OT: Re: Hoping you could give advice

2002-09-20 Thread Gunther Birznieks

Todd Cranston-Cuebas wrote:

>Any other thoughts?
Yeah, this is off topic, please label it as such. :)


Re: PerlRun and text/xml data: zero bytes

2002-09-20 Thread Jon

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:45:53 -0500
Scott Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having problems reading standard input while running under PerlRun. 
> I am trying to use text/xml data POSTed to an url, as opposed to form-data.
> I get the data when running in CGI mode, but I get zero bytes when 
> running in PerlRun mode. How do I read the data POSTed to the URL?
> I have isolated my problem down to this short script:
> #! /usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use diagnostics;
> use XML::LibXML;
> my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
> my @input = <>;
> my $input = join("\n", @input);
> #my $doc = $parser->parse_string($input);
> #my $plainText = $doc->toString();
> my $plainText = $input;
> my $length = length($plainText);
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n";
> print "Content-length: $length\n";
> print "\n";
> print $plainText;
> The content length is 0!

I guess you've checked that $plainText isn't of length 0?


Re: mod_perl 2.x vs. mod_perl 1.x benchmarks

2002-09-20 Thread Frank Wiles

 .--[ Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote (2002/09/19 at 01:47:39) ]--
 |  On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Josh Chamas wrote:
 |  [...]
 |  > So I run it again with ServerTokens Min, and get the same results. :)
 |  > Still something different on the mod_perl headers, looks like mod_perl
 |  > 2.x is setting Content-Length where it didn't use to.
 |  The details evade me, but I recall something about how the buckets
 |  work in the httpd that makes httpd 2.0 always know (and set) the
 |  Content-Length.
 |  There was discussion about changing it; but I don't remember the
 |  outcome.
 |  (yes, it has (had?) some implications for how data can be "streamed"
 |  from the proxy in such a setup, which was the reason for changing
 |  it.  Indeed it could be that it was only affecting the proxy.  Did I
 |  mention that I forgot the details?).  :-)
 |   - ask
 |  -- 
 |  ask bjoern hansen, http://www.askbjoernhansen.com/ !try; do();

Would this mean that a handler that currently cannot know it's
Content-Length: ( due to the way it handles templates ) would not
have to be re-written on Apache/mod_perl 2.0? 

Wouldn't this make it only necessary to determine the Last-Modified:
header to make caching work? I've been wanting to put front-end
caches on my mod_perl handlers for some time but the code changes
necessary to generate these two headers have kept me from it for
some time. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Hoping you could give advice

2002-09-20 Thread Todd Finney

At 08:31 PM 9/20/02, Todd Cranston-Cuebas wrote:
>Our existing team is great and you probably already know a few of our 
>(e.g., Ask, Stas, Doug, etc.)

He has Ask, Stas, and Doug, and he's looking to beef up the team with a 
few heavyweights?

I suddenly have feelings of gross inadequacy.


Hoping you could give advice

2002-09-20 Thread Todd Cranston-Cuebas

OK, I know a few of you received this "plea for help" through a direct
email. It was suggested to me by one of the recipients (Geoffrey Young
actually) that I submit this email to the list and that theoretically, you
wouldn't tar-and-feather me. I hope he was right;)

Here's a modified version of my original request for help (so it would make
sense to the list)...

My name is Todd Cranston-Cuebas and I'm with Ticketmaster here in Los
Angeles. The most important thing on my plate is to help the dev teams for
Ticketmaster.com and Citysearch.com to meet their project goals. To do this
I need to bring in some heavyweight mod_perl hacks and well... that's the

Our existing team is great and you probably already know a few of our people
(e.g., Ask, Stas, Doug, etc.) so we have a pretty exciting environment. I'm
hoping that you might have some suggestions to help me get in touch with
solid mod_perl, apache API people (i.e., user groups, organizations, mail
lists, newsgroups, companies you know who are using mod_perl, conferences,
colleagues, friends?).

I've already posted to jobs.perl.org, DICE, and Monster, but so far we're
not seeing people with the most senior-level of experience (specifically
real-world experience writing perl mods in a high-volume, high-transaction
web environment. C programming experience is a serious plus at this level).
I usually find that people doing this level of work are the people who know
others doing this level of work. That's why I'm writing and again, I hope
you don't mind (Talk to Ask, I'm an OK guy).

These positions would be here in LA and we're only looking to bring people
in for full-time, on-site gigs.

Any suggestions at all would be appreciated.

Whew! Well that's it. If you have any suggestions (be nice OK?) I'd
appreciate it. I'm looking for serious constructive suggestions.

So far it's been suggested that I should:

1). Seek people with senior mod_perl experience specifically since it's a
big jump from cgi work.

2). Consider splitting up the requirements of having a high proficiency in
mod_perl and C. Treat them separately or just bring in the best mod_perl
developer we can find and give him/her the opportunity to learn Apache API

3). Attend apacheCon in November.

Any other thoughts?



Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-09-20 Thread Todd W

Im looking at Apache::Session and trying to figure out what it does. What I 
to do is tie sessions to a particular record in a database table. From what 
can tell, Apache::Session will only give generic sessions, of which I know
nothing about the user untill they give me information during that 

I have a table with some basic user information (first name, last name, 
phone number, etc...). Apache::Session says I have to have a column named id
and one called a_session. It says that the id column must be primary key, 
my table already has a primary key, an auto-increment column for the userid.

What i did was created the two columns, and hoped it would work without the 
column being the primary key. I stuck a 32 character string I got from
Sys::UniqueID in the id column and tried to do:

my($dbh) = DBI->connect( MISANet::Util::DatabaseOpts::getOpts() );

my($id) = '3D898BE8C0A80125229B0001';

tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $id, {
  Handle => $dbh,
  LockHandle => $dbh


$r->print( "DummyHello,
$hash{firstName} $hash{lastname}" );

in a perlHandler where firstName and lastName are columns in the database. 
never gets defined and $! dosent report anything.

So now Trying to decide what to do, in a perlHeaderParserHandler Ill just 
get an
id from Sys::UniqueID, send it to the browser each request in a cookie or
whatever, then use DBI::Tie to reinstate the session for each request.
(Thinking about it, that sounds easier than Apache::Session anyways) What do
you guys think? Am I using Apache::Session wrong, or are there better
alternatives than what Ive came up with?

Thanks in advance for the input.

Todd W.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 

Re: Adding Additional Apache Modules Along With mod_perl

2002-09-20 Thread Rodney Broom

From: Mark Schoonover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...how to add additional modules to Apache/mod_perl...

I like to build DSOs, and do it a lot like this:

# Unpack apache and mod_perl in the current directory, then:

% cd mod_perl-1.27
% perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 \
APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \

 > config.out 2>&1

% make > make.out 2>&1
% make test > make_test.out 2>&1
# Check make_test.out
% make install > make_install.out 2>&1

There are problably other good answers available on the list, but I like this method. 
You will get a sample httpd.conf that has LoadModule and AddModule directives for lots 
of things. It should make sence from there.

Rodney Broom
President, R.Broom Consulting

Adding Additional Apache Modules Along With mod_perl

2002-09-20 Thread Mark Schoonover

Thanks for reading!

I know this is a really lame question - but for some strange reason,
I can't figure out how to add additional modules to Apache/mod_perl using
the INSTALL.simple directions. I tried modifying the Configuration.acpi
files in apache/src before/after running perl Makefile.PL. I modified the
Configuration file in mod_perl-1.27/src before make. I'm going to try to add
the module on the command line for perl Makefile.PL after I have a cold
one... It's probably extreme cockpit error, but what is the correct way to
add modules at compile time??



"The security, stability and reliability of a computer system is
reciprocally proportional to the amount of vacuity between the ears of the

RE: Error when making mod_perl

2002-09-20 Thread Ged Haywood

Hello again,

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Christophe Mailhe wrote:

> Hi there,
> Sorry I didn't give all the information.
> I think I have achieved to compile perl 5.8.0 and now mod_perl-1.99_05 using
> the following commands :
> For Perl 5.8.0:

Is this 5.8.0-RC2 (See mod_perl-1.99_05/README)?  I don't yet use
mod_perl versionn 2.x seriously, so there are people on this List to
who are better placed than I am to answer your questions.

> Oh, Ged, by the way, I didn't find the SUPPORT file you were speaking about.

I thought you were using mod_perl 1.x.  For 2.x (1.99_05 is 2.x really,
don't ask me why...:) you need to see mod_perl-1.99_05/docs/help/help.pod.


ANNOUNCE: APache-ImageMagick 2.0b7

2002-09-20 Thread Gerald Richter



has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/Apache-ImageMagick-2.0b7.tar.gz
  size: 25457 bytes
   md5: 909cf4e83938de530d55635b202cc040

This release solves the problem with newer version of ImageMagick.

Apache::ImageMagick - Convert and manipulate images on the fly

This module uses the Image::Magick library to process or create an image on
the fly. It is able to convert the source image to any type you request that
is supported by Image::Magick (e.g. TIFF, PPM, PGM, PPB, GIF, JPEG and
Additionaly you can specify (multiple) image manipulation filters in the
additional path info and format options in the query string.
Apache::ImageMagick caches the result image so multiple requested with
the same parameters only needs one computation. To do more sophisticated
manipulation, Apache::ImageMagick can run a script that does the image
manipulation/creation. Last but not least Apache::ImageMagick comes with
a proxy module, that can be linked into a non mod_perl frontend proxy server
and which will delivers cached images which highest possible speed.

Changes since 2.0b5:

2.0b7 28. Sep 2002

 - Updated the list of allowable attribute to write method call, so
   you don't get and unknow attribute error anymore.
 - Added AIMCheckMTime which, when set, cause Apache::ImageMagick
   to compare the modification time of the source and the cached
   image and recompute the result if the source has changed.
 - Added AIMDisableSearch to disable auto conversion of image formats
 - Directory Requests are ignored now, so they can be handled by Apache
   as usual.
 - Add example CGI script in scripts/aimcgi.pl
 - Start with an test suite. You may run it with perl tst/test.pl but
   it may fail on the test which involves fonts, unless you same the
   same fonts as on my test machine.

2.0b6 28. Feb 2002

 - ImageMagick warnings are only logged, but image is still returned
 - Add CGI::ImageMagick which is a fake Apache request and allows
   to use Apache::ImageMagick as CGI or offline
 - Fix some copy & paste errors, which causes warnings

Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925131
WWW:http://www.ecos.de  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

RE: Error when making mod_perl

2002-09-20 Thread Christophe Mailhe

Hi there,

Sorry I didn't give all the information.

I think I have achieved to compile perl 5.8.0 and now mod_perl-1.99_05 using
the following commands :

For Perl 5.8.0:
Configure -d -e -Dcc=gcc -Dprefix=/usr/local -Duseshrplib
useposix=true -A append:ccflags=' -fPIC'
make test
make install

For ModPerl:
/usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache2
make test
make install

ModPerl is now installed, but I am not able to start apache. (apache v

When using apachectl start, this is starting /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -k

pts/tb  2821 root 225 20   868K   924K run  8:04 95.01 94.84 httpd

After 20 minutes this is still hanging and httpd is not started!

This is a cut of my httpd.conf :

LoadModule actions_module modules/mod_actions.so
LoadModule speling_module modules/mod_speling.so
LoadModule userdir_module modules/mod_userdir.so
LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
PerlModule Apache2
PerlSwitches -w

# ExtendedStatus controls whether Apache will generate "full" status
# information (ExtendedStatus On) or just basic information (ExtendedStatus
# Off) when the "server-status" handler is called. The default is Off.
ExtendedStatus On

### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration


Oh, Ged, by the way, I didn't find the SUPPORT file you were speaking about.
Can someone send me that?

-Original Message-
From: Ged Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 10:22 AM
To: Christophe Mailhe
Subject: Re: Error when making mod_perl

Hi there,

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Christophe Mailhe wrote:

>   mod_perl is unlikely to link with your libperl, suggestions:
> *) Rebuild Perl with Configure -Accflags=+Z ...

Are you sure you're trying to link to the Perl that you just built?

You didn't tell us quite a lot of things (for example what mod_perl
version:).  Have a look at the file called SUPPORT in the mod_perl
directory, it tells you the sort of things to post which might be
helpful to the people here.

Have you tried Perl 5.6?  Or even 5.005_03?

> I need this module working ASAP.

Now where have I heard that before? :)


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Re: POST problems

2002-09-20 Thread Peter Bi

I recalled a similar problem sometimes ago. But it is repeatable. One of the
form fields went to empty, if other fields contain unicode or double bytes.
It might link to escaped characters or unicode in the query string. The form
handles uploading using Apache:Request.


- Original Message -
From: "Anthony Heading" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Corey Durward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: POST problems

> On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 08:22:11AM +0930, Corey Durward wrote:
> > Having a curious problem with the POST command with all CGI scripts on a
> > particular server (Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) DAV/1.0.2
> > mod_perl/1.24). Basically, it doesn't work. Form inputs are treated as
> > though the inputs were blank.
> I hit exactly this problem, maybe about six months ago.
> > Everything was working fine up until a few weeks ago. The server admin
> > claims nothing has been modified in that time (I'm skeptical) and is
> > clueless as to the cause.
> In my case, I found it could be triggered by some mod_perl scripts;
> running those left each Apache in a confused state where it lost all
> cgi POST params.  I was vaguely interested to hunt it down, enough
> to collect lots of system call traces and so on, but then pressure of
> time led me just to try upgrading everything - to mod_perl 1.26 on
> perl 5.6.1 and apache 1.26 or whatever.  And the problem went away.
> Anthony
> This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended
> an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial
> or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
> and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
> are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made
> do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., its
> subsidiaries and affiliates.

Re: [NEWBIE] problem with module

2002-09-20 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, funkaster wrote:

> (bbs) using DBI to access a mysql database.
> The problem I'm facing right now is that it works the first time. But 
> the second time I make a request to the database (when I pass a 
> $msg_id parameter) it won't work

Read the debugging section of the Guide which contains useful tips
about how to figure out what's going on in there.  I always like to
print things to the error_log to see what values are in my variables
as execution proceeds.

There is a section in the Guide which talks about "Sometimes it works,
sometimes it doesn't".  Have you seen it?  You could try starting
Apache with 'httpd -X' to see if the symptoms of your problem change.


Re: Error when making mod_perl

2002-09-20 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Christophe Mailhe wrote:

>   mod_perl is unlikely to link with your libperl, suggestions:
> *) Rebuild Perl with Configure -Accflags=+Z ...

Are you sure you're trying to link to the Perl that you just built?

You didn't tell us quite a lot of things (for example what mod_perl
version:).  Have a look at the file called SUPPORT in the mod_perl
directory, it tells you the sort of things to post which might be
helpful to the people here.

Have you tried Perl 5.6?  Or even 5.005_03?

> I need this module working ASAP.

Now where have I heard that before? :)


Re: POST problems

2002-09-20 Thread Anthony Heading

On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 08:22:11AM +0930, Corey Durward wrote:
> Having a curious problem with the POST command with all CGI scripts on a
> particular server (Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) DAV/1.0.2 PHP/4.0.6
> mod_perl/1.24). Basically, it doesn't work. Form inputs are treated as
> though the inputs were blank.

I hit exactly this problem, maybe about six months ago.

> Everything was working fine up until a few weeks ago. The server admin
> claims nothing has been modified in that time (I'm skeptical) and is
> clueless as to the cause.

In my case, I found it could be triggered by some mod_perl scripts;
running those left each Apache in a confused state where it lost all
cgi POST params.  I was vaguely interested to hunt it down, enough
to collect lots of system call traces and so on, but then pressure of
time led me just to try upgrading everything - to mod_perl 1.26 on
perl 5.6.1 and apache 1.26 or whatever.  And the problem went away.


This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as
an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument
or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein
do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., its
subsidiaries and affiliates.

Re: POST problems

2002-09-20 Thread Rob Mueller

I've seen similar weird things happening with some of our users. It's always
IE 5 or IE 5.5 users it seems. It also seems to start 'randomly'. We'll get
emails saying "Everything was working great last week, now whenever I click
a button on your site nothing happens". Are far as I can tell, the form is
submitted, but there are no fields in the submitted data. I haven't been
able to reproduce it reliably yet, or work out if only some fields are sent,
or none at all. Has anyone else heard of something like this?


- Original Message -
From: "Corey Durward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 8:52 AM
Subject: POST problems

> Hi all.
> Having a curious problem with the POST command with all CGI scripts on a
> particular server (Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) DAV/1.0.2
> mod_perl/1.24). Basically, it doesn't work. Form inputs are treated as
> though the inputs were blank. It doesn't appear to be a permissions error
> no error reports are issued and nothing appears in the error log. GET
> works.
> Everything was working fine up until a few weeks ago. The server admin
> claims nothing has been modified in that time (I'm skeptical) and is
> clueless as to the cause. I've scoured httpd.conf and haven't found
> obvious there that might cause this.
> Fishing for a clue. Any suggestions appreciated.
> Corey.