RE: MD Emotions revisited.

2001-07-06 Thread Stephen Devlin

But language/imagination isn't Quality's Intellect, we may safely 
assume that cave-dwellers spoke as complex (grammatically) a 
language as ourselves,...

I don't think thats a safe assumption really, what are you basing that
assumption on?
One experiment i have read about that is interesting on the subject
of emotions involved cats that had their brains exposed and certain parts
were probed until they found a part that when prodded gave the cat a
pleasureable response. When, however the same part was prodded with more
pressure the cat did not have a pleasurable response but experienced fear
and anxiety (I think it got violent). i'll dig a bit to try and get the name
of this research and post it on. I think the problem with emotions is in the
trying to tie them down at one level of existence in the MOQ hierarchy only.
an emotional state can arise from an intellectual thought process, a sexual
activity and sometimes seemingly from nowhere ( I don't like to use the term

An animal with no knowledge of life and death is immortal. 
So if i had no knowledge of life or death would i be immortal? imagine i was
abandoned as a child on a desert island with a lifetimes supply of rations
etc but had no schooling whatsoever, couldn't talk and had not encountered

when we feel something do we mean I in the sense of my body or I as in
the I in I will? Allready that might imply there is a division opening
up as we feel our buns get hot when we sit on a hot stove but the manner of
expression in the brain of that sensation is different from that felt by the
hot bun. Is there a different meaning connoted to myself, i think to
explore these terms (as they are fundamental aspects of appreciating and
realising Quality) would be valuable.

But the Q evolution is open-ended, a 5th level will modify Intellect. 
This makes ME shiver and (at times) wish that Pirsig never had 
opened this Pandora's Box.
I agree it is scary, i have a tentative approach to discussing this but
cannot find the threads to previous 5th level posts. my tentative approach
doesn't try to set out what the 5th level is but rather tries to determine
its existence by its effects on the lower levels, and use this approach to
2hunt it and try to get at its meaning. I think meaning is all that we
would get as anything else would be further abstracrtion on an intellectual

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Re: MD Emotions revisited.

2001-07-06 Thread Elizaphanian


This is by way of an aside on the Emotions question, as I must confess to
not having had a proper chance to digest everything that has been said so
far in this thread, but I feel the following might be of interest (it comes
from an essay I wrote a couple of years back):

Antonio Damasio, Descartes' Error - Damasio is an American neuro-scientist.

Damasio's work began with research into the predicament of patients
suffering from anasognosia, which is an inability to experience emotion,
although the disorder leaves rationality and linguistic abilities intact.
One case is particularly revealing for our purposes. Damasio was discussing
with the patient the possibility of a meeting at a later date, and gave the
patient the option of choosing between two dates. The patient then began
analysing which of the two dates would be preferable and considered the pros
and cons of each in considerable detail. In fact, the consideration only
stopped - after half an hour of thought - when Damasio himself stated a
preference for one of the dates.

Through the results from these case studies, and from other experiments,
Damasio has formulated what he calls the 'Somatic Marker Hypothesis', which
has direct relevance for our discussion of mind-body relations. The argument
is that the body, particularly the emotions, play a central part in our
reasoning capacity, most importantly when it comes to making decisions. An
analogy may make things clearer: in playing chess there are an infinite
number of possible moves. A normal player will automatically exclude certain
moves from consideration, for example those which lead directly to the loss
of a queen, thus winnowing down the number of options that have to be
considered. The somatic marker hypothesis is that the emotions play this
role within normal human reasoning. When the brain is considering certain
courses of action it 'presents' the outcome to the body, and makes decisions
based on how the body reacts.

There are a number of elements which are central to the hypothesis:
a) firstly, it is a serious error to consider the brain separately from the
body within which it is placed. In Damasio's terms, 'Nature appears to have
built the apparatus of rationality not just on top of the apparatus of
biological regulation, but also from it and with it'. Furthermore, the
reasoning capacity is not localised to a particular area of the brain but is
distributed within it. The way in which the brain and wider body interact is
not just neuronal but also chemical, through the operation of the endocrine
glands and other hormonal outputs, in a situation of reciprocal feedback;
b) secondly, the brain has evolved in such a way that it is able to
establish an internal representation of the state of the wider body, both in
terms of the internal organs and also in terms of how the body interacts
with the wider environment. Damasio considers that this would 'ensure body
survival as effectively as possible... representing the outside world in
terms of the modifications it causes the body proper';
c) thirdly, the brain is able to hypothesise and consider imaginary
scenarios, and represent these to itself 'as if' they were really happening;
d) finally, the body reacts to these scenarios in certain ways and these
affect the cognitive evaluation of the scenarios.

Damasio sees this as providing a possible basis for a neurological
understanding of consciousness. To summarise his argument, he sees the
constantly refreshed picture of the internal body state as the original
source for a sense of self: 'our experiences have a consistent perspective'
rooted in 'a relatively stable, endlessly repeated biological state'.
Damasio writes, 'I see self and the subjectivity it begets as necessary for
consciousness in general'. This is confirmed by his studies of
anasognosiacs, who, uniquely amongst mental patients, are unable to reflect
upon their illness - indeed, unless told, many patients are unaware that
there is something wrong at all. No anasognosiac is capable of saying
'Something has happened to me' - their capacity for self representation has
been removed.

According to this model, therefore, the sense of the self arises from the
presentation to the brain of the ongoing body state, constructed from both
the state of internal organs and also the wider environment (note that this
means that the sense of self-identity is not linguistic in origin). The self
is constructed by the consideration of two inputs within the brain: this
body state, and also an understanding of key events in the past of the
biological actor (ie memory and character); and the sense of subjectivity
arises when these inputs are processed in a third area of the brain.

Damasio's view could be summarised as an advocacy of 'Body-minded brains'
and the implications for our philosophical analysis are clear. At one point
he considers the cliché of the brain in a vat and writes: 'I believe that
this brain would not have a normal 

Re: MD Emotions revisited.

2001-07-06 Thread SQUONKSTAIL

Hello Sam and all,
I enjoyed the extract from your essay.

From the point of view of the MOQ, any decision is pure quality.
A decision is the outcome of DQ interrupting Static patterns, so analysing 
the where and whys before/after the event is going to lead to confusion?

The mind/body split is a non-starter as far as i can see?
The split is arbitrary and illusory.

All the best,


In a message dated 7/6/01 11:53:58 AM GMT Daylight Time, 

 Subj: Re: MD Emotions revisited.
 Date:  7/6/01 11:53:58 AM GMT Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Elizaphanian)
 This is by way of an aside on the Emotions question, as I must confess to
 not having had a proper chance to digest everything that has been said so
 far in this thread, but I feel the following might be of interest (it comes
 from an essay I wrote a couple of years back):
 Antonio Damasio, Descartes' Error - Damasio is an American neuro-scientist.
 Damasio's work began with research into the predicament of patients
 suffering from anasognosia, which is an inability to experience emotion,
 although the disorder leaves rationality and linguistic abilities intact.
 One case is particularly revealing for our purposes. Damasio was discussing
 with the patient the possibility of a meeting at a later date, and gave the
 patient the option of choosing between two dates. The patient then began
 analysing which of the two dates would be preferable and considered the pros
 and cons of each in considerable detail. In fact, the consideration only
 stopped - after half an hour of thought - when Damasio himself stated a
 preference for one of the dates.
 Through the results from these case studies, and from other experiments,
 Damasio has formulated what he calls the 'Somatic Marker Hypothesis', which
 has direct relevance for our discussion of mind-body relations. The argument
 is that the body, particularly the emotions, play a central part in our
 reasoning capacity, most importantly when it comes to making decisions. An
 analogy may make things clearer: in playing chess there are an infinite
 number of possible moves. A normal player will automatically exclude certain
 moves from consideration, for example those which lead directly to the loss
 of a queen, thus winnowing down the number of options that have to be
 considered. The somatic marker hypothesis is that the emotions play this
 role within normal human reasoning. When the brain is considering certain
 courses of action it 'presents' the outcome to the body, and makes decisions
 based on how the body reacts.
 There are a number of elements which are central to the hypothesis:
 a) firstly, it is a serious error to consider the brain separately from the
 body within which it is placed. In Damasio's terms, 'Nature appears to have
 built the apparatus of rationality not just on top of the apparatus of
 biological regulation, but also from it and with it'. Furthermore, the
 reasoning capacity is not localised to a particular area of the brain but is
 distributed within it. The way in which the brain and wider body interact is
 not just neuronal but also chemical, through the operation of the endocrine
 glands and other hormonal outputs, in a situation of reciprocal feedback;
 b) secondly, the brain has evolved in such a way that it is able to
 establish an internal representation of the state of the wider body, both in
 terms of the internal organs and also in terms of how the body interacts
 with the wider environment. Damasio considers that this would 'ensure body
 survival as effectively as possible... representing the outside world in
 terms of the modifications it causes the body proper';
 c) thirdly, the brain is able to hypothesise and consider imaginary
 scenarios, and represent these to itself 'as if' they were really happening;
 d) finally, the body reacts to these scenarios in certain ways and these
 affect the cognitive evaluation of the scenarios.
 Damasio sees this as providing a possible basis for a neurological
 understanding of consciousness. To summarise his argument, he sees the
 constantly refreshed picture of the internal body state as the original
 source for a sense of self: 'our experiences have a consistent perspective'
 rooted in 'a relatively stable, endlessly repeated biological state'.
 Damasio writes, 'I see self and the subjectivity it begets as necessary for
 consciousness in general'. This is confirmed by his studies of
 anasognosiacs, who, uniquely amongst mental patients, are unable to reflect
 upon their illness - indeed, unless told, many patients are unaware that
 there is something wrong at all. No anasognosiac is capable of saying
 'Something has happened to me' - their capacity for self representation has
 been removed.
 According to this model, therefore, the sense of the self arises from the

MD Emotions revisited.

2001-07-05 Thread skutvik

Hi all MoQ Discussers

Brian Taylor once wrote: 
  Hello!! la la la 
  I've been thinking for some time now about where human 
  emotions fit into the MOQ. At first I put them into the intellectual category, 
  they are definitely not inorganic or biological, 
David Lind once responded: 
 in my theatre work, I've discovered that a large
 part of emotions are biological - we feel angry - what does that
 mean? How do you know you are angry? But not only biological - for the
 emotions of fear and excitement produce much of the sdame physical
 sensations in a person - the difference seems to be in the
 interpretation of those feelings. 

Wen I saw the above emotional request by Brian I was not 
subscribed, but being preoccupied with the subject I couldn't forget 
the thread. At this very moment I am on a summer holiday trip and 
was most graciously allowed to bring along my portable as long as 
I did not hook up and spent hours...etc. (have now sneaked away 
to find a telephone plug :) so I only have Brian's and David's posts 
in the machine's memory, and am ashamed to say that I don't 
know other people may have had to say on the subject. 

It may not come as a great surprise to the Lila Squad veterans 
when I air my simplified MoQ in which each level is given one 
single expression (I call). The complete list looks like this:


In its time I did not impart much importance to this venture but to 
my amazement it has taken on an ever greater role in my 
understanding of the MoQ, it solves the impossible task of deciding 
where this and that belongs in the hierarchy (some may remember 
a long thread way back about where a throne belonged, if was 
inorganic or social?),  but before elaborating I must say that one of 
the greatest things about the MoQ is that emotions are brought 
back to reality - after having spent thousands of years in the 
subjective exile of SOM. 

Brian wanted to put emotions in the intellectual category, because 
they definitely aren't inorganic or biological, but finds trouble with 
that and asks where other people see as their destination. David 
thinks that they are partly biological because the feeling of  anger 
or excitement produce much of the same physical sensations in a 
person - the difference seems to be in the interpretation of those 
feelings. This is correct if David equals feelings and sensations, if 
so I am in hysterical agreement. 

The very idea of the MoQ is the the added value up the level 
ladder, an inorganic compound have an biological  meaning which - 
in turn - is laced with a social flavour, and topped off with an 
intellectual explanation. One example: At the  biological level of 
mammals the inorganic stuff we call adrenalin is SENSED by the 
body as signal for increased heartbeat plus a lot of other reactions 
which makes the animal ready for flight or fight. A gazelle on the 
Serengeti Plains experience this adrenalin flood at the sight of a 
prying lion, but it's wild eyes and pounding heart does not mean 
fear, or - after having narrowly escaped - that it hates lions.

The transition to the social plane is a gliding one, there are animals 
that have tight social bonds and may show rudimentary emotions, 
but to get the picture clear let's consider human beings. A 
dangerous situation initiates the same flooding of adrenalin, but the 
bodily reactions are now raised to the quality level of emotions; 
Fear, hatred, and a host of more subtle shades enters existence. 
An enormous improvement    but at a price.  

An important point here: At the advanced social level of human 
beings we now see how an abstract quality is introduced into 
existence. The uppermost social pattern (language with it's 
imagination-inducing quality) can make the body produce adrenalin 
(to stay with my example) that creates emotions in a self-stoking 
loop. And  ...goodness, it came to me right now  ... this solves the 
placebo effect which is one of the major platypi of SOM! 

But language/imagination isn't Quality's Intellect, we may safely 
assume that cave-dwellers spoke as complex (grammatically) a 
language as ourselves, yet shivered when listening to tales of giant 
beasts and created some additional features. No, Intellect is 
REASON!!! To complete my adrenalin example I have read about 
an experiment where human guinea pigs had this stuff injected. 
Those who did not know what it was became very agitated,  
panicky almost, but if they were told what to expect the knowledge 
removed the fear. It's the same upper level's effect on the lower as 
in the previous examples. REASON's ability to distinguish between 
what is a subjective and what is objective modify EMOTIONS. 
Another enormous improvement   ... but again at a price. Maybe 
this is the biblical fall from grace. An animal with no knowledge of 
life and death is immortal. 

But the Q evolution is open-ended, a 5th level will modify Intellect. 
This makes