[JOB] Crack OOP Perl whitebox tester wanted

2002-06-20 Thread Tom Mornini
We're 1 year into development of a system that is OO Perl, mod_perl,
DBI and DBD::Oracle on Linux.

We've spent a lot of energy doing it right and writing tests as we go.
This has given us huge benefits in the life of the project, but our current
whitebox tester has decided to move to Washington, D.C. so we need
somebody to fill his large shoes.

If you're a good Perl programmer who has a strong sense of "the way it
should be" and can be simultaneously mean, nasty, angry, distrustful and
unforgiving to Perl code and the opposite to people then we'd like to
talk to you.

This person doesn't do new development, per se, but he is responsible
for making things better via testing, fixing, documentation and refactoring.

This is a full time job at an office in the South Park area of San Francisco,
California, USA. Telecommuters are NOT what we have in mind. Call us
old fashioned that way. :-)

Pay and benefits are good, though it's no longer 1998. :-) Best benefit
is working with a small group of people that are highly motivated by
doing it right.

-- Tom Mornini
-- eWingz Systems, Inc.
-- ICQ: 113526784, AOL, Yahoo, MSN and Jabber: tmornini

[ANNOUNCE] Apache-AuthCookie 3.02

2002-06-20 Thread Michael J Schout

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/M/MS/MSCHOUT/Apache-AuthCookie-3.02.tar.gz
  size: 29015 bytes
   md5: 107408d13a43cfbe2d2eccce40adffbe

Version: 3.02
   - Add support for AuthNameSatisfy directive (can be Any/All, default: Any)
   - Move cookie path setting into get_cookie_path() so that users can
 overload this function if they desire (Thanks Raj Chandran)
   - POST -> GET conversion was broken (r->content called twice). Fixed.

Version: 3.01
   - adopted support for custom_errors() hook from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   - Fixed incorrect documentation in authorize() (thanks to David Young).
   - login() handler changes:
   o if "destination" isnt in posted data, set AuthCookieReason to
 no_cookie and return to login_form (previously just returned
   o if authen_cred() returns false, set AuthCookieReason to
 bad_credentials and return to the login form.
   o try to handle POST -> GET conversion.
   - CGI::Util dependency removed (these are internal subroutines for CGI.pm)
   - ${AuthName}Path will default to "/" if it is not specified (MSIE 6.0
 wont set cookies without path)
   - fix login() handler change so that destination doesnt get lost on
 subsequent login attempts (thanks Phillip Molter)


As usual, it may take a few hours for this to propogate to the CPAN mirrors.


Porblems marrying Apache 1.3.26, pache-ssl 1.48 and mod_perl 1.27

2002-06-20 Thread The Doctor

It has been a long time since what I have described happened.

Script started on Thu Jun 20 20:18:07 2002
doctor.nl2k.ab.ca//usr/source/mod_perl-1.27$ cat configApacheSSL
/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL APACHE_PREFIX=/var/www/SSLconf 
APACHE_SRC=/usr/source/apache_1.3.26/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 PERL_MARK_WHERE=1 

doctor.nl2k.ab.ca//usr/source/mod_perl-1.27$ make test
(cd /usr/source/apache_1.3.26 && PERL5LIB=/usr2/source/mod_perl-1.27/lib: make)
===> src
===> src/os/unix
<=== src/os/unix
===> src/ap
<=== src/ap
===> src/main
<=== src/main
===> src/lib
<=== src/lib
===> src/modules
===> src/modules/experimental
<=== src/modules/experimental
===> src/modules/standard
<=== src/modules/standard
===> src/modules/proxy
<=== src/modules/proxy
===> src/modules/ssl
<=== src/modules/ssl
===> src/modules/perl
<=== src/modules/perl
===> src/modules/php4
cp libmodphp4.a libphp4.a
ar r libphp4.a mod_php4.o
ranlib libphp4.a
<=== src/modules/php4
===> src/modules/dav
<=== src/modules/dav
<=== src/modules
env LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/libdata/perl5/i386-bsdos/CORE cc -c -I. 
-I/usr/libdata/perl5/i386-bsdos/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include 
-I/usr2/source/openssl-engine-0.9.6d/include   -DTARGET=\"httpsd\" 
-DDEV_RANDOM=/dev/random -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -fno-strict-aliasing 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1 -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/main 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/main -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/Zend 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/Zend -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/TSRM 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/TSRM -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1 -DAPACHE_SSL 
-DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include `./apaci` modules.c
env LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/libdata/perl5/i386-bsdos/CORE cc -c -I. 
-I/usr/libdata/perl5/i386-bsdos/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include 
-I/usr2/source/openssl-engine-0.9.6d/include   -DTARGET=\"httpsd\" 
-DDEV_RANDOM=/dev/random -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -fno-strict-aliasing 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1 -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/main 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/main -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/Zend 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/Zend -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/TSRM 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/TSRM -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1 -DAPACHE_SSL 
-DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include `./apaci` buildmark.c
env LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/libdata/perl5/i386-bsdos/CORE cc  -DTARGET=\"httpsd\" 
-DDEV_RANDOM=/dev/random -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -fno-strict-aliasing 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1 -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/main 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/main -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/Zend 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/Zend -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/TSRM 
-I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1/TSRM -I/usr2/source/php-4.2.1 -DAPACHE_SSL 
-DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include `./apaci`   -rdynamic  
-o httpsd buildmark.o modules.o  modules/ssl/libssl.a  modules/perl/libperl.a  
modules/php4/libphp4.a  modules/dav/libdav.a  modules/experimental/libexperimental.a  
modules/standard/libstandard.a  modules/proxy/libproxy.a  main/libmain.a  
./os/unix/libos.a  ap/libap.a-Wl,-rpath,/usr/contrib/lib 
-Wl,-rpath,/usr2/source/gd-1.8.3 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/contrib/lib/mysql  -rdynamic 
-L/usr/contrib/lib -L/usr2/source/gd-1.8.3 -L/usr/contrib/lib/mysql -Lmodules/php4 
-L../modules/php4 -L../../modules/php4 -lmodphp4   -lmysqlclient -lgd -lz -lssl 
-lcrypto -lresolv -lm -ldl  -lresolv   -ldb   -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/usr/libdata/perl5/i386-bsdos/CORE -lperl -lutil -lbind -ldl -ldld -lm -lc  -lexpat 
-ldl -L/usr/contrib/openssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto
===> src/support
`suexec' is up to date.
<=== src/support
<=== src
cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
/usr/source/apache_1.3.26/src/httpsd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t &
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
Launching... /tmp
/usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
Launching... /tmp
still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
*** Error code 61

doctor.nl2k.ab.ca//usr/source/mod_perl-1.27$ cat t/logs/error_log
[notice] Destruction->DESTROY called for $global_object
Prototype mismatch: sub Socket::INADDR_ANY vs () at 
/usr/libdata/perl5/i386-bsdos/Socket.pm line 329.
Prototype mismatch: sub Sock

RE: Apache::LightBackhand

2002-06-20 Thread Ricardo Basto

Yes, I actually did look at CPAN and the only module that did something
similar was ReverseProxy, but the primary focus of that module is to act
like a transparent proxy, in a way that na entire host will show up as
another (remote, probably Internet) site.
For example, the other modules try to interpret the response code of the
request before forwarding it back. My module tries the opposite: the
only case it will fake a response code different from what it got is
when the LWP request times out. Every 404, 500, 302 etc. will just be
passed back to the client. This I think is something original to my
And I'm neither sure if that is the best name for my module, but I think
it's target is much more people googling for "backhand" than for

And thanks for looking at it!


> Ricardo Basto wrote
> >I'd like some feedback on this module I just wrote. It's 
> something like 
> >a reverse proxy, but intended as a gateway from the fully-functional 
> >apache/mod_perl to another webserver, probably behind a 
> firewall in the 
> >corporate network.
> >  
> >
> That sounds just like mod_proxy's reverse mode or several of the 
> mod_perl proxy modules on CPAN.  Have you looked at those?  Also, the 
> name is confusing because it doesn't seem much like mod_backhand.
> Don't get me wrong, the code looks fine and it's nice of you 
> to make it 
> public.  I wouldn't suggest putting it on CPAN though unless it does 
> something that the others don't do.
> - Perrin

Re: Apache::LightBackhand

2002-06-20 Thread Ricardo Basto

Well, the attachment disappeared, so I'd better post a link:

> Hi list,
> I'd like some feedback on this module I just wrote. It's something like
> a reverse proxy, but intended as a gateway from the fully-functional
> apache/mod_perl to another webserver, probably behind a firewall in the
> corporate network. The configuration is very simple. The implementation
> relies on LWP to recreate the request as identical as possible, and then
> returning the response, as identical as possible too, back to the
> client. I'm using it as a way of publishing some ASP applications to the
> internet, and still the only server visible to the net is a linux box. I
> hope you find it useful. Any comments are welcome, as this is my first
> (public) Apache:: module.
> Regards
> Ricardo C A de Basto

Re: Apache::LightBackhand

2002-06-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ricardo Basto wrote

>I'd like some feedback on this module I just wrote. It's something like a
>reverse proxy, but intended as a gateway from the fully-functional
>apache/mod_perl to another webserver, probably behind a firewall in the
>corporate network.

That sounds just like mod_proxy's reverse mode or several of the 
mod_perl proxy modules on CPAN.  Have you looked at those?  Also, the 
name is confusing because it doesn't seem much like mod_backhand.

Don't get me wrong, the code looks fine and it's nice of you to make it 
public.  I wouldn't suggest putting it on CPAN though unless it does 
something that the others don't do.

- Perrin


2002-06-20 Thread Ricardo Basto

Hi list,

I'd like some feedback on this module I just wrote. It's something like a
reverse proxy, but intended as a gateway from the fully-functional
apache/mod_perl to another webserver, probably behind a firewall in the
corporate network.
The configuration is very simple. The implementation relies on LWP to
recreate the request as identical as possible, and then returning the
response, as identical as possible too, back to the client.
I'm using it as a way of publishing some ASP applications to the internet,
and still the only server visible to the net is a linux box.
I hope you find it useful. Any comments are welcome, as this is my first
(public) Apache:: module.

Ricardo C A de Basto

Description: Perl program

Re: Illegal Instruction

2002-06-20 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Prakash Chatterjee wrote:

> I keep getting
> child pid 25870 exit signal Illegal Instruction (4) when trying my modperl
> code.

Did you compile Perl and mod_perl yourself?

There's very little to go on in your post, have you read the document
in a file called SUPPORT (which you will find in the mod_perl-x.xx
directory if you grab the source tarball and extract it)?

If not please do so and post the information requested.


build problem

2002-06-20 Thread Jim Hobbs

I get the following trying a straight build of mod_perl 1.25 with
apache_1.3.26 on solaris 2.6:

http_config.c: In function `ap_init_virtual_host':  
http_config.c:1402: storage size of `limits' isn't known
make[2]: *** [http_config.o] Error 1

Thanks in advance for any help.

[JOB] Red Hat Web Engineer Wanted

2002-06-20 Thread Tom Lancaster

Hello all,

we're looking for a Web Engineer to fill out the team working on redhat.com.
Please read the formal description below. The emphasis will be on Perl and mod_perl.
Familiarity with templating systems, especially Apache:ASP, is important, as is 
knowledge of
DBI with Oracle. If you know Java that's a big plus.

This position is in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Please send me your resume in ASCII text.



Job Title: Web Engineer

Red Hat is looking for a skilled web engineer to design, enhance,
and implement applications on the Red Hat web site.  You will work on
a global team to create a best-of-breed web site and implement web
services that support Red Hat's Open Source products and services.

The ideal candidate will have the following characteristics:

  1. Ability to learn.  Candidate must show they can adapt to the rapidly
 changing technology landscape.

  2. Ability to communicate.  Candidate must show that they can express
 ideas with elegance and flair.

  3. Mature technical ability.  Candidate must understand how the web
 works from a low to a high level.  Candidate must also understand
 how quality software is designed and constructed.  We want you
 to think as much as you code.

Other required skills:

   Four year degree or equivalent industry experience.

   Previous experience developing web applications,
   preferably for a high volume revenue based web site.

   Understanding and experience with object-oriented design and coding.

   Understanding of Apache 1.3.x configuration.  Knowledge
   of Apache internals and C module development also a plus.

   Expert Perl programming experience including:
 Perl web applications under Apache and mod_perl,
 Apache modules, Perl modules, Perl OOP extensions.

   Understanding of relational database concepts and SQL (prefer

   Experience with HTML and HTML tools, as well as XML and XHTML.

   Knowledge of basic Software Engineering concepts: development models,
   testing, documentation, and revision control.


   Knowledge of Red Hat's products and services.

   Languages: Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, C, C++

   Web Technology: XML, XSLT and XML-RPC; Internationalization;
 Applications Servers (HTML::Mason, Embperl, Apache::ASP, Zope,
 Zentropa, AxKit, Cocoon etc.); Search systems and concepts;
 cookies and authentication mechanisms

   Oracle database and Oracle Applications (ERP, CRM) Experience.

Tom Lancaster   Red Hat, Inc.

RE: [OT] Question about Work Wanted ads

2002-06-20 Thread David Harris

> However, this is perfectly legal if you *billed* for your work, were
> and then "voluntarily" cut a check to the charity making an actual
> *donation*. As long as they are bona-fide separate, independent
> you can claim the deduction. You can arrange to only "donate" a
portion of your 
> time/money this way.

Even if you do what you describe, you get no tax benefit. To your
taxable income you have to (a) ADD the income/revenue that you gained,
and (b) SUBTRACT the deduction that you gained. They cancel out. Net
effect is zero.


Re: [OT] Question about Work Wanted ads

2002-06-20 Thread mike808

> You can not claim donated services as a tax deduction in the US.
> (Probably not other places too, I'd guess.)
> The theory is this: you'd have to book both a revenue for the work you
> did and a deduction for the donation. These would cancel out.

However, this is perfectly legal if you *billed* for your work, were *paid*, 
and then "voluntarily" cut a check to the charity making an actual cash 
*donation*. As long as they are bona-fide separate, independent transactions, 
you can claim the deduction. You can arrange to only "donate" a portion of your 
time/money this way.



Re: Apache Web Server vulnerability

2002-06-20 Thread Lupe Christoph

On Thursday, 2002-06-20 at 18:22:10 +0400, Igor Sysoev wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Lupe Christoph wrote:
> > and the mod_perl module seems to prevent the crash:
> > 
> > > telnet proxy.customer.de 80
> > > Trying
> > > Connected to proxy.customer.de.
> > > Escape character is '^]'.
> > > POST /x.html HTTP/1.1
> > > Host: proxy.customer.de
> > > Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> > > 
> > > 8000
> > > Rapid 7
> > > 0
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ^]
> > > telnet> Connection closed.
> > 
> > Does mod_perl do it's own de-chunking?

> So mod_perl does not return any response ?

> There are two ways to prevent crush with particular URI:
> 1. return 411 error if client send chunked body (standard mod_proxy,
>mod_cgi and mod_isapi do it);
> 2. ignore body at all.

> I suspect second in your case.

Sorry that is not the answer to my question - the question is if my
code gets a chance to do *anything*, or will the httpd code just
crash at a later time? It does not crash like a non-mod_perl httpd.

Lupe Christoph
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.lupe-christoph.de/ |
| I have challenged the entire ISO-9000 quality assurance team to a  |
| Bat-Leth contest on the holodeck. They will not concern us again.  |
| http://public.logica.com/~stepneys/joke/klingon.htm|

Re: [OT] RE: Question about Work Wanted ads

2002-06-20 Thread wsheldah

That's true. However, you can deduct any expenses incurred in the course of
volunteer work, such as milage to and from the site, and so forth. Again, this
is in the US, YMMV elsewhere.

"David Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/20/2002 04:04:38 PM

To:   "'Marc Spitzer'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
cc:(bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  [OT] RE: Question about Work Wanted ads

Marc Spitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> 3: you maybe able to deduct your volunteer work from your
> taxes( I have no idea about AU's laws though).

You can not claim donated services as a tax deduction in the US.
(Probably not other places too, I'd guess.)

The theory is this: you'd have to book both a revenue for the work you
did and a deduction for the donation. These would cancel out.


[OT] RE: Question about Work Wanted ads

2002-06-20 Thread David Harris

Marc Spitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> 3: you maybe able to deduct your volunteer work from your
> taxes( I have no idea about AU's laws though).

You can not claim donated services as a tax deduction in the US.
(Probably not other places too, I'd guess.)

The theory is this: you'd have to book both a revenue for the work you
did and a deduction for the donation. These would cancel out.


Re: XML::Write and XML::Simple incompatibility

2002-06-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Prakash Chatterjee wrote:
> Thanks people.
> It turned out to be an Expat problem. As advised, we compiled Apache without
> EXPAT - and hunky dory - it works.

Sorry about that, I steered you wrong: it was a mod_perl/apache problem. 
  I know about the Expat issue, but I didn't think either of those 
modules would work if you had this problem and it sounded like you were 
only getting it when trying to use both of them together.

- Perrin

Re: Question about Work Wanted ads

2002-06-20 Thread Marc Spitzer

Well if you have some time available, do some volunteer work to
build up your resume.  This helps you in at least 2 ways:
1: you get experience
2: your "happy clients" may know people who want to be
"happy clients" and have a budget.
3: you maybe able to deduct your volunteer work from your
taxes( I have no idea about AU's laws though).

Also talk to your professors, they may know someone who needs work
done.  And check the walls in the CS/IS/EE/ME/...  departments for job

One last thing, when you get clients keep track of them.  Ask if there
is any way you can help them again, every 3-6 months or so.  To keep
clients you need to build a relationship with them.

happy hunting 


On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 20:19:51 -0700 (PDT)
southernstar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was aware that on occasion individuals are welcome to post work
> wanted ads, but I have some specific questions about how I can
> actually get some short contract work here and there, since:
> * I don't have a resume or CV and it would be useless to write one
> (nothing to put in it)* I have no commercial experience
> * I'm not quite sure what sort of examples I can give to get someone
> interested in offering me a short contract to build up some experience
> with before I look for a permanent job.
> I'm a student and don't have any money anyway, so I can't very well
> travel to work on someone's premesis - I live in a remote/rural part
> of Australia. It looks like it could be a tough job to get telecommute
> contracts for short jobs (one or two scripts at a time) especially for
> someone like me who really doesn't have much to show, except for some
> example scripts which I can put together in an archive that can be
> downloaded by a potential employer, I guess.
> Does anyone have any advice for me, especially if you are hiring for
> your own company or if you're a programmer who was once in my
> situation?
> I have my own software company by the way, and it's possible I can
> look for sub-contract work. Again, I'm not sure where to start. I'm
> happy starting as an individual programmer being hired for short
> contracts, and I can build my way up to sub contracting my whole
> company for work, and it would be valuable experience before I take
> that step anyway.
> Thanks heaps! :)
> --
> James

RE: XML::Write and XML::Simple incompatibility

2002-06-20 Thread Prakash Chatterjee

Thanks people.

It turned out to be an Expat problem. As advised, we compiled Apache without
EXPAT - and hunky dory - it works.

-Original Message-
From: Robin Berjon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 June 2002 16:20
Subject: Re: XML::Write and XML::Simple incompatibility

On Thursday 20 June 2002 17:14, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> Prakash Chatterjee wrote:
> > When we use XML::Simple::XMLin we get "child pid n exit signal
> > Illegal Instruction (4)" in the error_log but no other clues.
> >
> > Has anybody come across something similar?
> There may be someone here who can help, but since this is not a mod_perl
> question you might have better luck on either http://perlmonks.org/ or
> the perl-xml mailing list.

It's hard to tell given the provided information, but this *may* be a

See http://axkit.org/faq.xml, entry "I install AxKit and Apache segfaults
when it starts" (even if you don't have AxKit) to check whether that is the
cause of the problem or not.

Failing that, you have the perl-xml list which you can subscribe to at
ActiveState's site.

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- for hire: http://robin.berjon.com/
  I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.