Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-21 Thread Barry Hoggard
I wanted to add that you *can* use Mason for MVC type programming.  I do 
that on my current big project,, in the admin 
areas.  I have a controller index.html page which chooses what component 
to run based on a run mode, just like CGI::Application, but then gives 
me all of the other stuff like autohandlers for the display.

I'm using Template Toolkit and Apache Handlers (which work like 
CGI::Application) for another project.  I'm not sure which I like better 
at the moment.  I'm much faster in Mason still.

Barry Hoggard
Tristan Media LLC
aim: hoggardb

Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-19 Thread Barry Hoggard
Jesse Erlbaum wrote:

The big players are Template::Toolkit and HTML::Template.  It's no
secret that I'm a fan of HTML::Template -- Sam and I worked together
when he wrote it, and my module, CGI::Application, uses it out of the
box (although it does support TT).  

I use HTML::Template because designers can't be trusted to set
variables.  Boolean logic is about all their simple minds can handle.
Anything which doesn't look like HTML is likely to cause them to have a
stroke.  Yes, I'm a programmer-snob and a fascist, and I like to take
sharp objects away from the gentle creative types.
Aside from the fact that HTML::Template uses less RAM and is faster than
TT, this is the foremost reason I continue to use it.
I used to use HTML::Template for projects, but I moved to 
Template::Toolkit because I felt the former's syntax was just too 
limited.  I know we want to separate code and logic, but H::T keeps me 
from even referencing the attribute of an object.  You can't say


and pass in a user object with the attribute (method) or even a hash key 
called name.  You have to either treating it like a loop with one item 
(because loops use arrayrefs of hashrefs) or flatten it into variable 
names in your code.  In a good OO system with objects representing the 
data model, I found it exhausting to use H::T when I could just to this 
in TT:

[% %]

Am I just being stupid, or are there better ways of doing these things 
in H::T?

Barry Hoggard
Tristan Media LLC
aim: hoggardb

Re: [OT] Better Linux server platform: Redhat or SuSe?

2002-07-03 Thread Barry Hoggard

Since everyone's become distracted by the lines of code number, I 
answered a few of the questions that I feel I can answer.

 Apache/modperl installation and updates: I assume installation is 
 straight forward, how about keeping current? As those are remotely 
 administered platforms, chances are the OS may not be kept current. So 
 is it still easy to deal with security updates (Apache, sshd, bind etc) 
 when the platform is a couple of years old? With FreeBSD this has become 
 somewhat harder lately (still running 3.x, but the ports system doesn't 
 support 3.x any longer).

You're talking about using their packages?  I suspect most people on 
this list build their own apache/mod_perl binaries.

 Remote maintability: Is it possible to remotely upgrade between OS 
 versions for either of those platforms (not a must, but would be a plus)?

I would be afraid to do that remotely, since it normally involved a 
kernel change as well.

 Sendmail: Does the system make it easy to replace sendmail with another 
 mailer of choice (qmail in my case)?

I don't know about Red Hat, but it's certainly easy in SuSE.

 Footprint: Is it easy to weed out unused system components to have a 
 smaller footprint of the OS? Or does that mean fighting the installer 
 left and right?

I don't know if Red Hat is getting any better, but I've always found it 
difficult to do a minimal install.  SuSE has options for a very 
minimal install which is what I use for server installs.

 perl: Any iussues with perl/modperl? Besides modperl I will be running a 
 perl application with a few hundred thousend lines of code...

My current project:

runs on Red Hat.  I'm not aware of any perl/mod_perl issues, but I built 
perl and the apache binaries myself.  I don't use their RPMs.

 Security: Is it easy to 'tie down' the system?

The web site is behind a firewall and load balancers, so the web servers 
themselves don't have ipchains, etc. but they also aren't running any 
services available to the outside except http and ssh.

 Software-based RAID 1: Is it usable (only for a data partition, not 
 required for the root partition)? Is it easy to recover from a broken disk?
 Robustness: While almost all systems I have are/will be on UPSs, they 
 still tend to occasionally be 'unplugged' (not shut down cleanly), be it 
 due to an empty or dead UPS battery, someone tripping over or 
 accidentaly unplugging the power cable etc. etc. Does the system tend to 
 survive the then due fsck without manual intervention? Better yet, would 
 it be possible to mount / and /usr read-only, and have a /var partition 
 that (if the worst should happen) can be recreated on the fly?

Can't help you on RAID, but I have found SuSE with ext3 or ReiserFS to 
be VERY recoverable.

Barry Hoggard
Tristan Media LLC
p: 212-627-1596
aim: hoggardb

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-01 Thread Barry Hoggard

I forgot to ask one thing about Jesse's comments.

I don't think the standard HTML::Template has support for formatting 
numbers, dates, etc.

How do you make sure that it's done consistently in your applications? 
It seems problematic to me to require the programmers to do work when a 
designer wants to change the number of decimals in a page, for example.

Barry Hoggard
Tristan Media LLC
p: 212-627-1596
aim: hoggardb

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Barry Hoggard

Jesse Erlbaum wrote:
 As you have already identified, the Model is simply a Perl module.  The most
 important thing to think of when writing a Model module is to make sure you
 make it entirely separate from the user interface.  It helps me to think of
 the methods in the Model as potentially being called from a web application,
 a cron script, or an email-based interface.  The Model should not contain
 anything specific about any of the interfaces through which it might be

Hi, Jesse.  I think this part is probably an evolution from the earlier 
days of CGI::Application, at least in the applications your company 
wrote for my former, now defunct, employer. :)

There was a tendency to make the CGI::Application-derived modules both M 
and V.  I'm glad to see that's less the case these days.

My current approach is to use Mason for implementing the controller and 
view, with a lot of the business logic put in the model.  I'm probably 
going to explore using CGI::Application and either HTML::Template or 
Template Toolkit for a current side project.

Do you have a favorite approach for writing the Model objects?  At 
Investorama we created a class called TableObject that would deal with 
getting/setting values from the database, plus doing data verification 
like checking for values being present and well-formed XML in fields 
that needed it.  I still use that approach on my consulting projects. 
It's not a very complex object, and it doesn't do things recursively, 
like mapping an attribute to an object and handling that object as well.

TableObject doesn't act as a base class.  It just becomes one of the 
attributes of the object.

A typical invocation is something like this:

my %fields = (
   id = { type = 'num', pkey = 1, sequence = 'seq_users' },
   email = { type = 'string', required = 1 },
   password = { type = 'string', required = 1 },
   first_name = { type = 'string', required = 1 },
   last_name = { type = 'string', required = 1 },
   valid = { type = 'num', required = 1},
   member_id = { type = 'num' },

my $table = NAIC::TableObject-new(DBH = $self-dbh,
OBJECT = $self,
TABLE = 'users',
FIELDS = \%fields,
VERIFY = 1);

$table is then put into $self as an attribute called '_table'. 
Storing/retrieving/verifying are done with $self-_table-store etc.  It 
expects that the attributes of an object like $self-email match the 
database columns.

Barry Hoggard
Tristan Media LLC
p: 212-627-1596
aim: hoggardb virtual machine for mod_perl?

2002-04-23 Thread Barry Hoggard

Does anyone of the list have experience with using's virtual
machine setup for a mod_perl site?

I'm doing a proof of concept site for a new business that needs to
be hosted somewhere other than my machine at home for people to bang
on, and I don't want to pay for a dedicated server before I'm sure
that we're ready.  I'm an OO perl person, so just running things as a
CGI gets pretty slow as the traffic increases.

Barry Hoggard
Tristan Media LLC
p: 212-627-1596
aim: hoggardb 

Re: [OT] Inspired by closing comments from the UBB thread.

2001-08-01 Thread Barry Hoggard

I think a lot of people's approach, including mine, is to have OO Perl
modules for all database access.  In my code (I use Mason), a web page
only gets its data through calls like this:

my $obj = NAIC::User-(DBH=$dbh, EMAIL='[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
my $groups_list = $obj-groups();

That way any needed SQL changes, or even ports to a new database,
don't have to be done everywhere in my code.

On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 10:12:45AM -0500, Joe Breeden wrote:
 In his closing comments about UBB Kyle Dawkins made a statement that got me
 wondering. He said there's SQL embedded all throughout the Perl everywhere
 (who does this?! oh my god, are they on crack?).


 It would be interesting to know how other people have solved that problem.
 Currently, we are essentially using embedded SQL in our apps. 

Barry Hoggard

Re: deploying tips running 2 apache server

2001-04-09 Thread Barry Hoggard

I'm using 2 servers - static on front end + mod_perl/mason on the back.
 Here are my rewrite rules (the reason you see dollar signs with
$user/$port/$perlport are because I'm using mod_macro):

# proxy everything that's not static or images to mod_perl
Options -Indexes
RewriteEngine   On
#RewriteLog /tmp/rewrite.log-$user
RewriteLogLevel 0
RewriteRule ^/static/ - [L]
RewriteRule ^/images/ - [L]

# deal with trailing slash problem
RewriteRule^(.+[^/])$   $1/  [R]

RewriteRule ^/(.*)  http://%{SERVER_NAME}:$perlport/$1 [P]
ProxyPassReverse/   http://%{SERVER_NAME}/

--- rene mendoza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i ve been reading the mod perl guide and ive learned that i dont want
 to use apache child processes to serve static html or images, so i
 want to implement a lightweight (only mod_dav and cgi enabled apache
 server, lots of child processes) and a heavy mod perl apache server 5
 or 10 apache processes/ 
 does anybody has pointers, or tips of where to start? how to
 configure that only static content of a virtual host goes thru one
 server and dynamic goes thru another.
 im using Mason in the mod_perl enabled apache
 is it done with mod_rewrite?, should both servers be ssl enabled?
 rene mendoza

Barry Hoggard

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Passing data among handlers

2001-01-30 Thread Barry Hoggard

We created our own "request" object that gets passed to components that
might need it.  We were concerned about pnotes becoming a big,
hard-to-debug global area.

Barry Hoggard

Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!

Re: Passing data among handlers

2001-01-30 Thread Barry Hoggard

I'm not sure what we're doing is very applicable.  Ours is meant to be
used in HTML::Mason, so that the object is passed as an argument to any
mason components that need it.  I wanted to have a definitive list of
methods, rather that let people just stick things into pnotes whenever
they felt like it.  So we're not really using pnotes at all.

--- Drew Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a slightly different twist on this question. We run Registry
 scripts on
 our site for debugging purposes. I would love to have a module for
 variables/data structures on a per-request basis (like the current
 notes), but internally using pnotes under mod_perl, and some other
 (package vars like I'm using now?) under everything else. The purpose
 of this
 being so that I could have a nice interface for per-request data that
 I could
 pass between different (non-OO) modules. This sounds vaguely familiar
 to what
 you did Barry. Can you elaborate a little?

Barry Hoggard

Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!

Problem with %Location in Perl Config

2000-11-17 Thread Barry Hoggard

I'm working on an apache configuration script, and I'm having trouble with
the enabling of perl-status, server-info, etc.

I modified the examples in the eg directory, so I have:

my %handlers = (
   "/perl-status" = "Apache::Status",

for (keys %handlers) {
$Location{$_} = {
 PerlHandler = $handlers{$_},
 SetHandler  = "perl-script",
 Options = "ExecCGI",

for (qw(status info)) {
$Location{"/server-$_"} = {
SetHandler = "server-$_",

print STDERR Apache::PerlSections-dump();

the dump gives me:



%Location = (
  '/perl-status' = {
'PerlHandler' = 'Apache::Status',
'SetHandler' = 'perl-script',
'Options' = 'ExecCGI'
  '/server-status' = {
'SetHandler' = 'server-status'
  '/server-info' = {
'SetHandler' = 'server-info'


I still get 404 errors.  Any suggestions?

Barry Hoggard
Chief Technology Officer
v: 212.905.1639 x194

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem with %Location in Perl Config

2000-11-17 Thread Barry Hoggard

To reply to my own messages...

These work fine in the httpd.conf with a Perl section, but I was trying to
do it in a separate startup script.  I'm just going to move my code back to
the main conf file for now.

Barry Hoggard
Chief Technology Officer
v: 212.905.1639 x194

- Original Message -
From: "Barry Hoggard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 5:35 PM
Subject: Problem with %Location in Perl Config

| I'm working on an apache configuration script, and I'm having trouble with
| the enabling of perl-status, server-info, etc.
| I modified the examples in the eg directory, so I have:
| my %handlers = (
|"/perl-status" = "Apache::Status",
| );
| for (keys %handlers) {
| $Location{$_} = {
|  PerlHandler = $handlers{$_},
|  SetHandler  = "perl-script",
|  Options = "ExecCGI",
| };
| }
| for (qw(status info)) {
| $Location{"/server-$_"} = {
| SetHandler = "server-$_",
| };
| }
| print STDERR Apache::PerlSections-dump();
| ---
| the dump gives me:
| ...
| #hashes:
| %Location = (
|   '/perl-status' = {
| 'PerlHandler' = 'Apache::Status',
| 'SetHandler' = 'perl-script',
| 'Options' = 'ExecCGI'
|   },
|   '/server-status' = {
| 'SetHandler' = 'server-status'
|   },
|   '/server-info' = {
| 'SetHandler' = 'server-info'
|   }
| );
| -
| I still get 404 errors.  Any suggestions?
| --
| Barry Hoggard
| Chief Technology Officer
| v: 212.905.1639 x194
| -
| To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AxKit / Apache::Filter - simple test case fails

2000-10-12 Thread Barry Hoggard

OK - here is a simpler case of just a "hello world" type module as the first
stage in filtering, with AxKit at the end.  I'm getting "Bad filter_input
status" from AxKit.  Am I supposed to being something different wth my

 Apache::Filter is 1.011

My first module in the filter chain - prints an XML doc to STDOUT

package Barry::Hello;

use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Carp;
use strict;

sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $filter = $r-dir_config('Filter');
carp "filter status is $filter";
if ($filter) {
my ($fh, $status) = $r-filter_input();
return $status unless $status == OK;


print(q{?xml version="1.0"?
?xml-stylesheet href="/xsl/camel.xsl" type="text/xsl"?
species name="Camel"
  humps1 or 2/humps
species name="Llama"
  humps1 (sort of)/humps
species name="Alpaca"
  humps(see Llama)/humps


return OK;




My httpd.conf:

 # AxKit Configuration
PerlModule AxKit
AxProvider Apache::AxKit::Provider::Filter
AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::Sablot
AxCacheDir /home/httpd/axkit_cache
AxDebugLevel 10

PerlModule Apache::Filter
PerlModule Barry::Hello

# turn on filtering
PerlSetVar Filter On

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Barry::Hello AxKit


Here's the log messages:

filter status is On at /dev/null line 0
***info for /home/httpd/comp_root/docs is  at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 33.
[AxKit] : (Re)loading Apache/AxKit/Provider/
***info for /home/httpd/comp_root/docs is count 1 is_dir 1 fh_in
GLOB(0x9ebfc44) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Filter
.pm line 33.
[Thu Oct 12 17:39:32 2000] [error] [client] [AxKit] [Error] Bad
filter_input status
[Thu Oct 12 17:39:32 2000] [error] [client] [AxKit] From:
r/ : 39
[Thu Oct 12 17:39:32 2000] [error] [client] [AxKit] [Backtrace]
Bad filter_input status at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.00
5/i586-linux/Apache/AxKit/Provider/ line 39

0xa3ccc00)') called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/
5.005/i586-linux/Apache/AxKit/ line 19
'Apache=SCALAR(0xa0a1c68)') called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
/i586-linux/ line 435
AxKit::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0xa0a1c68)') called at /dev/null line
eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0

Barry Hoggard
Chief Technology Officer
v: 212.905.1639 x194

HTML::Mason/ AxKit / Apache::Filter

2000-10-05 Thread Barry Hoggard

Does anyone have this combination working?  I'm using Mason 0.89, Filter
1.011.  I'm getting my files twice, and headers twice.

I have asked on the Mason and AxKit mailing lists, but we haven't been able
to figure it out.

Here's the info from my other postings:

I'm trying to debug using HTML::Mason as the provider (using Apache::Filter)
for AxKit's XML step.  I'm forwarding mine and Matt's discussion so far to
see if anyone here has figured this out.

Apache::Filter is 1.011
HTML::Mason is 0.89.

Additionally, here's my error log if I turn on debug=1 in Apache::Filter
(the http request for test.xsl is because I'm using IE to request the page
and it's attempting its own XSLT transformation):

[AxKit] : (Re)loading Apache/AxKit/Provider/
***info for /home/httpd/comp_root/docs/test.xml is  at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 33.
/home/httpd/comp_root/docs/test.xml: This is the first filter at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 66.
Untie()ing STDOUT at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line
Tie()ing STDOUT to Apache::Filter at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 90.
END info is old_stdout Apache count 1 fh_in GLOB(0x8e56390)  at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 94.
[AxKit] : handler called for /test.xml
[AxKit] : checking if we process this resource
[AxKit] : media: screen, preferred style: #default
[AxKit] : getting styles and external entities from the XML
[AxKit] : styles and external entities not cached - calling get_styles()
[AxKit] : get_styles: creating XML::Parser
[AxKit] : get_styles: calling
[AxKit] : parse_pi: href = test.xsl
[AxKit] : parse_pi: type = text/xsl
[AxKit] : get_styles: parse returned:  OK
[AxKit] : get_styles: parse returned successfully
[AxKit] : get_styles: loading style modules
[AxKit] : get_styles: looking for mapping for style type: 'text/xsl'
[AxKit] : (Re)loading Apache/AxKit/Language/
[AxKit] : resetting cache with no preferred style
[AxKit] : some condition failed. recreating output
[AxKit] : File Provider set filename to /home/httpd/comp_root/docs/test.xsl
[AxKit] : about to execute: Apache::AxKit::Language::Sablot::handler
[AxKit] : execution of: Apache::AxKit::Language::Sablot::handler finished
[AxKit] : writing xml string to browser
[AxKit] : (Re)loading Apache/AxKit/Provider/
***info for /home/httpd/comp_root/docs/test.xsl is  at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 33.
/home/httpd/comp_root/docs/test.xsl: This is the first filter at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 66.
Untie()ing STDOUT at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line
Tie()ing STDOUT to Apache::Filter at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 90.
END info is old_stdout Apache count 1 fh_in GLOB(0x8e5f420)  at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 94.
[AxKit] : handler called for /test.xsl
[AxKit] : checking if we process this resource
[AxKit] : media: screen, preferred style: #default
[AxKit] : getting styles and external entities from the XML
[AxKit] : styles and external entities not cached - calling get_styles()
[AxKit] : get_styles: creating XML::Parser
[AxKit] : get_styles: calling
[AxKit] : get_styles: parse returned:  OK
[AxKit] : get_styles: parse returned successfully
[Wed Oct  4 12:28:23 2000] [error] [client] [AxKit] [Error] No
styles defined for '/home/httpd/comp_root/docs/test.xsl'
[Wed Oct  4 12:28:23 2000] [error] [client] [AxKit] From:
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux/Apache/AxKit/ : 135
[Wed Oct  4 12:28:23 2000] [error] [client] [AxKit] [Backtrace]
No styles defined for '/home/httpd/comp_root/docs/test.xsl' at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux/Apache/AxKit/ line 135

8e5f348)', 'screen', '#default') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux/ line 710
AxKit::get_styles_and_ext_ents('screen', '#default',
'Apache::AxKit::Provider::Filter=HASH(0x8e5f348)') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux/ line 460
AxKit::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x8b94b4c)') called at /dev/null line
eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0

Barry Hoggard
Chief Technology Officer
v: 212.905.1639 x194

Re: Templating System

2000-07-27 Thread Barry Hoggard

Thanks for the information below, Ian.  Our site is very content-oriented, 
and a lot of our business projects are starting to involve things like 
co-branding and licensing content, so I'm very interested to hear more 
about how you are integrating XSLT and Mason.

Do you generate XML documents in mason and then transform them via XSLT?

Are individual components responsible for their own transformations, or do 
you do it all at the end with the whole page?

I agree that HTML::Mason is awesome, and the fact that it parses components 
into anonymous perl subs gives it great performance.  The other aspect 
that's so great is its cacheing system, which can be so easily controlled 

At 07:26 AM 7/27/00 -0700, Ian Kallen wrote:

I'm not going to disparage any of the other templating systems but since
noone has chimed in for HTML::Mason, I guess I'll have to.  Important
aspects of such a beast is componentization, not just "mail merge"

Mason components can be just HTML (or XML or fooML) or just Perl or both.
The "heavy lifting" can be moved to the bottom of a page so you can get
away from top to bottom processing whih generall demands expressing
complex code in the middle of HTML.  Caching by distilling components down
into Perl code.  In many other respects, the API, the execution and the
object models are the most empowering.

My current focus is on using Mason as a component system but XSLT when I
need ad-hoc transformation a la AxKit, Cocoon and other XSLT
processor-based systems.  Mixing AxKit and Mason may sound crazy but each
has compelling ideas in their architecture.

Barry Hoggard
VP of Software Development

Re: Re: redirecting a domain

2000-07-16 Thread Barry Hoggard

No!  That's a silly way to do it.  You want to use mod_rewrite.
Here's the relevant part of my httpd.conf:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  !^$
RewriteRule /?(.*)$1 [R=permanent,L] 

Any requests that manage to make it to the IP address for that don't point to it are redirected.

You should look at the pages for mod_rewrite at:

Begin Original Message 

From: Michael Robinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 14:32:41 -0700 (PDT)
To: Sam Carleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: redirecting a domain

Sure, load the page in a frame that hides the second url request

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:

 I have an apache question and I have NO idea where to post it.  Is 
 a newsgroup or mailing list simply for apache?

 I have multipal domain names:  I would
like to
 configure apache such that when someone goes to,
they are
 "redirect" to  They are both the exact same web
site, I
 simply want the domain name to show up as  Any
 on how to do that?


 End Original Message 

Barry Hoggard
VP of Software Development
voice: 212-741-7954 -- Your Portal to Financial Freedom

Re: Re: Re: redirecting a domain [OT]

2000-07-16 Thread Barry Hoggard

Nothing is wrong with that solution if you only have a few domains.
We own a lot of misspellings of our company name, so I don't want to
add each of them individually to the conf file.

 Begin Original Message 

From: Todd Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 22:33:18 -0400
To: mod_perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Re: redirecting a domain [OT]

At 10:23 PM 7/16/00, Barry Hoggard wrote:
No!  That's a silly way to do it.  You want to use mod_rewrite.
Here's the relevant part of my httpd.conf:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  !^$
RewriteRule /?(.*)$1 [R=permanent,L]

Too complicated.  What's wrong with this:

Redirect permanent /


 End Original Message 

Barry Hoggard
VP of Software Development
voice: 212-741-7954 -- Your Portal to Financial Freedom

Re: Problem running LWP under modperl (LONG)

1999-12-21 Thread Barry Hoggard

  The line where it dies is here (warnings added by me) in
  LWP::Protocol::http.  I never get the second warning under Registry.
  warn "CREATING SELECT with $socket";
  my $sel = IO::Select-new($socket) if $timeout;

 hmm, any difference if you add 'PerlModule IO::Select' to httpd.conf?

No difference.  I see IO::Select in my perl-status modules list.

Could it be a problem of shared .so perl?  Is that what you're using, or the
libperl.a version?

Barry Hoggard
voice: 212-741-7954