How to avoid loss of POST data in a good way?

2003-02-28 Thread Frank Maas

Excuse me for this question that is, without question, due to my newbie-
ness, but I am against a wall here. I am creating a website that is running
under mod_perl and using several handlers of the chain. The website uses
the POST method to send form data.
I first used Apache::Request-new() in all handlers, but that made that I
lost the posted data after its first use. OK, this was somewhere in the
manuals and books and I changed to instance(). My problem begins when I
use CPAN or other already-made modules that seem not to respect this and
again the posted data got lost.
What is the best solution to avoid this? Another question is: why does new()
not do what instance() does in the first place? Another solution would be
that the posted data is read once and then silently put on a stack so a
next call in the same request-cycle can reuse it?

Related to this issue... (and as newbie as the above): I seem not to be
able to find the connecting two phrases when it is about combining mod_perl
and is (amongst others) all about reading formdata, persis-
tance and creating webpages. For this it has to read the request. How does
this interfere with my own actions for getting to that information?

To combine all of this in an example application (and I am sorry if it is
really bad):

   - retrieve some cookie
   - retrieve some form param's
   - use
   - retrieve some form param's
 - retrieve some

Any help is appreciated, even if you flame me to a location where I can
(really...) find this.


RE: Apache dies when configure mod_perl for use with Apache::DBI

2003-03-02 Thread Frank Maas
 This is the only error line that appears in the error_log.
 [Sun Mar  2 20:10:19 2003] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down

Perhaps it's me, but could you please create a copy-n-paste mail
with the (correct) relevant code snippets (httpd.conf,,
etc.). This might help.

Best regards,


error using instance: can't locate ... pnotes .. via

2003-03-07 Thread Frank Maas

I am workin on a site where all pages are handled via an Apache::SSI
descendant. Some included parts are itself mod_perl routines that 
use the instance-methode to recreate the request. The routines work
fine if used standalone but as soon as the routine gets included
via the SSI method (subrequest?) apache/mod_perl complains. The call
to instance results in an error 'can't locate method 'pnotes' via
package X::Y::Z', where X::Y::Z my own package is.

Most probably the error is in me, can you help me point it out...


RE: Basic Auth logout

2003-03-07 Thread Frank Maas
 this has been asked before, and I've found in the archives
 there is no way I could have a logout page for the Basic Auth in
 Is there nothing I can do ? This is required only for the
 development team, so we need to let mozilla or IE  forget
 about the username and password.
 And would this be possible with mod_perl2 ?

What you could try (note the 'could', it's not tested) is return
a redirect to the same realm with a different id/password that is
not correct. If your site is then redirect to
http://logged:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ This might help as browsers can
interpret the popup this will trigger (as user logged with pass out
is not known) as an implicit logout).

Good luck.


RE: error using instance: can't locate ... pnotes .. via

2003-03-07 Thread Frank Maas
Regarding my previous post:

 ... The routines work
 fine if used standalone but as soon as the routine gets included
 via the SSI method (subrequest?) apache/mod_perl complains. The call
 to instance results in an error 'can't locate method 'pnotes' via
 package X::Y::Z', where X::Y::Z my own package is.

It seems as if the handler is called as if it were a method handler...?
But it's not defined as such (from the Cookbook: ...the trigger for
mod_perl is the use of the prototype ($$)). Huh?


What does SetHandler do unexpectedly?

2003-03-07 Thread Frank Maas

Well, by now you must know that I am working on something... and I 
keep stumbling on things I seem not to understand and not to be 
able to find in the docs / books.

See this example:

Location /
  # SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHeaderparserHandler MyClass-first
  PerlAuthenHandler MyAuthen
  PerlFixupHandler MyClass-init
  # PerlHandler MyClass-handler
  PerlCleanupHandler MyClass-last

I have stripped almost all functionality and just let the subroutines
print. With this setup and a 'get http://mysite/dir/file' I see:
-- first: got /dir/file
 authen: called for /dir/file
 init: called for /dir/file
[error] ... /dir/file not found
-- last:  finished /dir/file

No strange things, what I would expect. But now I remove the comments
and see what happens:

-- first: got /dir/file
 authen: called for /dir/file
 init: called for /dir/file
 authen: called for /file
 init: called for /file
 handler: called for /dir/file
[error] ... /dir/file not found
-- last:  finished /dir/file

What strike me are the two lines for /file. Why is this happening? I
did not ask for it, at least not deliberately. Is this something 
that is related to a Handler (check one level below the uri)?

Hope you can help me here (and on the other subjects...)


RE: binary cgi mess ( repost )

2003-03-19 Thread Frank Maas
Comparing your post and that of others, I see that you use
Authentication through mod_perl. What happens if you completely
disable Authentification? Do you still experience the same 


RE: AuthDBI logoff

2003-03-31 Thread Frank Maas
Hi Todd,

Trying to logoff using Basic Auth is becoming something of a faq...

 if there was a means by which i could strip out the Authorization
 header in the client request, this would force a 401 response from
 the server which would also satisfy my specific need.

I doubt if this will work. I suspect you want to strip this out when
the user does his logout-request (ie. a request for .../logout.html).
If you do this, the browser should present a popup-box to the user,
which he most probably would cancel. However, most browsers seem to
recollect their authorisation information they used before. Thus, as
soon as the user gets to a page that requests a login, the browser
tries with the user credentials that were kept and a popup is never

As someone already suggested: use a Cookie based algorithem. The 
cookie gives you the opportunity to follow the status of the 
user and effectively log him out. Another approach I once saw was
the use of a dedicated realm for that user. In stead of using a fixed
realm (ie. security domain) the domain is on a per session basis.
You should still fix the session someway (using the uri or a cookie),
but you can still stick with the 'Basic Auth' mechanism.

Hope this helps.


RE: stopping concurrent logins

2003-04-04 Thread Frank Maas
 On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 03:34:25PM +0200, Frank Maas wrote:
 You can set a session (see Apache::Session and related modules) that
 can use the uri as session-container as well (eg The session
 part (9o79876a98d7fa98d7) can be stored in a database.
 Technically, that doesn't solve the problem either.  Since the session
 information is in the URL, there is nothing to stop the user from IM
 that URL to their friend, who then has total access, without a
 cookie, just by using the current users session.
 I must not fully understand the taboo against using cookies. It's
 rare that an online application, e-commerce related or otherwise,
 works without cookies. If you're doing anything more than browsing
 static data, you'll quickly become fustrated at the lack of support
 for non-cookie-enabled browers. 

On the latter I totally agree. To avoid the session snatching you
describe, you can store IP addresses on your site in the database.
You won't solve proxyserver-problems with this though. So what about
the following approach:
* a user logs on and you issue a session, as part of the uri
* when the user requests another page, you fetch the session
  from the uri, check it against your database and (let's 
  assume it's correct) you allow access but while issueing
  a new session
If this works (and as some people consequently add 'untested') then
session snatching becomes a hell of a job. If one user logs in, and
the other copies the session and retrieves a page, the session 
changes, so the first user has to copy the new session again. Sounds
promising But to return to my first phrase: with cookies it's
much more simple.


PS: What I never got though... how 'bout stealing cookies from 
someones system?

RE: stopping concurrent logins

2003-04-04 Thread Frank Maas
 On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 10:13:59PM +0200, Frank Maas wrote:
 On the latter I totally agree. To avoid the session snatching you
 describe, you can store IP addresses on your site in the database.
 You won't solve proxyserver-problems with this though. So what about
 the following approach: 
  * a user logs on and you issue a session, as part of the uri
  * when the user requests another page, you fetch the session
from the uri, check it against your database and (let's
assume it's correct) you allow access but while issueing
a new session
 Interesting idea. I assume that you're keeping the session key/ID
 in the URL, right? Does it break if someone hits back (and goes
 to a page that's full of URLs with on old session ID in them)
 and then clicks on one of them?

Yep. I think that the back-button is out of the question in such a
solution. Of course one could think of yet another scheme that 
makes it possible to use the back-button. But a more simple solution
is to create a back-link on the page.


RE: trouble with using $r-lookup_uri()

2003-06-02 Thread Frank Maas
 I'm trying to write a authentication handler using mod_perl, and am
 encountering some difficulty.  I have isolated my problem to the usage
 of the lookup_uri($uri) function call - whenever I call it, my module
 segfaults.  I have tested the input with both a variable string, and
 just a quoted string, and get the same result.

I don't know whether this will help you, but don't just focus on this
handler. I encountered problems using lookup_uri myself, because I did not
bear in mind that -lookup_uri goes through a request cycle itself, thus
calling a far lot of the handlers defined for that uri. However it is not
a complete request, so things like -pnotes etc. can fail. See for
my 'diary'.


RE: [ANNOUNCE] Practical mod_perl is out!

2003-06-04 Thread Frank Maas
 well, the (long) wait is now over - Practical mod_perl is here.

Geoff, you might be the best person to ask and it might be a worthwhile
extension to the mod_perl-documentation: why would one use this new
book if (s)he has the mod_perl cookbook already. I am not trying to 
set a new war between authors here, but wouldn't it be an idea to have
such a 'review', giving interested users an idea of what they could buy?
On one of my shopping sprees I bought 'Perl in a nutshell' and not that
much later the Camel-book, only to find that I can put the nutshell far
away as I never read it (sorry author). This experience is holding me
back a bit when it is about buying a new book that covers the same 
subject as another book.

Hope you can help us!


RE: Authentication design

2003-06-11 Thread Frank Maas
Perrin Harkins wrote (in a discussion with Michael L. Artz):

 Well, I figured that the AuthenHandler already parsed the
 authentication cookie and declared it valid, so I didn't really see
 a point the in doing it at the beginning of every script.  $r-user
 just seemed more intuitive to me.
 Well, I'm not sure what's involved in determining $r-user aside from
 reading the cookie.  It may not make any difference.
 Here's a typical pattern for this:
 The session stuff could be done in a separate phase before the content
 handler, or it could be done on demand when your script calls some
 utility method that knows how to get the current session.  Same with
 the user. 

Isn't this more a matter of 'niceness'? Putting the session/user stuff
in AuthenHandler and then setting the $r-user makes it clear where the
authentication takes place. All other handlers just check if $r-user is
set and need not to bother with sessions and stuff?
Or is there something against this and would you be a supporter of having
it all in the same handler? 


RE: handler($$) unreliability

2003-06-13 Thread Frank Maas
Are you using 'lookup_uri' or another form of subrequest somewhere 
in your handlers? Try tracing your request and see where it goes 
wrong. I had similar problems and it pointed out to be an error in 
a subrequest. Consult the mailinglist archive if you want.


 I have handler that looks like this:
 sub handler ($$) {
   my ($class, $apache) =3D @_;
   $apache-status(200); # Default
 The vast majority of the time, this works fine.  Every now
 and then, usually after the apache server has been up

no_cache(1) and still cached?

2003-07-24 Thread Frank Maas

Recently I found some strange behaviour of the caching-functionality of
Apache. I had configured one httpd as caching proxy and a second one
creating the pages. Two kind of pages are created: dynamic ones (with
no_cache(1)) and static ones (with an expiry set to some minutes or
What I found was that sometimes users got served 'cached' dynamic pages.
Although the server should not cache the page it looked like this happened
whenever two requests were received at (nearly) the same time by the server.
Has anyone of you experienced this before and does this harm current ideas
about caching proxies?


RE: no_cache(1) and still cached?

2003-07-28 Thread Frank Maas
 On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 04:32, Frank Maas wrote:
 Come to think of it, I have never had problems with mod_proxy caching
 thing I didn't want cached.  Quite the opposite -- I had to be very
 careful with Expires headers to get anything cached at all.
 I think you might be mis-diagnosing the problem here.  Maybe it's an
 issue on the backend instead. 

Well, I thought that too, but couldn't get a grip on it. Picture the
situation I described before. Whenever a page is served outside it's
template, a logmessage is generated. Now when I see a page without
template on my screen (wrong) and I look in the logfile I see that 
only the allowed address is written as being served.
That's why I thought there was some optimisation in the cache engine
that limited the number of equal requests to the backend to one for
each URI. This would then even go beyond any headers, but more on the
principle of 'the page served at exactly the same moment is the same


PS: I now removed the caching mechanism from the setup and everything 
is working fine through the proxy. Whenever I cross this bridge again
I will start looking more closely.

RE: How to pass parameters from the UNIX command line ?

2003-08-08 Thread Frank Maas
 I'd like to make a cron job to source the above PERL script as from
 the command line to resemble something like:
 perl /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/MyProcedure.plneed to pass the
 parameter here as cust_id=x 

I am very doubtful if running a mod_perl script from the commandline
would make any sense... There is no Apache:: in that context to name
something. You could do something tacky with Apache::FakeRequest, but
it's far better to write a proper, not web-tuned, script to do the
chore. Or use GET from the commandline with the uri behind it. This 
makes it a proper request to your webserver, issued from the command-
line (or crontab in this case).


Re: How to restart the root server from within modperl?

2003-08-14 Thread Frank Maas
On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 11:50:01AM +0200, Dirk Lutzebaeck wrote:
 Dennis Stout writes:
   On a whim, I would try writing a second script to do the actual shutdown and
   restart of Apache.
   Then have your mod_perl program either run it in the background (with a ) or
   fork it into another process.
 Did exactly that but is has the effect that when the parent (root)
 apache is killed it kills all children including the script itself. So
 the server wont start again.

Since you are talking about a management tool via http, you might consider
using a second server process for this. If you select the 'restart link'
then under water you need to (a) startup a server on a different port,
(b) redirect to a URI on that server, (c) make it that that URI restarts
the main server as you would normally do, (d) clean up the second server
as soon as the main server restarts.
You can do this in a sophisticated manner by creating a httpd config on
the fly, using a unique restart-URI, thus avoiding the most obvious 
security risks.

Might work...


RE: unsetting PerlTransHandler

2003-08-14 Thread Frank Maas
 I'm wondering why it is impossible?

I am not exactly sure here, but I think this is because a TransHandler
is definitely not allowed inside a Directory or File container. And
since Apache does not make the distinction between containers (it uses
the constant RSRC_CONF to disallow a directive from being in (all) 
containers) Location is the innocent victim here.

 For now I have implemented that particular case by

Wouldn't this be simpler?

|PerlTransHandler MyPackage::transhandler
|Location ...
|  PerlSetVar SkipTransHandler 1
|package MyPackage;
|sub transhandler {
|return DECLINED if $r-dir_config('SkipTransHandler');


Re: unsetting PerlTransHandler

2003-08-14 Thread Frank Maas
On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 11:07:13AM -0400, Geoffrey Young wrote:
 There is actually a Location/LocationMatch  sequence performed just 
 before the name translation phase (where Aliases and DocumentRoots  are 
 used to map URLs to filenames). The results of this sequence are completely 
 thrown away after the translation has completed.
 which is what you found in the code - note the completely thrown away 
 part.  in essence, this means that the results of the Location config 
 merging are discarded prior to translation, after which Location merging 
 is done again.

Ehm... considering both solutions worked and the quoted paragraph, 
shouldn't we read it as 'the results of this sequence can be used during
the translation phase, but are thrown away after the translation has
completed'. This would mean that the results are not discarded prior to 
translation, but after translation and that would also explain why the two 
solutions work...


RE: unsetting PerlTransHandler

2003-08-14 Thread Frank Maas
 and want to unset the TransHandler inside the Location.
 How to do that?

AFAIK: not. The TransHandler is the first to be called and cannot appear
inside a container (ref. ModPerl cookbook). The only thing I can think of,
and in fact implemented this, to make the TransHandler URI-aware and 
return immediately if the uri is something you do not want to be touched
by the TransHandler.

Hope this helps


Re: Use of uninitialized valued in concatenation....

2003-08-23 Thread Frank Maas
B. Fongo wrote:
 “ Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
 string at line 42”.

Perrin replied:
 This is a standard perl error message.  It is not related to mod_perl. 
 You can look in the perldiag man page for a more complete explanation.

B. Fongo wrote:
 It is not a standard perl error message. I went through mod_perl doc at

I am sorry, but it *is* a standard Perl error message. It means exactly
what it says: you concatenated or stringify an undefined value. Looking
in your code (of which I do not know exactly where it starts, so line 42
is a bit of a guess) it can be either

   print qq(td bgcolor='#d0d0d0'$_/td);
  print qq(trtd colspan=$columnspan

In the latter case, please check $columnspan to be sure it is given a
defined value. For the first: you go through a list of tablerow values,
can it be that a value is NULL? This would be translated into undef and
hence raise this warning. Try to replace with

   my $val=$_||'NULL'; print qq(td bgcolor='0#d0d0d0'$val/td);


Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Re: Re: AW: AW: Use of uninitialized valued in concatenation....

2003-08-23 Thread Frank Maas
On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 01:55:03PM +0200, Marcel Greter wrote:
 This is not a very good solution. You would also catch the case where $_ 
 is 0, which may should not happen. You would better do

Yes... I always fall into that pithole. I think this is because I find
the 'defined(...) ? ... : ...' phrase is kinda ugly. Silly me, I know.

   $_ = defined $_ ? $_ : NULL;

Still... I don't know if I like toying around with $_. Especially since
you change the real array value (and not a copy) and this might cause
problems later on (should you use the values somewhere else as well).

But why are we talking about this on a mod_perl list. Sorry guys.


Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

RE: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-14 Thread Frank Maas

 I'm afraid that is not a very good article.  It's out of date,
 Apache::Session::DBI (which is what the article refers to) is ancient
 and should not be used.

I stumbled upon this problem quite a few times. Trying to get the hang
of using cookies for authentication and sessions there are tons of
modules and (a bit less...) articles, but they all seem outdated or
simply not useful. So I build something myself, but am not quite sure
this was the way to go.
I had the same experience when (OT, sorry) I looked into things about
using XML in combination with (mod_)perl. Most of the articles are rather
old and I have no clue if they are outdated. Here as well I made some
choices of my own, still thinking I am at least reinventing part of the

Is there a, or are there initiatives to keep an 'accurate' document
repository? I personally like as a starting point, but
it is quite restricted to mod_perl and mod_perl alone. (This is not
meant as a rude remark!). Should and could this be broader containing
links to interesting articles on 'well known subjects'? Should we then
need som (continuous) reviewing and rating mechanism to separate the
good from the bad? Or is Google still the way to go?


PS: Apache::Session::DBI might be ancient, when I did some research for
this mail I stumbled upon
he__Session__DBI_with_cookies. Perhaps it is a good beginning to try to
keep/get outdated and ancient stuff from Our Main Source of Information?

Summary: identifiying unique users

2003-09-16 Thread Frank Maas
Stas Bekman wrote:
 Perrin Harkins wrote:
  Zack Brown wrote:
   I'd like to implement something that tries to ensure that one user
   can't masquerade as multiple users.
  We talked quite a bit about preventing multiple logins recently.  I
  think it was last week.  Check the archives.

 Perhaps someone would like to summarize these and put a short tutorial on This question seems to come back pretty often.

I tried to recap the discussion and looked in the archive. Am I wrong
when I summarize it with it is not possible in a foolproof way?
Or, with a bit more words:

| How to avoid multiple logins?
| The short answer is: you can't. To ensure that a login is only used
| by one person at the same time, you need to have some method to
| identify persons. You can't do that based on the information you
| can get from a request. And even if you could get information, there
| is no guarantee that the information is correct - it can be faked
| IP-address
|can hardly be mentioned as a contestor with proxy servers,
|firewalls, anonimyzers and the rest;
| MAC-address
|there are reports that it is able to get this as part of the UUID
|or in an SSL key, but it can't be trusted as a user could simply
|change this or make it a non-unique value
| SSL session id
|it seems that SSL_SESSION_ID offers some unique recognition of
|the client; it stays valid for some time (hours, days) and is
|there to avoid needless handshaking
| Cookie
|you can do something supplying a unique identifier in a cookie
|that you provide, but chances are that you lock up your system.
|The interesting issue is 'when do you expire a cookie/user link?'
|Do this too early and you will allow logins to hop from one person
|to the other, do this too late and you will have problems with
|people that (for instance) suffer from a crashing browser
| Where IP and MAC address seem totally unusable, the SSL session and
| your own cookie offer a mechanism that can of use. If you aim at the
| not-so-technical user and are prepared to be rude to those users
| that tamper with your system, you can make it work to some extent.

Comments and additions to this summary are welcome through the list.
After polishing this, it can be brought into the proper docs.


RE: Summary: identifiying unique users

2003-09-17 Thread Frank Maas
Ged wrote: 
 How to avoid multiple logins?
 The short answer is: you can't.
 Sure you can.  Charge $10 per login.

I don't want to clobber the list with non-technical trivia, but
even when you charge money, you can't avoid it. If only there is
one user that is willing to pay the amount twice, your scheme 
is broken. As with technical solutions: the higher the amount
you charge, the lesser the risk of people doing it. But the
risk remains...
