Re: Sun M-class hardware denial of service

2008-09-10 Thread list-obsd-misc
My understanding of this issue is that it is only likely to be caused by an 
exploited domain, or running OpenBSD. Both should be a rare event (OpenBSD 
isn't really production-ready on this hardware). It's acceptable in the 
majority of cases to just let the domain be unused.

It's a bug, it's irritating, it should be fixed, but it's not a huge problem.

Re: Packet Filter: how to keep device names on hardware failure?

2008-08-22 Thread list-obsd-misc
 Question: How can I make sure that em2 doesn't become em0
 if my dual-port NIC dies? This would be fatal for my firewall
 setup. At least the antispoof rules _must_ be bound to the
 network devices.

Yep, this is an ugly problem.

You could have a shellscript at boot scan ifconfig output and associate NICs 
with their MAC addresses, adding appropriate macros to pf.conf.

Re: Hardware recommendation for firewalls (more than 4 NICs)

2008-08-08 Thread list-obsd-misc
On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 06:54:05PM -0500, patric conant wrote:
 You strongly overestimate the value of your comments (3 cents), it seems
 like there are many places more appropriate than this one for you to suggest
 middle-of-the-road hardware running a proprietary OS that has among the
 worst security records in the industry.

Oh, god, Cisco vs anyone else, especially free solutions seems to degenerate 
into things like this.

IOS and IOS XR actually has quite a good security history - other Cisco 
software, no.

If you doubt me, actually look at the security record - oh, and be careful not 
to just compare OpenBSD's only 2 remote holes in the default install vs IOS - 
many (most) of the IOS vulnerabilities are for things that haven't been enabled 
by default on recent IOS images.

Cisco routers general purpose computer parts of their routers are 
middle-of-the-road hardware in speed; much (slow) embedded hardware is far 
more reliable than the 'PC' equivelant. 

Server hardware (you shouldn't run anything important on a PC -- use proper 
server hardware) + Linux/Solaris/NetBSD/FreeBSD/OpenBSD works well as a router 
and firewall. IOS on a Cisco router does as well. The *nix solution works well 
and is cheap, but in my experience it's still slightly less stable than the 
Cisco equivelant. More importantly in many ways, Cisco hardware is usually 
marginally more reliable (both are reliable) than server hardware. 

IOS, while a complete PITA, is easier to configure than plain *nix OSes for 
networking stuff - one does not have sprawling config files, and making a 
config change updates running-config, making it easy to save your changes; ip 
address;do wr m is much easier than ifconfig fxp0;vi /etc/hostname.fxp0;edit. It's also much less error prone, 
which is important.

With things like Quagga/Zebra this advantage is eliminated, but both of those 
have problems far more frequently than IOS.

IOS is a lot easier to upgrade than any *nix - just copy the image,
reload. Downtime is short, though many of their routers boot slow. This
*could* be changed (I'm thinking something along the lines of Solaris
LU - but easier), but as of yet has not been.

But, it's *much* cheaper, and PF is vastly better than IOS's firewall.

Software routers struggle at high PPS; Cisco makes some nice hardware that can 
handle that. As does Juniper, and a few others.

Re: Hardware recommendation for firewalls (more than 4 NICs)

2008-08-08 Thread list-obsd-misc
 So you expect additional reliability from stacking ebayed cisco equipment
 with OpenBSD bridges behind them, as the original poster mentioned, and cost
 effectiveness by buying used cisco equipment and paying for relicensing so
 that you can get updates, compared to setting up OpenBSD boxes as routers, I
 am not following the logic, and still think the original post was
 ridiculous. I understand the logic behind the no moving parts embedded
 solution ideas, but am I the only person whom has seen embedded equipment
 fail 2-4x more often than the Proliants behind them? I just don't think that
 embedded=reliable is a cut and dry equation.

Provided the Cisco boxes will failover to different bridges, I think that it 
would increase reliability. There are also many occasions where it is 
inpractical to have an OpenBSD box terminate a link - T3, OC-12, etc. 

I explicitly mentioned that OpenBSD is much cheaper. One might get higher cost 
effectiveness in a few occasions (such as where the networking guys are 
clueless about OpenBSD).

Of course embedded != reliable, but there are many embedded systems available 
that provide much higher reliability than standard x86 systems.

Most Cisco routers I've seen do have moving parts - big fans.

You're probably not the only person to see such failure rates, but I expect 
new, well cared for Cisco routers have higher hardware reliability than new, 
well cared for Proliants. Other embedded equipment is very variable.

What embedded equipment were you talking about? 

The original post was ridiculous, but that doesn't make your reply accurate.

Re: Any offshore OpenBSD hosting?

2008-06-18 Thread list-obsd-misc
 But if ISP's must have blackbox on their interfaces (hello FBI),than you can't
 trust your local hosting company even if they are very friendly ;-)

Cisco prefers a blueish-black color. Juniper boxes tend to be white and blue.

In most Western countries there are many ISPs; if many of them were forced to 
have, in secret, black boxes on their networks, it would soon be public that 
that is occuring.

Providers are, in many cases, being forced to allow, unmonitored, snooping by 
their governments - read up on CALEA. Hardware based routing platforms will be 
able to handle only a very small amount of traffic, the CPUs that are used in 
them tend to be very slow and even the fastest CPUs can route only a tiny 
amount of the traffic modern hardware-based routers can.

So, if the government wants to monitor YOU specifically, or occasionally 
monitor everyone, they might be able to do it via CALEA.

If I wished to monitor a large amount of peoples traffic (not all - that's not 
technically feasible), I would try and use passive taps with the cooperation of 
major transit providers. If I was on a smaller budget, then I would just do 
that with some major telcos.  The NSA appears to have decided to use a hybrid 
approach. If I had very large amounts of money that I am willing to spend 
(well, government has lots of money, and it's not theirs, so why would they 
mind spending it?) I would do the same with cable providers (not the coax kind).

I would definitely try and avoid small ISPs and IXPs - high maintenance, high 
whining and very difficult to perform surveillance using them clandestinely. 
Laying a submarine cable is far more expensive than starting an ISP or IXP.

So, basically, you are being paranoid about the wrong things. 

Re: ssh-keygen not reading stdin as expected

2008-06-15 Thread list-obsd-misc
 Option -f filename, Filename of the key file, seems to be the right
 option and '-' is the usual way of indicating stdin.

So? Just use /dev/stdin.

OpenBGPD IPv6 problems

2008-05-09 Thread list-obsd-misc
I'm running OpenBSD 4.2 on SPARC64. I have managed to get a simple BGP setup 
working on IPv4, however the IPv6 version of the same setup fails. A BGP 
session is established in both cases and peer B claims to be announcing what it 
should be announcing, yet in the IPv6 version peer A does not add it to its RIB.

Host A:
AS: 64512
Loopback: 2001:db8::1
To B: 2001:db8:1::1/64
Host B:
AS: 64513
Loopback: 2001:db8::2
To A: 2001:db8:1::2/64
To miscellaneous subnet: 2001:db8:2::1/64

Host A:

inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 2001:db8::1 prefixlen 128
inet netmask 0xff00
inet netmask 0x

inet6 2001:db8:1::1 prefixlen 64
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast

AS 64512

neighbor {
remote-as 64513
announce all

allow from any

AS 64512

neighbor 2001:db8:1::2 {
remote-as 64513
announce all

allow from any

bgpctl sh (v4):
Neighbor AS   MsgRcvdMsgSentOutQ  Up/Down  State/PrfRcvd 64513  3  3 0 00:00:13  2

bgpctl sh (v6):
Neighbor AS   MsgRcvdMsgSentOutQ  Up/Down  State/PrfRcvd
2001:db8:1::2   64513  3  4 0 00:00:31  0

bgpctl sh rib:
* 0 64513 i
* 0 64513 i

bgpctl sh rib inet6:
flags: * = Valid,  = Selected, I = via IBGP, A = Announced
origin: i = IGP, e = EGP, ? = Incomplete

flags destination gateway  lpref   med aspath origin

Host B:


inet netmask 0xff00
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet netmask 0x
inet6 2001:db8::2 prefixlen 128

inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet6 2001:db8:2::1 prefixlen 64

inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet6 2001:db8:1::2 prefixlen 64

AS 64513


neighbor {
remote-as 64512
announce all

allow from any

AS 64513

network 2001:db8::2/128
network 2001:db8:2::/64

neighbor 2001:db8:1::1 {
remote-as 64512
announce all

allow from any

bgpctl sh (v4)
Neighbor AS   MsgRcvdMsgSentOutQ  Up/Down  State/PrfRcvd 64512  2  4 0 00:00:11  0

bgpctl sh (v6)
Neighbor AS   MsgRcvdMsgSentOutQ  Up/Down  State/PrfRcvd
2001:db8:1::1   64512  2  2 0 00:00:06  0

bgpctl sh rib
AI* 0 i
AI* 0 i

bgpctl sh rib inet6
AI*  2001:db8::2/128 :: 100 0 i
AI*  2001:db8:2::/64 :: 100 0 i

Blackhole / reject routes

2008-02-24 Thread list-obsd-misc
Currently I'm blackholing and rejecting some traffic with route add 
-reject/-blackhole address; this works fine, but bounces all the 
rejected/blackholed traffic to the loopback interface. 

This behaviour is.. annoying, and possibly ineffecient. I'm probably searching 
for a null/blackhole/fake address/interface. I tried creating an unconfigred 
pseudo-device, slapping an IP address on it and routing it to there; it 
blackholes traffic effectively, but also blackholes traffic if you have a 

What is a better way to reject/blackhole traffic in OpenBSD?

Re: brute force voip QoS

2008-01-30 Thread list-obsd-misc
 My bandwidth is very very limited. Not more than 140 Kbps on both
 sides at any time. I use G729 as a codec in order to reduce
 consumption. Use the pf.conf below, when VoIP is the only traffic,
 the quality of the calls is excelent with no voice cutting at all.
 Now if I start a download I immediatelly see the quality degrade.
 That is why I thought of using some radical policy.

That's strange; it may be your connection struggles at much lower bandwidths 
than nominal - for instance, perhaps it suffers high packet loss  at 80% 
utilization; TCP could recover, but VoIP might be affected.

Doing what you want should be quite simple, though. There are many ways I can 
think of of detecting VoIP traffic if your ruleset manages to - have pf log 
(all) on a pflog interface dedicated to it, look at queue traffic - and many 
ways of blocking everything other than that. I can't think of an elegant way of 
doing what you want, though!

Re: low-MHz server

2008-01-30 Thread list-obsd-misc
You said you live rurally - in that case, perhaps you should build/buy a small 
quality (read as: won't get wet) shed, have your systems there and run some 
outdoor-rated CAT5e from it to your house. That should allow you to use KVM 
extenders, serial, etc. Remember the inverse-square law for RF. RF usually is 
attentuated greatly by opaque things, though just plants etc. will also 
attentuate. If you can place it behind a hill that would be good. 

Also, apply for the JREF Million Dollar Challenge. If you succeed, you should 
have a lot more options on reducing RF.

Re: brute force voip QoS

2008-01-30 Thread list-obsd-misc
To: Stuart Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: brute force voip QoS

  pass out queue (std_out,lowdelay)
 here, you place ACKs from downloads at a higher priority than
 your voip calls. this is unlikely to be what you want with priq
 over a 140Kb/s link..

According to pf.conf, that also prioritizes packets with ToS set to lowdelay; 
looking at what ToS the packets have would be a good idea.