Re: mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Tuesday 08 January 2002 08:16 pm, Dave Morgan wrote:
> I'm trying to populate select boxes(or other input types)for my HTML
> pages.
> An example would be a drop down list of states and/or provinces. A large
> number
> of these are populated from lookup tables in the dba and are relatively
> static.

Okay, I suspect the problem is that whenever you get a new request the setup 
you did for gets cleared.  You should store the static data in a 
global, and then populate the CGI widget with it on every request.

- Perrin

Re: mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-08 Thread Dave Morgan

I'm trying to populate select boxes(or other input types)for my HTML
An example would be a drop down list of states and/or provinces. A large
of these are populated from lookup tables in the dba and are relatively

I understand there is no form data at that time, however, when
the server is up and running (and I am accessing it as a client)
is when I am having the problem of extracting the data.

Hope this is clearer


Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > By load stage I mean BEGIN blocks, anonymous
> > subroutines in packages loaded at startup, or even named
> > subroutines called from
> All of those things happen during server startup, before any request has
> been submitted.  There is no form data at that time.
> Maybe if you could explain what you're trying to accomplish by calling
> CGI methods during initialization, someone could suggest an alternative
> way to do it.
> - Perrin

Dave Morgan
403 399 2442

Re: mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

> By load stage I mean BEGIN blocks, anonymous
> subroutines in packages loaded at startup, or even named
> subroutines called from

All of those things happen during server startup, before any request has
been submitted.  There is no form data at that time.

Maybe if you could explain what you're trying to accomplish by calling
CGI methods during initialization, someone could suggest an alternative
way to do it.

- Perrin

Re: mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-08 Thread Dave Morgan

Hi All,

Thanks to Perrin's help I have been able to isolate 
all my current problems down to whenever I make a call to


in a piece of code that is executed in the load stage of
mod_perl I am unable to extract any values from my forms

CGI::param("field_name ");

in my cgi scripts. By load stage I mean BEGIN blocks, anonymous 
subroutines in packages loaded at startup, or even named 
subroutines called from

If I remove the call from the load stage I can issue the scrolling_list 
call from any cgi (or packaged sub called from a script) and everything 
works fine. 

Versions: perl 5.6.1, mod-perl 1.26, CGI 2.78

Any ideas? other than go bug the people, I'm already on my way :)

Perrin Harkins wrote:

snip ..
> It looks to me like you are confused about "our" and BEGIN.  If you change
> the "our" to a "use vars" I think it will fix your problems.  This is not
> mod_perl-specific.

I was able to get BEGIN blocks to work with "our", after I changed
everything to the
"use vars" syntax, and back. No idea what changed, don't really care,
just happy :)

Both the mod_perl docs and perl 5.6.1 docs are pushing the use of "our"  

Dave Morgan
403 399 2442
I cut perl the way I cut C, badly.

Re: mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

> What is the difference between how a BEGIN block and an anonymous block
> in a module loaded into mod_perl?

It looks to me like you are confused about "our" and BEGIN.  If you change
the "our" to a "use vars" I think it will fix your problems.  This is not

> Are anonymous blocks in a module only read and executed when mod-perl
> first loads them, ie once?

The block in your example is not inside of a subroutine, so it will only be
called once when the module is loaded.

> Another problem is when I try to build a SELECT HTML element with a
> call to
> the CGI module. In my anonymous block all of a sudden the HTML form
> variables
> are no longer available with the CGI::param call.  Yet I can build the
> select element later in the cgi scripts using the same variables
> without a problem.

I'm guessing it's more scoping problems with "our."

> In a simpler line, should I have a use DBI() in as well as
> the
> PerlModule Apache::DBI in httpd.conf?

You need to use both Apache::DBI and DBI somewhere.  Either place is fine.
I usually pull in lots of modules, so it's easier to do in

- Perrin

Re: mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-07 Thread ___cliff rayman___

the guide is your friend:

Dave Morgan wrote:

> What is the difference between how a BEGIN block and an anonymous block

> Another problem is when I try to build a SELECT HTML element with a
> call to
> the CGI module. In my anonymous block all of a sudden the HTML form
> variables
> are no longer available with the CGI::param call.  Yet I can build the
> select  element later in the cgi scripts using the same variables
> without a problem.

the above is not clear.

> In a simpler line, should I have a use DBI() in as well as
> the
> PerlModule Apache::DBI in httpd.conf?

you really only need one or the other.  not sure if one is preferable with

> I will summarize and post responses.

not necessary.  as you can see, the guide is a professional job
of summarizing these types of questions.  i think you'll find it invaluable.
there is also a book by the author of mod_perl:

if you want to do any serious mod_perl programming, you probably should read
through both.


mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-07 Thread Dave Morgan

Hi All,
My environment is Apache, mod-perl, Apache::DBI, oracle backend,  
everything works fine. The problem is always MY code :)

I'm trying to figure out the correct/efficient way to initialize
constants in a  module. What I need to do is initialize various
constants when Apache is started,   whether hard coded, read in from a
file or extracted from a database. I have managed   to thoroughly
confuse myself and have the following questions.

What is the difference between how a BEGIN block and an anonymous block
in a module loaded into mod_perl? At different times I understand,
I probably don't understand the implications of that in a mod-perl
The reason I ask is: as a begin block my initializations do not take
yet as an anonymous block they do. Or is this based in my lack of 
understanding of perl? 

Are anonymous blocks in a module only read and executed when mod-perl
first loads them, ie once?

Another problem is when I try to build a SELECT HTML element with a
call to 
the CGI module. In my anonymous block all of a sudden the HTML form
are no longer available with the CGI::param call.  Yet I can build the
select  element later in the cgi scripts using the same variables
without a problem. 
Huh? Did I mention I'm confused and my head hurts  :}

In a simpler line, should I have a use DBI() in as well as
PerlModule Apache::DBI in httpd.conf?

I will summarize and post responses.

Code snippets

# from httpd.conf
AddModule mod_perl.c

PerlSetEnv ORACLE_HOME /opt/oracle
PerlSetEnv DSOURCE dbi:Oracle:IMG
PerlSetEnv DATACLERK  public_tst
PerlSetEnv PSSWD  opentoall

PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlWarn On
PerlTaintCheck On

PerlRequire /opt/apache/conf/

#all of
use CGI ();
use COMMON ();

Apache::DBI->connect_on_init($ENV{"DSOURCE"}, $ENV{"DATACLERK"},
{ PrintError => 1, #warn() on errors
  RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
  AutoCommit => 1, # commit executes immediately

package WSERVICES;
require Exporter;

use strict;

use COMMON; # wrapper for basic file and db manipulation
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);
use CGI qw/:html :cgi :form/;


our @ISA= qw(Exporter);

# As a begin block none of the following initializations occur 
# all subs in 
$FILE_NAME = &Readfile('file.txt');  #see

@DB_NAMES = @{&Get_Select_List()};

#following code destroys variables passed through CGI param sub
# yet exact same call will work if called in cgi script or subroutine

$GEOCODED_LIST = scrolling_list(-name=>'CITY_LOC',
-size=> 1);


sub examplesub{return 43;}


Dave Morgan
403 399 2442
"perl Makefile.PL; make install;" is just way too convenient