[Mono-announce-list] ANNOUNCE: Banshee 1.4.2 Released!

2009-02-22 Thread Gabriel Burt

We've released Banshee 1.4.2, a stable release full of two months of
bug fixes and polish.

Note to packagers:  pass  --with-vendor-build-id, see NEWS for details.

Notable bug fixes:
  * Handle parsing non-UTF8 RSS feeds (BGO #538224)
  * Fix bug with Rescan UI being glitchy, CPU heavy (BGO #552561)
  * Don't import podcast episodes during Rescan (BGO #552976)
  * Fix localization issue with audio profiles (BNC #449788)
  * Fix duplicating and clearing File System Queue playlists
  * Set the mimetype on ripped tracks (BGO #558526)
  * Fix opening to a specific device/cd (BNC #461677)
  * Fix support for playing m3u's etc passed in from Firefox (BNC #456120)
  * Fixed Rio Karma support (BGO #566205)
  * Escape closes the equalizer dialog (BGO #552818).
  * Fix crash that occured near the end of syncing a DAP (BGO #558662)
  * Fix audio cd crash when running in certain languages (BGO #565059)
  * Deleting last track in a folder on MassStorage works (BGO #560550)
  * Support passing filenames with spaces to banshee-1 (BNC #440883)
  * Prevent browser panes from being made zero height (BGO #560675)
  * Prevent DAAP-related freeze by delaying initialization (BNC #450125)
  * Fix unsubscribing from the last podcast (BGO #560210)
  * Fix issue with first track's TrackCount in editor (BGO #561083)
  * Fix albums sometimes listed twice, as compilation and not (BGO #557313)
  * Fix podcast episodes' published date when playing (BGO #565863)
  * Fix bug with encoding/scrobbling non-ASCII info (BGO #539963)
  * Fix case-sensitivity bug with genre smart playlists (BGO #555120)
  * Support parsing dates for some invalid RSS feeds (BGO #561381)
  * Files with uppercase extensions show in import dialog (BGO #566224)
  * 62 bugs were FIXED since 1.4.1

Full release notes with ChangeLog and more:

Download the source code:
sha1sum: f1389c16684762b7b6e95dd4a4e0d249736aa391


Mono-announce-list maillist  -  Mono-announce-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-docs-list] Translating site and docs

2009-02-22 Thread olegchir

My name is Oleg, I'm from Russia, Novosibirsk.

I want to translate project-mono site and documentation into russian

How can I do this? Can you give any sources, or at least complete sitemap?

Oleg Chiruhin

GPG F8334007 at pgp.mit.edu
fingerprint CBDC 4DF8 CCFD E5BA D543  EF3B A1E9 6090 F833 4007
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[Mono-winforms-list] MS Access DataBase and Winforms on MONO Linux

2009-02-22 Thread XmidPOE

Hi All,

Please any one help because I am stuck with this problem for some time!

I have a application that is developed in .net 2.0 vs2005, and uses a access
data base. But now this application shold work on linux (openSuSE).

I tried it to start it with mono on openSuSE and the application runs untill
there is no connection to database. The moment when the app needs any data
from the database, the app crashes.

I was reading and surfing around and I found that the GNOME.org has a
library for access data base connection. I am installing it but still the
same error.

Please suggest, help if any.

With best regards,

Dimce Ivanoski
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Re: [Mono-winforms-list] OSX TextBox accepts no input?

2009-02-22 Thread ultraviolet7

You need to add this.Controls.Add(tb); towards the end of your constructor.

gohanman wrote:
 I'm kind of baffled by this. I can create a Form object and add a TextBox
 object to it. I can give the TextBox focus and get a cursor. Nothing I
 type while the TextBox has focus shows up. gmcs and mono both report
 version 1.9. Code follows:
 using System.Windows.Forms;
 using System.Drawing;
 public class MyC : Form
 public MyC()
 Text = Simple;
 Size = new Size(250, 200);
 TextBox tb = new TextBox();
 tb.Parent = this;
 tb.Location = new Point(5,5);
 tb.Size = new Size(200,180);
 tb.Multiline = true;
 tb.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical;
 tb.AcceptsReturn = true;
 tb.AcceptsTab = true;
 tb.WordWrap = false;
 static public void Main()
Application.Run(new MyC());
 I'm compiling thusly:
 gmcs -r:System.Windows.Forms.dll -r:System.Drawing.dll MyC.cs
 If there's something wrong with my code, I can't find it. Is this just a
 limitation of mono on OS X?

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Re: [Mono-winforms-list] [Mono-dev] Complex script / international support in Winforms/libgdiplus

2009-02-22 Thread Sebastien Pouliot
On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 10:34 +0700, Jonathan Anderson wrote:
 I posted a note on mono-devel a couple months ago about possible work on
 libgdiplus to get pango support working well.  I've been working on
 doing just that for a little while now, and I'm getting close to having
 something that does reasonably well within the gdi+ framework.  

That's great news!

 I don't
 have all the formatting options supported yet, but then again, it
 doesn't look like the current cairo text module does either.

Right. Only the most common formatting options are supported. A few of
them have some limitations as well.

 With getting pango working, it will be able to render complex scripts
 correctly to support languages like Arabic, Thai, Hebrew, Burmese, etc.
   I'm currently doing some volunteer work for SIL Internatioal 
 (www.sil.org) where we do lots of work with minority and complex 
 scripts, so this support is essential for widespread adoption of  mono, 
 which we're using to do ports of windows forms apps.
 However, I've discovered that getting pango working in libgdiplus is
 only part of the story for getting good complex script support in
 winforms.  With pango in libgdiplus, you get well-rendered strings for
 any controls that just draw a whole string, which is most controls,
 although some need work on right-to-left support.  The TextBox control
 and any controls that share the TextBoxBase implementation
 (MaskedTextBox, RtfTextBox) are where the biggest problems are.
 The problem is that the implementation of the TextBox makes some very
 basic assumptions that don't work for complex scripts, i.e. the width of
 a string is not necessarily equal to the sum of the widths of the
 individual characters.  This can even be true for Latin fonts that use
 kerning and ligatures like ae, ff, and fi.  Also, separate code points
 can form one grapheme (one rendered symbol).  All this causes problems
 with selection, caret placement, and line breaking.
 Now, all that being said, I've been working on the TextBox as well to
 improve the implementation.  I'm not done yet, so I don't have any good
 code to post here yet.  One of the problems that I'm working against is
 that the gdi+ interface doesn't supply the information needed to do the
 TextBox correctly, that is, if I want to work with libgdiplus to make
 the pango calls, I'll need to add some linux-specific functions that I
 can call for text metrics.  I noticed there are some other functions in
 libgdiplus with _linux in the names, so I'm assuming that this won't
 be a huge problem - otherwise, a lot of code for the cairo/pango
 interaction would have to be copied into winforms.

It's hard to say without seeing the code. Winforms does not depend,
directly, on libgdiplus, System.Drawing does. *_linux functions are used
in limited cases (like some OS specific stuff to generalize creating a
graphic instance). At the end both Mono's System.Drawing and Winforms*
needs to be able to execute under Windows.

* Mono's Winforms also needs to be able to execute on top on MS S.D.

 I'm doing the extra text metrics by adding methods in the
 TextBoxTextRenderer class, which seemed to be the best place to do that.
   For the Windows side of things, I'm having it make calls to gdi, which
 provides some better metrics than gdi+, although not quite everything
 I'd like.  I can fill in the rest by making best guesses which won't be
 any worse than the current situation.  Since complex script rendering
 through gdi gets passed into uniscribe on Windows, I think that gdi may
 be a good place to start, but it would probably be best to use uniscribe
 directly at some point in the future for the best complex script support
 in Windows.  One of the problems with the vanilla gdi interface is
 handling drawing bits of text in different colors like you could get
 with the RtfTextBox or with any selection, whereas uniscribe provides
 methods to do that sort of thing.
 I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm working on this, and I
 wanted to see if the direction I'm taking using TextBoxTextRenderer and
 libgdiplus seemed appropriate.  Also, as I'll have a good bit of code
 for both libgdiplus and winforms that will depend on each other, what's
 the best way for me to get it into the project once I've got it working.

On each other ? Really ? because I don't see why libgdiplus would depend
on winforms changes (unless you meant S.D versus Winforms). 

Generally you should plan to merge the libgdiplus changes first, then
System.Drawing and finally Winforms. Of course it's quite possible that
it will require more than a single iteration.

   I know I'll need to have all the current unit tests passing with new
 code, and quite possibly some new tests.  

Yep, new features will need new tests. There are also a lot of open bugs
(most with test cases) about string drawing/measuring that should be

 Also, I may implement the new
 libgdiplus calls in cairo-text.c as well as a 

[Mono-winforms-list] Windows Form with Crystal Viewer

2009-02-22 Thread Nick234


I know it`s hard but i need to run application Windows Form with Crystal
Viewer on Linux.

Someone had some experience like?

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[Mono-winforms-list] Problem with accessiblename property

2009-02-22 Thread aardsoft


I have a c# winforms application developed with VS2008. It runs merrily on a
Suse Linux VM until the code tries to use the .AccessibleName property of a
Label control. It then crashes. The same code runs OK back on the Windows
development box which is referencing the Mono.Data and Mono.Data.tds dll's.
Using MessageBox debugging I have ascertained that the code does not error
when setting .AccessibleName to a value. However when checking for that
value later in the code in the .AccessibleName attribute it isn't there. The
same is also true about the AccessibleDescription property.

I am an enthusiastic newbie to Mono and I am impressed with performance of
the .Net c# running on Linux. Any comments or pointers would be most


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[Mono-winforms-list] third party tools

2009-02-22 Thread pmol


I am using visual studio 2005 and third party tools like a datagrid and
input controls. It is possible to run this app in linux and Mac or i must
use only the default controls that comes in vs2005.


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[Mono-winforms-list] Missing Text in WinForms Applications

2009-02-22 Thread garyw90

First, I would like to thank all those who have put a tremendous amount of
effort into getting mono running on other platforms.  I have been aware of
the mono project for years, but have never had a need for it until now.

I am trying to run some basic WinForms applications using mono on Fedora 10. 
Thus, I installed mono 1.9.1.  Everywhere there is text on the applications,
whether the menu, buttons, checkbox controls, or anything else, my text has
been redacted.   In other words, there is no text there, just a black hole.

Now, I have been out of the Unix / Linux loop for years now, and have not
been very familiar with the current state of affairs.  I am sure this
problem I am having is a simple configuration issue, and I have tried
looking about, but have not been able to find an answer.

Anyone who can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: [Mono-winforms-list] MS Access DataBase and Winforms on MONO Linux

2009-02-22 Thread Thomas Wach


so you use Gnome-DB (libgda  libgnomedb) with mdbtools ?

I was facing the same situation a few month ago, but did not set it up yet.

Maybe this may help you :



man gda-config-3.0

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Re: [Mono-dev] Mono Develop native menus on Mac OS X

2009-02-22 Thread Andreas Färber

Am 20.02.2009 um 01:12 schrieb Michael Hutchinson:

 On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Geoff Norton gnor...@novell.com  
 I have a patch somewhere or other for the menu (its 2 lines of code).
 The hotkeys I havn't looked into yet tho.  We should probably move  
 discussion to the monodevelop-list tho.

 Unfortunately it's nowhere near as easy is this. I cleanly patched in
 the main menu support, but it has *major* problems.


 * menu item sensitivity is not respected, so items are always
 sensitive even when they cannot be used

IIUC, this is standard Mac behavior, not a major issue. Disabled menu  
items cannot be selected, but clicking closes the menu without doing  

 * menu item images are not shown

Menu items don't have images on the Mac. Just like on Windows,  

 * menu items with checkboxes or radio boxes are invisible

 This is so broken that I've disabled my changes.

 IMO we need to generate the menus from the command tree completely
 differently for Mac. If someone would like to volunteer, I'll tell
 them how...

 It might even be viable to do it with Cocoa#.

Please try to avoid the 5+ ObjC bridges.
There is an official Gtk+ project for Mac OS X menu integration:



Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono Develop native menus on Mac OS X

2009-02-22 Thread Michael Hutchinson
On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Andreas Färber andreas.faer...@web.de wrote:

 Am 20.02.2009 um 01:12 schrieb Michael Hutchinson:
 * menu item sensitivity is not respected, so items are always
 sensitive even when they cannot be used

 IIUC, this is standard Mac behavior, not a major issue. Disabled menu items
 cannot be selected, but clicking closes the menu without doing anything.

So there is no way to indicate that a command is not currently valid?
My quick google image search disagrees.

 * menu item images are not shown

 Menu items don't have images on the Mac. Just like on Windows, originally.

I didn't consider this a major issue compared to the other problems anyway :)

 IMO we need to generate the menus from the command tree completely
 differently for Mac. If someone would like to volunteer, I'll tell
 them how...

 It might even be viable to do it with Cocoa#.

 Please try to avoid the 5+ ObjC bridges.
 There is an official Gtk+ project for Mac OS X menu integration:


This is the library I was using, and it is not suitable for
MonoDevelop's menu integration. The GTK# menus MonoDevelop generates
are simply too complex to be converted cleanly by a generic bridge.

Please see the discussions on the monodevelop lists if you'd like more details.

Michael Hutchinson
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Unable to call methods on managed objects while running Mono on the iPhone

2009-02-22 Thread mobbe

Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with getting the Mono
framework up and running on the iPhone and I am darn close to have it all
working.. .I have been able to get the AOT compilation to work and was able
this morning to startup Mono in full aot mode on the device. Big thanks to
Zoltan Varga for helping me through all the roadblocks I ran into.  I have
been working with a SVN HEAD version that I updated last week sometime.

Next step I took was to try to invoke some methods on classes in the msorlib
assembly to see if I could execute managed code and this is where I ran into
a new road block..

It looks like I am only able to execute .ctor methods!? During the startup
of Mono it creates a few exceptions (OutOfMemoryException etc..) and it
invokes its constructor method and passes in parameters. This works just
fine...and here it is executing managed code.

However, I tried to execute the ToString() method on an instance of the
Exception class and then the program is interrupted and stopped in the
prolog for the function mono_get_lmf_addr.. if I continue to run the
I get a BAD_INSTRUCTION message and the whole thing shuts down...

Here is the code I am trying to execute... 

MonoDomain * domain = mono_jit_init(); 
MonoAssembly* msCorlib = mono_domain_assembly_open (domain,mscorlib); 
MonoImage* image = mono_assembly_get_image(msCorlib);

MonoClass *klass = mono_class_from_name (image, System, Exception);
MonoObject* o = mono_object_new (domain, klass);

MonoMethodDesc* methodDesc = mono_method_desc_new(System.Object:ToString,
MonoMethod* toStringMethod = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(methodDesc,
MonoObject* result = mono_runtime_invoke(toStringMethod, o, NULL, NULL);

I don't know if it would help you but here is the assembly where it all
0x001d5bdc  +  push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
0x001d5bde  +0002  add r7, sp, #8
0x001d5be0  +0004  sub sp, #12 -- stops here
0x001d5be2  +0006  ldr r3, [pc, #76] (0x1d5c30
0x001d5be4  +0008  add r3, pc
0x001d5be6  +0010  ldr r3, [r3, #0]
0x001d5be8  +0012  adds r0, r3, #0
0x001d5bea  +0014  bl 0x3e640 TlsGetValue

I get the same problem if I try to run other methods on other objects or
static methods as well...Only constructor methods seems to work.

It looks to me that the stack isn't setup properly since it always throws
the EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION when trying to access the stack pointer. 

I have been banging my head against this problem for two days and right now
I am not able to figure out how to troubleshoot this. If there is anyone out
there that have any suggestion on how I should go about troubleshooting this
I would really appreciate it. It stings a bit to come this close and not be
able to cross the finish line... 


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Re: [Mono-dev] Unable to call methods on managed objects while running Mono on the iPhone

2009-02-22 Thread mobbe

An update on this one...I found a setting in XCode that said  Compile for
Thumb and that one was set to true. I unchecked it and recompiled
everything and now the code doesn't stop at the same position anymore...now
I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the get_hazardous_pointer...so I am still not
there but at least I cleared the hurdle I first posted about. Since thumb
instructions are 16 bits and ARM mode are 32 bits things must have not been
aligned properly and hence the BAD_INSTRUCTION exceptions. This is the call
stack right now...  

#0  0x0007e0cc in get_hazardous_pointer at domain.c:276
#1  0x0007e4e8 in mono_jit_info_table_find at domain.c:370
#2  0x0020f17c in mono_get_generic_context_from_code at
#3  0x0020f5a8 in mono_convert_imt_slot_to_vtable_slot at
#4  0x0021044c in mono_magic_trampoline at mini-trampolines.c:348
#5  0x03904524 in method_order_end

I guess my next step is to research my hazardous_pointers 

mobbe wrote:
 Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with getting the Mono
 framework up and running on the iPhone and I am darn close to have it all
 working.. .I have been able to get the AOT compilation to work and was
 able this morning to startup Mono in full aot mode on the device. Big
 thanks to Zoltan Varga for helping me through all the roadblocks I ran
 into.  I have been working with a SVN HEAD version that I updated last
 week sometime.
 Next step I took was to try to invoke some methods on classes in the
 msorlib assembly to see if I could execute managed code and this is where
 I ran into a new road block..
 It looks like I am only able to execute .ctor methods!? During the startup
 of Mono it creates a few exceptions (OutOfMemoryException etc..) and it
 invokes its constructor method and passes in parameters. This works just
 fine...and here it is executing managed code.
 However, I tried to execute the ToString() method on an instance of the
 Exception class and then the program is interrupted and stopped in the
 prolog for the function mono_get_lmf_addr.. if I continue to run the
 I get a BAD_INSTRUCTION message and the whole thing shuts down...
 Here is the code I am trying to execute... 
 MonoDomain * domain = mono_jit_init(); 
 MonoAssembly* msCorlib = mono_domain_assembly_open (domain,mscorlib); 
 MonoImage* image = mono_assembly_get_image(msCorlib);
 MonoClass *klass = mono_class_from_name (image, System, Exception);
 MonoObject* o = mono_object_new (domain, klass);
 MonoMethodDesc* methodDesc =
 mono_method_desc_new(System.Object:ToString, TRUE);
 MonoMethod* toStringMethod = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(methodDesc,
 MonoObject* result = mono_runtime_invoke(toStringMethod, o, NULL, NULL);
 I don't know if it would help you but here is the assembly where it all
 0x001d5bdc  +  push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
 0x001d5bde  +0002  add r7, sp, #8
 0x001d5be0  +0004  sub sp, #12 -- stops here
 0x001d5be2  +0006  ldr r3, [pc, #76] (0x1d5c30
 0x001d5be4  +0008  add r3, pc
 0x001d5be6  +0010  ldr r3, [r3, #0]
 0x001d5be8  +0012  adds r0, r3, #0
 0x001d5bea  +0014  bl 0x3e640 TlsGetValue
 I get the same problem if I try to run other methods on other objects or
 static methods as well...Only constructor methods seems to work.
 It looks to me that the stack isn't setup properly since it always throws
 the EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION when trying to access the stack pointer. 
 I have been banging my head against this problem for two days and right
 now I am not able to figure out how to troubleshoot this. If there is
 anyone out there that have any suggestion on how I should go about
 troubleshooting this I would really appreciate it. It stings a bit to come
 this close and not be able to cross the finish line... 

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Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Logging profiler timings are way off

2009-02-22 Thread Massimiliano Mantione

Sorry for the *late* reply... I've had problems with my mailbox
lately :-(

On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 17:11 +0100, Paul Melis wrote:
 While looking at the GC statistics after a profiler run which used
 --profile=logging:c I noticed the following times that seem to be the
 result of overflow/uninitialized vars:
 What's a good way to move forward on this?

You should try to use the force-accurate-timer profiler option as
documented on the mono(1) man page.

What happens is likely that rtdsc ends up being non-monotonic, but since
the timer values are handled as unsigned quantities if they underflow
they become huge numbers.

I'm still pondering if using the accurate (and slower) timer should be
the default instead...


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] DllNotFoundException after upgrading to Mono 2.2

2009-02-22 Thread fevans

I'm doing some SWIG pInvoke stuff, which worked until I upgraded to Mono 2.2. 
Worth noting, my situation forces me to install mono to a non-standard path
(I don't have root).

I tried adding an entry to the $installpath/etc/mono/config, but no luck. 

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Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Thread shutdown hook patch

2009-02-22 Thread Massimiliano Mantione

All I can add is that the logging statistical profiler needs it.
As it is in svn it does not crash anymore, but it terminates when the
main thread ends.

So, for instance, it is totally unable to profile xsp2
--nonstop (while with this patch, and using the callback, is works


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Help about how to start?

2009-02-22 Thread shweta123


I wish to contribute the project as a developer. But I don't know
how can I help. So please let me know how can I understand the  project?


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[Mono-dev] Mono is losing session when cookieless=true

2009-02-22 Thread MonoMichal


I have a problem, I need to use cookieless session.
It works very good on my windows machine (Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600, IIS
5.1), I experience no issues.

However when I migrate my project to mono server, mono is losing session.
I have trouble reading data from Session object. My application goes down :(
When I set cookieless to false everything is ok.
However I can't use session with cookies because of environment which I work
Requirement for my application is to not use cookies.

I'm fighting with this some time and can't solve :(

Please advise,
Many thanks,

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Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Developing using Mono/Gtk# Vs Mono.WinForms (Windows Linux)

2009-02-22 Thread Chris Hills
Tom Opgenorth wrote:
 What could be better to use Gtk# or Winforms?
 The rule of thumb would use:  if the majority of users are Windows,
 use WinForms.  If Linux, use GTK#.  Of course, this is assuming that
 you're equally skilled in both.

Bear in mind that if one chooses Gtk# one will have to include it with 
one's Windows packages, as the vast majority of Windows users do not 
have it installed already. Winforms is available in both .Net and Mono 
as standard. The desktop integration of WinForms in Mono could be 
improved if someone does the work to allow use of native widgets. I 
believe there was a GSoC project working on that, but I do not know if 
there has been any progress lately.

On a related note, I would like to see a Qt backend for WinForms 
available as well. I believe the KDE project is still working on Qyoto.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] pInvoke exceptions after installing Mono2.2

2009-02-22 Thread fevans

In release 1.9.1, my pInvoke works, but OpenFileDialog crashes (fixed in
In release 2.2,  OpenFileDialog works, but pInvoke crashes.

Technically I can't install Mono2.2, because I don't have root. So I install
1.9.1, then build 2.2 from source and install on top of 1.9.1. So, right off
the bat, I'm dealing with a questionable install.  If there's another way
around this install issue, I'd definitely like to here it.

After installing 2.2, I'm getting DllNotFoundExceptions. I've read the FAQ
on this. Its a good one, and it got me running in 1.9.1.  But the exact same
code fails after installing 2.2.

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Re: [Mono-dev] Can't debug from monodevelop with 2.2

2009-02-22 Thread Lluis Sanchez
Looks like your debugger is not in sync with your installed mono. If you
compiled the debugger from sources, you should recompile it again.

El dj 19 de 02 de 2009 a les 16:57 +0100, en/na pablosantosl...@terra.es
va escriure:
 I've upgraded my develop machine main mono installation to 2.2 and now I 
 can't debug using monodevelop (ouch!).
 Whenever it tries to launch a process it says it needs Mono.Cecil but now what I have is something like 0.6.9.xxx
 I've tried with the latest monodevelop (just downloaded from the 
 monodevelop site using the 1 click install), but same problem...
 Any pointers will be welcomed since we're *all* moving to MD today...
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Can't debug from monodevelop with 2.2

2009-02-22 Thread Lluis Sanchez
El dj 19 de 02 de 2009 a les 21:19 +0100, en/na pablosantosl...@terra.es
va escriure:
 Hi Lluis,
 Just installed from the official repositories: mono 2.2 and your last MD.
 It works with mono 2.0.1
 I'm using OpenSuse 11
 Another question: it seems the variable inspection does not work with 
 generic collections, does it?

Nope, due to limitations in the Mono debugger, inspection of generic
collections may not work.

 Lluis Sanchez escribió:
  Looks like your debugger is not in sync with your installed mono. If you
  compiled the debugger from sources, you should recompile it again.
  El dj 19 de 02 de 2009 a les 16:57 +0100, en/na pablosantosl...@terra.es
  va escriure:

  I've upgraded my develop machine main mono installation to 2.2 and now I 
  can't debug using monodevelop (ouch!).
  Whenever it tries to launch a process it says it needs Mono.Cecil but now what I have is something like 0.6.9.xxx
  I've tried with the latest monodevelop (just downloaded from the 
  monodevelop site using the 1 click install), but same problem...
  Any pointers will be welcomed since we're *all* moving to MD today...
  Mono-devel-list mailing list

 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Bug in DataGridView.ScrollBars

2009-02-22 Thread Marcelo Marques Inacio

Dear friends developers. 

The property ScrollBars.Vertical or ScrollBars.Horizontal in the DataGridView 
control is not working properly. 
The horizontal and vertical bar is always visible. 
Attached the following changes to correct operation.

Marcelo Marques Inácio


(62) 9969-3839 Celular


CC: mig...@ximian.com
From: mig...@novell.com
To: marceloina...@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Bug in DataGridView.ScrollBars
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 08:41:58 -0500

Hello Marcelo,

Would you mind sending this as a patch?

It would be even better if you post this to the 
mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com for the patch to be reviewed and discussed.


On Feb 18, 2009, at 7:26 PM, Marcelo Marques Inácio wrote:

Dear Miguel; 

Sorry, but the correct code for the attribute scrollbars is that it was 

Marcelo Marques Inácio


(62) 9969-3839 Celular

Receba GRÁTIS as mensagens do Messenger no seu celular quando você estiver 
offline. Conheça  o MSN Mobile!
// Atribute ScrollBars

[DefaultValue (ScrollBars.Both)]
[Localizable (true)]
public ScrollBars ScrollBars
get { return scrollBars; }
if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ScrollBars), value))
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(Invalid ScrollBars 

/// *** InvalidOperationException ***
/// The System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView is unable to
/// scroll due to a cell change that cannot be committed
/// or canceled.
scrollBars = value;
if (value == ScrollBars.Vertical | value == ScrollBars.Both)
verticalScrollBar.Visible = true;
verticalScrollBar.Visible = false;
if (value == ScrollBars.Horizontal | value == ScrollBars.Both)
horizontalScrollBar.Visible = true;
horizontalScrollBar.Visible = false;

// Atribute ScrollBars

// Function OnPaint


if (AutoSize) {
if (gridWidth  Size.Width || gridHeight  
Size.Height) {
Size = new Size(gridWidth, gridHeight);
else {
if (horizontalScrollBar.Visible  gridWidth  Size.Width)
horizontalVisible = true;
if (verticalScrollBar.Visible  gridHeight  Size.Height)
verticalVisible = true;
if (verticalScrollBar.Visible  horizontalScrollBar.Visible  
(gridHeight + horizontalScrollBar.Height)  Size.Height)
verticalVisible = true;
if (horizontalScrollBar.Visible  verticalScrollBar.Visible  
(gridWidth + verticalScrollBar.Width)  Size.Width)
horizontalVisible = true;
if (horizontalVisible) {
horizontalScrollBar.Minimum = 0;
horizontalScrollBar.Maximum = gridWidth;
horizontalScrollBar.SmallChange = 
int largeChange = ClientSize.Width - 
if (largeChange = 0)
largeChange = ClientSize.Width;
horizontalScrollBar.LargeChange = 
if (verticalVisible) 

[Mono-dev] Mono.SIMD

2009-02-22 Thread Johann_fxgen

I have done some performance tests of SIMD under windows.

Results tests in ms:
In MS C 235   (Visual Studio Release Mode With SIMD)
In MS C 360   (Visual Studio Release Mode With 4D Float)
In Mono C#453   (With Mono SIMD)
In Mono C#562   (With Mono 4D Float)
In MS C#   609   (Visual Studio With 4D Float)
In MS C 672   (Visual Studio Debug Mode)

I'm just surprise by difference between C SIMD and mono SIMD version.

Is Mono.SIMD under linux speeder than under windows ?


My mono code for test:

using Mono.Simd;
using System;
using Mono;

public struct Color
public float r,g,b,a;

public class TestMonoSIMD
public  Color m_pixels;
const int w = 4096;
const int h = 4096;

public static void Main ()
Console.WriteLine(AccelMode: {0}, 
Mono.Simd.SimdRuntime.AccelMode );

//Without SIMD
DateTime start1 = DateTime.Now;
Color ret1 = Gradient();
TimeSpan ts1 = DateTime.Now - start1;
Console.WriteLine(-FLOAT {0} {1}, ts1, ret1);

//With SIMD
DateTime start2 = DateTime.Now;
Vector4f ret2 = GradientSIMD();
TimeSpan ts2 = DateTime.Now - start2;
Console.WriteLine(-SIMD  {0} {1}, ts2, ret2);

public static Color Gradient()
float finv_WH = 1.0f / (float)(w*h);
Color ret = new Color();

Color a = new Color();
Color b = new Color();
Color c = new Color();
Color d = new Color();  
a.r=0.0f;   a.g=0.0f; a.b=1.0f; a.a=1.0f;
b.r=0.0f;   b.g=1.0f; b.b=0.0f; b.a=1.0f;
c.r=1.0f;   c.g=0.0f; c.b=0.0f; c.a=1.0f;
d.r=0.5f;   d.g=0.5f; d.b=1.0f; d.a=1.0f;   

//Process operator
for (int y=0; yh; y++)
for (int x=0; xw; x++)
//Calc percent A,B,C,D
float pa = (float)((w-x)* 
(h-y)) * finv_WH;
float pb = (float)((x)  * 
(h-y)) * finv_WH;
float pc = (float)((w-x)* (y))  
 * finv_WH;
float pd = (float)((x)  * (y))  
 * finv_WH;

float cr= ((a.r*pa) + (b.r*pb) + 
(c.r*pc) + (d.r*pd));
float cg= ((a.g*pa) + (b.g*pb) + 
(c.g*pc) + (d.g*pd));
float cb= ((a.b*pa) + (b.b*pb) + 
(c.b*pc) + (d.b*pd));
float ca= ((a.a*pa) + (b.a*pb) + 
(c.a*pc) + (d.a*pd));
ret.r+=cr;  ret.g+=cg;  
ret.b+=cb;  ret.a+=ca;
return ret;

public static Vector4f GradientSIMD()
float finv_WH = 1.0f / (float)(w*h);
Vector4f ret = new Vector4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

Vector4f a = new Vector4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Vector4f b = new Vector4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Vector4f c = new Vector4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Vector4f d = new Vector4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f);  

//Process operator
Vector4f p = new Vector4f();
Vector4f r = new Vector4f();
for (int y=0; yh; y++)
for (int x=0; xw; x++)
//Calc percent A,B,C,D
p.X = (float)((w-x) * (h-y)) * 
p.Y = (float)((x)   * 
(h-y)) * finv_WH;
p.Z = (float)((w-x) * (y))   * 
p.W = (float)((x)   * 

[Mono-dev] Making your own programming language for mono

2009-02-22 Thread xiul

Hi everyone, I just want to know if it's possible to create your own language
(a very simple one and probably not object oriented) for mono (for academy
purpose of a course at university), and if this task is possible, I want to
know just what steps probably I should follow to do this task, like: create
lexer in this way, create parser that generate this kind of AST, then pass
the AST to this function to generate code or something like that.

Thanks for any help.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Mono - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Making your own programming language for mono

2009-02-22 Thread Bojan Rajkovic
As long as you can emit IL in a PE-format executable (basically, if you can
emit an executable like gmcs/csc/etc.), Mono can run it.


-Original Message-
From: mono-devel-list-boun...@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of xiul
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:52 AM
To: mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com
Subject: [Mono-dev] Making your own programming language for mono

Hi everyone, I just want to know if it's possible to create your own
(a very simple one and probably not object oriented) for mono (for academy
purpose of a course at university), and if this task is possible, I want to
know just what steps probably I should follow to do this task, like: create
lexer in this way, create parser that generate this kind of AST, then pass
the AST to this function to generate code or something like that.

Thanks for any help.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Mono - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Unable to compile from svn

2009-02-22 Thread Kojo Adams
Hi all,

I get the following error when trying to compile from svn.

CC  mono-hash.lo
mono-hash.c: In function 'g_hash_node_new':
mono-hash.c:401: error: 'node_mem_chunk' undeclared (first use in this function)
mono-hash.c:401: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
mono-hash.c:401: error: for each function it appears in.)
make[3]: *** [mono-hash.lo] Error 1

As far as I can see node_mem_chunk is defined as
#if defined(HAVE_NULL_GC)
static GMemChunk *node_mem_chunk = NULL;
#if defined(HAVE_SGEN_GC)
static MonoGHashNode *node_free_lists [4] = {NULL};
static void *hash_descr = NULL;
static GMemChunk *node_mem_chunk = NULL;
static MonoGHashNode *node_free_list = NULL;

My config is

mcs source:$(top_srcdir)/../mcs
olive source:

TLS:   __thread
Engine:Building and using the JIT
2.0 Beta:  yes
2.1 Alpha: yes
JNI support:   IKVM Native
libgdiplus:assumed to be installed
oprofile:  no
BigArrays: no
Parallel Mark: yes

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] More .NET and mono floating point inconsistencies

2009-02-22 Thread Kornél Pál

At least on x86 changing the FPU's control flags is expensive so it 
usually runs with 64-bit precision. (Both Mono and MS.NET use it as 
double is 64-bit sized.)

There may be architectures that support different size floating point 
operations simultaneously but on x86 you have to use one size and 
convert the results to lower precision when needed.

As a result float (float32) and double (float64) work either at the same 
speed, or float32 is slower when you do a lot of float64 to float32 
conversions on the FP stack without storing it to a variable.

The only thing you save is storage when you store float32 out of the FP 


ddambro wrote:
 Thank you for looking into this issue for me.  After adding a few more
 explicit float conversions and removing some temporary variables, I was able
 to create a version of my program that runs the same on both mono
 (svn127604) and .NET.  However, I am interested in what you said about
 doubles.  If I'm understanding correctly, if I use doubles instead of floats
 I shouldn't have to worry about these rounding inconsistencies?  I think we
 started with doubles, but moved to floats because they were supposedly
 faster, but if what you say is true, I might try and change everything over
 when I have time.  Checking Google only reveals that there is some conflict
 as to if floats are faster than doubles in C#.  Plus if I ever decide to use
 the SIMD instructions, I can only do half as much work at a time.  But even
 if there is a performance loss it might be worth it to avoid constantly
 having to test new versions for .NET/mono compatibility.
 Kornél Pál wrote:

 I've evaluated your test cases and found that the behavior exposed by 
 your tests cases is not a bug.

 For the first sight this seems to be a bug is MS.NET, but it isn't a bug 
 of MS.NET either.

 ECMA specs (part3, 1.1.1 Numeric data types) explicitly state the

 When a floating-point value ... is put in a storage location, it is 
 automatically coerced to the type of the storage location. ... However,
 the value might be retained in the internal representation for future 
 use, if it is reloaded from the storage location without having been 
 modified. ... This freedom to carry extra precision is not permitted,
 however, following the execution of an explicit conversion (conv.r4 or 
 conv.r8) ...

 This means that unlike integer variables, floating point store/load 
 pairs are not (necessarily) cause conversion.

 On the other hand if you need deterministic behavior, you should issue 
 an explicit conv.r4 (x = (float)y; in C#) because this is an 
 implementation detail of the current MS JIT compiler that may change in 
 the future even in that compiler.

 Although ECMA specs permit the native float type to have additional 
 precision, you will most likely never notice the same behavior with 
 double (float64), because both Mono and MS.NET configure the FPU to 
 round each arithmetic operations to 64-bits.

 Also note that there is no performance gain from using float (float32), 
 because the FPU still operates in 64-bit mode that has to be converted 
 to 32-bits. As a result if you want performance you shouldn't use 
 float32 at all.

 A simplified test case:
 float f1=200;
 float f2=162.980057f;
 float f3 = (1 - (f2 / f1));
 float f4 = f3*f3;
 Console.WriteLine(f4.ToString(R, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

 Adding an extra conversion you will get the behavior of Mono on MS.NET 
 as well:
 float f1=200;
 float f2=162.980057f;
 float f3 = (float)(1 - (f2 / f1));
 float f4 = f3*f3;
 Console.WriteLine(f4.ToString(R, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));


 Rodrigo Kumpera wrote:
 I have commited the fixed from Kornél for all bugs that have tests.

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:14 AM, ddambro ddam...@gmail.com 
 mailto:ddam...@gmail.com wrote:


 Thanks for looking into my issues.  I hope my post didn't come across
 rude or anything, I was really just looking to ask if it was better
 to post
 issues here or directly to Bugzilla.  I'm sure there are far more
 issues than my weird floating point inconsistencies.

 For the curious, I am an AI researcher working on Evolutionary
 I tend to use Windows and .NET to run my code, but my research group
 several large computing clusters that could massively speed up my
 experiments, but they only run Linux. Also academia tends to shy
 away from
 Windows Only software, so if I can say Runs in Linux when I
 release my
 code to the public, it's a pretty big boon for me as well as the
 people who
 want to run it.  However, because of the floating point issues
 experiments run on mono are not compatible with experiments run on
 .NET, as
 over the course of a simulation, the small errors propagate over
 of time steps into large differences in the final AI 

Re: [Mono-list] Mixing Mono and .NET dlls?

2009-02-22 Thread Sandy Armstrong
On 02/21/2009 05:26 PM, fevans wrote:
 Miguel's blog on Mono.Options, got me wondering (again) about hybrid

 On the technical side, what are the advantages and pitfalls of mixing dlls
 from both stacks. I develop mainly in Visual Studio. Can I include
 Mono.Options.dll  in my .NET project?

Most of this has already been answered, but I wanted to mention that 
since Mono.Options is a single .cs file, you probably just want to 
include that file in an existing assembly of yours.

Please read the very short MIT/X11-style license at the top of any Mono 
.cs file, and you should understand the freedoms that are granted to 
you, and your own obligations when redistributing (including copyright 
info, etc).

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] .dll Data Provider - Can do?

2009-02-22 Thread byteman

First, please excuse the cross posting, but I didn't get a nibble in the
asp.net section.

Exploring mono  linux  apache as a possibility for hosting a low volume
app that reads and writes foxpro data files.  On the windows side, it
requires the vfpoledb.dll provider.  Other than that, it's a fairly straight
forward asp.net 2.0 application utilizing standard controls, etc.

Should this run on mono / apache / linux?  If so, can someone point me
towards documentation that would show me how to handle the data provider?
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] BinaryFormatter serialization accross .NET and Mono

2009-02-22 Thread schmmd

Hi, I am asking to learn if it is a goal of the Mono project to have
consistent serialization across Mono and .Net with respect to the
BinaryFormatter.  Serialization is the same in some cases.  For example,
serialization of a byte array is the same in .NET and Mono.  However,
serialization of a struct containing a byte array is not.  Consider the
attached program.  In .NET the output is:


However, in mono 2.2 it is:


Is this a bug or is consistency between .NET and Mono not a goal?
http://www.nabble.com/file/p21881760/Program.cs Program.cs 
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Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] .dll Data Provider - Can do?

2009-02-22 Thread Chris Howie
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 5:07 PM, byteman ge...@controlg.com wrote:
 Exploring mono  linux  apache as a possibility for hosting a low volume
 app that reads and writes foxpro data files.  On the windows side, it
 requires the vfpoledb.dll provider.  Other than that, it's a fairly straight
 forward asp.net 2.0 application utilizing standard controls, etc.

 Should this run on mono / apache / linux?  If so, can someone point me
 towards documentation that would show me how to handle the data provider?

Is vfpoledb.dll a managed assembly?  If not, then the application will
not run natively on Linux unless there is a Linux-native version of
this library available.

If it is a managed assembly then run it through MoMA
http://www.mono-project.com/MoMA and see what the results say.

Chris Howie
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] NEED HELP PLZZZZZ ! (5 min no more)

2009-02-22 Thread PFJ


arnomedia wrote:
 ** (/home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux:5385): WARNING **: The following
 assembly referenced from /home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux.exe could not
 be loaded:
  Assembly:   Microsoft.VisualBasic(assemblyref_index=1)
  Public Key: b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in
 the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing
 assembly (/home/arnofly/Bureau).

You need to install mono-basic :-)


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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Problems with CopyTo, using Contains(...) and inserting a character from one string into another.

2009-02-22 Thread PFJ


I'm trying to copy a specific section of a string to another string.
My code looks like this

void search(string s)
string newstring;
for (int a = 0 ; a  s.Length; ++a)
 if (a + 1  s.Length)
 if (s[a + 1]  'a')
   s.CopyTo(a, newstring.ToCharArray(), 0, 1);
   s.CopyTo(a, newstring.ToCharArray(),0, 2);

However, I'm getting an exception out of range error - even if a = 0.
If I replace newstring.ToCharArray with a true char array, I get the
same error.

Have I misunderstood copyto? It looks ok according to MSDN.

Another niggle, is there anyway to make something akin to Contains but
compares not just the first character, but for all given characters
(for example, my string contains BaSO4, if I use Contains, then B gets
seen first from the comparison list, it exits, which means that as e
doesn't exist and the code fails)? I've tried

if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(dupeform, element,
and not to ignore the case, but that fails too.



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Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Multi Platform Database for Mono Applications

2009-02-22 Thread RightPaddock


I am considering using Mono to develop an specific purpose image browser for
use on Windows, MAC/OS and Linux systems.

To meet performance requirements the application requires a database to
store thumbnails and search data.

I am looking for suggestions for database products that run on Windows,
MAC/OS and Linux that do not require use of technologies such as VMWare or
Parallels that I can use from within a Mono/C# environment.

The application along with the database and the images will be distributed
on DVD at no cost to qualified users, so I'm looking for a zero cost run
time database system. The application must run stand-alone - i.e. no
network, no servers. I anticipate installing the software on users system
from the DVD, but images and the database would normally be accessed from
the DVD.

The thumbnails and search data would be imported from the original image
files, the latter being sourced from embedded IPTC metadata such as keywords
and supplemental categories.

The thumbnail and IPTC metadata are injected into the image files using a
commercial Digital Asset Management (DAM) application.

I don't insist that the database be SQL compliant, b-tree indexes would
probably suffice. As long as the same database or index files can be used
from within the same Mono application running on Windows, MAC/OS or Linux.


Addenda 1 : If anyone knows of an image browser that runs on Win, Mac 
Linux, that can do FAST searches on ,000's of images using the IPTC
Supplemental Category and Keyword fields could they please let me know.

Addenda 2 : I'm leaning towards SQLite, an embedded library is probably
better for this project, as opposed to products that use a separate process
- such as MySQL.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Need help with xbuild.

2009-02-22 Thread stan.zhang

I am new for xbuild and mono. Now I have a project in VS2005, and want to
build it in xbuild.

There are some question:
1. What's the project file supported by xbuild? Ara there anything manual of

2. Get a exception from prj2make:

using  System;
public class HelloWord{
public static void Main(){
Console.WriteLine(Hello .net);

Project DefaultTargets=Build
   Reference Include=System /
   Compile Include=Foo.cs /
 Import Project=$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets / 

D:\E4SLprj2make Foo.csproj
EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an
e of an object
  at Mfconsulting.General.Prj2Make.SlnMaker.GetCsprojFileVersion
strInCsprojFile) [0x0]
  at Mfconsulting.General.Prj2Make.SlnMaker.MsSlnHelper (Boolean isUnixMode,
lean isMcsMode, Boolean isSln, System.String slnFile) [0x0]

I hope you can help me, and show me a sample for xbuild. 

stan zhang
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Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Problems installing MONO 2.2 on Solaris 10

2009-02-22 Thread r3m

You maybe found this post useful, it helps me to install MONO 2.2 from
sources in OpenSuSE


jluoni wrote:
 I am trying to install MONO 2.2 on Solaris 10 x86 and keep getting the
 following error a few minutes into gmake.  Also MONO 2.0.1 source from
 October installs no problems in the same environment.  Please help me,
 thanks in advanced.  I post the steps if I can get 2.2 working.
 granlib .libs/libmonogc-static.a
 creating libmonogc-static.la
 (cd .libs  rm -f libmonogc-static.la  ln -s ../libmonogc-static.la
 gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/libgc'
 gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/libgc'
 Making all in mono
 gmake[2]: Entering directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono'
 Making all in utils
 gmake[3]: Entering directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono/utils'
 /usr/sbin/dtrace -32 -s ../../data/mono.d -o mono-dtrace.h
 dtrace: script '../../data/mono.d' matched 0 probes
 dtrace: no probes matched
 gmake[3]: *** [mono-dtrace.h] Error 1
 gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono/utils'
 gmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono'
 gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2'
 gmake: *** [all] Error 2

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Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] how to deploy .NET application to iphone simulator

2009-02-22 Thread yyaomono

I have a .NET application which we want it to run on iphone. First we try to
run it on iphone simulator. I understand we need mono to accomplish such
task. I do not know how to deploy such .Net application to simulator with
mono. Anyone has done such task before? If so, could you enlighten me as how
you accomplished it?

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Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Doubt on Console.ReadLine() !!!!!

2009-02-22 Thread nsharath

hello sir,
I am working on SUSE studio MONO 2.2.
I am able to run the Console.WriteLine() perfectly.
But the Console.ReadLine() is showing exceptions in the sample code.But
this code is running perfectly on the Windows Visual studio 2008.


GIVEN ARRAY - - - - - - - - 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace practice
class highest
public static void Main()
int n,first,second;
Console.Write(enter size of array:);
n = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int[] a = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i  a.Length; i++)
Console.Write(enter number{0}:, (i+1));
a[i] = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Big_func(a, out first, out second);
Console.WriteLine(FIRST HIGHEST =  + first);
Console.WriteLine(SECOND HIGHEST =  + second);
public static void Big_func(int[] a, out int first, out int second)
first = 0;
second = 0;
foreach(int i in a)
if (i  first)
second = first;
first = i;
else if (i  second  i  first)
second = i;

- - - - - - - - - - - - - the end - - - - - - - - 

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Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Doubt on Console.ReadLine() !!!!!

2009-02-22 Thread nsharath

hello sir,
thanks a lot for telling me that there is an OPTION in the project menu.
Can u please tell me what is the option under projects.I am not able to
locate it.
Please reply me the name of that option for taking input from TERMINAL or

awaiting your reply !!!

nsharath wrote:
 hello sir,
 I am working on SUSE studio MONO 2.2.
 I am able to run the Console.WriteLine() perfectly.
 But the Console.ReadLine() is showing exceptions in the sample code.But
 this code is running perfectly on the Windows Visual studio 2008.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - SAMPLE CODE TO FIRST THE HIGHEST 2 NUMBERS IN
 GIVEN ARRAY - - - - - - - - 
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;
 namespace practice
 class highest
 public static void Main()
 int n,first,second;
 Console.Write(enter size of array:);
 n = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
 int[] a = new int[n];
 for (int i = 0; i  a.Length; i++)
 Console.Write(enter number{0}:, (i+1));
 a[i] = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
 Big_func(a, out first, out second);
 Console.WriteLine(FIRST HIGHEST =  + first);
 Console.WriteLine(SECOND HIGHEST =  + second);
 public static void Big_func(int[] a, out int first, out int
 first = 0;
 second = 0;
 foreach(int i in a)
 if (i  first)
 second = first;
 first = i;
 else if (i  second  i  first)
 second = i;
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - the end - - - - - - - - 

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] novell ftp and mirror sites

2009-02-22 Thread itaibh

I'm having troubles downloading mono from Novell FTP. It either doesn't work
at all, or just hangs in the middle, or starts very slow (several bytes a
second) and than hangs, etc.
Is it possible to put copies of the installation files on mirror sites, and
perhaps also provide torrent of them?

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Media Pack for Monolight 1.0

2009-02-22 Thread Chris Hills

The media pack for Monolight 1 on Firefox for Linux 
(silverlight-media-pack-linux-x86-5-1.so) links to libmono.so.0. This 
requires the full Mono framework to be installed as it is not provided 
by Monolight. This was not clear at install time.


Chris Hills

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Crosscompiling for MIPS, smart people wanted

2009-02-22 Thread Ger Teunis

I'm currently trying to crosscompile Mono for a MIPS, but I encounter a

I downloaded the current sourcecode of Mono (2.2) and I am trying to cross
compile it for a MIPS32 box of mine.

I configured using the following command:
./configure --target=mipsel-linux-uclibc --host=mipsel-linux-uclibc

The --with-tls switch seems to fix compile error: undefined reference to
Now I encounter the following problem during make:

(in mono/mini)
./genmdesc ./cpu-mips.md cpu-mips.h mips_desc
** ERROR **: Invalid opcode 'mips_beq' at line 254 in ./cpu-mips.md

It seems, while genmdesc is compiled for i386 the .md file is a MIPS file.
(file genmdesc returns: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, dynamic

Can anyone help me out here? It would be great to run Mono on a Networked
Media Tank!
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Mono-2.2 configure problem

2009-02-22 Thread gohanz

I have a compilation problem with Mono-2.2. I'm on Slackware 12.2. The
./configure script fail and exit with this error!
Thanks in advance.

checking for X... libraries , headers
checking for the soname of libX11.so... libX11.so.6
checking valgrind/memcheck.h usability... no
checking valgrind/memcheck.h presence... no
checking for valgrind/memcheck.h... no
checking if the Mono Debugger is supported on this platform... yes
checking if the tls_model attribute is supported... yes
./configure: line 40437: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./configure: line 40437: `  for ac_var in `(set) 21 | sed -n
's/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'`; do'

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Writing iPhone games using Mono

2009-02-22 Thread LeonTheProfessional

Hi all,

First thanks for all this hard work you guys are doing on Mono. .NET can't
be a better development platform without Mono, that's for sure :)

I searched the forum and cleared some of my questions, but I am wondering

1. When you write an iPhone game, can you use Visual Studio, .NET and Mono,
or do I have to specifically develop on a Mac? Or is it like one can use
Visual Studio and .NET to write the code and compile using Mono?

2. How does Mono interface with iPhone? Is there a wrapper for iPhone, to
get things like gravity vector of the phone, etc?

3. Ngen == AOT? Ngen is used on C# using the C# compiler and AOT does the
same for Mono?

Thanks in advance.
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Tar library for mono - SharpZipLib doesnt preserve attributes/ownership of files

2009-02-22 Thread adrin

are there any solutions to create a tar.gz file from a directory under Mono
other than running system command 'tar'?
I tried SharpZipLib but it doesnt seem to preserve file attributes (all
files in created tar file are +x and owned by root regardless of their
original setting) - i used sharpziplib compiled from source under windows
(VS2008)... i dont see any code that would handle ownership or attribute
preservation logic... Anyone knows any details on this?
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] dependency problem while installing mono through yum

2009-02-22 Thread paul_radiusict

when i give the command 'yum install mono' in the terminal after configure
the mono.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d, i faced the following dependency
problems. Need help.

[r...@localhost ~]# yum install mono
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
-- Running transaction check
--- Package mono-core.i586 0:1.9.1-2.novell set to be updated
-- Processing Dependency: libgdiplus0 for package: mono-core
-- Processing Dependency: mono(Mono.Mozilla) = for package:
-- Processing Dependency: mono-core = 1.9.1-2.fc9 for package:
-- Processing Dependency: mono-core = 1.9.1-2.fc9 for package:
-- Processing Dependency: mono-core = 1.9.1-2.fc9 for package: mono-data
-- Processing Dependency: mono-core = 1.9.1-2.fc9 for package: mono-extras
-- Processing Dependency: mono-core = 1.9.1-2.fc9 for package: mono-web
-- Running transaction check
--- Package mono-winforms.i586 0:1.9.1-2.novell set to be updated
--- Package libgdiplus0.i386 0:1.9-1.rhel4.novell set to be updated
-- Processing Dependency: libexif.so.9 for package: libgdiplus0
--- Package mono-data-sqlite.i586 0:1.9.1-2.novell set to be updated
--- Package mono-web.i586 0:1.9.1-2.novell set to be updated
--- Package mono-extras.i586 0:1.9.1-2.novell set to be updated
--- Package mono-data.i586 0:1.9.1-2.novell set to be updated
-- Processing Conflict: mono-core conflicts mono-addins = 0.3
-- Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.
-- Running transaction check
--- Package mono-addins.noarch 0:0.3.1-0.novell set to be updated
-- Processing Dependency: mono(pango-sharp) = for package:
-- Processing Dependency: mono(gdk-sharp) = for package:
-- Processing Dependency: mono(glib-sharp) = for package:
-- Processing Dependency: mono(gtk-sharp) = for package:
--- Package libgdiplus0.i386 0:1.9-1.rhel4.novell set to be updated
-- Processing Dependency: libexif.so.9 for package: libgdiplus0
-- Finished Dependency Resolution
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch from mono has depsolving problems
  -- Missing Dependency: mono(pango-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch from mono has depsolving problems
  -- Missing Dependency: mono(glib-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)
libgdiplus0-1.9-1.rhel4.novell.i386 from mono has depsolving problems
  -- Missing Dependency: libexif.so.9 is needed by package
libgdiplus0-1.9-1.rhel4.novell.i386 (mono)
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch from mono has depsolving problems
  -- Missing Dependency: mono(gdk-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch from mono has depsolving problems
  -- Missing Dependency: mono(gtk-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)
Error: Missing Dependency: mono(gtk-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)
Error: Missing Dependency: mono(glib-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)
Error: Missing Dependency: mono(gdk-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)
Error: Missing Dependency: libexif.so.9 is needed by package
libgdiplus0-1.9-1.rhel4.novell.i386 (mono)
Error: Missing Dependency: mono(pango-sharp) = is needed by package
mono-addins-0.3.1-0.novell.noarch (mono)


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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Mono-2.2 configure problem

2009-02-22 Thread gohanz

robdocobo wrote:
 Hi br
 I get exactly the same problem for mono-2.2 under Fedora Core 5. br 
 The problem does not occur with mono-2.0.1 under Fedora Core 5. br  
 Searching the Mono-dev list I found what seemed to be a similar problem
 with the configure script (see
 and this pointed to a solution that involved a small change in
 configure.in.  However, this solution did not seem to work in the case of
 the same error on line 40437.  so, still searching for the root cause / a
 solution. br
 Can anyone help? 

I find a solution workaround. This patch fix the problem in configure.in.
Thanks to Spina from www.slacky.eu.
After patch you need to run autoconf to rebuild  configure script. After you
can run without problem the configure script.

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] How can use my software (Win32) on Linux plz?

2009-02-22 Thread arnomedia


I made a litle software with VB 2008 Express on Windows XP. I would like to
run it on another computer under Linux only. Please, how can do that
exactly? I am not confortable at all with Linux. I had read something about
VMware but I don't know if I need to install it. At present, I am under
Ubuntu 8.10, but I can change of distrib if you know another distrib that
could be better in my case. I have been doing a lot of research on the web,
but this does not help me enough.

Otherwise, is it possible to use Wine? I tried it with another software,
that certainly does not need NET Framework, and it seem easiest to use.

As you can see, I need help ;)
See you then

PS: sorry for my english
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Spring.Net Problem

2009-02-22 Thread Chi Kit Leung

   I just started to use mono. I am tring to port some of my old codes in
spring.net into Mono. But I even can't get the examples application is using
in mono. I got the error in 

No context registered. Use the 'RegisterContext' method or the
'spring/context' section from your configuration file.

Here is my app.config
http://www.nabble.com/file/p21582754/App.config App.config 

Does anyone have tried to spring.net in Mono?

Michael Leung
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] [newbee] Please, help me to run my basic software ? (Path)

2009-02-22 Thread arnomedia

Hi all,

I don't know Linux and at present, I am not able to launch my software that
I made with VB 2008 Express. Someone explain to me that I have to write mono
my_software.exe in the console to run it. Problem is that mono report an
error about PATH and Assembly. I know what a Path, but I don't understand
what's wrong.

I put my software on my Gnome desktop and so I wrote mono
/home/me/Bureau(Desktop in french)/my_software.exe in Terminal, that all.
If I have to configure a path for mono, plz explain to me how can I do.
Otherwise I downloaded with Synaptic all I found about libmono... for my
version (2.0.1)

Thx for your reply!

** (/home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux.exe:5467): WARNING **: The following
assembly referenced from /home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux.exe could not be
 Assembly:   Microsoft.VisualBasic(assemblyref_index=1)
 Public Key: b03f5f7f11d50a3a
The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in
the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing
assembly (/home/arnofly/Bureau).

** (/home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux.exe:5467): WARNING **: Could not load
file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies.

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] NEED HELP PLZZZZZ ! (5 min no more)

2009-02-22 Thread arnomedia


For 3 days, I looking for to run my software made with VB 2008
Express\Windows XP under Linux.
I know one thing : tape mono /Path/my_software.exe in the the console, ok
But Mono sending an error message. I am not good enough on Linux to
understand it, so plz tell to me that I have to do.

** (/home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux:5385): WARNING **: The following
assembly referenced from /home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux.exe could not be
 Assembly:   Microsoft.VisualBasic(assemblyref_index=1)
 Public Key: b03f5f7f11d50a3a
The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in
the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing
assembly (/home/arnofly/Bureau).

** (/home/arnofly/Bureau/TestForLinux.exe:5385): WARNING **: Could not load
file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies.

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has

Thx for reply
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Translating site and docs

2009-02-22 Thread olegchir

My name is Oleg, I'm from Russia, Novosibirsk.

I want to translate project-mono site and documentation into russian

How can I do this? Can you (mono team) give any sources, or at least
complete sitemap?

Oleg Chiruhin

GPG F8334007 at pgp.mit.edu
fingerprint CBDC 4DF8 CCFD E5BA D543  EF3B A1E9 6090 F833 4007

this message also in mono-docs-l...@lists.ximian.com
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] string/buffer allocation speed issue

2009-02-22 Thread tomjohnson3


i'm attempting to write a fast scanner/parser in C#. basically, i receive a
byte buffer from a stream, then i copy it to a char array while manipulating
the bytes in the process.

in order to make this fast, i'm processing the buffers in an 'unsafe' block
and 'fixing' the byte and char arrays in order to do pointer arithmetic
directly on the buffers.

using VS.NET on windows xp, i wrote a simple console program (called
Scratch.exe) to test out the basics of this approach and i came across a
performance issue when running the same program using mono 2.2 - the speed
in which strings and char buffers are created.

the main code snippet that i used for the two test runs is below:

int length = 1024;
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
bytes[length - 1] = 0;
char[] chars = new char[length + 1];

int iterations = 50;

for (int i = 0; i  iterations; i++)
// NOTE: uncomment this line for the second test...
//chars = new char[length + 1];

fixed (byte* pFixedBytes = bytes)
fixed (char* pFixedChars = chars)
byte* pByte = pFixedBytes;
char* pChar = pFixedChars;

while ((*pChar++ = (char)(*pByte++)) != 0)
// NOTE: further processing will go here...
*pChar = (char)0;

string result = new string(pChar);
// NOTE: the result string will be used elsewhere in 
the future; ignored
for tests...

the performance difference (caused by the string and buffer allocation) when
running this simple program on windows xp using microsoft vs. mono 2.2 is
pretty big...and i was hoping there's something i can do to reduce or
eliminate the difference.

here are the performance numbers for test 1 (allocating the char array once,

microsoft/windows xp: duration: 0.047sec; rate: 10638298/sec
mono 2.2/windows xp: duration: 0.234sec; rate: 2136752/sec

for test 1, the mono 2.2 default profiler results show:

Time(ms) Count   P/call(ms) Method name

 1488.000  500.003   System.String::.ctor(char*)
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
  50  100 % Scratch.Program::Main(string[])

 991.000  500.002   System.String::CreateString(char*)
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
  50  100 % System.String::.ctor(char*)

 454.000  5008300.001   System.String::InternalAllocateStr(int)
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
  50  99 % System.String::CreateString(char*)

here are the performance numbers for test 2 (allocating a new char array in
each pass of the outer loop):

microsoft/windows xp: duration: 0.531sec; rate: 941620/sec
mono 2.2/windows xp: duration: 6.131sec; rate: 81553/sec

for test 2, the mono 2.2 default profiler results show:

Time(ms) Count   P/call(ms) Method name

 6294.000  5002440.013  
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
  52  99 % Scratch.Program::Main(string[])

 1510.000  500.003   System.String::.ctor(char*)
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
  50  100 % Scratch.Program::Main(string[])

 1041.000  500.002   System.String::CreateString(char*)
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
  50  100 % System.String::.ctor(char*)

 482.000  5008300.001   System.String::InternalAllocateStr(int)
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
  50  99 % System.String::CreateString(char*)

any advice on how to eliminate these differences? i could pre-allocate a
'buffer pool' to reduce or eliminate the allocation of the char buffer (in
test 2) - but i don't really want to resort to this if i don't have to.

also, is there a way to make string allocation (test 1 and test 2) faster? i
can't seem to find a work-around for this issue. or should this code run
faster under linux using mono 2.2 (i.e., is mono 2.2 tuned for linux more
than windows)? (i'm going to run this test on a couple of different

one final question: i also tried a third test where i have this code snippet
running on its own thread - with one thread per core (i have a dual-core
processor on my laptop). the performance difference using mono 2.2 between a
single-threaded and a multi-threaded programs was minimal...but using
microsoft, it was about double the performance. (also, mono 2.2 wasn't using
the full 100% of the CPU, while microsoft was able to, on this simple test.)

i'll gather some more info about this issue, but is there a 

[Mono-list] Some suggestions about implement type compare for 1b error.

2009-02-22 Thread Alex A Ermoshenko

Look to the file mono-2.2\mono\metadata\metadata.c find function
do_mono_metadata_type_equal, then
look to the file mono-2.2\mono\metadata\reflection.c and find function

in function mymono_metadata_type_equal, case for MONO_TYPE_FNPTR not

1) call do_mono_metadata_type_equal from mymono_metadata_type_equal
2) remove mymono_metadata_type_equal from file
mono-2.2\mono\metadata\reflection.c, and use do_mono_metadata_type_equal

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] NEED HELP PLZZZZZ ! (5 min no more)

2009-02-22 Thread arnomedia

PFJ wrote:
You need to install mono-basic :-)

Hi !

Thank so much for your reply !

I downloaded the package from Mono sources to my computer. Please, what I
have to do now ?
I read the readme file, but I don't know how to make a package and install
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Crosscompiling for MIPS, smart people wanted

2009-02-22 Thread Ger Teunis

Ger Teunis wrote:
 Can anyone help me out here? It would be great to run Mono on a Networked
 Media Tank!

Really no one was able to compile it for the MIPS processor?
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Problems installing MONO 2.2 on Solaris 10

2009-02-22 Thread jluoni

I am trying to install MONO 2.2 on Solaris 10 x86 and keep getting the
following error a few minutes into gmake.  Also MONO 2.0.1 source from
October installs no problems in the same environment.  Please help me,
thanks in advanced.  I post the steps if I can get 2.2 working.

granlib .libs/libmonogc-static.a
creating libmonogc-static.la
(cd .libs  rm -f libmonogc-static.la  ln -s ../libmonogc-static.la
gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/libgc'
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/libgc'
Making all in mono
gmake[2]: Entering directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono'
Making all in utils
gmake[3]: Entering directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono/utils'
/usr/sbin/dtrace -32 -s ../../data/mono.d -o mono-dtrace.h
dtrace: script '../../data/mono.d' matched 0 probes
dtrace: no probes matched
gmake[3]: *** [mono-dtrace.h] Error 1
gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono/utils'
gmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2/mono'
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/Desktop/Mono/mono-2.2'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
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[Mono-list] .net remoting: secure channel with secure=true

2009-02-22 Thread patdev

Can someone tell me if mono support encryption and authentication like .net
2.0 does ? 
by adding in configuration file, secure=true on both client and server 
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Parametized generics puzzler

2009-02-22 Thread ebichete

Does anyone know why the following code doesn't do the expected thing ? I
think I've properly coded my intent in C# but I could be wrong.

I'm trying to get the base class static methods to act differently based on
static data in the derived classes.

- Edward -

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Vehicle {
protected const string REG_TYPE = ;
protected static string TAX_CAT = ;

public static string getRegType() where T : Vehicle
return T.REG_TYPE;

public static string getTaxCategory() where T : Vehicle
return T.TAX_CAT;

public class Truck : Vehicle {
protected new const string REG_TYPE = G;
protected new static string TAX_CAT = J4;

public class GenericsBug {
public static void Main(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine(Registration Class:  + 
System.Console.WriteLine(Tax Category:  + 

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Re: [Mono-list] Problems installing MONO 2.2 on Solaris 10

2009-02-22 Thread jluoni

Thanks for the reply,  I had to do a --enable-dtrace=true. Also there was a
patch for one of the files.  Had to change a few u_int32_t to uint32_t.  I
got it passing mono-test-install.  Now I am fighting with getting the latest
gtk-sharp on Solaris 10.  I am new to Solaris, but I am stuck with it.  It
seems like there is always some KLUDGE from the basic setup.  Fighting with
getting cairo setup right now which is a prereq to gtk+ 2.8 which is prereq
for gtksharp 2.8.  I need the EASY button!!!

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Re: [Mono-list] Mod_mono stops responding (503 Service Unavailable)

2009-02-22 Thread SCharrua

Hello all!

i've the same problem.
I'm developing some webservices that use MySQL DataConnector. 
Until yesterday night all was working just fine. I did some changes on the
code part of the webservice (i develop in VS2008 .NET2.0) and all is running
in a Windows XP Pro+IIS6 machine. 
So i just copied the file, using WinSCP, to the folder on the server (CentOS
5.2 + Apache 2.0 + Mono 1.9), and tryed to run the webservice.
Accessing the server using http://server IP/folder/webservice.asmx it
used to open the Webservice proxy page (or whatever the name is...) and run
just fine. 
But now i get this:
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that
it is spelled correctly.

Resource URL: /folder/webservice.asmx

I checked the error_log in apache or virtual host server and nothing there!
totally blank!
Apache loglevel is set to debug, and get nothing

any ideias?

thanks in advance,


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[Mono-list] Is it possible to run an executable without the mono prefix?

2009-02-22 Thread John M


I am currently running CC.NET on Linux and having problems with NAnt being

I can call Nant directly via mono NAnt.exe but CC.NET does not specify mono
when using the NAnt task.

Is there anyway of simply typing NAnt.exe and having it use mono?


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Re: [Mono-list] Is it possible to run an executable without the mono prefix?

2009-02-22 Thread John M

Got the answer via these two webpages:




John M wrote:
 I am currently running CC.NET on Linux and having problems with NAnt being
 I can call Nant directly via mono NAnt.exe but CC.NET does not specify
 mono when using the NAnt task.
 Is there anyway of simply typing NAnt.exe and having it use mono?

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[Mono-list] GDI+ status: InvalidParameter

2009-02-22 Thread sonatine


I a newbie and a french ( 2 firsts problems )...
I 'm on Linux (Ubuntu) for 2 weeks now and i want to use some C# software I
develop my-self no windows.
MoMa said it's all ok, under monodevelop the build result is  :

Compilation de la solution CalculPoint

Compilation du projet: CalculPoint (Debug|Any CPU)
Exécution de la compilation principale...
Compilation Terminée -- 0 Erreur, 0 Avertissement

-- Fini --

Compilation réussie.
System.Deployment est introuvable ou est invalide.

So the build is OK but System.Deployment can't be found or is invalid.

and when I want to execute my solution :

I have this message  :
Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: A null reference or invalid
value was found [GDI+ status: InvalidParameter]
  at System.Drawing.GDIPlus.CheckStatus (Status status) [0x0009d] in
  at System.Drawing.Image.InitFromStream (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x000be]
  at System.Drawing.Image.LoadFromStream (System.IO.Stream stream, Boolean
keepAlive) [0x00011] in
  at System.Drawing.Icon.GetInternalBitmap () [0x00036] in
  at System.Drawing.Icon.ToBitmap () [0x0001b] in
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Icon:ToBitmap ()
  at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11.SetIcon (System.Windows.Forms.Hwnd
hwnd, System.Drawing.Icon icon) [0x00021] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11.SetIcon (IntPtr handle,
System.Drawing.Icon icon) [0xd] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI.SetIcon (IntPtr handle,
System.Drawing.Icon icon) [0x0] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form.CreateHandle () [0x0007f] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl () [0x00044] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetVisibleCore (Boolean value) [0x0003e]
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form.SetVisibleCore (Boolean value) [0x00071] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible (Boolean value) [0xc] in
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
System.Windows.Forms.Control:set_Visible (bool)
  at System.Windows.Forms.Application.RunLoop (Boolean Modal,
System.Windows.Forms.ApplicationContext context) [0x00059] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run
(System.Windows.Forms.ApplicationContext context) [0x00014] in
  at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run (System.Windows.Forms.Form
mainForm) [0x0] in
  at CalculPoint.Program.Main () [0xb] in

Can someone help me ?


Someone tell me to uninstall and reinstall Mono ( but i did a bad thing and
i had to reinstall ubuntu instead )

Thank you

Dimitri, frog newbie
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[Mono-list] Re quest to add links to the mono-project.com site

2009-02-22 Thread vronskij


I have created 2 new tutorials:

IronPython Mono Winforms tutorial


GTK# tutorial 

I would like to ask someone, who has the necessary rights to add these links
to mono-project.com site, where appropriate.


jan bodnar
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Re: [Mono-list] GDI+ status: InvalidParameter

2009-02-22 Thread sonatine

If your solution came from VS2008/2005 and was not cleaned before, del
the bin directory and in the ref, remove Deploy assembly (it is only
VS but optional, then compil again through MonoDevelop.

 i did it, and now I can't build it anymore. I've got his message : 
Exécution de la compilation principale...
Compilation de la ressource
'/media/Dhoom/Calcul/Calcul/CalculPoint/CalculPoint/Form1.resx' avec
Compilation de la ressource
avec resgen2.

La compilation a échoué. ApplicationName='/usr/bin/gmcs',

 Another idea to help me ?
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] GDI+ status: InvalidParameter

2009-02-22 Thread sonatine

sonatine wrote:
If your solution came from VS2008/2005 and was not cleaned before, del
 the bin directory and in the ref, remove Deploy assembly (it is only
 VS but optional, then compil again through MonoDevelop.
  i did it, and now I can't build it anymore. I've got his message : 
 Exécution de la compilation principale...
 Compilation de la ressource
 '/media/Dhoom/Calcul/Calcul/CalculPoint/CalculPoint/Form1.resx' avec
 Compilation de la ressource
 avec resgen2.
 La compilation a échoué. ApplicationName='/usr/bin/gmcs',
  Another idea to help me ?

 I've found this : 
sudo apt-get install mono-devel build-essential mono-gmcs libmono-dev
libpango1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgtksourceview2.0-cil libgecko2.0-cil
monodoc libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil libmono-cairo2.0-cil gettext

 now i can build my project, but I can't execute it, the error is still the

 How can I upload my solution, for you to know if my code is good ?

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[Mono-list] Missing libraries for .NET program

2009-02-22 Thread Sturmrabe


I am trying to make a .NET framework program run under Mono on an Ubuntu
8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) system, but I have problems with some
PresentationFramework it misses or can't run. The version of the
mono-runtime package included in this distribution is:
1.9.1+dfsg-4ubuntu2. At first it complained:

** (CharacterBuilder.exe:7789): WARNING **: Could not load file or assembly
'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies.
The entry point method could not be loaded

I tried to fix that by copying some files over from a .NET framework
installation und putting the files under /windows/Program Files
(x86)/Reference Assemblies/Microsoft/Framework/V3.0 into the MONO_PATH. Now
it complains:

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was
thrown by the type initializer for Character_Builder.App ---
System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in
SmartAssembly.SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException:˜ (System.Exception):
IL_000a: ret

Does anyone have an idea how I may get around this?
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Re: [Mono-list] Missing libraries for .NET program

2009-02-22 Thread Sturmrabe

Thank you... so it seems I'd have to use a VMWare and buy another copy of
Windows to get the program running (which would eat up too much resources
and would be too expensive), or I could try to install the .NET Framework
using Wine... which is unlikely to work.

Sandy Armstrong wrote:
 That being said, depending on what you need from that, it *may* be 
 available in mono-olive.
 On 02/05/2009 01:48 PM, Stifu wrote:
 If I'm not mistaken, PresentationFramework refers to WPF, which is not
 supported by Mono, and the support of which is not planned either.

 Sturmrabe wrote:

 I am trying to make a .NET framework program run under Mono on an Ubuntu
 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) system, but I have problems with some
 PresentationFramework it misses or can't run. The version of the
 mono-runtime package included in this distribution is:
 1.9.1+dfsg-4ubuntu2. At first it complained:

 ** (CharacterBuilder.exe:7789): WARNING **: Could not load file or
 assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral,
 PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies.
 The entry point method could not be loaded

 I tried to fix that by copying some files over from a .NET framework
 installation und putting the files under /windows/Program Files
 (x86)/Reference Assemblies/Microsoft/Framework/V3.0 into the MONO_PATH.
 Now it complains:

 Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception
 thrown by the type initializer for Character_Builder.App ---
 System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in
 (System.Exception): IL_000a: ret

 Does anyone have an idea how I may get around this?

 Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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[Mono-list] Embedded Databases in .NET/Mono

2009-02-22 Thread Sienna


Currently I am fiddling around with different embedded databases on the .NET
platform (SQLite, SQLServerCE). But both are either not supported in Mono or
use a different API, which makes things very complicated.
Does anyone know an embedded database, which is easy to install (or does not
require installation at all), and allows SQL-style queries, that runs on
both .NET 2.0 and Mono without touching the code?

Any pointers in the right directions are highly appreciated ;-)
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Re: [Mono-list] Embedded Databases in .NET/Mono

2009-02-22 Thread Sienna

Abe Gillespie wrote:
 You shouldn't even need ODBC. Sqlite ships .Net assemblies.

Tried different ones, but didn't find any, which run out-of-the-box on both
.NET and Mono without changing the code (which is important).

The linuxODBC approach is off the menu too, I am afraid, because the idea of
an embedded database is to not require the user of the program to install
anything apart from the program itself on their machines.

So the question is not: Is there any way to get any embedded DB running on
both .NET and Linux/Mac OS running Mono? The question is rather: Is there an
embedded DB out there, which runs on both platforms without requiring the
user of the program to experience major configuration pain. :-)

Thanks alot.


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[Mono-list] Unable to compile version 126312 of Mono from SVN

2009-02-22 Thread Brett Senior

Today I fetched version 126312 of Mono from and attempted to build it with
the following commands:

$ cd mono
$ svn update
$ cd ../mcs
$ svn update
$ cd ../mono
$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/mono
$ make clean
$ make

and when it attempts to build things in 'docs' I get the following error:

cd .  make -f docs.make topdir=../../mcs convert.exe
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/brett/Downloads/MonoProject/mono/docs'
MCS [default] convert.exe
Cannot open assembly '../../mcs/class/lib/default/mcs.exe': No such file or
make[1]: *** [convert.exe] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/brett/Downloads/MonoProject/mono/docs'
make: *** [convert.exe] Error 2

So, I went to the ../../mcs/class/lib/default directory and created a
symbolic link to ../../../mcs/mcs.exe and then the build went a little
further and then I get the following error message:

cd .  make -f docs.make topdir=../../mcs convert.exe
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/brett/Downloads/MonoProject/mono/docs'
MCS [default] convert.exe

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object
  at Mono.CSharp.RootNamespace.GetTypeInAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly
assembly, System.String name) [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.RootNamespace.LookupTypeReflection (System.String name,
Location loc) [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.GlobalRootNamespace.LookupTypeReflection (System.String
name, Location loc) [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.Namespace.LookupType (System.String name, Location loc)
  at Mono.CSharp.Namespace.Lookup (Mono.CSharp.DeclSpace ds, System.String
name, Location loc) [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.TypeManager.CoreLookupType (System.String ns_name,
System.String name, Kind type_kind, Boolean required) [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.RootNamespace.ComputeNamespaces () [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.Driver.LoadReferences () [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Compile () [0x0] 
  at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0] 
make[1]: *** [convert.exe] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/brett/Downloads/MonoProject/mono/docs'
make: *** [convert.exe] Error 1

When I looked into this a little further it seems that mono/mono/mini/mono
has a problem with the -r:AgilityPack.dll and if I use a mono other than
this (eg /opt/mono/bin/mono) the convert.cs will compile to convert.exe - so
the problem seems to be something related to mono/mono/mini/mono.

I have compiled mono from svn in the past and have not had issues such as
the above.

Can someone please provide me with some help so that I can get mono build ?

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[Mono-list] Tips for getting started with mono? Want to run .NET apps on Windows and Mac.

2009-02-22 Thread WATYF

I'd like to know if there's a place I can find some getting started tips
for writing apps for both Windows and Mac (I suppose Linux, too, but that's
not a target platform).

Right now, I write in VB.NET for Windows. Someone is asking if I can develop
an app that will work on Windows and Macs, to which I quickly responded,
No. :oP  But, for kicks, I figured I'd look into it, and it appears that
it might not be too much of a pain to try mono. So my question is... what
exactly does it take to make an app for both Windows and Mac?

Do I have to use two different IDE's?

Do I have to do any conversion of the code after I'm done writing it on
the Windows platform?

What about the installer? I'm assuming that the VS.NET Setup and Deployment
project won't work on a Mac, so how do I create an installer for Macs
(especially one that will check to see if they have mono installed and tell
them to download it if they don't)?

This is my first foray into this type of thing, so talk real slow. :o)

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Embedded Databases in .NET/Mono

2009-02-22 Thread WATYF

Sienna wrote:
 Currently I am fiddling around with different embedded databases on the
 .NET platform (SQLite, SQLServerCE). But both are either not supported in
 Mono or use a different API, which makes things very complicated.
 Does anyone know an embedded database, which is easy to install (or does
 not require installation at all), and allows SQL-style queries, that runs
 on both .NET 2.0 and Mono without touching the code?
 Any pointers in the right directions are highly appreciated ;-)

I'm just looking into mono right now, so I don't really know anything about
it, but I use an embedded database called VistaDB, which is written entirely
in managed code, so I would think it would have a decent chance of working
with mono. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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Re: [Mono-list] Embedded Databases in .NET/Mono

2009-02-22 Thread Sienna

WATYF wrote:
 I'm just looking into mono right now, so I don't really know anything
 about it, but I use an embedded database called VistaDB, which is written
 entirely in managed code, so I would think it would have a decent chance
 of working with mono. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Thanks for that suggestion. Unfortunately, it is a proprietary product
(US$279/license), hence not compatible with my GPL'ed project. :-(

I think I will have to actually provide different versions for .NET and
Mono, and just use the different SQLite APIs then...

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Re: [Mono-list] Tips for getting started with mono? Want to run .NET apps on Windows and Mac.

2009-02-22 Thread WATYF

Stifu wrote:
 Quick answer: you can just code and compile on Windows, then run on Mac,
 with no modification whatsoever.
 You can also make bundles for Mac, to make your apps more user friendly.
 But I'll leave that for Mac users to explain.

OK. So I can do all the coding in VS.NET and the exe will run on any
platform with mono? I guess the only question then is the installer piece.

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[Mono-list] Mono Compiler error for multiple assignments

2009-02-22 Thread hywel

Under Mono 2.0.1 and Mono 2.2, the test program below gives the following

using System;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Test
public class Assignment
static void Main ()
int X=100,Y=200;
Point start, end;
start = end = new Point(X,Y);

indicating that the multiple assignment start = end = new Point(X,Y) is not
compiling correctly.
The MS compiler works as expected.  

-- hywelt
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[Mono-list] Same code, different performance?

2009-02-22 Thread reubensm

Hello Mono community :)

At work we have a piece of C# code written and compiled under Windows that
we'd like to port to Linux using Mono.

The code has two parts (client and server) that perform many tasks, one of
which is data transfer from the cilent to the server.

In our tests we see that when running on Windows, the same code achieves
performance at least 3-4 times better (faster) than when running under

We ran a profiler, but the results didn't give any obvious culprit, except
the possibility that it might be related to synchronization primitives
implementation of Mono.

Can anyone think of a reason for this slowness? like said, it is the same
code (and binaries, compiled under Windows) used in both Windows and Linux.
Both environments are physical (no virtualization, VMs).

Could this be unrelated to Mono, and a result of some OS settings? (Fedora
10) if so, what should we check?


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[Mono-list] Running .Net 1.1 application on mono 2.0

2009-02-22 Thread MonoMichal


I would like to migrate my mono to 2.0 stable version.

Do I can run my old .net 1.1 application on it without migrating application
to .Net 2.0.
I have application folder - do I can leave it as it is without any changes.

For now I have 3 sites running on my mono 1.9 server, all use .Net 1.1. I
have 3 separated mod-mono processes.

I would like to migrate one of them to .Net 2.0 and leave other two
applications running on .Net 1.1

Please advise,


PS. I'm sorry for my English. It's not perfect yet.

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Using tesseract-ocr in C# application

2009-02-22 Thread waspinator


I'd like to create a simple GUI for tesseract-ocr using Mono, C# and GTK#.

I'm new to programming and I'm not sure how I would include tesseract-ocr in
my program so that I could use its functions. So I guess what I want is a
tesseract-ocr SDK if it exists.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? 

I'm using MonoDevelop 1.0 on Ubuntu 8.10, and tesseract-ocr 2.03.


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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Loading assemblies in the csharp or gsharp tools

2009-02-22 Thread visor

Im trying to load an assembly inside the gsharp tool that is included with
the mono distribution since 2.2 however the application crashes, I tried
with the command line tool called csharp too but it wont even open:

cannot open assembly 'csharp.exe': Result too large

That's the message that I get so I can't event debug it to see what's

I would really appreciate any hint. Thanks.
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] can mono support ASP.NET, Crystal Reports, Ajix Database

2009-02-22 Thread kako

hi all,

i am new in mono application, can any one tell me mono can support the
ASP.NET, Crystal Reports, Ajix Database. i read the artical about mono but
there is not mentioned on Crystal Reports, Ajix Database. if mono support
ajx and crystal report i will go start.

any one can send me the mono configuration setup file.


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[Mono-list] C# Quorum over IP Pattern

2009-02-22 Thread sideout

I have 6 machines.  I'm interested in implementing a system where only one
node can possibly be active doing a particular task at a time.  If that node
becomes unresponsive or disconnects from the rest, it should lose the
ability to continue doing work (important because it may still actually we
working, just not able to communicate over the network) and another node
should be elected active and begin work again.  This is how a 
server cluster  is implemented.

I was wondering if there are any open source frameworks or examples for
this.  Ideally well tested and peer reviewed.  If not at least a well
thought out paper explaining the theory and possible implementation.

I could invent my own, but I may not think of everything the first time
around nor is it efficient to re-invent the wheel.
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[Mono-list] Mono on CentOS 4 / Plesk 9

2009-02-22 Thread bcrooker

I have installed Mono, XSP and Mod_Mono on our VPS.  If I try to access the
XSP Test code (after copying it to a subfolder of our domain) we get the
following in the error log:

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path
/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs is denied.
  at System.IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (System.String path,
System.String searchPattern, FileAttributes mask, FileAttributes attrs)
  at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (System.String path, System.String
searchPattern) [0x0]
  at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles (System.String searchPattern)
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo:GetFiles
  at Mono.WebServer.ModMonoWorker.CheckDirectory (System.IO.DirectoryInfo
info) [0x0]
  at Mono.WebServer.ModMonoWorker.GetOrCreateApplication (System.String
vhost, Int32 port, System.String filepath, System.String virt) [0x0]
  at Mono.WebServer.ModMonoWorker.InnerRun (System.Object state) [0x0]
  at Mono.WebServer.ModMonoWorker.Run (System.Object state) [0x0]
[Fri Feb 20 22:59:09 2009] [error] (70014)End of file found: read_data
[Fri Feb 20 22:59:09 2009] [error] Command stream corrupted, last command
was -1

We are using the standard autohosting setup.

If I run XSP, I can browse to it using the 8080 port and it seems to work
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] No C# installer found after installing mono-2.2 from source

2009-02-22 Thread adol

Hi people,

I've just installed Mono 2.2 from source on a shiny new CentOS 5.2 box.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/
make install

Then, when I tried to configure xsp, I've got this:

[r...@mybox xsp-2.2]# ./configure
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking if tracing is requested... no
checking for csc... no
checking for mcs... no
checking for gmcs... no
checking for mono... /usr/local/bin/mono
checking for gacutil... no
checking for sn... no
configure: error: No C# compiler found

I searched for gmcs and mcs but I didn't find them installed on my box...
Obviusly, something went wrong when installing Mono I've no idea why it
didn't install any c# compiler...


Thank you in advance!
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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Error while trying to start a exe

2009-02-22 Thread Don't Know


here is my problem:

/home/rse/server/FamilyNetwork$ mono ChatServer.exe

** (ChatServer.exe:11828): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced
from /home/rse/server/FamilyNetwork/ChatServer.exe could not be loaded:
 Assembly:   System(assemblyref_index=1)
 Public Key: b77a5c561934e089
The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in
the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing
assembly (/home/rse/server/FamilyNetwork/).
** (ChatServer.exe:11828): WARNING **: Could not load file or assembly
'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
or one of its dependencies.
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or
assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral,

The programm is written in c#. The system of the server is debian.

in this programm there is used a StreamReader. That's the only thing i can
say to this IO-Story in the errormessage.

Thanks for help

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Need help with xbuild.

2009-02-22 Thread Ankit Jain
 1. What's the project file supported by xbuild? Ara there anything manual of

xbuild from svn currently supports both csproj and sln files. Its
still work in progress,
but you could try it. Just run it as -

  xbuild foo.csproj
  xbuild foo.csproj /t:Clean -- to run specific targets, like Clean

Or you could try MonoDevelop (www.monodevelop.com), it supports msbuild projects
emitted by VS200X.


 2. Get a exception from prj2make:

 using  System;
 public class HelloWord{
public static void Main(){
Console.WriteLine(Hello .net);

 Project DefaultTargets=Build
   Reference Include=System /
   Compile Include=Foo.cs /
  Import Project=$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets /

 D:\E4SLprj2make Foo.csproj
 EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an
 e of an object
  at Mfconsulting.General.Prj2Make.SlnMaker.GetCsprojFileVersion
 strInCsprojFile) [0x0]
  at Mfconsulting.General.Prj2Make.SlnMaker.MsSlnHelper (Boolean isUnixMode,
 lean isMcsMode, Boolean isSln, System.String slnFile) [0x0]

 I hope you can help me, and show me a sample for xbuild.

 stan zhang
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Mono - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Blog : http://www.ankitjain.org/blog
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Media Pack for Monolight 1.0

2009-02-22 Thread Geoff Norton
No, it doesn't:

[0.23][01:59] pla...@limestone:~/Desktop$ objdump -p
silverlight-media-pack-linux-x86-5-1.so  | grep NEEDED
  NEEDED   libmoon.so.0
  NEEDED   libstdc++.so.6
  NEEDED   libm.so.6
  NEEDED   libc.so.6
  NEEDED   libgcc_s.so.1


On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 01:14 +0100, Chris Hills wrote:
 The media pack for Monolight 1 on Firefox for Linux 
 (silverlight-media-pack-linux-x86-5-1.so) links to libmono.so.0. This 
 requires the full Mono framework to be installed as it is not provided 
 by Monolight. This was not clear at install time.
 Chris Hills
 Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com