Re: Intel wifi ipw showing up but not working

2021-02-12 Thread Jose N Figueroa

Have you created the file in /etc/hostname.interface ? in your case it would be
/etc/hostname.ipw0 if your interface is ipw0

and the WEP Key or WPA KEY should be added, also remember to add dhcp. After
you created the file with the content I added below, you should be able to
execute netstart as root with:

#  sh /etc/netstart

-- example of hostname file --

join "Network-WIFI" wpakey password

-- end of example --

On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 10:10:32PM +0100, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> Hello
> I just installed OpenBSD 6.8 on a Toshiba Tecra S1. It is a fresh install,
> so i can't say if it worked on previous OpenBSD versions (I have seen
> something in the mailing list about that). the BIOS has no special options
> regarding the wireless card.
> The laptop has this network card:
> ipw0 at pci2 dev 4 function 0 "Intel PRO/Wireless 2100" rev 0x04: irq 11,
> address 00:0c:f1:1f:b2:a0
> I installed the firmware with fw_update. I try to bring the interface up, I
> can set the nwid, but it never connects.
> I set the WEP password and it does not get saved if I check back with
> ifconfig.
> If I try to scan, nothing is shown, I get no errors on the console/dmesg.
> Also I notice the LED does never blink, there is no activity on the card
> I tried enabling debug and I see:
> ifconfig debug ipw0 list
> ifconfig: SIOCDIFADDR: Device not configured
> what am I missing? some magic sysctl?
> Thank you,
> Riccardo

Jose Figueroa

pgmodeler is not finding the libraries on -current

2021-02-10 Thread Jose N Figueroa

I'm struggling to make working the pgmodeler 0.9.3 application on OpenBSD 

When I try to run pgmodeler I get the following errors:

~ > pgmodeler pgmodeler: can't load library ''
~ > pgmodeler pgmodeler: can't load library ''
~ > pgmodeler pgmodeler: can't load library ''
~ > pgmodeler pgmodeler: can't load library ''

And I see all the libraries there:

~ > ls -lah /usr/local/lib/pgmodeler/ 
total 19096
drwxr-xr-x3 root  wheel   512B Feb 10 01:42 .
drwxr-xr-x  109 root  wheel  55.0K Feb 10 01:42 ..
-rw-r--r--1 root  bin 485K Feb  9 01:49
-rw-r--r--1 root  bin 231K Feb  9 01:49
-rw-r--r--1 root  bin 178K Feb  9 01:49
-rw-r--r--1 root  bin 2.1M Feb  9 01:49
-rw-r--r--1 root  bin 6.0M Feb  9 01:49
-rw-r--r--1 root  bin 143K Feb  9 01:49
drwxr-xr-x2 root  wheel   512B Feb 10 01:42 plugins

OpenBSD Version:
~ >  sysctl kern.version 
kern.version=OpenBSD 6.9-beta (GENERIC.MP) #324: Tue Feb  9 17:20:54 MST 2021

I'm not sure what could be the problem. I even tried to compile the port and
didn't work.

Thanks in advance.

Jose Figueroa