Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-07 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 12:40:12AM -0200, Gustavo Rios wrote:
Hey folks,

sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone tell if it is serious,
i myself could not believe it.

I don't agree with most things, but a few comments:

One-Way System Calls. There are solutions for that that work quite
well. Witness systrace, for example. Or Arla. Or the way kernel messages
get logged to files.

The critique on C is quite on point in my eyes. How many stack or heap
overflows we wouldn't incur if we used something having decent string
support and bounds checking, be it at compile-time or at run-time?

However, having C as the main low level system language is okay for me,
i.e. having the kernel and the basic userland libraries, startup, etc.
done in C just works fine. However for more high-level application code
I'd prefer working in a higher level language, binding needed
functionality in from C/C++ using the foreign function interface of the
higher level language. Alas, I'm forced to do most of my paid work in
C++ - but then, for me, C++ is mostly an improvement over C already, and
the integration of C code proper is easy, of course.

Kind regards,


Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-07 Thread Shane J Pearson

On 07/11/2005, at 1:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Everything is a stream of bytes.

Reminds me of that saying which goes something like...

How do you eat an elephant? One mouthful at a time.

Microsoft tries to put the whole elephant in its mouth all at once, then
dies choking on it. Then the elephant it blamed.

Shane J Pearson

Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-06 Thread Andrew Daugherity
At first I thought perhaps my sarcasm detector (now _there's_ a real
useful invention!) was broken, but apparently this guy is serious.

To put a new twist on the old aphorism:

Those who do not understand the UNIX Hater's Handbook are doomed to
reinvent it poorly.  (Or maybe plagiarize it poorly, I can't tell.)

If you haven't read it, it's worth taking a look at.  Very much
tongue-in-cheek, of course, and due to its age, not entirely correct
now (being written prior to the rise of Linux and *BSD).  If nothing
else, read dmr's anti-foreword and the appendix where Thompson,
Kernhigan, and Ritchie admit UNIX and C were April Fool's pranks.

Nick's taking himself seriously bit and subsequent deconstruction
reminded me of this publication (I mean this as a compliment,
really!).  I still keep the KR C book on my shelf (long live 1TBS!). 
It's the 2nd ed. though... being young enough to learn C as ANSI C, I
find the earlier style of code positively icky, and I think the
ansify commits in the CVS logs agree with me.  :-)

Speaking of going off-topic...


Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-06 Thread Peter Philipp
On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 06:22:29AM -0600, Andrew Daugherity wrote:
 At first I thought perhaps my sarcasm detector (now _there's_ a real
 useful invention!) was broken, but apparently this guy is serious.

I'm seriously falling into this troll trap.. oh well.  It's an
interesting article but in the end it doesn't really say anything and
leaves the reader with nothing.  If this guy was serious he'd proactively
provide an alternative to UNIX.  But he doesn't.  He just cries about how
much UNIX sucks for his purposes.  He mentions QNX and how nice that is,
but he fails to mention that QNX isn't Open Source and that you gotta buy 
it.  And you probably don't get the source with it either.

I for one think the Unix-like Operating System of my choice outweighs any
nitpicks of this crank.


Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-06 Thread Anthony Gabrielson

Nick Holland wrote

The whole C doesn't do strings has always been complete Bull Sh*t in
my mind.  C does strings like the processor underneath does -- it
doesn't make complex operations involving moving thousands of bytes look
simple.  While I do use Perl for some apps, the stuff it lets you get
away with in one line creeps me out horribly...knowing C and a few
(ancient) assembly languages, I know what is going on under the covers,
but I have sympathy for the new programmer (or very experienced
programmer who lacks certain bits of experience) who writes a ten line
program and wonders why it takes twenty minutes to run...

I also think C is a great language.  I also think it does strings well, 
you just need to be a little creative about it. A pointer here and a 
data structure there will go along way.  If someone can't make C do 
strings I think they need to reevaluate there creativity.  You have to 
play a game here or there but once you do it and figure it out - its 
done forever.


Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-06 Thread Jared Solomon
I always thought that the number one reason Unix sucked as lack of
support for Mind-Reading Markup Language so I don't have to use any
input device anymore.

I guess I was wrong.

Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-06 Thread Kenneth R Westerback
On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 12:40:12AM -0200, Gustavo Rios wrote:
 Hey folks,
 sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone tell if it is serious,
 i myself could not believe it.

Looks like a rehash of

with its Anti-Foreward by Dennis Ritchie. Whether you think it is
humurous or not is of course up to you. I thought it was funny when
I read it '94.


Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-06 Thread J.C. Roberts
On Sun, 6 Nov 2005 00:40:12 -0200, Gustavo Rios [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey folks,

sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone tell if it is serious,
i myself could not believe it.

I didn't even bother loading the page... if it's sarcasm, should be
funny, but if it's not funny, the guy is probably serious.

If you want a critical look at UNIX, with comparisons, google up a copy
of the UNIX Haters Handbook, It's good reading even if you are a
devout weenix uni.


RE: Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-06 Thread tony

On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 12:40:12AM -0200, Gustavo
Rios wrote:
 Hey folks,
 sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone
tell if it is serious,
 i myself could not believe it.

Looks like a rehash of

with its Anti-Foreward by Dennis Ritchie. Whether
you think it is
humurous or not is of course up to you. I thought
it was funny when
I read it '94.


Looks like a good book. Thanks.

from the Preface Deficient by Design
Being small and simple is more important 
than being complete and correct
You only have to solve 90% of the problem.
Everything is a stream of bytes.

Despite a plethora of fine books on the subject, Unix security remains an 
elusive goal at best.
There is an obvious implication for Windows security.

These attitudes are no longer appropriate for an operating
system that hosts complex and important applications

The gripes may be legitimate, but really, are we any closer
to finishing that last 10% than we were 40 years ago?
Before there even were such things as operating systems
and editors and such.
Probably the real reason to hate Unix is that it has
outlived its betters, and will most likely continue to do so.

Somehow the assumption that you have 100% (when only 90% 
is attainable) seems to be eventually fatal.

Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-05 Thread Damien Miller
On Sun, 6 Nov 2005 00:40:12 -0200
Gustavo Rios [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey folks,
 sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone tell if it is serious,
 i myself could not believe it.

Just another troll for 10+ pages of adverts. No original
insight there - just a rehashing old arguments made by people who
either don't understand Unix or have an axe to grind. 

Don't bother giving the publication the benefit of the page 


Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-05 Thread Shane J Pearson

On 06/11/2005, at 3:32 PM, Damien Miller wrote:

Don't bother giving the publication the benefit of the page

If anyone still wants to read it, but wish to avoid the adverts, this is
the printer friendly version:

Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-05 Thread Bryan Allen 

He's a CS major working on a PhD in autonomic computing and co- 
authored a Red Hat Linux book. Of course he's bitter and hasn't got  
the full picture. ;-)

His complaints are either edge cases, or simply wrong. Ignore him.

As someone else in the peanut gallery stated earlier: His first  
class honors degree and two pounds will get him a pint at the local  

Bryan Allen
Cyberpunk is dead. Long live cyberpunk.

Re: OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-05 Thread Nick Holland
Gustavo Rios wrote:
 Hey folks,
 sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone tell if it is serious,
 i myself could not believe it.

The author is taking themselves seriously.  I don't recommend you make
the same mistake.

1) Everything Is a File (Unless It Isn't)
yeah, so?  The better solution would be to make somethings a file and
somethings not?  Hows' that different?  Or maybe the Plan 9 option which
is supposedly super-consistent, but lacking applications and usage in
real life.

2) Everything Is Text
I've worked on systems where some files are fixed records, others are
binary, some are text...thank you, I like the Unix approach.

3) No Introspection
Har.  MacOS as an example of what he wants?  Gee, isn't Apple DROPPING
that feature on OSX?  While it is great if you happen to be interested
in only talking to other Macs, it's a major irritant if you can't get
the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD to agree with you on how its done, and that
WILL NOT happen.

4) X11: Almost a GUI
a very weak, but almost valid point here.  I first saw this comment
about X almost 20 years ago.  X11 is kinda clunky in some regards, but
not so clunky that people have decided as a group on a good alternative.
Propose an alternative, port it to a lot of platforms, port a lot of
software to it, and then we will talk.  Until then, enjoy X.

5) Standard Input, Standard Output
Without an alternative stated, this is complete bull.  Don't like STDIO?
 Don't use it.  Isn't appropriate for your app?  Don't use it.  Sheesh.

6) Synchronous System Calls
Hm.  If QNX is so much more efficient, why is Unix used on most
supercomputers now?  Obviously, the issue isn't big enough to cause
people to jump favorite OSs.

7) One-Way System Calls
Yes, this is clearly why there are so few applications written in Unix.

8) C: Cross-Platform PDP Assembler
ok, this argument kills all credibility for the in my
eyes.  C became the language of choice for because it WORKS and works
well for its intended purpose.  It was developed by people who used it
for their own use.  It was chosen by others because it worked for them.
 Yes, it was developed IN a Huge Company, but it was not pushed by them.
 Contrast that to a popular language right now which is being crammed
down the corporate world's throat.  I really suspect that ten years
after Sun Microsystems vanishes or quits pushing Java, Java will vanish
like scores of other proprietary languages, and C will still be actively

ok, I may be a bit biased here.  I love C.  I fell in love with it
almost from the first article I read about it (Byte Magazine, early
1980s), and loved it when I first started programming in it (Software
Toolworks C on CP/M-80, later BDS C, also on CP/M-80.  BDS C could
produce hello world in a COMPLETELY self-contained 2k binary).  The
White Book was the ultimate programming language definition guide --
very complete, and very readable, and very slim.  You could feel the
bits and bytes flowing by in your programs.  Everything was an integer
-- pointers were integers, strings were integers, and even floating
point was just a bunch of bytes(=integers) you handled carefully.  Yeah,
obviously, it had some serious problems -- the portable assembly
language idea just doesn't work out for anything other than the most
basic of programs, so layers of abstraction were added in ANSI C.

The whole C doesn't do strings has always been complete Bull Sh*t in
my mind.  C does strings like the processor underneath does -- it
doesn't make complex operations involving moving thousands of bytes look
simple.  While I do use Perl for some apps, the stuff it lets you get
away with in one line creeps me out horribly...knowing C and a few
(ancient) assembly languages, I know what is going on under the covers,
but I have sympathy for the new programmer (or very experienced
programmer who lacks certain bits of experience) who writes a ten line
program and wonders why it takes twenty minutes to run...

C isn't the ultimate language for all activities, but it is darned good,
it has been chosen through natural selection, not marketing money and
buzzword compliance.  Sure, I'd love to see a better language, but I
haven't seen it yet, and I have seen LOTS of replacements for C that
clearly will never take over.

Funny, many of the alternative languages to C are written in..C.  And,
they are available and were originally developed on Unix.

I'll admit, my love of C kinda faded when it went from being a PDP
assembler to a completely portable, abstract, high-level language
that ANSI C is now.  Yeah, yeah, I know, all kinds of advantages to
portable code.  But no ANSI C compiler does a hello world in a 2k
stand-alone binary...and you can't feel the bytes in your fingers
anymore (and if you do, you are writing non-portable code, which is bad.
 See why I stay out of src/ ? :).

Some clues to what the alternative