solved, sorry (was Re: missing /virtualhost directive)

2001-11-14 Thread Thomas Bach

sorry for the derangement, i solved it today
thanks anyway!

Thomas Bach

think karo...

At 23:59 13/11/01 +0100, Thomas Bach wrote:

We're running a cobalt raq4 and have some problems with the apache 
configuration. the configuration over the web-interface works all fine, 
but when i add some lines in the httpd.conf for the mod_perl-things (p.ex. 
PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload  PerlModule Apache::Registry) and some 
handlers of myself, a restart succeeds, but with the message:

mod_perl: /VirtualHost
mod_perl: Missing /VirtualHost directive at end-of-file
chiliasp: module started, version

and the cobalt-web-interface for server administration isn't available 
over the ../admin/ adress, which should be rewritten by a rule written in 
some $PerlConfig-Variable which is filled in a Perl /Perl - part of 
the httpd.conf 

do you have any hints? i don't know this server really good, but it seems 
to me that it should be obvious for people working with it ...

thanks alot in advance!

Thomas Bach

think karo...

missing /virtualhost directive

2001-11-13 Thread Thomas Bach


We're running a cobalt raq4 and have some problems with the apache 
configuration. the configuration over the web-interface works all fine, but 
when i add some lines in the httpd.conf for the mod_perl-things (p.ex. 
PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload  PerlModule Apache::Registry) and some 
handlers of myself, a restart succeeds, but with the message:

mod_perl: /VirtualHost
mod_perl: Missing /VirtualHost directive at end-of-file
chiliasp: module started, version

and the cobalt-web-interface for server administration isn't available over 
the ../admin/ adress, which should be rewritten by a rule written in some 
$PerlConfig-Variable which is filled in a Perl /Perl - part of the 

do you have any hints? i don't know this server really good, but it seems 
to me that it should be obvious for people working with it ...

thanks alot in advance!

Thomas Bach

think karo...

internal redirect with byterange (was: open downloaded file)

2001-08-30 Thread Thomas Bach

Hello again

I'm still having troubles delivering my pdf-files ... I'm using the 
code-snippets Geoffrey Young gave me, but i need to use an internal 
redirect, because i provide the files with better (longer) filenames. I 
can't find any tutorials or example-code for it, so I hope you guys can 
help me ...

so what I'm actually doing is:

initial request:
- check permissions
- search the filename of the filesystem
- if it is not a static file: generate  deliever file
- otherwise: make an internal redirect to the specific file

handle the internal redirect:
- generating header
- deliver file (if necessary with byterange ...)

this looks approx. like this:

if ($r-is_initial_req) {
   if (static ()) {
 $r-internal_redirect (newfilename);
   else {
 $r-send_header ();
else {
   $s-headers_out-set('Accept-Ranges' = 'bytes');
   $r-headers_out-set(Content-Disposition =
inline; filename=$name);
   my $size = stat($file)-size;


   # determine if the request is a range request
   my $range_request = $r-set_byterange;

   # yea or nea
   if ((my $status = $r-meets_conditions) == OK) {
   else {
 return $status;

   my $fh = IO::File-new($file);

   # handle a range request properly
   if (($type eq 'pdf')  $range_request) {
 while( my($offset, $length) = $r-each_byterange) {
   seek $fh, $offset, 0;
   $r-send_fd($fh, $length);
   else {
   return DONE;

My problem is now, that i know not exactly what i should return if i make 
an internal_redirect and what i have to return handling this internal_redirect

accessing a file like this results in the access-log in:

[30/Aug/2001:17:13:13 +0200] GET 
/files/sid00017/AR_1000A-TSS_report-TSS.PDF HTTP/1.1 200 32768; Mozilla/4.0 
(compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows

[30/Aug/2001:17:13:14 +0200] GET /files/sid00017/AR_1000A-TSS_report-TSS.PDF
HTTP/1.1 200 40960 - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 
NT) - -

[30/Aug/2001:17:13:14 +0200] GET 
/files/sid00017/AR_1000A-TSS_report-TSS.PDF HTTP/1.1 206 397776 - 
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)

All three entries comes out of an access to one file ... *?* am i doing 
this right?

Il'd be very thankfull if you could help me inhere ...
I'm really in trouble with this, and i won't loose my pleasure using 
mod_perl ;-)

Thank you very much in advance!!

Thomas Bach

think karo..

Re: mod_auth_digest

2001-08-21 Thread Thomas Bach

At 12:44 16/08/01 -0600, Bruce W. Hoylman wrote:

Lincoln Stein developed a very useful module for doing both Basic and
Digest user/password management.  Titled HTTPD-User-Manage-1.58
I believe it is still available as:

that's exactly what i was looking for, thanks alot!!
the link above is broken, but it is available on CPAN:

Thanks alot!
Thomas Bach

think karo...


2001-08-15 Thread Thomas Bach

Hello list

it's now the fifth time i went looking to find sth on the web, but i didn't 
find anything. So perhaps it could be a little bit ot, sorry for that.

I'm running a project using apache (mod_perl/mod_ssl/mySQL) on Linux for 
which i would change the authetication mechanism to mod_auth_digest, and 
i've the following questions:

is the digest-authentication really necessary, when using mod_ssl, or would 
a basic-authetication be enough?
For the moment i'm using a authentication over a form with session-cookies. 
Perhaps it is secure enough if i expand it (make it unpossible, to make a 
bot trying every cookie-value, and so on ...)?

i have created a browser-front-end for the user-management. How is it 
possible to add/delete over Perl a new user/passwort to the digest-pw-file? 
I tryed it with open(), system(), ... but without any success.

Thank you for every hint or URL ;oP

Thomas Bach

think karo...

Filter access to Files on Apache

2001-07-09 Thread Thomas Bach

Hello list

perhaps it is off-topic (sorry for that, but i hope that somebody of you 
can help me), but somehow i wish to have a solution with precompiled perl 
such as mod_perl or ... everything else which fits to my needs.

I want to filter every access of for example all .jpg-files on my apache 
for autentication purposes. I  use my own cookie-based authentication 
So one solution i had was to add a handler

Action auth
AddHanlder auth jpg

and in the use something like a internal redirection. But the 
only way i know to get this internal redirection is the following:

open(DATEI, ...)
print while (DATEI)

So, I'd be glad if you can give me some hints to solve this.
Especially in order to efficiency (for that it don't have to be compiled 
I'm running apache 1.3.17 with mod_perl on a Linux machine.

Thanks in advance!

Thomas Bach

think karo.. 

strange caching

2000-12-17 Thread Thomas Bach

Hello list

at first, sorry for my english, my motherlanguage is (swiss)-german

i'm not (yet) that used with this stuff, but i've a really strange problem
i'm using apache (1.3.12), mod-perl (1.21), Perl (5.005_03 built for
i586-linux),DBI (1_14), mySQL (3.22.32)
this is only my test- and evolution-environment, i'll put my project later
to a provider, but if this is a bug somewhere i'll go around

i've a perl-script which reads data from my database and puts it into a web
but if i change/add the data in my database this script won't show me the
if i run the query in the normal mysql-frontend, i find the new datas

i found out that the server runs the script (i read other data from
text-files = changings inthere are puted out in the webbrowser) and mySQL
processes the queries (i locked in the log-files)

sometimes i can reload the page and then it shows me once the old datas
anothertime the new datas (internet explorer alternately and netscape
navigator 'randomly')

if a modifiy/save the script = all goes fine

but i don't want to save it everytime I (or the rest of the world) change my
database ;(

i've heard of another (in a german mySQL-mailinglist) who had also this
problem, but he didn't really solved it (he goes around)

does anyone of you know this problem (and perhaps a fix)?

sorry if it's offtopic

Thanks alot!

Thomas Bach

RE: strange caching

2000-12-17 Thread Thomas Bach

!thanks alot! 

i don't yet look really through, but once i'll ;)
fact is: IT WORKS!

  sometimes i can reload the page and then it shows me once the old datas
  anothertime the new datas (internet explorer alternately and netscape
  navigator 'randomly')
  if a modifiy/save the script = all goes fine
 . [..]
 See an explanation of this behaviour: