Re: Apache::RefererBlock and ModuleConfig problem?

2000-08-03 Thread Michael Hall

On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 01:27:17PM +0100, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:
  you need to specify EVERYTHING=1 or PERL_DIRECTIVE_HANDLERS=1 to enable
  Apache::ModuleConfig, ie
  perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING=1
 Which raises an interesting question... Is there any way for Makefile.PL
 to determin if a particular option was enabled at mod_perl build time?

'http://site/perl-status?hooks' ?

I let my mind wander and it didn't come back...

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bugs 5.6.0 modperl use?

2000-06-01 Thread Michael hall

On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 12:00:45PM -0700, Doug MacEachern wrote:

 On Fri, 26 May 2000, Michael hall wrote:
  On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 01:36:33AM -0400, Jeff Stuart wrote:
   Ok, follow up question if I may.  :)  Are any of you using it with DBI and
   DBD::mysql?  I see on the Mason list that people are using it with
   HTML::Mason so that module is safe. :)  Looks like I'm gonna have to pull
   out that old Linux box and do a test on it. :)
  Using DBI, DBD:mysql, and perl 5.60 (compiled with -DUseThreads) here. Doug
  was kind enough to post a couple of patches for DBI and DBD:mysql to get
  them to compile (when using -DUseThreads). I wouldn't call it a production
  server though since its very low volume, but I haven't had any problems
  with it.
 did you forward those patches along to the authors?

Yes, and also posted them on the 'dbi-users' list. Other than a few requests
for them from others (which I sent them :-) I haven't had any response from
either Tim or Joachim (sp?). Just installed a new Mysql-modules the other
day, no changes I could see so I just applied your patch and compiled it
otherwise it failed with the same old stuff. Tim posted a message awhile
ago that there would be a new version of DBI coming out soon, hopefully
it'll incorporate some fixes.

Do I have to pee whenever I see this sign ? WET FLOOR...

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bugs 5.6.0 modperl use?

2000-05-26 Thread Michael hall

On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 01:36:33AM -0400, Jeff Stuart wrote:

 Ok, follow up question if I may.  :)  Are any of you using it with DBI and
 DBD::mysql?  I see on the Mason list that people are using it with
 HTML::Mason so that module is safe. :)  Looks like I'm gonna have to pull
 out that old Linux box and do a test on it. :)

Using DBI, DBD:mysql, and perl 5.60 (compiled with -DUseThreads) here. Doug
was kind enough to post a couple of patches for DBI and DBD:mysql to get
them to compile (when using -DUseThreads). I wouldn't call it a production
server though since its very low volume, but I haven't had any problems
with it.

You can search the archives for 'Subject: Re: mod_perl 2.x/perl 5.6.x ?'
to find the patches or email me and I'll send them.

He was so crooked you could use him to pull corks with.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OT: Re: Most nonesense I've ever read about mod_perl

2000-05-07 Thread Michael hall

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 08:20:34PM -0400, Jeff Stuart wrote:

 [ of message deleted...]
  Every language has it use, the truly knowledgeable understand when to
  use each language:)
 Amen to that!!!  I think that this point and the point about writing GOOD
 algorithms are VERY important ones and I think that it's important that this
 be taught!  I'm not sure if it's being taught now in school but in my day
 (GOD I sound old :)) (1987-1991)  it wasn't.

You make me sound ancient :-) When I started at the UofM (1971) it was
Fortran 77, Pascal and punch cards. You're right though, not much on
theory, algorithms, style, etc., just dry examples out of text books.
Lot of good any of that does me these days, things like Perl, C, weren't
around (or at least I never heard of them) and not much use for Fortran
or Pascal these days, I guess it was still valuable for the experience

The more you run over a dog, the flatter it gets.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mod_perl 2.x/perl 5.6.x ?

2000-04-26 Thread Michael hall

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 07:08:00PM -0700, Doug MacEachern wrote:

  The biggest hurdle I've faced until now is
  that DBI won't build with this threaded perl. Hopefully DBI will be updated
  since the latest version is from july 99.
 it compiles with the patch below, not sure if it actually works though :)

Just tried it here and aside from some warnings it compiled and passed all
its tests. Can't say whether it works or not though as Msql-Mysql doesn't
compile, you got a patch hiding for that somewhere too :-)

PS: Mind if I post your message/patch on 'dbi-users' for Tim's benefit ?

I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mod_perl 2.x/perl 5.6.x ?

2000-04-26 Thread Michael hall

On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 01:32:29AM -0700, Doug MacEachern wrote:

  Just tried it here and aside from some warnings it compiled and passed all
  its tests. Can't say whether it works or not though as Msql-Mysql doesn't
  compile, you got a patch hiding for that somewhere too :-)
 sure :)  again, just compiles, not sure if it works.
  PS: Mind if I post your message/patch on 'dbi-users' for Tim's benefit ?
 not at all, but i doubt either patch is quite right (the mysql one esp. is
 a quick hack)

Geez, I wasn't actually expecting a patch (just hoping maybe :-) and here
one is ! What can I say besides restating an earlier comment some else
posted recently "** You're the man **" !!

I don't know if the patches are quite right as you say, but both patches
(DBI, Msql-Mysql) compiled, passed their tests and after moving a couple
of scripts and databases over to the 'play' box they worked fine accessing
the mysql databases, displaying, inserting, and deleting records. Its just
a simple database-based GuestBook, nothing major but if its any indication
things appear to work fine with your patches.

I held off posting either of them to 'dbi-users' until I could do some 
testing but since they seem to work I'm going to go ahead and post them
over there so the authors can take a peek, review, etc.

PS: I did find a patch Tim had posted for DBI, it didn't work for DBI but
it did work for Msql-Mysql. Looks like either your Msql-Mysql patch
or Tim's DBI patch work for Msql-Mysql, the common key seems to be
defining 'dbis', although they do it in different ways. I stuck with
your patches for both to keep things consistent. Tim's patch is below:

Index: DBI-1.1301/DBIXS.h   
Prereq:  10.11  
*** DBI-1.13/DBIXS.hMon Jul 12 03:04:28 1999
--- DBI-1.1301/DBIXS.h  Tue Jul 13 23:01:22 1999
*** 1,4 
! /* $Id: DBIXS.h,v 10.11 1999/07/12 02:02:33 timbo Exp $   
   * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999  Tim Bunce  England   
--- 1,4 
! /* $Id: DBIXS.h,v 10.12 1999/07/13 22:01:12 timbo Exp $   
   * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999  Tim Bunce  England   
*** 397,407 

  # define DBISTATE_INIT
! static dbistate_t * get_dbistate() {  
! return ((dbistate_t*)SvIVX(DBISTATE_ADDRSV)); 
! # define DBIS (get_dbistate())

  #else /* plain and simple non perl object / multiplicity case */  

  # define DBISTATE_DECLARE static dbistate_t *DBIS 
--- 397,410 

  # define DBISTATE_INIT
! static dbistate_t **get_dbistate() {  
! return ((dbistate_t**)SvIVX(DBISTATE_ADDRSV));   
! # define DBIS (*get_dbistate())   

+ /* temporary for drivers that mistakenly use 'dbis' instead of 'DBIS' */  
+ # define dbis (*get_dbistate())   
  #else /* plain and simple non perl object / multiplicity case */  

mod_perl 2.x/perl 5.6.x ?

2000-04-22 Thread Michael hall

I'm more of a perl end user and plead ignorance in actually understanding
what goes on behind the scenes. In the process of considering upgrading to
perl 5.6 and according to a recent message I see its going to be required
for mod_perl 2.x anyways so I guess its a good time to start migrating in that
direction. I was curious as to if there are requirements as to how perl
should be built for this. I scanned through the archives as I seemed to
remember some threads about this awhile ago, especially regarding threads
and multiplicity, from what I can see it looks like -DMULTIPLICITY is
going to be required ?, don't know about -DTHREADS, doesn't look like it
though. Can anybody in the know, shed some light on this, just trying to
save some work down the road as I'd like to upgrade to the perl 5.6 stuff
now and use it with my existing mod_perl (I already use the CVS version
and I know thats required for perl 5.6) but I really don't want to have
recompile perl (and modules, etc) again later if I can build it the way
it will need to be now and continue using mod_perl 1.x and then just upgrade
to mod_perl 2.x down the road.


A person is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mod_perl 2.x/perl 5.6.x ?

2000-04-22 Thread Michael hall

On Sat, Apr 22, 2000 at 11:59:58AM +0200, Eric Cholet wrote:

  though. Can anybody in the know, shed some light on this, just trying to
  save some work down the road as I'd like to upgrade to the perl 5.6 stuff
  now and use it with my existing mod_perl (I already use the CVS version
  and I know thats required for perl 5.6) but I really don't want to have
  recompile perl (and modules, etc) again later if I can build it the way
  it will need to be now and continue using mod_perl 1.x and then just upgrade
  to mod_perl 2.x down the road.
 mod_perl-2.0 requires perl 5.6 to be build with -Dusethreads, which turns
 on threading and multiplicity. The biggest hurdle I've faced until now is
 that DBI won't build with this threaded perl. Hopefully DBI will be updated
 since the latest version is from july 99.
 This is for using Apache 2.0's pthread MPM, of course you can build perl
 5.6 non threaded and use apache 2.0's prefork model but then it's not
 as exciting :-)

Thinking about it now after your message and it makes sense. I've actually
been a bit lazy and still have one of the older CVS versions (pre alpha)
of Apache 2.0, guess I don't know about the alphas but I was playing with
both the threaded, dexter MPM's. Since dexter is kind of a hybrid but uses
threads I assume it'll also need a threaded perl then.

At one time I did build a threaded perl but ran into problems here and there
with various modules, etc. Don't recall having any problems with DBI but then
again it wasn't perl 5.6 either, that is kind of a show stopper though :-(

All in all I guess I found out the answer, might just as well go for it and
build 5.6 threaded, grab the lastest Apache 2.x alpha and take what comes.
Its my play box anyways so I guess I can live with some things being broken :-)

Didn't I see your picture on a milk carton ?

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Proxy Nice Failure

2000-04-21 Thread Michael hall

On Sat, Apr 22, 2000 at 12:28:41AM +0300, Stas Bekman wrote:

   I like the mod_proxy module in reverse httpd accel mode, but 
   am interested in having some nicer failure capabilities.  I have 
   hacked in this kind of stuff before but was wondering if anyone 
   had any official patch for this kind of stuff.  


 Hmm, cool ideas folks. The problem is that you probably should ask for
 this at the mod_proxy list if such a beast exists. Unless the authors of
 the module are lurking around mod_perl list. Correct me if I'm wrong, I
 like the idea and I like it to be implemented too :)

I'm on the new-httpd list (as a lurker, not a developer :-). Any ideas,
patches, help porting, etc. would be more than welcome on the list.
Mod-Proxy is actually kind of in limbo, there are some in favor of
dropping it and others who want it. I guess the code is difficult and
not easy to maintain and thats why some would just as soon see it go
unless someone steps up to maintain (redesign) it. There are some
working on it and apparently it will survive in some form or another.
Now would be a perfect time for anybody to get involved in it.

Friends don't let friends use Windows.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache::Request

2000-04-12 Thread Michael hall

On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 11:52:44PM -0700, John S. Evans wrote:

 I saw (in the code) that there's one open file per uploaded file.  That
 should be fine.  I just need to find out if they're getting closed
 What is "lsof"?

  'LiSt Open Files', its really a handy tool for diagnosing. I just
happened to be setting up a new machine today and checked for the
latest release to grab and install.
  Its available at ''.

The results of your IQ test are back, they're negative.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache::Registry and -M

2000-01-11 Thread Michael Hall

On Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 05:18:00PM -0800, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

 From my quick look at it looks like there's no way to disable
 the feature where a script will be re-compiled if it changes on disk.
 Is this correct?
 This is a problem if I update both the main script, and modules used by the
 script. For example, adding a new subroutine to a module and then calling
 it from the main Registry script.  The main script will be recompiled, but
 not the module, so I'll get an undefinded subroutine called.
 I'm not using Apache::StatINC - the module isn't in the @INC path at startup.
 I'd like to be able to move the updated script and module into place and
 either do a -USR1 restart or just wait for the Apache processes to go
 through their normal life cycle.  As is, it seems as if I have to bring
 down the server, move in the updated scripts in, and restart.  Not the most
 graceful process.

  May be mistaken but doesn't RegistryBB skip the recompile checks and
just compiles once ? Seem to remember it being 'bare bones' and didn't
do the 'stat's and stuff.

When she hauled ass, it took three trips.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: httpd.conf problem.

1999-10-08 Thread Michael Hall

On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 04:25:39PM +0200, Terje Malmedal wrote:

 Inside a Perl section I want to configure mod_rewrite dynamically,
 this works:
   $RewriteRule = "/cgi-bin/printenv  /cgi-bin/ [PT]";
 If I do this:
   $RewriteRule = "/cgi-bin/printenv  /cgi-bin/ [PT]";
   $RewriteRule = "/cgi-bin/test  /cgi-bin/ [PT]";
 the last RewriteRule will hide the first one. 
 The following attempts to not work at all: 
   push(@RewriteRule , "/cgi-bin/printenv  /cgi-bin/ [PT]");
   push(@RewriteRule , "/cgi-bin/printenv" , "/cgi-bin/ [PT]");
   push(@RewriteRule , "/cgi-bin/printenv" , "/cgi-bin/", "[PT]");
   $RewriteRule{'/cgi-bin/printenv'} = "/cgi-bin/ [PT]";
 Am I missing something obvious? 

  Have you tried using the 'L' flag (see Apache manual) this will stop
further processing, ie:

$RewriteRule = "/cgi-bin/printenv  /cgi-bin/ [PT,L]";
$RewriteRule = "/cgi-bin/test  /cgi-bin/ [PT,L]";

I've been dead before. - Captain Spock, Star Trek VI

Mike Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ: #37292579,
System Administrator (MH993) (*nix, OS/2 certified - C, Perl, CGI hacker)

Re: httpd.conf problem.

1999-10-08 Thread Michael Hall

On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 11:54:58AM -0700, Cliff Rayman wrote:

 I've never used perl sections, but unless $RewriteRule is some magic variable,
 the second assignment simply overwrites the first one.
  Sorry for my previous post, I see the problem now after re-reading things.
At first glance I thought he was having different problems and suggested the
'L' switch. I've never done anything similar to what he's doing so I don't
have a suggestion for that, sorry about any confusion, got to try and
remember to fully read before replying :-)


If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me ?

Mike Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ: #37292579,
System Administrator (MH993) (*nix, OS/2 certified - C, Perl, CGI hacker)