Re: problem

2003-08-28 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Cees Hek wrote:
> > It looks like something has gone awry with the website.  It
> is
> > currently pointing to the Apache Portable Runtime website.
> > 
> > You can bypass it by going directly to:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > This looks like the result of a change to put up a protest page at the
> start of
> > every * website.  Perhaps someone can notify the powers that be
> to
> > fix the problem.
> There is no problem, Cees. This is done by the Apache Software Foundation. 
> mod_perl is an ASF project if you didn't know.
> Have you read what it says on

Hi Stas,

The protest page wasn't the problem.  I did noticed that they had put it on all
the websites.  However when I went to, instead of
seeing the protest page or the mod_perl website, I got the Apache Portable
Runtime website (ie the page found at  

I guess the admins at the Apache Foundation noticed quickly enough and fixed the



Reporting bugs:
Mail list info: problem

2003-08-27 Thread Cees Hek

It looks like something has gone awry with the website.  It is
currently pointing to the Apache Portable Runtime website.

You can bypass it by going directly to:

This looks like the result of a change to put up a protest page at the start of
every * website.  Perhaps someone can notify the powers that be to
fix the problem.


Cees Hek

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Re: Ticket/cookie based authentication for mod_perl and static frontend

2003-08-27 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 21:06:05, Charlie Garrison said...
> > The second one, Cookie Authentication with MySQL, looks like a very good
> > option, except for two issues. Fist, it doesn't support the 'require
> group...'
> > directive. And second, it doesn't appear to cache mysql connections so I
> am
> > concerned about the increased load from lots of quick connections.
> Umm, use Apache::DBI, that's what it's for.

It was easy to miss in the email if you skimmed it, but he is looking for a C
based module, so any perl based solutions are out.

The reason this question is mod_perl related is that he is doing the initial
authentication using mod_perl, and is creating a cookie based ticket.  But he
wants that ticket to also be accepted by a non-mod_perl enabled server (ie a
front end proxy).



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Re: mp2: architectural question re authentication handlers

2003-07-10 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Carl Brewer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Forgive me for asking yet another fundamentally basic question.
> I'm cutting a web app over from PHP to mod_perl 2, and
> am wondering how 'best' (for which there are many flavours ...)
> to handle authentication.
> At present I've knocked up a site that does auth via a
> form and state tracking with  The form checks
> usernames & passwords against a MySQL database, and the state is
> maintained by Session.  This seems quite logical to me, coming from
> essentially a CGI background, but the discussion of handlers
> around here makes me believe there's a better way?

I would highly recommend the Eagle book if you are looking to move beyond CGI
when using mod_perl.  I know that you are looking at mod_perl2, and the Eagle
book does not cover mod_perl2, but it will give you great insight into how
mod_perl and Apache works.

And lucky for you, since you are interested in Authentication and Authorization,
that chapter happens to be available online.

Also checkout the great documentation available at

If you want a good example of how to implement Authentication and Authorization
in mod_perl, then look on CPAN for the man Apache::Auth* modules.  I have used
Apache::AuthCookie in many projects and it has relatively good documentation. 
You will also find tonnes of info on Authentication if you search the mailing
list archives.

> I see threads here discussing the use of handlers, which I
> don't really understand how they fit into the picture,
> they seem to my poor understanding to be a hardcoded
> chunk in httpd.conf, for handling authentation/state.  Is
> there anywhere a dumb beginers guide to how this
> works?

The easiest way to explain it is to just look at Apache's Basic Authentication
support at first.  The one where the browser pops up a window and you type in
your username and password, and Apache authenticates the user for you before it
will allow the CGI script to be executed or the html file to be downloaded.  You
configure that in httpd.conf or in .htaccess files, telling Apache who has
access to specific files and directories.  This is just your standard access
control stuff.

Now imagine that you can use that same core functionality in Apache, but write
the routines yourself in perl.  And instead of the ugly login popup you can
instead create an HTML login page.  

> Do they set environment variables or something
> that a script can then look for that the script can be sure
> is legit?

Yes, they set the HTTP_USER variable to the users login when a user is
authenticated.  But your script doesn't need to even worry about that, because
Apache won't execute the script unless the user is authorized.  So if the script
is executing, then the user is authenticated...

> for now I'm continuing with my form based authentication,
> but is there a 'better' way? And if so, what makes it better?

The biggest benefit I find is that you can separate your authentication code
from the rest of the code.  With an Authentication handler, your CGI script or
content handler will never even be executed unless the user has been authenticated.

Also, how would you use a CGI based authentication scheme to limit access to a
static HTML file, or an image?  It can't be done cleanly.  But with
Authentication handlers, you can hook them to a  or 
directive or even a  directive in the httpd.conf file.  So you can
protect an entire directory with ease.



Re: mod_perl slower than expected?

2003-06-12 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Trevor Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> However, when I used the revised modules with the Apache Module, I'm only 
> getting a marginal performance increase!
> Since the bulk of the work is being done by modules common to the Apache and
> FastCGI front-ends, I am at a loss as to explain why there is such a vast 
> difference in performance.
> Is there anything I may be missing about the general configuration or 
> environment of mod_perl which may be causing this strange situation?

You would have to provide your configuration for anyone to be sure, but there
are a couple of things to check for:

- Are you only checking the first time you load the page?  mod_perl still needs
to load all the perl modules on the first request to a page, unless you have
specifically pre-loaded them in the apache configuration.  Subsequent page loads
should be faster.
- Are you sure you are running the script under mod_perl?  try checking for
$ENV{MOD_PERL} in the script you are executing.  If it is not defined, then you
are not running the script under mod_perl.
- Could it be that you have a small number of child processes running, or are in
single-process mode, and your HTML page has several images on it?  This could
affect the speed at which the page displays (although you should see it with
FastCGI as well).  Your safest bet is to use something like wget or the LWP
scripts to get the page, and then you can easily time it.
- are you using mod_perl2?  I don't know enough about mod_perl2 to help here,
but possibly you are having thread issues with the threaded MPM.

mod_perl should be just as fast as FastCGI as they achieve similar goals by
eliminating the perl startup and compile stages.  If this doesn't help you, then
please provide more info on your setup.



Re: mod_perl caching form data?

2003-05-30 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting David Ressman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > It is possible that you are creating your form fields with,
> > which will use the currently POSTed parameters to prefill the form, or
> This sounds like the most likely culprit, even though I haven't
> explicitly turned anything on.  It's possible that I've done it
> inadvertently.  I'll check it out.

Read the docs and you will find the cause of your problem:



Re: mod_perl caching form data?

2003-05-30 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting David Ressman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> something's caching previously entered form data and displaying it back
> to me as the default values in those same forms.  As an example, this
> form has a text field that asks for IP addresses, and the text input
> will occasionally be filled out with the IP address of a system that
> you had entered a few minutes ago.

If you do a view source in the browser, and check the form fields, do they have
the VALUE="..." paramters set?  ie do you see something like this:

If that value="" is set in any of your form fields, then your script
is the cuprit.  If your form fields don't have the value="" set, or
it is set to value="", then your browser is the culprit.

Most modern browsers will offer to remember values you have entered into a form.
 On subsequent visits to the same URL, the values will be prefilled by the
browser for you.

mod_perl itself will never prefill form values for you.  It is completely up to
your script (or the modules it uses) to munge the data coming through.

It is possible that you are creating your form fields with, which will
use the currently POSTed parameters to prefill the form, or if you are using a
module like HTML::FillInForm, which will also prefill form fields.  But you
would have to explicitly use these features in your script.



Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106

2003-02-27 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Martin Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> All,
> Can Anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?
> I have the following error :-
> [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106.

  The problem is not with your code, it is that Apache::Session::File does
not work in Taint mode.  Apache::Session::Store::File gets the session ID from a
file (which means session_is is tainted), and then uses the tainted session_id
to delete a file (hence the unlink error).  

  A quick fix for this is for you to untaint the session ID yourself after
the session has been unserialized. Put the following two lines right after you
tie the session:

$session{_session_id} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/;
$session{_session_id} = $1;

  This probably should be fixed in Apache::Session itself as I am sure other
people will run into it.

  By the way, you really shouldn't be using Apache::Session::File anyway for
performance reasons. At least use Apache::Session::DB_File which most likely
doesn't suffer from this taint problem and will be much quicker.


> When I run the following subroutine:-
> sub delete_session
> {
>   my $self=shift;
>   my $session_id=shift;
>   if ($session_id =~ /^(\w\w*)$/)
>   {
> $session_id = $1; # $data now untainted
>   }
>   else
>   {
> die "Bad Tainted data in $session_id";# log this somewhere
>   }
>   die $self->{lh}->maketext("No Session_id given") unless ($session_id);
>   my $t=time;
>   my %session;
>   my $Directory = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR;
>   my $LockDirectory   = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR;
>   $Directory="XX_GR_XX$Directory"."XX_GR_XX"; #e.g.
> '/path/to/dir/'
>   $LockDirectory="XX_GR_XX$LockDirectory"."XX_GR_XX";  #e.g.
> '/path/to/dir/'
>   if ($Directory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
>   {
> $Directory = $1; # $data now untainted
>   }
>   else
>   {
> die "Bad Tainted data in $Directory";# log this somewhere
>   }
>   if ($LockDirectory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
>   {
> $LockDirectory = $1; # $data now untainted
>   }
>   else
>   {
> die "Bad Tainted data in $LockDirectory";# log this somewhere
>   }
>   #Load an existing session
>  eval
>   {
> tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File',$session_id,
> {
>   Directory => Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR,
>   LockDirectory   => Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR,
> };
>   };
>   if ($@)
>   {
>die $self->{lh}->maketext("Couldn't Load Apache::Session - \"[_1]\"
> For '\"[_2]\"'",$@,$self->UserName);
>   }
>   print STDERR "Just about to unlink\n";
>   tied(%session)->delete;
>   return 1;
> }

Re: Apache::UploadMeter configuration problem

2003-02-13 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Konstantin Yotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello! :)
> I install Apache::UploadMeter, but when I when I add
> this in
> use Apache::UploadMeter;
> $Apache::UploadMeter::UploadForm='/form.html';
> $Apache::UploadMeter::UploadScript='/perl/upload';
> $Apache::UploadMeter::UploadMeter='/perl/meter';
> Apache::UploadMeter::configure;
> following instruction from this modul help, Apache 
> starts with error
> Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/UploadMem line
> 300.
> /usr/sbin/apachectl: line 211:  5235 Segmentation
> fault  $HTTPD -t

You are getting a segfault, and need to provide a backtrace if anyone is going
to be able help you.  If you read the SUPPORT document that comes with mod_perl,
it will explain what information you should include, including instructions on
how to get a backtrace.

Also note that Apache::UploadMeter requires StackedHandlers support to be built
into mod_perl (you should be able to look in Apache::MyConfig to see if you have
StackedHandlers support).  

I suspect that your problem doesn't have anything to do with Apache::UploadMeter
directly though.  The message Apache provides about Apache::UploadMeter is just
a warning, not a fatal error.


Re: mysql password encryption

2003-01-22 Thread Cees Hek
Quoting Martin Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> All,
> I wish to let a user use the same password for them to authenticate to a
> multitude of mysql Databases AND to authenticate themselves on my modperl
> site.
> the problem I have is that I store the password in the database as a
> Password field. However when I wish to use DBI to connect to another mysql
> database I cannot use the Password stored in the database as it comes out
> encrypted.  I really don't want to store the unencrypted password anywhere
> on the system. Is there a way to let DBI/mysql know that the password I am
> giving them is ALREADY encrypted?

A feature like that would defeat the purpose of encrypting the password in the
first place.  The point of encrypting the password is so that if someone gets
their hands on the password list, they can not use the encrypted password to
access the system.  They would have to crack the passwords first before using
them to access the system.

By allowing someone to access the system with an already encrypted password,
then your passwords might as well not be encrypted at all.

Since you are using MySQL, have you looked at using the mysql_read_default_file
option to store your password in a config file?  Using a DSN like the following
allows you to keep the username and password in a config file.  Check the
DBD::mysql perldocs for more info, and the MySQL docs for all the parameters you
can put in such a file.


and in /etc/mysql/

user = www
password = thebigsecretpassword

Then protect the file:

chown www /etc/mysql/
chmod 400 /etc/mysql/

You still have the password in plain text, but it is readable only by root and
the user that runs the webserver.  You can use this to connect to multiple MySQL
servers as long as the access tokens are the same on all servers.


Re: mod_perl & mod_php

2002-08-30 Thread Cees Hek

Quoting Jesse Erlbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have a general question for the list:  Do people often use BOTH of these
> environments at the same time?  It seems to me that there would be little
> benefit to using both.  Am I mistaken?

We have some old apps that are written in PHP, but are predominantly a perl 
shop.  To keep the apache processes from getting too big, we just run 3 apache 
servers currently bound to different IPs, but probably moving to a rev-proxy 
system when it is needed.


Re: PerlChildInitHandler doesn't work inside VirtualHost?

2002-08-08 Thread Cees Hek

Quoting Jason W May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Running mod_perl 1.26 on Apache 1.3.24.
> I've found that if I place my PerlChildInitHandler inside a VirtualHost
> block, it is never called.

It doesn't really make sense to put a PerlChildInitHandler inside a VirtualHost
directive.  It is only called when the Apache Child process is created, not when
a new request comes in.

If you explain what you are trying to accomplish, maybe we can recommend a
better Handler to tie into.


Re: when to mod_perl?

2002-06-24 Thread Cees Hek

Quoting md <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> I'm working on a dynamic site that I originally
> thought I would do with mod_perl. Now after reviewing
> the requirements and available hardware, I wonder if
> mod_perl will be my best solution.
> The machine will not be a huge box (though I wasn't
> provided much in the way of specs) and will only have
> 256M of RAM. There will be static content, incuding
> 5-10 images per page. The client has only given me
> sparse information, but claimed that he currently had
> 4,000 unique visitors a day and wanted to move to
> 10,000-15,000 unique visitors per day (he didn't give
> me page view stats). I may or may not be able to set
> up multiple instances of Apache.
> Given limited hardware (esp. RAM), am I better off to
> go with mod_perl (larger Apache processes with limited
> RAM) or CGI (smaller apache processes but the usual
> cons)?

You can easily build an application that uses the best of both worlds.  The
biggest benefit of mod_perl is speed, but you don't have to tie yourself tightly
to mod_perl to get that benefit.  

I would build your application using plain old CGI, following the guidlines that
mod_perl provides for running CGI applications under the Apache::Registry
module.  If you properly analyse your application, and build small tight CGI
scripts, then when the load goes up, you can pick and choose the heaviest hit
scripts and run them under Apache::Registry for the performance boost.

Also, if the load goes really high, you can ask for more hardware, and run the
entire site under Apache::Registry without any code changes.

I would recommend taking a look at CGI::Application.  It provides a very clean
framework for building CGI programs, and by using it, you will avoid most if not
all of the pitfalls that most CGI programs have that require them to be recoded,
or cleaned up for use with Apache::Registry.

Good luck...


Re: DBI error_log Logging

2002-05-30 Thread Cees Hek

Quoting Jayce^ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I've been researching the different modules for pushing your access log to a
> dbi storage vs. local file and have one question which I'm not sure any of 
> them are able to do yet.  Perhaps somebody has already thought of this and 
> I'm just not seeing the answer (very likely).
> I need to log my error_log entries also, not just the access log.

For a non mod_perl way of dumping error_log into a DB just use the standard
Apache ErrorLog directive with a pipe:

ErrorLog "| /usr/local/apache/bin/"

and in just read from STDIN ( while (<>) {#do something} ) and
do what you please with the log entries.


> If there is one, especially if it's Apache::DBILogConfig  (my favorite 
> appearing so far) with that same customization, that would be excellent.  
> Otherwise I'd like to know, because I'll probably have to make one *real* 
> quick :)   Also, if it has the ability to either trigger an event, or just 
> log to file the inability to log via DBI, that would be nice.
> Jayce^
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> iD8DBQE89q8CoTgdT9hhlCIRAjoEAJwKsO9LYavsWMQGwUsD11E1Gr9HiACgl1yR
> mvvJRsub4he4A4PaPoA8PEI=
> =E5ID

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-25 Thread Cees Hek

On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 12:14, James Lum wrote:
> Folks,
> 1st, I want to thank you all for your responses and
> clarifications about 'suid perl' and 'mod_perl' and the
> way they work together.  It is kinda like I suspected. :(
> 2nd, I should have worded my real question a little
> differently.  Basically, it is:
>How can I get perl code, invoked by the Apache web server,
>1. create/write/read files that have the ownership of
>   the owner of the perl code.  (Apache suexec)
>2. execute with the best performance. (mod_perl)
> Since Apache suexec and mod_perl do not work together,
> my alternatives are:
> 1. - Configure Apache WITHOUT suexec and WITH mod_perl.
>- Invoke 'suid perl' for the perl program.
>- Have the 'suid perl' program be owned by a non-root userid
>  which is the owner of the program.
>- Convert the 'suid perl' program to meet mod_perl requirements.
> OR
> 2. - Run a separate Apache web server that supports only
>  a single domain or userid.
>- Run the separate Apache web server with a userid that is
>  the same as the owner of the perl script.
>- Configure the separate Apache server WITH mod_perl and
>  WITHOUT suexec.  (suexec is not needed)
>- mod_perl the perl program.
> OR
> 3. - Lobby to get Apache suexec and mod_perl to work together.

You can lobby all you want, but suexec and mod_perl will never work
together using Apache 1.3.  This is not for lack of want, but because of
the way Apache 1.3 is designed.

However, Apache 2.0 will support this type of configuration.  You can
create pools of apache processes that all run as different users.  From
my limited knowledge of Apache 2.0, this is done by pre-forking serveral
servers that each run multiple threads.  So you could have a pool of
processes that use mod_perl, and another pool without mod_perl for
serving static content.  Or in your case, you could have several pools
of mod_perl servers running as different users.

I have been aching to try apache 2.0, but I haven't found time to get
around to it.

Please note that Apache 2.0 is still considered Beta quality and not
recommended for production use.  Of course, a beta release from the
Apache group is worth a final release from most software vendors :)

For more info on Apache 2.0 look at the website, and for info
on mod_perl 2.0, search the mailing list archives.  Stas has sent off
several messages explaining where to get the new mod_perl 2.0 code...


> OR
> 4. - 
> Which choice gives me the best of all worlds?   the world
> in which:
> - a user's cgi program can create/write files that are
>   owned by the owner of the cgi program
> - and has the performance of compiled code
> - and does not complicate or slow down the web server
> - and does not use too much of the system resources
> - and is not overly complicated for the programmer
> - and is not overly complicated for the web admin
> I don't want much ... do I ;=)
> jim
> "Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:
> > > "Jim" == Jim Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Jim> Basically, mod_perl can run scripts in the same manner as any other
> > Jim> unix program.
> >
> > Maybe we're getting hung up on details, but "mod_perl" is not a "unix
> > program".  It's a module for Apache.  Therefore, "in the same manner"
> > is no longer applicable.
> >
> > mod_cgi forks to run processes.
> >
> > mod_perl doesn't fork.
> >
> > mod_perl can run Perl code via the embedded Perl interpreter, and this
> > interpreter can cause a fork.  But mod_perl doesn't inherently fork at
> > all.
> >
> > And the distinction is important, especially in the context of
> > this discussion (setuid with "mod_perl").
> >
> > --
> > Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
> > Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> > See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: Apache::DBI or What ?

2002-03-24 Thread Cees Hek

On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 11:42, Andrew Ho wrote:
> Hello,
> EF>I will have many different users, users as in database users. So am I
> EF>just screwed and won't be able to keep connections open?
> Do you mean users as in actual RDBMS level users? In other words, when you
> say database users you mean different username/passwords used from, say,
> a command-line SQL client?
> If your answer is yes then indeed, this is exactly the situation the Guide
> is talking about--you're screwed and probably shouldn't keep connections
> open. You'll have to incur a connect on each HTTP request.

What would be ideal is if the database would allow you to change the
user on the current connection.  I know PostgreSQL will allow this using
the command line interface psql tool (just do \connect 
), but I'm not sure if you can do this using DBI.

If this was possible, then you could always connect to DBI using the
same username/password so Apache::DBI gives you a cached connection, and
then once you have the connection, you can change to the user you want.

Does anyone know if any datbases support this sort of thing?


> EF>I am using Postgress, I am wondering how big DBs deal with this sort of
> EF>thing. I am also wondering what the actual overhead is in starting the
> EF>connection and if there is anything that I could to to limit that
> EF>without validating a specific user.
> In large DB projects where you expect high levels of concurrency I haven't
> heard of anybody using RDBMS-level users for authentication purposes.
> Humbly,
> Andrew
> --
> Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice 650-930-9062
> Tellme Networks, Inc.   1-800-555-TELLFax 650-930-9101
> --

Re: Cookies and IE in mod_perl

2002-03-23 Thread Cees Hek

Some browsers don't accept cookies sent allong with a redirect header. 
A simple workaround is to leave your cookie in the header, but move the
redirect to a META HTTP-EQUIV tag in a blank HTML document.  

I'm not sure if IE 6.0 suffers from this but I suspect that this is your
problem.  So this isn't really a mod_perl problem, but likely a browser

Also, if you want to see exactly what headers your apache server is
sending out, or headers your client is sending in, have a look at
Apache::DumpHeaders.  It saves putting those warn statements in your


On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 14:44, Jesse and Rebecca Stay wrote:
> Ok - I got rid of the Apache::Cookie stuff, and am now doing things manually, 
> but it still doesn't generate a cookie in IE.  It still works in Netscape.  I 
> get a redirect, but no cookie.  Here is my code:
> my $r = Apache->request;
> $r->content_type('text/html');
> $r->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => 'userSession=test; 
>; path=/; expires=Mon, 25-Mar-2002 03:30:43 GMT');
> $r->headers_out->add(Location => $redir);
> $r->status(REDIRECT);
> $r->send_http_header;
> my $headers_out = $r->headers_out;
> foreach (keys %$headers_out) {
> warn "$_=$headers_out->{$_}";
> }
> return OK;
> The warn produces the following:
> Set-Cookie=userSession=test;; path=/; expires=Mon, 
> 25-Mar-2002 03:30:43 GMT at /path/to/ line 326.
> Location=/r/common/loginWelcome at /path/to/ line 326.
> Connection=close at /path/to/ line 326.
> Transfer-Encoding=chunked at /path/to/ line 326.
> Content-Type=text/html at /path/to/ line 326.
> Am I doing something wrong???
> -Jesse Stay
> On Saturday 23 March 2002 06:43 pm, Eric Frazier wrote:
> > Strong suggestion. Look at an existing cookie that works in IE whatever,
> > copy it, then look at the header that Apache::Cookie is making.
> > This oop cookie crap really bugs me since a cookie is just a stupid header
> > line, not that big of a deal to parse, or write by hand.
> > Abscraction is for things that make good objects and that are HARD, cookies
> > in my opinon don't fit into that category.
> > I strongly bet it has to do with the expire date, also look at the docs,
> > and the code itself under the expires sub. I haven't done e com crap for a
> > while now, but I had lots of trouble getting IE to get it right. Remember
> > Netscape invented the cookie, then IE had to go and tweak with it.
> >
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > At 09:21 PM 3/23/02 -0500, Jesse and Rebecca Stay wrote:
> > >I guess in particular, does anyone know of any known issues with
> > >Apache::Cookie and IE6.0 (or any other versions)?
> > >
> > >On Saturday 23 March 2002 07:09 pm, Jesse and Rebecca Stay wrote:
> > >> Here is the code I use (in this particular case it is being used with a
> > >> redirect, but it doesn't work in any case.):
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>my $cookieContent = Apache::Cookie->new(
> > >>  $r,
> > >>  -name=> 'userSession',
> > >>  -value   => $cookieValue,
> > >>  -expires => '+365d');
> > >>
> > >>$cookieContent->bake();
> > >>
> > >> $r->headers_out->set(Location => $redir);
> > >> $r->status(REDIRECT);
> > >> $r->send_http_header;
> > >> return OK;
> > >>
> > >> I tried expires => '+1Y', but that didn't work either.  Adding the
> > >> domain doesn't do anything either.
> > >>
> > >> On Saturday 23 March 2002 06:44 pm, Frank Wiles wrote:
> > >> > On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:52:14 -0500 Jesse and Rebecca Stay
> > >>
> > >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> > > Has anyone had any issues in getting cookies to work with IE using
> > >> > > mod_perl? I have tried using both CGI::Cookie and Apache::Cookie,
> > >> > > and in both instances it works just fine under Netscape, but on IE
> > >> > > it doesn't even try to set the cookie.  Any ideas?
> > >> >
> > >> >What are you expire times on your cookies? We ran into a situation
> > >> > where I work that all of the Windows machines were in the wrong time
> > >> > zone and with a 2 hour expire, IE would not set the cookie because it
> > >> > thought it was already expired.  Netscape would however set the cookie
> > >> > anyway.
> > >> >
> > >> >This may not be your problem, but it may be something to think
> > >> > about.
> > >> >
> > >> >  -
> > >> >Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> >
> > >> >  -
> >
> >
> > (250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)

Re: file globbing question

2002-02-19 Thread Cees Hek

On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:27, John Stauffacher wrote:
> All,
> I am a bit confused as to what httpd.conf directives need to be used in
> order to get apache to execute a PerlHandler when it encounters a
> certain file type. What I want to do:
>   Execute a handler whenever a *.qw file is accessed. The same
> handler whether or not the file exists and not look for the file. So the
> user makes the request: get /somewhere/my.qw and gets the response
> "moo". Then they request /other/place/boo.qw and gets the response
> "moo". I have tried using a  directive, but it envokes the
> handler, then looks for the file and throws a 404. Any ideas?

The  directive is the right way to go.  Are you sure you are
returning OK in your Handler?  If you return something else (like
DECLINED) then Apache will take over the request and handle it in the
default manner (ie look up the file).  Returning OK lets Apache know
that the request was dealt with appropriately and it can move on to the
next phase.


Re: Is 'PerlHandler Apache::Registry MySimplePerlModule' possible?

2002-02-06 Thread Cees Hek

On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 05:31, Zsolt Czinkos wrote:
> Hello 
> Is it possible to insert my Set-Cookie headers after a modperl script?
> for exapmle:
> ...
> PerlFreshRestart On
> PerlModule SetMyCookies
> PerlFixupHandler SetMyCookies
> PerlSetVar SessionDataPath /tmp/apache_session
> PerlSetVar SessionLockPath /tmp/apache_session_lock
> Alias /modperl /home/czinkos/IMI/apache/modperl
> PerlModule Apache::Registry
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry SetMyCookies
> Options ExecCGI
> ...
> The script is simple. It adds to cookies to the header.
> e.g. $cookie->bake; 
> I've tried it, but id didn't work. I'd like to add some extra header after 
>everything is done.

You should look at the Apache::Filter module which will allow you to do


Re: Location Directives Problem

2002-01-31 Thread Cees Hek

On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 10:51, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > 
> > The problem is that the Location directives below are acting more like
> > LocationMatch directives. For example, if I hit the URL
> > '/admin/workflow/media', I would expect the '/' Location's handlers to
> > handle the request. But they're not. Instead, it's the '/media' Location
> > handlers. It's as if I had set it up with LocationMatch */media* instead
> > of Location.
> every time I hear of someone setting a dynamic action for
> they run into problems.  I don't know why.  all I can say is that I 
> _think_ I've heard new-httpd talking about / being special in some 
> regard, thus making it a bad idea.  I've never been able to find the 
> thread I'm thinking about in the archives, so it may not exist.  I could 
> be dreaming entirely, but it's there, like a splinter in my mind :)
> anyway, so I guess I'm saying fiddle with something other than / and see 
> if that helps.

If memory serves correctly, you can overcome this with a LocationMatch
directive on /

Something like


Re: Silly Newbie Question: cookies and such

2001-11-12 Thread Cees Hek

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 04:28, you wrote:
> I need to make an Apache module (not a Registry script) which will:
> 1. Check for a cookie, and if not there, pushhandler to a module for
> logging in (keeping the original request at hand for use after they
> succeed in logging in).
> 2. Extract data from the cookie (encrypted for security?)
> 3. Based on data from both the query string ($r->args?) and from data in
> the cookie, pushhandler to another module.
> I have looked at Apache::AuthCookie - it didn't seem to make much sense
> to me.  Apache::Session looks promising, but the instructions don't say
> how to set up the mysql tables, etc. My worst problem is that I haven't
> had occasion to deal with cookies much (setting, checking,etc.) in the
> past and I know this is hampering my understanding.

You should definately be using Auth::Cookie for this.  I would give the docs 
another read.  It took me a couple of tries to get it working successfully, 
but I have implemented it in about 4 or 5 applications, and it works 

With Auth::Cookie it will handle the cookies for you, it will do the 
redirection to your login page for you, and it can handle logouts as well (by 
expiring the cookie).

As for Apache::Session, it is really just a keyed data store with expiry 
times.  You give it some data, and it gives you a key.  If you come back 
later and give it the same key, it gives you back your data.

A lot of people use Auth::Cookie and Apache::Session together to build a 
session management system, but I prefer just using a ticket based system with 
Auth::Cookie alone (See the Eagle book on how to do ticket based 
authentication).  I have included a sample Auth::Cookie implementation that 
might give you some ideas.  It is not complete, but it might get you going (I 
have stripped out some of the irrelevant code, so it probably won't work out 
of the box).  Also you will have to provide your own and 
scripts (I would use the examples that come with Auth::Cookie until you get a 
working system, then you can look at building your own.

> In conclusion: I'm making a system/site where no .html files even exist.
> I need to handle security via a mysql db, and to push handlers based on
> a part of the url and a piece of the cookie which identifies the user as
> either a teacher, student, or parent (oops... I gave it away ;-)

After Auth::Cookie has finished it's phase, it will set the REMOTE_USER 
environment variable to the user that logged in.  You could just as easily 
set this to 'teacher' or whatever.  Then your content handler can look at 
this variable and decide what to do.  



package My::Auth::AuthCookie;

require 5.000;
use strict;
use Apache::AuthCookie;
use My::Crypt;

@My::Auth::AuthCookie::ISA = qw(Apache::AuthCookie);


# There are far more secure ways of handling the passphrase then keeping it in
# the actual code, but this is by far the easiest...
sub SECRET () { 'No one will ever guess this passphrase :)'; }

my $CRYPTER ||= new My::Crypt;  # This utility just uses the Crypt::CBC and
 # Storable modules to encrypt and decrypt perl
 # data structures. It also does an MD5 checksum

sub authen_cred ($$\@) {
my $self  = shift;
my $r = shift;
my @creds = @_;

# get the entered details
my $email= $creds[0];
my $password = $creds[1];

# ensure that the user is valid and authorized...
# right now it accepts any email and password combo,
# so obviously you would check this in a database or
# something
if ($email && $password) {
return $self->makeTicket($r, $email);
else {

sub authen_ses_key ($$$) {
my $self   = shift;
my $r  = shift;
my $ticket = shift;

# verify the ticket (to make sure no-one has tampered with it and it hasn't 
expired etc...)
my ($result, $message) = $self->verifyTicket($r, $ticket);

# Check the result and act appropriately...
if (!$result) {
# $r->log->error("Browser returned bad cookie ($message)");
return undef;
else {
# Make and set a new cookie (so that the 'time' in the cookie is 
and expires
# works as expected - since last access etc...)
my $new_ticket = $self->makeTicket($r, $message);

# Return the 'message/string' which will be set in the environment
# under REMOTE_USER (aka.. $ENV{REMOTE_USER}).  In our case that is

Re: problem

2001-10-30 Thread Cees Hek

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 02:31, you wrote:
> Hello,
> When I try to make a CGI object in my Apache/mod_perl handler a la $q =
> CGI->new(); The server just don't reply. Actually it works just fine
> until I try to submit a form, then it just hangs and Apache doesn't send
> anything back. If I remove this object creation line, then I can submit
> my form (but then its no use, i can't use the data). What could be the
> problem?

What version of are you using?  I seem to remember a problem with
mod_perl and an older version of where was fooled into thinking
it was run in command line mode.

If you are seeing the following line in your logs then this is definately the
cause of your problem:

 (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

To fix this put $CGI::NO_DEBUG=1 near the top of your program or upgrade


ps you should be using Apache::(Request|Cookie) to get your GET/POST/COOKIE
parameters, as it is more efficient.


Re: Another way to perhaps do this......

2001-10-01 Thread Cees Hek

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 16:40, Steven Boger wrote:
> I've been netsearching for hours. It's time to beg for help...
> My apache has a hacked mod_include that has a new directive, OAS:
> Can I somehow run those directives right from mod_perl

If you have the Eagle book (if you don't you should get it), it talks about 
an Apache::SSI module on pg 94, and then shows you how to implement it.  

You will find a nicely packaged up Apache::SSI on CPAN by Ken Williams.  I 
haven't used it myself, but it should do what you are looking for.  You will 
have to hack this code to handle your OAS calls though...


Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache::OpenIndex

2001-10-01 Thread Cees Hek

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 07:36, George Sanderson wrote:
> Apache::OpenIndex (OpenIndex-1.00.tar.gz) was uploaded to CPAN on 14Sep2001
> and is currently released.  This was my first module.  I enjoyed journey.

Looks really good.  I think the mod_perl community can use a lot more 
applications like this (something that is useful right out of the box).  I 
guess instead of complaining I should start coding...

One issue I noticed.  I have a phobia of frames, and it looks like Mozilla 
and konqueror do as well.  Your code keeps reloading itself into a new 
frameset under certain actions.  I would recommend that you get rid of frames 
all together, but that might just be my phobia speaking...


> OpenIndex provides a file manager for an Apache modperl web site using a
> web browser.
> It is a extensive rewrite of the Apache::AutoIndex module (written by
> Philippe M. Chiasson), which in turn was a remake of the autoindex Apache
> module.
> OpenIndex also provides the same functionality as autoindex, therefore it
> can be used to both manage and navigate a web site.
> A demo is available at:
> ++
> | George Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> |
> ++

Re: Converting section variables into plain text directives

2001-08-25 Thread Cees Hek

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Eric Hammond wrote:

> Is there any way to take the Apache::ReadConfig name space
> (variables set in  sections) and generate plain text
> Apache directives?

I don't know if there is a simple answer to this one, but the way I would
handle it is to scrap the Perl sections, and generate the entire config
file using a standalone perl script.  Then just change your apache start
script to first generate the config file, and then start Apache.  This way
you get the best of both worlds!  Your config file is dynamically
generated, and you can create a light apache without mod_perl.

Since you already have a half perl, half text config file, It would
probably be quite easy to use one of the many Template modules out there
to simplify this process...

I guess a module that does this automatically would be interesting, but it
would really only be useful to recover from some bad planning :)  (and I
guess we've all been there at one point or another)


> For example, assuming some_function() returns "myhost", I would
> like to convert the variables generated by:
> $ServerName = some_function();
> $Port   = 80;
> into:
> ServerName myhost
> Port 80
> I have a hypothetical situation where a friend of a friend spent
> a lot of time setting up a nice  configuration for an
> extended family of web servers with various requirements.  He
> then realized that one of the requirements was that some of the
> web servers run without mod_perl (to serve static files and proxy
> requests to separate mod_perl servers).
> My hypothetical friend of a friend is very embarrassed.
> After studying the instructions given in the Eagle book on how
> to convert plain directives into  variables, it seems that
> it should be possible to traverse the name space in Apache::ReadConfig
> and unwind the directives into something that standard mod_perl-less
> Apache could process.
> In fact, I have embarked on a project to build just such a tool.
> Before I go too far, though, I thought it would be helpful to seek
> wisdom here.  Perhaps somebody else has already done this?
> Perhaps mod_perl already has the code embedded in it that could
> be used?  Perhaps some wish to tell me it is near impossible in
> the general case and I should abandon my foolish quest?
> Of course, I realize that the output generated will not be able
> to duplicate any side-effects or dynamic nature of code in the 
> sections.  One of the requirements for using this utility will be
> that you only need the end results stored in Apache::ReadConfig.
> I would be interested in suggestions for package naming if I do
> succeed to an extent that others might be interested in using it.
> Should I create a new method in the Apache::PerlSections name space
> or would this be stepping on Doug's toes?
> Please do let me know if anybody else has a use for such a tool.
> This will help me figure out how much time I should spend trying to
> handle the general cases instead of just writing it to meet my...
> er, my friend's... specific needs.
> Thanks
> --
> Eric Hammond

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Using in handlers

2001-08-20 Thread Cees Hek

On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, Joachim Zobel wrote:

> I have a handler that needs to use to set a cookie. It seems to work 
> correctly, but it fills my error log with "(offline mode: enter name=value 
> pairs on standard input)" messages. I am doing

If you are only using to set a cookie, you should really be using
Apache::Cookie instead.  It is much smaller and faster.

But if you still want to use, you can load with debugging
turned off.  This should stop it from entering 'offline' mode.

use CGI qw/-no_debug/;


Re: module to hit back at default.ida atack ?

2001-08-06 Thread Cees Hek

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Mark Maunder wrote:

> I have a test system up and running. Anyone want to write a mod_perl handler to 
> to a warning page if the clients IP is in the list? I'm not really sure which phase
> would be the least intrusive into existing applications.
> telnet 
> Then hit enter and you'll see the latest list of servers that have attempted the hack
> including the number of attempts per IP address (comma seperated).

So what your saying is that you have a list of potentially rooted machines
that you are making publically available...  Doesn't sound like such a
good idea to me...


Re: CGI::Cookie vs Apache::Cookie -- help?

2001-06-17 Thread Cees Hek

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, will trillich wrote:

>   $r->log_error( qq($ID, sending cookie) );
>   my $cookie =
>   Apache::Cookie->new( $r,
>   -name   => $cookie_name,
>   -value  => $ID ,
>   -domain => $r->hostname,
>   -path   => '/' ,
>   );
>   $r->header_out('Set-Cookie', => $cookie);

You forgot to bake your cookie...  Read the Apache::Cookie docs again.

Get rid of the $r->header_out(...) line and use the following instead.



Re: Is this feasible in Perl??

2001-06-12 Thread Cees Hek

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, F.H wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a text file like this:
> Name ,123-43-4352, JX, 1234
> Sports,123-43-4352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
> Hobbies, 123-43-4352, H1,H2, H3
> Hobbies, 123-43-4352, HH, HHH, 2
> Hobbies,123-43-4352, H1,H43
> Name ,223-63-9352, JX, 1234
> Sports,223-63-9352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
> Hobbies, 223-63-9352, H1,H2, H3
> Hobbies, 223-63-9352, HH, HHH, 2  
> Here is my issue, I am trying to access each record in this file by SSN
> ie: (223-63-9352)
> I want to be able to say:
> for SSN = 223-63-9352,  for Hobbies4 4th entry is HGFR.

You will want to learn how to use hashes instead of just using
arrays.  Give the following (untested code) a try:

# Gather the data
my $data = {};
while ($line = ) {
chomp $line;
my ($key, $ssn, @values) = split /\s*,\s*/, $line;
print STDERR "Unparsable record:  $line\n" 
unless $key =~ /^(name|sports|hobbies)$/i;
$data->{$ssn}->{lc $key} = @values;

# print the data
foreach my $ssn (keys %$data) {
print "SSN:  $ssn\n";
print "Name:  ", join ', ', @{$data->{ssn}->{name}}, "\n";
print "Hobbies:  ", join ', ', @{$data->{ssn}->{hobbies}}, "\n";
print "Sports:  ", join ', ', @{$data->{ssn}->{sports}}, "\n";
print "\n";

Like I said, this is untested code , but it should give you an idea of
what you can do.


> while ($line = ){
> @line = &parse_line(',',0,$line);
>   if ($line[0] =~ /^NAME/gi){
> $ssn = $line[1] ;
>   push(@ssns, $ssn);
>   }
> if ($line[0] =~ /^Sports/gi ){
>   push(@sports, $line)
> }
> if ($line[0] =~ /^Hobbies/gi){
>  push(@hobbies, $line)
> for ($i = 0; $i<= $#ssns; $i ++)
>  {
>print "For  $ssns[$i]\n";
> for ($i = 0; $i <= $#Hobbies ; $i++){ 
>if ($Hobbies[$i] =~ $ssns[$i])
>{ print "Hobbies are: $Hobbies[$i]\n";}
> }
> I wanted to print out for each SSN corresponding SSN numbers but it's just
> not working!!! If this is feasible in Perl I'd appreciate if someone could help.
> Thanks  
> I.S
> __
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Real Widgets and Template Languages

2001-05-31 Thread Cees Hek

On 29 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Tue, 29 May 2001, Stephen Adkins wrote:
> > Right. I have many more requirements I eventually want to support
> > (such as internationalization).  The trick is making the design such
> > that it works in the simple case for simple things, while supporting
> > advanced features for those who wish to use them.  I think it is coming
> > together pretty well.
> I hope you didn't mean to say eventually! ;-) Me - I need I18L'n right
> off the top. If my widgets aren't multilingual then I'll have to go
> elsewhere. 75% of my apps are bi and trilingual.

I agree.  I18L and L10N are very important these days.

> I think we should bite the bullet and start talkin Unicode and ISO-639
> language codes right at the beginning.
> If a widget has a textual element to be used in rendering (ie/ label)
> it should have as many language forms as the developer requires. If a
> language form is missing it should kick down to a default language
> (EN-CA for example - otherwise words like colour and flavour will be
> mispelled ;-) ).

But it's not just textual elements that need to be multilingual.  Where is
really gets hairy is with something like a price widget (what monetary
symbol is used, what decimal point, etc...).  This isn't usually that hard
to do on one system (if it has good Locale support), but making it cross
platform and dependable will be more difficult.  I have used the
Locale::Maketext module with some success in the past.  It doesn't depend
on any system Locality libraries, you are required to build them yourself 
for your specific needs.

Another thing to consider is how to handle language issues with
dynamically changing widgets.  For example if a widget uses a select box
it could be filled in by one of three ways:  hard-coded, config, or at run
time (through DB calls or something).  If your application is
multi-language, then you need to provide multiple datasets to the widget
if it is a dynamically changing widget.  This would probably be most
convenient by using closures:

my $dbh = <>
$wc = Widget->controller();
$wc->language('fr_CA','fr','en'); # Tell the controller what language(s)
  # you would like in order of precidence

my $get_categories = {
my $lang = shift; # will be one of (en, fr, fr_CA)
return $dbh->selectrow_array(q{
SELECT category 
  FROM categories
 WHERE language = ?
 ORDER BY category
}, $lang);

my $categories = $wc->widget("dynamic_select", 
{ label => 'Category', dataset => $get_categories });

I don't think the widget should automatically check the users environment
(Language headers in the case of http), to decide what language to display
itself in.  The reason for this is that I might only translate my website
into english and french, but the user has dutch as their preferred
language.  The site should not display some parts in english/french and
it's widgets in dutch...

So by telling the controller what languages are acceptable, you can
restrict what it can do.  Or perhaps the language should be decided by the
programmer at display time??

ie  print $categories->display({language => 'fr_CA'});

That would get awful repetative if your displaying 20 widgets.  But it
might be nice if you want to override a widget to display it in a
different language.  Who knows what people might want :)

Handling the different language tags should probably be handled by
I18N::LangTags.  You can pass it a string ($r->header_in('Language'), and
it will return an array of valid RFC1766-style language tags.

Sorry if it sound like I'm rambling, but I'm just throwing down thoughts
as they pop into my head :)

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Real Widgets and Template Languages

2001-05-22 Thread Cees Hek

On Wed, 23 May 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> Hmmm. I had not thought of this because we do not provide this capability 
> now in the Java widget library that we have and we don't really miss it.
> For color, most UI widgets do not have color. For font and height, I think 
> that most designers don't change this often and if they do, it can be 
> adjusted in the config file ... usually the widgets themselves don't change 
> -- it's the stuff around the forms that do 90% of the time.

I guess what I am really thinking about is things like JavaScript Events.  
The widget would be able to automatically add an onChange JS function to
do client side validation of data.  But a designer might want to add an
onMouseOver to a widget that will display a layer with a hint describing
how that field should be filled in.

You could just add support for MouseOver Hints to the widget library, but
I could probably come up with a bunch of other things a designer might
want to change on a widget to get it to do, and look how they want.


Re: Apache::Session not storing changes to hashref

2001-05-22 Thread Cees Hek

Apache::Session only does a shallow check of your data structure to see if
it needs to update the database.  If you are only changing values deep
inside a hash structure, A::S will not see the changes, and they will not
be saves.  The man page recommends adding a timestamp to the tied hash and
updating that on every request (ie $s{_timestamp} = time;).


On Tue, 22 May 2001, Chris Thompson wrote:

> I'm at wits end, I'm hoping someone can tell me what's wrong.
> This is Apache 1.3.19, Redhat 6.2, modperl 1.25, apache::session 1.53
> and MySQL 3.23.36.
> (This is also happening inside HTML::Mason 1.03, but I dont think that has
> anything to do with it. I've crossposted to the mason list in case anyone
> there has seen this behavior, but what I'm doing isnt really out of the
> ordinary, so I dont think it's Mason related)
> I've got a hash %s successfully re tied every request. I'm using it to store
> a session id and userid with success, so I know it's storing.
> Maybe I'm doing too much for A::S but here goes.
> I want an entry in the %s hash that is an array of hashrefs
> so tied-hash -> array -> hash.
> I'm writing this in wizard style, getting one piece of information from the
> client per page. The first step is to get a list of domain names, which I do
> and store in @domain.
> then I do
>   my $c=0;
>   foreach my $dom (@domain) {
>my $ref = { 'domainname' => $dom,
>'term' => '',
>'ns1name' => '',
>'ns1ip' => '',
>'ns2name' => '',
>'ns2ip' => ''
>  };
>$s{regdomains}->[$c++] = $ref;
>   }
>   this data is all successfully stored in the session.
>   We now move to the second page, and if I do a Data::Dumper on %s, I can
> actually see the above structure as I envisioned it.
> (I'll paraphrase here and not paste the whole dump)
>   'regdomains' => [
> {
>   'ns1name' => '',
>   'ns2ip' => '',
>   'domainname' => '',
>   'term' => '2',
>   'ns2name' => '',
>   'ns1ip' => ''
> },
> Note that 'term'=> '2'.
> That's there because before I did the Dumper, I populated the %s with the
> data I had on the term. Each term is read from Apache::Request into
> @term. (Yes, the orders match)
> so I do...
>   my $c=0;
>   foreach my $term (@term) {
>$s{regdomains}->[$c++]->{term} = $term;
>   }
> Then I do the Dumper. You can see the result above. Term is set, and I've
> verified by changing the term per domain name that the data is going in
> correctly.
> Now, as I understand it, the tie is causing any data written into the hash
> to be written to the database.
> The problem is that it's not. When I get to my third page I get four fields
> per domain for the nameservers and assign into the hash with...
>   my $c=0;
>   foreach (@{$s{regdomains}}) {
>$s{regdomains}->[$c]->{ns1name} = $nsn1[$c];
>$s{regdomains}->[$c]->{ns1ip} = $nsip1[$c];
>$s{regdomains}->[$c]->{ns2name} = $nsn2[$c];
>    $s{regdomains}->[$c]->{ns2ip} = $nsip2[$c];
>   }
> I then do a Dumper and get...
>   'regdomains' => [
> {
>   'ns1name' => 'a',
>   'ns2ip' => 'd',
>   'domainname' => '',
>   'term' => '',
>   'ns2name' => 'c',
>   'ns1ip' => 'b'
> },
> you'll see that term is now empty. I've watched the db, and reading it's
> cryptic scrawl, I never see any entries for term.

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Real Widgets and Template Languages

2001-05-22 Thread Cees Hek

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> What I am really looking for is a library that abstracts and allows widgets 
> to be developed that are tied to an application not to a set of HTML 
> necessarily. I guess I will start by providing an example of what I want 
> based on what we currently do in our Java framework when he use Templating 
> there. I'd like it if someone has developed the same thing in Perl that we 
> could reuse, otherwise, we may need to write this.

This sounds very useful and powerful.  I've been looking for a project to
help out with, and this one sounds interesting to me.  Let me know if you
want some help developing it, or someone to bounce ideas off...

>First Name:
>Last Name:

One thing that I think is very important is to let designers have control
over the look and feel of the interface.  Your widget library should have
some mechanism to allow a template designer to specify attributes for a
widget (like width, height, colour, etc...).

- or -

You can still allow programmers to have control over how the data is
verified, and other attributed like maxlength for text fields and

Of course these attributes will not be useful in every type of widget.  
ie if the programmer decided that this widget is going to be a text field
instead of a textarea, then the above height attribute would be useless,
and ignored.


Re: That annoying DB guy again... ;-)

2001-05-21 Thread Cees Hek

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:

> I know you all want me to go away, so I apologise for the noise.  Anyway, at
> there is a reference to an "Apache::DBI" module.  I DON'T have this module
> installed - is this the reason why CGI connects work yet mod_perl requests
> don't?  I wonder...

No, that module is not required.  Apache::DBI will cache DBI connections
for you.  It is something you might want to look at after you get your
problem fixed.

As to Ken's suggestion of trying to access MySQL from the command line
using the same user as apache is running as, you could try running the
mysql command line interpreter as a different user:

mysql -u username -p databasename

The -p just means it will prompt you for a password.  

I would have a good read of the MySQL docs on access permissions.  Or try
running Apache as a different user that you know has access to the

Please don't let this discourage you from using mod_perl.  It is probably
one of those simple mistakes that everyone makes.  And if you really can't
solve your problem, you could always scrap windows and use Unix instead of
scapping mod_perl and using VB ;)


Re: Insecure dependency errors

2001-05-03 Thread Cees Hek

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Barry Veinotte wrote:

> [Thu May  3 15:06:57 2001] [error] Insecure dependency in open while 
> running with -T switch at 
>/usr/local/www/vhosts/ line 472.
> The scripts using the .pm are running under Apache::Registry and have been running
> fine. Then last night a "major" upgrade was done to the servers. Now the scripts are
> dying with this error. None of them are running -T   I don't think any on the server 
> and know none under Apache::Registry are.
> Only Apache::Registry scripts are being affected. Anyone have any ideas as to 
> where I could start looking?

Check your Apache config files for  PerlTaintCheck On, and check all your
registry scripts for the -T switch.  Also, taint checking is automatically
turned on when scripts are run setuid (I don't know if that can affect
Registry scripts, but it's probably worth checking the file permissions on
all your scripts and modules)


Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercialworld

2001-04-29 Thread Cees Hek

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, Adi Fairbank wrote:

> Thanks Gunther,
> We actually have discussed releasing our entire application open source.  
> I personally would love to release it, being the chief architect, but
> there are other people involved who have put in a lot of work
> (directional/advisement/guidance... not coding) who would not benefit
> nearly as much as I would from it being open source.
> Also, as a company we have to evaluate what the best option is
> financially.  We are currently a pretty low-budget operation, and if we
> release it what will prevent someone with deep pockets to come along, take
> it, and then dump tons of money into marketing it under a different brand
> name?  I'm sure we could devise a license that would prevent such an
> occurrence, but it would have to be a pretty restrictive license, which
> would in itself limit the interest in the software.

I am in a similar situation with my company.  Our main business is
building small to medium scale web sites for small businesses.  Our
customers can build and maintain their websites and email accounts through
a web frontend (ie choosing a template, WYSIWYG editor, menu
builder, etc...).  Everything we do is written in perl with a MySQL or
PostgreSQL backend, and I am in the process of mod_perl'ifying most of it.

Any new custom jobs that we do are also done in mod_perl.  To simplify our
development, and to keep our development and design teams separate we have
developed a bunch of modules that simplify life in general (a template
engine, a DBI wrapper, a form handler, etc...).

We have talked about throwing our modules and apps out to the masses, but
like most other companies, we are faced with competition.  A big part of
our marketing push is the easy-to-use tools for managing your website.  
If we give these tools away to our compeditors, then we loose our
advantage in the marketplace.

Perhaps once our position is more stable in the market we will be able to
contribute back to the community with the work we have done...

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Fast DB access

2001-04-19 Thread Cees Hek

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., wrote:

>  I get a feeling that the point we were trying to make is going to be
> missed. MLDBM is not a bad alternative to databases under specific
> conditions !!

That point was definately not missed by me, and I have learned something
from your efforts.  I have used gdbm in the past with great success, and
will look into MLDBM with any new projects that may benefit from it.

I hope this thread won't keep you from contributing to this list in the


[OT] Re: Fast DB access

2001-04-19 Thread Cees Hek

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Murali V wrote:

> Hi,
> If you read the code more deeply, you'll find that the timeit is only
> wrapped around select and not around insert.
> We've written the insert code so that in the first round you can populate
> the database.
> You comment out the insert code after the first round and run the benchmark
> several times. This would only do select and time select.

Hi Murali,

OK, to start off, I was not specifically aiming my rant at you, I was
replying to someone who had modified your code and was now comparing MySQL
and PostgreSQL, and he was implying that the timings were for inserts and
selects.  I took this at face value, and didn't check the code close
enough which I really should have done in the first place.

> Connecting this error to an axiom that "Benchmarks are useless" is bad
> indeed. Shouldn't we be ironing out errors and runing benchmarks which are
> good.

Perhaps I should have said published benchmarks.  In your case, you are
using benchmarks for exactly what they are intended for...  Creating a
system that closely resembles your application and putting it through it's
paces.  What I find dangerous about publishing benchmarks, is that they
are almost always heavily swayed to a specific application, and most of
the time they show what the user wants them to show.

In your original message, you clain to have a bias against Postgres, and
your benchmark shows that bias.  I however am a happy user of postgres,
and am therefore biased towards it.  I modified your benchmark script
slightly, and I got the following results (I have include a diff of my
changes at the bottom):

 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.03 CPU) 
 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.02 CPU)

Whereas if I run it with your version I get the following:

27 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.00 CPU)
27 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.02 CPU)

So what does that tell you about the benchmark?  that the postgres part of
this benchmark is useless...  It may have given you the answer that you
wanted, but it is misleading to anyone else out there.

This is why there are always flame wars about benchmarking databases (by
the way I think this whole thread has been very civilized and i hope is
stays that way).  Invariably the benchmark has missed some critical idea
or optimization which drastically skew the results.

> Your recommendation is to pick a DB best suited to your app. But How ??
> a) Either by hiring a guru who has seen all kinds of apps with different DBs
> who can give you the answer with which we can run
> b) Run a benchmark on critical programs which represent you app across
> databases and find what performs best.
> I've read too much literature on DB features. All DBs have all features
> (except MySQL which does not have commit )
> You can't make a thing out of DB literature.

What I would recommend is exactly what you have done in this case.  Get
access to any and all the systems that you feel may do the job for you ,
and try them out.  Browse the web for other users experiences, but don't
use other peoples benchmarks, because the odds are good that they are
wrong...  Create your own, or modify an existing one, and scrutinize
exactly what it is doing.  And if you want to share your results with
anyone else, tell them what you choose in the end, and why.  Tell them you
choose database x because it did this and this for you.  Don't say
database y is a piece of crap, so we went with database x.

But whatever you do, don't choose your database based on other peoples
benchmarks (that is all I'm trying to say, and I guess I didn't
say it clearly enough)

When I first read your message, I tucked it away somewhere, so I could
reference it again in the future, because I was interested in the MLDBM
work that you had done, and I thank you for that.  But it also made me
think that maybe I shouldn't be using Postgres, because your results were
so poor (only for a second or too though :).  But I'll bet that a lot of
people who have never used postgres before are now less likely to download
it and try it out for themself, because a benchmark swayed them away from
it.  That sounds like a good closer, so I'll stop it there :-)


Here is the diff of my changes and a quick comment on why your way kills
the performance of postgres

*** 124,131 
$i_ip = int(rand(20));

@row_ary = $dbh->selectrow_array("select crr from benchmark where
!   rtrim(pub) = 'pub$i_pub' and rtrim(size) = 
'size$i_size' and
!   rtrim(type) = 'type$i_type' and rtrim(ip) = 

--- 124,131 
$i_ip = int(rand(20));

@row_ary = $dbh->selectrow_array("select crr from benchmark where
!   pub = 'pub$i_pub' and size = 'size$i_size' and

[OT] Re: Fast DB access

2001-04-18 Thread Cees Hek

On 18 Apr 2001, Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog wrote:

> [drfrog]$ perl
> postgres
> 16 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr +0.00 sys =  0.05 CPU) @ 400.00/s (n=20)
> mysql
>  3 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr +0.00 sys =  0.07 CPU) @ 285.71/s (n=20)
> postgres
> 17 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr +0.00 sys =  0.06 CPU) @ 333.33/s (n=20)
> mysql
>  3 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr +0.01 sys =  0.02 CPU) @ 1000.00/s (n=20)
> correct me if im wrong but if is 
> working right 
> first set is insert
> second set is select

I am mad at myself for getting dragged into this, but I couldn't help

You are crippling postgreSQL by doing a tonne of inserts with a commit
after each statement.  This completely misses the fact that postgreSQL is
transaction based whereas MySQL is not.  Turn off AutoCommit and do a
commit at the end of the insert loop.

Also, if your selects are taking just as long as your inserts then you
must have other problems as well.  Did you set up any indeces for the
columns of your table, or is that considered "optimizing the database" and
therefore not valid in your benchmark?

Benchmarks like this are pretty much useless (actually 99% of all
benchmarks are useless).

Use the database that best fits your needs based on the features it
supports, and the experience you have using it.  If you find your database
is too slow, look into optimizing it because there are usually hundreds of
things you can do to make a database faster (faster disks, more ram,
faster CPU, fixing indeces, optimizing queries, etc...).

Don't pick a database because a benchmark on the web somewhere says it's
the fastest...

Sorry for the rant, I'll go back to sleep now...


> find attached the modified ver of
> i sued to conduct this test
> comp stats
> running stock rpms from mandrake 7.2 for both 
> postgresql and mysql
>  3.23.23-beta of mysql and
> 7.02 of postgresql
> [drfrog@nomad desktop]$ uname -a
> Linux nomad.localdomain 2.2.18 #2 Tue Apr 17 22:55:04 PDT 2001 i686 unknown
> [drfrog]$ cat /proc/meminfo
>   total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
> Mem:  257511424 170409984 87101440 24219648 96067584 44507136
> Swap: 2549432320 254943232
> MemTotal:251476 kB
> MemFree:  85060 kB
> MemShared:23652 kB
> Buffers:  93816 kB
> Cached:   43464 kB
> SwapTotal:   248968 kB
> SwapFree:248968 kB
> [drfrog]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
> processor : 0
> vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
> cpu family: 6
> model : 3
> model name: AMD Duron(tm) Processor
> stepping  : 1
> cpu MHz   : 697.535
> cache size: 64 KB
> fdiv_bug  : no
> hlt_bug   : no
> sep_bug   : no
> f00f_bug  : no
> coma_bug  : no
> fpu   : yes
> fpu_exception : yes
> cpuid level   : 1
> wp: yes
> flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat
> pse36 psn mmxext mmx fxsr 3dnowext 3dnow
> bogomips  : 1392.64
> i will recomp both the newest postgresql and  mysql 
> not using any optimizing techs at all i'll post the 
> config scripts i use
> On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 18:24:43 -0700, clayton said:
> > Matt Sergeant wrote:
> >  
> >  > On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., wrote:
> >  > 
> >  >> H/W : Celeron 433 with 64 MB RAM, IDE HDD using RH 6.1, perl 5.005,
> >  >> Postgres 6.5.3
> >  > 
> >  > 
> >  > This is a very very old version of postgresql. Try it again with 7.1 for
> >  > more respectable results.
> >  > 
> >  
> >  
> >  im very glad to see this thread
> >  
> >  i wanted a good benchmark for postgres and mysql
> >  {i hope to transpose the sql properly!}
> >  
> >  i do have 7.1 installed and it is very sweet
> >  
> >  ill report back when i rerun under postgresql at the very least
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >  

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: from the "quick hacks" department... x-bit controls mod_cgi

2001-04-16 Thread Cees Hek

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Tim Bunce wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 08:22:38PM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > 
> > In an .htaccess, I place:
> > 
> > Options +ExecCGI
> > PerlFixupHandler "sub { -f $_[0]->filename and -x _ and 
>$_[0]->handler(q{cgi-script}) }"
> > 
> > Now any executable file in this directory (or below) is processed with
> > mod_cgi.  Any non-executable file is processed with whatever the MIME
> > engine came up with before.
> > 
> > OK, too cool to not pass on. :)
> Except that I think you'll find that string is being recompiled for
> each request - slow and leaks memory. The principle is good though :)

Can you briefly explain why it leaks memory?

I have been playing with Apache::Leak and Devel::Leak trying to figure out
what is happening when Perl code leaks memory, but I haven't got my head
around it yet...

Also, a more general question to the list.  How reasonable is it to assume
that most of the more standard modules on CPAN don't leak memory when used
in a mod_perl environment?  For example DBI (not to pick on you Tim),
Data::Dumper, HTML::Parser or MD5 just to name some of the more common
modules.  Are there any modules that I should stay away from when using

- Cees Hek

Apache::Request problem (possible bug)

2001-04-05 Thread Cees Hek

Either I've found a problem with Apache::Request, or I don't know what I'm
doing :)

Setting variables with $r->param() doesn't seem to work for array
references.  ie the following line from the man page doesn't work

$r->param('foo' => [qw(one two three)]);

When you look at foo afterwards it returns the string 'ARRAY(0x8c04fd8)'
instead of an actual reference to the array.  

I have include a basic handler that demostrates this on my machine
(Apache/1.3.17 mod_perl/1.24 perl 5.005_03)

package Apache::Test;
# File: Apache/

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::Request ();

sub handler {
my $r = new Apache::Request(shift);


my @list = $r->param('list');

$r->param('newlist' => [qw(one two three)]);

my @newlist = $r->param('newlist');

my $list = join ', ', @list;
my $newlist = join ', ', @newlist;
    print <<"EOM";

list - $list
newlist - $newlist



return OK;


Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Problem with Apache::DBI

2001-04-05 Thread Cees Hek

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Alec Smith wrote:

> In my module I've got:
> use DBI;
> use Apache::DBI;
> $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:dbname', 'username', 'password', {RaiseError 
> => 1, AutoCommit => 1});

Have a read of the Apache::DBI man page and it will explain what is wrong

You don't need to add Apache::DBI in your module.

> and in
> use DBI;
> use Apache::DBI;
> Apache::DBI->connect_on_init('DBI:mysql:dbname', 'username', 
> 'password',{RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1});

The use Apache::DBI should come bofore the use DBI call.  In fact, the use
Apache::DBI should come before you load any DBI enabled modules in you
config files.

Cees Hek

> yet I'm still seeing the  error
> Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit 
> disconnect() at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 139.
> in the logs.
> Still lost,
> Alec
> At 09:24 AM 4/5/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >You would only get that message if AutoCommit was off.
> >It should not be off for DBD::mysql (since it doesn't yet support
> >the transaction features of newer versions).
> >
> >Plus, disconnect doesn't do anything when using Apache::DBI
> >(by design).
> >
> >Tim.
> >
> >On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 11:49:17PM -0400, Alec Smith wrote:
> > > Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit
> > > disconnect() at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 139.
> > >
> > > Using Apache::DBI 0.88+DBI 1.14+mod_perl 1.25+MySQL 3.23.36 I'm getting 
> > the
> > > above in my error_log and am not sure why. Any ideas? I do have a
> > > $db->disconnect; line in my modules.
> > >
> > > Just a tad lost,
> > > Alec

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Long waits on SQL Stored Procs. Should I use chained contenthandlers?

2001-04-04 Thread Cees Hek

Since Apache can't respond to the request until the File has been uploaded
completely (at least this is what I understand, but I could be wrong), you
won't be able to do anything on the server side to handle this.

You could use what has been suggested by someone else (sorry, but I don't
remember who), and that is to have an onSubmit on the form that triggers
some JavaScript that pops up a layer overtop of the current page.  I don't
know enough about layers, but you might even be able to load a new page
into the layer while the form is being submitted.  When the upload is
completed, the entire document will be replaced with the response from the

One issue that I see with this is, what happens if the upload fails, and
the connection is dropped...

Cees Hek

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Issac Goldstand wrote:

> Out of curiosity, what if the original page contains a form with an upload
> field?  Any suggestions/ideas on how to provide a similar strategy?  The
> problem with the scenario is that it's the upload that will probably take
> the most time...
> On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Cees Hek wrote:
> > On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > I need to run some stored procedures that take upwards of a minute to generate 
> > > result sets. Ok, thats grand but I dont want the browser to sit there and 
> > > twiddle.
> > > 
> > > I'd like to display an animated gif. Simple. Right? I hope.
> > 
> > Why can't you just display your animated gif on a page with a refresh tag
> > that loads the real page with the query in it.  A refresh meta tag doesn't
> > have to reload the same page again, you can redirect it to another URL.  
> > Your gif would be displayed, and you query would start right away.  
> > 
> > You have to make sure that you don't send out any data from your query
> > script until you are ready to display the entire thing.  The browser will
> > not clear the screen until it receives some data from the server.
> > 
> > The only other issue here is browser timeouts.  If the page takes too long
> > to display, the browser may drop the connection, but I've found that if a
> > browser makes a connection, it will wait for a 'long' time for data to
> > show up.  I don't have any numbers, but it would be trivial to test.
> > 
> > This method is great to stop people from hitting a link repeatedly if a
> > page doesn't load right away.
> > 
> > I've included a simple HTML page that we use to generate some reports that
> > take up to 30 seconds to display
> > 
> > Cees Hek
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> >  > bgcolor="#FF">
> >  
> >  > cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FF" align=center>
> >  
> >   
> >
> >Please wait while creating reports...
> >   
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Long waits on SQL Stored Procs. Should I use chained contenthandlers?

2001-04-02 Thread Cees Hek

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I need to run some stored procedures that take upwards of a minute to generate 
> result sets. Ok, thats grand but I dont want the browser to sit there and 
> twiddle.
> I'd like to display an animated gif. Simple. Right? I hope.

Why can't you just display your animated gif on a page with a refresh tag
that loads the real page with the query in it.  A refresh meta tag doesn't
have to reload the same page again, you can redirect it to another URL.  
Your gif would be displayed, and you query would start right away.  

You have to make sure that you don't send out any data from your query
script until you are ready to display the entire thing.  The browser will
not clear the screen until it receives some data from the server.

The only other issue here is browser timeouts.  If the page takes too long
to display, the browser may drop the connection, but I've found that if a
browser makes a connection, it will wait for a 'long' time for data to
show up.  I don't have any numbers, but it would be trivial to test.

This method is great to stop people from hitting a link repeatedly if a
page doesn't load right away.

I've included a simple HTML page that we use to generate some reports that
take up to 30 seconds to display

Cees Hek



   Please wait while creating reports...

Re: Apache::Session::Postgres Segmentation Fault Addendum

2001-03-29 Thread Cees Hek

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Victor Michael Blancas wrote:

> I'm using Apache::Session::Postgres with Apache::ASP.
> I'm getting a Segmentation Fault whenever I do a $dbh->disconnect at the
> end of the script.  When I comment out the the $dbh->disconnect however, I
> don't get any errors.  Having a script without a $dbh->disconnect at the
> end is wrong isn't it.  Anyone encountered this before?
> I just tested it as a simple perl script on the command line. I'm still
> getting a core dumped Segmentation Fault whenever I do a disconnect at the
> end of the script.

I have had this happen to me as well.  You have to make sure that your
session is untied, before the database is disconnected.

What I found was that after pulling some data out of the session, it was
still TIE'ed to the session object.  

ie I with the following

my $userid = $session->{userid};

$userid is pointing into the tied hash, so if the database disappears, and
you try to access $userid, you will get a segfault.

The following program demonstrates this on my system

use strict;
use Apache::Session::Postgres ();
use DBI ();
my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=testdb', undef, undef, 
{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 })
or die "connect: Can't connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
tie my %s, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef, 
{ 'Handle' => $dbh, 'Commit' => 1 };
# Put something in the session and then take it out again
$s{'testing'} = 'Something to put in the session';
my $test = $s{'testing'};

# disconnect from database

# Accessing $test again will cause a segfault
print $test, "\n";

I realize that this is bad programming style, since I should untie %s
before I disconnect $dbh, and doing that stops the segfault (it also means
that $test will be blank if it is accessed after the untie).  But I don't
think that this should cause a segfault in the first place.

It sounds like there is a problem in Apache::Session::Postgres but I
haven't had time to search for it...

Cees Hek

Re: perl session management

2001-03-27 Thread Cees Hek

On 27 Mar 2001, tom joseph wrote:

> Hello there..
> Could u suggest a way to update a session variable.
> At present it is not possible for me to update a session variable from
> any other page.  I thought it would be automatically updated when i do a new
> insertion into the session variable which in my case is a hash.  Is there any
> other way. Could anyone please help.
> I am using the module Apache::Session::MYSQL.

You don't give us much to go on, but I'll give it a shot.  I seem to
remember that Apache::Session only does a very quick check to see if
anything has changed in the session object.  Here is an excerpt from the

> Note that Apache::Session does only a shallow check to see if anything
> has changed.  If nothing changes in the top level tied hash, the data
> will not be updated in the backing store.  You are encouraged to
> timestamp the session hash so that it is sure to be updated.

So if all you are doing is changing one of the values in your hash, then
Apache::Session will not see a change and will not rewrite the entry to
the database.


Re: Apache::Session problems

2001-03-26 Thread Cees Hek

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Christopher L. Everett,,, wrote:

> Apache::Session::MySQL won't save session state.
> Apache::Session::File returns the following error:
> Insecure dependency in open while running with -T switch at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Lock/
> line 40.

Well, line 40 of Apache/Session/Lock/ contains the following bit of

|| die $!;D

So perl is telling you that one of the variables being used in the open
command is Tainted (you are running perl in Taint mode with the -T
switch turned on).  I'm guessing it is probably
$session->{data}->{_session_id}, which is really just the $session_id
variable that you pulled out of a Cookie in your code below (and
cookies are automatically tainted since it comes from the user).  You will
have to untaint the $session_id variable before you pass it to
Apache::Session, and this error message should go away.  See the perl
manpages on how to untaint variables...


> here's the code in question:
> sub put_or_del_session {
>   my ($self, $r, %session) = @_;
>   if ($self->command eq 'logout') {
>my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new( $r,
>-name=> 'SessionID',
>-path=> $self->{uri},
>-domain  => $self->{config}->{TicketServerName},
>-expires => '-10m',
>-value   => '' );
>   } elsif (($self->page eq 'frame' && $self->command eq 'make') or 
> $self->page eq 'action') {
>$session{state} = $self->{state};
>$session{timestamp} = time;  
>   }
>   $r->log_error("put_or_del_session: session_id is $self->{session_id}");
>   $r->log_error("put_or_del_session: state is " . Dumper $session{state});
>   undef %session;
> }
> sub get_session {
>   my ($self, $r) = @_;
>   my %session;
>   my $cookie_str = $r->header_in('Cookie');
>   my %cookies = $cookie_str eq '' ? ( ) : 
> Apache::Cookie->parse($cookie_str);
>   if (exists $cookies{SessionID}) {
>my $session_id = $cookies{SessionID}->value; 
> #tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
> #{
> #  DataSource => $self->{config}->{Session_DB},
> #  UserName   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_User},
> #  Password   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_Password},
> #  LockDataSource => $self->{config}->{Session_DB},
> #  LockUserName   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_User},
> #  LockPassword   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_Password},
> #};
>tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', $session_id,
>  Directory => '/tmp/apache/session',
>  LockDirectory => '/tmp/apache/session/lock'
>   } else {
> #tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', undef,
> #{
> #  DataSource => $self->{config}->{Session_DB},
> #  UserName   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_User},
> #  Password   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_Password},
> #  LockDataSource => $self->{config}->{Session_DB},
> #  LockUserName   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_User},
> #  LockPassword   => $self->{config}->{Search_DB_Password},
> #};
>tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', undef,
>  Directory => '/tmp/apache/session',
>  LockDirectory => '/tmp/apache/session/lock'
>$session{state} = {
>account => {},
>command => '',
>step=> '',
>    order   => {}
>my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new( $r,
>  -name=> 'SessionID',
>  -path=> $self->{uri},
>  -domain  => '',
>  -value   => $session{_session_id} );
>   }
>   $self->{state} = $session{state};
>   $self->{session_id} = $session{_session_id};
>   $r->log_error("get_session: session_id is $self->{session_id}");
>   $r->log_error('get_session: $session{state} is ' . Dumper 
> $session{state});
>   $r->log_error('get_session: $self->{state} is ' . Dumper $self->{state});
>   return %session;
> }

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: The right way to do authentication with mod_perl

2001-03-18 Thread Cees Hek

You should really have a look at Apache::AuthCookie.  This module does
pretty much exactly what you are looking to build.  I think it'll even
handle your guest logins.

If you are still keen on rolling your own module, this module will give
you some great hints on how to write an Authentication Handler...


On Sun, 18 Mar 2001, Issac Goldstand wrote:

> I've been self-debating a small issue for a small project that I'm
> developing, and thought I'd pass it on to see if I can get any
> feedback from the experts in the field:  I have a pair of login/logout
> CGI scripts on a machine that I recently "bumped" from mod_cgi to
> mod_perl.  They set/removed a cookie that as a key in Jeffery Baker's
> wonderful Apache::Session module, which I used as a base for my own
> authentication module (and if Jeffery is reading this, I'd love your
> feedback about it...).  Now, since I am using mod_perl, I've set up my
> module to be pre-loaded to keep a persistant connection to my session
> database (the connections to the authentication [via user/password]
> database is only done in the login script). It seems to me that I
> _ought_ to try to squeeze a bit more out of mod_perl by assigning a
> handler during some stage of the server request to do the cookie
> authentication and then, instead of my scripts checking with the
> authentication module, I can set an %ENV variable with the
> authentication results, for later parsing by the scripts. So, firstly,
> where is the best place to put the handler?  Logic would suggest the
> _authentication_ stage, of course, but I'm still a tiny bit too newbie
> too know exactly how I'd have to set up the .htaccess & ..htpasswd
> files, let alone what kind of response I have to send back to the
> server.  (Links to the mod_perl Guide are fine for answering this.  I
> have, truth to tell, not quite finished reading the whole thing, but I
> have people pressuring me to fix the login buisness which, as a result
> of moving to mod_perl, is now quite a mess so I'm doing the
> unthinkable and asking even though I have not read every bit of
> documentation :-}) Secondly, there are one or two scripts that have a
> "guest" login.  The way this works, in short, is that authentication
> is pre-generated and coupled with other "challenge tokens", which are
> all passed as part of the URI.  This would obviously have to bypass
> the "normal" login/authentication handlers.  The solution which leaps
> to my head is doable, if a bit crude:  make a special aliased
> directory for guest-login-related scripts (actually only the original
> authentication [eg, first request] has to be via URI; I can switch to
> normal cookie based beyond that).  But I'd really like to hear what
> people who've been developing mod_perl 'application's for more then
> just a few weeks would say.
> Thanks,
> Issac
> BTW:  For the experts here, I must say that I'm really impressed with the mod_perl 
>mailing list in general.  I find that I'm learning almost as much from here as I do 
>from the guide and manpages, and I am most impressed at the general attitude towards 
>newbies.  I've been a newbie, and a regular, on many technical mailing lists, but 
>almost never seen that John Q. Newbie got decent attention on most of them.  I just 
>felt that gratitude ought to be expressed where it is due.
> Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool of
> yourself in front of a very large audience.
>   --Anonymous
> Moving the mouse won't get you into trouble...  Clicking it might.
>   --Anonymous
> PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:
> 7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-07 Thread Cees Hek

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Daryl Campbell wrote:

> Cees suggestion seems to unlock part of the browser behaviour puzzle 
> that we are trying to solve to meet the following requirements for a 
> PerlAuthenHandler:
> *URL based session handling if cookies not enabled,
> *LDAP authentication,
> *Force reauthentication if given inactivity period passed,
> *Maintain state information in main memory, no DBI store required.
> So now our session state information is "Time_last_accessed and Next_realm", 
> or generate the realm based on current time if inactivity period lapsed.
> Assuming that we are sending an AUTH_REQUIRED when inactivity period is
> lapsed.

Forget about Realms and AUTH_REQUIRED headers if you want to do the
above.  You can use Apache::AuthCookieURL to handle passing session IDs to
and from the browser (Requirement #1).  You will have to override 2
functions (writing them should be very straight forward):

authen_cred() which will verify the credentials passed from the login form
(using LDAP in your case, Requirement #2) and create a new session for
them.  And authen_ses_key() which will verify that the users sessionID is
still valid, or if it needs to be expired (Requirement #3, if you return
nothing from this function, Apache::AuthCookieURL will redirect the user
to the login page automatically).

Now you should have a mechanism that handles your session keys for you,
but you still need to store the session data somewhere.  I have used
Apache::Session with good success, but there are others available as well.

I would be careful about storing session info in memory (Requirement #4).  
If your server gets hit hard, you could very quickly run out of memory.  
You would have to put some memory limits im place, and that means saving
inactive sessions to disk.  It really depends on your setup, and how many
concurrent users you are planning to have.  

1.  If you aren't going to have many users, your machine won't be that
busy, so you might as well save to a database. 
2.  If you are going to be very busy, you will probably have too many
sessions active to be able to store them in main memory.
3.  If you are really busy, but you don't have much to store in the
session, you might as well encrypt the data and send the info in the
cookie/URL instead of passing the sessionkey.

But if you still want to do it, you could use IPC::Shareable (an old
version of Apache::Session supported this module, but it has been
removed since).  There is also IPC::Cache and probably others as well.

> Go easy on me, it's my first mod_perl posting but have been chewing on 
> the mod_perl guide, eagle book, and the mailing list archives.

Well, this is only my third message to the list  ;)

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-04 Thread Cees Hek

On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Pierre Phaneuf wrote:

> Good one! The only bad thing I see is that the realm is visible in the
> dialog box the user see, isn't it? Seeing a random string might be a bit
> unsettling for the user, but there is no technical reason for it not to
> work.

Well, since the only requirement is that it is different from the last
Realm you sent, (ie it doesn't need to be unique across all users), you
could easily use the date and time.  Something like 

Secure Area (Mar 5, 2001 10:51:02)

This would have the side effect of also telling you when the user logged
in.  You would have to check the RFC to see what the size limit is on a


Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-04 Thread Cees Hek

On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, Kiran Kumar.M wrote:

> hi , i'm using mod_perl authentication handler, where the user's
> credentials are checked against a database and in the database i have
> a flag which tells the login status (y|n), but aftr the user logs out
> the status is changed to n , my problem is that after logging out if
> the user goes one page back and submits the browser sends the username
> and password again , and the status is changed to y . Is there any
> means of removing the username and password from the browsers cache.

I'm assuming you are using Basic Authentication here...

I haven't used Basic Authentication in a couple years now, but I seem to
remember that you can specify a 'Realm' in which the username and password
is valid.  If you change this realm when the user logs out, then they will
be prompted for their username and password again.

So instead of storing a y/n in the database, store a unique string that is
used as the realm, and clear it when they log out.  Now everytime you send
the Authenitication required header, send the unique realm for this user
that you stored in the database, and if it doesn't exist, generate a new


Re: mkdir function syntax

2001-02-27 Thread Cees Hek

On 27 Feb 2001, Chris Jensen wrote:

> here is my code:
> 8   $query = new CGI;
> 9   $ProjectNumber=   $query->param("ProjectNumber");
> 10
> 11  $makeDirectoryDocs = "../WebSites/";
> 12  $makeDirectoryImages = "../WebSites/";
> 13
> 14  MKDIR ($makeDirectoryDocs$ProjectNumber);

The problem is with the way you are trying to join 2 strings together.

One of the following should work for you:

mkdir ("$makeDirectoryDocs$ProjectNumber");
mkdir ($makeDirectoryDocs.$ProjectNumber);
mkdir (join '', $makeDirectoryDocs, $ProjectNumber);

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation