Re: Authentications fails after upgrade to 1.3.22

2001-12-19 Thread BeerBong

> When you up grade from one version to the next
> version of apache ,U have to redo the passwd and
> user.
> I had the same problem when I tried updating from
> 1.3.12 to 1.3.19-rev1,and I re-did it.
> Then all where ok !,what is the version of ur
> mod_perl.

I wrote - I upgraded it from 1.25 to 1.26

> Where you using AuthGroupfile for passwd
> checking,...

Server serves many virtual hosts and other host uses this template

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName $realm
  AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/conf/users_file
  AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/conf/groups_file
  require group $realm-$dir

But I dont understanrd what i should do to solve my problem
Sergey "BeerBong" Polyakov
chief of WebZavod (

> Lets see what the ring has to say,
> Regards,
> Anand R
>  --- BeerBong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello
> all!
> > 
> > I use Apache::AuthenRadius for authorization - all
> > worked fine until I
> > upgrade Apache to 1.3.22 and mod_perl to 1.26
> > from Apache 1.3.19 and mod_perl 1.25
> > 
> > In config file
> >
> ###
> ># <- I use this for
> > determination which daemon processes
> > this config. I run front-end and back-end servers.
> > 
> >PerlPostReadRequestHandler My::ProxyRemoteAddr
> > 
> >ServerName
> >DocumentRoot /usr/web/
> > 
> >ErrorLog /usr/web/
> > 
> >Use dbi_macro
> >Use asp_script_macro
> > 
> > > /usr/web/>
> >  AuthType Basic
> >  AuthName "Enter your Dialup Login and
> > Password"
> > 
> >  # authenticate via Radius
> >  PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenRadius
> > 
> >  PerlSetVar Auth_Radius_host ...
> >  PerlSetVar Auth_Radius_port ...
> >  PerlSetVar Auth_Radius_secret ...
> >  PerlSetVar Auth_Radius_timeout ...
> > 
> >  Require valid-user
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> ###
> > 
> > After upgrade, if I enter correct login and
> > password, I get
> > Internal Server Error and
> >
> ###
> > [Tue Dec 18 16:02:52 2001] [crit] [client
> >] configuration error:
> > couldn't check access.  No groups file?:
> > /abonents/abo
> > nent.asp
> >
> ###
> > in logs
> > 
> > I checked changelog for Apache and find following
> > for mod_auth:
> >   *) Enhancement of mod_auth to handle 'Require
> > file-owner' and
> >  'Require file-group'.  This allows access IFF
> > the authenticated
> >  username (from the appropriate AuthUserFile
> > database) matches
> >  the username of the UID that owns the
> > document (and equivalent
> >  checking for file GID and user's membership
> > in AuthGroupFile).
> >  See the mod_auth documentation for examples. 
> > (Not supported
> >  on Windows.)  [Ken Coar]
> > 
> > I think this enhancement is responsible for such
> > behaviour...
> > 
> > Any comments ?
> > 
> > PS: Another "improvement" is the
> > 
> >  allow from # Greg Home   -
> > generate warning - not supported
> > comment... All was fine before 1.3.22
> > 
> > PPS: I downgrade to 1.3.19 until solve this
> > problems.
> > 
> >  ---
> > Sergey "BeerBong" Polyakov
> > chief of WebZavod (
> > 
> > 
> >  
> =
> Regards,
> Anand_R,
> No:25(old no:13)Nungambakkam High Road,
> DSM Soft(P)Ltd,
> Chennai.INDIA - 600 034.
> Ph No:825 0183/825 3853/825 3835

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:01:22 -
Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually I was wondering about writing an Apache::Singleton class, that
> works the same as Class::Singleton, but clears the singleton out on each
> request (by using pnotes). Would anyone be interested in that?

Like this? (using register_cleanup instead of pnotes)

package Apache::Singleton;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.01';

use Apache;

sub instance {
my $class = shift;

# get a reference to the _instance variable in the $class package
no strict 'refs';
my $instance = "$class\::_instance";

unless (defined $$instance) {
$$instance = $class->_new_instance(@_);
Apache->request->register_cleanup(sub { undef $$instance });

return $$instance;

sub _new_instance {
bless {}, shift;

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Report on mod_accel and mod_deflate

2001-12-19 Thread Jeremy Howard

Igor Sysoev mentioned recently on this list that he has written a module
called 'mod_accel' that provides a caching HTTP accelerator, as well as a
mod_gzip replacement called 'mod_deflate'. These modules are both used on
Kaspersky labs' busy sites, as well as at the popular portal mod_deflate is used at around 700 sites.

So why haven't we heard more of them? Because the docs are only in Russian,
and almost all implementations have occured on Russian sites. Well, the good
news is that I've now implemented a mod_accel/mod_deflate front-end on, allowing me to announce a substantial speedup to our

You may notice in the linked announcement that I mention "I've been able to
remove the restriction that attachments have to be downloaded within an
hour". We previously had this restriction because even with mod_proxy as a
front-end, uploads larger than the TCP buffer get fed through bit by bit,
keeping the mod_perl handler open the whole time... So we had code like:

||   my $oldalarm=alarm(0);
||   alarm 3600;
||   my $Status = $R->parse;
||   alarm $oldalarm;

Without that, the backend app server can hang around for ever serving one
client. We had similar code for downloads, as well as uploads. BTW, Joe
Schaefer has posted a mod_proxy patch to this list that fixes this for POST

Well, mod_accel gets around this problem by automatically buffering large
uploads and downloads onto the filesystem! :-) In fact, mod_accel reads the
backend response and sends it to client asynchronously, so the client sees
the first part of the response even before the backend has completed the
request. But the backend is never blocked by the client, since it is
buffered to the file-system as required.

mod_deflate works really well with mod_accel so that both dynamic forwarded
requests and static requests are compressed. mod_deflate also has lots of
intelligence to avoid compressing content to buggy browsers that can't
handle it.

OK, enough evangelism. On to practical matters. Many of the following
snippets and comments were provided to me by Igor in private email, so thank
him, not me. Firstly, here's how to compile everything (including mod_ssl on
the front-end) and install it into /usr/local/apache_accel:

tar -zxvf mod_accel-1.0.7.tar.gz
tar -zxvf mod_deflate-1.0.9.tar.gz
tar -zxvf mm-1.1.3.tar.gz
cd mm-1.1.3
./configure --disable-shared

cd ../mod_ssl-2.8.5-1.3.22
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.22_accel/ \
  --with-crt=/INSERT_APPROPRIATE_PATH.crt \

cd ../mod_accel-1.0.7
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.22_accel/ \

cd ../mod_deflate-1.0.9
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.22_accel/

cd ../apache_1.3.22_accel/
EAPI_MM=../mm-1.1.3 SSLBASE=SYSTEM ./configure --enable-rule=EAPI \
  --prefix=/usr/local/apache_accel --disable-rule=EXPAT \
  --enable-module=most \
  --enable-module=rewrite \
  --activate-module=src/modules/accel/libaccel.a \
make install

mkdir /var/accelcache
chown nobody:nobody /var/accelcache/
/usr/local/apache_accel/bin/apachectl startssl

Now, in /usr/local/apache_accel/conf/httpd.conf, append the following:

   AccelCacheRoot  /var/accelcache 1
   AccelWaitBeforeBodyRead  100
   AccelUnlinkNoCached  off
   AccelSetXHost on
   AccelSetXRealIP on
   AccelSetXURL on

This creates an HTTP accelerator without any caching. I don't know much
about the caching directives and haven't tried them out, so I can't provide
any guidance there.

The AccelCacheRoot directive sets the number of levels of subdirectories in
the cache. 16 first level subdirectories named 0 .. f and 256 second level
subdirectories named 00 .. ff are used by default (i.e. "AccelCacheRoot
 1 2"). Since I'm not caching, my config above does not specify any
directory hashing (i.e. "AccelCacheRoot  1").

AccelNoCache simply turns off caching.

AccelPass specifies that I want everything under /mail/ forwarded to the
backend. You can also specify '/' for AccelPass, and then use something like
"AccelNoPass  /download  /images  ~*\.jpg$" to create exceptions (uses
standard regex syntax).

Note that mod_accel can also be called by utilising the mod_rewrite [P]
directive, just like with mod_proxy.

AccelWaitBeforeBodyRead sets the time in milliseconds to wait between
receiving the response header and the first part of the body. It is useful
over Ethernet where packets are small. If mod_accel waits a little it can
read most of the body or even the whole body with one just one
select()/read() pair of syscalls. You can see the first read size and the
number of reads in the log with %{accel}x in a CustomLog directive. Igor
usually uses 100-200 millise

How to use LWP::Simple inside a safe compartment?

2001-12-19 Thread Christoph Bergmann


I want to use LWP::Simple inside a safe compartment created with the
Safe Module. But it ends up with errors like "Can't locate object method
"new" via package "LWP::UserAgent" at line... or "Require trapped by
operation mask..."

Here is how the code looks like (shortened ;-) ): 

$codefromoutside='print wget "";;';

use LWP::Simple ();
sub wget { LWP::Simple::get $_[0] }

use Safe;
$safe=new Safe; $safe->share(qw(wget));

 print $@ if $@;

(There is a reason why I use "wget" instead of "get" directly because I
have already a subroutine with the name "get" elsewhere)

I tried some other things but they all didn't work. Does anybody know
how to use LWP::Simple::get inside a save compartment?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Christoph Bergmann 

PS: Sorry for this is not a 100% mod_perl question but I haven't get any
help anywhere else right now and the problem results from running unkown
code under mod_perl (thats why I need the safe module), so chances are
that this is a common problem under mod_perl...

FW: public and private code branch

2001-12-19 Thread Lihn, Horng-Twu

Any good idea here?

  Steve Lihn
FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
  Tel: (908) 423 - 4441

-Original Message-
From: Lihn, Horng-Twu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 4:53 PM
Subject: public and private code branch

Does anyone have an example how to set up httpd.conf
so that there is a separation between public and private code:

  .../epl/ public/   index.html 
  my private .epl code

The DocumentRoot will be .../epl/public/
Yet in index.html I can Execute stuff in private/


  Steve Lihn
FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
  Tel: (908) 423 - 4441

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE:require -- Mason vs embperl

2001-12-19 Thread Kee Hinckley

At 2:26 PM -0500 12/19/01, Lihn, Horng-Twu wrote:
>This helps. But if I have to do this in very page,
>isn't this post a serious problem to the memory consumption?

I can't speak to "require".  But if you do a "use" in an Embperl 
script, the library will load once per-process.  In fact this 
occasionally causes problems for me, since I'm doing virtual hosting 
and sometimes I have moved one site to a new library, but haven't 
recoded the other--can't do that if the two servers are reusing 
common Apache processes.

That said, it would be nice (just from an easy-of-use point of few) 
if Embperl had an option to load a common library for all of your 
Embperl files on a site--but you could easily do that using 
EmbperlObject.  Just define a template something like this:

[! use MyLibrary; !]
[- Execute('*') -]

Now all of your files have access to MyLibrary.

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (or ...!alice!nazgul for time travelers :-)

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

Re: require -- Mason vs embperl

2001-12-19 Thread ___cliff rayman___

"Lihn, Horng-Twu" wrote:

> Kee,
> This helps. But if I have to do this in very page,
> isn't this post a serious problem to the memory consumption?
> Or not?

in what way? - u either need the code, or u don't.  if u don't need
all of it, split it into smaller pieces.

> -Steve
> >Maybe I'm missing something, because this seems simple.
> >[- require ""; -]
> >will load it everytime the page is loaded
> >[! require ""; !]
> >will load it once the first time the page is loaded.
> >I use libraries from within Embperl all the time, I don't believe in
> >putting full code definitions in front of the designers.


RE:require -- Mason vs embperl

2001-12-19 Thread Lihn, Horng-Twu

This helps. But if I have to do this in very page, 
isn't this post a serious problem to the memory consumption?
Or not?


>Maybe I'm missing something, because this seems simple.
>[- require ""; -]
>will load it everytime the page is loaded
>[! require ""; !]
>will load it once the first time the page is loaded.

>I use libraries from within Embperl all the time, I don't believe in 
>putting full code definitions in front of the designers.

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> > If you want a per-request global, use $r->pnotes() instead of a standard
> > perl global.  Then mod_perl *WILL* do it for you.
> True. But then you are using the Apache object and you're program
> doesn't work as a standard CGI anymore :(

I handle this by chekcing for $ENV{MOD_PERL} and just using a global for
storage if it isn't defined.

> Separating by namespace is not very convenient
> though. What I have been doing to get around this is that I wrote a
> simple module that can be used as a global scalar and that uses tie to
> return appropriate variable (FYI I've attached the module, if that
> interests anyone).

That's a good idea.  I've done similar things with accessor methods instead
of tied scalars.

- Perrin

Re: Mason vs embperl

2001-12-19 Thread Kee Hinckley

At 8:03 PM +0100 12/18/01, C.Hauser - IT assistance GmbH wrote:
>I use Dreamweaver for the publishers and the <% and <& commands are
>properly displayed as ASP-icons. I use it with Modules Apache::Session, for Dreamweaver extensions to 
display Embperl properly.
I have an overview of things you should think about when looking at 
scripting languages at


Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (or ...!alice!nazgul for time travelers :-)

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Jean-Michel Hiver

On Wed 19-Dec-2001 at 10:43:34AM -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > ALWAYS reinitialize $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL on each query!
> > mod_perl will *NOT* do it for you.
> If you want a per-request global, use $r->pnotes() instead of a standard
> perl global.  Then mod_perl *WILL* do it for you.

True. But then you are using the Apache object and you're program
doesn't work as a standard CGI anymore :(

> > You might think 'ah yeah but it would be nice if
> > $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL could be persistent across queries...' which
> > is sometimes desirable, but remember that if you have multiple instances
> > of your application running on the same apache,
> > $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL will be common to ALL of them.
> It will be common to all requests in that particular process, but not shared
> between multiple Apache processes.  If you take requests for different
> applications that need different singletons on the same Apache process, you
> should separate them by namespace so they don't collide.

Yup, that's what I meant. Separating by namespace is not very convenient
though. What I have been doing to get around this is that I wrote a
simple module that can be used as a global scalar and that uses tie to
return appropriate variable (FYI I've attached the module, if that
interests anyone).


  Jean-Michel Hiver - Software Director
  +44 (0)114 221 4968

Description: Perl program

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> One thing I don't quite
> understand is the need to "clear out" a singleton.  Why would a
> singleton need to hold transient state?

It's good for holding something request-specific, like a user session.

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Rob Nagler

Perrin Harkins writes:
> Okay, wishful thinking.  I don't use Class::Singleton, but I have written my
> own versions of Object::Registrar a few times to accomplish the same goal.

Ditto.  We use a registry mechanism, too.  One thing I don't quite
understand is the need to "clear out" a singleton.  Why would a
singleton need to hold transient state?


RE: Mason vs embperl

2001-12-19 Thread Kee Hinckley

At 4:14 PM -0500 12/18/01, Lihn, Horng-Twu wrote:
>I have a library of perl routine that I call in cgi-bin environment
>where I usually "require".  I could not find any way to require it
>and use it in Embperl. I can not find any doc describing how this is done.
>(I can require it in the Mason
>Can you shed a light? I think it has something to do with the object model
>which I can not fully comprehend so far.

Maybe I'm missing something, because this seems simple.
[- require ""; -]
will load it everytime the page is loaded
[! require ""; !]
will load it once the first time the page is loaded.

I use libraries from within Embperl all the time, I don't believe in 
putting full code definitions in front of the designers.

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (or ...!alice!nazgul for time travelers :-)

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> No, it's nothing like Object::Registrar. It's like Class::Singleton.

Okay, wishful thinking.  I don't use Class::Singleton, but I have written my
own versions of Object::Registrar a few times to accomplish the same goal.
I don't like to make my core classes dependent on running in a mod_perl
environment if I can avoid it, so I prefer to use a separate registry
approach that keeps $r->pnotes() out of my classes.  It's also nice to be
able to quickly adapt other people's classes in this way without changing
their code to use Class::Singleton.

- Perrin

Re: How to Use Apache as a FTP server

2001-12-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

While if i were to take you literally it will 
not work.  HTTP and FTP behave comepletely differently.
However you can simulate it .. eg
As well as browsers tend to do passive ftp .. for 
downloads .. Hope that helps a little.


/*  Security is a work in progress - dreamwvr */
// "Who's Afraid of Schrodinger's Cat?" /var/(.)?mail/me \?  ;-]

RE: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Matt Sergeant

> -Original Message-
> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Actually I was wondering about writing an Apache::Singleton 
> class, that
> > works the same as Class::Singleton, but clears the 
> singleton out on each
> > request (by using pnotes). Would anyone be interested in that?
> This sounds a bit like Object::Registrar.

No, it's nothing like Object::Registrar. It's like Class::Singleton.


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RE: [modperl site design challenge] and the winner is...

2001-12-19 Thread Joe Breeden

> All that makes it really easy for someone new to feel comfortable.

And isn't that what the mod_perl site should do?

> It would be nice to see license info, too, as someone new 
> might want to be
> clear on that right away, too.

> You can also quickly see a list of supported modules.  This 
> shows that it's
> easy to extend, but also allows someone to see that it can do 
> the thing
> *they* might be interested in.  Sure, perl has CPAN, but I 
> think it would
> be good to show a list of commonly used modules for mod_perl, 
> and what they
> do, in a simple list.  If someone is just learning about 
> mod_perl (or php)
> the list doesn't need to be that big, as their needs will be 
> reasonably basic.

The list could give the module authors a chance to write a paragraphs
describing what the module does in 50 words or less to new users can get an
idea without have to wade into the CPAN pool.
> Maybe as a community (of programmers not designers) we could hire a
> professional designer to help develop our "brand".  Cool web 
> site.  Some
> print ads in the trades.  What's a small amount in dues to 
> the Association
> of Mod_perl Programmers compared to increase of mod_perl work overall?

I'm all for this. I use mod_perl on a daily basis, but either due to lack of
time or lack of knowledge or other reasons I don't get to give back to the
community as much as I would like. This is a way for me and others in a
situation similar to mine to give back to mod_perl.

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> ALWAYS reinitialize $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL on each query!
> mod_perl will *NOT* do it for you.

If you want a per-request global, use $r->pnotes() instead of a standard
perl global.  Then mod_perl *WILL* do it for you.

> You might think 'ah yeah but it would be nice if
> $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL could be persistent across queries...' which
> is sometimes desirable, but remember that if you have multiple instances
> of your application running on the same apache,
> $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL will be common to ALL of them.

It will be common to all requests in that particular process, but not shared
between multiple Apache processes.  If you take requests for different
applications that need different singletons on the same Apache process, you
should separate them by namespace so they don't collide.

- Perrin

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> Actually I was wondering about writing an Apache::Singleton class, that
> works the same as Class::Singleton, but clears the singleton out on each
> request (by using pnotes). Would anyone be interested in that?

This sounds a bit like Object::Registrar.  If you do it, I'd suggest giving
it a "scope" option for each variable that determines if it's process or
request scope.  In fact you could add support for some kind of data-sharing
and offer a server scope as well.

- Perrin

[RFC] Apache::WinBitHack

2001-12-19 Thread Randy Kobes

   As part of the mod_perl developer's cookbook, we'd like to
propose a module - Apache::WinBitHack - for possible inclusion in
CPAN. This module enables Win32 mod_perl users to emulate
Apache's XBitHack using file attributes. Usage is described below
in the readme. You can get the sources from

and an ActivePerl ppm package is available via (on one line)

ppm install

You may need to upgrade mod_perl itself to use this, either
from the ppm package at
or, if you compile it yourself, from the cvs sources.

best regards,
randy kobes

Apache::WinBitHack - An Apache module to emulate XBitHack on Win32

In Apache's httpd.conf:

   PerlModule Apache::WinBitHack

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlFixupHandler Apache::WinBitHack
  XBitHack Full
  Options MultiViews Indexes Includes

Apache contains a very useful directive 'XBitHack', whereby a file that
has the user-execute bit set will be treated as a server-parsed html
document. As well, the group-execute bit can be used to set the
Last-modified time of the returned file to be the last modified time of
the file, which is useful in determining if a document is to be cached
or not. On Win32 the directive works in principle, but in an
inconvenient fashion - the execute bit is set on Win32 by the file
extension, which means that documents that are to take advantage of
'XBitHack' must have an extension like 'exe' or 'bat'.

This module emulates 'XBitHack' on Win32 by, rather than using the user
and group execute bits, using instead the attributes of the file to
determine if the file is to be server-parsed by mod_include. Attributes
of a file on Win32, which you can see by running

C:\> attrib file_name

include 'archive', 'hidden', 'read-only', and 'system'. Normal user
files have just the 'archive' attribute set, which some back-up programs
use to determine if the file should be included in the next incremental
backup (most backup programs now instead use the last-modified-time of
the file for this purpose). By setting certain attributes of the file
and specifying directives as in the SYNOPSIS, particularly the
'Includes' option, 'XBitHack' can be emulated in the following ways.

  XBitHack Off

With this directive, no server-side parsing of the file will be

  XBitHack On

This directive emulates setting the user-execute bit. With this
directive, a file will parsed by mod_include if the 'archive' attribute
is unset, which you can do by

   C:\> attrib -a file_name

Note that when a user's file is first created or when it is edited the
'archive' attribute will normally be set (and all others unset), so you
must intentionally unset the 'archive' attribute to enable
server-parsing of the file.

  XBitHack Full

This directive emulates the action of also setting the group-execute
bit. With this directive, as with 'XBitHack On', a file will be parsed
by mod_include if the 'archive' attribute is unset. As well, a
Last-modified header will be sent, equal to the last-modified time of
the file, *unless* the 'read-only' attribute of the file is set, which
you can do by

   C:\> attrib +r file_name

the mod_perl manpage

The description of the 'XBitHack' directive in the Apache manual


Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Paul Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright (c) 2001, Geoffrey Young, Paul Lindner, Randy Kobes. All
rights reserved.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or
modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

This code is derived from the *Cookbook::WinBitHack* module, available
as part of "The mod_perl Developer's Cookbook".

For more information, visit

RE: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Matt Sergeant

> -Original Message-
> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > ALWAYS reinitialize $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL on each query!
> > mod_perl will *NOT* do it for you.
> If you want a per-request global, use $r->pnotes() instead of 
> a standard
> perl global.  Then mod_perl *WILL* do it for you.

Actually I was wondering about writing an Apache::Singleton class, that
works the same as Class::Singleton, but clears the singleton out on each
request (by using pnotes). Would anyone be interested in that?


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Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> 2. We will use Template-Toolkit and Apache/mod_perl. Problem is that 2
> out of 3 people have never used TT or programmed mod_perl and OO Perl.
> Only I've made sites this way, they've used Embperl til now. How can I
> make this switch for them a little easier?

Get them all copies of the Eagle book and Damian's OO book (or the Advanced
Perl Programming book, which I also like for OO).  Have them read at least
the porting and traps documentation that comes with mod_perl, if not the
whole Guide.  Decide if you will be using a framework like OpenInteract or
OpenFrame.  If not, decide on a basic structure for request handling, error
handling, and parameter parsing, and document it.

We made this same transition at eToys, and you can do it.  Learning to use
TT is pretty quick, but OO and mod_perl require more hand-holding and are
much easier if you have someone around with some confidence in how to use

I'm including a brief outline that I used when I gave a talk about mod_perl.
It's slightly out of date, but it shows what I considered to be the
highlights for mod_perl newbies.

> Which data should I send with cookie? Only some random
> key which is also stored in dbase and this key is used to find real data
> from dbase?

Yes, use a unique key with some kind of MAC so you can be sure it isn't
forged when it's sent back to you.  See the recent thread and the AuthCookie
module.  Note that some things still have to passed as query args or hidden
fields.  This would be anything that could be happening in multiple windows,
like search terms (if you tied them to the cookie, searches in multiple
windows would interfere with each other).

> 4. How is most reasonable to store(and use too) complex formulas and
> coefficients?

I would use an OO approach with polymorphism, like others have described.

- Perrin

What is mod_perl?

An Apache module.

An embedded Perl interpreter.



What's wrong with CGI?

Forking Perl on every request.

Compiling the script every time.

Opening a new database connection every time.


The Apache request lifecycle.

See diagram.

The Apache API.

See code listing.





The config file.

How mod_perl emulates CGI.



What do you need to know as a programmer?

Memory management.

use strict! use strict! use strict!

Pre-loading and copy-on-write.

See diagram.

Imported symbols and use vars.


Global settings: $/, $^T, $^W, $|

Using them safely with local.

-M test implications.

use, require, do, and %INC

Compiled regular expressions.

See the guide or Perl Cookbook.

BEGIN and END blocks.

Performance tweaks.

Apache::Request for query string.

See listing.

Apache::Cookie for cookies.

See listing.

Apache::Util for escaping HTML and URIs

See benchmark.

DBI: prepare_cached and finish

Reloading your code changes.

Restart the server.




Memory considerations for live servers.



Tricks to use in production.


Proxy server setup.


Read the guide! -

PerlMonth -

perldoc everything

The Eagle Book and

the mailing list

Comparison to other systems?

Re: require in Embperl (was: Mason vs embperl)

2001-12-19 Thread Gerald Richter

> "Lihn, Horng-Twu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have a library of perl routine that I call in cgi-bin environment
> > where I usually "require".  I could not find any way to require it
> > and use it in Embperl. I can not find any doc describing how this is
> > (I can require it in the Mason
> In embperl, you can require or use within [! !] and [- -] tags.

If you only want to require the module (and not import symbols, like "use"
does), it's the best to load it on server startup, for example via

PerlModule foo

in your httpd.conf


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925131
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Re: [modperl site design challenge] and the winner is...

2001-12-19 Thread Bill Moseley

I'm throwing in my two cents a bit late, so it's a bit depreciated now (one
cent?).  But something to think about for the site.

I've worked with php a little lately -- not programming, but making minor
changes to a site.  I've used the php site a few times,
and I've found it reasonably functional, but also quite easy for someone
new to php.  Maybe it seems that way because I know nothing about php and
it's geared toward my level.  But that's good.  How often to the mod_perl
pros need to read the mod_perl home page?

I'm sure all these elements will be added to the new mod_perl site in some
way, but I just wanted to note what I liked about the php site.  And I'm
not comparing mod_perl to php!

What the php site shows in a real obvious way is:

1) what is php (for someone that is brand new) with a link to some basic
examples.  It demystifies php in a hurry.  Makes someone think "Oh, I can
do that".

2) currently, it's showing Netcraft's usage stats, so I see that people are
using it in growing numbers -- it's not a dead-end for a new person to try

3) it shows upcoming events.  That shows that there's a real support group
of real people to work with.  Links to discussion lists archives would be
good there.

All that makes it really easy for someone new to feel comfortable.

It would be nice to see license info, too, as someone new might want to be
clear on that right away, too.

You can also quickly see a list of supported modules.  This shows that it's
easy to extend, but also allows someone to see that it can do the thing
*they* might be interested in.  Sure, perl has CPAN, but I think it would
be good to show a list of commonly used modules for mod_perl, and what they
do, in a simple list.  If someone is just learning about mod_perl (or php)
the list doesn't need to be that big, as their needs will be reasonably basic.

Existing mod_perl (or php?) programmers might not like all that basic,
first-time user stuff right on the home page, and would rather have a more
"functional" site.  I don't know about anyone else, but I've got the links
I need bookmarked, and if not I go to and ^F right to where
I want to go.

BTW -- At first I liked David's idea of using the ASF look.  That ties
mod_perl to apache well.  But, if the site is intended to bring in new
users, it might be good to be a bit more flashy.

Maybe as a community (of programmers not designers) we could hire a
professional designer to help develop our "brand".  Cool web site.  Some
print ads in the trades.  What's a small amount in dues to the Association
of Mod_perl Programmers compared to increase of mod_perl work overall?

Bill Moseley

Re: Convert bitmap

2001-12-19 Thread darren chamberlain

Hans-Olof Hermansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 12/19/2001:
> I am looking for a perl module that can convert a
> bitmap picture to jpeg or gif. I am sending a bitmap
> from a Pocket PC device to a Solaris webserver running
> Apache. If anyone has any tips it will be greatly
> appreciated.

Have you looked into PerlMagick?


My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.
-- Woody Allen

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Jean-Michel Hiver

If you're developing a complex application, you'll probably want to
split it in a horde of specialized modules. Few things to remember:

You will probably feel the need to use static variables (i.e. variables
shared with all instances of a given class) at some point. For example
if you have a singleton object you might have something like that:

  package Your::Singleton;
  use strict;
  use 5.6;
  use our $ETERNAL = undef;

  sub instance
my $class = shift;
return $ETERNAL if (defined $ETERNAL);
$ETERNAL = $class->new (@_);
return $ETERNAL;
  sub new { ... blah blah code ... }


ALWAYS reinitialize $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL on each query!
mod_perl will *NOT* do it for you.

You might think 'ah yeah but it would be nice if
$Your::Singleton::ETERNAL could be persistent across queries...' which
is sometimes desirable, but remember that if you have multiple instances
of your application running on the same apache,
$Your::Singleton::ETERNAL will be common to ALL of them.

Cyclic memory references are dangerous, try to avoid them as much as
possible! Perl garbage collector does miserably fails in the case of
cyclic refs.

If you have a cycling references that keep going out of scope, they will
never be garbage collected and your server might have some trouble :-)

Beware of regular expressions /o modifier! The application I'm working
on has a cool feature heavily using regular expressions: automagic
hyperlinking of text / html data when appropriate. I used to use the /o
modifier and got a few nasty surprises (until I discovered the mod_perl
guide traps page)

Other than that, more generally speaking:

Always hide classes implementation with method calls! Not so long ago I
did tend to write using less method calls and directly accessing
object's attributes and now this is my #1 source of maintenance problem
and headaches.

It you think it's too slow then consider it's better to buy a bigger CPU
than 3 tons of aspirin. Also avoid using packages names inside functions
as much as possible, as it tends to screw inheritance.

Finally my biggest piece of advice:

ENFORCE a coding style. ENFORCE using english for variable, function
names and comments (for example although I'm French I really can't stand
code written with french variable names and comments! The Perl language
is using English keywords after all. Be consistent FFS) . ENFORCE
commenting what every single method does.

Having said that I do naturally tend to write awful code that only I can
understand, but at least everything is properly commented :)


  Jean-Michel Hiver - Software Director
  +44 (0)114 221 4968


Re: embperl [* *] does not work

2001-12-19 Thread Gerald Richter

> I am trying [* *] tag and the code as simple as this does not work.

Note that [* *] is experimetal and will not work always in 1.3.x (it does in

> I am using embperl 1.3.2 build from for Windows.

Please upgrade to the newest version (1.3.4), because there where a number
of bug fixes for win32

> Test
> [* $c = 5; *]
> count: [+ $c +]
> [* $c++; *]
> count: [+ $c +]
> -

This normaly should work without problems. If it doesn't work after an
upgrade try to replace [* *] with [- -]


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925131
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread fliptop


> 1. Regarding the switch to postgresql, I think that's a good choice. Just pay
> attention to postgresql's data types, and try to get your fields types and
> lengths correct the first time if possible. It doesn't completely support the
> ALTER TABLE command, so changing column types can be a pain, although it's still
> possible. The other thing is that SQL syntax might be slightly different in a
> few cases, though it's been too long since I used MySQL to remember any
> examples. Postgresql's web site has some tips for switching, I think at

something i'll add to that - if your new postgresql db will have foreign 
keys, and you previously didn't have any code written to guarantee your 
data's integrity in mysql, then you probably won't be able to import all 
your data without some massaging (unless you're sure your data's 
integrity is ok).  i wholeheartedly second wes' statement that switching 
to postgresql is a good choice.

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread wsheldah

1. Regarding the switch to postgresql, I think that's a good choice. Just pay
attention to postgresql's data types, and try to get your fields types and
lengths correct the first time if possible. It doesn't completely support the
ALTER TABLE command, so changing column types can be a pain, although it's still
possible. The other thing is that SQL syntax might be slightly different in a
few cases, though it's been too long since I used MySQL to remember any
examples. Postgresql's web site has some tips for switching, I think at

2.  Have them read some articles on the whole MVC approach, since it sounds like
you'll be using that. And of course read Damian's book several times for OO

4. You might put the formulas in a perl superclass, with one method per formula.
Then create a subclass for each different company that has that company's
algorithm. All the calling code has to worry about is which company it's dealing
with when it instantiates the object; after that all the right formulas will get
used automatically. This should make it easy to add more companies, too. I guess
the general principle is that when you're faced with tons of complexity, try
breaking it down into smaller pieces and add an abstraction layer or two, so you
and the program can deal with it.

Hope this helps. I'll be watching for the success story!

-- Wes Sheldahl

Viljo Marrandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/19/2001 03:50:49 AM

To:   modperl list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, templates list
cc:(bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Tips & tricks needed :)


We're going to make a web-site for insurance company (err, more like
portal for several companies) and the problem is that ( I think ) it's
going to be our biggest and most complex site we've ever done AND we're
going to use some new stuff we've never used. So I'd be very happy if
you can give me some points what to look at, what are real no-no's and
what are go-go's.

1. We're going to switch from mysql to postgresql, because we need
transactions, triggers and all other stuff that mysql doesn't support.
What could be possible problems going from mysql to postgres, if any?

2. We will use Template-Toolkit and Apache/mod_perl. Problem is that 2
out of 3 people have never used TT or programmed mod_perl and OO Perl.
Only I've made sites this way, they've used Embperl til now. How can I
make this switch for them a little easier? I know I must spend a lot of
time teaching them, but may-be there are some kinda switchover tutorials
or something?

3. Authorization. Is cookie based auth most reasonable or are there some
other ways too? .htaccess will not do, I think, because all data is in
the same directory and authorized access/login is needed only on some
parts of site. Which data should I send with cookie? Only some random
key which is also stored in dbase and this key is used to find real data
from dbase? (I guess I must read again this thread about cookies).

4. How is most reasonable to store(and use too) complex formulas and
coefficients? Problem is that there are 4 companies and each of them has
different way to calculate same thing eg. insurance for travelling, car
insurance etc. Unfortunately they are all quite different, because every
company uses even different things to calculate final result. So if we
use different formula for every company and insurance type we end up
with ~50 formulas and none understands afterwards which is which. Are
there any guidelines to generalize formulas? Ok, let's say we even
somehow make these formulas general enough to use, but where shall the
calculation take place? Postgres stored procs or in perl code/module (i
think this) or even in TT? Constans will be in db.

5. Any other things to look out when creating large site and/or running
it over SSL and/or using above described configuration?

P.S. I hope that in about few months I can write about this project to
success stories ;-)

Thanks for your attention,

Re: [VERY OT] How to Use Apache as a FTP server

2001-12-19 Thread Issac Goldstand

That's not mod-perl.  That's not even Apache.  Many popular web browsers 
have browsing features for anonymous FTP.  You need an FTP server for 
that.  Apache 2 will include an FTP server (I think), but for now, try 


anandr wrote:

>Hi All,
>I want to use my Apache as a ftp service also.
>Can the ring help me.
>I am running Apache 1.3.22 at port 80.
>when I give http:///, I get the list of 
>files in my htdocs.
>Like wise when I give ftp:///, I need a 
>list from my server folders.
>Have look at this address,for what I am intending to 
>With Regards,
>Anand Ratnasabapathy,
>DSM Soft(P)Ltd,
>No:25,Nungambakkam High Road,
>Chennai - 600 034.

Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool of
yourself in front of a very large audience.

Moving the mouse won't get you into trouble...  Clicking it might.

PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:
7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B

Re: [modperl site design challenge] and the winner is...

2001-12-19 Thread Stas Bekman

 >>Ideally if Thomas, Carlos and Allan could take
 >>the best of each other's work and produce the "perfect" design, that
 > That would be OK for me, Carlos, Allan??

Wow, all three winners have agreed to work together to make the killer
design! that's great guys!!! I guess the next step is to apply fixes
suggested in the comments I posted yesterday and do some more polishing.

Please post the URLs of things that you change to the docs-dev mailing
list. Use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get yourself on this
list. And we will discuss it there.

Remember David Harris' suggestion to use the colormap (and layout?) used
by other ASF sites. Sounds like a good idea.

Thanks again!

Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Convert bitmap

2001-12-19 Thread Hans-Olof Hermansson

I am looking for a perl module that can convert a
bitmap picture to jpeg or gif. I am sending a bitmap
from a Pocket PC device to a Solaris webserver running
Apache. If anyone has any tips it will be greatly


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Re: [DIGEST] mod_perl digest 2001/12/15

2001-12-19 Thread Geoffrey Young

James G Smith wrote:
> --
>   mod_perl digest
>  December 1, 2001 - December 15, 2001
> --
> Recent happenings in the mod_perl world...
> With many thanks to Geoffrey Young for his work on this digest in the
> past, I will try and continue the job for a while.

the thing I like about this group is that everyone has the same goals
in mind.  Thanks, James, for picking up the torch - everyone will
benefit from having the digests continue.

looks great!


Re: Mason vs embperl

2001-12-19 Thread Chris Strom

"Lihn, Horng-Twu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a library of perl routine that I call in cgi-bin environment
> where I usually "require".  I could not find any way to require it
> and use it in Embperl. I can not find any doc describing how this is done.
> (I can require it in the Mason

In embperl, you can require or use within [! !] and [- -] tags.

How to Use Apache as a FTP server

2001-12-19 Thread anandr

Hi All,

I want to use my Apache as a ftp service also.
Can the ring help me.

I am running Apache 1.3.22 at port 80.

when I give http:///, I get the list of 
files in my htdocs.

Like wise when I give ftp:///, I need a 
list from my server folders.

Have look at this address,for what I am intending to 

With Regards,

Anand Ratnasabapathy,
DSM Soft(P)Ltd,
No:25,Nungambakkam High Road,
Chennai - 600 034.

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-19 Thread raptor

> work on Mars.  The investor claims to have evaluated Perl vs. C years ago, 
> to have witnessed that every single hit on the webserver under mod_perl 
> causes a CPU usage spike that isn't seen with C, and that under heavy load 
]- this seems to me like non-compiled script, module or eventually
running under Apache::PerlRun :"))

Re: Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Jorge Godoy

Viljo Marrandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'm answering what I can... :-)

> 3. Authorization. Is cookie based auth most reasonable or are there some
> other ways too? .htaccess will not do, I think, because all data is in
> the same directory and authorized access/login is needed only on some
> parts of site. Which data should I send with cookie? Only some random
> key which is also stored in dbase and this key is used to find real data
> from dbase? (I guess I must read again this thread about cookies).

First of all, why putting everything at the same place? It would be
easier to maintain things if only the generic things are at the same
place and specific things are in their own directories. 

Depending on how much data you're going to store, I'd use a cookie
that is a hash (e.g. MD5) to some index at the database. Don't send
confidential information on them (people might use some public
internet to view their information) and try not sending plain text
(people might be tempted to change values). 

> 4. How is most reasonable to store(and use too) complex formulas and
> coefficients? Problem is that there are 4 companies and each of them has
> different way to calculate same thing eg. insurance for travelling, car
> insurance etc. Unfortunately they are all quite different, because every
> company uses even different things to calculate final result. So if we
> use different formula for every company and insurance type we end up
> with ~50 formulas and none understands afterwards which is which. Are
> there any guidelines to generalize formulas? Ok, let's say we even
> somehow make these formulas general enough to use, but where shall the
> calculation take place? Postgres stored procs or in perl code/module (i
> think this) or even in TT? Constans will be in db.

Create modules for each company. This way you'll have each company's
functions on her own module. They will be differentiated by
namespace. (And you can use references to select the appropriated
module, the information on which company that client belongs to might
be in a record at the database ;-))

By using references, your only thing to worry will be naming the same
things with the same names. You should also pass values by reference. 

Using modules will also make it possible to change formulae without
worring about which of them are common to other companies or which
are not common. 

And, since you're already going to use OO Perl... ;-)

> P.S. I hope that in about few months I can write about this project to
> success stories ;-)

Me too! :-)

Be seeing you, 

Solutions Developer   - Conectiva Inc. -
Desenvolvedor de Soluções - Conectiva S.A. -

Description: PGP signature

Tips & tricks needed :)

2001-12-19 Thread Viljo Marrandi


We're going to make a web-site for insurance company (err, more like
portal for several companies) and the problem is that ( I think ) it's
going to be our biggest and most complex site we've ever done AND we're
going to use some new stuff we've never used. So I'd be very happy if
you can give me some points what to look at, what are real no-no's and
what are go-go's.

1. We're going to switch from mysql to postgresql, because we need
transactions, triggers and all other stuff that mysql doesn't support.
What could be possible problems going from mysql to postgres, if any?

2. We will use Template-Toolkit and Apache/mod_perl. Problem is that 2
out of 3 people have never used TT or programmed mod_perl and OO Perl.
Only I've made sites this way, they've used Embperl til now. How can I
make this switch for them a little easier? I know I must spend a lot of
time teaching them, but may-be there are some kinda switchover tutorials
or something?

3. Authorization. Is cookie based auth most reasonable or are there some
other ways too? .htaccess will not do, I think, because all data is in
the same directory and authorized access/login is needed only on some
parts of site. Which data should I send with cookie? Only some random
key which is also stored in dbase and this key is used to find real data
from dbase? (I guess I must read again this thread about cookies).

4. How is most reasonable to store(and use too) complex formulas and
coefficients? Problem is that there are 4 companies and each of them has
different way to calculate same thing eg. insurance for travelling, car
insurance etc. Unfortunately they are all quite different, because every
company uses even different things to calculate final result. So if we
use different formula for every company and insurance type we end up
with ~50 formulas and none understands afterwards which is which. Are
there any guidelines to generalize formulas? Ok, let's say we even
somehow make these formulas general enough to use, but where shall the
calculation take place? Postgres stored procs or in perl code/module (i
think this) or even in TT? Constans will be in db.

5. Any other things to look out when creating large site and/or running
it over SSL and/or using above described configuration?

P.S. I hope that in about few months I can write about this project to
success stories ;-)

Thanks for your attention,

Re: mixing script in virtual hosts

2001-12-19 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Yuri A. Kabaenkov wrote:

> In script.cgi i share this variables like wroten in perl_mod Guide.
> sometimes script.cgi from one virtual host uses from another.
> How can i fix it ?

Keep reading the Guide.  it's in there.
Get the source and "grep -ir sometimes".
