booting to ignore fstab

2007-07-02 Thread David B.
Hi, hate to bother.  I'm working in 3.8 and I've run across something new
and can't figure out.  For some reason, on this box a drive isn't
mounting, and the boot blows and asks for shell. so, I go to shell and
I've tried to edit the fstab file to remark out the mountpoint that's
gone bad.  First off, VI isn't there, so I've tried ,s/old/new/g using
ed, but then it says that it's a read only file, and when I try to
whoami, or to su, it doesn't see the programs. So, all I need to do is to
be able to edit fstab and remark out the bad mount point and I can take
it from there. thanks
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find -exec {} help

2007-06-04 Thread David B.
hi, I'm using 3.8, and I hate to bother, but I have spent two days on the 
net trying to find the answer to this problem.

I am using 'find' to batch file a sed search and replace.  Sed, of course, 
outputs to stdout, the problem I am having is finding the correct syntax so 
that I can change the extension of the input file to create the new output 
file.  For example:

Find . -name "*.htm" -exec 'sed s/old/new/' > '{}'.new

From what I've read, I should be able to use the '{}' as a global replace; 
so if the input file happens to be smith.htm, then '{}' would be smith.htm 
and the idea is that the output filename for the sed command would create a 
new output file called

this of course isn't working.

any help please? thanks.


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remove sendmail/install postfix

2007-01-31 Thread David B.

hi, hate to bother, but...

I looked around on the net and couldn't find a howto on howto uninstall
sendmail, the default in 3.8, and then install postfix.

I know how to install postfix, but how do you completely remove
sendmail, since it isn't a package where I can just pkg_delete it?

my understanding is that postfix and sendmail aren't friendly on the same
box, and I've found quite a few articles that strongly suggest removing
sendmail if you've chosen to use postfix.

any links would be helpful, thanks

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2006-12-09 Thread David B.

I've looked an man pf, and it's way too confusing; I'm using smoothwall as a
standalone firewall, and it pretty much works the way I want it to; however,
I've found a reason to block a an IP range, particularly;
is there an equivalent to an iptables command I can use to simply
drop all traffic coming from that range?

like go into a file, and have a command in the form of: 'drop all from'?

oh, and does anyone have any comments on Labrea? as a honeypot?  it looks
pretty good, and it comes for openbsd, or is openbsd simply best left alone?


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rc.local command for postgres

2006-10-19 Thread David B.

trying to get postgres to start up at boot.  found this at postgresql's site

On OpenBSD, add the following lines to the file /etc/rc.local:

if [ -x /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -a -x /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster ]; 
   su - -c '/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl start -l /var/postgresql/log -s' 

   echo -n ' postgresql'

my pg_ctl and postmaster executables are at /usr/local/bin, and have 

the script accordingly.  my script reads as follows:

if [ -x /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl -a -x /usr/local/bin/postmaster ]; then
 su - -c '/usr/local/bin/pg_ctl -D /WEBSITE/DATADIRECTORY start' postgres

at boot the error thrown is "No such login class: /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl -D 

the command I usually use after su'ing into postgres is:


as /usr/local/bin is obviously in my PATH.

Any Ideas?


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Version 4.0 release

2006-10-09 Thread David B.
I see 4.0 is coming out, and yet, no hardware raid support, no fixes for 

and still no SMP support, for sparc64 on Ultrasparc II machines.

I'm using only 1 processor out of 4, and 4 hard drives out of 30 because I 
can't hardware raid
my enterprise fiberchannel array, I can't hardware raid the majority of the 
drives in my
E450, and because raidframe is so old and buggy, I can't raid5 any of it, 
and am left

mirroring my 2 boot drives together, and 2 data drives together.

This is a $125,000 machine 5 years ago, and I treat it no better than some 
crappy i686 box
because security is my primary issue.  If I went with another OS, I could 
get a lot of the
functionality I want, but what good is it, if some 12 y/o kid in pakistan 
can hack my box.

I just can't see why SMP and hardware raid aren't supported on sparc64/II.

Thanks at least for a very secure OS.  I've been online now for 6 months on 
this E450 with

no hacks.

FreeBSD emulation

2006-09-06 Thread David B.

hi, hate to bother, ...

I'm running 3.8 on a sun E450 sparc64.  I need to be able to enable freebsd 
emulation.  I checked the /etc/sysctl.conf file to un-remark the line, but 
it isn't there;
which makes me think that the sparc64 version of 3.8 doesn't provide 
by default in the kernel, or, it's not available at all on the sparc64 

Am I out of luck? or do I just recompile the kernel?



2006-07-26 Thread David B.
sorry to bother, can anyone suggest a definitive book I should buy on how to 
set up Sendmail on Openbsd 3.8?

I have looked all over the net for a HOWTO or an article that steps me 
through how to set up a user account and password, and then how to retrieve 
it (look at it on the server), but all the articles go on and on on how to 
download it, compile it and install it; none of them tell me how to use it.  
The articles talk about just every possible subject except how to simply 
create a user/password account, and then tell you where the email is 
supposed to be on the server, and then how to look at it.

They don't seem to explain how to "name" the server either.  My URL will be, and I can turn on port 25 in my firewall (smoothwall) and 
forward it to the internal IP, but how do I tell the server it's supposed to 
accept the email for

anyway, so I don't waste anyone's time asking a bunch of beginner questions 
back and forth, any suggestions on a book to buy would help tremendously.


OpenSSH Server

2006-04-27 Thread David B.

3.8 on sparc64.
How do I determine if OpenSSH is installed on my box? (command line only, no 
and whether it's a server versus a client?  I'm getting to the stage where I 
need to

be able to log into my server remotely.


Panic: biodone already

2006-04-20 Thread David B.

me again, sorry.
I have a raidframe raid5 array, I had it originally installed, had a kernel 
panic of some sort, don't remember, and turned off the machine.  I have had 
to clean the disklabels on the raw drives, newfs them, raidctl -C the array, 
-I the array, -vP the array, and had a new array.  I rebooted and -s to make 
sure everything was optimum and clean.

I create a database on the raid with postgresql and then attempt to upload 
an .sql file to 'restore' (that is move a copy of my system from a different 
box) my database onto this Sun box, and I get a kernel panic that says 
'biodone already.'

three questions:

1) is there a command I can put at the ddb> prompt so that I don't lose my 

when I try boot, it says that root wasn't umounted properly and I have to 
rebuild raid0 and my SAN array (raid1 - where the database is supposed to 
sit).  When I try 'continue',

it responds with syncing disk and then reboots, and lose my raids again.

2) is there a command where I can entirely erase my drives so I can start 
from scratch?  This is a sparc64 build and I can't use fdisk - is newfs 

3) is there any way to prevent this biodone panic? like turning off a 
feature or recompiling the kernel?

It takes a whole day to rebuild the SAN array because it's so big, if this 
were to happen in a production machine I suspect I'd lose everything.


recover raidframe

2006-04-18 Thread David B.


I have two raids set up, raid0 (boot) and raid1 (a fiberchannel SAN), I need 
to boot
my raid kernel and bring up raid0 (automatically rebuilding parity), but not 
bring up
raid1.  I renamed the raid1.conf file in root as temp.raid1.conf hoping that 
when the
kernel booted up it wouldn't construct raid1, but it grabbed it from 
(probably from raid0a).  raid1 is a 500GB SAN and takes 5 hours to rebuild 
(which isn't working, so I am just going to newfs the drives and start from 

so what file do I delete, or command do I give so I get the raid kernel, but
omit raid1?  I don't mind omitting raid0 either, I can easily rebuild that 
by copy

backing from sd1d, but I can't turn off autoconfig if I don't have
the raid kernel booted, but when I 'boot disk0:a' it automatically
configures raid1, which I don't want to do.


mount floppy drive

2006-04-17 Thread David B.

hate to bother on such a silly problem, but when I try to
mount_msdos /dev/fd0c I get a 'device not configured' error.

I've already looked at fdc(4) and mount(8) and see that the device
is fd, the number -usually 0, and then in my case B for a 1.44 drive
and then the partition, but, of course, there are no examples;
so, I've tried mount -t msdos /dev/fd0Bc, fd0c, fd0bc, fd0a, fd0ba, etc
I've also tried ./MAKEDEV fd0, and then even newfs_msdos-ing the device.

I checked GENERIC to make sure that fdc* at sbus? wasn't REMed out
for some reason.

Any other ideas?


SMP support for Sun E450 Sparc64?

2006-04-17 Thread David B.


are there any plans to release a version for sparc64?  My box 
currently can only use cpu0; I have 4 processors, and it seems a shame to 
waste all of that power.


3.9 coming out

2006-04-03 Thread David B.
hi, I see 3.9 is getting ready to be released.  Do you plan on bundling 
Apache2 with it?  it would seem a logical thing to do, since the Apache 
version currently bundled with it seems to have problems.

I just lost my entire development box to a hack this week, right through 
smoothwall's DMZ. I had apache up, postgresql installed with the mod_php as 
the middleware.  All settings were default and the only port I had open was 
80 through smoothwall.  I even had all packets dropped that came from asia, 
south america and africa.

The point being, if you sell security as your market niche, you might want 
to make sure that, at least, Apache be up to date, and not a version from 5 
years ago where who knows how many hacks there are out there for it.

I don't mind rebuilding my development box from scratch because that's why I 
had it on the net like that anyway, simply to see how long it would take for 
someone to crash it.  It took less than a month - that's not very good from 
a default security viewpoint.

I'm assuming of course that Apache is the problem, as there are no logs or 
anyway to tell what happened, but the hard drive started to make an awful 
screaching sound as the drive was apparently being forced to track the heads 
back and forth very quickly.  The drive is fine, but apache and postgresql 
won't start, and the wtmp file was erased, so that when I did a 'last' only 
my most recent login came up.

Anyway, it would be nice if Apache 2 were available for 3.9

scsibus at? target at?

2006-04-01 Thread David B.
installing a raidframe.  raid(4) says I have to hardcode the devices and not 
use sd4a, etc.  When I boot, the screen scrolls by so fast I can't see what 
scsibus the /dev's are attached to.  My primary is obviously scsibus0, 
currently with 4 targets, 0 through 3, found at sd0-3; however, I have a 
Qlogic 2100 FC-AL HBA to which my SAN array is attached with 12 fiberchannel 
drives.  These drives are sd4-15.

Is there a command or a utility I can use to see what scsibus and target the 
drives are attached to? or is it a default that the primary be scsibus0 and 
the Qlogic HBA be
scsibus1?  If I add another scsi controller to the pci bus, does that change 
or is everything automatically attached to scsibus0, and in this case the 
targets are
going to have the same numbering as the devices?  (e.g.  sd4 is scsibus0 at 
target 4)


DPTMGR - can't find it

2006-03-26 Thread David B.


I've installed 3.8 on a sun E450, I recompiled the kernel to include 
RaidFrame for my boot drives and dpt(4) to support my Adaptec/DPT 
controller.  The OS now sees /dev/sd4, which is the controller card, but I 
can't find any source code or binary for dptmgr to configure the array.

Does openbsd use a different utility to configure hardware raid?  any links 
to where I can download dptmgr?  because I'm on a sun, I can't use the DOS 
boot stuff that's out there.  apparently, I can use the linux versions of 
dptmgr (presumably after recompiling) but I can't find the source code.
