RE: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread Stephen Reppucci
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Jesse Erlbaum wrote:

> > That's for all the info so far.  To answer some questions,
> > hardware is a cost issue right now.  It's somewhat scary that
> > $3,200 was a "reasonable" price several years ago, but I
> > suppose it could be worse.  We will investigate further.
> Actually, $3200 was a STEAL!  Cisco's "Local Director" was in the mid
> five-figures at the time, IIRC.  :-)

No, the local directors were that never that much, maybe "low
five-figures", like $12-15K or so. was running on a pair of
(saturated) low end LD's up until around Y2K, when we revamped the load
balancing architecture and switched over to ArrowPoint (which then got
gobbled up by Cisco) load distributing switches.

At that time, a past-its-prime LD could be had for $3K or so, and a
state-of-the-art Arrowpoint CS-150 ran around $12K (but we installed the
higher capacity CS-800, which ran around $30K each -- just don't ask
them to support HTTP 100% correctly... ;^)

I've been out of touch with hardware load balancing equipment over the
last couple of years, but if the decline in hardware costs of these
things has continued, I'd guess a reasonably chunky solution can be had
in the $5-7K range at this point. (Of course, you'd need to multiply
that cost by two for complete redundancy...)

[ Love to hear from someone with current knowledge if this is the case

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: mod_perl via ssl?

2002-05-21 Thread Stephen Reppucci

You need to specify a command line option of -DSSL when you start
the server. If you're using the stock apachectl, it's usually
'./apachectl start_ssl'

Not that this question is on topic...

On Tue, 21 May 2002, Chris Garrigues wrote:

> I've been lurking on this list for a while but hadn't actually been running
> mod_perl.  I'm now trying to get it working on my system, but have hit a
> wall that I'm sure someone can tell me how to get around.
> I'm using the Mandrake RPMs for apache and mod_ssl:
> apache-conf-1.3.23-4mdk
> apache-1.3.23-4mdk
> apache-devel-1.3.23-4mdk
> apache-modules-1.3.23-4mdk
> apache-mod_perl-1.3.23_1.26-5mdk
> apache-common-1.3.23-4mdk
> libopenssl0-0.9.6c-2mdk
> openssl-0.9.6b-10
> mod_ssl-2.8.7-2mdk
> openssl-devel-0.9.6b-10
> I just updated to this version and think I now have my conf files correct in the
> new architecture although I haven't actually run anything under mod_perl yet.
> My question is that all my CGIs that I want to convert to mod_perl run under
> SSL, but I can't figure out how to enable SSL in the httpd-perl server.
> Am I missing something simple?
> Chris

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: Location header blows away Set-Cookie?

2002-04-12 Thread Stephen Reppucci

I think this is in the Guide somewhere, but the short answer is to
use 'err_header_out()' rather than 'header_out' for any type of
non-success result.

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Thomas K. Burkholder wrote:

> Apologies if this is well-known - a generalized search failed to explain
> the behaviour I'm seeing.
> Using:
> Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux mod_ssl/2.8.7 OpenSSL/0.9.6c
> mod_perl/1.26
> I'm using a perl handler in which I create a session and bind it to a
> cookie if a session doesn't already exist, fetch some results from a
> database, put the results in the session, then redirect to another page
> that is responsible for pulling the results out of the session and
> producing the html output.  As a test case, I do exactly this:
>$r->header_out("Set-Cookie" => 'foo1=bar1');
>$r->header_out("Location" => $redir);
>return REDIRECT;
> I use curl to test with - the result does not contain the Set-Cookie
> header.  Is it expected behaviour that redirection should blow away
> Set-Cookie headers, and I just have to find a different way to do this?
> I'm pretty sure this isn't a caching issue since I'm using curl to
> initiate the test.
> Am I barking up the wrong tree?
> Thanks in advance for any help-
> //Thomas
> Thomas K. Burkholder

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: mod_perl & restart vs. graceful

2002-04-09 Thread Stephen Reppucci

Hi Darren,

See my suggested refinement below (I don't like to leave the server
down any longer than needed...8^):

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, darren chamberlain wrote:

> For exactly this reason, I always modify apachectl so that the restart
> option looks like:
> restart)
> timeout=${2:-5}
> count=0
> $0 stop
> while [ $count -lt $timeout ]; do

  while [ -f $PIDFILE -a $count -lt $timeout ]; do

> echo -n ". "
> sleep 1
> count=`expr $count + 1`
> done
> echo ""
> $0 start
> ;;
> This will sleep for $2 (or 5 seconds) between stopping and starting.
> The sleep ensures that the start doesn't get called too quickly.

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: [OT] Apache Config Problem

2002-02-19 Thread Stephen Reppucci

Yes, just add a 'Port 80' line to your VirtualHost section.

While many folks assume that this directive is for telling apache
which port to listen on (it's not -- the Listen directive does
that...), it's actually a setting that instructs Apache to use the
named port in any generated urls.  (At least, that's my
understanding of it, and it appears to work like that for me...)

UseCanonical tells apache to always use the canonical ("ServerName")
setting in generated urls -- that allows you to have a ServerAlias
for something like '', and have generated urls redirect to to

So, if you virtual host was something like:


  Port 80

Then (assuming your bigip sends requests for to generated urls will be to
'' (I think the ':80' is dropped as the
default port...)


On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Robert Landrum wrote:

> I'm trying to do something really simple and trying to avoid writing
> an Modperl handler to do it.
> We have a website behind a bigip running on port 8080.  When someone
> requests a URL that doesn't end with a slash, it's redirected to
> http://host:8080/path/ .  I tried turning off UseCononicalName, but
> it didn't have any effect.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> --
> When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When
> I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Authenticating against Active Directory

2002-02-19 Thread Stephen Reppucci

Does anyone have any experience in writing an authentication handler
that authenticates against Microsoft's Active Directory?

I have a project for a client who wants to use their existing AD
data for user data (username, password, realname, groups, etc).  In
doing a little googling, it seems that AD is "sort of like" LDAP,
but I couldn't find any definitive info that something like
Apache::AuthenLDAP will just work against AD. (The Apache server
piece would be Linux, if that matters...)

(I saw the recent O'Reilly article on doing AD integration, but that
seemed to rely on deploying a proxy process on the AD server, which
I'd like to avoid, if possible.)

Thanks for any insight anyone can add.

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: Influencing @INC list

2002-02-11 Thread Stephen Reppucci

OK, I'll be the one to throw out the gratuitous plug for Geoff,
etal's book. The Mod_Perl Cookbook has a nice discussion of exactly
this in Chapter 2. (I'd give you the page, but I left it at work...)

(I'm only through the first few chapters, but from what I've read so
far, this is a real winner.  Buy it.)

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Brian Reichert wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 04:29:43PM -0500, Kevin Slean wrote:
> >
> > Mod Perl Mongers...
> >
> > I need to run multiple apache servers on one Solaris 2.7 box configured in
> > such a way that each of them accesses their own private copy of perl
> > libraries.  I would like to achieve this configuration with the
> > least amount of changes to my over all implementation.
> >
> > For instance, given 2 apache servers defined in the following 2 directories:
> >
> >/usr/local/siteA   <- directory tree containing everything for server A
> >/usr/local/siteB   <- directory tree containing everything for server B
> >
> > The default perl installation on this unix system is under
> > /usr/local/lib/perl5 and the default @INC list is:
> I believe you can abuse PERL5LIB in each vhost...
> >
> > Kevin
> >

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[OT] Re: New mod_perl Logo

2002-01-30 Thread Stephen Reppucci

All right -- I know I should just silently delete this, and let it
go, but it's like a bad traffic accident, I just have to sneak a

In exactly what way do you connote "American-style" out of any of
those names?  The fact that Big Foot is a mythical being often
associated with the US northwest? (I think the Canadians talk about
Big Foot too...)

And "racist"?? Come on, that's certainly a reach...

When in doubt, accuse others of being provincial, and act damn
indignant.  Curse their nationality too...

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Ron Savage wrote:

> Jeezus you guys.
> All these American-style names are verging on the racist.
> This is world-wide code, not f---ing American-wide code.
> Cheers
> Ron Savage
>   - Original Message -
>   Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 12:48 PM
>   Subject: Re: New mod_perl Logo
>   In a message dated 30-Jan-02 12:50:50 AM GMT Standard Time, 
> How about "BigFoot"?
>   Probably not the best for a server application. Might make one
> think of the "footprint" involved ... and isn't one of the major
> reasons to moving to mod_perl to reduce the overhead and
> "footprint" of the server?
>   Now Yetti no conotation there. Or Swamp Beast, Sasquatch, or
> possibly even the local favorite Nessie (I'd love to see Ora get
> a picture of her on the next book!)
>   -Chris

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: Cgi permission Questions

2002-01-21 Thread Stephen Reppucci

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Joe Bifano wrote:

> Hi all,
> My first time on the list.  I have been looking at the archives but am not
> able to find anything on this.

Exactly.  Because this list is about perl, specifically mod_perl,
while your question is about Apache, and its configuration.

Please don't ask questions here which have no relevance.  There are
other lists that discuss these issues.

Please visit, where there is a wealth
of great documentation put together through the effort of volunteers
to answer exactly this question.

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: Vhosts + mod_perl

2001-11-30 Thread Stephen Reppucci

Well, you certainly haven't inconvenience yourself by taking the
time to look at the copious documentation available on this, now
have you?

That said, here's a snippet of what you want to use:



  DocumentRoot  /var/apache/htdocs

  Options  +ExecCGI +Indexes
  AddHandler   cgi-script .cgi

SetHandler perl-script
PerlFreshRestart On
PerlHandler Foo:Bar
PerlSetVar SOME_VAR /usr/local/foo


On Sat, 1 Dec 2001, James wrote:

> Does anyone have a quick example of setting up a vhost with mod_perl
> enabled please? Also an ordinary cgi-bin, with file extensions .pl and
> .cgi enabled?
> Also with a vhost, I can name the host anything I like can't I? For
> example, say my domain is localhost.localdomain but I'm using dyndns to
> make it a hostname, say, I can assign
> and with vhosts, the requests will get piped to my
> main machine which is trains, and the vhost section will take care of
> the rest, knowing which document root to use, right? I don't have to
> mess around with DNS or anything do I to make new subdomains?
> Is it:
> Options +Indexes +ExecCGI
> DocumentIndex ??? index.html default.html
> perl-handler # hmm, get mod_perl working in /doc/root/perl
> cgi-bin
>   # hmmm, get a cgi-bin happening in /doc/root/cgi-bin
> Or something like that?
> Many Thanks.
> James

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: DSO Issues

2001-11-27 Thread Stephen Reppucci

If we're collecting a list of things that don't work in a DSO
build, add perl subs (via ).

At least, they didn't work as of January of this year.

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, John Chia wrote:

> On 27 November 2001 15:17 (-0500), Vivek Khera wrote:
> > The *only* issue I encounter is a massive memory leak upon SIGHUP or
> > SIGUSR to apache.
> Hm.  I only get memory leaks if PerlFreshRestart is enabled and I SIGHUP
> it.

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: New user help

2001-10-29 Thread Stephen Reppucci

Build apache first, then build mod_perl. The mod_perl install
modifies the apache tree (it asks you for a path to the apache tree
to modify, but defaults to ../apache)

If you're new to mod_perl, you'll want to head on over to the guide
( for Stas' great descriptions of the
build procedure and lots of other subjects.

Also, I find it easier to build apache statically when doing a
mod_perl build.  (Others are much bolder than me... ;^)

Good luck,

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Rudi wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to join the mod_perl / apache community.
> I'm having install problems that I've been trying to solve for 2 days with no luck. 
>So I'd like bother you folks with a beginer question.
> I'm using Debian 2.2, Apache 1.3.14 and mod_perl 1.24_1.
> I've tried several times and this is a close as I can get.
> a) unzip both Apache and mod_perl.
> b) mod_perl is first : perl Makefile.Pl EVERYTHNG = 1,make,make install.
> c) Now apache :
> ./configure
> --prefix=/usr/local/apache
> --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite
> --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a --enable-shared=perl
> Everything compiles OK.
> However, my httpd.conf file now has LoadModule perl_module libexec/
> But this is no on my hardrive.
> I've run updatedb and search but there is no
> As a result apache will no start ( error about )
> At work I use Coldfusion,PHP and some CGI with perl. I'm looking forward to getting 
>into mod_perl heaps as perl is a tool
> I can use for both web development and system admin.
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards Rudi.

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: Off-topic - Apache Config - Load crises

2001-10-11 Thread Stephen Reppucci

I agree with the response that you need to do some statistics
gathering to try to accurately isolate the cause of your problems.

I *don't* agree with the other suggestion that was made to UP the
keepalive to 15-20 seconds (the default that apache comes with is 5,

Here's why: Assuming that you have one server serving both modperl
and image requests, those keepalives are tieing up a large, heavy
server, doing nothing but waiting for a new potential request.
("Right on" to the suggestion to try to get those image requests
directed to a separate web server which can be separately tuned...)

I actually have a snippet from a writeup I did for a client who was
experiencing high server loads about a year ago, here's what I wrote

KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15

In my experience, the performance killer here is KeepAliveTimeout.

This defines the number of seconds that a server child will wait for
a client to send additional requests over an already-open connection
before closing the socket and making itself available to service
other clients' requests - this default value is way too high.

Where keep alives work well is in situations where an bunch of
requests are likely to occur one after another - such as what's
typical when fetching an HTML page containing dozens or more image
files served from the same server. Keeping the connection open and
serving the HTML page and many of its images without tearing down
and re-establishing the connection makes sense here.

On a heavily loaded server however, having a server hang around
idle, tieing up resources for this long waiting for a new request is
wasteful. It's much less of a drain to get that process back into
the pool of available child servers as quickly as possible, allowing
it to service other requests. This is especially true when you
realize that the typical browser tries to optimize its transfers by
opening up to four separate TCP connections to the server when
loading a page's components, thereby tieing up four child servers.

Thinking of the typical client request, where an HTML page is
fetched and its referenced images are then also requested, it makes
sense to me that these requests are going to come very quickly. It
certainly seems reasonable to expect that subsequent component
requests will occur in under a second, and that if more than a
second elapses without a request, then it's likely that all of the
components have been read and the user is likely now reading the

This being said, I like to set KeepaliveTimeout to its lowest value
- '1'. In my not-very-scientific tests, this seems to be the best
value to balance the latency experienced by any one client with the
overall performance of the server.


Lowering the keepalive did the trick for these people.

Disclaimer: I don't have any carefully gathered evidence that this
idea (setting keepalive to '1') will do what I postulate it should
above. But back when I had access to a large website, with lots of
bandwidth, we did some empirical tests that certainly seemed to
confirm this idea -- setting a smaller keepalive resulted in better
'ab' numbers. I *did* though send a message to the Apache group, and
got a response from Mark Slemko which pointed towards this as a
possible issue.

A couple of other suggestions: Set Timeout to a lower value (maybe
30?) and decrease MaxClients using the techniques described in Stas'

Also, I agree that given the network latency of your site, you might
be better off setting the keepalives to a higher value than
what I recommend in the above (maybe 2?)

I'd love hear others' thoughts on this -- ideas for tuning web
servers is a fun topic, afaic...!

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Rafiq Ismail wrote:

> I know this is a bit off topic, but I could use some immediate advise on
> server config?
> Got a server which is getting hit really bad.
> Have to keep it up.  I've got:
> P Timeout 300
> # Keepalive, better on this server...
> KeepAlive   On
> MaxKeepAliveRequests100
> KeepAliveTimeout5
> # performance services
> MinSpareServers 5
> MaxSpareServers 50
> StartServers20
> StartServers20
> MaxClients  250
> Pings look like:
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=0 ttl=244 time=1069.3 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=1 ttl=244 time=984.8 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=2 ttl=244 time=1138.9 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=3 ttl=244 time=1567.1 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=4 ttl=244 time=1622.3 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=5 ttl=244 time=1382.8 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=6 ttl=244 time=1145.5 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=7 ttl=244 time=1065.6 ms
> 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=8 ttl=244 time=1133.6 ms
> There are some really graphic intensive pages here, however I'm not sure
> if Keep alive is good when there's lots of contention for pa

Re: [OT] 408 http responses?

2001-09-20 Thread Stephen Reppucci

I've got a couple of dozen this month -- not sure what the source
is, but they definitely seem to be coming from just a few hosts.
Also, many of mine have no URI in the request, they just seem to
connect and not make any request.

Smells like some time of worm...

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Nick Tonkin wrote:

> Hi all, sorry to bother, but has anyone else noticed a bunch of 408
> (client timed out) requests beginning last evening?
> Some but not all of these have also been trying the Nimda exploit. Perhaps
> Nimda (or another Micro$oft product) is screwing up the clients?
> nick@world /usr/local/apachessl/bin>perl -e
> 'open(L,"/home/nick/logs/httpd_log"); while(){
> chomp;my $r=m/408/?"4":m/cmd|root|c\+di/?"w":"";
> if($r){$_=~s/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}).*/$1/;$c{$r}{$_}++;}}
> foreach(sort{ $c{4}{$a}<=>$c{4}{$b} } keys %{ $c{4} }){
> print"$_\t\t[$c{4}{$_}]\t[$c{w}{$_}]\n";}'
> [1] []
>  [1] []
>  [1] []
>[1] []
>  [1] []
>   [1] []
> [1] []
>  [1] []
>[1] []
>   [1] []
>   [1] []
>[1] []
>  [1] [2]
>   [1] []
>   [1] []
>  [2] []
>[3] []
>  [4] []
>   [5] []
>[6] [16]
>  [6] []
>  [6] []
>  [7] []
>   [8] []
>   [8] []
>   [8] []
>[8] [384]
>  [9] []
>  [12][]
> [12][]
>  [12][]
>  [13][112]
>  [14][]
> [15][]
>  [15][]
> [15][]
> [16][]
>  [16][]
>   [16][]
> [16][]
>  [16][]
>  [16][]
>  [16][]
>  [16][]
>   [16][]
>  [16][]
> [16][]
> [16][]
>   [16][]
>  [16][]
>  [16][]
>  [16][]
>   [16][]
>  [17][]
> ~~~
> Nick Tonkin

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: forbidden vs. cookie

2001-05-01 Thread Stephen Reppucci

Howdy Ken!

I think there are two separate issues here -- there's an expiration
time on the cookie, which is your app's instruction to the client as
to how long the cookie should be kept.  Then there's an expiration
time of the ticket represented by that cookie data (to use the
Ticket Auth example), which is the length of time the ticket is
valid for.

The ticket expiration time should be in a (tamper-proof) container
encoded within the cookie, and checked by the server side app for
freshness with each request.

Allowing a client's broken idea of the current time (whether broken
through maliciousness or through ignorance) to affect the duration
of the ticket's validity is (IMO) "a bad thing".

If the client's broken idea of the time causes the cookie not to be
stored for the correct duration, oh well, that's *their* problem,

As Tom Christiansen likes to preach "Never trust anything sent from
the client".

On Tue, 1 May 2001, Ken Y. Clark wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote:
> > after seeing the 'expires' dilemma brought about by poorly
> > configured client system clocks, what advice should we follow?
> > (what's the Official Party Line on expiring cookies?)
> I'm not really sure how to answer your question.  I have usually
> understood that the client handles all of this.  That is, you tell the
> client that the cookie is good for 30 minutes, and it figures out when
> those 30 minutes have expired and then quits sending a valid cookie back
> to the server.  Is that right?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

Steve Reppucci   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=