OpenSSH vpn without using remote root user

2008-01-26 Thread Dave Harrison
Hey all,

I've been trying to see if it's possible to setup SSH based vpn's
using user accounts on the remote end.  While I don't think it says
anywhere explicitly that it's _not_ possible, I haven't found any
references so far of people doing it successfully ;-)

I've gone over the mailing list several times, I've read the ssh and
tun man pages, and I've experimented with creating tun devices and
changing the perms of the /dev/tun* devices to allow read+write by
users.  I'm yet to have any luck so far though - I get the below
transcribed message.

Can anyone say definitively if this is (im)possible ??  And if it is
possible, how they managed it ?



debug1: Remote: Failed to open the tunnel device.
channel 1: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed

Had a strange problem with CARP preemption

2007-12-19 Thread Dave Harrison
Hey all,

I've got a CARP rig running as a firewall pair, and I use preemption
to make sure only one host is master of all links at any given time.
However just now I saw a situation where a single carp interface had
gone to BACKUP and passed across to the other host, while all other
carp interfaces stayed as MASTER on the otherwise 'live' host.

The PF rulesets pass all carp as follows,

pass on {$int_if, $dmz_if, $c1_if, $c2_if} proto carp keep state

and I've read the pflog dump and there are no blocked carp packets in
there.  There are also no interface errors identified for the
interfaces by netstat either.

Because carp doesn't log it's state changes etc, I've been writing the
output of ifconfig into a log file every minute, and I can see that
this one interface failed over at a specific time (12:37pm for those
who are interested ;-) ) which matches on both the host that became
backup, and the host that took over as master.

I did notice that net.inet.ip.ifq.drops had grown a bit since the
weekend, so I've upped net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen to 1024 from its 256

At the moment, both hosts share the same advskew value since I'm not
particular about which is master at any given time (the less switches
the better for me) with the carp interface setup as follows,

lladdr 00:00:5e:00:01:1e
carp: MASTER carpdev em1 vhid 30 advbase 3 advskew 0
groups: carp
inet6 fe80::200:5eff:fe00:11e%carp2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast

Are there any obvious gotchas that I'm missing here ?  Any known
behaviours that I'm not aware of ??


Daily insecurity report and drop priv accounts for handling automated tasks

2007-11-13 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I've been wondering how to deal with this particular issue for quite
some time now, and I can't find any references to the right way(TM)
to handle it.

I always prefer to run automated tasks as limited privilege users on
my OpenBSD hosts - such as tasks that pull files across from other
hosts, and other such nightly tasks.  To make this work the drop priv
user account needs a shell and a home dir (for SSH keys etc), and has
no need for a password.  However this causes the /etc/security script
to generate warnings every night such as,

Login nightlysync is off but still has a valid shell and alternate
access files in home directory are still readable.

The tasks that this user performs are scheduled through cron.

Is there a better way for me to be setting up these kinds of tasks so
that this warning doesn't get raised ?  Or is the warning spurious ?


Re: Quad ethernet card

2007-06-06 Thread Dave Harrison
Henning Brauer wrote:
 * Ronnie Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-06-06 13:04]:
 Henning Brauer a icrit :
 * nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-06-05 21:44]:
 I built 3 OpenBSD 3.6(?) servers in mid 2005 with these cards, and
 was able to get a peak throughput of about 520Mbps in bridged mode
 (pf disabled) measured using iperf.
 the single-stream tcp test iperf uses is pretty meaningless
 (unless.. well, that's another story)
 What other tool would you recommend, then ?
 they all suck.
 best simulation is recording your real-world traffic using tcpdump and 
 then use tcpreplay. but that is tricky too.

Well if you're interested in working out a vaguely real benchmark for
the throughput of your appliance I recommend you choose a type of
traffic and focus on it.  So perhaps that's HTTP, SMTP or some other
obvious protocol.  Pick a diverse corpus of files or emails to handle,
then pass the traffic through the host and see how you go.

If you're just looking for a big number, open a single TCP session and
send alot of traffic through it so you don't have to continually start
new sessions (sessions are comparatively expensive).

Henning has something in saying that most of the tools aren't great,
in the end all benchmarks are artificial in some measure.  Replaying
traffic is equally artificial as it's only indicative of the traffic
you recorded - which is likely to be biased towards whatever was
happening at the time on your LAN.

When all's said and done, benchmark for the traffic you expect and
work from there.


Re: Quad ethernet card

2007-06-06 Thread Dave Harrison
Matt Rowley wrote:
 best simulation is recording your real-world traffic using tcpdump and 
 then use tcpreplay. but that is tricky too.
 Henning has something in saying that most of the tools aren't great,
 in the end all benchmarks are artificial in some measure.  Replaying
 traffic is equally artificial as it's only indicative of the traffic
 you recorded - which is likely to be biased towards whatever was
 happening at the time on your LAN.
 Also worth noting is that if you're generating traffic from a single host,
 you're bound by the interrupt rates that host is capable of.  Generate
 traffic from multiple sources if you really want to gauge high load.

Definitely.  My personal experience is that an e1000 tops out at about
~820-850 Mb/s of raw throughput - i.e. on a single TCP session.

Other things that may get in the way of Truly Awesome Throughput (TM)
include things like socket timeouts on either client or server host,
and file descriptors ; note that those only come into play when you're
trying to simulate a web server or the like.

However I'm not aware of any tools that handle that kind of
distributed benchmark.. anyone ?

Re: OpenLDAP question

2007-05-22 Thread Dave Harrison
Henning Brauer wrote:
 * Dave Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-05-21 08:26]:
 Henning Brauer wrote:
 * Uv Pzaf [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-05-20 23:12]:
 I wonder why OpenBSD packages (i.e. openldap-server-2.3.24.tgz) still
 uses ldbm as database backend especially since the OpenLDAP folks are
 stating that this is no good any more:
 ( and not bdb or hdb.
 because ldbm works fine, very much opposed to the other two you mention. 
 My personal experiences with ldbm were equally fine, I recommend you use it
 unless you are performing frequent writes, or are in need of high performance
 lookups.  Once I started making regular writes, ldbm started to  pack it in
 rather frequently (db corruption) so I went to bdb, however bdb takes careful
 tuning to get right.
 now that is funny, in the, what, 5 years? of using openldap/ldbm, i 
 have never seen database corruption. trying to use bdb, pretty much 

As I said, depends on how you're using it.

After a year, as the usage grew, I found ldbm was corrupting regularly and bdb
solved the problem nicely.  3 years later, bdb is still perfectly fine.

Obviously the other, valid, concern is what the OpenLDAP project intends to 

With this kind of thing I think the mantra of YMMV is probably wise.

Re: OpenLDAP question

2007-05-21 Thread Dave Harrison
Henning Brauer wrote:
 * Uv Pzaf [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-05-20 23:12]:
 I wonder why OpenBSD packages (i.e. openldap-server-2.3.24.tgz) still
 uses ldbm as database backend especially since the OpenLDAP folks are
 stating that this is no good any more:
 ( and not bdb or hdb.
 because ldbm works fine, very much opposed to the other two you mention. 

My personal experiences with ldbm were equally fine, I recommend you use it
unless you are performing frequent writes, or are in need of high performance
lookups.  Once I started making regular writes, ldbm started to  pack it in
rather frequently (db corruption) so I went to bdb, however bdb takes careful
tuning to get right.

There also seems to be lots of noise about ldbm support becoming deprecated in
the 2.4+ releases of OpenLDAP.  You should review the OpenLDAP lists to research
this more if that's of concern.

Re: mail dovecot: pipe() failed: Too many open files

2007-03-12 Thread Dave Harrison
Stefan Beke wrote:
 Hello Nico,
 thanks for quick reply.
 Does dovecot actually run under this login class?
 I did modify login.conf
 # cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf
 than kill -HUP _dovecot_PID
 I hope that's enough to run it under dovecot class. How do I find out?

If you perform a `ps aux` you will see what user dovecot is running as, that's
the user whose class you want to check.

Then `grep username /etc/master.passwd` (I presume you can sudo) and the 5th
field is the user's class.

 What does `sysctl kern.maxfiles` say?
 $sysctl kern.maxfiles
 It's less than my setting in login.conf, but this should be enough anyway.

You might find dovecot is not running at the user you think it is (or at least
isn't in the class you think it is).

As a side note I have noticed that Dovecot can be a bit fd hungry.


Re: mail dovecot: pipe() failed: Too many open files

2007-03-12 Thread Dave Harrison
Stefan Beke wrote:
 If you perform a `ps aux` you will see what user dovecot is running as,
 that's the user whose class you want to check.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $sudo ps waxu | grep dovecot
 root 26251  0.0  0.2   620   912 ??  Ss15Jan07
 _dovecot 13219  0.0  0.3   560  1580 ??  S  8:02AM0:00.11 pop3-login
 _dovecot  3653  0.0  0.3   652  1584 ??  S  8:02AM0:00.12 pop3-login
 _dovecot  9416  0.0  0.3   540  1564 ??  S  8:02AM0:00.11 imap-login
 root 32241  0.0  0.2   592  1012 ??  S  8:02AM0:00.09dovecot-auth
 _dovecot 16174  0.0  0.3   576  1564 ??  S  8:12AM0:00.11 pop3-login
 _dovecot 19555  0.0  0.3   520  1592 ??  S 10:29AM0:00.01 imap-login
 _dovecot 13961  0.0  0.3   504  1564 ??  S 10:29AM0:00.01 imap-login
 ico  6  0.0  0.1   448   504 p6  S+10:30AM0:00.00 grep
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $sudo lsof -p 26251 | wc -l
 Right now nobody is connected. I can imagine if someone connects and wants
 to read bigger  maildir through IMAP, it can be more than default 64.

Yep, it LOVES to chew fd's :-)

 My daemon class is now on 512 files. Removed dovecot class.
 I'll try this for a while.

That's probably the less preferable option.  The best way would be to leave the
dovecot class, make sure the _dovecot user is allocated to that class (Nico's
post will show you that) and then modify the limits for that class only -
modifying the daemon class will affect all processes that come it.


Python2.5 in 4.0 ports tree ?

2007-02-20 Thread Dave Harrison
Hey guys,

I've looked at the web front end for the cvs tree and looking in
ports/lang/python/ with the filter of OPENBSD_4_0 and 2.5 seems to be in there.

But when I do a `cvs checkout -rOPENBSD_4_0 ports`

I don't get a 2.5 directory.

Am I doing something wrong ??


State timeouts

2006-05-01 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I'm looking at the set optimization policies for PF, and while it's clear that
there are varying levels of aggression towards expiring state entries, I can't
find exact numbers of what those levels represent.

I assume they're based on a time and/or traffic metric ??

My current policy is just the default (ie. normal), but I have one particular
system that wants to do an 60 second heartbeat, which I suspect is being killed
by the state expiry purges.

Is there somewhere that specifies the definition (or metric) on which the expiry
occurs ?? (I can't find it in either the FAQ or the man pages for pf / pf.conf /


PPPoA and OpenBSD

2006-04-09 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I'm searching high and low for some documentation on setting up a PPPoA link
(yes, it's for the UK and it's definitely PPPoA _not_ PPPoE) under OpenBSD and
drawing a blank.  The FAQ says that it seems to be possible, but the ppp man
page doesn't seem to have any references, and all my googling is drawing a blank

Can anyone point me at the place where some doco on doing this is ?  Is it even
possible ??

Thanks for you help,

Re: PPPoA and OpenBSD

2006-04-09 Thread Dave Harrison
Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2006/04/09 17:43, Dave Harrison wrote:
 I'm searching high and low for some documentation on setting up a PPPoA link
 (yes, it's for the UK and it's definitely PPPoA _not_ PPPoE) under OpenBSD
 in-tree: ueagle(4)
 otherwise: iirc there are some USB Speedtouch drivers

Is it not possible to configure in a way similar to a ppp  PPPoE setup ??

I have a modem that I'm connecting to via ethernet, then it plugs into the phone

Can I drive PPPoA with the ppp daemon ??


isakmpd and nat-t

2006-04-09 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I've got a machine sitting behind a NAT box, and another machine with a public 

X.X.X.X -- NAT Y.Y.Y.Y === Z.Z.Z.Z

I want to establish a nat-t IPsec vpn between X.X.X.X and Z.Z.Z.Z

But I'm having a problem where X.X.X.X tries to contact Z.Z.Z.Z on port 500 and
never goes over to 4500.  Is there a flag I'm supposed to set in the
isakmpd.conf file to tell it to use NAT-T ??

Do I configure Z.Z.Z.Z to be aware of the other peer by the public IP that NAT
box provides ??  or should I be using the private IP the box actually has ??


Interface groups PF route-to

2006-04-02 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I've been trying to get interface groups going on a machine and have met with a
possibly interesting problem.

I have declared an interface to be part of a group, and that group shows up
correctly if I `ifconfig foogroup` or `pfctl -s Interfaces`

I have a setup where I have one VPN come in over one ISP link, and another over
a second (from different remote IPs to different local IPs).

I have the following macros defined,
[NB: Yes I changed the IPs]

link2_if   = em0
#link2_if  = MyIFGroup
link2_gw   =
link2_ip1  =
remote_link0_ip1   =

To test, I comment out the 'em0' line and uncomment the IFGroup line.

I also have the following rules in place to correctly handle my VPN on that link

pass in  log quick on $link2_if reply-to ($link2_if $link2_gw)\
proto esp from $remote_link0_ip1 to $link2_ip1 keep state

pass out log quick on $link2_if route-to ($link2_if $link2_gw)\
proto esp from $link2_ip1 to $remote_link0_ip1 keep state

pass in  log on $link2_if reply-to ($link2_if $link2_gw)\
proto udp from $remote_link0_ip1 port = isakmp to $link2_if\
port = isakmp keep state

pass out log quick on $link2_if route-to ($link2_if $link2_gw)\
proto udp from $link2_if port = isakmp to $remote_link0_ip1\
port = isakmp keep state

What I find is that when I go over to using the MyIFGroup declaration, my rules
stop matching and the VPN doesn't get established on the group'd interface (the
other VPN comes up fine).

Is there something I'm missing ??  From reading the posts and 'man ifconfig'
about interface groups I'm pretty sure I just have to assign an interface to the
group and nothing more.  Is that correct ??

Any help appreciated,

PF, anchors and macros

2006-02-12 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I'm updating my PF rules to include an anchor for my manual routing rules (using
route-to) which can then be updated by ifstated when it notices that one of my
links has fallen over.

As the documentation says, macros are not visible in anchors.  Which means that
my (growing and rather extensive) list of macros and tables that I use have to
be copied and pasted into the top of each anchor file and my pf.conf.

Has anyone found a good way of somehow including macros (macros as an anchor
don't seem to be possible) into multiple anchors ??


two vpn endpoints ... 3 net connections

2005-10-13 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

Here's my problem, I have a remote machine that has two links, one is
high bandwidth but has bad latency, the other has low bandwidth but good

I need two VPN tunnels running between these machines, but one over each
link as below.  The reasons why are due to the traffic I need to push
over them, some is important but not high in volume, other is less
important but there's alot of it.

   Link2  +
 +--- |
+---+  Link  ||
| Machine 1 | ---+| Machine 2
 +--- |
   Link1  +

My problem is that I can't seem to find a way around the need for
Machine 2 to have two default routes.

My understanding of my problem is that any time Machine 2 receives a
connection (irrespective of which link) it tries to respond over the
link that is the default route (for example Link1).  This means that
whenever Link2 gets a connection, Link1 tries to respond for it.

Can anyone suggest a solution for this problem ?  Do I not need multiple
default routes ?  Do I misunderstand my problem ?

All help is appreciated as ever,


Re: two vpn endpoints ... 3 net connections

2005-10-13 Thread Dave Harrison
Stuart Henderson wrote:
 --On 14 October 2005 08:32 +1000, Dave Harrison wrote:
 Here's my problem, I have a remote machine that has two links, one is
 high bandwidth but has bad latency, the other has low bandwidth but
 good latency.
 pf.conf(5), look at 'route-to' and 'reply-to'. Use PF rules to send ssh
 over the fast link and ftp over the fat link (etc).

The problem is that it's not the routed traffic I'm concerned with, it's
the ISAKMP traffic that is directed to the firewall/vpn endpoint itself
(as opposed to something behind that machine).

Route-to doesn't work for the firewall machine itself I don't think,
just for those machines passing traffic through it (although I had
considered using reply-to, but I'm not sure how to use it for this

Using PF, route-to with prejudice ;-)

2005-10-05 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I have two links, a rather costly one, and a cheap high bandwidth one.
I prefer to use the cheap one whenever possible, but if it goes down I
want to fail over onto the expensive one.

This rule (from the PF FAQ) will let me round-robin my outgoing
connections :

pass in on $int_if route-to \
  { ($ext_if1 $ext_gw1), ($ext_if2 $ext_gw2) } round-robin \
  from $lan_net to any keep state

But is there a way I can say try this one first, then try this one ?
or is that going to require a routing daemon's control (ospf, bgp etc) ?


SSH, SFTP, chroot and no login shells

2005-08-16 Thread Dave Harrison
Hi all,

I've been googling around for a couple of days now, and there is little
consensus on how to solve the 'sftp  no shell access' problem.  I've
found references to people that are using patched versions of OpenSSH (a
solution I think begs for problems to occur) to facilitate chroot-ing
users at login, restricted shells (to prevent users doing certain things
like changing directories etc), and chrooting a user to their home dir
using a chroot-ed shell.

The most straight forward solution seems to be offered by this link :

However I'm still a little concerned that I don't necessarily have the
right solution to this problem.

So here's the problem (I have trawled the misc@ list archives and
recognise people have put forward this problem before, but I haven't
seen a definite solution appear - or at least not one I feel happy
with).  I want to be able to provide sftp access to users, these users
are not anonymous - they will have accounts that I create for them.
However I don't want them to be able to get outside their home dirs (as
with chroot-ed ftp), and I don't want them to have 'shells' (ie. I don't
want them to be able to log in over ssh, or if they must, they must be
chroot-ed to their home dir).

Cheers for any help,

Multiple SSH daemons

2005-07-13 Thread Dave Harrison

I'm interested to know if anyone has a better solution (or has a
solution to my existing question) for the following situation.

I have a remote login box that also functions as a local login box.
Users connect to the machine over the local network to run X apps, they
can also connect to it remotely (from other sites) using SSH to do the
same sort of thing.

Many users never access it from remote, but do use it locally alot.
Others use it both locally and remotely.  Locally, it is more effort
than it's worth to enforce use of public keys (a proportion are windows
users), however I want to mandate public keys for remote connections.

My current solution is to run a second sshd on another port and have
that be the externally accessible sshd (and configure it to only allow
public key connections).  However the way sshd logs, I can't work out
what was logged by which daemon.

Are there any other solutions people can think of ?  Is there an option
I don't know about ?

Cheers for your help,

PPP, PPPoE, and OpenBSD 3.7

2005-06-25 Thread Dave Harrison

Hi all,

I've been looking through all the upgrade notes etc and I can't see that 
any major changes have occurred in the ppp daemon, nor the pppoe 
translator that would cause me problems.  However since I upgraded to 
3.7 (from 3.4) I've been unable to connect to my ADSL providor.

My ppp.conf is thus :

set log Phase Chat IPCP CCP tun command

set device !/usr/sbin/pppoe -i em2 -v
set reconnect 5 18
disable acfcomp protocomp
deny acfcomp
set mtu max 1440
set mru max 1440
set speed sync

set cd 5
set dial
set login
set timeout 0
set authname myusername
set authkey myauthkey
enable mssfixup

I've also tried enable LQR, and using allow users as well, but to no 
avail.  I've gone through using interactive mode as well, and same 
result, no connection.  The actual error from the daemon log is as 
follows  :

Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connect time: 0 
secs: 44 octets in, 0 octets out
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: 24 packets in, 0 
packets out
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase:  total 44 bytes/sec, peak 0 
bytes/sec on Sun Jun 26 13:01:17 2005

Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: HUPing 8204
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: hangup - opening
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Enter pause (5) 
for redialing.
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Chat: deflink: Reconnect try 6 of 

Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Chat: deflink: Redial timer expired.
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Warning: Carrier settings ignored
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: opening - dial
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Chat: deflink: Dial attempt 1 of 1
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: dial - carrier
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: carrier - login
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: login - lcp
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: read (2): 
Connection reset by peer

Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp - logout
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: logout - hangup
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!

I've tried speaking to my ISP, aside from them not having much of a 
clue, they did claim to have reset my connection with them, but still 
not change to my situation - and I can only reset my modem so many times 
before I go insane ;-)

Anything anyone can spot that might help me sort this out ?  I even 
tried the kernel based pppoe device, but no joy there either.


PPP, PPPoE, and OpenBSD 3.7

2005-06-25 Thread Dave Harrison

Hi all,

I've been looking through all the upgrade notes etc and I can't see that
any major changes have occurred in the ppp daemon, nor the pppoe
translator that would cause me problems.  However since I upgraded to
3.7 (from 3.4) I've been unable to connect to my ADSL providor.

My ppp.conf is thus :

set log Phase Chat IPCP CCP tun command

set device !/usr/sbin/pppoe -i em2 -v
set reconnect 5 18
disable acfcomp protocomp
deny acfcomp
set mtu max 1440
set mru max 1440
set speed sync

set cd 5
set dial
set login
set timeout 0
set authname myusername
set authkey myauthkey
enable mssfixup

I've also tried enable LQR, and using allow users as well, but to no
avail.  I've gone through using interactive mode as well, and same
result, no connection.  The actual error from the daemon log is as
follows  :

Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connect time: 0
secs: 44 octets in, 0 octets out
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: 24 packets in, 0
packets out
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase:  total 44 bytes/sec, peak 0
bytes/sec on Sun Jun 26 13:01:17 2005
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: HUPing 8204
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: hangup - opening
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Enter pause (5)
for redialing.
Jun 26 13:01:17 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Chat: deflink: Reconnect try 6 of
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Chat: deflink: Redial timer expired.
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Warning: Carrier settings ignored
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: opening - dial
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Chat: deflink: Dial attempt 1 of 1
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: dial - carrier
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: carrier - login
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: login - lcp
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: read (2):
Connection reset by peer
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp - logout
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: logout - hangup
Jun 26 13:01:22 hiro ppp[3815]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!

I've tried speaking to my ISP, aside from them not having much of a
clue, they did claim to have reset my connection with them, but still
not change to my situation - and I can only reset my modem so many times
before I go insane ;-)

Anything anyone can spot that might help me sort this out ?  I even
tried the kernel based pppoe device, but no joy there either.


Upgrade to 3.7 and VPN no longer works

2005-06-18 Thread Dave Harrison

I just upgraded my firewall to 3.7, but I've found my VPN is now not
working.  I keep seeing NAT detected messages, but both machines have
real IPs so it doesn't make sense.  The client machine is a 3.6 install,
and the server machine was a 3.4 machine which I used the media CD to
upgrade.  I've also checked out the latest src tree and recompiled both
the kernel and the binaries on the newly installed 3.7 machine, but same
problem persists.

I _have_ just found that if I allow port 4500 through on both machines, 
the VPN sets itself up correctly and works.  But I don't want to use 
NAT-T ...

anyone got any ideas ? is this a simple conf problem ? help ?

isakmpd output, and conf files are transcribed below


Server side :

isakmpd output :

115833.011175 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event
exchange_free_aux(0x3c065a00) added last, expiration in 120s
115833.011409 Exch 10 exchange_setup_p1: 0x3c065a00 Dors-peer
OpenBSD-main-mode policy responder phase 1 doi 1 exchange 2 step 0
115833.011463 Exch 10 exchange_setup_p1: icookie faca10932e1a71b0
rcookie b5e563b3774c4389
115833.011509 Exch 10 exchange_setup_p1: msgid 
115833.011574 Exch 10 nat_t_check_vendor_payload: NAT-T capable peer
115833.011633 Exch 10 dpd_check_vendor_payload: DPD capable peer detected
115833.011684 Misc 30 ipsec_responder: phase 1 exchange 2 step 0
115833.011749 Negt 30 message_negotiate_sa: transform 0 proto 1 proposal
1 ok
115833.011859 Negt 20 ike_phase_1_validate_prop: success
115833.011907 Negt 30 message_negotiate_sa: proposal 1 succeeded
115833.011954 Misc 20 ipsec_decode_transform: transform 0 chosen
115833.012014 Exch 10 exchange_run: unexpected payload VENDOR
115833.012061 Exch 10 exchange_run: unexpected payload VENDOR
115833.012120 Misc 30 ipsec_responder: phase 1 exchange 2 step 1
115833.012270 Trpt 30 transport_send_messages: message 0x3c069480
scheduled for retransmission 1 in 7 secs
115833.012325 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event
message_send_expire(0x3c069480) added before
exchange_free_aux(0x3c065a00), expiration in 7s
115833.220797 Mesg 20 message_free: freeing 0x3c069480
115833.220854 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event
115833.220907 Misc 30 ipsec_responder: phase 1 exchange 2 step 2
115833.220977 Exch 10 nat_t_exchange_check_nat_d: NAT detected, we're
behind it
115833.221026 Mesg 20 message_free: freeing 0x3c069380
115833.221086 Misc 30 ipsec_responder: phase 1 exchange 2 step 3
115833.231526 Trpt 30 transport_send_messages: message 0x3c069380
scheduled for retransmission 1 in 7 secs
115833.231600 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event
message_send_expire(0x3c069380) added before
exchange_free_aux(0x3c065a00), expiration in 7s
115840.240055 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event
115840.240244 Trpt 30 transport_send_messages: message 0x3c069380
scheduled for retransmission 2 in 9 secs
115840.240298 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event
message_send_expire(0x3c069380) added before
exchange_free_aux(0x3c065a00), expiration in 9s
115849.250013 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event
115849.250211 Trpt 30 transport_send_messages: message 0x3c069380
scheduled for retransmission 3 in 11 secs
115849.250273 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event
message_send_expire(0x3c069380) added before
exchange_free_aux(0x3c065a00), expiration in 11s
115900.260012 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event
115900.260204 Default transport_send_messages: giving up on message
0x3c069380, exchange Dors-peer
115900.260265 Default transport_send_messages: either this message did
not reach the other peer
115900.260312 Default transport_send_messages: or this is an attempted
IKE scan
115900.260369 Mesg 20 message_free: freeing 0x3c069380

server isakmpd.conf :

# Phase 1
[Phase 1]
CLIENTIP   = Dors-peer

# Phase 2
[Phase 2]
Passive-connections = Dors-connection

# Phase 1 Peers
Phase   = 1
Configuration   = OpenBSD-main-mode
Address = CLIENTIP
Authentication  = mypassphrase

# Phase 2 Connections
Phase   = 2
ISAKMP-peer = Dors-peer
Configuration   = OpenBSD-quick-mode
Local-ID= Sydney-net
Remote-ID   = PA-net

# Phase 2 Host ID's


125747.300124 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event
125747.300245 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event

Re: Upgrade to 3.7 and VPN no longer works

2005-06-18 Thread Dave Harrison

Stephen Marley wrote:

On Sun, Jun 19, 2005 at 01:34:06PM +1000, Dave Harrison wrote:

I just upgraded my firewall to 3.7, but I've found my VPN is now not
working.  I keep seeing NAT detected messages, but both machines have
real IPs so it doesn't make sense.  The client machine is a 3.6 install,
and the server machine was a 3.4 machine which I used the media CD to
upgrade.  I've also checked out the latest src tree and recompiled both
the kernel and the binaries on the newly installed 3.7 machine, but same
problem persists.

I _have_ just found that if I allow port 4500 through on both machines, 
the VPN sets itself up correctly and works.  But I don't want to use 
NAT-T ...

anyone got any ideas ? is this a simple conf problem ? help ?

Have you tried the -T option to isakmpd?

Seems like the option I want ... but I can't see it in the man page on 
either my 3.6 or 3.7 machines, and isakmpd won't accept -T as a flag on 
either machine.

Is that something that's only available in -current ?