Re: [ANNOUNCE] The New "mod_perl" logo - results now in...

2002-03-16 Thread c . hauser

> A thought - what about putting the suggestion of an underscore by
> putting bars underneath the d and p of "modperl"? Just a suggestion
> to Michael as presumably he is revisting the design for the buttons.

This is a funny discussion. Although not my favorite Logo has been
elected, I confirm the need of a uniform design over all logo

> so why do we cling to mod_perl as a name?  i suppose for the familiar
> historical reasons, it's a fond term of endearment to us.  but it would be
> more descriptive to call it "The Apache perl API" or "Apache-Embedded perl",
> would it not?  it behooves us to ride along on Apache's name-recognition
> doesn't it?

To make things thing even more complicated I agree the need of a name
with a sounding image, which will help mod_perl to grow into corporate
computing (our future jobs).

Recently I had a discussion with a Java programmer, who said that
mod_perl is a try to save the obsolete language Perl. His argument was
that only Java programmers are searched, especially here in Europe.

So I see three requirements:
 - Having a name and logo which tells the truth,
   it's Perl and it was good.
 - The name should defer to Perl, should be it's own brand.
 - The sounding must be stronger then API

> putting bars underneath the d and p of "modperl"? Just a suggestion

First I liked the idea 'DP' oder 'dPerl'. On the other hand we
have the A, which stands for Apache, Application ... A is first, is

So I came to aPerl or Parl 'Practical Application R* Language'?
On and on just some funny thoughts :-)

BR Christian

== beginn original ==
Date: Freitag, 15. März 2002, 11:03:59
Subject: [ANNOUNCE]  The New "mod_perl" logo - results now in...

Fellow mod_perl hackers...

It is with great pleasure that I am able to introduce you to the new
mod_perl logo.  So, without further ado, point your web-browsers at:

The winning logo, designed by Michael Demers (mike [at], won
by a very clear majority.  Congratulations Mike, and thanks for a great

The new mod_perl button vote resulted in a tie between two designs:
Juergen Spechts' (the existing button) and new design by Tyler
Rorabaugh.  Following a brief discussion with Stas (stas [at], I think it might be a good idea to have several mod_perl
buttons, the idea being that a designer can then choose a button that
doesn't conflict with his/her design.

However, I request your comments on this idea:  should we have just one
button (helping to develop a distinct identity for mod_perl) or should
we have several (for choice)?  It's up to you...

Thank you to everyone who participated in this project.  Kudos to the
designers for their efforts.  Thanks to Stas for his input and ideas,
and Eric Cholet for the voting script.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  <--  Temporarily off-line

=== end original 

Re: Site Host Providers that Support mod_perl?

2002-03-07 Thread c . hauser


My company and Simplicity Ltd. are offering dedicated hosting, this

 - A or some virtual host with access to own httpd.conf over Webmin
 - Ability to restart the server (!).
 - DNS for multiple hosts/domains, also the ones not with us.
 - FTP access by dedicated IP.
 - Mail domain and account mgmt. over Webmin.
 - Standard stats per domain.
 - Optionally mySQL account.

 - And of course mod_perl installed!
 - HTML::Mason ready (others upon request)
 - Midgard ready (sorry to mention this :-)

The price? This might be very individual, not much cheaper than
others (the economic ones). It really depends on traffic 10 MB or 10
GB per Month (including mail) or on additional RAM load (no cache
limits, sexy servers). We specialize on individual services for SMB's
who want to keep control over basic technologies. Feel free to give
some details on your hosting project and you will get a straight offer.

Best Regards C.Hauser  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -


IT assistance Ltd.
Lange Gasse 6
CH-4052 Basel


== beginn original ==
Date: Mittwoch, 6. März 2002, 17:47:24
Subject: Site Host Providers that Support mod_perl?

Alright, I'm a total mod_perl newbie and would like to find a host for my
personal site that allows me to develop mod_perl scripts. First off, I'm
assuming that there is no way to install mod_perl on my current provider due
to (obvious) access privilige restrictions to Apache? Secondly, the obvious
question here, whom would you folks recommend for hosting services, assuming
the afforementioned?


=== end original 

mod_perl cookbook ... next steps

2002-02-18 Thread c . hauser

Yep! Thanks for the book, it just arrived Friday. So now I'm sitting
on something what I wanted to do since a long time:

Splitting all my logic in the PerlHandler into PerlInitHandler, PerlTransHandler,
PerlAuthzHandler, PerlHandler and PerlCleanupHandler.

I would catch user sessions in PerlInitHandler/PerlTransHandler,
store/check them in PerlAuthzHandler, where I would also set the
cookie, and close or refresh them in PerlCleanupHandler.

The content would be created by PerlHandler, where I use HTML::Mason.

As I need information between the stage of life, I would use $r->notes to
communicate down the cycle. But then again, if I have some data tied
to the session (I use Apache::Session), how can I give it to
the PerlHandler. Is $r->notes proofed for any export, object or blessing

Question: Is this approach ok, to be said, normal?

BR Christian

Re: ANNOUNCE: Bricolage 1.2.0

2002-01-11 Thread c . hauser

Basel, Freitag, 11. Januar 2002, 10:26:28

*see original email below*

Hello David

> Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management
> system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a
> full-fledged templating system with complete programming language
> support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an
> Apache/mod_perl environment, and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its
> repository.

Do you provide a demo of Bricolage. Can I expect something similar to
the Midgard Project on PHP?

Best Regards Christian  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -


== beginn original ==
Date: Freitag, 11. Januar 2002, 04:06:23
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Bricolage 1.2.0

I'd like to announce the release of Bricolage 1.2.0. It will shortly be
available for download from This
release features several bug fixes and quite a few important new
features. It uses HTML::Mason exlusively for its UI, and uses either
HTML::Mason or HTML::Template for its templating architecture.

Here's a brief description of Bricolage:

Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management
system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a
full-fledged templating system with complete programming language
support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an
Apache/mod_perl environment, and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its

Here's a list of the changes from 1.0.2:

  New Features

*   Added Context-sensitive, online help. [Sam]

*   Added separate interface for editing templates (via FTP). [Sam]

*   Added the ability to use HTML::Template Templates. [Sam]

*   Added ability for differnt Output Channels to function as different
component roots for in Mason templates. This will allow for
templates that can't be found in the current Output Channel to be
searched for in other Output Channels. [David]

*   Added link to Event log to Find Story, Find Template, and Find Media
screens. [David]

*   Added true previewing for media assets. Now, when you click their
URIs to preview them, they will be distributed to the preview
server(s) before redirecting the user to them, rather than just
serving them up from where they live on the Bricolage file system.
The latter can still be accessed under "Download" in the Media Asset
profile. This will continue to be the preferred way to grab media
files for editing and such, as it will not incur the overhead of
distributing the media file. [David]

*   Allow only one template with a given name for a given category,
element, burner and output channel. [Sam]

*   Added a Maintainer section to the About page. [David]

*   Updated About page to mimic the layout of the help pages. [David]

  Bug Fixes

*   Fixed a bug with local previews where a preview page could show up
instead of the Bricoalge UI. Thanks to Sara for the spot. [David]

*   Fixed a bug where Mason component calls failed in previews when the
PREVIEW_MASON directive was enabled. [David]

*   Changed default value for text area fields added via the form
builder (i.e., in Contributor Type and Element profiles) to 0. The
values 0 and "" always make the the new field unlimited in length.

*   Fixed a couple of buttons to be proper case rather than upper case.

*   Separated the filesystem destinations for assets burned for
publication and for assets burned for previewing. This will prevent
someone previewing and stomping all over a published version of an
asset before the published version is distributed. [David]

*   Removed hard-coding of the local preview directory in httpd.conf and
httpd-ssl.conf. Now using the values stored in PREVIEW_LOCAL,
instead, to determine the proper directory. [David]

*   Added the DEF_MEDIA_TYPE directive. Bricolage will use the value in
this directive to assign a Media Type to all file resources if they
Bricolage can't figure it out from their file extentions. This fixes
a bug where Bricolage would choke if it couldn't figure out the
MediaType itself. [David]



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
   Yahoo!: dew7e

=== end original 

Tie Database Manipulation

2001-12-06 Thread c . hauser

Basel, Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2001, 20:39:06


I'm just in some considerations for data handling using mysql. I can
not decide if I should work directly with sql statements near the
displaylogic (as I like sql, simple and quick) or if I should build
some functions and pack them to the back.

Regarding mod_perl with mason (to be in topic) what is slimmer?
Probably the second is less resource using?

Tieing sounds on top of it the best. Now if I would start here by zero
I could not finish it before Christmas, and my first simple db
manipulation on mod_perl/mason should be up and running next week ...

...does somebody have some suggestion to show me the WAY OF CODE to
start on :-) Right now I would inspire myself on MySQLMan (my old stuff
is really crap and each time different).

Best Regards Christian  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -


== beginn original ==
Date: Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2001, 05:30:49
Subject: ASP.NET Linux equivalent?

You can also use the tie() feature of Perl to abstract read/write to 
database. In fact you can write a pretty flexible module to figure out
many things, such as table name, col name, etc...

Add Mason, EmbedPerl and you can compete with that company in Portland...
what was their name? Micro...something...

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Kee Hinckley wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> At 6:55 PM -0500 12/3/01, Vsevolod Ilyushchenko wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Is anyone aware of a Linux product equivalent to ASP.NET from MS? Its most
> >attractive feature is the GUI construction of Web forms and the automatic
> >connection of their fields to a database. Since I am getting sick and tired
> >of writing over and over the code to process user input and store it in the
> >database, a similar product would be a huge help. (PHPLens does something
> The combo of Embperl and DBIx::Recordset will come pretty close to 
> automating the fetch and store of database records into a form 
> (perhaps four or five lines of embedded Perl for each).  Designing 
> the form is not there though.
> - -- 
> Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or ...!alice!nazgul for time travelers :-)
> I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
> responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
> everyone else's.
> Version: PGP Personal Security 7.0.3
> iQA/AwUBPA48/CZsPfdw+r2CEQJbJQCg9Q++f5OUtiqBjdJMtBNuGu6HM8wAoKCz
> nXJM2ZccDeJH6y2Ael/+r1bh
> =SgDE

Medi Montaseri   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Distributed Systems EngineerHTTP://
CyberShell Engineering

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