Re: EmbPerl use HTML::Embperl failed ( just Win95 )

1999-12-15 Thread Rolf Ohnmacht

- Original Message -
From: Gerald Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: EmbPerl use HTML::Embperl failed ( just Win95 )

  Same old message:
  Can't load
  module HTML::Embperl: load_file:Eine DLL-Initialisierungsroutine ist
  fehlgeschlagen at C:/perl561/5.00561/lib/MSWin32-x86/ line
   at line 1
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 1.
  I have no idea what could be wrong else! So I inspected at
  line 72 but no chance ...

 Are you sure you are having the correct ApacheCore.dll in your PATH on


Yes, I'm sure! I copied the whole Apache ( and Perl ) tree from NT to Win95
verified that there is no other ApacheCore.dll left on the file system that
could be
erranously taken. Apache and Perl are now exactly identical on both systems.
Could it be that there are other libraries in the path killing the chain?
In other words: what's the minimal allocation of libs I have to use after
booting to make
sure that it lies not on my Win95 configuration? If I can exclude side
effects by others
there could be a light on horizon ...


Re: Win32+PerlModule works !!!

1999-12-15 Thread Rolf Ohnmacht

- Original Message -
From: John D Groenveld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rolf Ohnmacht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: Win32+PerlModule works !!!

 Have you been able to install it as a NT Service? I can only run
 1.3.9/1.2.21 from the command line. 1.3.6/1.2.21 are working fine.
 :( I hate NT.

No, because on the Apache installation guide it was described that one
should have a special "install shield" tool to get the NT Service to work.
But I start Apache from a simple command shell and I like it much more
than do some "clicky-clicky" to get into the services folder and do other
clicks to stop/start/restart the server. Using command-lines it's only Ctr-C
and DblClick!
This is one of many reasons I like Apache: I spent some time with IIS and
ASP and hated IIS because of its overdimensionaled graphical interface.
Then I went to Apache and found that the whole thing can be done within
one editable config file - http.conf ...
Why do you wish to have the Apache as NT Service to run? If you have
good arguments, let me know!


Win32+PerlModule works !!!

1999-12-14 Thread Rolf Ohnmacht

- Original Message -
From: Randy Kobes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rolf Ohnmacht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: Win32+modperl+EmbPerl - some questions ...

  1.) 'PerlModule' ( eg. srm.conf ) or 'use HTML::Embperl' (
  don't work! But if I leave it - no problem! Is this a special
 I've seen a similar problem before on Win32 - try compiling
 mod_perl with the PERL_STARTUP_DONE_CHECK flag set, which you
 can do by adding


 to the top of src/modules/perl/mod_perl.h.

 best regards,
 Randy Kobes

Thanks a lot, Randy!!! I recompiled mod_perl with that flag, and now
PerlModule/PerlRequire/Use ...
work! Apache comes up, and everything seems fine so far! But I don't know
how this flag
influences whatever. If that works for all Win32-systems and has no bad
side-effect, I suggest
that it should be inserted into the distributed 'mod_perl.h'-file - thinking
I'm not the only one having
this problem ...


Re: EmbPerl use HTML::Embperl failed ( just Win95 )

1999-12-13 Thread Rolf Ohnmacht

- Original Message -
From: Gerald Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 5:41 AM
Subject: RE: EmbPerl use HTML::Embperl failed

  "nmake test" did (and does) not work correct !!!

 First nmake test must run correct, then I guess we have the reason, why
 offline mode doesn't work

 Embperl is linked against the
 c:\apache\apache_1.3.9\src\CoreR\ApacheCore.dll and I guess the
 ApacheCore.dll in c:\apache and c:\apache\apache_1.3.9\src\CoreR are not
 same. Is this possible? As you see from the path nmake test adds the
 location where it "thinks" ApacheCore.dll could be found to the end of the
 path, but because c:\apche is in your path, this one will be found first.

Right !!! The ApacheCore.dll in c:\apache was different ( I don't know why -
possibly from the previous installed binary distribution). I deleted
c:\Apache from
path and it worked - on NT. Same procedure on Win95 did not success (but
is not really relevant ...) - I was warned not to compile Perl+Apache+... on

Is it possible to copy the whole "Apache"-tree generated on NT onto my
machine expecting to work ( Apache+Perl path names are identical ) ?

Win32+modperl+EmbPerl - some questions ...

1999-12-13 Thread Rolf Ohnmacht

Now mod_perl and EmbPerl work fine on my NT+Win95 - I'm
daily impressed how fast it works!
But there are many open questions:

1.) 'PerlModule' ( eg. srm.conf ) or 'use HTML::Embperl' ( both
don't work! But if I leave it - no problem! Is this a special
I read some mails from the archives that I'm not the only one who has had
problem. But why do I need it when everything runs (fast) without it?

2.) What's behind the sceenes? Am I sure that everything runs fast enough
there are 500+ ... users concurrently request the
pages instead of 5-10 testers ( only one server process and one
single-threaded Perl
interpreter )? Can I simulate the "real life" (or calculate it if not)?

3.) Is it worth about thinking to turn to a Unix system?

4.) How can I test (and protocol!) performance, CPU-usage ... on

5.) I tried Apache::DBI to access DB2 via ODBC but it was not faster than
it by using just DBI (maybe the internal cache from ODBC/DB2 ?). Now I
connect and
disconnect every time within the apache module - but it is so fast !!!?

Ok, that's enough for now. If I get any answers ( especially from
Users ) I would be happy. Meanwhile I study the eagle book - one of the best


EmbPerl use HTML::Embperl failed

1999-12-10 Thread Rolf Ohnmacht

Hello, I successfully use Modperl together with 
Embperl for building an Intranet.
My environment:

NT4.0 / Win95 ( Office / at home ) 
Perl 5.005_61
EmbPerl 1.2b9

Everything works fine!
Now for the purpose of "offline-browsing" I wanted 
to generate the HTML-files not
dynamically via http but with using "embpexec.bat" 
in batch.

The "use HTML::Embperl" - line fails along with the 

Can't load 
'C:/perl5/site/5.00561/lib/MSWin32-x86/auto/HTML/Embperl/Embperl.dll' for module 
HTML::Embperl: load_file:Eine DLL-Initialisierungsroutine ist fehlgeschlagen at 
C:/perl5/5.00561/lib/MSWin32-x86/ line 
line 1BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 1.
In the PATH-Environment I included the library 
containing ApacheCore.dll as I found in a previous mail in the mailing list 
it didn't work.

I suppose it's the same reason as if I include the 
"use HTML::EmbPerl" into the ! When I do this, the server does 
start without any message, but if I leave it, 
EmbPerl loads on the first request so I didn't matter in the past about that 
that Apache on Win32 is still an experimental 
feature ...).

Why does my Modperl/EmbPerl work but my EmbPerl 
(standalone) not ???

Thanks for any help !!!
