Re: network bandwith with em(4)

2011-03-03 Thread Manuel Guesdon
On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 00:51:46 + (UTC)
Stuart Henderson wrote:

| On 2011-02-28, Manuel Guesdon wrote:
| ipmi0 at mainbus0: version 2.0 interface KCS iobase 0xca2/2 spacing 1
| ipmi is disabled in GENERIC. have you tried without it?

Not on this server (I can't reboot it often) but on another one with same
hardware: it doesn't seems to make difference (it still have Ierr). 


Manuel Guesdon - OXYMIUM

Re: Would appreciate clarification on supported 10Gb Intel to resolve conflict between man and hardware section.

2011-03-03 Thread Jonathan Gray
On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 06:09:36PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
 Would it be possible to get some clarification on what would work
 and not for the 10Gb Intel network cards?
 I compare the man page, both man(4) ixgb and man(4) ix as well as
 the hardware section and looked at the data from Intel to find more
 in trying to answer that question.
 But I am still looking for confirmation of the support or not in
 OpenBSD for some of them. I get conflicting information and I am not
 sure what is real.
 The hardware compatible page do list:
 # Intel 82597 PRO/10GbE based PCI adapters (ixgb)
 # Intel 82598 PRO/10GbE based PCI adapters (ix)
 The man(4) ixgb show the 82597, fine.
 The man(4) ix does list the 82598AF, 82598EB, 82598AT and 82599EB as
 well and the X520 series SFP models, X520,DA2, X520-SR1, X520-SR2,
 X520-LR1 but not the RJ-45 model X520-T1 based on the same 82599ES.
 But again the man(4) ix do not list the 82599ES as a supported
 chipset, but that's what is in the X520 SFP series.

The intel product documents are confused about which chips they
use.  The clearest split is something along the lines of:

7 82599EB -- PCI Express* (PCIe*) 2.0, dual port 10 Gigabit
Ethernet controller
7 82599ES -- Serial 10 GbE backplane interface for blade
implementations (includes the 82599EB SKU functionality plus serial).

 Looking more at Intel to try to figure this out here:
 I see all the listed model in the man page X520-DA2, X520-SR1,
 X520-SR2, X520-LR1 are all based on the 82599ES, but then the
 82599ES is not listed in the chipset in that man page, however these
 cards works based on the man page and then the X520-T2 is also based
 on the same chip 82599ES as well. So, it should work right and
 should be in the list or am I missing something?
 What about the Intel 10 Gigabits AT2 then. It's designed with the
 82598EB and that's on the man page, but not listed in hardware,
 anyone knows if that works or not?
 Based on the man page, the X520-T1 may be wouldn't work, but looking
 at what chip it used and what other model are supported it should
 also work. I would appreciate confirmation or denial here and
 possibly an update to the man page to clarify that?
 Anyone have one of these and can tell for sure if that's true or not?
 So, shouldn't the 82599ES be added to the man page if the X520
 series are all supported then?
 And possibly the X520-T1 as well as it does use the same chipset,
 but only the difference in the connector or am I missing something
 I would appreciated some feedback either way as spending $600+ to
 find out if it doesn't is a  bit hard. (;

There are mentions of 82598 10GbaseT working, I don't see why
82599 10GbaseT wouldn't work off hand.

E necessario aggiornare il tuo Visa - MasterCard profilo.

2011-03-03 Thread Verified By Visa
Gentile Cliente,
A causa del nostro recente aggiornamento sui nostri server
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Re: network bandwith with em(4)

2011-03-03 Thread Claudio Jeker
On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 09:11:13AM +0100, Manuel Guesdon wrote:
 On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 00:51:46 + (UTC)
 Stuart Henderson wrote:
 | On 2011-02-28, Manuel Guesdon wrote:
 | ipmi0 at mainbus0: version 2.0 interface KCS iobase 0xca2/2 spacing 1
 | ipmi is disabled in GENERIC. have you tried without it?
 Not on this server (I can't reboot it often) but on another one with same
 hardware: it doesn't seems to make difference (it still have Ierr). 

This diff will help./sarcasm
I think we already mentioned it that you will always see Ierr. The
question is if the box is able to forward more then 150kpps.

:wq Claudio

Index: if_em.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/if_em.c,v
retrieving revision 1.249
diff -u -p -r1.249 if_em.c
--- if_em.c 13 Feb 2011 19:45:54 -  1.249
+++ if_em.c 3 Mar 2011 10:01:39 -
@@ -3194,14 +3194,7 @@ em_update_stats_counters(struct em_softc
ifp-if_collisions = sc-stats.colc;
/* Rx Errors */
-   ifp-if_ierrors =
-   sc-dropped_pkts +
-   sc-stats.rxerrc +
-   sc-stats.crcerrs +
-   sc-stats.algnerrc +
-   sc-stats.ruc + sc-stats.roc +
-   sc-stats.mpc + sc-stats.cexterr +
-   sc-rx_overruns;
+   ifp-if_ierrors = 0;
/* Tx Errors */
ifp-if_oerrors = sc-stats.ecol + sc-stats.latecol +

Re: Redundant IPSEC tunnels

2011-03-03 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2011-03-01, Claer wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 01 2011 at 30:03, Steve wrote:

 Hi all,
 We have a high speed Internet link at a primary site that has had some
 stability issues. We would like to set up an adsl link as a backup to 
 the ipsec tunnels to the secondary sites if we have further issues.
 Currently clients at site B talk to servers at site A through Tunnel A. If
 tunnel A breaks we need them to talk through tunnel B. I was going to run
 multiple ipsec.conf files at the secondary sites and in the event of failure
 log in and tear down the tunnel A and fire up tunnel B.

I'd generally recommend trying to keep the ipsec config as
straightforward as possible...

 You setup permanently tunnels A and B,
 you add gif over both tunnels,
 then you run ospf on to of gif on both end points, assigning different weights
 for the links.

Yes this should work fine.

Another option is to use gre(4) which (as of OpenBSD 4.8) supports
keepalives directly, and add routes of different priorities over the
primary and backup tunnel interfaces.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods.

Recouvrement de creances : service TOUT COMPRIS

2011-03-03 Thread Annie ALL
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Re: What do you guys use against spam?

2011-03-03 Thread Janne Johansson
2011/3/3 Hugo Osvaldo Barrera

 On 03/03/11 03:44, Theo de Raadt wrote:
  Wrong mailing list to discuss this.
  Please take it elsewhere.

 I thought this would be the ideal place for this sort of thing.
 I did forget to mention, but the mail server is running openbsd, and

It's not on topic for misc@openbsd to ask:
How do I drive to the Colosseum from Hotel Ritz, I have an openbsd laptop
in the passenger seat.

 To our sweethearts and wives.  May they never meet. -- 19th century toast

GRE pppoe MTU

2011-03-03 Thread Steve
Hi all,
Looking to implement ospf over ipsec and need gre in the mix to make it work.
Even leaving out IPSEC I have erratic communication over the gre tunnels.
Pings always Ok but rdp or http traffic is hit and miss. I have been assuming
an MTU issue. I have max-mss set at 1440 on the pppoe interface and have
randomly tried different mtu settings on gre interface down to 1240 with no
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Re: GRE pppoe MTU

2011-03-03 Thread Kenneth R Westerback
On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 05:06:02AM -0800, Steve wrote:
 Hi all,
 Looking to implement ospf over ipsec and need gre in the mix to make it work.
 Even leaving out IPSEC I have erratic communication over the gre tunnels.
 Pings always Ok but rdp or http traffic is hit and miss. I have been assuming
 an MTU issue. I have max-mss set at 1440 on the pppoe interface and have
 randomly tried different mtu settings on gre interface down to 1240 with no
 Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Any information on your hardware/software/network appreciated.

e.g. are you running OpenBSD?


Clarifications on bridge and pf

2011-03-03 Thread Christiano F. Haesbaert
Hi there,

Yesterday I tossed my switch in the bin and got a sun quad fast
ethernet to do it's job.
What I have is a bridged setup with an ip in hme1... I have now
something like this:
ext_if = hme0
bridge0 = { hme1, hme2, hme3, hme4 }
hme1 has ip

My concern is, how is pf semantics regarding traffic on the bridge ?
Should I match packets on bridge0 or on all of the hme ?

I've noticed the following, with rules like this:
pass on hme1
pass on bridge0

I could not get traffic from hosts in hme2 to hme3 for example.
Although the 'pass on bridge0 allowed multicast to travel through bridge.
Eventually I did something like pass on { hme1 hme2 hme3 hme4 }

So it seems multicast matches bridge0, while normal unicast traffic does not.

I'm new to pf, read the manual but that didn't become clear to me.
What am I missing ?

Re: network bandwith with em(4)

2011-03-03 Thread Manuel Guesdon
On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 11:12:09 +0100
Claudio Jeker wrote:

| On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 09:11:13AM +0100, Manuel Guesdon wrote:
|  On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 00:51:46 + (UTC)
|  Stuart Henderson wrote:
|  | On 2011-02-28, Manuel Guesdon wrote:
|  |
|  | 
|  | ipmi0 at mainbus0: version 2.0 interface KCS iobase 0xca2/2 spacing 1
|  | 
|  | ipmi is disabled in GENERIC. have you tried without it?  
|  Not on this server (I can't reboot it often) but on another one with same
|  hardware: it doesn't seems to make difference (it still have Ierr). 
| This diff will help./sarcasm

Of course and s/OpenBSD/FreeBSD/ may help too but none of these proposals
seems very constructive.

| I think we already mentioned it that you will always see Ierr. The
| question is if the box is able to forward more then 150kpps.

Yes that's one a the questions. We can divide it into 3 questions:
1) is the limitation comes from hardware ?
2) is the limitation comes from OpenBSD ?
3) is the limitation comes from the way OpenBSD exploit hardware.

1) Except if someone explain by a+b why the hardware can't forward this
rate, I'm keep thinking it can do it (otherwise I don't see reason to sell
quad 1Gbps nic). I'm ok to hear that I've purchased crappy motherboard card
or nic (but I'd like to understand why they are crappy).

The last 2 questions are still open in my mind.

I've spent days and days making tests, searches, reading kernel source code
and so on because I think it's interesting for the community to find where the
problem come from and how to solve it (if possible). If finally the answer is
that OpenBSD (or may be any other OS) can't forward more than 150kpps without
losing 1 to 20 pps with this hardware, I'll live with it. But as we've
already seen that increasing int/s improve performances (for good or bad
reason), I keep thinking there's something to improve or fix but I may be

Anyway, thank you for your work and help.


Manuel Guesdon - OXYMIUM

Re: Clarifications on bridge and pf

2011-03-03 Thread Templeton, Nick
I have a similar setup and I add each of the interfaces to a bridge
group in their hostname.if(5) files then I do my filtering on that
group in pf.conf.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Christiano F. Haesbaert
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 7:48 AM
To: OpenBSD Questions
Subject: Clarifications on bridge and pf

Hi there,

Yesterday I tossed my switch in the bin and got a sun quad fast
ethernet to do it's job.
What I have is a bridged setup with an ip in hme1... I have now
something like this:
ext_if = hme0
bridge0 = { hme1, hme2, hme3, hme4 }
hme1 has ip

My concern is, how is pf semantics regarding traffic on the bridge ?
Should I match packets on bridge0 or on all of the hme ?

I've noticed the following, with rules like this:
pass on hme1
pass on bridge0

I could not get traffic from hosts in hme2 to hme3 for example.
Although the 'pass on bridge0 allowed multicast to travel through
Eventually I did something like pass on { hme1 hme2 hme3 hme4 }

So it seems multicast matches bridge0, while normal unicast traffic does

I'm new to pf, read the manual but that didn't become clear to me.
What am I missing ?

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received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and
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system.  If you have any questions concerning this message, please contact the

[BEWARE] David J. Moore

2011-03-03 Thread Leon Kaiser
This is the man who poisoned DroneBL. He is a bad man. Keep your
children safe.
 Leon Kaiser  - Head of GNAA Public Relations - || ||
   7BEECD8D FCBED526 F7960173 459111CE F01F9923
 The mask of anonymity is not intensely constructive.
-- Andrew weev Auernheimer

kunwon1: what a bad man

``kunwon1'' aka David J. Moore is a mentally unstable chatter found on ##politics, where he frequently promotes racism,
bigotry, and his own extremist political views. He is a violent felon, a
pedophile, and a drug addict. Keep this sick, sick man away from your
children at all costs.

In addition to being a violent sex offender, he is a devout Muslim and
deeply closeted homosexual.

kunwon1: confirmed sex offender
If you let David J. Moore anywhere near your children, there is no doubt
in my mind that your child will soon become a rape victim. This is a
very sick man who belongs in prison, not on IRC.

Quick Facts about David J. Moore: Violent Sex Fiend
* David J. Moore is responsible for 88% of all 'Amber Alerts.
* There are literally hundreds of reported instances of Moore molesting
* Authorities suspect that Moore keeps over 30 children locked in his
basement, based on the screams neighbors frequently report to the
* Moore was once described as calling a 4-year-old girl very
molestable, and a 7-month-old boy as a hot piece of ass.
* It is rumored that he is responsible for 45% of all child abuse in his
county, and that 40% of all child pornography on the Internet can be
traced back to him.
* There is not a second in the day where David J. Moore does not lust
after children.

kunwon1: Junkie
Labeled a pedophile and shunned by neighbors and peers alike, David J.
Moore turned to drugs for companionship. After years of injecting Heroin
and other opiates into his veins, it began to get harder to find a
good vein to shoot up in. Moore was forced to turn to other drugs to
fill the void in his life that Heroin once did.

Drugs that David J. Moore is addicted to
* Crack Cocaine
* Marijuana
* Morphine
* Speed
* Crystal Meth
* Vicodin
* Heroin
* Ketamine
* Steroids
* Peyote
* Salvia
* Ecstacy
* Shrooms
* Oxycodone
* Klonopin
* Methadone
* Ayahuasca
* Adrenochrome
Moore has also been known to huff raid from time to time.

kunwon1: soft chatter
Warning! The text that follows may be disturbing and thus unsuitable for
younger viewers. If you are under the age of 18, or are offended at any
time, please press the ``back'' button on your web browser.

Click here for examples of kunwon1's deviant chatting.

15:39:49 ,---Whois-- kunwon1 [~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1]
15:39:49 |gecos : Specialization is for Insects
15:39:50 | channels : #freenode @##child_pic_swap ##politics
@##narco_trade ##politics-outcast +##infant-sex-workers ##gaydads4sons
15:39:50 |   server : (Madison, WI, US)
15:39:50 |  : is using a secure connection
15:39:50 | idle : 0 days 0 hours 2 mins 40 secs (signon: Mon Feb 28
15:09:52 2011)
15:39:50 |  account : kunwon1
15:39:50 `--

Re: network bandwith with em(4)

2011-03-03 Thread James A. Peltier
- Original Message -
| On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 09:11:13AM +0100, Manuel Guesdon wrote:
|  On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 00:51:46 + (UTC)
|  Stuart Henderson wrote:
|  | On 2011-02-28, Manuel Guesdon
|  | wrote:
|  |
|  |
|  | ipmi0 at mainbus0: version 2.0 interface KCS iobase 0xca2/2
|  | spacing 1
|  |
|  | ipmi is disabled in GENERIC. have you tried without it?
|  Not on this server (I can't reboot it often) but on another one with
|  same
|  hardware: it doesn't seems to make difference (it still have Ierr).
| This diff will help./sarcasm
| I think we already mentioned it that you will always see Ierr. The
| question is if the box is able to forward more then 150kpps.
| --
| :wq Claudio
| Index: if_em.c
| ===
| RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/if_em.c,v
| retrieving revision 1.249
| diff -u -p -r1.249 if_em.c
| --- if_em.c 13 Feb 2011 19:45:54 - 1.249
| +++ if_em.c 3 Mar 2011 10:01:39 -
| @@ -3194,14 +3194,7 @@ em_update_stats_counters(struct em_softc
| ifp-if_collisions = sc-stats.colc;
| /* Rx Errors */
| - ifp-if_ierrors =
| - sc-dropped_pkts +
| - sc-stats.rxerrc +
| - sc-stats.crcerrs +
| - sc-stats.algnerrc +
| - sc-stats.ruc + sc-stats.roc +
| - sc-stats.mpc + sc-stats.cexterr +
| - sc-rx_overruns;
| + ifp-if_ierrors = 0;
| /* Tx Errors */
| ifp-if_oerrors = sc-stats.ecol + sc-stats.latecol +

Hey Claudio,

Thanks!  This diff helped and now my errors have gone to zero!  LOL!  That was 

James A. Peltier
IT Services - Research Computing Group
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  :
Website :

Pk Chznqhkp

2011-03-03 Thread Oqeuti
base64 encoded Mime section invalid - length (0) was wrong.

Re: network bandwith with em(4)

2011-03-03 Thread RLW

W dniu 2011-03-02 13:52, Ryan McBride pisze:

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 12:49:01PM +0100, Manuel Guesdon wrote:

OK. Anyway NIC buffers restrict buffered packets number. But the problem
remain: why a (for exemple) dual Xeon E5520@2.27GHz with Intel PRO/1000
(82576) can't route 150kpps without Ierr :-)

I've done some more comprehensive testing and talked to some other
developers, and it seems that 150kpps is in the range of what is
expected for such hardware with an unoptimized install.

One thing that seems to have a big performance impact is
net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen. If and only if your network cards are all
supported by MCLGETI (ie, they show LWM/CWM/HWM values in 'systat
mbufs', you can try increasing ifq.maxlen until you don't see
net.inet.ip.ifq.drops incrementing anymore under constant load.

On my test box here - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5140 @ 2.33GHz with em(4), pf
disabled - increasing net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen to 8192 gets more than
double the performance compared with the default of 256.

We're looking at making the ifq.maxlen tune itself so you don't have to
twiddle this knob anymore, not sure if and when that will happen though.

I also have problems with bandwidth on em(4).
On default clean 4.8 install i get 430Mbit/s. (with pf and altq enabled 
it's only 275Mbit/s).

systat shows:

  31.7%Int  62.1%Sys   0.0%Usr   0.0%Nic   6.2%Idle

8025 total
 100 clock
7921 em0
   4 ichiic0

my hardware:
box: Lenovo ThinkCentre A51P
nic: Intel PRO/1000 PT Desktop Adapter (PCIe, model:

OpenBSD 4.8 (KERN_PROF.PROF) #0: Thu Dec 30 13:25:40 CET 2010

cpu0: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz (GenuineIntel 686-class) 2.80 GHz

real mem  = 526938112 (502MB)
avail mem = 508166144 (484MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 05/10/07, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xfd6dc, 
SMBIOS rev. 2.34 @ 0xefc60 (52 entries)

bios0: vendor IBM version 2BKT52AUS date 05/10/2007
bios0: IBM 8422W4P
acpi0 at bios0: rev 0
acpi0: sleep states S0 S1 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices EXP0(S5) EXP1(S5) EXP2(S5) EXP3(S5) USB1(S3) 
USB2(S3) USB3(S3) USB4(S3) USBE(S3) SLOT(S5) KBC_(S3) PSM_(S3) COMA(S5) 

acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: apic clock running at 133MHz
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 1 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 24 pins
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG_)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 2 (EXP0)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (EXP1)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (EXP2)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (EXP3)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 10 (SLOT)
acpicpu0 at acpi0
acpitz0 at acpi0: critical temperature 105 degC
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0xae00! 0xcb000/0x1000 0xcc000/0x2000 
0xce000/0x800 0xce800/0x800 0xe/0x1!

pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 Intel 82915G Host rev 0x04
vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 Intel 82915G Video rev 0x04
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
intagp0 at vga1
agp0 at intagp0: aperture at 0xc000, size 0x1000
inteldrm0 at vga1: apic 1 int 16 (irq 5)
drm0 at inteldrm0
ppb0 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 Intel 82801FB PCIE rev 0x03: apic 1 int 
17 (irq 5)

pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
em0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 Intel PRO/1000 PT (82572EI) rev 0x06: 
apic 1 int 16 (irq 5), address 00:1b:21:05:1f:39
uhci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 Intel 82801FB USB rev 0x03: apic 1 int 
23 (irq 11)
uhci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 Intel 82801FB USB rev 0x03: apic 1 int 
19 (irq 9)
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 Intel 82801FB USB rev 0x03: apic 1 int 
18 (irq 10)
uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 3 Intel 82801FB USB rev 0x03: apic 1 int 
16 (irq 5)
ehci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 Intel 82801FB USB rev 0x03: apic 1 int 
23 (irq 11)

usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 Intel EHCI root hub rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
ppb1 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 Intel 82801BA Hub-to-PCI rev 0xd3
pci2 at ppb1 bus 10
xl0 at pci2 dev 10 function 0 3Com 3c905C 100Base-TX rev 0x74: apic 1 
int 22 (irq 3), address 00:04:76:0b:90:9f

bmtphy0 at xl0 phy 24: 3C905C internal PHY, rev. 6
bge0 at pci2 dev 11 function 0 Broadcom BCM5705K rev 0x03, BCM5705 A3 
(0x3003): apic 1 int 16 (irq 5), address 00:11:25:4f:9a:f4

brgphy0 at bge0 phy 1: BCM5705 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 2
xl1 at pci2 dev 12 function 0 3Com 3c905C 100Base-TX rev 0x74: apic 1 

Re: Would appreciate clarification on supported 10Gb Intel to resolve conflict between man and hardware section.

2011-03-03 Thread Daniel Ouellet

On 3/3/11 3:28 AM, Jonathan Gray wrote:

On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 06:09:36PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:


Would it be possible to get some clarification on what would work
and not for the 10Gb Intel network cards?

I compare the man page, both man(4) ixgb and man(4) ix as well as
the hardware section and looked at the data from Intel to find more
in trying to answer that question.

But I am still looking for confirmation of the support or not in
OpenBSD for some of them. I get conflicting information and I am not
sure what is real.

The hardware compatible page do list:
# Intel 82597 PRO/10GbE based PCI adapters (ixgb)
# Intel 82598 PRO/10GbE based PCI adapters (ix)

The man(4) ixgb show the 82597, fine.

The man(4) ix does list the 82598AF, 82598EB, 82598AT and 82599EB as
well and the X520 series SFP models, X520,DA2, X520-SR1, X520-SR2,
X520-LR1 but not the RJ-45 model X520-T1 based on the same 82599ES.

But again the man(4) ix do not list the 82599ES as a supported
chipset, but that's what is in the X520 SFP series.

The intel product documents are confused about which chips they
use.  The clearest split is something along the lines of:

7 82599EB -- PCI Express* (PCIe*) 2.0, dual port 10 Gigabit
 Ethernet controller
7 82599ES -- Serial 10 GbE backplane interface for blade
 implementations (includes the 82599EB SKU functionality plus serial).

Well the document may be confused, but then, what am I suppose to used 
then? I used the documentation I can find and read it to find the 
answer. If that's also wrong, how am I suppose to find out then?

I will go look for more technical specs sheet then, but still I would 
love to know the answer for sure if anyone actually know that first 
hand. I am confuse, the man page appear to be confuse, the Intel 
documentation is cnfuse based on what you say too. So, everyone is 
confuse. So, some clarification would be welcome.

Looking more at Intel to try to figure this out here:

I see all the listed model in the man page X520-DA2, X520-SR1,
X520-SR2, X520-LR1 are all based on the 82599ES, but then the
82599ES is not listed in the chipset in that man page, however these
cards works based on the man page and then the X520-T2 is also based
on the same chip 82599ES as well. So, it should work right and
should be in the list or am I missing something?

What about the Intel 10 Gigabits AT2 then. It's designed with the
82598EB and that's on the man page, but not listed in hardware,
anyone knows if that works or not?

Based on the man page, the X520-T1 may be wouldn't work, but looking
at what chip it used and what other model are supported it should
also work. I would appreciate confirmation or denial here and
possibly an update to the man page to clarify that?

Anyone have one of these and can tell for sure if that's true or not?

So, shouldn't the 82599ES be added to the man page if the X520
series are all supported then?

And possibly the X520-T1 as well as it does use the same chipset,
but only the difference in the connector or am I missing something

I would appreciated some feedback either way as spending $600+ to
find out if it doesn't is a  bit hard. (;

There are mentions of 82598 10GbaseT working, I don't see why
82599 10GbaseT wouldn't work off hand.

That could well be, but I learn many years ago to do my homework first 
on hardware support with OpenBSD and even if that may well be possible, 
it doesn't make it so however. It's a bit pricey to find out if yes or 
no that would work, so that's why I asked first if someone n the know 
might have one first here.

The analogies is the same, they have 82574 working, so why not the 82576 
right? But it is not working as well and hardware wanted was fro the 
82576 as well as for the 82580. The 82580 was taken care of a few weeks 
ago based on feedback on misc@.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it, but I would fell more 
comfortable to be in the know I must say and I am not.

Best and thanks for your time.



Re: Would appreciate clarification on supported 10Gb Intel to resolve conflict between man and hardware section.

2011-03-03 Thread Daniel Ouellet

Hi Jonathan,

The intel product documents are confused about which chips they
use.  The clearest split is something along the lines of:

7 82599EB -- PCI Express* (PCIe*) 2.0, dual port 10 Gigabit
 Ethernet controller
7 82599ES -- Serial 10 GbE backplane interface for blade
 implementations (includes the 82599EB SKU functionality plus serial).

I read this again slower this time. First time I assume you wrote the 
82598EB and 82599ES. Sorry about my bad ready here. I guess I spend to 
many days trying to find out and get all my chipset number confuse agian.

In any case if I understand you properly as the Serial one are working, 
there isn't any reason that the other wouldn't as it's the same chipset 
basically without the added serial part?

And as the serial SFP model are working already then this wold be find too?

There are mentions of 82598 10GbaseT working, I don't see why
82599 10GbaseT wouldn't work off hand.

On this one, I will make a leap of fate here. I suppose you are right. 
Would be nice to know for sure anyway. The only way to know if for me to 
gt one I guess and test it for real.



Re: Sun Netra X1 still get dc0: watchdog timeout and crash on current

2011-03-03 Thread Mark Kettenis

Can you try this diff?  It won't get rid of the watchdog timeout, but
hopefully it will prevent the DMA error.

Index: dc.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/ic/dc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.116
diff -u -p -r1.116 dc.c
--- dc.c5 Aug 2010 07:57:04 -   1.116
+++ dc.c3 Mar 2011 20:22:12 -
@@ -3059,6 +3059,7 @@ void
 dc_stop(struct dc_softc *sc, int softonly)
struct ifnet *ifp;
+   u_int32_t isr;
int i;
ifp = sc-sc_arpcom.ac_if;
@@ -3070,6 +3071,28 @@ dc_stop(struct dc_softc *sc, int softonl
if (!softonly) {
+   for (i = 0; i  DC_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+   isr = CSR_READ_4(sc, DC_ISR);
+   if ((isr  DC_ISR_TX_IDLE ||
+   break;
+   DELAY(10);
+   }
+   if (i == DC_TIMEOUT) {
+   if (!((isr  DC_ISR_TX_IDLE) ||
+   !DC_IS_ASIX(sc)  !DC_IS_DAVICOM(sc))
+   printf(%s: failed to force tx to idle state\n,
+   sc-sc_dev.dv_xname);
+   if (!((isr  DC_ISR_RX_STATE) == DC_RXSTATE_STOPPED) 
+   printf(%s: failed to force rx to idle state\n,
+   sc-sc_dev.dv_xname);
+   }
CSR_WRITE_4(sc, DC_IMR, 0x);

Re: Would appreciate clarification on supported 10Gb Intel to resolve conflict between man and hardware section.

2011-03-03 Thread Daniel Ouellet

On 3/3/11 3:16 PM, FRLinux wrote:

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Daniel  wrote:

On this one, I will make a leap of fate here. I suppose you are right. Would
be nice to know for sure anyway. The only way to know if for me to gt one I
guess and test it for real.

leap of faith you mean? :D

Yes I guess you are right! (; Many wrong words in my text, but I try. 
At a minimum, you got the meaning of it. Read phonetic and you will get 
it! (;

Sorry about that. But you got my drift anyway



Re: Would appreciate clarification on supported 10Gb Intel to resolve conflict between man and hardware section.

2011-03-03 Thread Jonathan Gray
On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 02:35:58PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
 There are mentions of 82598 10GbaseT working, I don't see why
 82599 10GbaseT wouldn't work off hand.
 That could well be, but I learn many years ago to do my homework
 first on hardware support with OpenBSD and even if that may well be
 possible, it doesn't make it so however. It's a bit pricey to find
 out if yes or no that would work, so that's why I asked first if
 someone n the know might have one first here.
 The analogies is the same, they have 82574 working, so why not the
 82576 right? But it is not working as well and hardware wanted was
 fro the 82576 as well as for the 82580. The 82580 was taken care of
 a few weeks ago based on feedback on misc@.

The 82599ES and 82599EB are essentially the same chip, it should
work fine and if not I expect it will only need minor changes.
ix still needs to be introduced to ifmedia properly though so
the media state may not be shown properly but this is a problem
shared by everything supported by ix and the link will still work.

The 82576 is quite different to 82574 it is closer in design to
the ix chips (as is the 82575).  The 82580 is almost malicously
different to other em chips and is the source of some pain to me.
I have parts of it working but not all of it.

Re: Would appreciate clarification on supported 10Gb Intel to resolve conflict between man and hardware section.

2011-03-03 Thread FRLinux
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
 On this one, I will make a leap of fate here. I suppose you are right. Would
 be nice to know for sure anyway. The only way to know if for me to gt one I
 guess and test it for real.

leap of faith you mean? :D


Re: Would appreciate clarification on supported 10Gb Intel to resolve conflict between man and hardware section.

2011-03-03 Thread Daniel Ouellet

On 3/3/11 3:51 PM, Jonathan Gray wrote:

On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 02:35:58PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:

There are mentions of 82598 10GbaseT working, I don't see why
82599 10GbaseT wouldn't work off hand.

That could well be, but I learn many years ago to do my homework
first on hardware support with OpenBSD and even if that may well be
possible, it doesn't make it so however. It's a bit pricey to find
out if yes or no that would work, so that's why I asked first if
someone n the know might have one first here.

The analogies is the same, they have 82574 working, so why not the
82576 right? But it is not working as well and hardware wanted was
fro the 82576 as well as for the 82580. The 82580 was taken care of
a few weeks ago based on feedback on misc@.

The 82599ES and 82599EB are essentially the same chip, it should
work fine and if not I expect it will only need minor changes.
ix still needs to be introduced to ifmedia properly though so
the media state may not be shown properly but this is a problem
shared by everything supported by ix and the link will still work.

The 82576 is quite different to 82574 it is closer in design to
the ix chips (as is the 82575).  The 82580 is almost malicously
different to other em chips and is the source of some pain to me.
I have parts of it working but not all of it.

Many thanks for your details. I will fly with it and see then.

change cwm screensaver?

2011-03-03 Thread Michael W. Lucas

Is there a way to easily change the cwm screensaver?  It's not in the
man pages or the archives.

(Daft, I know.  And petty.)


Michael W. Lucas,
Latest book: Network Flow Analysis, Twitter @mwlauthor

Re: change cwm screensaver?

2011-03-03 Thread Anthony J. Bentley
Hi Michael,

 Is there a way to easily change the cwm screensaver?  It's not in the
 man pages or the archives.
 (Daft, I know.  And petty.)

from cwmrc(5):
The name entries term and lock have a special meaning.  They
point to the terminal and screen locking programs specified by
keybindings.  The defaults are xterm(1) and xlock(1),

Anthony J. Bentley