Re: Apache::File correction

2002-04-13 Thread Dominic Mitchell

Rob Nagler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > undef $/;   # enable "slurp" mode
> I think the "local" is pretty important, especially in mod_perl:
> local $/;
> This has the same effect (the "undef" is unnecessary).  It's also a
> good idea to enclose the code in a subroutine with error checking:
> sub read_file {
> my($file) = @_;
>   open(FH, "< $file") || die("error opening $file: $!");
> local($/);
>   my($content) = ;
>   close(FH) && defined($content) || die("error reading $file: $!");
>   return \$content;
> }

A similiar idiom that I saw recently:

sub file_contents {
my $fn = shift;
open(FOO, $fn)
or die "file_contents: open($fn): $!\n";
my $stuff;
read FOO, $stuff, -s FOO;
return $stuff;

Take your pick as to which one is clearer...


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Re: Apache::File correction

2002-04-12 Thread Rob Nagler

> undef $/;   # enable "slurp" mode

I think the "local" is pretty important, especially in mod_perl:

local $/;

This has the same effect (the "undef" is unnecessary).  It's also a
good idea to enclose the code in a subroutine with error checking:

sub read_file {
my($file) = @_;
open(FH, "< $file") || die("error opening $file: $!");
my($content) = ;
close(FH) && defined($content) || die("error reading $file: $!");
return \$content;


Re: Apache::File correction

2002-04-12 Thread Ernest Lergon

Martin Haase-Thomas wrote:
> [snip] Secondly I wonder whether "local $/ = undef"
> will have any effect. But I've never tried overriding Perl's predefined
> variables.
> regards

Dear Martin,

this is the well-known file-slurp mode.


undef $/;   # enable "slurp" mode
$_ = ;  # whole file now here
s/\n[ \t]+/ /g;

Look for "slurp" in your perl docs.



* VIRTUALITAS Inc.   *  *
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Re: Apache::File correction

2002-04-10 Thread Martin Haase-Thomas


maybe I don't exactly understand what you mean. To me it looks like you 
want to direct a stream into a file. Perhaps IO::Handle or IO::Scalar 
will provide what you need. Secondly I wonder whether "local $/ = undef" 
will have any effect. But I've never tried overriding Perl's predefined 


Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

>The Apache::File man pages indicate that 
>($name,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;
>returns a fh ready to write to. So far so good. 
>In case of wanting to read from it, here is what I do:
># Is this necessary?
>$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";
>local $/= undef;
>$output = <$fh>;
>warn "$output\n"; 
>$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";
>But $output is empty on each request. Is there an error somewhere that I
>am not seeing? I appreciate all comments.responses.
>Thanks in advance

Martin Haase-Thomas |   Tel.: 030 43730-558
meOme AG|   Fax.: 030 43730-555
Software Development|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache::File correction

2002-04-10 Thread Rasoul Hajikhani

Robert Landrum wrote:
> At 1:44 PM -0700 4/10/02, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
> >Folks,
> >The Apache::File man pages indicate that
> >
> >($name,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;
> >
> >returns a fh ready to write to. So far so good.
> >
> >In case of wanting to read from it, here is what I do:
> >
> ># Is this necessary?
> >$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";
> >
> >$fh->open("<$name");
> >local $/= undef;
> >$output = <$fh>;
> >warn "$output\n";
> >$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";
> To me it appears that you have not written anything to your tmp
> file... Which would explain the empty $output.

gpg writes to that file.
> Usually temp file creators open in read/write mode.
> So if you say something like
> ($name,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;
> print $fh "Hello World";
> seek($fh,0,0);
> my $line = <$fh>;
> print $line;
> It should print "Hello World";
> Rob
> --
> When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When
> I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.

Re: Apache::File correction

2002-04-10 Thread Robert Landrum

At 1:44 PM -0700 4/10/02, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
>The Apache::File man pages indicate that
>($name,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;
>returns a fh ready to write to. So far so good.
>In case of wanting to read from it, here is what I do:
># Is this necessary?
>$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";
>local $/= undef;
>$output = <$fh>;
>warn "$output\n";
>$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";

To me it appears that you have not written anything to your tmp 
file... Which would explain the empty $output.

Usually temp file creators open in read/write mode.

So if you say something like

($name,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;

print $fh "Hello World";


my $line = <$fh>;

print $line;

It should print "Hello World";


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Apache::File correction

2002-04-10 Thread Rasoul Hajikhani

The Apache::File man pages indicate that 

($name,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;

returns a fh ready to write to. So far so good. 

In case of wanting to read from it, here is what I do:

# Is this necessary?
$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";

local $/= undef;
$output = <$fh>;
warn "$output\n"; 
$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";

But $output is empty on each request. Is there an error somewhere that I
am not seeing? I appreciate all comments.responses.
Thanks in advance


2002-04-10 Thread Rasoul Hajikhani

The Apache::File man pages indicate that 

($name,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;

returns a fh ready to write to. So far so good. 

In case of wanting to read from it, here is what I do:

# Is this necessary?
$fh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";

local $/= undef;
$output = <$opfh>;
warn "$output\n"; 
$opfh->close() or die "Could not close $name: $!\n";

But $output is empty on each request. Is there an error somewhere that I
am not seeing? I appreciate all comments.responses.
Thanks in advance

Re: [Q] Apache::File->new

2002-02-12 Thread Martin Haase-Thomas

Ok, these are the lines from httpd.conf. The default-handler in /app/jsp
is inserted because I hope that i'll get resin taking over the request in
case the .pm declines. (hope this is right)

    RewriteRule ^(.*)/(intl|de)/(.*) $1/jsp/$3 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^/$ /app/jap/home.jsp/23323.html [NS,R,L]
    RewriteMap shortnames txt:/etc/apache/shortnames.txt
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/?$
    RewriteRule /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/? ${shortnames:$1} [T=text/html,R,L,NS]

    RewriteRule .*/favicon\.ico$ /statics/favicon.ico [PT]
    RewriteRule ^/s\.gif$ /statics/pics/space.gif [PT]
    RewriteRule ^/robots.txt$ /statics/robots.txt [NS,PT]

    #pictures vom cms-server
    RewriteRule ^/pictures/(.*) http://cms-dev/pictures/$1

    # This one has to be the last in row:
    RewriteRule ^(.*)_jsp(.*)$ $1.jsp$2 [QSA]

   SetHandler default-handler
    # serve static files:
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::StaticServer

Some lines from the .pm. Its purposeis to serve a static file instead of
the requested jsp. For instance, if I send a request for
something like "/app/jsp/category.jsp/23323" or "/app/jsp/category.jsp/23323.html"
the handler has to look after a file named
%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/app/html/category_jsp/23323.html, and if it doesn't exist,

    $catid = $r->path_info || "/23323"; # ancient rewrite rule
    $fname = $r->filename;
    $fname =~ s/.jsp$/_jsp/;
    $fname =~ s:/jsp/:/html/:;
    $fname .= $catid;
    $fname .= ".html" unless $fname =~ /\.html$/; $r->log()->debug($fname."\n".$r->filename);
    $fh = Apache::File->new($fname) || return DECLINED;
    $r->header_out('Content-Length', -s $fname);
    $r->update_mtime((stat $fname)[9]);
    close $fh;


Here's a line from error_log which comes from the $r->log()->debug(...)
verse and says exactly what it has to:

[Tue Feb 12 15:03:55 2002] [debug] /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/
[client] /home/disp05/app/html/category_jsp/67567.html

If I send a request trhough a simple LWP client, here's what it says:
 ./ http://disp05/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567
500 (Internal Server Error) unexpected EOF before status line seen
Client-Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 13:57:18 GMT

Ans this is what I find in my rewrite_log: - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /app/jsp/category.jsp/67567 - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '^(.*)/(intl|de)/(.*)' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '^/$' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567'
- - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(4) RewriteCond: input='/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' pattern='^/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/?$'
=> not-matched - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '.*/favicon\.ico$' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '^/s\.gif$' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '^/robots.txt$' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '^/pictures/(.*)' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(3) applying pattern '^(.*)_jsp(.*)$' to uri '/app/jsp/category.jsp/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b1154/initial]
(1) pass through /app/jsp/category.jsp/67567 - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b5494/subreq]
(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /67567 - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b5494/subreq]
(3) applying pattern '^(.*)/(intl|de)/(.*)' to uri '/67567' - - [12/Feb/2002:15:03:55 +0100] [disp05/sid#80aec3c][rid#81b5494/subreq]
(3) applying pattern '.*/favicon\.ico$' to uri '/67567' 

Re: [Q] Apache::File->new

2002-02-12 Thread Geoffrey Young

Martin Haase-Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> I searched in the book, I searched in the FAQs - no I ask u:
> Does Apache::File->new start a subrequest? 

no.  it is merely a layer over Perl's file IO methods (Perl_do_open
from what I can see).

> There are some mystical lines
> in my rewrite_log, which might come from there.

that seems strange.  maybe post the lines if they are causing you



[Q] Apache::File->new

2002-02-12 Thread Martin Haase-Thomas

I searched in the book, I searched in the FAQs - no I ask u:

Does Apache::File->new start a subrequest? There are some mystical lines 
in my rewrite_log, which might come from there.

Thanx a lot

RE: Can't Locate Apache::File

2000-08-29 Thread Geoffrey Young

did you build mod_perl with EVERYTHING=1 or PERL_FILE_API=1?



> -Original Message-
> From: David E. Wheeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 1:56 PM
> Subject: Can't Locate Apache::File
> Hi All,
> I've just installed the latest version of Lincoln Stein's Apache::MP3
> (nice job, Doc!), which offers support for caching MP3 ICY 
> info. It uses
> Apache::File to do so. This the first time I've used Apache::File on
> this server, but was still surprised to find that it failed to load:
> [Wed Aug 23 10:14:53 2000] [error] Can't locate loadable object for
> module Apache::File in @INC (@INC contains:
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
> .. /usr/local/apache/ /usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/ line 65535
> As near as I can tell, it is in fact there, and when I do
> % perl -le 'use Apache::File;'
> It seems to load just fine. The module lives in
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/Apache/ 
> Anyone got any
> idea why it can't find it?
> I'm running Apache 1.3.12 with mod_perl 1.24 compiled in on 
> RedHat Linux
> 6.2.
> TIA!
> David

Can't Locate Apache::File

2000-08-29 Thread David E. Wheeler

Hi All,

I've just installed the latest version of Lincoln Stein's Apache::MP3
(nice job, Doc!), which offers support for caching MP3 ICY info. It uses
Apache::File to do so. This the first time I've used Apache::File on
this server, but was still surprised to find that it failed to load:

[Wed Aug 23 10:14:53 2000] [error] Can't locate loadable object for
module Apache::File in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
. /usr/local/apache/ /usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/ line 65535

As near as I can tell, it is in fact there, and when I do

% perl -le 'use Apache::File;'

It seems to load just fine. The module lives in
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/Apache/ Anyone got any
idea why it can't find it?

I'm running Apache 1.3.12 with mod_perl 1.24 compiled in on RedHat Linux



Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-19 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:

> > "DM" == Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DM> On Wed, 17 May 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> >> Well, this may be true, but if you load IO::File before startup then it's
> >> not too big a deal...
> DM> but it still adds a great deal of bloat to the server.  and it's oo
> DM> interface, while very slick, adds quite a bit of runtime overhead, turn
> DM> the sugar sour imo.
> In an embedded environment like mod_perl, then how do you suggest to
> deal with the dangling file handles problem?  That is, I'm processing
> a file or two, and some error occurs.  In a normal perl program, I'd
> exit or return out and then when the program terminates, it
> automagically closes all the files.  In mod_perl, the auto-close
> doesn't happen until much later.  With the OO interface, when the
> handle goes out of scope, such as a function call return, the file is
> implicitly closed.
> What other mechanism do you propose to handle this situation other
> than IO::File?  I use it all the time myself.

in addition to stas' hints, even local *FH does the job, e.g.:

#/dev/null so strace output is more readable
open my $fh, ">/dev/null";
select $fh;
$| = 1;

 print "enter";
 local *FH;
 open FH, $0;
 print "leave"

print "done";

% strace ~/test/
write(3, "enter", 5)= 5
-> open("/home/dougm/test/", O_RDONLY) = 4
fstat(4, {st_mode=S_ISGID|S_ISVTX|0401, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
fcntl(4, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
write(3, "leave", 5)= 5
-> close(4)= 0
write(3, "done", 4) = 4

Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-18 Thread Stas Bekman

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:

> > "DM" == Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DM> On Wed, 17 May 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> >> Well, this may be true, but if you load IO::File before startup then it's
> >> not too big a deal...
> DM> but it still adds a great deal of bloat to the server.  and it's oo
> DM> interface, while very slick, adds quite a bit of runtime overhead, turn
> DM> the sugar sour imo.
> In an embedded environment like mod_perl, then how do you suggest to
> deal with the dangling file handles problem?  That is, I'm processing
> a file or two, and some error occurs.  In a normal perl program, I'd
> exit or return out and then when the program terminates, it
> automagically closes all the files.  In mod_perl, the auto-close
> doesn't happen until much later.  With the OO interface, when the
> handle goes out of scope, such as a function call return, the file is
> implicitly closed.
> What other mechanism do you propose to handle this situation other
> than IO::File?  I use it all the time myself.

guide... guide... guide... :) (I'll keep you updated with the search
really soon now)

perl < 5.6
use Symbol;
  my $fh = gensym;
  open $fh, 


  open my $fh, ...

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide 

Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-18 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:

> > "DM" == Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DM> On Wed, 17 May 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> >> Well, this may be true, but if you load IO::File before startup then it's
> >> not too big a deal...
> DM> but it still adds a great deal of bloat to the server.  and it's oo
> DM> interface, while very slick, adds quite a bit of runtime overhead, turn
> DM> the sugar sour imo.
> In an embedded environment like mod_perl, then how do you suggest to
> deal with the dangling file handles problem?  That is, I'm processing
> a file or two, and some error occurs.  In a normal perl program, I'd
> exit or return out and then when the program terminates, it
> automagically closes all the files.  In mod_perl, the auto-close
> doesn't happen until much later.  With the OO interface, when the
> handle goes out of scope, such as a function call return, the file is
> implicitly closed.
> What other mechanism do you propose to handle this situation other
> than IO::File?  I use it all the time myself.

use Apache;
use Fcntl qw/:DEFAULT :flock/;
my $fh = Apache->gensym();
sysopen($fh, "file", O_RDONLY) || die "Can't open: $!";
flock($fh, LOCK_SH) || die "Can't lock: $!";

when $fh goes out of scope it's closed and unlocked.

Also see the guide section on exception handling.


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
Email for training and consultancy availability.

Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-18 Thread Vivek Khera

> "DM" == Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DM> On Wed, 17 May 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
>> Well, this may be true, but if you load IO::File before startup then it's
>> not too big a deal...

DM> but it still adds a great deal of bloat to the server.  and it's oo
DM> interface, while very slick, adds quite a bit of runtime overhead, turn
DM> the sugar sour imo.

In an embedded environment like mod_perl, then how do you suggest to
deal with the dangling file handles problem?  That is, I'm processing
a file or two, and some error occurs.  In a normal perl program, I'd
exit or return out and then when the program terminates, it
automagically closes all the files.  In mod_perl, the auto-close
doesn't happen until much later.  With the OO interface, when the
handle goes out of scope, such as a function call return, the file is
implicitly closed.

What other mechanism do you propose to handle this situation other
than IO::File?  I use it all the time myself.

Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-17 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> Well, this may be true, but if you load IO::File before startup then it's
> not too big a deal...

but it still adds a great deal of bloat to the server.  and it's oo
interface, while very slick, adds quite a bit of runtime overhead, turn
the sugar sour imo.

Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-17 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Jim Winstead wrote:

> Is there some trick to passing an Apache::File to a function from
> an XS module that expects a FILE *?

so long as the xsub uses a FILE *, the typemap will take care of the
magic.  for example, Apache::send_fd() is an xsub that uses the FILE *

use Apache::File ();

my $r = shift;


my $tmp = Apache::File->tmpfile;

print $tmp "hi";

seek $tmp, 0, 0;


Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-17 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Jim Winstead wrote:

> On May 17, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > Or IO::File->new_tmpfile();
> I'd rather not go there.

Well, this may be true, but if you load IO::File before startup then it's
not too big a deal...

Alternatively use File::Temp on CPAN, Apache->gensym(), and


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
Email for training and consultancy availability.

Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-17 Thread Jim Winstead

On May 17, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> Or IO::File->new_tmpfile();

I'd rather not go there.


Re: passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-17 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Jim Winstead wrote:

> Is there some trick to passing an Apache::File to a function from
> an XS module that expects a FILE *?
> There's too much perl magic going on in the Apache::File implementation
> for me to see where I can just pull the FILE * out.
> (Its not strictly necessary that I do this, of course, it would just
> be nice so I can use Apache::File->tmpfile(). Of course I can do the
> same basic thing with POSIX::tmpnam().)

Or IO::File->new_tmpfile();


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
Email for training and consultancy availability.

passing Apache::File to XS code that expects FILE *?

2000-05-17 Thread Jim Winstead

Is there some trick to passing an Apache::File to a function from
an XS module that expects a FILE *?

There's too much perl magic going on in the Apache::File implementation
for me to see where I can just pull the FILE * out.

(Its not strictly necessary that I do this, of course, it would just
be nice so I can use Apache::File->tmpfile(). Of course I can do the
same basic thing with POSIX::tmpnam().)


Apache::File wierdness

2000-02-08 Thread Reza Naima

I'm getting a very irritating problem.  I upgraded apache/mod_perl
recently :

Apache/1.3.11 (Unix) PHP/3.0.14 mod_fastcgi/2.2.2 mod_perl/1.21

and I'm getting an irritating error now with my mod_perl code that uses

Can't locate loadable object for module Apache::File in @INC..

An strace of httpd reveals that it is earching for or, however, I don't think this file is supposed to exist.  What
would cause it to be searched for?  Any help would be appreciated.  


p.s. please CC me as I'm not on the list.. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

strange: pdf page is loaded twice with Apache::File

1999-11-22 Thread Dirk Lutzebaeck


I have a strange problem with Apache::File : everytime a PDF is loaded
(ie. a plugin is started in the browser) I see two requests for
the same file. This happens with no other file types and not with
direct pdf downloads. 

What I don't understand is why NS or MSIE send 

Pragma: no-cache

in the request. What does this mean? The response explicitly sets
