Re: [Mixxx-devel] Summer of Code: Hello!

2014-03-11 Thread Max Linke
Hi Corey

Your proposal looks already good it seems like you already spend quite some
thought on it. I added some comments to parts where I had questions or where you
should go into more detail. I'm looking forward to your next iteration.

Some general thoughts about this project.

The part this projects relies most heavily on is doing the cover management in
a sane way internally. Your best UI wont be of any use if you can't find the
covers or add/change them oh and loading the covers should also be fast. This
part should not be underestimated and really well thought out. A good way to to
this is to make a list of possible problems and their solutions. If you think
about possible test's and also add writing unit-tests for this part to your
work would be a big plus.

Also for all the other students who want to work on this, your proposal should
definitely go into detail here!

On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 18:13:45 -0400
Corey Antoniuk wrote:
 My name is Corey Antoniuk and I’d love to work with you guys for Google’s
 Summer of Code!

 That said, as with most open source projects, while it has a full set of
 features and works beautifully, it is lacking some UX niceties that users
 want. This is where I would like to help out. I’d like to work on
 implementing cover art functionality, primarily using the pictureflow QT
 widget written by Airya Hidayat, as suggested by RJ Ryan in Bug #1015894.

Coverflow is definitely a shinny UI but how good will it work for a DJ. What
are our competitors doing? Are there other ways to display covers on a computer?
What would be the equivalent to search through a folder of vinyls on a pc? Can
you make use of hoover effects / pup-up lists?

 Here is a brief overview of my plan at the moment. I’d love to here what you
 guys think. I’ll have to do some more research to determine a timeline, but I
 figured it would be better to see what you guys think of this first.

 1. Make local art accessible to pictureflow

This is actually the most important part that you have to get working before
you start to implement any advanced UI's.

I suspect this won't be that easy because their are several ways
people store the covers for their songs. Maybe they have an extra file or
they use the ID3 Tags or maybe even both! Mixxx should be able to pick up the
covers during a normal library scan and after that display them instantly on
each run. It is important here that this works fast and reliable whether the
songs are saved on a ssd, a USB2 external drive or some network drive.  I would
be good if you do some research what the most common ways are to store covers
and how other programs handle them. If you want to use code from other projects
please check their license before, mixxx is GPLv2 and thus incompatible with
GPLv3 code. You can ask the other projects though if they are willing to
relicense their code for us, we actually use some clementine code in 1.12 for
which we got permission.

Oh and please also keep in mind that everything that touches files has to be
sandbox compatible on os-x. rryan added some support for that in PR #169

 2. implement pictureflow within the Mixxx UI

maybe you should go for more then one UI to show cover art. Traktor for example
has a nice simple way to show covers which would be easy to implement in mixxx.
This also breaks this project into 2 separate chunks. Part 1 being all the
internal stuff and a minimal UI, part 2 is a shinny new UI. The advantage is
that we can merge part 1 before you are finished with 2 and you'll get feedback
from our users directly during GSoC.

As with point one it is good if you check our how other DJ programs display
cover art.

 3. preferences

actually just having on/off sounds fine. Being able to customize everything is
nice but it is easy to be lost in the possibilities and is is also easier to
introduce bugs.

 3. drag and drop to crates

You should think a bit more about your UI. How will the selection of a cover
affect the tracks that are shown in the library. What do people know about
coverflow interaction from other apps? Would one want to drag a cover to a

It really helps the discussion here if you do some simple mock ups.

 4. add digger mode (tm)”

sounds really nice to me. I would actually prefer it to the horizontal

 5. fetch artwork from online services

Amazon and other services have API's to download covers. Although it should be
possible to add covers from local files inside of mixxx. It be weird if I have
to use another program to add missing covers in mixxx.

 5. figure out how to display current artwork in deck

We already display a pixmap for the vinyl spinners. Changing that to a cover
pixmap shouldn't be to much work. is also a nice browser tool where
they use the cover on the spinners. As for possible effects and options. Keep
it simple and display the plain cover.

Re: [Mixxx-devel] Design A Cool Cover Flow

2014-03-11 Thread Max Linke
Hi Udura

 When going through the project ideas by MIXXX it all seems very good summer
 projects. I would love to add something on cover flow project idea first.
 From my experience for cool animations best choice is ActionScript
 (Flash/Air). I have worked with papervision3d , stage3d and other 3D
 engines developed for actionscript. Some of these engines support hardware
 acceleration therefore minimize the CPU load. Since ActionScript is working
 with Windows,Linux and Mac using it won't be a matter for cross platform
 developing. By using a 3D engine we could build very advanced and
 interactive album art display that would give a *unique touch* for Mixxx. I
 would love to show some of my work availiable online.
 We can develop a cover flow album art display by using purely QT but I
 thought if we add the power of a 3D Engine to Mixxx it would be way too
 cool. Please give me your thoughts on this suggestion. :)

I'm not sure about using a full blown 3D engine to display some covers. It
seems a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Although I see that there
is potential to do interesting interactive stuff. Can you go a bit more into
detail what you imagine and how it would be useful for a DJ.

But before that can happen you'll need to implement how covers will be handeled
internally. How will you look for them? How will you store them? How are covers
stored usually by people? Without having the internal stuff figured out and
implemented it is no use to work on a shinny UI. For a start just having
something like Traktor would be good. After that is working you can start to
work on UI's.

Also ActionScript is a no-go since it depends on proprietry software (Adobe
Flash). As well as the fact that flash is dying in favor of HTML5. Going with
openGL is possible, we already use it to display the waveforms. Before you
suggest any other engine please keep in mind that it has to be compatible with
our license, mixxx uses GPLv2 so we can't bundle anything that is released
under GPLv3. Oh and before I forget it currently runs on a wide range of
hardware from brand new laptops to years old netbooks and such a basic feature
as cover art should be available to all of them.

best Max

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Mixxx-devel mailing list

Re: [Mixxx-devel] gsoc 2014

2014-03-11 Thread Max Linke

nice to hear that you want to work on mixxx with us.

You can check out our wiki for possible projects and advice on GSoC.

To get started with coding it is usually a good idea to download the source and
build mixxx.

best Max

On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 09:46:26 +0400
Артём Лян wrote:

 I want to join your project on gsoc 2014, to realise cover art. 
 I'm a bit experienced C++/Qt developper, will be pleasered if accepted :). 

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Mixxx-devel mailing list

Re: [Mixxx-devel] Design A Cool Cover Flow

2014-03-11 Thread Max Linke

please use `group reply` so that other people (devs/mentors) can also see your

On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:05:38 +0530
udara de silva wrote:

 Thanks for the quick reply Max. I have created cover flow image galleries
 in the past. So my initial thought was loading album arts would be
 something similar. But after reading your reply to corey it seems more
 complex than that so I'll look on to it.

Yeah loading images from diverent mixxed sources is not an easy task.
Also our users will likely expect it to work as easy as with other applications.
 *New Suggestion :*
 As a user of Mixxx something I noticed is that a feature to detect the mood
 of the song is missing.( Please correct me if i'm wrong here.) As a DJ
 sometimes we need to capture songs in the same mood right. So can I know
 does Mixxx has the requirement of such feature. So that it can
 automatically create a playlist of same mood. With this playlist It makes
 super easy for DJ to select the next songs on the line. If Mixxx need
 something like that would it be a good summer project.

What do you mean with mood? Something like the moodbar of clementine [1] or
keys for harmonic mixing? Key detection and display is already part of 1.12 so
harminic mixing is already possible.

To automatically create playlists. There has been some work last year by Chris.
I plan to include his work in 1.13. He did not include the fully automated
generation of playlist but a feature that new songs can be filtered based on
BPM/Key/similarity. Based on this work it should be fairly easy to implement a
feature that automatically generates playlists. So this is now not enough
anymore to keep you busy for 3 months sorry.


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Mixxx-devel mailing list

[Mixxx-devel] Fwd: Gsoc 2014 IDEA for proposal

2014-03-11 Thread Atul R
My name is Atul ,
I am a Computer Science Engineering Student currently in my 6th Semester.
This mail is regarding an idea for Google Summer of Code 2014.

I wish to propose a new Idea for Mixxx which is not present in the idea
List for Google Summer of Code 2014.


The idea is to create a web interface for Mixxx .

That is , I propose that we run a Http Server on the computer locally so
that any DJ who has currently created a playlist can provide the entire
playlist or stream audio to other listeners around the world by providing
his/her IP.

or if not internet ,he/she could create the playlist in his computer and
via the web interface play or change the playlist from his SmartPhone
This can be achieved if both the computer and Smartphone are in the same

or Consider a party in which the DJ has to play music.
The users who wish to listen to the DJ can connect to the Mixxx running in
DJ's computer via the locally created network and could get the live stream
from Mixxx.
This could give rise to *online parties *where the *DJ may not be
physically present.*


1.Create a Http Server on the computer running Mixxx.
2.Stream the audio and the playlist data via the Http Server to the people
who connect to the DJ.

*Please Let me know what you think of the idea and any improvements or
suggestions required.*

Thanking you

6th Semester CSE
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Mixxx-devel mailing list

[Mixxx-devel] Music Mood Detection AI

2014-03-11 Thread udara de silva
Greetings all,
I have an project idea for Mixxx which I think is* very very important *for
DJs. That is MMD Algorithms for make track selection super easy. First let
me explain what i mean by mood. Well I'm feeling exciting now. That's a
mood. I feel like dancing,rocking,clubbing or I'm feeling romantic,sad or
relaxing. These are what I mean by mood. Say your are DJying a dance floor
so you want to mix tracks that make people on the dance floor feel like
dancing. Well you would say a good DJ should know that track. True enough
but having more than 10,000 songs collection what would be the time taken
to select the track on the line. *My proposal is to create an Artificial
Intelligent to detect mood of the music* and generate a playlist out of
those 1 songs and then the DJ can easily figure out what track does he
need to play. Let me discuss on how to implement the system in brief,

before starting off let me post a link again for an artificial intelligence
I created who I call megamind [?] you
can ask a question and hit enter to see his answer. There I use natural
language processing to determine what the user might be wanting to know

Having said that all let me move on to my implementation. With max replies
I broken my proposal to 4 phases and they goes as follows.

*Phase 1 : **Supervised mood detection*
This is quite easy. the plan is to add UI elements to let the DJ choose the
proper mood of the song. This would be then saved with the song so that
later this information will be used to create the play list. This would be
the start point for the project but practically setting moods of all tracks
would be quite difficult since there will be lot of songs.

*Phase 2 : **Unsupervised learning for mood detection*
This would be the most cool part and hence is the most difficult. In this
track mood will be automatically detected. Is this possible??? YES. I would
love to go into details how this would be done if you guys are interested
in accepting my proposal. But what should be noted is that there is no
perfect algorithm for this because the concept of mood is ambiguous. What
we could build is an algorithm based of Fuzzy Logic. But I am very
convinced this is something possible to do.

*Phase 3 : **Combination of the supervised and unsupervised information*
This would also be an easy task. If the DJ think automatically detected
mood is not correct in this phase there will be a feature to change it in
the desirable way.

*Phase 4 : **Automatically generating the playlist*
From what Max told me there has being some work done in this area so
implementing this would be quite easy. Since I trust Max [?] I would rank
this phase as an easy one. Otherwise I would have to work on this one too..

So this is my proposal. I have done some work in NLP for decision making
 but haven't try to use AI on the field of Music. But I love challenges and
would love to tackle the problem. I have work with Java,C++,C and has a
background knowledge on QT as well. This is my first attempt to contribute
my skills to the Opensource community and wish you guys let me in. Thank
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Mixxx-devel mailing list

Re: [Mixxx-devel] Design A Cool Cover Flow

2014-03-11 Thread udara de silva
Trevor that is an awesome idea. To be honest I hadn't think that far. What
you are suggesting is very cool for DJying and would be useful in real
life. We don't have to stick with actionscript here. We could easily use a
3D engine developed in C++ like CrystalSpace. But I have to admit that I
havent work with it before. I'm pretty sure it also behave in the same
manner so I could get familiar with it quickly. Please give some feedback
on this one.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:03 PM, Trevor Hansen wrote:

 If you don't mind me jumping in here. I'm new to programming and am
 getting my feet wet.  I am a DJ and I think having the ability for the 3D
 engine would be cool.  If there is the option of a video output (like VDJ
 has) and render the video out to display the 3D images, then you would have
 a good use for it.  While videos are great, if a song doesn't have a video
 to it, it could display the 3D content.

 On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Trevor Hansen 

 If you don't mind me jumping in here. I'm new to programming and am
 getting my feet wet.  I am a DJ and I think having the ability for the 3D
 engine would be cool.  If there is the option of a video output (like VDJ
 has) and render the video out to display the 3D images, then you would have
 a good use for it.  While videos are great, if a song doesn't have a video
 to it, it could display the 3D content.

 On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Max Linke wrote:

 Hi Udura

  When going through the project ideas by MIXXX it all seems very good
  projects. I would love to add something on cover flow project idea
  From my experience for cool animations best choice is ActionScript
  (Flash/Air). I have worked with papervision3d , stage3d and other 3D
  engines developed for actionscript. Some of these engines support
  acceleration therefore minimize the CPU load. Since ActionScript is
  with Windows,Linux and Mac using it won't be a matter for cross
  developing. By using a 3D engine we could build very advanced and
  interactive album art display that would give a *unique touch* for
 Mixxx. I
  would love to show some of my work availiable online.
  We can develop a cover flow album art display by using purely QT but I
  thought if we add the power of a 3D Engine to Mixxx it would be way too
  cool. Please give me your thoughts on this suggestion. :)

 I'm not sure about using a full blown 3D engine to display some covers.
 seems a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Although I see
 that there
 is potential to do interesting interactive stuff. Can you go a bit more
 detail what you imagine and how it would be useful for a DJ.

 But before that can happen you'll need to implement how covers will be
 internally. How will you look for them? How will you store them? How are
 stored usually by people? Without having the internal stuff figured out
 implemented it is no use to work on a shinny UI. For a start just having
 something like Traktor would be good. After that is working you can
 start to
 work on UI's.

 Also ActionScript is a no-go since it depends on proprietry software
 Flash). As well as the fact that flash is dying in favor of HTML5. Going
 openGL is possible, we already use it to display the waveforms. Before
 suggest any other engine please keep in mind that it has to be
 compatible with
 our license, mixxx uses GPLv2 so we can't bundle anything that is
 under GPLv3. Oh and before I forget it currently runs on a wide range of
 hardware from brand new laptops to years old netbooks and such a basic
 as cover art should be available to all of them.

 best Max

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 Mixxx-devel mailing list

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Re: [Mixxx-devel] Fwd: Gsoc 2014 IDEA for proposal

2014-03-11 Thread Max Linke
Hi Atul

I'm sorry this project is out of scope for GSoC and also a direction
that we do not want to go in. Also sending audio over the Internet is
already possible using shoutcast.

best Max

On Tue, 2014-03-11 at 23:03 +0530, Atul R wrote:
 The idea is to create a web interface for Mixxx .
 That is , I propose that we run a Http Server on the computer locally so
 that any DJ who has currently created a playlist can provide the entire
 playlist or stream audio to other listeners around the world by providing
 his/her IP.

 or if not internet ,he/she could create the playlist in his computer and
 via the web interface play or change the playlist from his SmartPhone
 This can be achieved if both the computer and Smartphone are in the same

 or Consider a party in which the DJ has to play music.
 The users who wish to listen to the DJ can connect to the Mixxx running in
 DJ's computer via the locally created network and could get the live stream
 from Mixxx.
 This could give rise to *online parties *where the *DJ may not be
 physically present.*

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Mixxx-devel mailing list

[Mixxx-devel] GSOC-2014-Project Ideas-Advanced track management/organising

2014-03-11 Thread Rishant Agarwal

I am Rishant Agarwal,student of BITS Pilani and am doing my Graduation in
Computer Science. I have been using this extremely awesome software for
past few months and recently saw it being listed among the few selected
organizations for GSOC 2014.

I have quite a good experience working with languages like
Java,C,C++,Python, JavaScript,PHP,Jquery , CURL , REST, etc and have also
developed a project which used mixxx and was awarded for the same.

I have used it to create Internet radio along with Icecast and now I would
like to add a feature using which we can fetch live audio stream from
Internet and use existing Mixxx features to create new music which can then
be either saved or streamed back to another application.  Mixxx can then be
used for varios purposes like Live Music Jamming etc.

Project will basically consist of these steps:-

1. Fetching media (Similar to how Wowza Streaming Server does.)
2. Processing the streams to convert into suitable formats ( Can be done
using FFMpeg).
3.Connecting streams to input which can be done using JACK API's
4. Rest all features are pretty much there in MIXXX.

Along with this, we can provide suppport for metadata such as Stream Name
reading, Album arts which can be read from the stream if any exists etc.

I hope you will like my idea .

*Rishant Agarwal*
M.Sc. ( Tech.) Information Systems (4th year)
*BITS Pilani, Pilani *

Linkedin -

obile: +91 8105625082
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Mixxx-devel mailing list

Re: [Mixxx-devel] Design A Cool Cover Flow

2014-03-11 Thread Trevor Hansen
I may be suggesting something out of this world but there is a program
called Visikord (  As far as what Visikord does,
in a nut shell, you can hook up an xbox camera to a computer, run their
program and it produces the background images and then outlines the dancers
bodies so they are in the videos real time.  That could be one direction.
 Another direction would be just a simple video output that would read the
file and see that it's a video so it would split the video from the audio.
 I think other softwares make it possible so if you rewind or scratch the
music, the video acts the same.  If the track you are playing isn't video,
then the system would automatically pull from a bank of ambient videos or
files that are 3D and show them on screen if that makes sense so you'll
never had video down time.  I hope this helps a bit.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:02 PM, udara de silva wrote:

 Trevor that is an awesome idea. To be honest I hadn't think that far. What
 you are suggesting is very cool for DJying and would be useful in real
 life. We don't have to stick with actionscript here. We could easily use a
 3D engine developed in C++ like CrystalSpace. But I have to admit that I
 havent work with it before. I'm pretty sure it also behave in the same
 manner so I could get familiar with it quickly. Please give some feedback
 on this one.

 On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:03 PM, Trevor Hansen wrote:

 If you don't mind me jumping in here. I'm new to programming and am
 getting my feet wet.  I am a DJ and I think having the ability for the 3D
 engine would be cool.  If there is the option of a video output (like VDJ
 has) and render the video out to display the 3D images, then you would have
 a good use for it.  While videos are great, if a song doesn't have a video
 to it, it could display the 3D content.

 On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Trevor Hansen 

 If you don't mind me jumping in here. I'm new to programming and am
 getting my feet wet.  I am a DJ and I think having the ability for the 3D
 engine would be cool.  If there is the option of a video output (like VDJ
 has) and render the video out to display the 3D images, then you would have
 a good use for it.  While videos are great, if a song doesn't have a video
 to it, it could display the 3D content.

 On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Max Linke wrote:

 Hi Udura

  When going through the project ideas by MIXXX it all seems very good
  projects. I would love to add something on cover flow project idea
  From my experience for cool animations best choice is ActionScript
  (Flash/Air). I have worked with papervision3d , stage3d and other 3D
  engines developed for actionscript. Some of these engines support
  acceleration therefore minimize the CPU load. Since ActionScript is
  with Windows,Linux and Mac using it won't be a matter for cross
  developing. By using a 3D engine we could build very advanced and
  interactive album art display that would give a *unique touch* for
 Mixxx. I
  would love to show some of my work availiable online.
  We can develop a cover flow album art display by using purely QT but I
  thought if we add the power of a 3D Engine to Mixxx it would be way
  cool. Please give me your thoughts on this suggestion. :)

 I'm not sure about using a full blown 3D engine to display some covers.
 seems a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Although I see
 that there
 is potential to do interesting interactive stuff. Can you go a bit more
 detail what you imagine and how it would be useful for a DJ.

 But before that can happen you'll need to implement how covers will be
 internally. How will you look for them? How will you store them? How
 are covers
 stored usually by people? Without having the internal stuff figured out
 implemented it is no use to work on a shinny UI. For a start just having
 something like Traktor would be good. After that is working you can
 start to
 work on UI's.

 Also ActionScript is a no-go since it depends on proprietry software
 Flash). As well as the fact that flash is dying in favor of HTML5.
 Going with
 openGL is possible, we already use it to display the waveforms. Before
 suggest any other engine please keep in mind that it has to be
 compatible with
 our license, mixxx uses GPLv2 so we can't bundle anything that is
 under GPLv3. Oh and before I forget it currently runs on a wide range of
 hardware from brand new laptops to years old netbooks and such a basic
 as cover art should be available to all of them.

 best Max

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[Mixxx-devel] Thanks Gavin

2014-03-11 Thread Corey Antoniuk
Hi Gavin

I like you!

But seriously, thanks for the kind words. It’s really great to hear things like 
that when you’re approaching something totally new.

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Mixxx-devel mailing list

Re: [Mixxx-devel] Summer of Code: Hello!

2014-03-11 Thread Corey Antoniuk
Hi Max

Thanks for the feedback!

Above all I’d like to make a rock solid system before going crazy with the UI.
I’d also like to have my code be easy to maintain whether I’m the one 
maintaining it or not. 

I’m going to spend the next few days updating my plan which I’ll post here 
before submitting.

On Mar 11, 2014, at 11:34 AM, Max Linke wrote:

 Hi Corey
 Your proposal looks already good it seems like you already spend quite some
 thought on it. I added some comments to parts where I had questions or where 
 should go into more detail. I'm looking forward to your next iteration.
 Some general thoughts about this project.
 The part this projects relies most heavily on is doing the cover management in
 a sane way internally. Your best UI wont be of any use if you can't find the
 covers or add/change them oh and loading the covers should also be fast. This
 part should not be underestimated and really well thought out. A good way to 
 this is to make a list of possible problems and their solutions. If you think
 about possible test's and also add writing unit-tests for this part to your
 work would be a big plus.
 Also for all the other students who want to work on this, your proposal should
 definitely go into detail here!
 On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 18:13:45 -0400
 Corey Antoniuk wrote:
 My name is Corey Antoniuk and I’d love to work with you guys for Google’s
 Summer of Code!
 That said, as with most open source projects, while it has a full set of
 features and works beautifully, it is lacking some UX niceties that users
 want. This is where I would like to help out. I’d like to work on
 implementing cover art functionality, primarily using the pictureflow QT
 widget written by Airya Hidayat, as suggested by RJ Ryan in Bug #1015894.
 Coverflow is definitely a shinny UI but how good will it work for a DJ. What
 are our competitors doing? Are there other ways to display covers on a 
 What would be the equivalent to search through a folder of vinyls on a pc? Can
 you make use of hoover effects / pup-up lists?
 Here is a brief overview of my plan at the moment. I’d love to here what you
 guys think. I’ll have to do some more research to determine a timeline, but I
 figured it would be better to see what you guys think of this first.
 1. Make local art accessible to pictureflow
 This is actually the most important part that you have to get working before
 you start to implement any advanced UI's.
 I suspect this won't be that easy because their are several ways
 people store the covers for their songs. Maybe they have an extra file or
 they use the ID3 Tags or maybe even both! Mixxx should be able to pick up the
 covers during a normal library scan and after that display them instantly on
 each run. It is important here that this works fast and reliable whether the
 songs are saved on a ssd, a USB2 external drive or some network drive.  I 
 be good if you do some research what the most common ways are to store covers
 and how other programs handle them. If you want to use code from other 
 please check their license before, mixxx is GPLv2 and thus incompatible with
 GPLv3 code. You can ask the other projects though if they are willing to
 relicense their code for us, we actually use some clementine code in 1.12 for
 which we got permission.
 Oh and please also keep in mind that everything that touches files has to be
 sandbox compatible on os-x. rryan added some support for that in PR #169
 2. implement pictureflow within the Mixxx UI
 maybe you should go for more then one UI to show cover art. Traktor for 
 has a nice simple way to show covers which would be easy to implement in 
 This also breaks this project into 2 separate chunks. Part 1 being all the
 internal stuff and a minimal UI, part 2 is a shinny new UI. The advantage is
 that we can merge part 1 before you are finished with 2 and you'll get 
 from our users directly during GSoC.
 As with point one it is good if you check our how other DJ programs display
 cover art.
 3. preferences
 actually just having on/off sounds fine. Being able to customize everything is
 nice but it is easy to be lost in the possibilities and is is also easier to
 introduce bugs.
 3. drag and drop to crates
 You should think a bit more about your UI. How will the selection of a cover
 affect the tracks that are shown in the library. What do people know about
 coverflow interaction from other apps? Would one want to drag a cover to a
 It really helps the discussion here if you do some simple mock ups.
 4. add digger mode (tm)”
 sounds really nice to me. I would actually prefer it to the horizontal
 5. fetch artwork from online services
 Amazon and other services have API's to download covers. Although it should