Fw: I'm moving :)

2009-08-29 Thread Fred B. Ellison

--- On Fri, 8/28/09, burndog2000-minutemen wrote:

Dear Mr. President, Senate and House of Representatives:
Re: Moving to Mexico

I'm planning to move my family and extended family (18-20 mouths) into Mexico 
for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.

We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and 
we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.

We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas 
and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here.

So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my way 
over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following: 

1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, 
whether I use them or not.
3. All Mexico government forms need to also be printed in English. 
4. I want my kids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) 
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their 
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to 
government services.
9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but, I don't plan to purchase 
car insurance, and I probably won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their 
president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least 
one English-speaking officer.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put U S. flag decals on my 
car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints 
or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any 
labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.
13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice 
and never say a critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we 
might place on their economy. 

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all 
his people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. 

I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him 

Thank you so much for your kind help.

US Citizen  Taxpayer

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KGB Letter Details Kennedy Proposal During Reagan Presidency

2009-08-29 Thread Fred B. Ellison
Perhaps Mr. Obama will include this in his eulogy at the funeral.

KGB Letter Details Kennedy Offer To USSR

This letter which details Senator Edward Kennedy’s offer to help the Soviet 
Union defeat Reagan’s efforts to build up the nuclear deterrent in Europe was 
unearthed by a Times of London reporter in the 1990s after the KGB files were 
It got little or no attention, however, until the publication of Paul Kengor’s 
book The Crusader – Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism. 
But even then the actual text of the letter (which is in the book’s appendix pp 
317-320) has gotten short shrift:


Special Importance
Committee on State Security of the USSR
14.05. 1983 No. 1029 Ch/OV
Regarding Senator Kennedy’s request to the General Secretary of the Communist 
Party Comrade Y.V. Andropov
Comrade Y.V. Andropov:
On 9-10 May of this year, Senator Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted 
confidant J. Tunney was in Moscow. The senator charged Tunney to convey the 
following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of 
the Center Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.
Senator Kennedy, like other rational people, is very troubled by the current 
state of Soviet-American relations. Events are developing such that this 
relationship coupled with the general state of global affairs will make the 
situation even more dangerous. The main reason for this is Reagan’s 
belligerence, and his firm commitment to deploy new American middle range 
nuclear weapons within Western Europe.
According to Kennedy, the current threat is due to the President’s refusal to 
engage any modification on his politics. He feels that his domestic standing 
has been strengthened because of the well publicized improvement of the 
economy: inflation has been greatly reduced, production levels are increasing 
as is overall business activity. For these reasons, interest rates will 
continue to decline. The White House has portrayed this in the media as the 
“success of Reaganomics.”
Naturally, not everything in the province of economics has gone according to 
Reagan’s plan. A few well known economists and members of financial circles, 
particularly from the north-eastern states, foresee certain hidden tendencies 
that many bring about a new economic crisis in the USA. This could bring about 
the fall of the presidential campaign of 1984, which would benefit the 
Democratic party. Nevertheless, there are no secure assurances this will indeed 
The only real threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and 
Soviet-American relations. These issues, according to the senator, will without 
a doubt become the most important of the election campaign. The movement 
advocating a freeze on nuclear arsenals of both countries continues to gain 
strength in the United States. The movement is also willing to accept 
preparations, particularly from Kennedy, for its continued growth. In political 
and influential circles of the country, including within Congress, the 
resistence to growing military expenditures is gaining strength.
However, according to Kennedy, the opposition to Reagan is still very weak. 
Reagan’s adversaries are divided and the presentations they make are not fully 
effective. Meanwhile, Reagan has the capabilities to effectively counter any 
propaganda. In order to neutralize criticism that the talks between the USA and 
the USSR are non-constructive, Reagan will grandiose, but subjectively 
propagandistic. At the same time, Soviet officials who speak about disarmament 
will be quoted out of context, silenced or groundlessly and whimsically 
discounted. Although arguments and statements by officials of the USSR do 
appear in the press, it is important to note the majority of Americans do not 
read serious newspapers or periodicals.
Kennedy believes that, given the current state of affairs, and in the interest 
of peace, it would be prudent and timely to undertake the following steps to 
counter the militaristic politics of Reagan and his campaign to psychologically 
burden the American people. In this regard, he offers the following proposals 
to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the 
Soviet Union Y.V. Andropov:

1. Kennedy asks Y.V. Andropov to consider inviting the senator to Moscow for a 
personal meeting in July of this year. The main purpose of the meeting, 
according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations 
regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and 
more convincing during appearances in the USA. He would also like to inform you 
that he has planned a trip through Western Europe, where he anticipates meeting 
England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 

Re: Sen. McCaskill – Health Care Listening Sessions

2009-08-29 Thread Eric Vought

On Aug 28, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Fred B. Ellison wrote:

   • The PASS ID Act would gut the REAL ID Act and return us to the  
 pre-9/11 standard of identity validation, which allows state DMVs to  
 rubber-stamp the identity documents of driver’s license applicants  
 without verification of their authenticity. Validation without  
 verification was the process that enabled 9/11 hijackers to secure  
 driver’s licenses using fake documents. Will you heed the lessons of  
 9/11 and oppose the PASS ID Act.

The 9/11 hijackers had quite real and legal paperwork. They came here  
on VALID visas. REAL ID would not help keep them off planes as  
foreigners visiting this country do not need a driver's license to get  
on a plane (they have to go home somehow!). REAL ID would allow  
criminals ONE-STOP SHOPPING to steal our identity information from its  
centralized 'biometric database' that tens of thousands of government  
employees will have access to. The data from the REAL ID database  
would be for sale on the open market within months of implementation  
and criminals will access the database to create fake data or falsify  
information that is there, just like the fake ids and Social Security  
information which criminals manipulate now. REAL ID is a dangerous  
solution to a problem we do not have.

The so-called PASS Act does not go far enough in gutting REAL ID. The  
Federal government has NO ROLE or authority in regulating drivers'  

For the most part, state governments know EXACTLY who the illegal  
aliens are. The problem is that they are overwhelmed by aliens and do  
not know what to do. When illegal aliens, even those who have  
committed violent crimes, are turned over to Immigration, they are  
often not deported and even if they are, they can come right back over  
the open border. The fact that states cannot get rid of the illegal  
aliens has lead to attempts to make sure that they are at least  
licensing and insuring their vehicles. THAT is why drivers' license  
checks are so poor. Mandating 'tougher standards' will not solve the  
problem because people are deliberately not following the rules WE  

We have to get rid of the incentive for employers to bring in the  
illegals, we need to get rid of the welfare state which attracts them,  
and we need to have the Federal government ACTUALLY DEPORT people who  
should not be here and who the states routinely hand over to them (and  
make sure it is harder for them to just walk back across the border).  
None of this requires any changes to drivers' licenses, a big taxpayer  
hand-out to companies handling 'biometric data', or the pillaging of  
our personal privacy rights.

We worked hard to pass a bill in MIssouri disallowing participation in  
REAL ID. We will oppose the same measures if they appear under the  
guise of the PASS Act. Until the Federal government actually does  
something with illegal aliens arrested and put in their custody, no  
amount of documentation or fancy IDs will help the problem.


Eric Vought
Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and  
make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is  
as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction.

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.

Re: Sen. McCaskill – Health Care Listening Sessions

2009-08-29 Thread D L Wells
Well said, Eric.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Eric Vought evou...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Aug 28, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Fred B. Ellison wrote:

• The PASS ID Act would gut the REAL ID Act and return us to the
  pre-9/11 standard of identity validation, which allows state DMVs to
  rubber-stamp the identity documents of driver’s license applicants
  without verification of their authenticity. Validation without
  verification was the process that enabled 9/11 hijackers to secure
  driver’s licenses using fake documents. Will you heed the lessons of
  9/11 and oppose the PASS ID Act.

 The 9/11 hijackers had quite real and legal paperwork. They came here
 on VALID visas. REAL ID would not help keep them off planes as
 foreigners visiting this country do not need a driver's license to get
 on a plane (they have to go home somehow!). REAL ID would allow
 criminals ONE-STOP SHOPPING to steal our identity information from its
 centralized 'biometric database' that tens of thousands of government
 employees will have access to. The data from the REAL ID database
 would be for sale on the open market within months of implementation
 and criminals will access the database to create fake data or falsify
 information that is there, just like the fake ids and Social Security
 information which criminals manipulate now. REAL ID is a dangerous
 solution to a problem we do not have.

 The so-called PASS Act does not go far enough in gutting REAL ID. The
 Federal government has NO ROLE or authority in regulating drivers'

 For the most part, state governments know EXACTLY who the illegal
 aliens are. The problem is that they are overwhelmed by aliens and do
 not know what to do. When illegal aliens, even those who have
 committed violent crimes, are turned over to Immigration, they are
 often not deported and even if they are, they can come right back over
 the open border. The fact that states cannot get rid of the illegal
 aliens has lead to attempts to make sure that they are at least
 licensing and insuring their vehicles. THAT is why drivers' license
 checks are so poor. Mandating 'tougher standards' will not solve the
 problem because people are deliberately not following the rules WE

 We have to get rid of the incentive for employers to bring in the
 illegals, we need to get rid of the welfare state which attracts them,
 and we need to have the Federal government ACTUALLY DEPORT people who
 should not be here and who the states routinely hand over to them (and
 make sure it is harder for them to just walk back across the border).
 None of this requires any changes to drivers' licenses, a big taxpayer
 hand-out to companies handling 'biometric data', or the pillaging of
 our personal privacy rights.

 We worked hard to pass a bill in MIssouri disallowing participation in
 REAL ID. We will oppose the same measures if they appear under the
 guise of the PASS Act. Until the Federal government actually does
 something with illegal aliens arrested and put in their custody, no
 amount of documentation or fancy IDs will help the problem.


 Eric Vought
 Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and
 make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is
 as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction.


This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.