Re: mod_perl and Mac OS X Server

1999-12-23 Thread Dmitry Beransky

> > Oh, yeh, I had fought mod_perl on MOSX long and hard and did finally
> > win...only to switch to linux a month later.
> I wish I could ;)

I wish I didn't have to, but I found Apache/mod_perl combination on MOSX
to be very unstable.  And been new to Perl, Apache, mod_perl, MOSX and
unix in general wasn't helping either :)

> Did all of that, but I still receive an error. I didn't find PERL_INC in
>, but it was in the mod_perl Makefile with the proper path.

Hmm. Perhaps you have a slightly newer version of the source tree.

> This is the new error:

Yes, I did forget something...  Now the linker is looking for the perl
library and can't find it.  I remember I dealt with this problem by
renaming something to libperl.a.  I just don't remember what it was.
Ok, try this... There is a file called Perl in
/System/Library/Frameworks/Perl.framework/Versions/5.005.  I think that's
the library you need.  Copy it to /System/Library/Perl/rhapsody/CORE/ and
call it libperl.a.  

I remember documenting all of this insanity, but I can't figure out where 
I stuck the file.  If that thing above doesn't work, let me know I'll try
looking for the notes again.


> Any other solutions as to where to head? Thanks for your first tips --
> got it to compile farther than before!
> Jason

Re: mod_perl and Mac OS X Server

1999-12-22 Thread jason

> Oh, yeh, I had fought mod_perl on MOSX long and hard and did finally
> win...only to switch to linux a month later.

I wish I could ;)

> anyway, here's what you need to do:
> 1. if you haven't installed the sources off the Developer CD, do so now.
> 2. in /System/Library/Perl/rhapsody/ remove all occurrences of
>-arch i386
> 3. in /System/Library/Perl/rhapsody/ add
> I think this should do it, if not let me know, I might have missed

Did all of that, but I still receive an error. I didn't find PERL_INC in, but it was in the mod_perl Makefile with the proper path.

This is the new error:

*** Cut ***

===> modules/standard
<=== modules/standard
===> modules/perl
<=== modules/perl
<=== modules
cc -c  -I./os/unix -I./include   -DMAC_OS_X_SERVER -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_HSREGEX 
E_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DMOD_PERL modules.c
cc -c  -I./os/unix -I./include   -DMAC_OS_X_SERVER -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_HSREGEX 
E_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DMOD_PERL buildmark.c
e -D
  -o httpd buildmark.o modules.o modules/perl/libperl.a
standard.a main/libmain.a ./os/unix/libos.a ap/libap.a regex/libregex.a
t-lite/libexpat.a `perl /usr/local/src/mod_perl-1.21/src/modules/perl/ldopts
-arch ppc  /System/Library/Perl/rhapsody/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lperl
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:

*** Cut ***

make[1]: *** [target_static] Error 1
make: *** [apache_httpd] Error 2

Any other solutions as to where to head? Thanks for your first tips -- they
got it to compile farther than before!


Re: mod_perl and Mac OS X Server

1999-12-22 Thread Dmitry Beransky

Oh, yeh, I had fought mod_perl on MOSX long and hard and did finally 
win...only to switch to linux a month later.

anyway, here's what you need to do:

1. if you haven't installed the sources off the Developer CD, do so now.
2. in /System/Library/Perl/rhapsody/ remove all occurrences of
   -arch i386
3. in /System/Library/Perl/rhapsody/ add
   '-I /System/Library/Frameworks/Perl.framework/Versions/5.005/Headers'
   to PERL_INC

I think this should do it, if not let me know, I might have missed something.


At 11:26 AM 12/22/99 , jason wrote:
>I've been trying for days to build mod_perl for Mac OS X Server. Whether I
>attempt to build a DSO module, or build mod_perl into Apache, I always
>receive this error:

mod_perl and Mac OS X Server

1999-12-22 Thread jason

I've been trying for days to build mod_perl for Mac OS X Server. Whether I
attempt to build a DSO module, or build mod_perl into Apache, I always
receive this error:

cc -O3 -arch
ppc -g -pipe -pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -I/System/L
brary/Perl/rhapsody/CORE  -DMOD_PERL_VERSION=\"1.21\" -DMOD_PERL_STRING_VERS
lib/expat-lite -DMOD_PERL -c mod_perl.c
mod_perl.h:40: header file 'EXTERN.h' not found
mod_perl.h:41: header file 'perl.h' not found
mod_perl.h:45: header file 'XSUB.h' not found
mod_perl.h:63: header file 'patchlevel.h' not found
mod_perl.h:297: undefined type, found `U32'
mod_perl.h:993: undefined type, found `U32'
mod_perl.h:1000: undefined type, found `Sighandler_t'
mod_perl.h:1001: undefined type, found `I32'
mod_perl.h:1005: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1014: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1019: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1042: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1043: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1043: undefined type, found `AV'
mod_perl.h:1047: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1047: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1047: undefined type, found `AV'
mod_perl.h:1048: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1048: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1048: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1049: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1049: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1050: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1050: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1050: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1051: undefined type, found `AV'
mod_perl.h:1073: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1076: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1081: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1083: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1083: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1084: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1089: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1090: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1091: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1092: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1093: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1094: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1095: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1096: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1096: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1097: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1097: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1099: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1100: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1104: undefined type, found `CV'
mod_perl.h:1106: undefined type, found `I32'
mod_perl.h:1107: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1110: undefined type, found `I32'
mod_perl.h:1116: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1118: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1118: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1119: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1148: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1149: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1150: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1151: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1153: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.h:1154: undefined type, found `AV'
mod_perl.h:1154: undefined type, found `I32'
mod_perl.h:1216: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.h:1216: undefined type, found `CV'
mod_perl.h:1222: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:68: undefined type, found `IV'
mod_perl.c:74: undefined type, found `PerlInterpreter'
mod_perl.c:75: undefined type, found `AV'
mod_perl.c:76: undefined type, found `AV'
mod_perl.c:279: illegal expression, found `)'
mod_perl.c:279: illegal function call, found `orig_inc'
mod_perl.c:283: illegal expression, found `)'
mod_perl.c:283: illegal function call, found `cleanup_av'
mod_perl.c:320: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:320: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:327: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:328: undefined type, found `HV'
mod_perl.c:328: illegal expression, found `)'
mod_perl.c:328: syntax error, missing `;' after `)'
mod_perl.c:362: undefined type, found `U32'
mod_perl.c:367: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:440: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:440: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:452: undefined type, found `I32'
mod_perl.c:453: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:454: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:474: undefined type, found `PerlIO'
mod_perl.c:475: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:515: undefined type, found `SV'
mod_perl.c:516: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:557: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:557: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:562: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:562: undefined type, found `GV'
mod_perl.c:562: undefined type, fo