On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 02:31, you wrote:
> Hello,
> When I try to make a CGI object in my Apache/mod_perl handler a la $q =
> CGI->new(); The server just don't reply. Actually it works just fine
> until I try to submit a form, then it just hangs and Apache doesn't send
> anything back. If I remove this object creation line, then I can submit
> my form (but then its no use, i can't use the data). What could be the
> problem?

What version of CGI.pm are you using?  I seem to remember a problem with
mod_perl and an older version of CGI.pm where CGI.pm was fooled into thinking
it was run in command line mode.

If you are seeing the following line in your logs then this is definately the
cause of your problem:

     (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

To fix this put $CGI::NO_DEBUG=1 near the top of your program or upgrade


ps you should be using Apache::(Request|Cookie) to get your GET/POST/COOKIE
parameters, as it is more efficient.


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