Re: Just a few good men? Was: ignored (again)

2001-07-05 Thread Bakki Kudva

On 05 Jul 2001 07:44:53 +
Matt Sergeant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Matt I was really looking forward to your presentation @ YAPC::Montreal 
and also to meet you and other mod_perlers at a BOF which didn't happen.
But I do want to mention T.J.Mather's wonderful presentation of PageKit
and Chris Winters' terrific presentation on OpenInteract. OpenInteract is
written as a mod_perl handler. So the number of frameworks for mod_perl is
steadily increasing which is great news. I apologize to those who already
know these facts but to those who don't here are the urls.

I am not sure if it is my bias but perl mongers are some of the nicest and
the most fun people you'll ever meet at a software conference. BTW Damian
Conway was awesome as usual. Don't miss his Life, the Universe and
Everything talk at the PerlCon.


 Yes, we do. But I don't think it's enough to convince people to move to
 mod_perl. They want to move to a better framework. I'm sure you know
 which one I favour :-) Sadly most people *still* see Perl on the web as
 CGI, as printing out your HTML from code, etc. It needs more articles in
 the right places to fix that sort of misconception.

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Apache::Session install errors

2001-07-02 Thread Bakki Kudva

this may be slightly OT but when try to install Apache::Session I am

t/99mysql...DBI-connect(sessions) failed: Access denied for user:
'@localhost' to database 'sessions' at
blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36
(in cleanup) DBI-connect(sessions) failed: Access denied for
user: '@localhost' to database 'sessions' at
blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36t/99mysql...dubious
Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-8
Failed 8/8 tests, 0.00% okay
t/99mysqllock...(in cleanup) DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL
server has gone away at blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 70.

.and then 
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 29
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install without force  

I have MySQL running. I was wondering if the DBI-connect(sessions) test
fails because I am running this as root (in CPAN shell).

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-30 Thread Bakki Kudva

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001 13:52:05 +0800
Gunther Birznieks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I completely agree with the assertion that applications sell the
underlying technology. History teaches us that to be indisputable.

Also while applications should be an overall part of the vision, it may
not have to be there right from the start. I have been peeking in at
Enhydra from time to time and I remeber in the beginning all they had was
the framework consisting of the multi-server, xmlc and perhaps DODS. Now i
see they have complete apps like Brock, jFAQ, and the fairly complete golf
store application all of which could be, as YABW (yet another buzz word)
says, repurposed. Same is true of Zope where apps are emerging only now.
The tutorial is a terrific example of a zope app. Perhaps the roadmaps
followed by these two opensource camps will have great lessons for

As the technology catches on the core-developers could form a company for
support, training etc as shown by Lutris for Enhydra and Digital Creations
for Zope. That seems like the validation corporations look for.

moral: lay a great foundation and they will build :)


 I would like to restate that while I think these engines are cool and 
 useful, that they are not the things that bring the masses to your 
 platform.  This was the point I was making. I am not naysaying projects 
 like Enhydra, but just stated that they are not as directly useful for 
 bringing the masses to the platform.
 While it is true that an Enhydra type of engine makes writing
 easier, what you really still always need in order to gain a critical
 is something more concrete that the masses can hook onto.
 I am not talking about techies loving mod_perl or Enhydra or AxKit. But 
 everyday webmasters and CIOs saying XYZ platform has so many
 for it I can see them demoed, my tech staff can install them within
 day so let's use it.
 There are just certain things that are harder to market than others. 
 Applications make platforms easier to market because it shows off the
 I was not at the meeting, but I heard Stas convinced one of our clients
 go with mod_perl by showing them a site he created called SinglesHeaven
 CGI and then in mod_perl. Look how fast it is and you can see it's a
 application. Showing the same people benchmarks of hello world and 
 template renderings generally do not have the same effect.

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Bakki Kudva

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001 09:14:10 +0100 (BST)
Matt Sergeant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Amen to that and there is Enhydra on the Java side. To get the
functionality of these two frameworks I'd have to integrate many many CPAN
modules, keep track of various versions, make sure each is active etc etc.
A nice application framework like Enhydra or zope on mod_perl which is
maintained perhaps by all the authors of individual modules would be a
great start.


 Actually there's an exception to this rule. Look at Zope.

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-22 Thread Bakki Kudva

I am so sorry to have to add one more comment to this thread but I am
afraid that I am being misquoted. The quotation below IS NOT MINE though
it appears that way by incomplete quoting to someone who didn't get my
original post!

Again, it came from Sherman Alexie a Coeur d'Alen Indian who wrote the
screenplay for 'Smoke Signals', the first movie to be written, directed
and acted entirely by Native Americans. It becomes very clear if you
listen to Alexie how EXACTLY Native Americans feel about these matters.
Again I was only providing the quote and a link to Alexie's site so those
who care to might learn more about it.

That's it. No more on this issue from me!

I love mod_perl! (that's to qualifiy the msg for the list :)


On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 23:35:40 -0600
"Ken Williams" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Farber (EED)) wrote:
 Bakki Kudva wrote:
  Just look at the sports teams. You couldn't have a team called the
  Washington Kikes or the Washington Micks. But yet you can have the
  Washington Redskins and this Indian with a big nose and big lips
  around. How would you feel if it was the Washington Rabbis and you
 had a
  guy with braids running around throwing bagels?
 Hey, that would be very funny! And I'm jewish.
 It sounds like kind of a funny idea in theory, perhaps for a Saturday
 Night Live skit, but how horrible it would be if this were actually
 carried out with a real team and a real city.
 Guys, relax - I don't believe, that using feathers and/or Apache 
 is offending anyone, esp. because it's a nice piece of software.
 That may be right, but I live in a community with a lot of Native
 Americans, I have a (pretty small) bit of Cherokee heritage myself, and
 there's no way in hell I'm going to wear, in public, a shirt that uses
 stereotypical Indian symbols to promote something as far removed as web
 server software.  It would feel like an affront on my chest.
 Anyway, it seems the shirt isn't going toward this idea, so in that
 sense the point is moot, but some of the discussion has really been
 rubbing me the wrong way.  I don't think it's proper for one person to
 dictate the situations in which another person is supposed to take
 offense, and the situations in which he/she shouldn't.  That's not how
 emotions work.
   Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]The Math Forum

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Fw: Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-22 Thread Bakki Kudva

Sorry I forgot to cc the list the first time. Can we not make the list
messages come 'from:' the list address by default so we can cc the sender
only if needed?

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 13:58:59 -0500
From: Bakki Kudva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gunther Birznieks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

First I vote for Randal's ModDonald's idea.

Secondly I had an idea and here is crude representation of it.

It is Tux the Linux Penguin acting like that character from the movie "the
Predator" with a Gatling gun strapped across his chest with perl bullets
(on the ammo belt and shooting out of the muzzle) and when they hit the
target they splash into web pages. If this appeals to the list some one
with a better "artistic license" than I can do a better job of rendering
it. :) I did it in a couple of minutes with Gimp.

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001 23:16:50 +0800
Gunther Birznieks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So apart from the Native American thread which I believe everyone has 
 worked out...
 what do you want to do about T-Shirts?
 For me, three ideas stand out...
 1) I did like the ModDonalds idea...
 2) I wasn't at last years conference, I really like the World Domination
 one and wished I could have gotten that. If the notice is short before 
 April 4th, I certainly would not mind having another one of those... :)
 3) I also really really loved the Extreme Linux T-Shirt from LinuxExpo 3
 years ago. The theme that year was Clustered Computing and RedHat had
 made the first cluster utility CD. It had a picture of a snowboarding 
 Something along that line --- mod_perl equating with extreme perl 
 programming would be kind of cool...
  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505


Re: Fw: Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-22 Thread Bakki Kudva

On 22 Mar 2001 11:42:26 -0800
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

 But mod_perl is not just Linux.  mod_perl runs just fine on those
 redmond-based so-called "operating systems", as well as BSD (little
 devil, anyone?) and Unix, and starting saturday, MacOS X!

I was thinking about thatperhaps mod_perlers could adopt some other
animal- Kangaroo, Tasmanian Devil?, or just a generic geeky prorgrammer
sort of like Dilbert.

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-21 Thread Bakki Kudva

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 15:11:13 -0500
Geoffrey Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 actually, we may have a winner with the Native American and lamp idea. 
 coworker suggested a peace pipe (picture an indian smoking perl) instead
 a lamp, since you don't see warriors holding lamps often.  maybe some

I am not trolling here nor am I particularly trying to be 'politically
correct' but after seeing Sherman Alexie's award winning movie "Smoke
Signals" and listening to him (just yesterday on 60 Minutes II) I have a
developed a new understanding and respect for Native American symbologies
and their relegious significance to them.

To quote Alexie:(

"Alexie: It's part of the national consciousness. If people start dealing
with Indian culture and Indian peoples truthfully in this country, we're
going to have to start dealing with the genocide that happened here. In
order to start dealing truthfully with our cultures, they have to start
dealing truthfully with that great sin, the original sin of this country,
and that's not going to happen.

 Just look at the sports teams. You couldn't have a team called the
Washington Kikes or the Washington Micks. But yet you can have the
Washington Redskins and this Indian with a big nose and big lips running
around. How would you feel if it was the Washington Rabbis and you had a
guy with braids running around throwing bagels? Or the Washington Jesuits
with some guy handing out communion wafers. It wouldn't happen. So, it's
an insult. It's proof of the ways in which we get ignored."

So it MIGHT be distasteful to use these Native American metaphors no
matter how innocuous they might seem to us.

My 2cents worth,

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Re: [OT] Design Patterns in mod_perl apps?

2001-02-06 Thread Bakki Kudva

Thank you for that pointer. I checked Looks
very interesting.
While on the subject I'd like to mention another really nice book by
Mark Grand  called "Patterns in Java" that might be of interest to those
looking into Design Patterns. This book has many additional pattern to
those in GoF such as 'concurrency patterns' and 'filter' which Gunther
was alluding to. Also there is a chapter on UML which was very useful to
me. The patterns are all illustrated with UML.

It would be terrific if those who ARE using Design Patterns in their web
apps could contribute to a 'Design patterns' chapter to Stas's Guide. I
would have been happy to volunteer but for the 
fact that I am way early on my learning curve and it will be a while
before I can do it.


Gunther, I have two of your books on my shelf and would love to add a
third one, how about it? :))


Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Gunther Birznieks wrote:
  GoF did not introduce Model-View-Controller architecture. But it is
  discussed in Wiley's "A System of Patterns: Pattern-Oriented Software
 MVC is frequently used in mod_perl apps.  For example, see
 - Perrin

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: [OT] Design Patterns in mod_perl apps?

2001-02-05 Thread Bakki Kudva

I would like to close this thread with LOTS of THANK YOUS to Gunther who
gave me tons of very valuable information on the subject. I am still in
the process of digging my way through design patterns, but still at the
'huh?' stage but am optimistic that very soon will have the 'Aha!' as
the intro to the book says :)

hint to perl/oop gurus (Damian, if you are listening): Time is ripe
for a modern design patterns in perl book /hint



Gunther Birznieks wrote:
 The download link may be old. You might want to go to the extropiaperl
 project on SourceForge and get latest code using anonymous CVS.

 Also, in the last 2 months we really revamped the architecture to change
 from a central control loop to action handlers where a stream of action
 objects where the application is defined by the order and process through
 which the action handlers get processed.  This is similar to the Struts
 project for the Java Servlet API on
 It turns out to be a fairly powerful model that has increased our
 productivity even more.
 In addition, Webware will give me some real world apps to look at to get
 a sense of how CoR, flyweight etc are implemented, especially in Perl.
 This is right on the money as far as what I am trying to learn.
 That was part of our intention. We didn't really spend a LOT of time on
 design patterns, but certainly they had a strong influence.
   There have been tons of articles and books on Design Patterns since GoF
 Any specific web design patterns book you would recommend?
 If i was back home in the USA I could probably give you quite a few. As it
 is, I am afraid that I've just relying on articles here and there in the
 last 2 years because I never took my entire library with me when I moved to
 London and then to Singapore... I've been traveling more lightweight.
 GoF did not introduce Model-View-Controller architecture. But it is
 discussed in Wiley's "A System of Patterns: Pattern-Oriented Software
 I think Addison-Wesley has a series of books based on the Pattern Languages
 symposia over the last many years which gives an overview.
 Any article by PJ Plauger I've ever read is pretty good. You can look a lot
 of his stuff up by searching the web for his name plus patterns.
 Malveau and Mowbray's CORBA Design Patterns is a really good book for
 anyone doing distributed programming even if it's not CORBA.
 The Pattern Almanac from Addison-Wesley doesn't really describe patterns
 all that well but it does provide a lot of references to existing works and
 provides very very short but easy to read summaries of many patterns out there.
 The cool thing about the Pattern Almanac is that it has a lot of patterns
 that are not idomatic to OO but apply to many situations.
 For example, it even has a section on "Patterns for Designing in Teams"...
 which include  Multiple Competing Designs, Decision Document,
 Creator-Reviewer, Master-Journeyman, and Ad-Hoc Corrections

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: [OT] Design Patterns in mod_perl apps?

2001-01-31 Thread Bakki Kudva

Wow!! Gunther you've done it again. I ask for some nuggets and you've
given me the gold mine :)

Gunther Birznieks wrote:
 If you look at the latter half of the on-line book at and read the module chapters after
 and including the "Architecture" chapter you will see a sidebar in each
 chapter devoted to identifying design patterns that were used in that set
 of related modules.

I just quickly browsed through Chapter 10 (104 pages !!) and it shines
light on EXACTLY the sort of things I was thinking about. It is like the
'Design Patterns'  'Conway book' fused into one. I also downloaded the
webware apps so I can disect and learn from them. I'll be busy for the
next few months:)

 eg we use CoR in filters that are specific to handling content in our apps.
 We use (depending on how you view it) CoR or flyweight for dealing with
 stuff like data handlers (which are essentially filters for *incoming*

In addition, Webware will give me some real world apps to look at to get
a sense of how CoR, flyweight etc are implemented, especially in Perl.
This is right on the money as far as what I am trying to learn.

 3. Are there any new patterns useful for mod_perl apps?
 Lots. But I think you mean Web apps not mod_perl apps. Web Apps abound with
 idioms and design patterns. There are many which have been identified since
 the GoF book such as Session which I think nearly all large web apps use. :)

You were correct in paraphrasing my question to mean web apps. At the
moment I happened to be thinking in terms of mod_perl handlers.
 4. Am I wasting my time with OO and design patterns if the goal was
 writing a mod_perl app?
 I guess it depends on what you mean by a mod_perl app. If you mean a web
 app that runs on top of mod_perl, then you should use good OO because I
 suspect you'll want to expand that app and do things later with it which
 means the cost of maintenance is an issue not just the speed.
 If, however, you are writing some custom auth handler or something like
 that, then the efficacy of sticking to OO is less because (A) Yes, you
 could lose some performance in some cases, and (B) Because the auth handler
 is likely to be so tiny that OO would not make sense. OO is better for
 larger programs so that they can be broken down more easily.

I can see the distinction now. seems obvious now that I hear you say it

 PS Caveat: Don't go overboard on design patterns. GoF book was written with
 typical apps in mind. Web apps were not in their view scope at the time.
 Web apps do operate differently to regular apps and the design patterns or
 idioms you might wish to use may be different. Since as the GoF book puts
 it, all patterns have their advantages and also their consequences. Those
 consequences may be OK for a regular app but not for a web app.
 There have been tons of articles and books on Design Patterns since GoF

Any specific web design patterns book you would recommend?

 book was out. It's good to absorb GoF, but don't use it to hammer
 everything because you've read something new and cool. Asking your
 questions certainly shows you seem to understand that anyway, so I am
 probably preaching to the choir. :)

Again, thank you for some terrific and valuable insights. I feel I got a
lot more than I bargained for and that's why I love this LIST !

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

[OT] Design Patterns in mod_perl apps?

2001-01-30 Thread Bakki Kudva

I am studying mod_perl and the GoF Desing Patterns book in parallel and
had a few questions I would like to throw to the list.

1. Is there anyone who is using GoF design patterns (eg. Chain of
Responsibility for handlers) in their mod_perl apps?

2. Is the overhead of OO Perl acceptable for mod_perl apps, generally

3. Are there any new patterns useful for mod_perl apps?

4. Am I wasting my time with OO and design patterns if the goal was
writing a mod_perl app?

Thank you.

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: [OT] Design Patterns in mod_perl apps?

2001-01-30 Thread Bakki Kudva

"Ken Y. Clark" wrote:
  1. Is there anyone who is using GoF design patterns (eg. Chain of
  Responsibility for handlers) in their mod_perl apps?
 Well, I don't want to sound stupid, but I don't know what you're
 talking about.  That's one of the hazards of having a degree in English
 and not CS, I guess?  :)

Oops! Sorry. The book is 'Design Patterns' by Erich Gamma, et al and the
four authors are known as the Gang of Four in OO circles I believe.
Design Patterns "capture solutions that have developed and evolved over
time". The main theme is to promote CODE REUSE via decoupling of
classes. The book talks about 'message flow' in your app vs. 'data flow'
which makes classes dependent on each other and reduce their REUSE
potential. I am finding it fascinating.

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: Need Some Help

2001-01-12 Thread Bakki Kudva

"J. J. Horner" wrote:
 There is a second edition already?  This book hasn't been out 2 years yet.
 You guys are quick!!

Not according to O'Reilly web site. I only see the first ed. there.
  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-14 Thread Bakki Kudva

Both would be great. has a large number of tutorials on all
aspects of gtk and gnome programming and so a newbie could get started
just by the stuff at the site. While mod_perl has some great resources
like the Eagle book and the guide, there is something to be said for
having on line resources all in one place.


Nathan Torkington wrote:
 J. J. Horner writes:
  What is the story on these tutorials?  Is it something you can
  distribute, or did most of it come off of the top your head?
 Tutorials seems like a deadend for effort.  I've had zero (0)
 responses to my offer of my "Introduction to mod_perl" tutorial.
 If nobody's interested in increasing the number of mod_perl
 programmers through tutorials, then the only other option I can think
 of is strategically-placed success stories.
 I know that is making a point of collecting Perl
 success stories and is always hungry for more.  They won't convert
 the unwashed there, though.
 It'd sure be nice to have a WebTechniques special issue on mod_perl.
 Hint, hint, Randal :-)

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: Certification

2000-12-08 Thread Bakki Kudva

The need for certification is a symptom of different problem, which is
that the interview process has become too casual. Interviewers are
uncomfortable asking the tought questions so they resort to asking the
candidate about his hobbies etc. Many years ago a friend of mine who
interviewed for HP told me that he had to take a test and was grilled
intensely by serveral engineers in sequence before getting hired. Some
one even made him solve a partial differential equation on the spot!
(this was an RD job) He said that he had never sweated that much during
any of his exams in college :)

I think the best system might be for each company to design a 15 minute
test with a dozen questions skewed to their particular needs and see how
the applicant does. It could even be a slightly longer take home test
with follow up during the interview process. Tougher the interview, the
better the guage of how the person will do under pressure. The
certification process is a responsibility for which the companies are
passing the buck on (literally speaking) to the testing firms.

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

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[OT - saddb, presentaion layer

2000-11-02 Thread Bakki Kudva

I have two slightly offtopic questions.

1. I noticed that SAP -  "On October 5, 2000, at Linux World SAP DB was
announced to be made available as Open Source software using the GNU
General Public License for the database kernel and the GNU Lesser
General Public License for clients and programming interfaces." There is
even a DBD::SAP_DB. I was wondering if anyone has experience using sapdb
under modperl and would care to share your experiences with it. How does
it compare to Oracle?

2. Has any one worked on a javascript presentation layer to run under
modperl where one can create windows, menus, tree widgets etc (like
Perl/Tk). I know you can use javascript with but I am not sure if
this is the right place to create presentation layer.

thank you,

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: [OT - saddb, presentaion layer

2000-11-02 Thread Bakki Kudva

Gunther Birznieks wrote:
 You may want to look at SmartWorker's ( widget
 generation technology. It's a bit obtuse (IMHO) but it's also pretty cool.
 They worked it up to create opendesk ( unfortunately, the
 cool lookandfeel of open desk and all the nice fancy dHTML virtual desktop
 technology is closed source. :(
 But it is based on smartworker which is open source and based on mod_perl. :)

Thank you for that link! It's cool. I downloaded smartworker which seems
very much what I had in mind. It seems that is open
source too. I haven't seen the license yet. I got that as well. I am
going to play with this for a while and see how it works out.

PS: BTW your early CGI books were great and got me interested in Perl :)

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

suexec: disabled?

2000-08-31 Thread Bakki Kudva

I recently upgraded to perl5.6 and added php4 to my apache server. I
don't know what I did wrong but I am getting the following errors.
If I do a httpd -l I get...

suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/local/apache/bin/suexec

Also I cannot browse anything in htdocs becuase I get a "You don't have
permission to access / on this server." and the error log contains.. - - [31/Aug/2000:17:13:35 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 403 279

Where do I start to look for this permissions problem? The htdocs looks
is owned by 'nobody'.

An unrelated msg I get when I start the httpd .. defined(@array) is deprecated at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/ line 135.
[Thu Aug 31 17:12:53 2000]  (Maybe you should just omit the

I have installed ApacheDBI version 0.87.

I would appreciate any pointers.

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Apache1.3.12+mod_perl1.24+php4 doesn't compile.

2000-07-18 Thread Bakki Kudva

I am building these separately as follows...
1../configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.12, make, make install in the
php4 tree.
2. perl Makefile.PL etc, make, make test, make install in the mod_perl
3. ./configure --activate-module etc, make in the apache tree...which is
where I get..

gcc -c -I../.. -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -I../../os/unix
-I/usr/local/include -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../../lib/expat-lite
-DNO_DL_NEEDED `../../apaci`  mod_php4.c
mod_php4.c:28: zend.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:29: php.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:30: php_variables.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:31: SAPI.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:48: php_ini.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:49: php_globals.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:50: SAPI.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:51: php_main.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:53: zend_compile.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:54: zend_execute.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:55: zend_highlight.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:56: zend_indent.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:58: ext/standard/php_standard.h: No such file or directory
make[4]: *** [mod_php4.o] Error 1
make[3]: *** [all] Error 1
make[2]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/apache_1.3.12/src'
make[1]: *** [build-std] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/apache_1.3.12'
make: *** [build] Error

I am a bit lost here and was wondering why the Apache make process is
trying to compile mod_php4.c. Isn't that done in step 1 above? I thought
that the php4 make and make install does this and copies the object file
to the apache/src/modules/php4/ dirctory. I have read the Eagle book and
scoured the archives but haven't found anything which explains this to
me. Appreciate any help.

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: Apache1.3.12+mod_perl1.24+php4 doesn't compile.

2000-07-18 Thread Bakki Kudva

"Ahrendt, Robert" wrote:

I am doing exactly that from inside .makepl_args.mod_perl.


  try just prepining the httpd in mod_perl dir.
 i.e. PREP_HTTPD=1
 then under apache activate both the libperl.a and libphp4.a

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

[OT-slightly] doc management

2000-06-14 Thread Bakki Kudva

I am developing a simple web based document management app and would
like any input or critique of the following technique. I am thinking of
using a java applet/application at the client end to be able to display
things such as tree widgets, tiff viewer etc. Also the users, once
authenticated from a db will stay connected all day long. So I am
wondering if it would be better to establish a socket connection to a
middle tier daemon after authetication or handle the whole thing through
a mod_perl handler. Has anyone done an app where java applets talk to
perl/mod_perl in doing such things as populating the tree view widget
etc. Is this done better through seriaized java objets, or can these be
handled at the server side by mod_perl? or will it be more seamless if
servelets are used for the middle tier? I am sort of flying at 10,000
feet and don't appreciated the nuances yet. It'll be a great help to me
if someone who has 'been there and done that' can shed some light on


login -http mod_perl -
  |  |
  |  |
  V  V
java app --socket--[EDMS app]--- (DB)
[explorer like]  perl or servelet?


login -http mod_perl -[EDMS app]--- (DB)
  |  ^   mod_perl handlers
  |  |
  V  |
java app 
[explorer like]

I am wondering which method would have better session management (with
security down to document or even tiff annotations level), db handle
caching etc. IF this is off topic then please email me with whatever
thoughts/advice which will be greatly appreciated.
  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

mod_perl on Cobalt servers?

2000-05-10 Thread Bakki Kudva

I would like to hear from anyone who has had some experience with
mod_perl on Cobalt's Qube2(MIPS RISC) or Raq3 (x86) microservers.

* How well does this work?
* Any differences between the Qube  Raq relative to mod_perl?
* Any caveats?
* How well does it work for virtual domains?
* Does it void warranty?

The Raq3 is supposed to support 200 virtual domains but I am sure it is
without mod_perl compiled in. What is a practical number of virt domains
with mod_perl which can be run on this box? I have seen some blurbs
about unsupported software (ie. anything not shipped with the box)
voiding Cobalt warranty. Has anyone experienced problems with support
from Cobalt on mod_perl enabled Qubes?

Thanks in advance,

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|\420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\   Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\
 | |T|e|m|   \ ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""  fax:603-947-5747

Re: [mod_perl audio tutorials]

2000-04-05 Thread Bakki Kudva

Sander van Zoest wrote on  Wednesday, April 05, 2000 2:45 AM:

 His article works, but isn't entirely accurate as I have already e-mailed
 Lincoln Stein about the issues. He claimed to discuss them in his follow

Could you please email me a copy of your msg to Lincoln about the

 Most players support m3u's and icecast. I would suggest encoding the audio
 in either 24kbps. (33kbps isn't a valid bitrate, you probably meant

I did mean 32kbps. How low can you go to get acceptable quality for just
voice? Most information in voice is less than 3,500Hz or so I think. If you
sampled that at atleast 7-8 KHz it would represent a bit rate of 64KHz
without compression.

 I would suggest just creating a bunch of m3u files that can then be played
 while looking at the slides. icecast is usually used for radio like
 not on-demand streams.

This means you can have a link to the appropriate m3u file on the html page
containing the corresponding slide correct? So with this approach the only
thing you won't have is automatic advance to the next slide when audio
finishes, which should be no big deal. The user still can manually navigate
thro the slides. This is easy enough that I can set up a couple of trial
slides at my web site.

Bakki Kudva
(Electronic Document Management Solutions)
phone: (814) 833-2592
fax:  (603) 947-5747

Re: [mod_perl audio tutorials] (was Re: [OT slightly] mod_perl developers (do they exist?)

2000-04-04 Thread Bakki Kudva

 Stas Bekman  wrote on Tuesday, April 04, 2000 2:59 AM :

 Well, I've just installed the G2 Player and tried it. Yes it's quite good.
 May be you are right and it would work. So are you going to give it a

I'd love to give it a try. Couple of starting points.

1. Conferences will not be a good source for the material. So we'll have to
find an alternative. We may have to compile this incrementally, slide by
slide. The slides/audio files can be created by the author, (who can be the
'guru'? Would you have the time to do it?) or I can have some one just read
from a script.

2. I am not sure what the SUN site uses at the server side. We can do ours
using mod_perl ofcourse unless something like it already exists. I like the
"last slide", "next slide" buttons to which we may be able to add "last
chapter#", "next chapter#"  buttons to make the presentation more
interactive. With some help I would be willing to roll this out myself. My
web site is at Verio. So mod_perl won't be possible there, though I would
have loved to host the site there. If we can do it with CGI may be it can be
hosted there. The simplest way to put audio would have been with the
bgsound tag and .wav, or .au files. Unfortunately this works only for IE.
Don't know if Netscape v4.72 supports it yet. Any ideas here?


Bakki Kudva
(Electronic Document Management Solutions)
phone: (814) 833-2592
fax:  (603) 947-5747

Re: [mod_perl audio tutorials]

2000-04-04 Thread Bakki Kudva

Jeffrey W. Baker wrote on Tuesday, April 04, 2000 12:04 PM:

 Consider just this once that HTML is not the preferred way to deliver this
 kind of content.  Perhaps the tutorial could be in the form of an MP3
 file, with instructions to turn to the next slide periodically.  The slide
 could be HTML scaffolds around an image.  Anyway, this has the advantage
 of following standards and also allowing the user the freedom to move the
 audio stream and slides independently.

I like the idea of using MP3 but not being MP3 savy wan't sure that clients
support streaming MP3. Also the encoding would have to be at less than
33kbps so it will play properly over modem lines. The slide/chapter info
could be encoded into the ID3 tags and users could request any slide from
the playlist. I'll have to dig a bit into Mike Oliphant's Grip or LAME to do
the encoding. I am wondering if icecast software would work well for this


Bakki Kudva
(Electronic Document Management Solutions)
phone: (814) 833-2592
fax:  (603) 947-5747

Re: [OT slightly] mod_perl developers (do they exist?)

2000-03-30 Thread Bakki Kudva

Hi Stas,

  My suggestion would be to capture one of two of these tutorial sessions
  audio tape(assuming employer consent), edit and sync them to a bunch of
  slides and put the whole shebang on the Net...preferably right next to
  great guide. Some nifty examples of this are at...

 Hmm, that's what ORA did at the last Perl conference, although not with
 mod_perl talks... They have prepared the audio/video recording of the most
 popular sessions and made them available to the public. Not for free of

 You probably could have done the same at the ApacheCon, but it's over
 already.  Your next chance is the summer's OpenSource conference in
 Monterey and the autumn's next ApacheCon in London.

As I recall you gave the talk on mod_perl. Would you consent to have your
tutorial session recorded for this purpose? Any other organizational
permissions needed? I wonder if everything at the OpenSource conference
becomes O'Reilly's copyright.


Bakki Kudva
(Electronic Document Management Solutions)
phone: (814) 833-2592
fax:  (603) 947-5747

Re: .makepl_args.mod_perl

2000-02-04 Thread Bakki Kudva

Thank you, Eric. Looks like the Eagle book has an error then. Is there an
errata for it some where? I don't see it on their home page.


 A newbie question. Though I have successfully built mod_perl from command
 line parameters I decided to try the .makepl_args.mod_perl file method
 the Eagle book. I had EVERYTHING=1 as the first line in this file but
when I
 run I get...

 It's makepl_args.mod_perl, not .makepl_args.mod_perl (no leading dot)


Re: .makepl_args.mod_perl

2000-02-04 Thread Bakki Kudva

  Also I noted that in the guide most paramters are listed in the
  blue boxes as PERL-* instead of PERL_*. This could be confusing to

 Excuse me? There is no a single PERL- in there.

I am not sure what is going on here. You are right! In Netscape it appears
correctly as underscores. But in IE5 on my machine it does use hyphens
everywhere! (IE5 bug? Could someone please verify this?) But when I cut 
paste from it I do get the correct form  "PERL_HEADER_PARSER" as an example.
Just an interesting aside here is that meaning of the word hyphen (according
to Webster) from Greek hyph'hen meaning "under one" would seem to mean the
underscore while the punctuation mark for hyphen is '-'.

  Finally is there a way to find out which hooks are actually turned on in
  compiled HTTPD?

 Hope this helps!

Thank you Stas...sorry I missed that.


Re: .makepl_args.mod_perl

2000-02-04 Thread Bakki Kudva

A big THANK YOU to all for clarifying the usage of this file.


 So both work, depending on where the file is. I use the .makepl... form,
in my $HOME
 dir, so that I don't have to edit a new one for every new version. :)

 David McCabe  Unix SysAdmin/Peon