RE: Is it possible to change the browser's address/location URL without Redirect?

2002-08-09 Thread French, Shawn

One option:

If there's an erro in form 2,
Save the user's form data in some session variables
Then use a META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=0; URL=/step2 tag to get the
user's browser to redirect.
Then populate the form with the data and error message you saved in his/her
session object.

There are obviously many other ways to do this... but if you're using some
sort of session data structure, this is probably the easiest way to get it


 -Original Message-
 From: Harry Zhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: August 9, 2002 2:26 PM
 Subject: Is it possible to change the browser's address/location URL
 without Redirect?
 Looks like my explanation is too long or too bad.
 The simple idea is in page step 1, after the
 form action=/step/2 method=post.../form
 submitted, I want the browser show something, instead of,
 if there is a need for user to correct the data submitted.
 It might be accomplished by using one of the approaches 
 outlined below, but
 I was wondering if there's other way that can save the overhead of the
 write/read or resend the data, and the re-process. Probably 
 not much we can
 do if the URL displayed in the browser's address/location bar 
 depends only
 on the action value of the form submitted, not based on the 
 server response?
 - Original Message -
 From: Harry Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: mod_perl list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 4:22 PM
 Subject: Can I change the browser's address/location?
  Suppose I have a generic content handler to handle requst
  /step/1, /step/2, ..., /step/n
  Location /step
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler MyHandler
  package MyHandler;
  sub handler {
my $r=shift;
my $step = substr($r-path_info(),1);
#do something before fetch the content
#fetch content: usually include a form that will assign action
  So if everything goes well, the user will follow through 
 from step 1, step
  2, until fnish.
  Now if in the #do something ... part, something is wrong, it will
  require user go back to the same step, for example, to fill the form
  The way my old cgi script does is just generate the form 
 with prefilled
  value plus some error message indicate what's wrong. It 
 works ok but the
  browser location will show /step/($step+1) while it actually is
  Now that I am working it on mod-perl I thought I should be 
 able to do
  something about it. I briefly browsed the 2 mod-perl books (eagle,
  cookbook), and could not found a simple solution yet  (or I 
 missed it?). I
  was think using one of the folowing might work:z
  1) save the request data in a temp file and redirect or 
 http-refresh to
  /step/$step?$session_id or /step/$step/error?$session_id
  Remember the content is dynamic and depend on the input 
 form data, so
  redirect may not work.
  Looks like Apache will not post the form data when redirect 
 with Location?
  2) print a short form with hidden data and assign 
  then submit right away (onload=form.submit()?)
  Does anybody have a simple solution, e.g. without redirect? 
 Is it possible
  to change the URI showing in the browser's address/location bar?
  I would appreciated if somebody can pointer me to the right 

Problem: Apache2 / Perl 5.8.0 / mod_perl 2.0 / PHP all on Win32

2002-07-25 Thread French, Shawn

I am in a bit of a jam. I think the cross-post is necessary since I need
the help of Apache, mod_perl, and PHP developers/users. I apologize for the
length, if you have time, my explanation (at the end) should clarify what I

I need:
- A perl-enabled web server to run on the win32 platform
- mod_perl to allow for persistent (stay connected on the server side)
Net::Telnet objects  (CGI is unacceptable since a new process is spawned at
each request leaving no room for persistent objects)
- Multiple perl interpreters of Apache2 / mod_perl 2.0 to serve more than
one mod_perl request at a time
- Access to the client's Net::Telnet object during all of his/her requests
throughout his/her session
- I might need Perl 5.8.0 for threads::shared to solve the above
- A way for mod_perl scripts to communicate with PHP scripts quickly and

Does anybody know what kind of configuration I could use to support all of
my needs above? 
Does anybody know another way for mod_perl 2.0 and PHP to communicate other
than apache_notes (if it's true I can't use apache_notes with Apache2 / PHP
If a solution is not available now (ie. I can't share Net::Telnet objects in
different requests, or, PHP isn't fully supporting Apache2), when will it be
available (if ever)?

Thanks for your time and any help,

Brief (?) Explanation
I need a win32 server to provide a sort of web-interface to perl Net::Telnet
objects (which is just a wrapper for telnet sessions written in perl). These
objects open sockets/file_handles on the server and have to be accessible to
my server-side scripts throughout multiple client requests.

ie. A session for Client_123 might look like:
Request 1: Client_123's telnet object is initialized (connects to a
remote telnet host)
Request 2 - n-1: A script on the server executes commands on
Client_123's telnet connection
Request n: Client_123's telnet object is destroyed

From mod_perl 2.0 docs
A mod_perl 1.0 enabled server based on Apache 1.3 on Win32 is limited to a
single thread serving a request at a time. This effectively prevents
concurrent processing, which can have serious implications for busy sites.
This problem is addressed in the multi-thread/multi-process approach of
mod_perl 2.0/Apache 2.0

Obviously I need Apache2/mod_perl2 if I want to be able to have more than
one client request executing perl code at the same time. However, I need to
make sure that the Net::Telnet object is accessible (ie. in shared memory,
indexed by the clients session_id) for all of Client_123's request. I was
told that I might be able to use threads::shared to keep the Net::Telnet
objects accessible by multiple mod_perl threads in mod_perl2 and Perl 5.8.0
so that shouldn't be a problem... as long as I use Apache2 / mod_perl 2.0 /
Perl 5.8.0.

Thrown in to the mix is the fact that I need some PHP scripts to communicate
(transfer parameters) to mod_perl scripts, and for the mod_perl to transfer
the results back to the PHP scripts. I have this working using apache notes
in Apache1.3.26 / mod_perl 1.27 / PHP 4.21. However (as mentioned above)
only one mod_perl request (involving telnet stuff) can be served at a time
so I need to upgrade to Apache2, where there isn't apache_note support

Persistent Net::Telnet Objects in Apache2/mod_perl2

2002-07-15 Thread French, Shawn

Hey everyone,

It's me again... the persistent telnet mod_perl newbie!

I have implemented my project using persistent telnet connections (one for
each user session accessible throught the session to perform various
functions through telnet) on win2000:
Apache/1.3.26 (Win32) mod_perl/1.27_01-dev

Now for my next trick! 
When I started I didn't realize that mod_perl on win32 could only handle one
request at a time!!! This is obviously not acceptable for deployment.

So, I would like to upgrade to Apache2/mod_perl2 to take advantage of the
multi-process mod_perl model that the _very_ kind Randy Kobes told me about
( However, with a multi-process model,
I'm not sure how I will be able to keep a user's telnet-session-object
accessible throughout multiple requests. Currently it's not a problem since
there's only one process for ALL mod_perl requests. In Apache2/mod_perl2
there will be more than one process so I need some sort of mapping to make
sure my clients are aways served by the same process. Is this possible? Am I
in way over my head (again!!) ?

Another problem is that I have also been informed that my _MUCH_ used
apache_notes function in php will not be available to me in Apache2
( I realize this is an Apache2 thing,
but I was wondering if anyone here knows of a workaround that will allow my
php scripts to communicate with mod_perl (and vice-versa) until (hopefully)
the function is ported to Apache2.

Thanks in advance,

Shawn French
AcceLight Networks

RE: Persistent Net::Telnet Objects in Apache2/mod_perl2

2002-07-15 Thread French, Shawn

Stas Bekman wrote:
 It seems that you are after the same functionality as Apache::DBI, you 
 want a pool of items that you want to be able to choose from. 
 Look for threads::shared (perl 5.8.0), just create a shared hash with 
 keys that you use for the map and the values for the actual connection

YES!!! That is exactly what I need! Where do I find perl 5.8.0 and
threads::shared? I need a perl binary for windows since I'm without a

As for the apache notes, I hope your right that it would be easy to
implement, otherwise I can't upgrade to apache2 without some _huge_
workarounds... which are always nice to avoid :)


RE: Persistent Net::Telnet Objects

2002-05-30 Thread French, Shawn

I just found this:

On Windows platforms, Apache does not fork; consequently, the directives
for controlling the number of processes or their lifetime have no effect.
Instead, Apache runs as a multi-threaded process

Recall that I am using: Apache/1.3.20 (Win32) mod_perl/1.25_01-dev
mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a on Windows 2000 with PHP 4.21

Would this be why my scripts are working? Does this mean that as long as I
stay with windows I will be alright?

I realize (as Medi Montaseri pointed out) that my scripts might not be too
secure (ie. hijacking a telnet session) however I am only concerned about
getting this working, and making sure it will remain working, as it will be
run behind a firewall in a corporate intranet.

For now I will continue coding with my current architecture hoping that the
above mentioned information is correct.

Thanks for all the help!