your day at some point.


Sorry for the stupid question?
But, this is a real scenario.
Testing for bug system/6586: rdist (file larger than 2GB) times out but
will not die.
I need(ed) one of my configured/development machines to go from i386 to
amd64.  I did not want to lose my configuration in /etc nor /home nor
/root ...
In the bigger picture, many users/admins will probably be doing similar
things as we can use more physical memory.
An appropriate FAQ entry would be terrific.

I did save my /etc, /home, /root, etc. to an array
and did a full reinstall.
Some thoughts: Having to redo partitions/mounts was a pain.
Going through /etc manually or by sysmerge is tedious.


atheros ar5b95 (toss it or keep it?)

2011-04-06 Thread patrick keshishian
my netbook came with atheros ar5b95 which doesn't seem to be
supported. it shows up as athn0 but running `ifconfig athn0 scan`
hangs the netbook.

my question is whether there is any hope that this half mini pcie(?)
card will ever work with openbsd? Or am i better off tossing it and
getting something like an Intel 622AN.HMWWB Mini PCI Express 6200
Centrino? I am assuming the Intel one will work with iwn driver.


Re: Upgrade i386 to amd64

2011-04-06 Thread Steven R. Gerber
On 4/7/2011 1:01 AM, Abel Abraham Camarillo Ojeda wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Steven R. Gerber wrote:
Going through /etc manually or by sysmerge is tedious.

 I wish we had some kind of super-black-magic-mind-reading-hyper-sysmerge 

Dear Abel,
That was unnecessary.
My point was that migrating from 4.8/i386 to 4.8/amd64 requires
virtually no changes to main /etc.
But, a fresh install (not an upgrade) makes me (re)verify all of /etc.
The upgrade FAQ 4.7 - 4.8 was fairly clear about what parts of /etc
were touched and needed special attention.
