Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Dave Rolsky
# on Monday 21 June 2004 10:55 pm:

>Maybe, but the code includes DateTime::Infinite, and this has
>all sorts of problems too.

Well, Math::BigFloat seems to work really well in this case.  I just think it 
could use some more overloading.

my @slopes = map({Math::BigFloat->new(abs(slope(@$_)))->ffround(-3)} @edges);

This just makes everything into a BigFloat, so if you multiply any of them my 
5 or -1 later, they stay a bigfloat as long as they don't get stringified 
first (e.g. as long as they stay blessed.)


I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a
desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. 
--E.B. White

Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

> Oh well.  I'm the only person in the world doing computational geometry with
> perl anyway right?

Maybe, but the code includes DateTime::Infinite, and this has
all sorts of problems too.


House Absolute Consulting

Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Ken Williams
# on Monday 21 June 2004 10:36 pm:

>In my limited understanding, it's not really anything to do with how
>perl is compiled, it's something about your underlying libc libraries.  
>Perl just detects whether your libc supports it, then gives you NaN and
>Inf and such.

Apparently the way it detects it changed between 5.6 and 5.8 because I built 
all eight (or 9) of these tonight on this machine:
$for i in perl-*
>   do ls $i/perl && \
> $i/perl -le '$a = NaN; print "No NaN support here" if $a == $a'
> $i/perl -le '$a = NaN; print "NaN support here" if $a != $a'
>   done
NaN support here
NaN support here
No NaN support here
No NaN support here
No NaN support here
No NaN support here
No NaN support here
No NaN support here
No NaN support here

I'm perplexed, but I'm not about to let a little regression stop me from 
moving forward.  Besides, with Math::BigFloat we can divide by zero without 
error (maybe we can get that into the core as the default behavior in Perl6?)


Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Ken Williams
On Jun 21, 2004, at 4:38 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
So, it's not my current system, but the state of the system on which 
perl was
compiled?  The 5.6.1 was a RedHat rpm, while the 5.8.3 is a .deb, but 
happily build lots of things from scratch here if it would get this 

If that's the case, what provides this support?  All I'm seeing in the 
are "Infinity is now recognized as a number." since 5.6.1, but not how 
enable it.  Install some library and re-compile?  Compile with some 
In my limited understanding, it's not really anything to do with how 
perl is compiled, it's something about your underlying libc libraries.  
Perl just detects whether your libc supports it, then gives you NaN and 
Inf and such.

There's a tiny bit about this in 'perldoc perlop' (search for NaN), and 
a somewhat troubling statement in 'perldoc perltodo'.  Might be 
fruitful to poke around in the main Configure script, to see how the 
detection is done.


Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Steve Grazzini
# on Monday 21 June 2004 08:53 pm:

>I believe this is because 5.6 used the C library atof() but more
>recent perls provide their own portable implementation.  Or maybe
>the internal atof() didn't used to be the default, but now it is.
>Check the comments around USE_PERL_ATOF in perl.h.

Thanks for the tip, but configuring with -DUSE_PERL_ATOF=0 isn't giving 
anything different.  I think I'll just have to dig into Math::BigFloat and do 
everything that way.

I suppose I'm probably better off that way, since the perl 5.6 behavior wasn't 
documented as such, so I'm not sure if it would have worked that way on other 

Oh well.  I'm the only person in the world doing computational geometry with 
perl anyway right?


Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Steve Grazzini
On Monday, June 21, 2004, at 09:04 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
In 5.6.1 and 5.6.2, any flavor of "inf" got converted to 'inf'
and the math worked beautifully.  I'm not saying that I agree
with "infinity" eq "inf" eq "Infinity", but it sure beats the
inf == 0 that we have now.
I believe this is because 5.6 used the C library atof() but more
recent perls provide their own portable implementation.  Or maybe
the internal atof() didn't used to be the default, but now it is.
Check the comments around USE_PERL_ATOF in perl.h.

Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# on Monday 21 June 2004 07:29 pm:

>Note that the stringification of inf varies
>a lot between systems - you have to take
>this into account when writing tests:

It's not the stringification that's bothering me, it's the de-stringification 
(conversion from a string to a number.)

$for i in perl-*;   do ls $i/perl && $i/perl -le ' $a = shift;
$a += 1; print $a;
$a = abs($a); print $a;
print int($a);
print $a + $a;
' Infinity   ;done

In 5.6.1 and 5.6.2, any flavor of "inf" got converted to 'inf' and the math 
worked beautifully.  I'm not saying that I agree with "infinity" eq "inf" eq 
"Infinity", but it sure beats the inf == 0 that we have now.

"Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value."
--Murphy's Constant

Re: infinity in 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Eric Wilhelm
# on Monday 21 June 2004 05:48 pm:

>More fun with this:

Okay, I cannot get perl-5.6.1 to build out-of-the-box (some problem with 
makedepend script and , etc) (I suspect that RedHat did a little of 
what they do when they shipped it?)

Anyway, this is seven different releases, and nothing from 5.8+ has the 
infinity handling that 5.6.2 does:

(5.8 and later require you to 'use bigint' to make this work)
$ for i in perl-5.8* perl-5.9*
   do ls $i/perl && \
 $i/perl -I$i/lib -le 'use bigint; $a = shift;
 print (($a+1 == $a) ? "inf support here" : "no");' inf

inf support here
inf support here
inf support here
inf support here
inf support here
inf support here

(so it stringifies correctly, but it won't sprintf)

$ perl-5.6.2/perl -e '$a = shift;printf("%0.2f\n", $a);' inf

$ for i in perl-5.8* perl-5.9*
  do ls $i/perl && \
$i/perl -I$i/lib -e 'use bigint; $a = shift; 
printf("%0.2f\n", $a);' inf

(but it's still not as consistent as it was in 5.6)

$ perl-5.6.2/perl -le '
  print join(" ", sort({$a <=> $b} map({abs($_)} @ARGV)));
  '  inf -inf 0 1
0 1 inf inf

$ for i in perl-5.8* perl-5.9*
  do ls $i/perl && \
$i/perl -I$i/lib -le 'use bigint; 
print join(" ", 
 sort({$a <=> $b} map({abs($_)} @ARGV)));
   ' inf -inf 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1

$ perl-5.6.2/perl -le '
  print join(" ", sort({$a <=> $b} map({abs($_)} inf, -inf, 0, 1)));
0 1 inf inf

$ for i in perl-5.8* perl-5.9*
  do ls $i/perl && \
$i/perl -I$i/lib -le 'use bigint; 
print join(" ", 
 sort({$a <=> $b} map({abs($_)} inf, -inf, 0, 1)));
Ambiguous use of -inf resolved as -&inf() at -e line 3.
0 1 inf inf
Ambiguous use of -inf resolved as -&inf() at -e line 3.
0 1 inf inf
Ambiguous use of -inf resolved as -&inf() at -e line 3.
0 1 inf inf
Ambiguous use of -inf resolved as -&inf() at -e line 3.
0 1 inf inf
Ambiguous use of -inf resolved as -&inf() at -e line 3.
0 1 inf inf
Ambiguous use of -inf resolved as -&inf() at -e line 3.
0 1 inf inf

And here's why?

$perl -le 'use bigint; $a = inf; print ref($a)'
$perl -le 'use bigint; $a = shift; print ref($a)' inf


okay, so bigint is doing the infinity handling there, but what's this:
$perl -e 'print sprintf("%0.2f", 9**9**9);'
$perl -le 'print abs(sprintf("%0.2f", 9**9**9));'
# ^-- here is where 5.6.2 differs (gives inf)
$perl -le 'print 1/ 9**9**9;'
$perl -le 'print abs( 9**9**9/1);'
$perl -le 'print sprintf("%0.2f", abs( 9**9**9/1));'
$perl -e 'print "ref: ",  ref(10**10**10);'
$perl -e 'print "ref: ", ref(sprintf("%0.15f", 10**10**10));'

If this 9**9**9 inf is not the bigint inf, then what is going on?

Okay, I'll just start write hundreds of lines with ($n =~ m/^-?inf$/) or 
should I keep pulling my hair out with trying to find a predictable behavior?

Is there a number such as 9**9**9 which is always guaranteed to return inf?  
And once you have one, how do you get abs(), sprintf() and these others to 
play nicely with it?

$ perl -le '$a = 9**9**9; $a += 1; print $a; $a = abs($a); print $a; $a = 
sprintf("%0.2f", $a); print $a; print $a + $a '

Hairless Eric
"It works better if you plug it in!" 
--Sattinger's Law

Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread fglock
Eric Wilhelm wrote: 
> All I'm seeing in the pods 
> are "Infinity is now recognized as a number." 
> since 5.6.1, but not how to enable it.

from Set::Infinite -

  use vars qw( $inf );
  $inf = 100**100**100;
  sub inf () { $inf }

Note that the stringification of inf varies
a lot between systems - you have to take
this into account when writing tests:

  linux   - inf
  windows - 1.#INF
  bsd - Inf

Some broken libraries also include spaces in the 

- Flavio S. Glock

Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Eric Wilhelm
# on Monday 21 June 2004 04:38 pm:

>So, it's not my current system, but the state of the system on which perl
> was compiled?  The 5.6.1 was a RedHat rpm, while the 5.8.3 is a .deb, but
> I'd happily build lots of things from scratch here if it would get this
> working again.

More fun with this:

for i in perl-*;do ls $i/perl && $i/perl -le '$a = shift; print "inf support 
here" if $a+1 == $a' inf;done
inf support here

I just built all 5 of these on this system with 'sh Configure -de && make' so 
maybe it's a change in the Configure defaults? or the interpreter code is 
behaving differently.


Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Ken Williams
# on Monday 21 June 2004 04:19 pm:

>Notice that the 'inf' tokens are interpreted as strings, not Infinity.  
>This is because my OS X system, like your Debian system, has no support
>for NaN and inf and all that stuff.  It has nothing to do with the
>version of perl.
>You can test your system's 'inf' support with stuff like this:
>   perl -le '$a = inf; print "inf support here" if $a+1 == $a'

okay, I just happen to still have the old /usr directory:

16:28:58: ~
$perl -le '$a = shift; print "inf support here" if $a+1 == $a' inf

16:29:00: ~
$/oldusr/bin/perl -le '$a = shift; print "inf support here" if $a+1 == $a' inf
inf support here

So, it's not my current system, but the state of the system on which perl was 
compiled?  The 5.6.1 was a RedHat rpm, while the 5.8.3 is a .deb, but I'd 
happily build lots of things from scratch here if it would get this working 

If that's the case, what provides this support?  All I'm seeing in the pods 
are "Infinity is now recognized as a number." since 5.6.1, but not how to 
enable it.  Install some library and re-compile?  Compile with some specific 


Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Ken Williams
On Jun 21, 2004, at 1:59 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
What happened?  I was merrily using inf and -inf in 5.6.1 and now I've 
got to
use the bigint pragma in 5.8.3?

I've just switched from RedHat 7.3 to Debian 'sarge', so that might 
something to do with it.

This is the sort of thing I'm talking about:
 sort({$a <=> $b} -inf, inf, 0, 1)
5.6.1 gives:  -inf 0 1 inf
5.8.3 gives: -inf inf 0 1 (unless you 'use bigint')
That ain't doing what you think it's doing. ;-)
  % perl -MO=Deparse -e 'sort({$a <=> $b} -inf, inf, 0, 1)'
  sort {$a <=> $b} -'inf', 'inf', 0, 1;
Notice that the 'inf' tokens are interpreted as strings, not Infinity.  
This is because my OS X system, like your Debian system, has no support 
for NaN and inf and all that stuff.  It has nothing to do with the 
version of perl.

You can test your system's 'inf' support with stuff like this:
  perl -le '$a = inf; print "inf support here" if $a+1 == $a'

Re: bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Eric Wilhelm
# on Monday 21 June 2004 01:59 pm:

>5.6.1 gives:  -inf 0 1 inf
>5.8.3 gives: -inf inf 0 1 (unless you 'use bigint')
>Was some functionality removed from the core and put into the pragma?  If
> so, what should I be reading?

It gets worse!
perl -e 'printf("%0.2f\n", inf);'

5.6.1 gives "inf"
5.8.3 gives "0.00" (even with 'use bigint')

What happened?

(maybe this should go to the porters?)

"Insert random misquote here"

bigint 5.6 vs 5.8

2004-06-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
What happened?  I was merrily using inf and -inf in 5.6.1 and now I've got to 
use the bigint pragma in 5.8.3?

I've just switched from RedHat 7.3 to Debian 'sarge', so that might have 
something to do with it.

This is the sort of thing I'm talking about:

 sort({$a <=> $b} -inf, inf, 0, 1)

5.6.1 gives:  -inf 0 1 inf
5.8.3 gives: -inf inf 0 1 (unless you 'use bigint')

Was some functionality removed from the core and put into the pragma?  If so, 
what should I be reading?

"perldoc -q infinity" gives me nothing

Was the 5.6.1 behavior some undocumented thing that I wasn't supposed to be 

"Because understanding simplicity is complicated."
--Eric Raymond

Re: New module: CGI::Tooltip

2004-06-21 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Orton, Yves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-21 13:43]:
> Er, actually I think it is pretty trivial. [snip example]
> For a pure OO module its even easier.

Of course, if the programmer made sure to avoid "dirty" coding
practices (or the module is trivial enough that s/he didn't
consider those), then it's trivial.

Problem is getting the edge cases right -- can you assume you can
do that with any random package pulled from CPAN and have it
still work?

That's the kind of ground coverage I was thinking about. In
Perl5, that's decidedly nontrivial if the module author doesn't

It would be nice if in Perl6, he wouldn't have to -- if it would
Just Work, without anyone having to do anything special.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

Re: Perlforge?

2004-06-21 Thread Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões
Mark Stosberg wrote:
On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 11:12:25AM +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Khemir Nadim) writes:
why do we have Savanna, Rubyforge and other?
Because people are naturally fractious and would prefer to reinvent the
wheel in order to do things Their Way instead of making use of the available

One benefit I see of a extra "forges" like rubyforge is
decentralization. Right now open source has a huge dependency on
SourceForge. If it goes away or becomes unavailable, that's a major loss
to recover from. I'm more comfortable having a number of similar sites
I agree. Too much dependency on SourceForge is not good.
I have one (well, two) projects on sourceforge just because, when I 
created it, I didn't have anywhere to place it. I prefer to have a local 
CVS tree on a server nearby. I really do not use nothing more from 
sourceforge...well.. I use... domain redirection.

If people can't host their projects, source-forge or savanna or similar 
are good choices. If you have a server, maybe I would use it.

Sorry if this is offtopic... but the old CPAN Rating subject didn't 
attract my attention :-)

Alberto Simões
Python's syntax succeeds in combining the mistakes of Lisp and Fortran.
I do not contrue that as progress.
 -- Larry Wall

Perlforge? (was: Re: CPAN Rating)

2004-06-21 Thread Mark Stosberg
On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 11:12:25AM +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Khemir Nadim) writes:
> > why do we have Savanna, Rubyforge and other?
> Because people are naturally fractious and would prefer to reinvent the
> wheel in order to do things Their Way instead of making use of the available
> resources.

One benefit I see of a extra "forges" like rubyforge is
decentralization. Right now open source has a huge dependency on
SourceForge. If it goes away or becomes unavailable, that's a major loss
to recover from. I'm more comfortable having a number of similar sites

Personally, I haven't gotten a lot of benefit out of SourceForge hosting   
so many sites. Usually I use the tools related to one specific project.
Rarely do I use any tools that benefit from having lots of projects


 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Mark StosbergPrincipal Developer  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Summersault, LLC 
   765-939-9301 ext 202 database driven websites
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

RE: New module: CGI::Tooltip

2004-06-21 Thread Orton, Yves
Title: RE: New module: CGI::Tooltip

> Unfortunately, while it is possible in Perl5 to write code 
> such that it works under multiple package names (or better 
> yet, would work in any package regardless of the name), it is 
> a not trivially supported scenario. It might be a good idea 
> to think about these issues before Perl6 starts taking shape.

Er, actually I think it is pretty trivial. Here is code that aliases the package DDS to the package Data::Dump::Streamer

 ##This all has to be one line for MakeMaker version scanning.
 use Data::Dump::Streamer (); BEGIN{ *DDS:: = \%Data::Dump::Streamer:: } $VERSION=$DDS::VERSION;

For a pure OO module its even easier.

So I don't actually think this problem is with Perl, more like its an issue for CPAN.


Re: New module: CGI::Tooltip

2004-06-21 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-19 20:35]:
> Seems like a really good example of a module that could benifit
> from meta data, and multi-category placement. If it weren't for
> existing categories, and still needed a category structure, I'd
> personally think something like the following would be more
> suitable:
>   UI::ToolTip
> With UI::ToolTip::HTML::JavaScript implementing a UI::ToolTip class.

This is a really good point. It reminds me of a quote I always
have to think about:

Intertwingularity is not generally acknowledged -- people
keep pretending they can make things deeply hierarchical,
categorizable and sequential when they can't. Everything is
deeply intertwingled.

-- Ted Nelson

Unfortunately, while it is possible in Perl5 to write code such
that it works under multiple package names (or better yet, would
work in any package regardless of the name), it is a not
trivially supported scenario. It might be a good idea to think
about these issues before Perl6 starts taking shape.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

Re: CPAN Rating

2004-06-21 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* khemir nadim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-21 12:05]:
> I think you missunderstood. I didn't ask for CPAN to become a
> perl sourceforge. I asked if other wanted to have a source
> forge that specilizes in perl  like Rubyforge for ruby.

Set one up. See what happens. People may use it.

> In fact the most disturbing thing with Sourceforge is that it's
> too big and it's difficult to find the perl gems in the
> software bazaar.

I don't see that. Most of the interesting stuff is also on CPAN.
I concede it is a limited problem where Perl applications are
concerned, which are not typically CPAN-ized, but Sourceforge
*does* have a "Perl foundy"[1], so if people categorize their
projects properly, this shouldn't be an issue.


"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

Re: CPAN Rating

2004-06-21 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* khemir nadim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-21 13:08]:
> You mean we should all wear the same cloth comming out from the
> same factory, eat the same food program in a single language
> and all speak english only. I prefere bio-diversity.

No, we should all grow our own cotton, sew our own clothes, make
up our own cloth colouring chemicals. We should all grow our own
food in our own backyard and invent our own cooking tools.
Everyone should invent a new language and speak it exclusively.

Welcome to Babylon.

There is a balance. Leaning too far in the direction of diversity
is no more desirable than leaning too far in the direction of

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

Re: CPAN Rating

2004-06-21 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* khemir nadim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-21 12:11]:
> Can you fly without passport? Can you release a USB product
> without certification? etc ...
> There is a diffrence between not wanting to do something and
> being _unable_ to do something.

Are you implying that you would disable autogeneration of READMEs
and then make them a requirement? Then you'll get a lot of 0 byte
READMEs. So next you make it a requirement that they be > X bytes
length, and then you get a lot of READMEs with nothing but "This
is Foo::Bar, for documentation see POD".

You cannot make them.


> CPAN is a great idea and I am not blazé enough to accept the
> that it is sometimes used as a garbage can.

Garbage can is a strong word. I seriously doubt anyone uploads
anything they're not using themselves. The problem is that people
either do not care enough to put sufficient effort into what they
upload or they are simply not educated enough.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

Re: CPAN Rating

2004-06-21 Thread khemir nadim

"Simon Cozens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Khemir Nadim) writes:
> > why do we have Savanna, Rubyforge and other?
> Because people are naturally fractious and would prefer to reinvent the
> wheel in order to do things Their Way instead of making use of the
> resources.

You mean we should all wear the same cloth comming out from the same
factory, eat the same food program in a single language and all speak
english only. I prefere bio-diversity.

Cheers, Nadim.

Re: New module: CGI::Tooltip

2004-06-21 Thread khemir nadim
This is exactly wht I wanted to say in my previous post but my post was not
phrased as good.

I also think the abstract/real hierarchy is a good idea.

My last point would be about the library that is used. Is it JavaCscript or
something more specific?

Cheers, Nadim.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This has been one of the best examples I've seen on the difficulties of
> module naming. Many of the suggestions have valid reasons, and precidence
> to back up the theory.
> Seems like a really good example of a module that could benifit from meta
> data, and multi-category placement. If it weren't for existing categories,
> and still needed a category structure, I'd personally think something like
> the following would be more suitable:
> UI::ToolTip
> With UI::ToolTip::HTML::JavaScript implementing a UI::ToolTip class.
> It seems that the problem is that you could have ToolTip's implemented for
> an HTML, or SVG, or Java, or GTK, or whatever type of display toolkit, and
> they could be implemented using some other technology like JavaScript,
> CSS, etc. Personally, I'm more a fan of listing the interface the tooltip
> applies to first. If I were looking for a ToolTip module for GTK, I'd
> expect to find GTK::ToolTip or ToolTip::GTK, not Python::ToolTip::GTK or
> JavaScript::ToolTip::GTK.
> But, to each his own.
> This has been an interesting thread. My vote's for "HTML::ToolTip". If
> possible, it'd be nice if it was an abstract class, and
> HTML::ToolTip::Javascript was an implementation of that class.
> --
> Josh I.

Re: New module: CGI::Tooltip

2004-06-21 Thread khemir nadim
My two modest cents,

It seems to me that we'll never find __THE__ perfect name. The proposed
names all have something right. Isn't the problem somewhere else? Why can't
we name the same module differently? or (this might exist already) where do
we put description strings for the module (like at the library)?

Cheers, Nadim.

Re: Can't contact author. Abandoned module?

2004-06-21 Thread khemir nadim
Hi David,

It's just 10 days ago. The author might be on holidays or is too buisy to
answer you right now.

In the worst case, release you module under a different name for the time
being. What about:


Cheers, Nadim.

"David Coppit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Greetings all,
> Back in Aug 2003, I talked with Andrew Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> about
> expanding his Benchmark::Timer module to support statistical sampling.
> (The new feature would be to apply statistics to determine when to stop
> timing something, based on user-specified confidence intervals and error.)
> At the time, he seemed to like my changes, and said that he would consider
> adding them to the next version of the module. In the meantime, I
> distributed my modified version of Benchmark::Timer along with my own
> modules.
> I've since sent email to him in Feb 2004, and Jun 11, with no response.
> There have been no releases to the module, and in my last email I offered
> to take over maintenance if he's not interested in supporting the module
> any more. I'm worried that the module has been abandoned (or worse, that
> something has happened to the author).
> Should I wait longer? Or is it time to get the module maintainer gurus
> involved in order to determine the module's disposition? I'd rather not
> distribute an unofficial version of Benchmark::Timer with my code...

Re: CPAN Rating

2004-06-21 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Khemir Nadim) writes:
> why do we have Savanna, Rubyforge and other?

Because people are naturally fractious and would prefer to reinvent the
wheel in order to do things Their Way instead of making use of the available

We use Linux for all our mission-critical applications. Having the source code
means that we are not held hostage by anyone's support department.
(Russell Nelson, President of Crynwr Software)

Re: CPAN Rating

2004-06-21 Thread khemir nadim

"A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> * khemir nadim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-17 12:37]:
> > The spirit of CPAN is quite straighforwardly described when it
> > come to documentation but unfortunately a dummy (dumb) readme
> > is generated instead for "forcing" the user to write one.
> Before we had autogenerated READMEs, such modules had no README
> at all. You can't make someone do what they don't want to do.


Can you fly without passport? Can you release a USB product without
certification? etc ...

There is a diffrence between not wanting to do something and being _unable_
to do something.

CPAN is a great idea and I am not blazé enough to accept the that it is
sometimes used as a garbage can.

I'll try to wrap up what we (all) have discussed and see if there is
something that can be done.

Cheers, Nadim.

Re: CPAN Rating

2004-06-21 Thread khemir nadim

"A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> * khemir nadim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-16 13:53]:
> > I once wrote that it would be great to have the equivalent of
> > sourceforge for perl module, the answer I got was "use
> > sourceforge". Hmm talk about not answering the question.
> Maybe because it was the wrong question. CPAN is the
> Comprehensive Perl ARCHIVE Network.

I think you missunderstood. I didn't ask for CPAN to become a perl
sourceforge. I asked if other wanted to have a source forge that specilizes
in perl  like Rubyforge for ruby.

> > The most disturbing thing is that perl is Huge, lots of
> > developpers, modules and projects but Ruby that is so small
> > does have a rubyforge.
> Right, and how large is it?

What does this have to do with my question? How large was CPAN when it
started? how large was Sourceforge when it started? why do we have Savanna,
Rubyforge and other? I ofound stuff in Rubyforge, I even had dinner with one
of the guy having a module there so if I can't find software I can still
have good times :-)

In fact the most disturbing thing with Sourceforge is that it's too big and
it's difficult to find the perl gems in the software bazaar.

Cheers, Nadim.